MilCohort Deployment Reliability Dec07 Ann Epi

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Prospective Studies of US Military Forces: The Millennium Cohort Study

MilCohort Deployment Reliability Dec07 Ann Epi

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U.S. Military Deployment During 2001–2006: Comparison of Subjective
and Objective Data Sources in a Large Prospective Health Study

PURPOSE: Studies researching service members’ health after deployment have relied on self-reported deployment history, although validity of these data remains unknown. This study compared self-reported and
electronic deployment data and explored differences in functional health.
METHODS: Self-reported and military deployment data were compared for more than 51,000 participants enrolled in the Millennium Cohort Study (2004–2006). Kappa statistics were used to measure agreement. Analysis of variance was used to assess functional health, as measured by the Medical Outcomes
Study Short Form 36-Item Health Survey for Veterans (SF-36V).
RESULTS: Of 51,741 participants who completed the initial deployment question, objective records and
self-report agreed in 47,355 (92%). Agreement was substantial for deployment status, frequency, and number of deployments (kappa Z 0.81, 0.71, and 0.61, respectively). Deployment start dates agreed within 1
month for 82% of participants confirmed as deployed once. Participants’ Mental and Physical Component
Summary scores from the SF-36V did not differ by agreement level.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate substantial agreement between self-reported and objective deployment information and no clinically meaningful differences in functional health for the small proportion
with inconsistent deployment information. These findings should be reassuring to investigators who examine military deployment as a determinant of future health.
Ann Epidemiol 2007;17:976–982. Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Health Status, Health Surveys, Military Medicine, Military Personnel, Veterans.

Every major and minor military conflict has historically
been accompanied by a research effort to investigate exposures that may have compromised service members’ health.
The current U.S. military engagements in Afghanistan and
Iraq are no exception. Research in the remote past has been
based primarily on self-reported deployment data (1–4).
Much of the research after the 1991 Gulf War, however,
used electronically maintained personnel deployment data
created from combat zone pay files and service branch reporting. Anecdotes from some personnel attesting to be deployed but not indicated as such in electronic personnel
records, as well as a small number who deny deployment despite objective records, have added to the general belief that
1991 Gulf War electronically maintained deployment data
From the Department of Defense Center for Deployment Health Research, Naval Health Research Center (B.S., M.A.K.R.); Department of
Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego
(B.S., D.L.W., M.A.K.R.); Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego
State University (C.A.M., D.J.S.); and Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego (T.L.P.), San Diego, CA.
Address correspondence to: Besa Smith, DoD Center for Deployment
Health Research, Naval Health Research Center, P.O. Box 85122, San
Diego, CA 92186-5122. Tel.: 619-553-7603; fax: 619-553-7601. E-mail:
[email protected].
Received March 10, 2007; accepted July 21, 2007.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010

are approximately 95% accurate (4). After the attacks of
September 11, 2001, military deployment information was
restricted for reasons of security, putting some research
efforts on hold and compelling investigators to turn to
self-reported deployment histories. Little is known regarding
the validity of these data, and no large-scale attempt to measure the accuracy of these data has been reported.
Understanding the strengths and limitations of selfreported deployment history and Department of Defense
(DoD) electronically maintained deployment data are important to researchers investigating service members’ health
after their deployment. The purpose of this study was to conduct a large population-based comparison of self-reported
deployment data from the Millennium Cohort Study with
DoD electronic deployment data. The latter have recently
become available to researchers investigating deployment
health-related issues. Additionally, baseline measures of
functional health, by level of agreement on deployment history, are described.

