and Plant Health Inspection
Service Veterinary
Sheep 2011
Animal Health Monitoring System 2150
Centre Ave Bldg B Fort
Collins, CO 80526 Form
Approved OMB
Number 0579-0188 Expires
State FIPS: |
Operation #: |
Interviewer: |
Date: |
2 digits |
4 digits |
Initials |
(mm/dd/yy) |
Arrival time at operation: ___________
1. How many ewes 1 year and older do you have on this operation today? _____ ewes
How many of these ewes are:
a. 1 year to less than 2 years of age? _____ ewes
b. 2 years of age and older? _____ ewes
c. Total [should equal #1 total above] _____ ewes
2. During the previous 12 months, how many of the following were added to this operation other than through natural additions (births)?
[Include both permanent additions to the flock and rams/ewes temporarily brought
in for breeding or other purposes.]
_____ ewes
_____ ewe lambs
_____ rams
If all are 0, how many years ago was the last addition made?
Ewes _____ years
Ewe lambs _____ years
Rams _____ years
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The
valid OMB control number for this information collection is
0579-0188 The time required to complete this information collection
is estimated to average 1.25 hours per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.
3. During 2010, did this operation:
a. Have sheep leave this operation for shows, exhibitions, or
breeding, and return to this operation? 1 Yes 3 No
b. Graze sheep with flocks from another operation? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Have sheep with fenceline contact with flocks from another operation? 1 Yes 3 No
d. Have sheep visit from another operation for any reason such as
shearing and breeding? 1 Yes 3 No
e. Have other contact with sheep or flocks from another operation?
(specify: __________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
[If Questions 3a–3e all = NO, SKIP to Question 5.]
4. During any of these occasions, were efforts made to decrease the
nose-to-nose contact with other sheep? 1 Yes 3 No
5. During 2010, were any of the following cats present on this operation:
a. Outdoor domestic? 1 Yes 3 No
if yes, were they neutered/spayed 1 Yes 3 No
b. Feral or stray? 1 Yes 3 No
yes, were they neutered/spayed 1 Yes 3 No
c. Wild (e.g., bobcats)? 1 Yes 3 No
[If Question 6a–6c all = NO, SKIP to Question 7.]
6. Did these cats have access to any sheep-raising areas? 1 Yes 3 No
7. During 2010, were any of the following control methods used
for rats and mice?
a. Cats 1 Yes 3 No 4 No cats on operation
b. Dogs 1 Yes 3 No 4 No dogs on operation
c. Traps, baits, and/or poison 1 Yes 3 No
d. Professional exterminator 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other (specify: _________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
8. Do you use the following animals as guard animals for your sheep?
If YES, how
many are used?
a. Llamas or alpacas 1 Yes 3 No _____
b. Donkeys 1 Yes 3 No _____
c. Dogs 1 Yes 3 No _____
9. Did any of the visitors to this operation enter the sheep production
area (barns, sheds, pastures, etc.) of your operation? 1 Yes 3 No
[If Question 9 = NO, SKIP to Question 12.]
11. How often did you require the following measures for visitors
entering the sheep production area of your operation?
a. Change into clean clothes or coveralls? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
b. Use a footbath before entry? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
c. Change into clean boots or use shoe covers? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
d. Scrub shoes before or immediately after entry? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
e. Wash hands before handling sheep? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
f. No contact with other livestock for at least
24 hours before visiting your sheep? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
g. Park away from sheep area? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
12. Typically, which of the following housing methods are used for the majority
of the flock during:
(four sides and Open structure
Fully enclosed roof with large with one or
(total door open most more sides No
confinement) of the time) open structure
a. Winter? 1 2 3 4
b. Summer? 1 2 3 4
c. First or
only lambing
season? 1 2 3 4
d. Second
season? 1 2 3 4
5 No second lambing season
[If Question 12c = 4 (No structure), SKIP to Question 15.]
13. Which of the following best describes how frequently the lambing areas
are cleaned of manure and waste bedding during lambing?
1 Never cleaned
2 Cleaned between each ewe
3 Cleaned between two or more ewes
4 Cleaned at the end of the lambing season
14. In the previous 12 months, have jugs been used as part of lambing management? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, which of the following best describes how frequently the
jug areas are cleaned of manure and waste bedding during lambing:
1 Never cleaned
2 Cleaned between each ewe
3 Cleaned between two or more ewes
4 Cleaned at the end of the lambing season
15. During the previous 12 months, how often did this operation use the
same equipment to handle both manure and sheep feed?
