POST Survey
Section I: Survey Questions about Law Enforcement Training Needs
Please indicate your organization’s perception of the current training needs of rural law enforcement personnel in the jurisdiction served by your organization on the “Prevention/Problem Solving” and “Enforcement/Investigation” aspects of the Crime and Disorder Problems below. (Please answer this question even if your organization does not design and deliver training).
Current Training Needs of the Rural Law Enforcement
Crime and Disorder Problems Personnel Served by Your Organization
Violent Crime High Medium Low None
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………………………………
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Property Crime
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………………………………
Enforcement/Investigation ………………………………………………….
Drug and Alcohol-Related Crime
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………………………………
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Domestic Violence
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………………………………
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Gang Crime
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………………………………
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………………………………………
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………………………………
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Farming/Agricultural Crime
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………...……….
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Computer Crime/Cyber Crime
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………..……….
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Human Trafficking
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………..……….
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Juvenile Delinquency
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………..……….
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
School Safety
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………...……….
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………...
Traffic Safety
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………..……….
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Optional: Please list any other Crime or Disorder Problems about which the rural law enforcement personnel in the jurisdiction served by your organization currently have a high need for training. Please indicate for each whether the training need is related to “Prevention/Problem Solving” and/or “Enforcement/Investigation.”
Other Crime and Disorder Problems |
Focus of Needed Training |
Prevention/Problem solving Enforcement/Investigation |
Prevention/Problem solving Enforcement/Investigation |
Prevention/Problem solving Enforcement/Investigation |
Please indicate your organization’s perception of the current Executive, Command, or Supervisory training needs of the rural law enforcement management (only) personnel in the jurisdiction served by your organization. (Please answer this question even if your organization does not design and deliver training).
Training Needs of the Rural Law Enforcement
Management Tasks
Personnel Served by Your Organization
Law Enforcement Management High Medium Low None
Leadership/management ………………………………………….. ………..
Resource management (e.g., budget, finance, generating revenue,
doing more with less)………………………………………………………….
Personnel management (e.g., recruitment, hiring, selection,
retention, benefits)…………………………………………………………….
Supervision ……………………………………………………………………
Addressing employee training needs……………………………………….
Technology management…………………………………………...……….
Community relations/community involvement …………………………….
Media relations/strategic communication ………………………………….
Risk management/liability reduction ……………………………………….
Disaster/crisis/emergency management and planning …………………..
Managing the use of force………………………………………………..
Managing jail/detention facilities…………………………………………
Law Enforcement Strategies/Tactics High Medium Low None
Community policing………..………………………………………...……….
Problem-oriented policing …………………………………………………..
Intelligence-led policing ……………………………………………………..
Strategies for reducing violent crime …………………………………….....
Strategies for reducing property crime ……………………………………..
Strategies for reducing drug and alcohol-related crimes ……….………...
Strategies for reducing gang problems …………………………………….
Strategies for managing asset forfeiture……………………………………
Strategies for reducing delinquency…………………………………………
Disaster/crisis/emergency strategies and tactics ………………………….
Coordination/Collaboration with Other Agencies High Medium Low None
Developing Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding ...……..………….
Working with Federal law enforcement agencies …………………………
Working with State law enforcement agencies ……..……………………..
Working with local law enforcement agencies (non-Tribal)………………
Working with Tribal law enforcement agencies …………………………...
Working with other government agencies (e.g., emergency
management, fusion centers, public health, social services)……………..
Working with non-governmental and private sector organizations………
Coordinating the tactical response in high-risk situations…………………
Optional: Please list any other law enforcement management topics about which the rural law enforcement personnel in the jurisdiction served by your organization currently have a high need for training.
Other Management Training Needs |
Please indicate your organization’s perception of the current law enforcement job task-related training needs of the rural law enforcement field level personnel in the jurisdiction served by your organization. (Please answer this question even if your organization does not design and deliver training).
Current Training Needs of the Rural Law Enforcement
Job Tasks Personnel Served by Your Organization
Prepare/Protect High Medium Low None
Meet with community residents about local problems……………………
Diagnose and solve local crime and disorder problems………………….
Protect dignitaries/public officials……………………………………….......
Recruit/manage informants……………………………………………….....
Protect critical infrastructure………………………………………………...
Conduct surveillance of individuals/locations……………………………..
Recognize and document suspicious activities……………………………
Enforce immigration laws…………………………………………………….
Plan and execute raids/warrants……………………………………………
Enforce evacuation/quarantine orders……………………………………..
Provide court security…………………………………………………………
Staff jail/detention facilities………………………………………………
Respond High Medium Low None
Respond to crimes in progress…………………………………………..
Respond to domestic violence………………….……………………..…….
Interdict crime vehicles/felony stops……………………………………......
Respond to terrorist threats …. ……………………………………………..
Respond to natural and manmade disasters ……………………………… ..
Respond to anti-government/hate groups………………………………….
to reports of missing persons/abducted
in wilderness/backcountry……………………………………
Investigate High Medium Low None
Investigate high-profile
homicides/violent crimes……………………………………….
domestic violence……………………………………………….
sexual assault……………………………………………………
human trafficking………………………………………………..
property crimes…………………………………………………..