The Millennium Cohort Study
The Millennium Cohort Study, launched in 2001, is the
largest longitudinal study ever undertaken by the DoD.
1047-2797/07/$–see front matter

AEP Vol. 17, No. 12
December 2007: 976–982

Selected Abbreviations and Acronyms
DoD Z Department of Defense
SF-36V Z Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-Item Health Survey
for Veterans
MCS Z Mental Component Summary
PCS Z Physical Component Summary
DMDC Z Department of Defense Manpower Data Center

The purpose of the study is to evaluate risk factors related to
military service that may be associated with long-term
health outcomes. A detailed description of the methodology
of this study has been reported elsewhere (5, 6). In brief, invited participants were from a stratified random sample of
the 2 million U.S. military personnel serving on active
duty or in the Reserves or National Guard in October
2000. Women, those with past deployment experience,
and members of the Reserve or National Guard were oversampled. There were 77,047 members who completed a baseline questionnaire between 2001 and 2003. The current
study used a subset of the 55,021 participants who completed
the first follow-up questionnaire between 2004 and 2006 in
addition to their baseline questionnaire between 2001 and
The Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-Item
Health Survey for Veterans (SF-36V) is a standardized
instrument contained within the Millennium Cohort questionnaire. The SF-36V uses standardized scoring algorithms
to assess eight scales of health: physical functioning, role
limitations caused by physical problems, bodily pain, general
health, vitality, social functioning, role limitations caused
by emotional problems, and mental health (7–11). If at least
half of the questions in a scale were answered, the mean of
the score for the complete portion of that scale was used
to impute values for the missing questions. Participant
responses to questions comprising these eight scales were
further condensed into two measures: the Mental Component Summary (MCS) and the Physical Component
Summary (PCS) scores. Lower scores correspond to lower
levels of health or functioning. The instrument has been
found to have high internal consistency in a military population (12). The MCS and PCS scores were used to assess
functional health in the present study.
Deployment questions were added to the Millennium
Cohort instrument, beginning with questionnaires administered from 2004 through 2006. The initial deployment history question asks ‘‘Over the past 3 years, did you receive
imminent danger pay, hardship duty pay, or combat zone
tax exclusion benefits for deployment to any of the regions
listed below?’’ (17 countries and 5 sea regions, plus fill-in options for regions not listed). Participants also were asked to
specify for each location (up to five) the month and year
they arrived and departed. To ascertain whether the participant was deployed in excess of five times during the past 3

Smith et al.


years, participants are asked ‘‘In the past 3 years, have you
been to more regions where you received imminent danger
pay, hardship duty pay, or combat zone tax exclusion benefits than fit into the space allowed above?’’
Participants were defined as deployed or not deployed if
they responded ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no,’’ respectively, to the initial deployment question. Participants defined as having deployed
only once completed only one section on the questionnaire
for location and deployment dates. Those defined as having
deployed more than once completed more than one section
for location and deployment dates or responded yes to the
question asking if they deployed more than five times over
the past 3 years. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Naval Health Research
Center (San Diego, CA).
Defense Manpower Data Center
The Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) maintains
a database for all deployments. Service members are identified as having deployed by being reported directly from personnel offices of the service branches or based on having
received imminent danger pay, hardship duty pay, or combat
zone tax exclusion benefits. DoD deployment data include
country location code, and start and end dates for each
Deployment data from DMDC were used to create multiple measures of deployment similar to deployment variables
created from Millennium Cohort data. Participants defined
as not deployed had no deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan
on record up to the submission date of the follow-up questionnaire. Participants defined as having deployed once
had no more than one deployment on record before submission of the follow-up questionnaire, and those defined as
having multiple deployments had more than one deployment on record with DMDC, with the second deployment
beginning before submission of the follow-up questionnaire.
Demographic and occupational data obtained from
DMDC included sex, date of birth, education (high school
or less, some college/bachelor’s degree, advanced degree),
marital status (never married, married, no longer married),
race and ethnicity combined (white non-Hispanic, black
non-Hispanic, other), pay grade (enlisted, officer), service
component (active duty, Reserve/Guard), service branch
(Army, Air Force, Navy/Coast Guard, Marine Corps), and
primary occupational specialty (10 major groups, defined
by the DoD Occupational Conversion Manual) (13). All demographics reflect status as of follow-up survey submission.
Statistical Analyses
The study population includes all participants who completed the initial yes/no deployment question on the follow-up questionnaire. Agreement between the electronic


