Attachment B -- PSO Form 10-21-2010

Attachment B -- PSO Form 10-21-2010.doc

Patient Safety Organization Certification Forms and Patient Safety Confidentiality Complaint Form

Attachment B -- PSO Form 10-21-2010

OMB: 0935-0143

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0935-0143    

Exp. Date 08/31/2011


Before completing this form, please review the requirements of the Patient Safety Rule specified in 42 CFR Part 3, especially sections 3.102 (a), 3.102 (c), and 3.106. The rule implements the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (Patient Safety Act), which authorizes the creation of Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), administers the provisions of the Patient Safety Act dealing with PSO operations. The rule and other PSO-related information are available on AHRQ’s PSO Web site at Completion of this form provides information to HHS on the types of health care settings with which PSOs are working to conduct patient safety activities. This form is designed to collect data to report aggregate statistics on the impact of the Patient Safety Act; no PSO-specific data will be released.

Please report this information by February 15th of the year following that to which the information pertains. For example, data from calendar year 2009 should be reported by February 15, 2010. This information can be entered electronically at AHRQ’s PSO Privacy Protection Center Please contact [email protected] for more information. To submit a hard copy, please send to: PSO PPC, IFMC, 1776 West Lakes Parkway, West Des Moines, IA, 50266.

PSO NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

AHRQ PSO ASSIGNED NUMBER: _________________________________ REPORTING YEAR: ______________________________

FORM COMPLETED BY:___________________________________________________________________________________________

FORM SUBMISSION DATE: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Part A: PSO Information

Please note that the information requested in Part A is to be completed once for the PSO.

  1. In this report year, how many provider organizations did the PSO have a contract or agreement for services with pursuant to the Patient Safety Act? Count each contract or agreement only once regardless of how many facilities each contract or agreement covered. If none, enter “0”

  1. From how many of these provider organizations did the PSO receive PSWP at any time during this report year? If none, enter “0”

  1. From how many provider organizations, with which the PSO did not have a contract or agreement to receive PSWP, did it receive PSWP in this report year? If none, enter “0”

1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. Which of the following categories best describes the type of PSO (or, if a component PSO, type of principal parent)? Select One:

Healthcare provider organization; includes hospital, physician group, and any other types of provider; laboratory, tissue bank, and any other type of auxiliary service

Association; includes medical society and any other type of professional association; trade association; voluntary association

Consulting firm; includes research institute (except if part of an educational establishment), data analysis firm, etc.

Software development organization

University or other educational establishment

Consumer (advocacy) organization

Financial service organization or insurer (other than health insurance provider)

Publishing, media company; includes any type of information service

Wholesaler/retailer; includes general purchasing organization, wholesaler or similar entity; DME supplier, retail pharmacy, other retailer or similar entity

Other, please specify: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Part A: PSO Information – continued


For purposes of patient safety reporting, does the PSO focus on a particular type of patient safety event or area, or does it accept event reports on any topic/category? Select One:

Accepts only reports on a single topic

Accepts reports on multiple topics, but not all topics

No specific focus; accepts all safety event reports


In which particular category does the PSO accept reports? Select All That Apply:

Blood or Blood Product

Device or Medical Surgical Supply


Healthcare-associated Infection

Medication or Other Substance


Pressure Ulcer

Surgery or Anesthesia

PSO does not focus on any particular category

Other, please specify: ______________________________________________________________________________________


With respect to arranging to receive PSE reports from providers, does the PSO focus on defined categories other than the event-specific Common Formats in the previous question? Select One:

Yes, please specify: ______________________________________________



Which of the following legal or organizational forms best describes the PSO? Select One:

Federal, state, local, or tribal government agency

For-profit entity

Non-profit entity; includes foundation, university, etc.



Is the PSO is a component of a parent organization? Select One:

If the answer is “No”, please proceed to question 11. If the answer is “Yes, it is a separate legal entity” or “Yes, but it is not a separate legal entity”, please proceed to question 10.

Yes, it is a component and a separate legal entity

Yes, it is a component , but it is not a separate legal entity

No, it is not a component PSO


Which of the following legal or organizational forms best describes the principal parent organization? Select First Applicable:

Federal, state, local, or tribal government agency

For-profit entity

Non-profit entity; includes foundation, university, etc.



Was the PSO established as a direct result of state law or regulation? Select One:




Does the PSO offer any service other than PSO services (as described in the rule)? Select One:




From what geographical area does the PSO receive event reports? Select One:


One or more states, but not national (list states) __________________________________________________________________

PSO does not receive patient safety data/event reports

Part B: Provider(s) Information

Please note that the information requested in Part B is to be completed for each provider that a PSO has a contract with (e.g. If a PSO has contracts with five providers, Part B should be filled out for each of the providers). The information requested in Part A is to be completed only once for the PSO.

First three digits of provider’s zip code: _________________________

PSO assigned provider ID: _________________________


Type of provider. Select One:

General (acute care) hospital Specialty or other hospital

Not a hospital, please specify: _____________________________________


What was the number of staffed beds at the end of the most recent calendar year for which data are available?

Round to the nearest 100: ____________________


What was the total number of inpatient discharges during the most recent calendar year for which complete data are available?

Round to the nearest 1,000: ____________________


What was the combined total number of inpatient and outpatient surgical operations during the most recent calendar year for which complete data are available?

Round to the nearest 1,000: ____________________


What was the number of outpatient encounters during the most recent calendar year for which complete data are available (include emergency department outpatient encounters)?

Round to the nearest 1,000: ____________________


What was the number of live births during the most recent calendar year for which complete data are available?

Round to the nearest 100: ____________________


Is this reporting provider part of an academic medical center or affiliated with a teaching program? Select One:

Yes – is part of an academic medical center

Yes – has a teaching affiliation, but is not part of an academic medical center; includes teaching facility through which students, interns, residents, etc. rotate




In what size area is the reporting provider located? Select One:

Large metropolitan area (1,000,000 or more population)

Small metropolitan area (50,000 to 999,999 population)

Micropolitan area (10,000 to 49,999 population)

Non-urban area (Less than 10,000 population)

PART B: Provider(s) Information – continued


What is the reporting provider’s ownership status? Select One:

Government (federal, state, or local)

Private, not-for-profit

Private, for-profit (investor-owned)

Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________


Does the reporting provider currently participate in the CDC National Healthcare Safety Network for surveillance of healthcare associated infections? Select One:

Yes No Unknown


Does the reporting provider have a designated person responsible for patient safety (e.g., patient safety manager or officer, or risk manager)? Select One:

Yes, at least one person assigned full-time to patient safety

Yes, less than one full-time person assigned to patient safety

No one designated specifically for patient safety



Is the reporting provider part of a multi-facility system (MFS)? Select One:

If the answer is “Yes”, please proceed to question 13. If the answer is “No”, this form is complete.

Yes No


If the reporting provider is part of an MFS, check all the facility types that are part of the system.


Home health agency

Nursing home

Retail establishment, includes pharmacy

Assisted living

Other, please specify: __________________________________________________________

Ambulatory care or clinic

This completed form is considered public information.

Burden Statement

Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response.  An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:  AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer, Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (0935-0143), AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Room #5036, Rockville, MD 20850.

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File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified Bywilliam.carroll
File Modified2010-10-26
File Created2010-10-26

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