Open Innovation Web Portal

Open Innovation Web Portal

OIP Portal Fields.xls

Open Innovation Web Portal

OMB: 1855-0020

Document [xlsx]
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Field Response Type Pushed from ED for i3? Notes
Individual Profile First Name Text Field ?

Last Initial Text Field ? Only first initial to be displayed

Contact Email Text Field (Validated as email) ? To be displayed as generic "Email" clickable link

Username Text Field ?

Biography Open Response N

Personal Web Site/Blog URL Text Field (Validated as website) N

City Text Field ?

State Drop down ?

Country Drop down ?

Zip Code Number (Validated as 5-digit ZIP) ? Private

Title Text Field ?

Type of Organization (Affiliation) Check Box ?

Facebook Profile URL Text Field (Validated as website) N

Twitter Profile URL Text Field (Validated as website) N

Organization Profile Organization Name Text Field ?

Contact First Name Text Field ?

Contact Last Initial Text Field ? Only first initial to be displayed

Contact Email Text Field (Validated as email) ? To be displayed as generic "Email" clickable link

Username Text Field ?

Type of Organization Check Box ?

Org Bio/Description Open Response N

Organization Web Site URL Text Field (Validated as website) N

City Text Field ?

State Drop down ?

Country Drop down ?

Zip Code Number (Validated as 5-digit ZIP) ? Private

Meets AYP Check Box (Y/N/NA) N

Twitter URL Text Field (Validated as website) N

Innovation Profile Idea Name Text Field Y

Image or Logo Image Upload N

URL Text Field (Validated as website) N

Contact First Name Text Field Y

Contact Last Initial Text Field Y

Contact Email Text Field (Validated as email) Y To be displayed as generic "Email" clickable link

Applicant Type Drop down Y

Project City Text Field Y

Project State Drop down Y

Project ZIP Number (Validated as 5-digit ZIP) Y

Project Abstract Text Field Y

Total Project Budget ($) Number (Dollar Format) Y

Total Funding Requested ($) Number (Dollar Format) Y

Cost Per Student (w/ startup costs) Number (Dollar Format) N

Cost Per Student (run rate) Number (Dollar Format) N

Project Duration Number (Years) Y

Grant Level Applied For Check Box (Three grant types) Y

Still Seeking Match Check Box (Y/N/NA) Y

Absolute Priority Addressed Check Box (Four Absolutes) Y

Competitive Preference Priorities Check Box (Four Competitives) Y

Supporting Video Video Upload/Link N

Supporting Presentation/Slides File Upload/Link N

Supporting Evidence File Upload/Link N

Challenges to Enter Check Box (??) N

Keywords Check Box N

Type of Partners Desired Check Box N

Key Supporter(s) Text Field N

Innovation Questions Why is your idea necessary? Open Response N

What educational challenge does your idea address? Open Response N

Why is your idea innovative? Open Response N

What evidence supports your idea and how does it indicate a probability of success? Open Response N

What is the plan for/possibility of scaling your idea? Open Response N

What is the sustainability plan for your idea if external funding ends? Open Response N

What experiences have you or members of your team had that contribute to this project? Open Response N
File Typeapplication/
AuthorAuthorised User
Last Modified ByAuthorised User
File Modified2010-01-22
File Created2009-12-29

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