Form ETA-9153 High Growth and Emerging Industries (HGEI) Report Format

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) High Growth and Emerging Industries (HGEI) Grants Information Collection

ARRA HGEI Report Format_ETA 9153 Form_FINAL_8.19.10.xls

Training Grantees Only: Quarterly Performance Report

OMB: 1205-0478

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Form ETA-9153



OMB No. 1205-0478

Expires: 10/31/2010


1. Grantee Name: 2. Grant Number:

3. Program/Project Name: 4. Industry:

5. Other Industry:

7. Report Quarter End Date:

6. Grantee Address

City ________________________________

State ______ Zip Code __________

Performance Items Previous Quarter
Current Quarter
Cumulative Grant-to-Date


1. Total Exiters

2. Total Participants Served

3. New Participants Served

Gender 3a.i Male

3a.ii Female

Ethnicity / Race 3b. Hispanic/Latino

3c.i American Indian or Alaska Native

3c.ii Asian

3c.iii Black or African American

3c.iv Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

3c.v White

 More Than One Race

Education Level 3d.i 8th grade and under

3d.ii 9th grade - 12th grade

3d.iii High School graduate or equivalent

3d.iv 1 - 4 years or more of college, or full-time technical or vocational school

3d.v Associate's Degree

 Bachelor's Degree

Age 3e.i Participants Younger Than 18

3e.ii 18 - 24

3e.iii 25 - 34

3e.iv 35 - 44

3e.v 45 - 54

 55 or older

Other Demographics 3f. Eligible Veterans

3g. Limited English Proficiency

3h. Persons with a Disability

3i. Unemployed Individuals

3j. Dislocated Workers

3k. Incumbent Workers

3l. Workers Impacted by National Energy and Environmental Policy

3m. Individuals in Need of Updated Training Related to the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Industries

3n. Individuals Seeking Employment Pathways Out of Poverty and into Self-Sufficiency

3o. Individuals with a Criminal Record

3p. High School Dropouts

3q. Disadvantaged Workers within Areas of High Poverty

3r. Individuals Impacted by Automotive-related Restructuring


1. Began Receiving Education or Job Training Activities 1. Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities

Industry Code 1a.(1) NAICS Sector 11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting

(2) NAICS Sector 21 - Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

(3) NAICS Sector 22 - Utilities

(4) NAICS Sector 23 - Construction

(5) NAICS Sectors 31-33 -- Manufacturing

(6) NAICS Sector 42 - Wholesale Trade

(7) NAICS Sectors 44-45 -- Retail Trade

(8) NAICS Sectors 48-49 -- Transportation & Warehousing

(9) NAICS Sector 51 - Information

(10) NAICS Sector 52 - Finance & Insurance

(11) NAICS Sector 53 - Real Estate Rental & Leasing

(12) NAICS Sector 54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

(13) NAICS Sector 55 - Management of Companies & Enterprises

(14) NAICS Sector 56 - Administrative & Support and Waste Management & Remediation Services

(15) NAICS Sector 61 - Educational Services

(16) NAICS Sector 62 - Health Care & Social Assistance

(17) NAICS Sector 71 - Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation

(18) NAICS Sector 72 - Accommodation and Food Services

(19)NAICS Sector 81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)

(20) NAICS Sector 92 - Public Administration

Green Industry Sector 1a.i(1) Energy-Efficient Building, Construction, and Retrofit

(2) Renewable Electric Power

(3) Energy Efficient and Advanced Drive Train Vehicle

(4) Biofuels

(5) Deconstruction and Materials Use

(6) Energy Efficiency Assessment (serving residential, commercial, or industrial sectors)

(7) Manufacturers that produce sustainable products (using environmentally sustainable processes and materials)

(8) Other Green Industries

1b. Participated in On-the-job Training Activities

1c. Participated in Registered Apprenticeship Activities

1d. Participated in Pre-apprenticeship Activities

1e. Participated in Classroom Training Activities

2. Participated in Basic Skills Training

3. Received Assessment Services

4. Received Case Management Services

5. Received Retention and Follow-up Services

6. Received Supportive Services


Leading Indicators of Performance

1. Number Completed Education/Job Training Activities

1a. Number Received Credential

(1) Certificate

(2) Associate's Degree

(3) Bachelor's Degree

(4) Other Degree

(5) Other Credential

1b. Total Credentials Received

1c. Number Entered Employment

1c.i Number Entered Training-Related Employment

Industry Code 1c.ia (1) NAICS Sector 11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting

(2) NAICS Sector 21 - Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

(3) NAICS Sector 22 - Utilities

(4) NAICS Sector 23 - Construction

(5) NAICS Sectors 31-33 -- Manufacturing

(6) NAICS Sector 42 - Wholesale Trade

(7) NAICS Sectors 44-45 -- Retail Trade

(8) NAICS Sectors 48-49 -- Transportation & Warehousing

(9) NAICS Sector 51 - Information

(10) NAICS Sector 52 - Finance & Insurance

(11) NAICS Sector 53 - Real Estate Rental & Leasing

(12) NAICS Sector 54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

(13) NAICS Sector 55 - Management of Companies & Enterprises

(14) NAICS Sector 56 - Administrative & Support and Waste Management & Remediation Services

(15) NAICS Sector 61 - Educational Services

(16) NAICS Sector 62 - Health Care & Social Assistance

(17) NAICS Sector 71 - Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation

(18) NAICS Sector 72 - Accommodation and Food Services

(19)NAICS Sector 81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)

(20) NAICS Sector 92 - Public Administration

Green Industry Sector 1c.iai (1) Energy-Efficient Building, Construction, and Retrofit

(2) Renewable Electric Power

(3) Energy Efficient and Advanced Drive Train Vehicle

(4) Biofuels

(5) Deconstruction and Materials Use

(6) Energy Efficiency Assessment (serving residential, commercial, or industrial sectors)

(7) Manufacturers that produce sustainable products (using environmentally sustainable processes and materials)

(8) Other Green Industries

1c.ii Employment Retention


1. Entered Employment Rate

2. Employment Retention

3. Average Earnings


1. Report Comments/Narrative:

2. Name of Grantee Certifying Official:

3. Telephone Number:

4. Email:

Public Burden Statement: Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information, which is required to obtain or retain benefits (Pl 106-107, Sec 8), is estimated to average 16 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This is public information and there is no expectation of confidentiality. The reason for the collection of information is general program oversight, evaluation and performance assessment. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, ETA, Rm N-4643, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.

File Typeapplication/
Last Modified Bybaird.megan
File Modified2010-08-19
File Created2004-12-26

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