1 Routinely
2 Rarely
3 Never
If Routinely or Rarely, which best describes cleaning procedures usually
done with equipment after handling manure and prior to handling feed?
1 Wash equipment with water or steam only
2 Chemically disinfect only
3 Wash equipment and chemically disinfect
4 Change bucket only
5 Other (specify: ____________________________)
6 No procedures done
16. Does this operation make use of manure by:
a. Applying manure to land either owned or rented? 1 Yes 3 No
b. Selling it or receiving other compensation? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Giving it away? 1 Yes 3 No
d. Using composted manure as bedding? 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other? (specify: ________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
17. Did you use the newly approved (October 2009) progesterone
insert (EZ Breed CIDR) as a breeding tool in 2010? 1 Yes 3 No
IF yes, was it used:
a. For out-of-season breeding? 1 Yes 3 No
b. To synchronize estrus in season (extra label)? 1 Yes 3 No
c. With a gonadotropin or GnRH (extra label)? 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other? (specify: ____________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
18. If you used CIDR, would you use it again? 1 Yes 3 No
1. Are placentas usually removed from pens or the lambing area? 1 Yes 3 No
[If Question 1 = NO, SKIP to Question 4.]
2. Which of the following best describes how placentas are usually disposed of?
1 Burn/incinerate 5 Compost
2 Bury 6 Left for carnivores
3 Render 7 Other (specify: ___________________________)
4 Landfill/dump
3. What is the average length of time (in hours) placentas
are left on the ground before disposal? _____ hours
4. During 2010, did you shear ewes or crutch them within
6 weeks of lambing? 1 Yes 3 No
5. Did any ewes abort during the previous 12 months? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
If YES, how many ewes in the following lambing categories
a. First lambing? _____ ewes
b. Second through fifth lambing? _____ ewes
c. Sixth or greater lambing? _____ ewes
[If Question 5 = NO or Don’t know, SKIP to Question 8.]
6. Which of the following do you usually do with regard to abortions or
aborting ewes?
a. Remove placentas or fetuses from area as soon as possible 1 Yes 3 No
b. Physically separate aborting ewes or ewes that have aborted
from lambing or replacement ewes 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, for how many days? _____ days
c. Clean the area by removing bedding and/or dirt 1 Yes 3 No
d. Disinfect the area 1 Yes 3 No
7. During the previous 12 months, were any samples sent to a
diagnostic lab or veterinarian for diagnosis? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, were abortions caused by any of the following?
a. Campylobacteriosis
(vibrio abortion) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
b. Chlamydiosis (enzootic
abortion) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
c. Toxoplasmosis 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
d. Q fever 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
e. Salmonellosis 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
f. Listeriosis 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
g. Other (specify: ___________) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
8. How many bred ewes were added? _____ ewes
9. How many bred ewes were separated from the rest
of the flock until after they lambed? _____ ewes 1 No bred ewes added
10. Do you ever use the lambing area as a sick ewe pen:
a. During lambing? 1 Yes 3 No
b. During other times of the year? 1 Yes 3 No
11. Until after the lambing season, are bred ewe lambs or ewes
pregnant for the first time physically separated from
ewes that have had more than one full-term birth? 1 Yes 3 No 4 No 1st pregnancy ewes
12. At birth, is any lamb provided with colostrum from a source
other than its mother? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, were any of the following sources of colostrum used?
a. Sheep colostrum from this operation 1 Yes 3 No
b. Sheep colostrum from outside source (liquid form) 1 Yes 3 No
c. Cow colostrum from herd with unknown Johne’s status 1 Yes 3 No
d. Cow colostrum from herd tested for Johne’s 1 Yes 3 No
e. Goat colostrum 1 Yes 3 No
f. Synthetic colostrum 1 Yes 3 No
g. Natural, dried sheep colostrum 1 Yes 3 No
h. Other (specify: _____________________) 1 Yes 3 No
13. Except for fostering, are any lambs
supplemented with milk or milk replacer? 1 Yes 3 No
[If Question 13 = NO in both columns, SKIP to Question 16.]
