NIST MEP Expanded Services Center Information Reporting System

Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Expanded Services Center Information Reporting System

0693-XXXX - NIST MEP Expanded Services ReportingCollectionInstrument.xlsx

NIST MEP Expanded Services Center Information Reporting System

OMB: 0693-0058

Document [xlsx]
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Field Name Description
Clients Information ID MEIS ID Number

Center/CAR ID Center ID Number

Center/CAR Name Center Name

Client Since Date company became a client

Exclude from Survey Flag that client is to be excluded from future surveys

Stationery Code Center stationery to be used for Survey

Center Regional Office ID ID of CRO

Center Regional Office Name Name of CRO

Name Company Name

Address 1 Company Address

Address 2 Company Address 2

City Company City

County Company County

State Company State

Zip Company ZIP Code

NAICS Code NAICS Code - Switch to 6 digit NAICS, allow old data as 5 digit, if client touched, must input 6 digits

NAICS Comment Why not manufacturing

Number of Employees Number of Employees

Size Comment Comment required for clients with more than 500 employees-how working with this client fulfills the MEP Mission

Dun and Bradstreet Number Dun and Bradstreet Number

Contact Salutation Primary contact's salutation

Contact Last Name Primary contact's last name

Contact First Name Primary contact's first name

Contact email Primary contact's email

Contact Phone Phone number for primary contact

Contact Phone Ext Phone extension for primary contact

Contact Fax Fax number for primary contact

Contact Position Primary contact's position

Secondary Contact Salutation Secondary contact's Salutation

Secondary Contact Name Secondary contact's First Last Name

Secondary Contact Position Secondary contact's Position

Secondary Contact email Secondary contact's First Name

Secondary Contact Phone Secondary contact's phone number

Secondary Contact Phone Extension Secondary contact's phone extension

Secondary Contact Fax Secondary contact's fax number

Center Client Field Client field to be used for Center specific use

Out of Business Flag that client is out of business

Out of Business Date Date MEP was notified client is out of business-

Out of Business Comment Explanation given as to why client is out of business

Project Information Project ID System-generated number

Center Project ID Center project identification number

Project Name Name of the project

Project Description Brief description of the project

Substance Project substance code 21-32

Center Reference to center

Client Reference to client

Start Date Project start date

Completion Date Project end date

Reported Quarter Quarter Project reported

Completed Quarter Quarter project completed

Type Engagement - Project or Event (P or E)

Primary Strategic Area The predominant strategic area this project is focused on.

Project ID System-generated number

Center Project ID Center project identification number

Project Name Name of the project

Project Description Brief description of the project

Substance Project substance code 21-32

Center Reference to center

Client Reference to client

Start Date Project start date

Completion Date Project end date

Reported Quarter Quarter Project reported

Completed Quarter Quarter project completed

Type Engagement - Project or Event (P or E)

Primary Strategic Area The predominant strategic area this project is focused on.

Center Delivery Staff Name of primary center staff person working on project

Center Sales Staff Name of primary center sales staff working on the account/project

Total Project Hours Total hours spent delivering project

Center Hours Hours spent by center staff delivering project

Third Party Hours Hours spend by third part delivering project

Other Hours Hours spent by other staff delivering project

Total Project Value Total dollar value of the project (not what the client was billed-actual value of the work performed)

MEP Portion of Project Value Value of project services delivered by MEP staff

Third Party Portion of Project Value Value of project services delivered by third party

Other Portion of Project Value Value of services/resources from other sources (grants, etc.)

