Weatherization Assistance Program Evaluation

Weatherization Assistance Program Evaluation


Weatherization Assistance Program Evaluation

OMB: 1910-5151

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OMB Control Number: 1910-5151


This data is being collected to evaluate weatherization staff training and other workforce issues. 

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average thirty minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Office of the Chief Information Officer, Records Management Division, IM-11, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-5151), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC, 20585-1290; and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), OIRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-5151), Washington, DC  20503.

Part I. National Weatherization Staff

Introduction: Thank you for agreeing to complete the Weatherization Staff Survey being conducted as part of the national evaluation of the Weatherization Assistance Program. In the first part of the survey, I’ll be asking you questions to collect information on demographics and training histories, and to obtain your feedback on the effectiveness of the training that you have received. All of the information that we obtain from this survey will remain confidential and will be analyzed in such a way that your answers cannot be associated with your name. Your answers will not be shared with or reported back to anyone within your agency or state.

  1. For whom do you work?

    1. Local weatherization agency

    2. Private weatherization contractor

    3. Other _______________

  1. What is your primary weatherization job title?

    1. Administrator (End survey)

    2. Auditor

    3. Inspector

    4. Crew leader/foreman

    5. Crew member

    6. Day laborer (End survey)

    7. Other ___________ (End survey)

  1. How long have you been working for your current weatherization employer? ________ (Years) __________ (months)

  1. How long have you been working in low-income weatherization? _________ (Years) __________ (months)

  1. How long have you had your current job title? _______________ (Years) __________ (months)

  1. Including your weatherization employer, how many employers do you have?

    1. One (go to Q8)

    2. Two

    3. More than two

  1. Is working for your current weatherization employer your main job?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  1. Considering all your employers, do you work full-time or part-time?

    1. Full-time

    2. Part-time

    3. More than full-time

  1. How many different employers of all kinds have you had in the last five years? _________

  1. How many hours per week do you or the primary wage earner usually work at all of your jobs?

Enter ______ hrs

  1. Do you have health insurance?

    1. Yes

    2. No (go to Question 12)

11a. Who provides your health insurance?

a. Your current weatherization employer

b. A non-weatherization employer

c. Your state

d. You purchase your own insurance

e. You have insurance through a family member

f. Other ____________________

  1. What is your annual income from your weatherization job?

    1. $0-$10,000

    2. $10,001 - $15,000

    3. $15,001 - $20,000

    4. $20,001 - $25,000

    5. $25,001 - $30,000

    6. $30,001 - $40,000

    7. $40,001 - $50,000

    8. $50,001 - $75,000

    9. $75,001 and over

  1. How likely would it be that you would be unemployed if you did not have a job with your current weatherization employer?

    1. Very likely

    2. Likely

    3. Neither likely or unlikely

    4. Unlikely

    5. Very unlikely

  1. How satisfactory are these aspects of your job weatherizing low-income homes?

Very satisfactory


Neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory


Very unsatisfactory

  1. Pay

  1. Health benefits

  1. Steady work

  1. Boss/supervisor(s)

  1. Co-workers

  1. Interactions with clients

  1. Flexibility of work schedule

  1. Dress code

  1. Paid time off policy

  1. Retirement benefits

  1. Job safety

  1. Do you view your current employment in low-income weatherization as a career or just another job?

  1. Definitely a career

  2. Mostly a career

  3. Mostly just a job

  4. Definitely just a job

  1. What share of the weatherization skills you apply in your job did you learn...



A Lot

Most / All

  1. prior to entering the weatherization field

  1. through on-the-job training & experience

  1. formal weatherization training (classes, workshops, etc.)

  1. How much structured weatherization-related ‘on-the-job’ training or mentoring have you had during the past five years?

