PREDICT 60-day Notice - Federal Register

PREDICT 60-day Notice-FR.pdf

Protected Repository for the Defense of Infrastructure Against Cyber Threats (PREDICT)

PREDICT 60-day Notice - Federal Register

OMB: 1640-0012

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Notices
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Eye Institute
Special Emphasis Panel; NEI Translational
Research Program Grant Review Panel.
Date: July 16, 2010.
Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: Embassy Suites Hotel, Chevy Chase
Pavilion, 4300 Military Road, NW.,
Washington, DC 20015.
Contact Person: Daniel R. Kenshalo, PhD,
Scientific Review Officer, National Eye
Institute, National Institutes of Health, 5635
Fishers Lane, Suite 1300, MSC 9300, 301–
451–2020, [email protected].
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.867, Vision Research,
National Institutes of Health, HHS)
Dated: June 2, 2010.
Jennifer Spaeth,
Director, Office of Federal Advisory,
Committee Policy.

limitations imposed by the review and
funding cycle.
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.306, Comparative Medicine;
93.333, Clinical Research, 93.306, 93.333,
93.337, 93.393–93.396, 93.837–93.844,
93.846–93.878, 93.892, 93.893, National
Institutes of Health, HHS).
Dated: June 7, 2010.
Jennifer Spaeth,
Director, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2010–14196 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]

Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2010–N–0168]

Developing Guidance on Naming,
Labeling, and Packaging Practices to
Reduce Medication Errors; Public
Workshop; Change of Meeting

[FR Doc. 2010–14193 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]



Food and Drug Administration,

emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES

Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. app.), notice is
hereby given of the following meeting.
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), 5 U.S.C., as
amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel Member
Conflict: Cancer Molecular Therapy.
Date: June 17, 2010.
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892.
(Telephone Conference Call).
Contact Person: Syed M Quadri, PhD,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 6210,
MSC 7804, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–
1211, [email protected].
This notice is being published less than 15
days prior to the meeting due to the timing

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II. New Location for the Public
The new location will be the Holiday
Inn College Park (see ADDRESSES).
Directions and information on parking,
accommodations, and transportation
options can be found at
Dated: June 8, 2010.
Leslie Kux,
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2010–14153 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]

Science and Technology (S&T)


The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing a
change in location for the upcoming
public workshop entitled ‘‘Developing
Guidance on Naming, Labeling, and
Packaging Practices to Reduce
Medication Errors.’’ A new address is
given for those attending the workshop.
DATES: The public workshop will be
held on Thursday and Friday, June 24
and 25, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
each day.
ADDRESSES: The public workshop will
be held at the Holiday Inn College Park,
10000 Baltimore Ave., College Park, MD
Colleen O’Malley, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research, Food and
Drug Administration, 10903 New
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, rm. 4305,
Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
796–1786, FAX: 301–796–9832, e-mail:
[email protected].

Center for Scientific Review; Notice of
Closed Meeting

16:40 Jun 11, 2010

individuals interested in presenting to
the panelists to register by May 25,
2010. Registration to present at the
workshop is closed. All others are
welcome to attend on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Because of a greater than anticipated
response for attending the public
workshop, FDA is announcing in this
notice a new location.


National Institutes of Health

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I. Background
In the Federal Register of April 12,
2010 (75 FR 18514), FDA issued a notice
announcing a public workshop that is
intended to assist the agency in
developing draft guidance for industry
on describing practices for naming,
labeling, and packaging drugs and
biologics to reduce medication errors.
The April 12, 2010, notice invited

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[Docket No. DHS–2010–0043]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for Review;
Information Collection Request for the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) Science and Technology
Protected Repository for the Defense
of Infrastructure against Cyber Threats
(PREDICT) Program
Science and Technology
Directorate, DHS.
ACTION: 60-day Notice and request for

The Department of Homeland
Security invites the general public to
comment on data collection forms for
the Protected Repository for the Defense
of Infrastructure Against Cyber Threats
(PREDICT) initiative. PREDICT is an
initiative to facilitate the accessibility of
computer and network operational data
for use in cybersecurity defensive
research and development. Specifically,
PREDICT provides developers and
evaluators with regularly updated
network operations data sources
relevant to cybersecurity defense
technology development. The data sets
are intended to provide developers with
timely and detailed insight into
cyberattack phenomena occurring across
the Internet and in some cases will
reveal the effects of these attacks on
networks that are owned or managed by




emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Notices

the data producers. A key motivation of
PREDICT is to make these data sources
more widely available to technology
developers and evaluators, who today
often determine the efficacy of their
technical solutions on anecdotal
evidence or small-scale test
experiments, rather than on more
comprehensive real-world data. The
PREDICT Web site http:// contains an overview
and general information as background,
along with the data repository. As
specified on the Web site, access to the
PREDICT data repository is available to
eligible research groups upon approval
of their applications. In addition to
helping to determine whether a group is
eligible to access the repository, the
forms will also manage the interactions
between the PREDICT portal
administrators and the research groups
accessing the PREDICT portal. The
Department is committed to improving
its PREDICT initiative and invites
interested persons to comment on the
following forms and instructions
(hereinafter ‘‘Forms Package’’) for the
PREDICT initiative: (1) Account Request
Form (DHS Form 10029 (12/07)); (2)
Request a Dataset Form (DHS Form
10032 (12/07)); (3) My Datasets Form
(DHS Form 10033 (12/07)); (4)
Memorandum of Agreement—PREDICT
(PCC) Coordinating Center and
Researcher/User (DHS Form 10035 (12/
07)); (5) Memorandum of Agreement
PREDICT Coordinating Center (PCC)
and Data Provider (DP) (DHS Form
10036 (12/07)); (6) Memorandum of
Agreement—PCC and Data Host
(DH)(DHS Form 10037 (12/07)); (7)
Authorization Letter for Data Host (DHS
Form 10038 (12/07)); (8) Authorization
Letter for Data Provider (DHS Form
10039 (12/07)); (9) Sponsorship Letter
(DHS Form 10040 (12/07)); (10) Notice
of Dataset Access/Application
Expiration (DHS Form 10041 (12/07));
(11) Notice for Certificate of Data
Destruction (DHS Form 10042 (12/07)).
Two new forms are also included—(12)
Amendment to Research/User
Agreement (10060 (04/10)); (13) Notice
of Data Access Expiration (10061 (04/
This notice and request for comments
is required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C.
chapter 35).
Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until August 13, 2010.


Interested persons are
invited to submit comments, identified
by docket number DHS–2010–0043, by
one of the following methods:


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16:40 Jun 11, 2010

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• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Please follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail: [email protected].
Please include docket number DHS–
2010–0043 in the subject line of the
• Fax: (202) 254–6171 (Not a toll-free
• Mail: Science and Technology
Directorate, ATTN: OCIO—Jeffery
Harris, 245 Murray Drive, Mail Stop
0202, Washington, DC 20528.
Jeffery Harris (202) 254–6015 (Not a tollfree number).
parties can obtain copies of the Forms
Package by calling or writing the point
of contact listed above. The content of
PREDICT is proprietary datasets that
will be used by the Research community
in its efforts to build products and
technologies that will better protect
America’s computing infrastructure.
Using a secure Web portal, accessible
through, the
PREDICT Coordinating Center manages
a centralized repository that identifies
the datasets and their sources and
location, and acts as gatekeeper for
access and release of the data. All data
input to the system is either keyed in by
users (Data Providers) or migrated (via
upload of XML files).
DHS is particularly interested in
comments that:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Suggest ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
(4) Suggest ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submissions of responses.
The user will complete a portion of
the forms online and submit them
through the Web site, while some forms
will be printed from the Web site and
faxed to a PREDICT portal
administrator. The entire Forms Package
will be available on the PREDICT Web
site found at

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Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Information Collection Revision.
(2) Title of the Form/Collection: DHS
S&T PREDICT Initiative.
Agency Form Number, if any, and the
applicable component of the
Department of Homeland Security
sponsoring the collection: DHS Science
and Technology Directorate, (1) Account
Request Form (DHS Form 10029 (12/
07)); (2) Request a Dataset Form (DHS
Form 10032 (12/07)); (3) My Datasets
Form (DHS Form 10033 (12/07)); (4)
Memorandum of Agreement—PREDICT
(PCC) Coordinating Center and
Researcher/User (DHS Form 10035 (12/
07)); (5) Memorandum of Agreement
PREDICT Coordinating Center (PCC)
and Data Provider (DP) (DHS Form
10036 (12/07)); (6) Memorandum of
Agreement—PCC and Data Host
(DH)(DHS Form 10037 (12/07)); (7)
Authorization Letter for Data Host (DHS
Form 10038 (12/07)); (8) Authorization
Letter for Data Provider (DHS Form
10039 (12/07)); (9) Sponsorship Letter
(DHS Form 10040 (12/07)); (10) Notice
of Dataset Access/Application
Expiration (DHS Form 10041 (12/07));
(11) Notice for Certificate of Data
Destruction (DHS Form 10042 (12/07)).
Two new forms are also included—(12)
Amendment to Research/User
Agreement (10060 (04/10)); (13) Notice
of Data Access Expiration (10061 (04/
(3) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Individuals or households,
Business or other for-profit, Not-forprofit institutions, Federal government,
and State, local, or tribal government;
the data gathered will allow the
PREDICT initiative to provide a central
repository, accessible through a Webbased portal (
that catalogs current computer network
operational data, provides secure access
to multiple sources of data collected as
a result of use and traffic on the
Internet, and facilitates data flow among
PREDICT participants for the purpose of
developing new models, technologies
and products that support effective
threat assessment and increase cyber
security capabilities.
(4) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
a. Estimate of the total number of
respondents: 206.
b. An estimate of the time for an
average respondent to respond: 8
burden hours.



Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Notices
c. An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: 118 burden hours.
Dated: June 3, 2010.
Tara O’Toole,
Under Secretary for Science and Technology.
[FR Doc. 2010–14230 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. DHS–2010–0040]

Science and Technology (S&T)
Directorate; Agency Information
Collection Activities: Submission for
Review; Information Collection
Request for the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) Science and
Technology TechSolutions Program
Science and Technology
Directorate, DHS.
ACTION: 60-day Notice and request for

The TechSolutions Program
was established by the Department of
Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) Science
and Technology (S&T) Directorate to
provide information, resources and
technology solutions that address
mission capability gaps identified by the
emergency response community. The
goal of TechSolutions is to field
technologies that meet 80% of the
operational requirement, in a 12 to 15
month time frame, at a cost
commensurate with the proposal. Goals
will be accomplished through rapid
prototyping or the identification of
existing technologies that satisfy
identified requirements. Through the
use of data collection forms,
TechSolutions will collect submitter
and capability gap information from
First Responders (Federal, State, Local,
and Tribal Police, Firefighters, and
Emergency Medical Service) through the
TechSolutions Web site. The
information will be used to address
reported capability gaps, leading to
improved safety and productivity. The
DHS invites interested persons to
comment on the following forms and
instructions (hereinafter ‘‘Forms
Package’’) for the TechSolutions
program: (1) Submit a Capability Gap
(DHS Form 10011 (04/07)), (2)
Information Request (DHS Form 10012
(04/07)), and (3) Register (DHS Form
10015 (04/07)). Section 313 of the
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (PL
107–296) established this requirement.
This notice and request for comments
is required by the Paperwork Reduction

emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES


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Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C.
chapter 35).
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until August 13, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments, identified
by docket number DHS–2010–0040, by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Please follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail: [email protected].
Please include docket number DHS–
2010–0040 in the subject line of the
• Fax: (202) 254–6171. (Not a toll-free
• Mail: Science and Technology
Directorate, Attn: OCIO—Jeffery Harris,
245 Murray Drive, Mail Stop 0202,
Washington, DC 20528.
Jeffery Harris (202) 254–6015 (not a toll
free number).
note that the Forms Package includes
three forms for collecting submitter and
capability gap information from first
responders (federal, state, local, and
tribal police, firefighters, and emergency
medical service). As explained herein,
these separate forms are intended to be
flexible and permit DHS S&T to address
reported capability gaps, leading to
improved safety and productivity
without undue bureaucratic burden.
The Department is committed to
improving its TechSolutions processes
and urges all interested parties to
suggest how these materials can further
reduce burden while seeking necessary
information under the Act. DHS is
particularly interested in comments
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Suggest ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
(4) Suggest ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submissions of responses.

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The Forms Package will be available on
the Tech Solutions Web site found at
The user will complete the forms online
and submit them through the Web site.
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Information Collection Revision.
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
TechSolutions Submit a Capability Gap,
Information Request, and Register.
Agency Form Number, if any, and the
applicable component of the
Department of Homeland Security
sponsoring the collection: DHS Science
and Technology Directorate, Submit a
Capability Gap (DHS Form 10011
(04/07), Information Request (DHS Form
10012 (04/07), and Register (DHS Form
10015 (04/07).
(3) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Business or other for-profit,
not-for-profit institutions, and state,
local or tribal government; the data
collected through the TechSolutions
Forms Package will be used to address
reported capability gaps, leading to
improved safety and productivity for
first responders.
(4) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
a. Estimate of the total number of
respondents: 391.
b. An estimate of the time for an
average respondent to respond: .42
burden hours.
c. An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: 39 burden hours.
Dated: June 3, 2010.
Tara O’Toole,
Under Secretary for Science and Technology.
[FR Doc. 2010–14231 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary: Sport Fishing
and Boating Partnership Council
Office of the Secretary, Interior.
Notice of Renewal.


This notice is published in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Act). Following
consultation with the General Services
Administration, the Secretary of the
Interior has renewed the Sport Fishing
and Boating Partnership Council
(Council) charter for 2 years.




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-06-12
File Created2010-06-12

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