Smith et al.

deployment data and the self-reported deployment history
on the questionnaire were separated into four categories:
participants who self-reported being deployed with confirmation from the electronic data, participants who selfreported being deployed with no electronic data confirmation, participants who self-reported not being deployed
but electronic data show at least one deployment, and
participants with no evidence of deployment in either
subjective or objective data.
The kappa statistic was used to assess the level of agreement between electronic deployment data and self-reported
deployment history (14). Defined agreement levels were
‘‘greater than substantial’’ when kappa (k) was between
0.8 and 1.0, ‘‘substantial’’ (k Z 0.6–0.8), ‘‘moderate’’
(k Z 0.4–0.6), ‘‘fair’’ (k Z 0.2–0.4), and ‘‘slight or poor’’
(k Z 0.0–0.2) (15). A weighted kappa statistic was used
to investigate the agreement between data sources for number of deployments. To investigate agreement of deployment dates, only participants identified by both data
sources as having deployed were evaluated. Because neither
self-report nor electronic deployment data could be considered the gold standard, sensitivity and specificity measures
were not calculated.
Agreement between deployment start dates was categorized as follows: within 1 month, within 1–3 months, and
greater than 3 months. Only deployment start dates were
compared since some participants were still on deployment
when they submitted their questionnaire.
Univariate analyses, including t tests, were used to assess
the significance of unadjusted associations between deployment agreement and functional health. Basic models were fit
with and without weights to account for oversampling. An
exploratory analysis was conducted to examine regression
diagnostics, significant associations, and possible confounding, while simultaneously adjusting for other variables in the
model. A manual backward elimination approach was used
to investigate confounding. Variables that were not significant at alpha Z 0.05 but upon removal distorted the
measure of effect by more than 15%, were retained in subsequent modeling. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate
the association between functional status and deployment
agreement for the MCS, and the PCS. All data analyses
were completed using SAS software, version 9.1.3 (SAS
Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).

There were 55,021 participants who filled out a follow-up
questionnaire between 2004 and 2006. Those who did not
complete the initial deployment question (n Z 3062), or
did not have complete demographic data (n Z 214) were
excluded from the current study, leaving 51,745 available

AEP Vol. 17, No. 12
December 2007: 976–982

TABLE 1. Agreement on deployment between self-reported
deployment and electronic records for Millennium Cohort
participants 2004–2006
n (% of sample)
Deployment status (n Z 51,745)
Records agree, not deployed
Records agree, deployed
Records disagree
Deployment frequency (n Z 51,582)
Records agree, not deployed
Records agree, deployed onceb
Records agree, deployed
more than onceb
Records disagree
Deployment start date, deployed
once (n Z 7,251)
Records agree within 1 month
Records agree within 1 to 3 months
Records discrepant by greater
than 3 months


32,366 (62.6)
15,081 (29.1)
4,298 (8.3)
32,366 (62.8)
7,608 (14.8)
3,109 (6.0)
8,499 (16.5)

5,976 (82.4)
481 (6.6)
794 (11.0)


Weighted kappa statistic.
Deployment frequency in the 3 years before survey submission.