    1. A great deal

    2. Quite a bit

    3. Some

    4. Not much

    5. None at all

  1. Which of the following types of formal training have you attended in the last five years? (Select all that apply)

    1. National Weatherization Training Conference

    2. Affordable Comfort Conference

    3. Regional weatherization conference

    4. Your state’s weatherization conference

    5. Classroom training at a training center

    6. Classroom training at your agency

    7. Web cast

    8. Other (please specify)_______________________________________

  1. What is the most valuable weatherization training experience you have had in the last five years? ___________________________________________________________________

  1. On which weatherization topics have you received formal training in the past five years? (Select all that apply)

    1. Diagnostic testing and assessment procedures

    2. Insulation for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    3. Space heating, ventilation, air conditioning for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    4. Infiltration/air sealing measures for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    5. Doors and window installation/repair for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    6. Hot water heating for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    7. Base loads (e.g., lighting, refrigerators) for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

  1. On which topics have you had professional development training in the past five years that could take you to the next level in your weatherization career? (Select all that apply)

    1. Management

    2. Client education

    3. Auditing/estimating for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    4. Monitoring/quality control

    5. Financial topics

    6. Outreach and communications

    7. Other (please specify)__________________________

  1. On which health and safety topics have you received training in the past five years? (Select all that apply)

    1. Lead

    2. Indoor air quality

    3. Mold and mildew

    4. Fire safety

    5. Asbestos

    6. General crew safety

    7. Other health and safety (please specify)_______________________

  1. Is there training you think you need in your current job, but have not been able to get?

    1. Yes

    2. No (go to Q25)

24a. In what areas do you feel more training would be useful in your current weatherization job? (Select all that apply)

  1. Diagnostic testing and assessment procedures

  2. Insulation for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  3. Space heating, ventilation, air conditioning for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  4. Infiltration/air sealing measures for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  5. Door window installation/repair for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  6. Hot water heating for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  7. Baseloads (e.g., lighting, refrigerators) for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  8. Client education

  9. Auditing/estimating for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  10. Monitoring/quality control

  11. Lead

  12. Indoor air quality

  13. Mold and mildew

  14. Fire safety

  15. Asbestos

  16. General crew safety

  17. Other (please specify)_________________________________________

24b. What has kept your training needs from being met in the last five years? (Select all that apply)

  1. Lack of training funds

  2. Not senior enough

  3. Training not available at the right times

  4. Training not available at the right places

  5. Available training is poor in quality

  6. Not aware of training opportunities that meet training needs

  7. Haven’t asked for the training

  8. I have to pay for my own training

  9. Don’t know

  10. None of these

  11. Other (please specify) ________________________________

25a. What national professional certifications do you have? (Select all that apply)

a. BPI Building Analyst

b. BPI Envelope

c. BPI Residential Building Envelope Accessible Areas Air Leakage Control Installer

d. Residential Building Envelope Whole House Air Leakage Control Crew Chief

e. BPI Manufactured Housing

f. BPI Heating

g. BPI Air Conditioning and Heat Pump

h. BPI Multifamily



k. Lead Safe Weatherization

l. Lead Certified Renovator

m. NAHB Green Building

25b. What other certification do you have? (Please fill in the table below as appropriate)

Organization providing certification

Subject of certification

26a. Have you gained training and/or experience from your current low-income weatherization job that could be useful if you had to find a new job?

    1. Yes

    2. No (skip Q26b)

26b. How useful could your training and/or experience from your current weatherization job be for a job in these fields and job types?

Extremely Useful

Very Useful


Not Very Useful

Not at all Useful

  1. Non-low-income residential weatherization

  1. General residential construction

  1. General commercial and industrial retrofit

  1. Supervisory positions

  1. Running your own business

Skip Pattern: For auditors, please go to question 27. For crew chiefs, please go to question 47. For crew members, please go to question 63.

Auditor Questions

27. Does your state or weatherization agency have a standard walk-away or deferral policy written in a program manual or field guide?



c.Don’t Know

28. How often do you recommend walking away from homes or deferring services?

a. Never

b. 1-5% of time

c. 6-10% of time

d. 11-20% of time

e. 21-30% of time

f. 31% or more of time

29. How frequently do you walk-away or defer services for the reasons listed below?

Very frequently



Very infrequently

Not at all

a.Client Health

b.Client uncooperative or threatening behavior

c.Unsanitary Conditions

d.Excessive Mold/Moisture

e.Extent/Condition of Lead-Based Paint

f.Illegal activities or drug abuse in the home

g.Structurally unsound or dilapidated unit

h.Unsafe electrical, plumbing or mechanical equipment

i.Excessive CO levels

j.Friable asbestos

k.Other unsafe IAQ issues

l.Infestation of rodents, insects or other vermin

m.Unsecured pets

n.Excessive repair that is cost-prohibitive

o.Improperly stored hazardous materials

p. Other reason(s)

Please specify other reasons for walking away or deferring services:_______________________________________________________________________