14. Were any of the following sources of milk used?
a. Sheep milk from this operation 1 Yes 3 No
b. Sheep milk from outside source 1 Yes 3 No
c. Cow milk from herd with unknown Johne’s status 1 Yes 3 No
d. Cow milk from herd tested for Johne’s 1 Yes 3 No
e. Goat milk 1 Yes 3 No
f. Milk replacer 1 Yes 3 No
g. Other (specify: _____________________) 1 Yes 3 No
15. Is supplemented milk other than milk
replacer pasteurized? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 5 Use only milk replacer
16. Were any tails docked for lambs born during 2010? 1 Yes 3 No
[If Question 16 = NO, SKIP to Section C.]
17. For the majority of these lambs, which of the following best describes
the length of lambs’ tails after docking?
1 Shorter than the caudal fold (bare skin located under the tail
which comes together in a “V”)
2 At the caudal fold
3 Longer than the caudal fold
1. How many ewes were culled or died during 2010? _____ ewes
Of these ewes, how many died or were culled with the following
specific combination of signs?
a. Progressive weight loss with normal appetite and no
respiratory problems _____ ewes
b. Labored breathing (may tire easily or trail flockmates)
with progressive weight loss and normal appetite _____ ewes
c. Neurological signs (e.g., loss of coordination, gait abnormalities, or
severe itching or rubbing) with or without progressive weight loss
with normal appetite _____ ewes
2. If a pregnant ewe shows weight loss with a normal appetite and does not
respond to treatment, which of the following best describes what you would
most likely do?
1 Cull her before lambing
2 Allow her to lamb and then re-evaluate or cull her
3 Keep her regardless of the above signs
3. Before this study, how familiar were you with Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis)?
1 Very familiar
2 Somewhat familiar
3 Heard of name only
4 Never heard of
4. Do you currently have a flock health management program to control
or prevent Johne’s disease in your flock? 1 Yes 3 No
5. During 2010, were all, some, or none of the newly acquired breeding
sheep obtained from a known Johne’s test-negative flock?
a. Ewes 1 All 3 Some 1 None 3 Don’t know 3 No ewes acquired
b. Rams [include rams used
for breeding only or rams
permanently added
to flock] 1 All 3 Some 1 None 3 Don’t know 3 No rams acquired
6. Before this study, how familiar were you with scrapie?
1 Very familiar
2 Somewhat familiar
3 Heard of name only
4 Never heard of
[If Question 6 = 4 (Never heard of), SKIP to Question 9.]
7. Which of the following best describes your participation in the
National Scrapie Flock Certification Program?
1 Currently participate in the certification program
2 Know of the program but don’t participate
3 Don’t know of the program, but might participate
4 Don’t know of the program and would not be interested in participating
8. During 2010, were all, some, or none of the newly acquired breeding
sheep obtained from a flock participating in the National Scrapie Flock
Certification Program?
a. Ewes 1 All 3 Some 1 None 3 Don’t know 3 No ewes acquired
b. Rams [include rams used
for breeding only or rams
permanently added
to flock] 1 All 3 Some 1 None 3 Don’t know 3 No rams acquired
9. Are you doing any genetic selection for scrapie control in your flock? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, which of the following practices are you currently using?
a. Using genetically less susceptible replacement rams (i.e., RR alleles) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Selecting genetically less susceptible ewes (i.e., QR or RR alleles) 1 Yes 3 No
c. Culling genetically more susceptible ewes (i.e., QQ alleles) 1 Yes 3 No
d. Selecting less susceptible breeds for rams or ewes 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other (specify: __________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
10. Before this study, how familiar were you with ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP)?
1 Very familiar
2 Somewhat familiar
3 Heard of name only
4 Never heard of
[If Question 10 = 4 (Never heard of), SKIP to Question 16.]
11. Do you currently have a flock health management program to
control or prevent OPP in your flock? 1 Yes 3 No
12. During 2010, were newly acquired breeding sheep obtained from
a known OPP-negative flock?
a. Ewes 1 All 3 Some 1 None 3 Don’t know 3 No ewes acquired
b. Rams [include rams used
for breeding only or rams
permanently added
to flock] 1 All 3 Some 1 None 3 Don’t know 3 No rams acquired
13. Which of the following methods are you using to control or prevent
OPP in your flock?
a. Remove from flock all seropositive sheep and lambs
(sold and/or isolated in separate facilities) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Keep flock isolated from infected sheep or goats 1 Yes 3 No
c. Add only seronegative sheep to flock 1 Yes 3 No 4 No sheep added
d. Test goats (if present) for OPP 1 Yes 3 No 4 No goats
e. Other methods (specify: __________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
14. Which of the following best describes this flock’s testing for OPP?
1 Never test
2 Test selected sheep only
3 Test majority of sheep two or more times a year
4 Test majority of sheep once a year
5 Test majority of sheep less frequently than once a year
15. Which of the following best describes the current OPP status of your flock?
1 Currently infected with OPP
2 Previously infected with OPP but now negative
3 Never infected with OPP
4 Don’t know current OPP status
If Question 15 = 2 (now negative), how do they know?
