Visitor Survey

Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Wilderness Visitor Study

Appendix SEKI visitor

Visitor Survey

OMB: 0596-0228

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Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness

Visitor Survey

Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute

790 East Beckwith Ave.

Missoula, Montana 59801

OMB #0596-xxxx

Thank you for your time on this survey. Please answer every question to ensure

the accuracy and value of the study results. If you traveled to the Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park Wilderness more than once in 2010, fill out this survey based on your trip on this date _______________, 2011. Participation in this study is voluntary and your answers will remain anonymous. It is important that the person who was sent this survey answer the questions.


Q1. ( ) Was your trip entirely within the wilderness areas of Sequoia and Kings

Canyon National Parks?

( ) Partly in Sequoia and Kings Canyon (NPS) wilderness and partly in Forest

Service wilderness?

( ) Not sure

Please briefly describe where you went; list major destinations and other distinguishable places you visited or passed on this trip (e.g. Pacific Coast Trail, John Muir Trail, Roper route, High Sierra Trail, Rae Lakes Loop, other named route).

Q2. How many nights in the wilderness areas of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks did you camp on this particular trip? ______ nights

Q3. How many people were in your group on this visit? _____ people

Q4. How did you travel in the wilderness on this visit? Check all that apply, but if more than one, underline the primary method of travel.

( ) Hiked, carrying own equipment

( ) Hiked, leading packstock animal(s)

( ) Hiked with a commercial guide without packstock animals

( ) Hiked, with an outfitter dropping off gear

( ) Rode on horses provided by an outfitter and was dropped off to camp

( ) Rode on horses provided by an outfitter who remained with the group

( ) Rode on privately owned (visitor-owned) horses

( ) Other _________________________________________________________

Q5. Which of these activities did you participate in on this trip?

( ) Fishing

( ) Hiking on trails

( ) Speed hiking

( ) Hiking in a trail-less area (i.e. cross-country)

( ) Technical mountain climbing (i.e. using ropes and special gear)

( ) Non-technical mountain climbing (i.e. without using ropes and special gear)

( ) Kayaking

( ) Trail running

If you hiked in a trail-less area, how many nights did you camp in trail-less areas? _____ nights

Q6. What type of fuel did your group use for cooking on this trip (check all that apply)?

( ) wood

( ) liquid (e.g. white) gas

( ) propane or similar fuel in a pressured canister

( ) other fuel _________________________________________

( ) didn’t cook on this trip

Q7. How many times did you have a campfire on this trip? _____ (if none, skip to Q8)

How many of these campfires were in the evening? _____

How many of these campfires were for purposes other than cooking? _____

Q8. How did you store your food on this trip? Check all that apply, but if more than one, underline or circle the primary method of storage.

( ) In a portable bear resistant food storage canister

( ) In a NPS-installed bear resistant food storage locker

( ) Counterbalanced in a tree

( ) Hidden or buried

( ) Sitting out

( ) Kept in tent

( ) In a packstock-carried pannier or drum

( ) Other (describe) _________________________________________________

If you did use canisters, how many canisters did your group carry on this trip into the Sequoia-Kings Canyon wilderness? _____ canisters (If you didn’t use canisters, skip to question #13.)

Q9. Did you know before you left for the trailhead if all your food, toiletries and other scented items would fit in your canister after dinner your first night?

( ) Yes, we knew it would

( ) We were unsure if it would or not

( ) No, we knew it definitely would not

( ) We didn’t consider it/we had no idea

Q10. Which of the following statements most accurately describes your use of food storage canisters on this trip: (check one)

( ) Some trash, food or toiletries had to be left out some nights of our trip because we didn’t have enough room in our canister(s).

( ) We were able to fit all our food, trash and scented items in the canister(s) every night of this trip (skip to question #13)

Q11. If you ended up having too little room in your canister(s) for all your food, toiletries, and trash at the beginning of the trip, by what night of your trip did everything fit? _____ night

Q12. What did you do with those items that didn’t fit in your canister(s)?


Q13. Did you take any of the following technological devices with you on this trip? (check all that apply)

( ) Cell phone

( ) Satellite phone

( ) Personal Locator Beacon, such as a SPOT

( ) GPS device

( ) “Entertainment” type electronic devices (e.g. iPod)

( ) Other technological devices (please list) _______________________________

( ) No technological devices

Q14. Did you use GPS for any of the following? (check all that apply)

( ) to follow a described or downloaded route cross-country (off-trail)

( ) to locate a “waypointed” campsite

( ) to locate a specific waypoint, destination or landmark

( ) to determine your exact location

( ) general trail navigation

( ) to create a log or record of your route

( ) N/A -- didn’t use GPS


Q15. “Technology” in questions a – h refers to cellular phones, satellite phones, SPOT and other Personal Locator Beacons, GPS, and other similar devices. Please circle the number that best describes the degree to which you agree or disagree with each statement.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

a) Technology creates a genuine sense 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

of safety for wilderness users.

b) I would feel safer by having technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

with me on a wilderness trip.

c) I would be more likely to use technology to

request rescue when I could make 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

it out on my own but the process of

self-rescue would be long and uncomfortable.

d) I would be more likely to take chances

that could increase risk if I had technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

with me in the wilderness.

e) Technology creates a false increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

in safety for wilderness users.

f) Technology in the wilderness makes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

people feel that their safety is not their

personal responsibility.

g) Technology in the wilderness can successfully 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

substitute for skill/experience/knowledge.

h) Technology reduces many of the dangers

people associate with being 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

in the wilderness.