30. How do you communicate to the clients when you conclude the audit that the home will not be weatherized? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

a. Verbal communication in person after the inspection

b. Verbal communication after the inspection by phone

c. Written communication in letter form

d. Standard deferral form

e. A different agency person communicates the decision to the client

f. I have never had to walk away from a home or defer services

g. Other method. Please Explain.__________________________________________________

31. Does your agency refer walk-away households to other community service providers?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Don’t know

32. For those homes you audited and walked away from or deferred services, what percent of time do you come back to re-audit walk-way homes?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

33. Does your agency use priority lists or computer audits or both?

a. priority lists

b. computer audits

c. both

34. What do you see as the advantages of (priority lists/computer audits)? ___________________

35. What do you see as the disadvantages of (priority lists/computer audits)? _________________

36. Are there any measures that you are reluctant to include in job orders because crews have difficulty installing them?

a. yes

b. no

36a. If yes, what measures? _________________________________

37. How much influence does the client usually have on the final set of measures included in the weatherization job order?

a. total influence

b. a great deal of influence

c. some influence

d. little influence

e. no influence

38. In what percentage of homes do you encounter language barriers with clients?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

39. What do you do when you encounter a language barrier with clients?____________

40. What are the most frequently asked questions you get from clients? _____________

41. In what percentage of homes does client interaction impede your ability to do your job?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

41a. What do you do when client interaction impedes your ability to do your job? _____________________

42. Is it standard practice for your local agency to provide you with information about possible client physical disabilities or serious health conditions before you visit a home to conduct an audit?

a. yes

b. no

43. How much informal energy education involving the client, in addition to any formal energy education you must conduct, goes on during the usual audit?

a. a great deal

b. some

c. little

d. none

44. In what percentage of homes do you directly interact with the client’s extended family during your audit?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

45. In what percentage of homes do you directly interact with the client’s neighbors during your audit?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

46. How much informal energy education, in addition to any formal energy education you must conduct, goes on during the usual audit involving the extended family and/or neighbors if they are present during an audit?

a. a great deal

b. some

c. little

d. none

47. What percentage of homes do you feel unsafe entering to do audits?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

47a. What situations typically make you feel unsafe? ____________

Go to Question 77.

Crew Chief Questions

48. How much of a hindrance are the following to your ability to carry out your crew chief responsibilities?

Extremely Great

Very Great



None at all

a. language barriers with crew

b. lack of training of crew members

c. crew tardiness

d. interpersonal problems amongst crew members

e. getting crews to finish jobs on time and within budget

49. In what share of homes do you encounter situations where installation of measures requires solutions that go beyond standard best practices?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

49a. Please describe the last instance you faced that went beyond best practices and how you and your crew solved the problem. _________________________

50. How frequently do you need to seek clarification or interpret instructions from auditors contained in the job orders?

a. all the time

b. very often

c. often

d. seldom

e. never

51. In what percentage of weatherization jobs does your crew install measures not originally contained in the job orders?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

51a. What measures typically get added? ___________________

52. In what percentage of weatherization jobs does your crew not install measures that were originally contained in the job orders?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

52a. What measures typically get dropped? _______________________

53. How much influence does the client usually have on the final set of measures installed in the home?

a. total influence

b. a great deal of influence

c. some influence

d. little influence

e. no influence

54. In what percentage of homes do you encounter language barriers with clients?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

55. What do you do when you encounter a language barrier with clients?____________

56. What are the most frequently asked questions you get from clients? _____________

57. In what percentage of homes do you encounter difficult clients?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

57a. What do you do when you encounter a difficult client? _____________________

58. Is it standard practice for your local agency to provide you with information about possible client physical disabilities or serious health conditions before you visit a home to install measures?

a. yes

b. no

59. How much informal energy education involving the client, in addition to any formal energy education you must conduct, goes on during the usual weatherization job?

a. a great deal

b. some

c. little

d. none

60. In what percentage of homes do you directly interact with the client’s extended family during weatherization jobs?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

61. In what percentage of homes do you directly interact with the client’s neighbors during weatherization jobs?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

62. How much informal energy education, in addition to any formal energy education you must conduct, goes on during the usual weatherization job involving the extended family and/or neighbors if they are present during the job?

a. a great deal

b. some

c. little

d. none

63. What percentage of homes do you feel unsafe entering to do weatherization jobs?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

63a. What situations typically make you feel unsafe? ____________

Go to Question 71.