for the deployment status analysis. Objective records and
self-reported deployment were in 92% agreement (n Z
47,447) (Table 1). Most agreed they had not deployed before survey submission (n Z 32,366, 62.6%), whereas
15,081 agreed they had deployed (29.1%). The remaining
4298 participants (8.3%) self-reported deployment inconsistent with electronic records. There were 3199 participants whose self-reported deployment was not confirmed
electronically (6.2%), and 1099 whose electronic deployment could not be confirmed by self-reported data (2.1%).
Agreement between electronic and self-reported deployment data was greater than substantial (k Z 0.81).
Self-reported number of deployments was also compared
with electronic records (Table 1). There were 163 participants removed from the analysis who self-reported they deployed but did not complete the section for number of
deployments. Of the remaining available for analysis (n Z
51,582), most agreed with respect to deployment frequency
(n Z 43,083, 83.5%), whereas 8499 participants (16.5%)
self-reported their deployment frequency differently than
was reflected within electronic records. Agreement between
the two data sources for deployment frequency was substantial (weighted k Z 0.72). Number of deployments, ranging
from 0 to 6 or more, was also compared, for which agreement
was moderate (weighted k Z 0.57; data not shown).
Deployment start dates were compared between selfreport and electronic data sources. Participants who selfreported a deployment beginning prior to the conception
of the electronic deployment database (n Z 851), or who
self-reported that they deployed but did not provide any
dates (n Z 446) were removed from the date comparison.

AEP Vol. 17, No. 12
December 2007: 976–982

For those individuals whose self-reported and electronic information agreed they had deployed only once (n Z 7,251),
82% had deployment start dates agree within 1 month of
each other (Table 1). There were 794 individuals whose
self-reported deployment start date disagreed with the date
in the electronic files by more than 3 months (11.0%). For
those whose records agreed they deployed more than once
(n Z 2698), 50% of participants reported every deployment
start date (up to five deployments) within 1 month of dates
on file with DMDC (data not shown).
Characteristics of participants were described by level of
agreement between self-report and electronic deployment
records (Table 2). A greater proportion of those who selfreported deployment that could not be confirmed by electronic records were male, active duty, Army, and combat
specialists. Those whose electronic deployment was not
confirmed by self-report were proportionately more likely
to be enlisted, active duty, Air Force, specialists in electrical
and mechanical repair, and have less than a high-school
Adjusted models were fit with and without weights to account for oversampling in the SF-36V analyses. However, no
discernible differences were found, therefore non-weighted
analyses are presented. Participants whose summary score
could not be calculated due to insufficient questionnaire
responses were removed (n Z 834).
MCS scores ranged from 51.8 for confirmed deployers to
52.5 for those who had evidence of deployment in electronic
records but did not self-report being deployed (Table 3). On
average, the MCS score for confirmed deployers (mean Z
51.8) was lower than that for confirmed nondeployers
(mean Z 52.0) and those who had evidence of deployment
in electronic records but did not self-report being deployed
(mean Z 52.5).
PCS scores ranged from 53.7 for those whose self-report
of deployment was not confirmed by deployment records,
to 54.8 for those who had evidence of deployment in electronic records but did not self-report being deployed (Table
3). All pairwise comparisons were statistically different from
each other. The exception was the mean PCS for confirmed
nondeployers (mean Z 53.8) was not significantly different
from that of self-reported deployers whose data could not be
confirmed by electronic records (mean Z 53.7). All differences in MCS and PCS scores by agreement group, although
statistically different, were extremely small.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, deployment data maintained by the service branches and the
DoD were temporarily restricted for national security reasons. Investigators turned to deployment histories obtained

Smith et al.


