DHDSP Newsletters Survey

Improving the Quality and Delivery of CDC's Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs

IC_4_Att 1a_Survey 06 29 2011

DHDSP Newletters: Assessing Usage, Usefulness and Access

OMB: 0920-0864

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-0864

Exp. Date 9/30/2013

DHDSP Newsletters: Assessing Usage, Usefulness and Access


We would like to thank you for your interest in completing this survey about three newsletters distributed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP): "In the News," "Salt in the News," and/or "Salt e-Update." These newsletters aim to inform recipients about topics and current events related to heart disease and stroke prevention. The purpose of this survey is to determine the usage and usefulness of the newsletters. The results of this survey will be used to provide recommendations to the DHDSP Communications Team to improve newsletter content and distribution.

We ask that you respond to the survey questions from your perspective as a recipient of the newsletter(s). The estimated time for completion of this survey is 5-10 minutes.

Informed Consent Statement

CDC’s DHDSP is conducting a web-based survey as part of its effort to evaluate three newsletters (“In the News,” “Salt in the News,” & “Salt e-Update”). This survey is aimed to assess the usage and usefulness of the newsletters and the information collected from this survey will be used by DHDSP to provide recommendations related to future distribution and content of these newsletters.

You were chosen to participate in this survey because you are a recipient of at least one of these newsletters. This survey should take approximately 5- 10 minutes of your time.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous, meaning no identifying information will be collected from any respondents. You may choose to end the survey at any time for any reason with no penalty. Your participation in the survey poses few, if any risks to you.

If you have any questions about this survey, or evaluation, please contact Mr. Trey Bonner, Public Health Prevention Service Fellow, at Phone: (770) 488-8078 or E-mail: [email protected].

By clicking “Next” you are giving your consent to participate in this survey.


  1. In which type of organization do you currently work?

  1. Non-Profit Organization

  2. For-Profit Organization

  3. Federal Health Agency

  4. State Health Agency

  5. Local Health Agency

  6. Tribal Health Agency

  7. Territorial Health Agency

  8. Other (please specify___________)

  1. What is your current job title or role?

  1. Program Director

  2. Program Coordinator

  3. Epidemiologist

  4. Health Educator

  5. Evaluator

  6. Practitioner

  7. Other (please specify___________)

  1. How many years have you been working in the topic area of heart disease and stroke prevention?

  1. less than 12 months

  2. 1 year to 5 years

  3. 6 years to 10 years

  4. 11 years to 15 years

  5. 16 years or more

  1. The following are brief summaries of each of the three newsletters distributed by CDC's Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention:

"Salt in the News" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that monitors media coverage related to salt/sodium in the diet, heart disease and stroke. This newsletter provides links and brief descriptions of identified stories.

"Salt e-Update" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that informs recipients about information and research related to salt/sodium (ex. dietary guidelines, proposed regulations, sodium/salt related research).

"In the News" is a monthly newsletter which started distribution in 2008 and is comprised of summaries of and links to recently published articles as well as Division publications, conferences and activities related to sodium/salt, heart disease and stroke topics.

Which of the following do you receive?

A. “Salt in the News” (issued biweekly)

  1. Salt e-Update” (issued biweekly)

  2. In the News” (issued monthly)

  3. Salt in the News” & “In the News”

  4. Salt in the News” & “Salt e-Update”

  5. In the News” & “Salt e-Update”

  6. Salt in the News”, “In the News” & “Salt e-Update”


If the response is A, a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Page 4-5

If the response is B, a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Pages 6-7

If the response is C, a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Page 8-9

If the response is D, a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Pages 10-12

If the response is E, a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Pages 13-15.

If the response is F, a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Pages 16-18.

If the response is G a skip pattern will lead the respondent to Pages 19-21.

A: (Salt in the News)

  1. When “Salt in the News” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt in the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt in the News”?

A. Once each week

  1. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt in the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt in the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "Salt in the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt in the News".