Crew Member Questions

64. How much of a hindrance are any language barriers with those on your crew in carrying out your job responsibilities?

a. extremely great

b. very great

c. great

d. some

e. none at all

65. How much informal energy education involving the client, in addition to any formal energy education you must conduct, goes on during the usual weatherization job?

a. a great deal

b. some

c. little

d. none

66. What are the most frequently asked questions you get from clients? _____________

67. In what percentage of homes do you directly interact with the client’s extended family during weatherization jobs?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

68. In what percentage of homes do you directly interact with the client’s neighbors during weatherization jobs?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

69. How much informal energy education, in addition to any formal energy education you must conduct, goes on during the usual weatherization job involving the extended family and/or neighbors if they are present during the job?

a. a great deal

b. some

c. little

d. none

70. What percentage of homes do you feel unsafe entering to do weatherization jobs?

a. 0%

b. 1-5%

c. 6-10%

c. 11-25%

d. 26-50%

e. 51-75%

f. 76-100%

70a. What situations typically make you feel unsafe? ____________

Crew Chiefs and Crew Members

71. Please indicate your level of agreement/disagreement with the following statement: “As a tem, my crew has sufficient knowledge to perform all the weatherization tasks we need to complete.”

    1. Strongly agree

    2. Agree

    3. Neither agree nor disagree

    4. Disagree

    5. Strongly disagree

    6. Not part of a crew (go to Question 76)

72. How frequently does the crew work on the weatherization measures listed below?

Very frequently



Very infrequently

Not at all

  1. Insulation

  1. Space heating, ventilation and air conditioning

  1. Infiltration/air sealing

  1. Door and window installation/repair

  1. Hot water heating

  1. Base loads (lighting, refrigerators)

73. How frequently does the crew encounter the health and safety issues listed below?

Very frequently



Very infrequently

Not at all

  1. Mold and mildew

  1. Lead

  1. Asbestos

  1. Vermiculite

  1. General crew safety issues

74. How frequently does the crew work on the dwelling types listed below?

Very frequently



Very infrequently

Not at all

  1. Single family homes

  1. Multifamily homes

  1. Mobile homes

75.How would you rate the quality of the work performed by the crew in the areas listed below?


Very Good



Very Poor

Not applicable

  1. Insulation

  1. Space heating, ventilation and air conditioning

  1. Infiltration/air sealing

  1. Door and window installation/repair

  1. Hot water heating

  1. Base loads (lighting, refrigerators)

  1. Mold and mildew

  1. Lead

  1. Asbestos

  1. Vermiculite

  1. General crew safety

  1. On a scale from 1 to 5, where a 1 means “does not need more training” and a 5 means “a great deal of more training is needed,” please rate the training needs of the crew in the areas listed below.

Crew does not need more training

Crew could benefit greatly from more training






  1. Insulation

  1. Space heating, ventilation and air conditioning

  1. Infiltration/air sealing

  1. Door and window installation/repair

  1. Hot water heating

  1. Base loads (lighting, refrigerators)

  1. Mold and mildew

  1. Lead

  1. Asbestos

  1. Vermiculite

  1. General crew safety

All Respondents

  1. What is your age? ___________

  1. What is your gender?

    1. Male

    2. Female

  1. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree
    you have received? (Select best option)

  1. Did not attend high school

  2. Some high school but no diploma

  3. High school diploma or the equivalent (For example: GED)

  4. Some college but no degree

  5. Associate degree in college occupational/vocational or academic program

  6. Bachelor's degree

  7. Advanced college degree

  1. Please indicate your race and ethnicity. (Select all that apply)

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. Asian

  3. Black or African American

  4. Hispanic or Latino

  5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  6. White

  1. Is English your native language?

  1. Yes (go to Question 83)

  2. No

82. What is your native language? _________________

83. What languages can you speak conversantly? _____________________

For Crew Members, End Now.

For Auditors

Please provide the names and contact information for the crew chiefs for the last six completed weatherization jobs that you audited.

Crew Chief Name

Crew Chief Phone Number

Crew Chief Email

For Crew Chiefs

Please provide the names and contact information for the crew members for the last weatherization job that your crew completed.