Investigate traffic accidents………………………………………………….
Investigate drug and alcohol-related crimes (including identifying
evidence/drug labs)……………………………………………………..
technology-related crimes (e.g., cyber
and document crime scenes (including collecting evidence)..….
and collect digital evidence……………..………………………….
adult victims and witnesses………………………………………
child victims and witnesses………………………………………
Prepare Reports/Testify High Medium Low None
reports (e.g., understanding agency and
requirements/report writing)…………………………………
with prosecutors/states attorneys
during trial preparation/plea
General Skills High Medium Low None
emergency vehicle(s)/tactical driving……………………………
enforcement-related technology……………………………………..
communication ………………….……………………………..
of laws/regulations……………………………………………..
solving, critical thinking, and decision-making………………….
Interpersonal skills/conflict resolution………………………………………
with special needs populations
mentally ill/disturbed individuals)…………………………………….
Interact with culturally diverse populations…………………………………
Use of force (including deadly force)…….………………………………….
Use of firearms…………………………….…………………………………..
Optional: Please list in the box below any other law enforcement job tasks about which the rural law enforcement personnel in the jurisdiction served by your organization currently have a high need for training.
Other Law Enforcement Job Task-Related Training Needs |
Section II: Survey Questions about Your Organization’s Training
Please indicate the type of training that your organization offers and/or oversees (i.e., designing and delivering training, and/or designing training courses that are delivered by others under your auspices) to rural law enforcement personnel. (Please choose one response.)
Both Basic/Recruit Training and In-Service/Advanced Training
Only Basic/Recruit Training
Only In-Service/Advanced Training
Do not offer or oversee training
If you do not offer or oversee training (as defined above), please skip to Section III.
Please indicate whether your organization offers and/or oversees training—basic and in-service (including designing and delivering training, and/or designing training courses that are delivered by others under your auspices)—for rural law enforcement personnel on the Prevention/Problem Solving and Enforcement/Investigation aspects of the Crime and Disorder Problems below.
Check both basic and in-service training if your organization provides both types of training on a topic.
Crime and Disorder Problems Your Organization Offers Training
Violent Crime Basic Training In-Service Training No Training
Prevention/Problem solving …………………………….....………………..
Enforcement/Investigation …………………………………………………..
Property Crime
Prevention/Problem solving ………………………………………………...
Enforcement/Investigation ...………………………………………………...
Drug and Alcohol-Related Crime
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Domestic Violence
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Gang Crime
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Farming/Agriculture Crime
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Computer Crime/Cyber Crime
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Human Trafficking
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Juvenile Delinquency
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
School Safety
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Traffic Safety
Prevention/Problem solving...……………………………………………….
Enforcement/Investigation ……………………….………………………….
Please indicate whether your organization offers Executive, Command, or Supervisory training for rural law enforcement personnel (including designing and delivering training, and/or designing training courses that are delivered by others under your auspices) on each of the topics below.
Management Tasks Your Organization Offers Training
Law Enforcement Management Yes No
Leadership/management ………………………………………………………………
Resource management (e.g., budget, finance, generating revenue,
doing more with less)… ………………………………………………………….……..
Personnel management (e.g., recruitment, hiring, selection,
Addressing employee training needs…………………..……………………………..
Technology management……………………………………………………………….
Community relations/community involvement……………………………………….
Media relations/strategic communication…………………………………………….
Risk management/liability reduction………………………………………………….
Disaster/crisis/emergency management and planning……………………………..
Managing the use of force………………………………………………………………
Managing jail/detention facilities……………………………………………………….
Law Enforcement Strategies/Tactics Yes No
Community policing………………………………………………………………...……
Problem-oriented policing………………………………………………………………
Intelligence-led policing………………………………………………………………..
Strategies for reducing violent crime………………………………………………….
Strategies for reducing property crime……………………………………………….
Strategies for reducing drug and alcohol-related crimes…………………………..
Strategies for reducing gang problems………………………………………………
Strategies for managing asset forfeiture……………………………………………..
Strategies for reducing delinquency………………………………………………….
Disaster/crisis/emergency strategies and tactics…………………………………….
Coordination/Collaboration with Other Agencies Yes No
Developing Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding …………………………….
Working with Federal law enforcement agencies……………………………………
Working with State law enforcement agencies………………………………………
Working with local law enforcement agencies (non-Tribal)…………………………
Working with Tribal law enforcement agencies..………………………………………
Working with other government agencies
(e.g., emergency management, fusion centers,
public health, social services)………………………………………………………….
Working with non-governmental and private
sector organizations ……………………………………………………………………
Coordinating the tactical response in high-risk situations…………………………..
Please indicate whether your organization offers training—basic and/or in-service (including designing and delivering training, and/or designing training courses that are delivered by others under your auspices)—to rural law enforcement field level personnel on each of the law enforcement job tasks below.
Check both basic and in-service training if your organization provides both types of training on a topic.
Law Enforcement Job Tasks Your Organization Offers Training
Prepare/Protect Basic Training In-Service Training No Training
Meet with community residents about local problems…………………….
Diagnose and solve local crime and disorder problems…………………..
Protect dignitaries/public officials………………………………………......
Recruit/manage informants……………………………………………….....
Protect critical infrastructure…………………………………………………
Conduct surveillance of individuals/locations…………………………….
Recognize and document suspicious activities…………………………..
Enforce immigration laws……………………………………………………
Plan and execute raids/warrants……………………………………………
Enforce evacuation/quarantine orders…………………………………….
Provide court security………………………………………………………..
Staff jail/detention facilities………………………………………………
Respond Basic Training In-Service Training No Training
Respond to crimes in progress………………………………………….
Respond to domestic violence………………………………………………
Interdict crime vehicles/felony stops……………………………………….
Respond to terrorist threats …………….…….…………………………….
Respond to natural and manmade disasters. …………………………….
Respond to anti-government/hate groups…………………………………
to reports of missing persons/abducted
in wilderness/backcountry…………………………………..
Investigate Basic Training In-Service Training No Training
Investigate high-profile
homicides/violent crimes……………………………………….
domestic violence……………………………………………….
Investigate sexual
human trafficking………………………………………………..
property crimes………………………………………………….
Investigate traffic accidents………………………………………………….
Investigate drug and alcohol-related crimes
(including identifying drug evidence/drug labs)…………………..………..
Investigate technology-related crimes (e.g., cyber crime)………………..
Protect and document crime scenes (including collecting evidence)…...
Protect and collect digital evidence..…………………………………………
adult victims and witnesses……………………………………….
child victims and witnesses……………………………………….
Prepare Reports/Testify Basic Training In-Service Training No Training
Prepare reports (e.g., understanding agency and
prosecutorial requirements/report writing)…………………………………
Coordinate with prosecutors/states attorneys
during trial preparation/plea negotiations………………………………….
Prepare to/testify………………………………………………………………
General Skills Basic Training In-Service Training No Training
Officer safety…………………………………………………………………..
emergency vehicle(s)/tactical driving……………………………
enforcement-related technology………………………………………
of laws/regulations……………………………………………..
solving, critical thinking, and decision-making………………….
Interpersonal skills/conflict resolution………………………………………
Interact with special needs populations
mentally ill/disturbed
with culturally diverse
Use of force (including deadly force)…….…………………………………
Use of firearms…………………………….………………………………….
Optional: Please list in the box below any other law enforcement topics on which your organization provides training (Or simply note the link to your online training catalog).
Other Law Enforcement Topics on which Your Organization Provides Training |
Section III: Questions about RPI Training
RPI is interested in supporting law enforcement training organizations in ensuring that law enforcement personnel serving rural areas and Indian Country receive the training they need. Please rate how helpful the following types of RPI support would be to State and local law enforcement training organizations:
Develop a system for routinely coordinating with State and local training organizations
regarding the training they are developing and the training needed from RPI.
Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful A Little Helpful Not at All Helpful
Coordinate with training organizations to deliver training.
Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful A Little Helpful Not at All Helpful
Provide Train-the-Trainer sessions for training organization instructors.
Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful A Little Helpful Not at All Helpful
Provide training materials for use by training organization instructors after their completion of an RPI Train-the-Trainer session.
Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful A Little Helpful Not at All Helpful
Help ensure that local law enforcement personnel serving rural areas are aware of the
available RPI training (e.g., by providing training promotional materials for distribution
by training organizations during their training deliveries, or via e-mail and/or posting on
their Web sites).
Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful A Little Helpful Not at All Helpful
Other (please specify and rate): _____________
Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful A Little Helpful Not at All Helpful
Please identify the top 5 priority topics (inclusive of those listed above and/or others) that you believe RPI should develop training on for law enforcement personnel serving rural areas and Indian Country.
Top 5 Rural Law Enforcement Training Priorities for RPI |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
How can RPI make its training most useful to law enforcement personnel serving rural jurisdictions and Indian Country?
Section IV: Demographic Information
Please provide the following information about your organization:
Which of the following options best describes your training organization? (Please choose one response.)
Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Organization
Law Enforcement Training Academy (Please also choose the response below that best describes your agency’s status.)
Serving a State
Serving a Regional (multi-jurisdictional) Area
Serving a Single Jurisdiction
Serving an Individual Law Enforcement Agency
Other (please specify):_________
Which State is your training organization located in? ________________
What institution/authority does your training organization operate under? (Please choose one response.)
Tribal Authority
Regional Authority
Municipal (City/Town/Township/Borough/Village)
Public College or University
Private College or University
Other (please specify): _______________
Thank you for completing the survey.
[For hard copy surveys only]:
Please return the completed survey(s) by fax or in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Rural Law Enforcement Training Needs Assessment Project
c/o CRA, Inc.
Ford Avenue, 6th Floor
VA 22302
(703) 519-8725
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | POST Survey |
Author | Christina Frey |
Last Modified By | cfrey |
File Modified | 2010-12-21 |
File Created | 2010-12-21 |