16. How familiar are you with the following diseases?
a. Toxoplasmosis 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Heard of name only 4 Never heard of
b. Q fever 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Heard of name only 4 Never heard of
17. Indicate if, during the previous 3 years, any of the following have been
present (suspected or confirmed) in your flock:
If YES, was it diagnosed
In the flock during by either a veterinarian
the previous 3 years? or a lab?
a. Johne’s
(paratuberculosis) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
b. Scrapie 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
c. Ovine progressive
pneumonia (OPP) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
d. Footrot 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
e. Caseous lymphadenitis
(lumpy jaw) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
f. Stomach or intestinal worms 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
g. Enterotoxemia/overeating
disease (clostridium C&D) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
h. Other clostridial diseases
(blackleg, malignant edema,
braxy, tetanus, botulism,
big head) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
i. Coccidiosis 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
j. Sore mouth (contagious
ecthyma) [orf] 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
k. Ring worm or club
lamb fungus 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
l. Bluetongue 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 1 Yes 3 No
18. How many injections of any kind did a ewe typically receive in the last 12 months?
19. Of all injections administered on this operation, what percentage were administered by farm personnel?____ %
20. Of all injections administered on this operation, what percentage were:
a. Intramuscular (IM)? S192 _____ %
b. Subcutaneous (SQ)? S193 _____ %
c. Intravenous (IV)? S194 _____ %
Total (should equal 100%) 100%
21. During 2010, did you give the following vaccines to:
[DK = Don’t know]
ANY breeding rams?
ANY [Check here ____
replacement ANY if no breeding
or breeding NURSING rams in 2010 and
ewes? lambs? leave column blank.]
a. Clostridia C&D (overeating) 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
b. Clostridial 7- or 8-way
(i.e., blackleg, malignant
edema, braxy, big head) 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
c. Tetanus toxoid 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
d. Sore mouth (contagious
ecthyma) [orf] 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
e. E. coli (scours)
f. Vibrio (Campylobacter) 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
g. Enzootic abortion of ewes
(EAE) [Chlamydia] 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
h. Leptospirosis bacteria 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
i. Footrot (Fusobacterium) 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
j. Pasteurella 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
k. Rabies 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
l. Bluetongue 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
m. Caseous lymphadenitis
pseudotuberculosis) 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
n. Ram epididymitis
bacterin (Brucella) 1 Y 3 N 4 DK
20. During 2010, did you have any weaned lambs (feeder lambs) intended
for market? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, did you give any of the following vaccines to these weaned
lambs after they were weaned?
If YES, what was the
usual route of
Given in 2010 administration?
a. Clostridium C&D (overeating) 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
b. Clostridial 7- or 8-way
(i.e., blackleg, malignant edema,
braxy, big head) 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
c. Tetanus toxoid 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
d. E. coli (scours) 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
e. Footrot (Fusobacterium) 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
f. Bluetongue 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
g. Sore mouth (contagious ecthyma) 1 Yes 3 No
h. Other vaccines
(specify: ___________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 SQ 3 IM
22. Which of the following sore mouth vaccines was used most recently?
Colorado Serum Company
Texas Agrilife
Other (specify: _______________________________)
Don’t know
23.. Who vaccinated sheep for sore mouth during the previous 12 months,
and did they wear gloves when administering the vaccine?
[DK = Don’t know]
Gave vaccine If YES, were gloves worn?
a. Veterinarian o1 Yes o3 No o1 Yes o3 No o4 DK
b. Farm worker(s) o1 Yes o3 No o1 Yes o3 No o4 DK
c. Owner/operator o1 Yes o3 No o1 Yes o3 No o4 DK
d. Other (specify: ____________) o1 Yes o3 No o1 Yes o3 No o4 DK
24. If any vaccinations given to weaned market lambs (feeder lambs)
via IM (intramuscular), what was the primary location used? [PICTURE HERE?]