Crew Member Name

Crew Member Phone Number

Crew Member Email

Part II. Weatherization Training Centers

Introduction: Thank you for agreeing to complete this survey. It is being conducted as part of the national evaluation of the Weatherization Assistance Program. In the first part of the survey, you are asked questions about your just completed training. In the second part of the survey, questions focus on your current employment status and employment plans. The survey concludes with a small number of demographic questions. All of the information that we obtain from this survey will remain confidential and will be analyzed in such a way that your answers cannot be associated with your name. Your answers will not be shared with or reported back to anyone within your agency or state.

The next several questions pertain to the training you just completed.

1. What training did you just complete?

2. What is the name of the training center where you are?

3. How did you hear about this training opportunity? (check all that apply)

a. From Employer

b. From Colleagues

c. From School Administrator/Teacher

d. From the Internet

f. From a Brochure

g. From an Advertisement in a Magazine/Trade Publication

h. From the News

i. Other __________

4. How satisfactory are you with the following?

Very satisfactory


Neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory


Very unsatisfactory

Not Applicable

a. Relevance of Training Content

b. Technical Quality of Training Content

c. Knowledge of the Instructor(s)

d. Teaching Ability of the Instructor(s)

e. Classroom

f. Location of the Training Center

g. In the field training

h. Access to demonstration equipment

i. Length of the Training

j. Overall Training Experience

k. Focus on renewable energy

l. Focus on innovation techniques

These next questions pertain to your employment status and experiences.

5. Are you currently…?

  1. Employed for wages

  2. Self-employed

  3. Out of work for more than 1 year (SKIP to Q49)

  4. Out of work for less than 1 year (SKIP to Q49)

  5. A Homemaker (SKIP to Q54)

  6. A Student (SKIP to Q51)

  7. Retired (SKIP to Q54)

  8. Unable to work (SKIP to Q54)

  9. Refused (SKIP to Q54)

6. Are you employed full-time or part-time?

  1. Full-time

  2. Part-time

  3. Don’t Know/Not Sure

  4. Refused

7. How many employers do you have?

    1. One

    2. Two

    3. More than two

8. How many hours per week do you usually work at all of your jobs?

Enter ______ hrs

9. Do you currently work for a local agency that conducts low-income weatherization or a private contractor that performs low-income weatherization?

a. Yes

b. No (Go to Q35)

  1. For whom do you work?

    1. Local weatherization agency

    2. Private weatherization contractor

    3. Other _______________

  1. What is your primary weatherization job title?

    1. Administrator

    2. Auditor

    3. Inspector

    4. Crew leader/foreman

    5. Crew member

    6. Day laborer

    7. Other ___________

  1. How long have you been working for your current weatherization employer? ________ (Years) __________ (months)

  1. How long have you been working in low-income weatherization? _________ (Years) __________ (months)

  1. How many hours per week do you usually work at all of your jobs?

Enter ______ hrs

  1. Do you have health insurance?

    1. Yes

    2. No (go to Question 17)

16. Who provides your health insurance?

a. Your current weatherization employer

b. A non-weatherization employer

c. Your state

d. You purchase your own insurance

e. You have insurance through a family member

f. Other ____________________

  1. What is your annual income?

income range

weatherization job

all jobs


$10,001 - $15,000

$15,001 - $20,000

$20,001 - $25,000

$25,001 - $30,000

$30,001 - $40,000

$40,001 - $50,000

$50,001 - $75,000

$75,001 and over

  1. How likely would it be that you would be unemployed if you did not have a job with your current weatherization employer?

    1. Very likely

    2. Likely

    3. Neither likely or unlikely

    4. Unlikely

    5. Very unlikely

  1. How satisfactory are these aspects of your job weatherizing low-income homes?

Very satisfactory


Neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory


Very unsatisfactory

  1. Pay

  1. Health benefits

  1. Steady work

  1. Boss/supervisor(s)

  1. Co-workers

  1. Interactions with clients

  1. Flexibility of work schedule

  1. Dress code

  1. Paid time off policy

  1. Retirement benefits

  1. Job safety

  1. Do you view your current employment in low-income weatherization as a career or just another job?

  1. Definitely a career

  2. Mostly a career

  3. Mostly just a job

  4. Definitely just a job

  1. What share of the weatherization skills you apply in your job did you learn...



A Lot

Most / All

a. prior to entering the weatherization field

b. through on-the-job training & experience

c. formal weatherization training (classes, workshops, etc.)

  1. How much structured weatherization-related ‘on-the-job’ training or mentoring have you had during the past five years?