through interview and self-administered questionnaires (1–
4), although how well these data sources compare has not
been established. Once military electronic records became
available again, the current study sought to quantify similarities and differences between self-reported subjective and
electronic objective information on deployment.
Data sources were remarkably consistent in identifying
deployment. The electronic deployment data source confirmed no deployment for 97% of those who self-reported
that they did not deploy, and confirmed deployment for
82% of those who self-reported that they did deploy (k Z
0.81). Agreement was slightly lower, but still substantial
(k Z 0.71) for deployment frequency. For those who selfreported that they deployed only once, 70% were confirmed
in the electronic data. Among those who indicated that they
deployed multiple times, only 42% were confirmed in the
electronic data. However, 67% of participants self-reported
the majority their deployment dates (up to five deployments) within 1 month of their deployments on record in
the electronic deployment data. For these reasons, it is believed that the kappa statistic for deployment frequency
could be an underestimation of the true level of agreement.
Incomplete reporting from service branch personnel offices may explain, in part, some of the self-reported deployment data that could not be confirmed electronically.
Similarly, participants traveling for training and other deployment-like missions could have misidentified these as deployments even though they do not fit the hazardous duty
pay criteria. Finally, it is possible that some individuals misrepresent deployment for secondary gain (16), although this
seems less likely to have occurred in a confidential health
survey. Regardless of explanation, very few individuals
self-reported deployment without objective confirmation.
Interestingly, Air Force members were proportionately
more likely to be on file in the military data as having deployed without self-reporting they deployed. It is possible
airmen may be less likely to consider themselves as having
deployed if their missions, while warranting receipt of hazardous and combat duty pay, originate on U.S. soil or other
noncombatant military bases. Individuals may also consider
transitions during deployment as continuous deployments,
whereas the electronic data reflect these transitions as separate deployments. Some service members who have participated in covert operations or other missions perceived as
secret may be unwilling to share deployment information
on the questionnaire, though the electronic database may
identify them as having deployed. Finally, deployment information passed to DMDC based on platoon level rather
than person level could have incorrectly identified whether
an individual actually deployed. As with all disagreement
between data sources, however, the number found to have
objective deployment data without subjective confirmation
was very small.


Smith et al.

AEP Vol. 17, No. 12
December 2007: 976–982

TABLE 2. Characteristics of Millennium Cohort Study participants (2004–2006) by agreement of deployment data sources
Deployment agreementa

Birth year
1980 forward
High school or less
Some college/bachelor’s
Advanced degree
Marital status
Never married
No longer married
White non-Hispanic
Black non-Hispanic
Military pay grade
Service component
Reserve/National Guard
Active duty
Branch of service
Air Force
Navy/Coast Guard
Marine Corps
Occupational category
Combat specialists
Electronic repair
Health care specialists
Other technical
Functional support
Craft workers
Service support
Trainees, others

Study sample
n Z 51,745

Agree not deployedc
n Z 32,366
n (%)

Disagree/ self-report
n Z 3,199
n (%)

Disagree/ electronic
n Z 1,099
n (%)

Agree deployedc
n Z 15,081
n (%)


22,225 (68.7)
10,141 (31.3)

2,639 (82.5)
560 (17.5)

847 (77.1)
252 (22.9)

12,429 (82.4)
2,652 (17.6)


9,388 (29.0)
12,928 (39.9)
8,914 (27.5)
1,136 (3.5)

581 (18.2)
1,392 (43.5)
1,079 (33.7)
147 (4.6)

227 (20.7)
454 (41.3)
363 (33.0)
55 (5.0)

2,446 (16.2)
6,235 (41.3)
5,587 (37.1)
813 (5.4)


13,198 (40.8)
14,028 (43.3)
5,140 (15.9)

1,511 (47.2)
1,196 (37.4)
492 (15.4)

675 (61.4)
357 (32.5)
67 (6.1)

8,506 (56.4)
4,968 (32.9)
1,607 (10.7)


5,429 (16.8)
23,657 (73.1)
3,280 (10.1)

583 (18.2)
2,375 (74.3)
241 (7.5)

201 (18.3)
793 (72.2)
105 (9.5)

2,880 (19.1)
11,118 (73.7)
1,083 (7.2)


23,081 (71.3)
4,199 (13.0)
5,086 (15.7)

2,199 (68.7)
316 (9.9)
684 (21.4)

820 (74.6)
147 (13.4)
132 (12.0)

10,632 (70.5)
1,638 (10.9)
2,811 (18.6)


23,058 (71.2)
9,308 (28.8)

2,165 (67.7)
1,034 (32.3)

931 (84.7)
168 (15.3)

10,873 (72.1)
4,208 (27.9)


18,880 (58.3)
13,486 (41.7)