1 Neck
2 Loin
3 Leg
4 Other location (specify: __________________________)
25. In the past 12 months, were any vaccinations given to ewes or lambs for disease treatment?
26. During 2010, did this operation use any of the following
coccidiostats in feed or water?
Feed Water
a. Ionophores (Rumensin®, Bovatec®, Lasalocid) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Sulfa drugs 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Decoquinate (Deccox®) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other (specify: __________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
27. During 2010, did this operation use any of the following
antibiotics for disease treatment in feed or water?
a. Aureomycin premix 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Tetracycline (Chlormax®, Terramycin®) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Neomycin sulfate 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other (specify: __________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
28. During 2010, did this operation put any of the following
growth promotants in feed or water?
a. Ionophores 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Antibiotics 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
29. During 2010, did this operation use hormone implants
such as Ralgro® in lambs for growth promotion? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, what types were used:
a. Ralgro® 1 Yes 3 No
b. Other (specify: ______________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
1. During 2010, was fecal testing done for sheep parasites? 1 Yes 3 No
2. During 2010, did you use a dewormer in the sheep feed for
stomach or intestinal worms (not including coccidia)? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
3. During 2010, did you use a dewormer that was not in the feed? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
[If Question 3 = NO or Don’t know, SKIP to Section E.]
4. During 2010, did you deworm ewes or lambs for any of
the following reasons?
Ewes Lambs
a. General prevention measure 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Because worms were seen 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Fecal test results indicated a need 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Because sheep or lambs were thin or
doing poorly 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
e. FMACHA 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
f. Bottlejaw 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
g. Other (specify: ________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
5. Does this operation use the FAMACHA card/eye color (anemia)
score for goats or kids? o1 Yes o3 No
[If Question 5 = NO, SKIP to Question 7.]
6. Do you use the FAMACHA card to:
a. Identify or cull worm-susceptible goats or kids? o1 Yes o3 No
b. Selectively deworm goats or kids (e.g., only goats with
certain scores are dewormed)? o1 Yes o3 No
c. Other? (specify: _________________________________) o1 Yes o3 No
7. How many times during the previous year have you treated any
goats or kids for internal parasites (with medications or
natural/alternative dewormers)? _____ times
[If Question 7 = ZERO, SKIP to ???.]
8. Did you use any of the following natural or chemical dewormers
during the previous 12 months?
[If YES, check box for method(s) of administration. D/K means Don’t know.]
Directly into mouth or in feed |
Injection |
Pour-on |
a. High tannin concentrate plants (e.g., lespedeza) |
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
Natural or alternative dewormers (e.g., diatomaceous earth,
botanicals, herbs, cayenne pepper, copper oxide wire particles)
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
c. Ivomec®-ivermectin or Dectomax®-doramectin |
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
d. Cydectin®/Quest®-moxidectin
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
e. Panacur®/Safeguard®-fenbendazole, or Valbazen®-albendazole or Synanthic®-oxfendazole |
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
f. Rumatel®-morantel or Strongid®-Pyrantel |
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
g. Levasole®/Tramisol®-levamisole
o1 Yes o3 No o4 D/K |
h. Other (specify: ____________) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
9. During 2010, were any of the following dewormers used?
Oral (drench or bolus)
a. Albendazole (i.e., Valbazen®) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Fenbendazole (i.e., Panacur®, Safe-Guard) 1 Yes 3 No
c. Ivermectin (i.e., Ivomec® Sheep Drench) 1 Yes 3 No
d. Levamisole (i.e., Levasole, Tramisole, Ripericol) 1 Yes 3 No
e. Oxfendazole (i.e., Synanthic) 1 Yes 3 No
f. Pyrantel Pamoate (i.e., Strongid®-T) 1 Yes 3 No
g. Thiabendazole (i.e., Omnizole, TBZ-Thibenzole) 1 Yes 3 No
h. Other (specify: _________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
i. Doramectin (i.e., Dectomax® injectable) 1 Yes 3 No
j. Ivermectin (i.e., Ivomec® injectable) 1 Yes 3 No
k. Levamisole (i.e., Levasole, Tramisole, Ripericol) 1 Yes 3 No
l. Other (specify: _________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
m. Doramectin (i.e., Dectomax® pour-on) 1 Yes 3 No
n. Levamisole (i.e., Levasole, Tremisole, Ripericol) 1 Yes 3 No
o. Mexodectin (i.e., Cydectin) 1 Yes 3 No
p. Other (specify: __________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