    1. A great deal

    2. Quite a bit

    3. Some

    4. Not much

    5. None at all

  1. Which of the following types of formal training have you attended in the last five years? (Select all that apply)

    1. National Weatherization Training Conference

    2. Affordable Comfort Conference

    3. Regional weatherization conference

    4. Your state’s weatherization conference

    5. Classroom training at a training center

    6. Classroom training at your agency

    7. Web cast

    8. Other (please specify)_______________________________________

  1. What is the most valuable weatherization training experience you have had in the last five years? ___________________________________________________________________

  1. On which weatherization topics have you received formal training in the past five years? (Select all that apply)

  • Diagnostic testing and assessment procedures

  • Insulation

  • Space heating, ventilation, air conditioning

  • Infiltration/air sealing measures

  • Doors and window installation/repair

  • Hot water heating

  • Base loads (e.g., lighting, refrigerators)

  1. On which topics have you had professional development training in the past five years that could take you to the next level in your weatherization career? (Select all that apply)

    1. Management

    2. Client education

    3. Auditing/estimating for:

      1. single family dwellings

      2. multifamily dwellings

      3. mobile homes

    4. Monitoring/quality control

    5. Financial topics

    6. Outreach and communications

    7. Other (please specify)__________________________

  1. On which health and safety topics have you received training in the past five years? (Select all that apply)

    1. Lead

    2. Indoor air quality

    3. Mold and mildew

    4. Fire safety

    5. Asbestos

    6. General crew safety

    7. Other health and safety (please specify)_______________________

  1. Is there training you think you need in your current job, but have not been able to get?

    1. Yes

    2. No (go to Q31)

29. In what areas do you feel more training would be useful in your current weatherization job? (Select all that apply)

  1. Diagnostic testing and assessment procedures

  2. Insulation for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  3. Space heating, ventilation, air conditioning for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  4. Infiltration/air sealing measures for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  5. Door window installation/repair for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  6. Hot water heating for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  7. Baseloads (e.g., lighting, refrigerators) for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  8. Client education

  9. Auditing/estimating for:

    1. single family dwellings

    2. multifamily dwellings

    3. mobile homes

  10. Monitoring/quality control

  11. Lead

  12. Indoor air quality

  13. Mold and mildew

  14. Fire safety

  15. Asbestos

  16. General crew safety

  17. Other (please specify)_________________________________________

30. What has kept your training needs from being met in the last five years? (Select all that apply)

  1. Lack of training funds

  2. Not senior enough

  3. Training not available at the right times

  4. Training not available at the right places

  5. Available training is poor in quality

  6. Not aware of training opportunities that meet training needs

  7. Haven’t asked for the training

  8. I have to pay for my own training

  9. Don’t know

  10. None of these

  11. Other (please specify) ________________________________

31. What national professional certifications do you have? (Select all that apply)

a. BPI Building Analyst

b. BPI Envelope

c. BPI Residential Building Envelope Accessible Areas Air Leakage Control Installer

d. Residential Building Envelope Whole House Air Leakage Control Crew Chief

e. BPI Manufactured Housing

f. BPI Heating

g. BPI Air Conditioning and Heat Pump

h. BPI Multifamily



k. Lead Safe Weatherization

l. Lead Certified Renovator

m. NAHB Green Building

32. What other certification do you have? (Please fill in the table below as appropriate)

Organization providing certification

Subject of certification

33. Have you gained training and/or experience from your current low-income weatherization job that could be useful if you had to find a new job?

    1. Yes

    2. No (skip Q34)

34. How useful could your training and/or experience from your current weatherization job be for a job in these fields and job types?

Extremely Useful

Very Useful


Not Very Useful

Not at all Useful

a. Low-income residential weatherization

b. Non-low-income residential weatherization

c. General residential construction

d. General commercial and industrial retrofit

e. Supervisory positions

f. Running your own business

(Go to Q54)

