Form Informant_Communit Informant_Community_Instruments

Cross-Community Evaluation of the Native Aspirations Project

Attachment 5-Key_Informant_Community_Instruments

Community Plan

OMB: 0930-0315

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Attachment 5 – Key Informant Community Plan Instruments
Document B.1: Community Plan Focus Group Guide
Document B.2 Community Plan In-Depth Interviews Version 1
Document B.3 Community Plan In-Depth Interview Version 2

Expiration Date: Month Year

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless
it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is xxxx-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 120 minutes per client per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA
Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Evaluation of the Native Aspirations Project
Document B.1: Community Plan Evaluation – Focus Group
Moderator’s Guide
Opening blessing (if appropriate)
Welcome, and thank you all for meeting here today. I’d like to talk with you about the community
mobilization plan you were involved in developing for the Native Aspirations project. This discussion is
intended to be used as another opportunity for you to get together and talk about where you are with
the plan and what needs to happen next. We would also like to find out how the process has been
going in these first months. There are some guidelines for this discussion that I would like to suggest,
and would like to hear any other guidelines that you would like to add.

First, there are no right or wrong answers. Please share your true thoughts, even if they are
different from what other people have said. We are interested in negative as well as positive
comments; sometimes the negative comments are most helpful.


Second, please speak up, and it’s important that only one person talk at one time. We are tape
recording the meeting to make sure that we have an accurate record of what has been said. If
several people are talking at one time it the tape will be hard to understand and we will miss
what you said.


Please only use first names in our discussion today. In any of the reports that may later be
created, none of your names will be used.


Our discussion will last two hours. We will take breaks as they are needed. We’ve put name
cards in front of you to help us remember each other’s names.

Community Plan Focus Group Guide

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Alright, before we get started, does anyone have any questions?

So to begin, have you all had the chance to review the written community plan? Does the plan
reflect your understanding of what happened during the two-day meeting?
a. If not, in what way is it different from what you expected?
b. Have any changes been made to this written plan since you received it? What changes?

2. I want to get a sense of your thoughts about the community plan as it is now.
a. First, was there anyone who should have been involved in the planning but wasn’t?
i. What could they have contributed to the conversation?
ii. Why didn’t they participate in the CMP?
iii. Should they be invited to participate in future meetings related to the
community plan?
b. After thinking about it for a few months, do you think that the plan meets the primary
needs of your community?
Probe: Are there any needs in the community that have not been addressed?
c. Are there any community strengths that haven’t been taken into account? For example,
something that is working really well that could be added to the plan?
3. Could you tell me a little bit about your community, and how your plan matches the things that
are unique about the people who live here?
a. Everyone comes to the planning table with different experiences and different things
that they think are important. What do you think is the most important part of the
community mobilization plan? Why?
b. How is the plan scheduled to be carried out, i.e. what happens first, what happens
second? How does this match the way that your community works?
c. What activities have traditionally been done in your community? (i.e. dancing,
beadwork, subsistence, canoeing). (INTERVIEWER NOTE: FIND OUT AND INCORPORATE).
Are these included in the plan? How?
d. How are elders included in the plan?
e. How are other individuals who are known to be mentors or provide guidance or
informal services to young people included in the plan?
f. What community agencies are included in the plan?
4. Since the mobilization plan was developed, what have you heard people say about the problems
facing youth in your community?
Probe: What have you heard about suicide or its prevention?

Community Plan Focus Group Guide

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Probe: What have you heard about community violence or its prevention?
a. Do you think that these discussions are a result of the activities occurring as part of your
community plan?
b. How does the mobilization plan intend to raise awareness about Native Aspirations
5. What have been some of the first steps taken to begin to carry out the mobilization plan?
Probe: What have each of you been working on?
a. Has anything happened in the community since the plan was developed that has had an
impact on the plan or has made you think about the plan differently? (i.e. a suicide,
recent development, etc…)
b. What are some of the next steps that should be taken to carry out the plan?
i. What three steps should be accomplished in the next six months?
ii. What three steps should be accomplished in the next year?
6. What resources exist right now in the community that can help you with carrying out the plan?
Probe: Money? Staffing? Leadership? Support? Policy?
a. What do you think should be done to access these resources?

Before we end the discussion, does anyone have any final thoughts or input about the
community mobilization plan, how it could be improved, or what needs to happen next?

Thank you all for your time and participation today. I hope that this session has been also been helpful
to you as a community mobilization team. If you have any further thoughts, or questions or comments,
please feel free to contact me.

Community Plan Focus Group Guide

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Expiration Date: Month Year

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless
it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is xxxx-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per client per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA
Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Evaluation of the Native Aspirations Project
Document B.2: Community Plan In-depth Interviews –
Version 1 - Active Team Members

INTERVIEWER NOTE: The “community mobilization plan” might have a locally specific name. If so,
please substitute the local name of the plan in instances where the plan is referred to in the guide. Also,
please schedule a discussion with the KAI community coordinator prior to the administration of the
interviews to be briefed on their perceptions of the process and outcomes of implementing the
mobilization plan.
Interviewer: Thank you for speaking with me today. I’d like to talk with you about the community
mobilization plan that you were involved in developing and implementing as part of the Native
Aspirations Project. This interview is part of the federally funded Native Aspirations Cross-community
Evaluation, and you are being interviewed to discuss how the Native Aspirations Project has impacted
your community. The interview will last approximately one hour, and I will be recording the interview to
ensure that I have an accurate transcript of the information that you provide. However, at no point will
your name ever be linked to the information that you give us nor will your name be included in any
report that summarizes the findings of this evaluation. Before we begin, do you have any questions or
So to begin, I want to get a sense of your thoughts about the community mobilization plan and the
actual planning process.
1. First, what were the main goals of the plan? How did the plan try to meet the needs of your

Community Plan In-depth Interviews_Version 1

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2. What were some community needs related to wellness, violence, bullying and suicide
prevention that were not addressed by the plan?
a. Why did the group decide not to include these in the plan?
b. Would you make the same decisions again?
3. Looking back, would you change the original plan in any way? How?
4. What additional partners would you have included in the early planning process?
5. Is there anything else that you would like to tell me about the process of developing the
community plan?
Next I would like to talk about how the plan was implemented, or carried out.