10. How frequently are dewormers rotated for ewes or lambs?
[For example, first use Ivermectin (e.g., Ivomec) and then use
Levamisole (e.g., Levasole)]
Ewes Lambs
a. Don’t rotate (always use same kind of dewormer) 1 1
b. Less frequently than yearly 2 2
c. Rotate yearly 3 3
d. Rotate more frequently than yearly 4 4
11. Were any ewes dewormed during the following time periods?
a. Within 1 month before lambing 1 Yes 3 No
b. Within 1 month after lambing 1 Yes 3 No
c. Within 1 month before going onto pasture or
rotating to a new pasture 1 Yes 3 No 4 No pasture
If YES, how many days on average were ewes held off
pasture after deworming before returning to pasture? _____ days
d. While on pasture 1 Yes 3 No 4 No pasture
If YES, how many days on average were ewes held off
pasture after deworming before returning to pasture? _____ days
e. Other (specify: _____________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
12. How important to you are the following as sources for
deworming information?
a. Veterinarian o1 Very o2 Somewhat o3 Not
b. Other producer or goat owner o1 Very o2 Somewhat o3 Not
c. Sales representative o1 Very o2 Somewhat o3 Not
d. Extension/university personnel o1 Very o2 Somewhat o3 Not
e. Magazines/journals/club or 4–H
publications (articles and/or ads) o1 Very o2 Somewhat o3 Not
f. Other source (specify: ___________) o1 Very o2 Somewhat o3 Not
13. Has your veterinarian assisted in making decisions on
which parasite treatments (dewormer) to use? o1 Yes o3 No o4 No veterinarian
14. During the previous 12 months, did you use the following fecal tests
to see if your goats have worms that are resistant to dewormers?
a. Fecal egg count reduction (worm egg count both before
and after deworming) o1 Yes o3 No
b. DrenchRite® (lab test for resistance to dewormers) o1 Yes o3 No
c. Other (specify: __________________________________) o1 Yes o3 No
15. During the previous 12 months, have you used a pour-on product
or topical spray for fly and/or lice control? o1 Yes o3 No
1. When the sheep grazed on pasture during 2010, did you use any of the
following pasturing methods?
a. Pasture alternately used for grazing sheep and other domestic
species, such as cattle or horses 1 Yes 3 No
b. Commingled cattle with ewe/lamb pairs while on pasture 1 Yes 3 No
c. Pasture alternately used for grazing sheep and crop or hay production 1 Yes 3 No
2. Do you ever rotate pasture? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
If YES, on average how many days do you let the pasture go
without sheep before using it again to graze sheep? _____ days
1. Is harvested or commercial feed ever placed directly on the ground
for sheep to eat? 1 Yes 3 No
2. Did you feed grain to any sheep during 2010? 1 Yes 3 No
[If Question 2 = NO, SKIP to Question 7.]
3. Did this grain contain any of the following:
[If pellet, check label if possible, or write in margin “DK – pellets.”]
a. Corn? 1 Yes 3 No
b. Oats? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Barley? 1 Yes 3 No
d. Wheat? 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other? (specify: ________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
4. During 2010, which of the following best describes the grain ration fed
to the majority of the ewes?
1 Commercial bag mix
2 Balanced ration based on forage analysis
3 Other custom blended mix
4 Other (specify: ___________________________)
5 None fed to ewes
5. During 2010, which of the following best describes the grain ration
fed to the majority of the lambs?
1 Commercial bag mix
2 Balanced ration based on forage analysis
3 Other custom blended mix
4 Other (specify: ___________________________)
5 None fed to lambs
6. What percentage of the grain that you fed to your sheep during 2010
was produced by this operation? _____ %
7. Did you feed hay to any sheep during 2010? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, what percentage of the hay fed was produced by this operation? _____ %
8. Does the flock typically have access to the following water sources
during winter and summer?
