Guide for Focus Group Discussion w/Participating Youths

Evaluation of Pregnancy Prevention Approaches:Implementation Study Data Collection

PPA Implementation Attachment G - Guide for Focus Group Discussion with Participating Youths - revised 3.17.11

Guide for Focus Group Discussion w/Participating Youths

OMB: 0990-0375

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Guide for FOCUS Group Discussion with Participating Youths

Guide for Focus Group Discussion with Participating Youths

Introduction (5 minutes)

Introduce self and other PPA staff

Purpose of Discussion



Tapes help in preparing the report.

No one outside of the project team will ever have access to the tapes


We will never use your name in a report, and your name will never be associated with your answers.

In the report, we will say things like, “About half the people disagreed with statement X.”

Please talk one at a time so everyone can be heard.

Our time is limited, so I may need to change the discussion to a new topic from time to time, to make sure we cover everything.

There are no right or wrong answers…please offer your opinion, even if it is different from others.

Participant Introductions (5 minutes)

Please introduce yourself by telling us:

Your first name

Your grade

Your favorite snack

Program (10 minutes)

How would you describe PROGRAM to a youth who is new to your school/community?

Probe: What is the purpose of the program?

Probe: What are the main parts of the program?

Probe: Who can participate in the program?

Would you encourage or discourage the youth who is new to participate in PROGRAM? Why?

Program Participation (20 minutes)

If the program is voluntary: Why are you participating in PROGRAM?

Do your parents want you to participate in PROGRAM? Do they support PROGRAM?

Probe: Why or why not?

For each key activity:

How many of you have participated in ACTIVITY?

Of those who have not participated in ACTIVITY, why haven’t you participated?

Of those who have participated in ACTIVITY, what was the best thing about ACTIVITY? What would you change about ACTIVITY if you could?

What was the schedule for ACTIVITY? When did it start, and when does it end? How often does ACTIVITY take place? Is that the best schedule, in your opinion?

What were the main things you learned or main messages you got from ACTIVITY?

Have you ever helped the staff plan ACTIVITY?

Probe: How did you help the staff?

Did you feel comfortable participating in ACTIVITY?

Probe: Why or why not?

How many of your friends also participate in PROGRAM?

Do your friends think it is good that you participate in PROGRAM?

Probe: Why or why not?

Program Experiences (10 minutes)

Thinking of the program overall, how comfortable would you say you are with the topics and activities in this program?

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 the best, how would you rate your experience in PROGRAM?

Probe: Why?

What was the best thing about PROGRAM?

Probe: Did the teacher/leader do a good job? Was he/she comfortable with the program materials?

Probe: Were the materials interesting and easy to use?

Probe: Were there special events or activities that you especially liked?

Probe: Did PROGRAM teach you things that it was important for you to know?

If you could change something about the program, what would it be?

Probe: Would you choose different staff?

Probe: Would you choose different materials?

Probe: Would you add certain activities or take out other activities?

Probe: Would you have PROGRAM include additional or different topics?

Have your experiences in PROGRAM made any difference in your life? If so, how?

Participation in Other Similar Programs (10 minutes)

Does your school offer programs or classes that cover the same or similar topics as PROGRAM?

Please describe the similar program or class at your school. How is it similar? How is it different?

Do you participate in this program or class?

How many of your friends participate in this program or class?

Do other organizations in your community offer programs or classes that cover the same or similar topics as PROGRAM?

Please describe the similar program or class in your community. Please describe the similar program or class at your school. How is it similar? How is it different?

Do you participate in this program or class?

How many of your friends participate in this program or class?


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about PROGRAM?

Thank you!

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByAMargolis
File Modified2011-04-05
File Created2011-04-05

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