  1. How can “Salt in the News” be improved?


  1. In the News” is a monthly newsletter which started distribution in 2008 and is comprised of summaries of and links to recently published articles as well as Division publications, conferences and activities related to sodium/salt, heart disease and stroke topics.

Would you like to receive CDC’s “In the News”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “In the News”

B. No, I would not like to receive “In the News”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

  1. "Salt e-Update" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that informs recipients about information and research related to salt/sodium (ex. dietary guidelines, proposed regulations, sodium/salt related research).

Would you like to receive CDC’s “Salt e-Update”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “Salt e-Update”

B. No, I would not like to receive “Salt e-Update”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

Skip pattern to page 22

B: (Salt e-Update)

  1. When “Salt e-Update” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt e-Update”?

­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt e-Update”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt e-Update”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's “Salt e-Update” newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found “Salt e-Update” useful. ________________________________

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt e-Update".


  1. How can “Salt e-Update” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. In the News” is a monthly newsletter which started distribution in 2008 and is comprised of summaries of and links to recently published articles as well as Division publications, conferences and activities related to sodium/salt, heart disease and stroke topics.

Would you like to receive CDC’s “In the News”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “In the News”

B. No, I would not like to receive “In the News”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

  1. "Salt in the News" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that monitors media coverage related to salt/sodium in the diet, heart disease and stroke. This newsletter provides links and brief descriptions of identified stories.

Would you like to receive CDC’s “Salt in the News”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “Salt in the News”

B. No, I would not like to receive “Salt in the News”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

Skip pattern to page 22

C: (In the News)

  1. When “In the News” is emailed to you once a month, how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “In the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “In the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “In the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "In the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "In the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "In the News".


  1. How can “In the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. "Salt in the News" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that monitors media coverage related to salt/sodium in the diet, heart disease and stroke. This newsletter provides links and brief descriptions of identified stories.

Would you like to receive CDC’s “Salt in the News”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “Salt in the News”

B. No, I would not like to receive “Salt in the News”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

  1. "Salt e-Update" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that informs recipients about information and research related to salt/sodium (ex. dietary guidelines, proposed regulations, sodium/salt related research).

Would you like to receive CDC’s “Salt e-Update”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “Salt e-Update”

B. No, I would not like to receive “Salt e-Update”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

Skip pattern to page 22

D: (Salt in the News & In the News)

  1. When “Salt in the News” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt in the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt in the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt in the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt in the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "Salt in the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt in the News".


  1. How can “Salt in the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. When “In the News” is emailed to you once a month, how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “In the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “In the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once biweekly

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “In the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "In the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "In the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "In the News".


  1. How can “In the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. Should these newsletters (“Salt in the News” & “In the News”) be combined to create a single newsletter?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. If the newsletters were combined how often would you like to receive the combined newsletter?

  1. Once each week

  2. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

  3. Once each month

  4. Once every two months (bimonthly)

  5. I do not think these newsletters should be combined

  1. "Salt e-Update" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that informs recipients about information and research related to salt/sodium (ex. dietary guidelines, proposed regulations, sodium/salt related research).

Would you like to receive CDC’s “Salt e-Update”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “Salt e-Update”

B. No, I would not like to receive “Salt e-Update”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

Skip pattern to page 22

E: (Salt in the News & Salt e-Update)

  1. When “Salt in the News” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt in the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt in the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt in the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt in the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "Salt in the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt in the News".


  1. How can “Salt in the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. When “Salt e-Update” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt e-Update”?

­­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt e-Update”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt e-Update”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt e-Update" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found “Salt e-Update” useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt e-Update".


  1. How can “Salt e-Update” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. Should these newsletters (“Salt in the News” & “Salt e-Update”) be combined to create a single newsletter?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. If the newsletters were combined how often would you like to receive the combined newsletter?

  1. Once each week

  2. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

  3. Once each month

  4. Once every two months (bimonthly)

  5. I do not think these newsletters should be combined

  1. In the News” is a monthly newsletter which started distribution in 2008 and is comprised of summaries of and links to recently published articles as well as Division publications, conferences and activities related to sodium/salt, heart disease and stroke topics.

