FERC-516 (OMB Control No. 1902-0096), Detailed Spreadsheet related to Final Rule in Docket RM05-5-013 |
IC (Information Collection) |
no. of responses |
hr. per response |
Ellen Brown: These figures may not be exact, due to rounding and/or truncating.
total burden hrs. |
industry cost per response, per ROCIS ($) |
total industry cost for IC, per ROCIS ($) |
difference (ICR 201008-1902-001 less ICR 201004-1902-007) in hrs. |
Current OMB Inventory (approved in ICR #201004-1902-007) |
201004-1902-007 |
a [Electric Rates Schedules and Tariff Filings] |
4,330.00 |
106.12 |
459,489.21 |
Ellen Brown:
Listed in ROCIS as $0.
0.00 |
Ellen Brown:
Listed in ROCIS as $0.
$0.00 |
Ellen Brown:
Listed in ROCIS as $0.
201004-1902-007 |
b [Final Rule in RM05-5-017 (one-time filing)] |
6.00 |
6.00 |
36.00 |
Ellen Brown:
hourly cost of $370 (a composite estimate that includes legal, technical and support staff rates, $250+$95+$25=$370). [A workyear consists of 2,080 hours.]
$2,220.00 |
Ellen Brown:
hourly cost of $370 (a composite estimate that includes legal, technical and support staff rates, $250+$95+$25=$370). [A workyear consists of 2,080 hours.]
$13,320.00 |
Ellen Brown: ICR for final rule in Docket RM07-1 (issued 10/2008) affected FERC-717 & FERC-592, but did not affect industry burden figures or cost given in supporting statement or ROCIS for FERC-717.
201004-1902-007 Total |
4,336.00 |
459,525.21 |
$13,320.00 |
this ICR [201008-1902-001] (submitted for OMB review 8/2010) for Final Rule in Docket RM05-5-013 |
No change for ICR 201008-1902-001 |
a [Electric Rates Schedules and Tariff Filings] |
4,330.00 |
106.12 |
459,489.21 |
Ellen Brown:
Listed in ROCIS as $0.
0.00 |
Ellen Brown:
Listed in ROCIS as $0.
$0.00 |
0 |
No change for ICR 201008-1902-001 |
b [Final Rule in RM05-5-017 (one-time filing)] |
6.00 |
6.00 |
36.00 |
Ellen Brown:
hourly cost of $370 (a composite estimate that includes legal, technical and support staff rates, $250+$95+$25=$370). [A workyear consists of 2,080 hours.]
2,220.00 |
Ellen Brown:
hourly cost of $370 (a composite estimate that includes legal, technical and support staff rates, $250+$95+$25=$370). [A workyear consists of 2,080 hours.]
$13,320.00 |
0 |
New for ICR 201008-1902-001 |
c [new; (one-time filing) RM05-5-013 Final Rule, Standards for Business Practices and Communications Protocols for Public Utilities] |
176.00 |
6.00 |
1,056.00 |
Ellen Brown: The supporting statement uses an hourly wage estimate of $123.33 (an estimate that averages legal ($250/hr.), technical ($95/hr.) and support staff rates ($25/hr.)). [Inadvertently the rulemaking had used an hourly cost estimate of $370, a sum rather than the average of the hourly cost components.]
$739.98 |
Ellen Brown: The supporting statement uses an hourly wage estimate of $123.33 (an estimate that averages legal ($250/hr.), technical ($95/hr.) and support staff rates ($25/hr.)). [Inadvertently the rulemaking had used an hourly cost estimate of $370, a sum, rather than the average, of the hourly cost components.]
$130,236.48 |
1,056 hrs., prog. increase |
Total |
4,512.00 |
460,581.21 |
$143,556.48 |
1,056 hrs., prog. increase |