Q16. In planning the itinerary for this trip, were there any places or times you avoided because of conditions you have encountered in the past?

( ) No

( ) Yes (please describe the conditions you wanted to avoid) __________________________________________________________________________


Q17. We’d like to know three things about the number of different types of groups you encountered while in the wilderness areas of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. First, we’d like to know the total number of each type of group you saw. Then, tell us the least number of groups you saw on any one day. Third, tell us the most you saw in any one day.

Total Least in a Most in a

for trip single day single day

a. all types of groups __ __ __

b. large groups (more than __ __ __

10 people together)

c. groups that had pack animals __ __ __

d. groups camped within sight __ __ __

or sound of your campsite

e. number of groups that traveled __ __ __

past your campsite

Q18. Do you feel there should be a limit on the size of groups visiting this wilderness? ___Yes ___No

If Yes, what is the maximum number of people and/or stock that should be permitted in any one group?

_____ number of people in hiking-only groups (no pack animals) on trails

_____ number of people in hiking-only groups traveling cross-country in trail-less


_____ number of people in groups with pack animals on trails

_____ number of people in groups with pack animals traveling cross-country in

trail-less areas

_____ number of pack animals in groups on trails

_____ number of pack animals in groups in trail-less areas

Q19. We are interested in finding out what types of things influence the quality of your wilderness visit. For each of the items listed below, tell us 1) if you saw or noticed the item (Yes or No), if so 2) the extent to which it added to or detracted from the quality of your visit (circle one), and 3) whether you would like to see the Park Service manage for more, less, or the same of that thing (circle one).

If you noticed, did it Do you suggest

Did you notice Detract - Neither -Add Less or the Same

to your visit quality

a. wilderness ranger stations Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

b. Park Service crew camps Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

c. radio repeaters Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

d. food storage lockers Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

e. bridges Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

f. directional signs Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

g. regulatory signs Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

h. informational signs Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

i. packstock gates and Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

drift fences

j. science equipment/

installations (e.g. weather Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

and water monitoring devices)

k. helicopter overflights/ Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S


l. fixed wing overflights Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

m. the presence of people Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

along the trail

n. the presence of groups

with pack animals along Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

the trail

o. the presence of large Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

groups (>10) along the trail

p. the presence of groups

camped within sight or Yes/No - / 0 /+ L/S

sound of your campsite

Q20. Please indicate how you would rate the following management actions:

A. Intervention to restore natural conditions, such as

Strongly Strongly

Oppose Support

  1. removing nonnative species to promote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

recovery of native species

  1. reintroduction of missing native species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  2. management-ignited fires 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B . Intervention to mitigate climate change impact, such as

  1. introducing new genetic material more

resistant to drought or disease 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  1. moving plants or animals in anticipation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

of habitat change

  1. using irrigation due to changes in

precipitation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Q21. After visiting the Wilderness of Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks, how important do you believe each of the following characteristics is to defining this wilderness (things that should be protected in order to maintain its value to you)? Please circle one response for each description that best represents the importance you place on it.