Would you like to receive CDC’s “In the News”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “In the News”

B. No, I would not like to receive “In the News”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

Skip pattern to page 22

F: (In the News & Salt e-Update)

  1. When “In the News” is emailed to you once a month, how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “In the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “In the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “In the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "In the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "In the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "In the News".


  1. How can “In the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. When “Salt e-Update” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt e-Update”?

­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt e-Update”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt e-Update”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt e-Update" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found “Salt e-Update” useful?


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt e-Update".


  1. How can “Salt e-Update” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. Should these newsletters (“In the News” & Salt e-Update”) be combined to create a single newsletter?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. If the newsletters were combined how often would you like to receive the combined newsletter?

  1. Once each week

  2. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

  3. Once each month

  4. Once every two months (bimonthly)

  5. I do not think these newsletters should be combined

  1. "Salt in the News" is a biweekly newsletter which started distribution in 2010 that monitors media coverage related to salt/sodium in the diet, heart disease and stroke. This newsletter provides links and brief descriptions of identified stories.

Would you like to receive CDC’s “Salt in the News”?

A. Yes, I would like to receive “Salt in the News”

B. No, I would not like to receive “Salt in the News”

If you responded “yes” please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected] with your contact information to ensure you are added to the distribution list.

Skip pattern to page 22

G: (Salt in the News, In the News & Salt e-Update)

  1. When “Salt in the News” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt in the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt in the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt in the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt in the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "Salt in the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt in the News".


  1. How can “Salt in the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. When “In the News” is emailed to you once a month, how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “In the News”?

­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “In the News”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “In the News”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "In the News" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found "In the News" useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "In the News"


  1. How can “In the News” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. When “Salt e-Update” is emailed to you every two weeks (biweekly), how often do you open and read the newsletter?

  1. Always

  2. Almost always

  3. Occasionally

  4. Never

  1. What is your preferred method of receiving “Salt e-Update”?

­­­­­­­­­­A. Email attachment

B. Access via Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Website

C. Other ___________________

  1. How often would you like to receive “Salt e-Update”?

A. Once each week

B. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

C. Monthly

D. Once every two months (bimonthly)

E. I would not like to continue receiving “Salt e-Update”

F. Other _____________________________________________

  1. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement: The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention's "Salt e-Update" newsletter is useful to me.

A. Strongly Disagree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Strongly Agree

  1. Please provide an example and/or describe how you have found “Salt e-Update” useful.


  1. Please provide an example and/or describe barriers that have prevented you from using "Salt e-Update".


  1. How can “Salt e-Update” be improved? ________________________________________

  1. Should these newsletters (“Salt in the News”, “In the News” & “Salt e-Update”) be combined to create a single newsletter?

  1. Yes, "Salt in the News" & "In the News" should be combined

  2. Yes, "Salt in the News" & "Salt e-Update" should be combined

  3. Yes, "In the News" & "Salt e-Update" should be combined

  4. Yes, "Salt in the News", "In the News" & "Salt e-Update should be combined

  5. No, these newsletters should not be combined

  1. If the newsletters were combined how often would you like to receive the combined newsletter?

  1. Once each week

  2. Once every two weeks (biweekly)

  3. Once each month

  4. Once every two months (bimonthly)

  5. I do not think these newsletters should be combined

Final Page of Survey


  1. If you have any additional comments related to CDC's Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention newsletters: "In the News", "Salt in the News", and/or "Salt e-Update" please provide them below.



If you would like to receive one or more of the newsletters that you do not current receive please contact Trey Bonner at [email protected].

For more information about heart disease and stroke prevention, visit our website at www.cdc.gov/dhdsp.

Thank you for participating in our survey!!!!

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to range between 5 and 10 minutes per response, with an average of 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0864).

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCenters for Disease Control & Prevention
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-02

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