Winter Summer
a. Pond/lake/reservoir (or other standing water) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Stream (or other running water) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Bucket/trough/waterer on the ground or up
to 2 feet off the ground) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Bucket/trough/waterer 2 feet or more
off the ground 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other (specify: ________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
9. Which of the water sources is the primary source during:
a. Winter? _____ code
b. Summer? _____ code
1 = Pond/lake/reservoir
2 = Stream
3 = Bucket/trough/waterer on the ground or up to 2 feet off the ground
4 = Bucket/trough/waterer 2 feet or more off the ground
5 = Other water source
6 = Multiple sources used equally; can’t pick one primary source
10. In general, do weaned lambs less than 12 months
of age share common feed OR water sources with
adult sheep? 1 Yes 3 No 4 No weaned lambs
11. During 2010, were the majority of the ewes flushed prior to the
breeding season? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, for how many days? _____ days
[Flushing: feeding ewes extra energy prior to the breeding season
in order to increase the ovulation rate and therefore increase the likelihood
of multiple conceptions.]
[If Question 11 = NO, SKIP to Question 13.]
12. For ewes that were flushed, indicate the following types of supplemental
feed they were offered:
a. Richer pasture (extra energy) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Grain 1 Yes 3 No
c. Extra hay 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other (specify: ________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
13. Do you do any of the following for late gestation or lactating ewes?
a. Increase quality and/or quantity of forage 1 Yes 3 No
b. Increase quality and/or quantity of grain 1 Yes 3 No
c. Increase frequency of feeding 1 Yes 3 No
d. Add selenium 1 Yes 3 No
e. Add or increase mineral supplements 1 Yes 3 No
f. Other (specify: _________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
14. During 2010, were nursing lambs offered creep feed? 1 Yes 3 No
19. Do you ever place thin ewes with younger sheep to increase
the ewes’ feed intake? 1 Yes 3 No
20. During 2010, did you supplement the majority of your ewes and
lambs with the following?
Ewes Lambs
Salt (loose or block)
a. Plain salt 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Iodized salt 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Selenium salt 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Trace mineral salt 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other salt (specify: ____________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
Vitamin or mineral injections
f. Vitamin E/selenium injection 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
g. Other vitamin or mineral injections
(specify: ____________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
h. Tub (liquid or solid) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
i. Other molasses (specify: __________________) 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
21. During the previous 3 years, were any of the following
samples from your sheep operation submitted to a
laboratory for nutritional analysis?
a. Grain 1 Yes 3 No 4 No grain used during the previous 3 years
b. Pasture 1 Yes 3 No 4 No pasture used during the previous 3 years
c. Dried forage 1 Yes 3 No 4 No dried forage used during the previous 3 years
[If Questions 21b and 21c = NO or Not applicable, SKIP to Question 23.]
22. Were any of the following analyses conducted on sheep
pasture or forage during the previous 3 years?
a. Protein, energy, and fiber (proximate) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Calcium and phosphorus 1 Yes 3 No
c. Trace mineral analysis 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other (specify: ___________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
23. Was any of the sheep’s drinking water tested during the previous
3 years? 1 Yes 3 No
If YES, which of the following was the water tested for?
a. Minerals 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
b. Bacteria 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
c. Contaminants 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
d. Other (specify: ___________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know
State FIPS:__________ Operation #:_________ Interviewer:___________ Date: / /
2-digits 4-digits Initials (mm/dd/yy)
1. Total time for interview (include time to discuss the program
and complete the questionnaire) _____ min
2. Total travel time (round trip) _____ min
3. Data collector(s): (Enter the number for each category.)
____ Federal VMO ____ Federal AHT ____ State personnel ____ Other (specify)
4. Enter response code 99 if questionnaire is completed or enter
one code of 0-7 that best describes the reason why the owner
is not participating _____ code
99 = Survey completed
00 = Producer not contacted by VMO
01 = Poor time of year or no time
02 = Does not want anyone on operation
03 = Bad experience with government veterinarians
04 = Does not want to do another survey or divulge information
05 = Told NASS they did not want to be contacted
06 = Ineligible (no sheep)
07 = Other reason (explain below)
5. Will blood samples be taken? 1 Yes 3 No
6. Will fecal samples for parasites testing be taken? 1 Yes 3 No
7. Is the Producer willing to participate in the harvested forage
test if selected? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Not offered
5 No forage available
8. Producer data quality 1 Good to Excellent 2 OK 3 Poor
9. Field data quality 1 Good to Excellent 2 OK 3 Poor
Comments regarding this questionnaire or operation:
VMO or AHT Signature:___________________________________________________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Perpiparturient Cow Clinical Evaluation Record |
Author | APHIS:USDA |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |