KP2-66-DK1 Marine Transportation

United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Survey

2010 MT Survey

United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Survey

OMB: 2133-0542

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Marine Transportation

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per
response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing the burden to the Dean’s Office, USMMA at the address listed
below or contact by phone.


USMMA Alumni Survey
Marine Transportation

Please answer each question by circling your response among the choices provided for each
question. Your response to all questions is deeply appreciated.
Free-response questions are also included. They should be answered directly in the space
indicated. Should you need more room for your responses, kindly attach additional pages.
Do Not enter your name, SSN, or other personal identifying information in the questionnaire
booklet. Results will be reported in the aggregate form. Your responses will remain completely
Your participation is important for the validity of the results. Failure to respond will result in no
penalty to you; however, full participation is encouraged so that the data will be complete and
When you have finished, tear off the front cover and instructions page of the questionnaire booklet
(to reduce bulk and save postage), fold the remaining booklet, and seal it in the pre-addressed
envelope provided.
Your responses will come directly to the Maritime Administration-Dean’s Office, United States
Merchant Marine Academy, 300 Steamboat Road, Kings Point, NY 11024.
We request that you complete and return your questionnaire within 30 days of receipt. Point of
Contact for this survey is Ms. Dianne Taha, Assistant Dean 516-726-5835; email:
[email protected].

OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

United State Merchant Marine Academy
Dept. of Marine Transportation—Marine Transportation
Phone: 516-773-5382; Fax: 516-773-5842
300 Steamboat Road
Kings Point, NY 11024

Class Year:

1. Are you currently:
□ Employed full-time (35 hours per week or more)
□ Employed part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
□ Unemployed
□ Retired
□ Other (specify) ____________________________________

2. Would you classify your employment as part of the maritime industry?
□ Yes
□ No If No, in what industry are you employed
3. Employed by: ______________________________________________________

Position/Title: ______________________________________________________
(Choose one)
Merchant marine (afloat)
Maritime ashore

4. Your total personal annual salary (before deductions):
□ Less than $60,000 □ $60,000-$69,999 □ $70,000-$79,999 □ $80,000+
5. Time in current job:
□ Less than 3 months
□ 5 or more years

□ 3 to <12 months

□ 1 to <3 years

6. Time to obtain employment after graduation:
□ Obtained prior to graduating □ <6 Months

KP2-66-DK1 (7-2009)

□ 3 to <5 years

□ 6-12 Months □ >12 Months

OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

Education and Institutional Assessment
7. What was your primary purpose in attending USMMA? (Mark all that apply)
□ Interest in the maritime industry as a profession
□ To become better qualified for future employment
□ USMMA’s reputation
□ For self development
□ High earning potential after graduation
□ Other ___________________________
8. Since leaving USMMA, I have completed the following:
□ Another degree program (Specify)
□ A Non-degree program (Specify)
□ Certificate Program (Specify)
□ Advanced Marine License (Specify)
□ Received other License or an Industry Certification (Specify)

9. How strong was your USMMA education in preparing you in each of the following areas:
(Poor 1 2 3 4 Excellent)
1 2 3 4 Serve immediately as merchant marine officers with the foundation to
advance to master or chief engineer
1 2 3 4 Able to work in approved maritime related shore positions with the
capability to rise to senior levels
1 2 3 4 Lead with integrity, competence, and high ethical standards
1 2 3 4 Work in teams constructively toward common goals

1 2 3 4 Think critically and creatively, and solve complex problems

1 2 3 4 Communicate proficiently, both orally and in writing

1 2 3 4 Demonstrate information literacy and proficiency in the use of information

1 2 3 4 Understand and function effectively in the socially, economically, politically
and culturally diverse global environment
1 2 3 4 Pursue continued intellectual and professional development

10. Please rank your experiences at USMMA with regard to the following areas of service:
(Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 Strongly Agree)

1 2 3 4 The Academy’s medical services provided satisfactory care
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OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

1 2 3 4 The Academy’s commissary provided nutritious meals

1 2 3 4 The Department of Information Technology (formerly the Office of Computer
Resources) provided adequate support of the academic program
1 2 3 4 The Department of Information Technology (formerly the Office of Computer
Resources) provided adequate support during the sea year

1 2 3 4 As a midshipman I found the environment to be supportive of my own ethical
behavior and decision- making

1 2 3 4 As a midshipman I observed faculty, staff and administration displaying a high
standard of ethical behavior

1 2 3 4 As a midshipman the Honor Code played an important role in the development of
my own values

1 2 3 4 As a graduate I now view the Academy’s regimental program as having provided an
appropriate laboratory for learning leadership skills
1 2 3 4 As a graduate I now view the Academy’s athletic program as having provided an
appropriate laboratory for learning leadership skills
1 2 3 4 As a graduate I now view the Academy’s faculty and academic officials as having
embodied the leadership skills required of a ship’s officer
1 2 3 4 As a midshipman I was always clear as to the mission of the Academy

1 2 3 4 As I understood the mission of the Academy while a midshipman, there is no doubt
that the mission was accomplished
1 2 3 4 As a graduate I now view the Academy’s Library as being fit for the purpose and
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OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

supportive of the academic program

1 2 3 4 As a graduate I now view the Academy’s Department of Career Services as having
provided useful assistance in securing employment

1 2 3 4 As a graduate I now view the Academy’s Office of Shipboard Training as having
provided the necessary support in handling my midshipman sea year experiences
11. Overall, how would you rate USMMA in the following areas?
(Poor 1 2 3 4 Excellent)
1 2 3 4 Quality of Courses
1 2 3 4 Accessibility of faculty
1 2 3 4 Variety of Courses
1 2 3 4 Quality of instruction by faculty
1 2 3 4 Availability of Courses
1 2 3 4 Faculty knowledge of field
1 2 3 4 Class sizes
1 2 3 4 Quality of Academic Advising
1 2 3 4 Classroom facilities
1 2 3 4 Overall campus environment
1 2 3 4 Lab Facilities
1 2 3 4 Waterfront Facilities

12. Overall, how do you feel that your educational experience at USMMA prepared you for
your career?
□ Poor
□ Good
□ Very good
□ Excellent
13. How many years did it take you to graduate from USMMA?
□ 4 Years
□ 5 Year
□ 6 Years
□ Other: _______________

14. When did you pass your U.S. Coast Guard 3rd Mates license?
□ Prior to graduation on the first attempt □ Prior to graduation but not on the first
attempt □ Less than a month after graduation
□ More than a month after graduation

15. Have you sailed on your 3rd Mates license?
□ Yes □ No

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OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

Departmental Assessment (MARINE TRANSPORTATION)
16. Using your own educational experience at USMMA how well do you feel that the Marine
Transportation Department met its educational objectives?
(Poor 1 2 3 4 Excellent)
1 2 3 4 Understanding and safely demonstrating traditional seamanship and cargo
handling skills

1 2 3 4 Understanding and safely demonstrating modern seamanship and cargo handling

1 2 3 4 Understanding and correctly demonstrating proficiency in the use of Terrestrial
1 2 3 4 Understanding and correctly demonstrating proficiency in the use of Celestial

1 2 3 4 Understanding and correctly demonstrating proficiency in the use of Electronic

1 2 3 4 Understanding and correctly demonstrating proficiency in the Navigation Rules of
the Road
1 2 3 4 Understanding and correctly demonstrating proficiency in the use of information
technology onboard modern merchant vessels
1 2 3 4 Understanding and correctly demonstrating proficiency in the use of information
technology to be successful in shoreside employment in the maritime

1 2 3 4 Having the skills necessary for effective and appropriate shipboard problem
solving and critical thinking

1 2 3 4 Having the skills necessary for effective and appropriate shoreside problem solving
and critical thinking
1 2 3 4 Having the necessary understanding of the business, transportation and logistics
concepts for you to be a successful ship’s officer

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OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

1 2 3 4 Having the necessary understanding of the business, transportation and logistics
concepts for you to be a successful in shore side employment in the maritime
1 2 3 4 Having the necessary understanding of the business, transportation and logistics
concepts for you to be promoted to a more senior position

1 2 3 4 Do you feel you graduated with effective leadership skills to be successful as a
ship’s officer?

1 2 3 4 Do you feel you graduated with effective leadership skills to be successful in shore
side employment within the maritime industry?
1 2 3 4 Do you feel you graduated with effective communication skills necessary to be
successful as a ship officer?
1 2 3 4 Do you feel you graduated with effective communication skills necessary to be
successful in shore side employment within the maritime industry?

17. Considering your experience since graduation, what courses or experiences did you find
to be the most valuable in our curriculum?
18. What skills or areas of knowledge do you feel were missing from your educational
experience, or should have been covered more extensively?

19. Have you sailed on your license?
□ Yes

□ No

□ Yes

□ No

□ Yes

□ No

□ If Yes, for how many years _____________________________

20. Are you currently employed in a non-sailing position?

21. Looking back, would you choose the same major at USMMA?

□ If No, what major would you have chosen?

22. Using your own educational experience at USMMA how well do you feel the Marine
Transportation Program met its educational objectives?
(Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 Strongly Agree)

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OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

1 2 3 4 My overall evaluation of the Marine Transportation Program is positive
1 2 3 4 I believe the curriculum prepared me well for my career

1 2 3 4 Program faculty members were effective facilitators of learning

1 2 3 4 Instructional methods used in the Marine Transportation Program were varied and
1 2 3 4 The Marine Transportation Program curriculum developed my problem-solving

1 2 3 4 Exams and assignments reflected the goals and objectives of the program
1 2 3 4 The Marine Transportation Program gave me a global perspective

1 2 3 4 My teamwork skills were developed through the Marine Transportation Program

1 2 3 4 The Marine Transportation Program curriculum gave me enhanced
communications skills

1 2 3 4 The workload in Marine Transportation Program courses was reasonable
1 2 3 4 Marine Transportation Program courses challenged me to think
1 2 3 4 The courses prepared me for employment as a 3rd Mate

1 2 3 4 The courses prepared me for other employment besides a 3rd Mates position

1 2 3 4 I feel we should have had more Engineering courses within the program
1 2 3 4 If I had it to do over again, I would choose the same major
23. General comments about the Marine Transportation Program:



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OMB No. 2133-NEW
Expires: xx-xx-xxxx

24. Perceived strengths of the program:


25. Program weakness/es and suggestions for improvement:


KP2-66-DK1 (7-2009)

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorS. Kumar
File Modified2010-04-28
File Created2010-04-28

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