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very

Important Important Important Important

a. A place where I can go for

recreation NI SI MI VI

b. A place with no (or few) non-native

plants NI SI MI VI

c. A place where human influences are

relatively unnoticeable NI SI MI VI

d. A place with opportunity for

unrestrained or unconfined recreation NI SI MI VI

e. A place where I can practice or

demonstrate primitive skills NI SI MI VI

f. A place to experience adventure

and the unknown NI SI MI VI

g. A place with opportunities for off-trail

travel and camping NI SI MI VI

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very

Important Important Important Important

h. A place I can go for a specific

activity I enjoy NI SI MI VI

(Which activity?)__________________________

i. A place without private inholdings NI SI MI VI

j. A place where I can go to spend time

with my family or friends NI SI MI VI

k. A place with little development for

visitor use (e.g., trails, bridges,signs, etc.) NI SI MI VI

l. A place with little evidence of modern

human occupation or modification (e.g.,

buildings, dams, mines, etc.) NI SI MI VI

m. A place where I can hike long distances

in the High Sierra NI SI MI VI

n. A place I can go to test my physical

abilities NI SI MI VI

o. A place without management actions

that manipulate the environment NI SI MI VI

p. A place I can go to connect to

the past – a historic place with a tie

to the past NI SI MI VI

q. A place where I don’t see or hear

motorized or mechanized equipment NI SI MI VI

r. A place I can go with a low

density of people NI SI MI VI

s. A place where natural fires are

not suppressed NI SI MI VI

t. A place where natural conditions, or

forces, dominate NI SI MI VI

u. A place without fish stocking

(native or non-native) NI SI MI VI

w. A place without non-native animals NI SI MI VI

x. A place that remains the same as

during earlier visits NI SI MI VI

y. A place with relatively clean air NI SI MI VI

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very

Important Important Important Important

z. A place where rivers and streams

flow unimpeded NI SI MI VI

aa. A place with pure water. NI SI MI VI

bb. A place with only natural sounds NI SI MI VI

cc. A place with no restrictions on my

behavior. NI SI MI VI

dd. A place where scientific exploration

is valued NI SI MI VI


Q22. Did the actions or behavior of any other group or individual interfere with your enjoyment of the wilderness on this trip?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If Yes, what type of group or person interfered with your enjoyment on this trip?

( ) Hikers with day packs

( ) Hikers with backpacks (overnight campers)

( ) Groups with pack animals

( ) People using electronic devices

( ) Trail runners

( ) Other _____________________________

Please describe the behavior that interfered with your enjoyment of this visit.


Q23. The following items are problems you may have run into on your visit to the Sequoia-Kings Canyon Wilderness. Please indicate how much of a problem each item was for you.

Not a Small Moderate Big Don’t

Problem Problem Problem Problem Know

a. overall trail conditions ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

b. rutted trails ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

c. horse manure on the trail ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

d. too many hikers on the trail ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

e. too many stock animals ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

on the trail

f. stock damage to vegetation ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

e.g. trampled meadows, damaged trees

g. human damage to vegetation ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

e.g. hatchet/axe damage to trees

h. groups with too many horses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

i. horse manure in the campsite ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

j. litter ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

l. improper human waste disposal ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

m. lakes/streams appear polluted ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

n. too many fire rings ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

o. too many large groups ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

p. too many people in the area ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

as a whole

q. too many people in certain ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

places in the area

r. not enough campsite privacy ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

s. helicopter noise ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

t. too many rules and regulations ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


Q24. How many times have you visited the wilderness areas of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks before? _____ visits

How many years ago did you first visit the wilderness areas of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks? _____ years ago

Including this visit, how many times did you visit any wilderness in the past 12 months? _____ visits

How many other wilderness areas have you ever visited?

___ this is the only one

___ 1 to 2 other areas

___ 3 to 5 other areas

___ 6 or more other areas

Q25. Do you belong to any organizations that are primarily concerned with conservation or outdoor recreation? If yes, please list.



Q26. In which of the following kinds of places did you spend the most time while growing up, up to age 18? Please mark only ONE answer.

( ) on a farm or ranch

( ) rural or small town (under 1000 population)

( ) town (1000 to 5000 population)

( ) small city (5000 to 50,000 population)

( ) medium city (50,000 to 1 million population)

( ) in a major city or metropolitan area (over 1 million population)

Q27. In what type of community do you now live? Please mark only ONE answer.

( ) on a farm or ranch

( ) rural or small town (under 1000 population)

( ) town (1000 to 5000 population)

( ) small city (5000 to 50,000 population)

( ) medium city (50,000 to 1 million population)

( ) in a major city or metropolitan area (over 1 million population)

Q28. What is the highest level of education you have attained? (circle one number that best represents your education)

  1. Less than a high school diploma

  2. High school graduate or GED

  3. Trade or professional school

  4. Some college

  5. Four-year college degree

  6. Some graduate school

  7. Graduate degree (specify) __________________________________________

Q29. What was your annual household income (US Dollars) in 2010 before taxes? (circle one number)

  1. Less than $25,000

  2. $25,000 to $49,999

  3. $50,000 to $74,999

  4. $75,000 to $99,999

  5. $100,000 to $149,999

  6. $150,000 to $199,999

  7. $200,000 to $249,999

  8. $250,000 or more

Q30. What is your age? ___ years on most recent birthday

Q31. What is your sex? Please mark one: __Male __Female

Q32. How would you best describe your

  1. Ethnicity?

____ Hispanic or Latino

____ Not Hispanic or Latino

  1. Race? (check all that apply)

__American Indian or Alaska Native,

__Asian or Asian Indian,

__Black or African American

__Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan or Other

Pacific Islander,



Please use the remaining space on the back to make any further comments.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per

response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Agriculture, Clearance Officer, OIRM, Room 404-W, Washington, DC 20250; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB #0596-xxxx, Exp. 00/00/xxxx), Washington, DC 20503.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleGates of the Arctic
AuthorUSDA Forest Service
Last Modified Byawatson
File Modified2011-04-20
File Created2011-04-19

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