What were the main responsibilities of the planning committee? What were members expected
to do?
a. How were the responsibilities and the work divided? Was the work shared equally or did
some members have a greater responsibility than others?
b. How did the members decide on what action steps they would be involved in?
c. How often did the committee meet?

7. What were your responsibilities as a member of the planning committee? What were some of
the tasks or activities related to the plan that you worked on?

Can you describe how the mobilization plan was implemented or carried out? For example,
what happened first, what happened next?
a. Was this the way it was supposed to have happened? Why did it happen that way?
b. Would you have done anything differently?

9. What activities or goals were completed?
a. What allowed these goals to be completed?
b. Which of your tasks did you accomplish?
10. What activities or goals were not completed?
a. What are the reasons why these activities were not completed?
b. Which of your tasks are not finished?
11. What activities occurred that were not part of the plan? Why?

Community Plan In-depth Interviews_Version 1

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12. You have been working on and involved with this plan for several years. What kept the group
involved and motivated?
a. How did members of the team work together?
13. What do you think was the most important part of the community mobilization plan? Why?
a. What are activities that you have traditionally done in your community? (i.e. dancing,
beadwork, subsistence, canoeing). (INTERVIEWER NOTE: FIND OUT AND INCORPORATE).
How were these included in the plan?
b. How were various community members (for example, elders, youth mentors,
community agencies) involved in carrying out the plan?
14. What are some of the ways that you built partnerships with the individuals and agencies who
became involved with the Native Aspirations Project?
a. How did you partner with schools? Police? Mental health agencies? Other agencies that
provide support to young people?
b. What are some lessons that you have learned through the process of working and
communicating with different agencies and individuals in the community?
15. What resources in the community were used to carry out the plan?
Probe for: Money? Staffing? Leadership? Support? Policy?
a. How did you access these resources?
b. How has the availability of resources changed over the last two years?
16. In your experience, based on the things that you have heard and the people that you have
talked to, how have people in the community been affected by the activities carried out as part
of the community plan?
a. Have you noticed a change in attitude towards suicide and its prevention?
b. Have you noticed a change in attitude towards community violence and its prevention?
c. Have you noticed a change in the alcohol or drug use of young people?
d. What other changes have you observed?
17. I have a couple more questions. First, what have been some of the biggest challenges or
obstacles in carrying out the community plan?
18. What has been helpful or encouraging in carrying out the community plan?

Community Plan In-depth Interviews_Version 1

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19. Can you tell me about how your community plans to continue the activities you have been doing
as part of Native Aspirations?
a. Have you obtained additional funding for prevention activities? From where? For which
b. If no funding, have you attempted to obtain additional funding to continue activities?
From where?
c. What Native Aspiration activities would be the most important to continue? Why? What
would help your community continue these efforts?

Community Plan In-depth Interviews_Version 1

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Expiration Date: Month Year

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless
it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is xxxx-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per client per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA
Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Evaluation of the Native Aspirations Project
Document B.3: Community Plan In-depth Interviews –
Version 2 - Former Team Members

Thank you for speaking with me today. I’d like to talk with you about the community mobilization plan
that you were involved in developing as part of the Native Aspirations Project. This interview is part of
the federally funded Native Aspirations Cross-community Evaluation, and you are being interviewed to
discuss how the Native Aspirations Project has impacted your community. The interview will last
approximately thirty minutes, and I will be recording the interview to ensure that I have an accurate
transcript of the information that you provide. However, at no point will your name ever be linked to
the information that you give us, nor will your name be included in any report that summarizes the
findings of this evaluation. Before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns?
So to begin, I want to get a sense of your thoughts about the community mobilization plan and the
actual planning process.
1. First, what were the main goals of the plan? How did the plan try to meet the needs of your
2. What were some community needs related to wellness, violence, bullying and suicide
prevention that were not addressed by the plan?
a. Why did the group decide not to include these in the plan?
b. Would you make the same decisions again?

Community Plan In-depth Interviews_Version 2

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3. Looking back, would you change the original plan in any way?
4. What additional partners would you have included in the early planning process?
5. Is there anything else that you would like to tell me about the process of developing the
community plan?
6. At some point you decided that you could no longer be involved with the planning committee.
What led you to make that decision?
7. Of the things that you observed while you were involved, what worked well about the planning
a. What did not work well about the process?
8. Of the events that you observed while you were involved or afterwards, what parts of the plan
were successfully carried out? Why do you think it was successful?
a. What was not successfully carried out? Do you know why?
9. What have you learned about the problems facing youth because of the activities that have
been carried out as part of the plan?
a. What have you learned about suicide that you didn’t know when you started?
b. Do you think that you can personally do anything to prevent suicide?
c. What have you learned about the substance and drug use of young people that you
didn’t know when you started?
d. What have you learned about violence in your community over the last two years?
10. In your experience, based on the things that you have heard and the people that you have
talked to, how have people in the community been affected by the activities carried out as part
of the community plan?
a. Have you noticed a change in attitude towards suicide and its prevention?
b. Have you noticed a change in attitude towards community violence and its prevention?
c. Have you noticed a change in the alcohol or drug use of young people?
d. What other changes have you observed?

Community Plan In-depth Interviews_Version 2

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2010-06-04
File Created2010-06-04

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