35. Please choose the description that best describes your current primary employer:

a. Private sector contractor (Choose if you are self-employed in this field)

b. Local government

c. State government

d. Federal government

e. Non-profit organization

f. Other type of for-profit firm

g. Other ______________

36. How long have you been working for your current primary employer?

________ (Years) __________ (months)

37. Please choose the description that best describes your current job.

a. Owner

b. Manager

c. Field crew chief

d. Crew Member

e. Auditor

f. Inspector

g. Other __________________

38. How long have you had your current job title?

_______________ (Years) __________ (months)

39. Do you have health insurance?

    1. Yes

    2. No (go to Question 41)

40. Who provides your health insurance?

a. Your current primary employer

b. Your state

c. You purchase your own insurance

d. You have insurance through a family member

e. Other ____________________

41. What is your annual income from your primary job?

  1. $0-$10,000

  2. $10,001 - $15,000

  3. $15,001 - $20,000

  4. $20,001 - $25,000

  5. $25,001 - $30,000

  6. $30,001 - $40,000

  7. $40,001 - $50,000

  8. $50,001 - $75,000

  9. $75,001 and over

42. How satisfactory are these aspects of your job primary job?

Very satisfactory


Neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory


Very unsatisfactory

  1. Pay

  1. Health benefits

  1. Steady work

  1. Boss/supervisor(s)

  1. Co-workers

  1. Interactions with clients

  1. Flexibility of work schedule

  1. Dress code

  1. Paid time off policy

  1. Retirement benefits

  1. Job safety

43. How many different employers of all kinds have you had in the last five years? _________

44. How likely would it be that you would be unemployed if you did not have a job with your current primary employer?

  1. Very likely

  2. Likely

  3. Neither likely or unlikely

  4. Unlikely

  5. Very unlikely

45. Do you view your current employment as a career or just another job?

  1. Definitely a career

  2. Mostly a career

  3. Mostly just a job

  4. Definitely just a job

46. Please choose the description that best describes your career-related plans for the next two years.

a. Plan to stay with current primary employer

b. Plan to find another job in same field

c. Plan to find a job in another field

d. Plan to start own company

e. Plan to go back to school

f. Plan to retire

g. Other ________________

47. What national professional certifications do you have? (Select all that apply)

a. BPI Building Analyst

b. BPI Envelope

c. BPI Residential Building Envelope Accessible Areas Air Leakage Control Installer

d. Residential Building Envelope Whole House Air Leakage Control Crew Chief

e. BPI Manufactured Housing

f. BPI Heating

g. BPI Air Conditioning and Heat Pump

h. BPI Multifamily



k. Lead Safe Weatherization

l. Lead Certified Renovator

m. NAHB Green Building

48. What other certification do you have? (Please fill in the table below as appropriate)

Organization providing certification

Subject of certification

(Go to Q54)

49. {IF ANSWERED (3) or (4) to Q5} Have you looked for work during the last 4 weeks?

(1) Yes (Go to Q51)

(2) No

  1. Don’t Know/Not Sure

  2. Refused

50. {IF ANSWERED (2) or (3) to Q49} What is the main reason you were not looking for work during the LAST 4 WEEKS? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

(1) Believes no work available in line of work or area
(2) Couldn't find any work
(3) Lacks necessary schooling, training, skills or experience
(4) Employers think too young or too old
(5) Other types of discrimination
(6) Can't arrange child care
(7) Family responsibilities
(8) In school or other training
(9) Ill health, physical disability
(10) Transportation problems
(11) Other

  1. Don’t Know/Not Sure

(13) Refused

(Go to Q54)

51. Please choose the best description of your current educational status.

a. Enrolled in high school

b. Enrolled in community college

c. Enrolled in 4-year university or college

d. Enrolled in graduate school

e. Other ________________

52. Did you take the just completed training to satisfy any course requirements?

a. Yes

b. No

53. Were you required to take the just completed training as part of your participation in a community-based social program (e.g., Teens at Risk)?

a. Yes

b. No

All Respondents

  1. What is your age? ___________

  1. What is your gender?

  1. Male

  2. Female

  1. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree
    you have received? (Select best option)

  1. Did not attend high school

  2. Some high school but no diploma

  3. High school diploma or the equivalent (For example: GED)

  4. Some college but no degree

  5. Associate degree in college occupational/vocational or academic program

  6. Bachelor's degree

  7. Advanced college degree

  1. Please indicate your race and ethnicity. (Select all that apply)

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. Asian

  3. Black or African American

  4. Hispanic or Latino

  5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  6. White

  1. Is English your native language?

  1. Yes (go to Question 60)

  2. No

59. What is your native language? _________________

60. What languages can you speak conversantly? _____________________

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorClaire Cowan
Last Modified ByPreferred Customer
File Modified2010-09-18
File Created2010-08-24

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