Center Project Field Project field(s) to be used for Center specific use

National Account National Account/Supply Chain - Northrop, Boeing, etc

Surveys Reference to surveys for each project (can be more than one for MEP Center Operations)

Funding ID Cooperative Agreement Big Bucket of MEP funding for aggregate

Award ID Reference to financial award ie bucket of money to recipient

Baseline Sales Dollar amount of sales before project work begins

Baseline COGS Dollar amount of Cost of Goods Sold before project work begins

Baseline Employment Number of employees before project work begins

Progress Narrative Report Id MEIS Unique ID for the Progress Narrative Report

Year Year Reported

Quarter Quarter Reported

Status Status of report, new, final, submitted

Validation Validation of report, pending, final, in process

Center/CAR Reference to center or CAR

Award ID Reference to award id

Notification checkbox Center has confirmed or changed budget with Grants

Total Fees from Projects Fees collected for services

Technical FTE Count of Technical Staff

Sales FTE Count of Sales Staff

Management FTE Count of Management Staff

Other FTE Count of Other Staff

Total FTE Total of all Staff Categories

Total Expenses Cash Toal cash expenses

Total Expenses In-kind Total inkind expenses

SMES served in past 12 months Unique number of SMEs served

Operating Plan Compliance Replaces signature on hard copy

Center Staff and Technical Assistance Providers Trained Form collect organization and name of person trained

Definition of Target Market Completed by Federal PM pulled from A3/OP

Number of Target Market Population Reached Description of progress in response to definition of target market

Partnerships Description of work with partners

Progress towards regional/national scalability Descriptio of work to scaling

3 Metrics for Year Completed by Federal PM pulled from A3/OP

Activities this quarter Description of activities completed this quarter

Activities next quarter Description of activities to be completed next quarter

Major project milestones accomplished Description of major milestones met.

Risks to project plan Description of identified risks. Could be related to resources, schedule, budget.

Progress towards annual project completion (cumulative) Range of values - <9% 10 - 24%, 25% - 49%, 50 - 74%, 75% - 89% >90%, 100%

Percent of funds expended From ASAP - how do we get, from Federal PM

Related Documents Upload, download, open, delete supporting documents

Center Id Unique ID of Center

Parent Center ID Association to Center

Competitive Award Center Type Type of Center (Center, Competitive Award Recipient, what are we missing???)
Recipient Information Center Org Type Center type 501c3, State Gov, University

Center Status Staus - Active/Inactive

Center Name Name of Center - known as, not recipient

NIST Award ID Name of award related to center

Center Start Date Date center came into existence

Center Review Month Center panel review month

Center Timezone Time zone center resides in

Center Address 1 Address 1 for Center

Center Address 2 Address 2 for Center

Center County County Center is located

Center State State Center is located

Center State ID System ID

Zip 1 5 digit zip

Zip 2 4 digit zip extension

Center Description Service area for Center Nearest You

Center Web Site URL for center website

Center Phone Center Phone number

Center Phone Ext Center phone extension

Center Fax Fax number for center

Center Email Generic information email for center

Additional Information Whatever????

Center Description Service area for Center Nearest You

Center Group Association with Center Group (groups of centers for efficiencies in contacts, reporting, roles)

Partner/Affiliate ID Unique ID Of Partner/Affiliate

Partners/Affiliate name Name of Partner/Affiliate

Timezone System wide field - not applicable

Address 1 Address of Partner/Affiliate

Address 2 Address 2 of Partner/Affiliate

City City

State State

Zip1 5 digit zip

Zip2 4 digit zip

Partner Service Delivery Location Checkbox Yes/No

Partner Help Mapping ID Unique ID Of Partner Type Record

Bit code System way of tracking mapping for help

Help Name Name of type of help - Delivers Services on Center's Behalf, Helps Sell Center Services, Helps Market Center Services, Helps Center Develop Products, Helps Train Center Personnel, Provides Market Information Analysis, Provides Administrative or Acounting Support, Profices Office Space, Bills Clients for Work Performed with the Center

Mapping lookup status Status (checked/unchecked)

Partner/Affiliate Type ID Unique ID Of Partner Type Record

Partners/Affiliate Type Name List of Types: Association, Champer of Commerce, Economic Devleopment Organization, Power/Utility, Federal Institute, SBDC, University - 4Year, Community College, Technical College, Local Government, State Government, For Profit Consulting, Science and Technology Organization, Other Non-profit, Other

Partner Affiliate Description Type Description of type

Partner Affiliate Lookup Status Status Flag
State Funding Partner

Information State Funding Partner ID Unique ID Of SFP

Center ID Association to center

User ID Unique user id - may/may not have an account

description Description of the SFP

Organization SFP organization - should/must this be a partner?