1,244 (38.9)
1,955 (61.1)

518 (47.1)
581 (52.9)

6,865 (45.5)
8,216 (54.5)


15,551 (48.0)
9,118 (28.2)
6,476 (20.0)
1,221 (3.8)

1,634 (51.1)
759 (23.7)
633 (19.8)
173 (5.4)

153 (13.9)
656 (59.7)
269 (24.5)
21 (1.9)

7,400 (49.1)
5,073 (33.6)
1,960 (13.0)
648 (4.3)


5,311 (16.4)
2,668 (8.2)
2,349 (7.3)
4,426 (13.7)
775 (2.4)
8,415 (26.0)
3,674 (11.3)
831 (2.6)
2,924 (9.0)
993 (3.1)

877 (27.4)
318 (9.9)
331 (10.4)
220 (6.9)
86 (2.7)
572 (17.9)
375 (11.7)
59 (1.8)
276 (8.6)
85 (2.7)

148 (13.5)
115 (10.5)
73 (6.6)
66 (6.0)
24 (2.2)
222 (20.2)
307 (27.9)
45 (4.1)
92 (8.4)
7 (0.6)

3,590 (23.8)
1,398 (9.3)
1,170 (7.8)
1,067 (7.1)
383 (2.5)
2,610 (17.3)
2,432 (16.1)
495 (3.3)
1,721 (11.4)
215 (1.4)


All unadjusted associations between deployment agreement and individual characteristics were statistically significant (p ! 0.01).
Characteristics reflect status as of follow-up survey submission.
Agree not deployed: both self-report and electronic databases reflect no deployment; Disagree/self-report deployment: self-reported deployment but electronic database reflects
no deployment; Disagree/electronic deployment: electronic database reflects deployment but participant self-reported no deployment; Agree deployed: both self-report and electronic databases reflect deployment.


Most demographic characteristics were similar between
the agreement groups, with the largest differences found between confirmed nondeployers and confirmed deployers.
Characteristics proportionately higher in those confirmed
deployed by both sources were similar to expected characteristics of recently deployed populations: male, younger, less

highly educated, never married, active duty, and combat
Mental and physical functioning was also investigated to
determine whether health characteristics differed by level of
agreement. SF-36V MCS and PCS scores are linearly transformed to have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10

AEP Vol. 17, No. 12
December 2007: 976–982

Smith et al.


TABLE 3. Adjusted means of SF-36Va component summary scores among Millennium Cohort participants (2004–2006) by agreement
of deployment data sources
Deployment agreement

Functional health
Mental Component Summary
Physical Component Summary

Study sample
n Z 50,748

Agree not deployedb
n Z 31,879

n Z 3,142

n Z 1,074

Agree deployedb
n Z 14,649






1, 2, 3

Groups with different numbers have significantly different SF-36V component summary scores using Tukey’s adjustment for multiple comparisons (p ! 0.05).
SF-36V, Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-Item Health Survey for Veterans.
Agree not deployed: both self-report and electronic databases reflect no deployment; Disagree/self-report deployment: self-reported deployment but electronic database reflects
no deployment; Disagree/electronic deployment: electronic database reflects deployment but participant self-reported no deployment; Agree deployed: both self-report and electronic databases reflect deployment.
Means are adjusted for sex, birth cohort, education, marital status, race/ethnicity, pay grade, service component, service branch, and occupation. Scores are linearly transformed
to have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Scores higher than 50 reflect better functioning.

to allow comparison between populations (17). As reported
elsewhere, Millennium Cohort members exhibited higher
unadjusted and weighted mean MCS and PCS scores, implying better health, when compared with the national norms
for ages 18–64 years (18) (data not shown). Scores in the
current study were similar to the overall Cohort (data not
shown) and also above national norms. Though some differences between agreement groups were statistically significant, a difference of five points has been considered
clinically and socially meaningful (19), with a 10-point difference considered moderate, and 20 points very large (20).
The widest point differential between agreement groups was
1.1 point, implying remarkable consistency in scores across
all groups. Interestingly, while differences in mental and
physical functioning may be hypothesized to differ between
deployers and nondeployers, we found little differences between the groups noted to be deployed and nondeployed
by both self-report and military deployment data.
Limitations to these analyses should be noted. The study
population consists of a subset of responders to the Millennium Cohort questionnaire and may not be representative
of the U.S. military population in general. Multiple metrics
have been validated and very little response bias has been
identified among Millennium Cohort participants (21,
Wells et al., unpublished data) (6, 22–25), but, by design,
participants are more likely to be older and include slightly
more women than a random sample of current military. The
kappa statistic is dependent on the true prevalence of the
variable being examined with the statistic tending toward
zero as the true prevalence approaches 0 or 1 (26). However,
since a considerable percentage of U.S. military service
members deployed, this dependence would have an insignificant effect on these findings. Electronic deployment data
contain deployments beginning in September 2001. To create an equivalent time comparison between sources, deployments self-reported prior to September 2001 were not
considered. Finally, the amount of missing documentation
in the electronic deployment data is unknown.

This study has several strengths. To date, the authors are
unaware of any other large-scale comparison of self-reported
and objective deployment data. Agreement was assessed for
deployment status in addition to comparing similarities in
reporting deployment start dates. The large sample size allowed for robust comparisons of self-report and objective
data, including demographic and health characteristics.
The current study found remarkably strong agreement
between self-reported deployment and objective deployment data. Timing and number of deployments also agreed
across data sources. There were no clinically meaningful
differences in functional health in those whose deployment information disagreed. Although electronic data
are currently available to researchers, understanding differences between self-reported and electronic deployment
data is imperative in studies of deployment-related health.
And occupational exposures of military service, especially
in deployment, may be very critical determinants of lifelong health.

We are indebted to the Millennium Cohort Study participants, without
whom these analyses would not be possible. We thank Scott L. Seggerman
and Greg D. Boyd from the Defense Manpower Data Center, Seaside, California, and Col Karl E. Friedl, PhD, from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland. Additionally,
we thank Laura Chu, MPH; Lacy Farnell; Gia Gumbs, MPH; Isabel Jacobson, MPH; Cynthia Leard, MPH; Travis Leleu; Robert Reed, MS; Katherine Snell; Steven Spiegel; Damika Webb; Keri Welch, MA; and James
Whitmer, from the Department of Defense Center for Deployment Health
Research, and Michelle Stoia from the Naval Health Research Center,
San Diego, California. We appreciate the support of the Henry M. Jackson
Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Rockville,
Authors’ Contributions
B.S. performed the statistical analysis. All authors helped conceive the
study, participated in its design and coordination, and helped to draft the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
In addition to the authors, the Millennium Cohort Study Team
includes Paul J. Amoroso, MD, MPH (Madigan Army Medical Center,
Tacoma, WA); Edward J. Boyko, MD, MPH (Seattle Epidemiologic


Smith et al.

Research and Information Center, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Seattle, WA); Gary D. Gackstetter, PhD, DVM, MPH (Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD and Analytic Services,
Inc. [ANSER], Arlington, VA); Gregory C. Gray, MD, MPH (College of
Public Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA); Tomoko I. Hooper,
MD, MPH (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD); James R. Riddle, DVM, MPH (Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH); Tyler C. Smith, MS, PhD
(Department of Defense Center for Deployment Health Research at the
Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA); and Timothy Wells,
PhD, DVM, MPH (Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, OH).
This represents report 07-08, supported by the Department of Defense,
under Work Unit no. 60002. The views expressed in this article are those
of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of the Army, Department of the Air
Force, Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, the US
Government, San Diego State University, or the University of California,
San Diego. This research has been conducted in compliance with all applicable federal regulations governing the protection of human subjects in
research (Protocol NHRC.2000.007).

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