Address 1 Address of location

Address 2 Supporting info to address of location

City Name of city

County Name of county

State Name of state

Zip 1 Zip code - 5 digits

Zip 2 Zip code - 4 digits

State Funding Partner Status ID Status Active/Inactive

SFP Status ID Unique ID Of Status Record

SFP Status name Name of SFP Status (Active/Inactive)

SFP Description Description of status

SFP Lookup Status Status Flag

Award Information Funding Award ID Assocation to funding award

Parent Center ID Assocation to Center/CAR

Competition Amont Dollars awarded to center/CAR

Award Start Date Date award starts

Award End Date Date award ends

Unexpended Federal Funds Dollars not spent for Year

Percent Over Cost Share Percentage Over cost share

Program Income Estimated Estmated Program Income

Program Income_Actual Actual Program Income

Unexpended Program Income - Estimated Estimated Unexpended Program Income

Unexpended Program Income - Actual Actual Unexpended Program Income

Other Cash - Estimated Estimated Cash from Other Sources

Other Cash - Actuals Actual Cash from Other Sources

Other In-Kind - Estimated Estimated In-kind from Other Sources

Other In-Kind - Actual Actual In-Kind from Other Sources

State Cash - Estimated Estimated Cash from State Sources

State Cash - Actuals Actual Cash from State Sources

State In-Kind - Estimated Estimated In-kind from State Sources

State In-Kind - Actual Actual In-Kind from State Sources

Local Cash - Estimated Estimated Cash from Local Sources

Local Cash - Actuals Actual Cash from Local Sources

Local In-Kind - Estimated Estimated In-kind fromLocal Sources

Local In-Kind - Actual Actual In-Kind from Local Sources

Third Party Cash - Estimated Estimated Cash from Third Party Sources

Third Party Cash - Actuals Actual Cash fromThird Party Sources

Third Party In-Kind - Estimated Estimated In-kind from Third Party Sources

Third Party In-Kind - Actual Actual In-Kind from Third Party Sources

Federal Dollar Quarterly allocation for Federal Dollars from Award amount

Clients Served last 12 months SMEs served last 12 months

Account Manager Reference to Account/Project Manager

Staff Information User ID MEIS ID Number

User Type Type of account (MEP, Center, Other)

User Status Status of account (active, archived)

User Review Status Reviewed in last 6 months status

MEP ID Association with MEP

Center ID Association with Center

Organization ID Association with Organization

Username Username chosen

Password Password chosen

Salutation Salutation (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss, Dr.)

Timezone Timezone for MEPU

First Name First Name

Last Name Last Name

Title Title of staff member

Address 1 Address 1 for staff member

Address 2 Address 2 for staff member

City City

State State

Zip 1 Zip - 5 digits

Zip 2 Zip - 4 digits

Phone Staff Phone

Phone Ext Staff Phone Ext

Fax Staff fax number

Email Staff email

Cell Staff cell number

Pager Staff pager number

Additional Information Any additional information about staff member

Description Staff skills - description

Experience Staff skills - experience

Account Submitted on Date account was requested

Account Sponsor Name of Sponsor of account

Account Last Login Last login date to the SFC

Account Approved On Date account was approved

Account Approved By Who approved the account

Account Comments Any information about the account - change information

Account Last Reviewed On Date last reviewed for SP

Account Last Reviewed By Who reviewed account for SP

Account History History of transactions on the account

Contact Information Contacts Membership ID Unique Contact ID

User ID Association of user to contact

Center ID Association to Center

Contacts Type Assocation to Contact (List Defined by NIST MEP e.g. Reporting, Survey, CFO, Center Director, MEPU)
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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