Home Care Worker Training Curriculum Guide

Survey to Evaluate Occupational and Safety Educational Materials for Home Care Workers

Att F_HC Worker Training Curriculuum Guide

Home Care Worker Training Curriculum Guide

OMB: 0920-0880

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date __XX/XX/20XX

Home Care Worker Training Program Curriculum Guide

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By the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Understand the importance of homecare worker health and safety

  • Be able to use the handbook to identify and address hazards they may face on the job

  • Describe how to work effectively with the consumer to identify and address problems

  • Know who to contact for more information or assistance.




1. Introduction

A. Welcome the group and review agenda and purpose of workshop – to give people tips and resources that will help them stay safe on the job. (expand more - perhaps a few stats about the rate of injury to illustrate important of problem?)

B. Ask everyone to say name, number of years they have been a homecare worker, who they care for.

10 minutes

Flip chart and markers

2. Body Mapping: Where does it hurt?

A. Say that the first step to preventing injuries is to recognize when there’s a problem. Tell people that we want them to think about where they might have had symptoms that they think might be caused by their homecare work. Post Body Chart flip chart and provide a set of red dots to each participant. Ask people to post a dot where they experience health symptoms they believe may be related to their work.

B. Report back: Discuss common patterns, etc. Say that the purpose of this workshop and of the handbook they will be receiving is to prevent these symptoms and injuries.

10 minutes

Body Chart

Red dots

3. Overview of handbook

Distribute the handbook. Briefly review the overall content. Point out introduction, communication section, checklist, structure of tip sheets, resource list and purpose of action plan. Say that we will look at some of these sections more closely during the workshop.

5 minutes


4. Why does it hurt?

A. Ask people to turn to the checklist on p. xx. Review the tasks represented.

B. Distribute a set of stickers that represent the common tasks/hazards on the checklist. Explain that each picture refers to a range of activities associated with a common task. For example, the picture of the mop, is meant to refer to all housekeeping tasks, including vacuuming, dusting,etc.

C. Ask people to think about what homecare task might cause the symptom they marked on the body chart and go up and post the relevant stickers next to their dots. Explain that they may use the same picture for various symptoms. If a task is not represented, tell people to write that task on a blank sticker and post it on the chart.

D. Report back: When everyone has finished posting their stickers, discuss what people have posted and highlight patterns. Explain that the handbook is designed to provide tips on how to make these tasks safer so that symptoms, illnesses and injuries can be prevented.

15 minutes


5. Using the handbook to solve problems

A. Refer to list of hazards/tasks on flip chart. Assign small groups (3 to 5 in each group) one hazard/task that correspond with one of the tip sheets. Distribute Safety Tip Activity Worksheet. Review the following directions:

  • Review the assigned tipsheet and identify possible solutions.

  • Discuss how you could talk to the consumer about the changes needed. Encourage them to refer to the “talk it over” section in the tip sheet as well as the section on “how to talk about safety” in the front of the handbook. Suggest that they take time to practice asking for what they need.

  • Fill out the “To Do” list provided indicating what changes they would make to ensure that the task can be done safely.

B. Report back: Ask a spokesperson from each group to report on the solutions they indentified and on some of the ideas for how to talk with the consumer about the changes they need.


Worksheet and ToDo list

6. Closing

1. Discuss who they might go to for help and further assistance. Discuss role of union and public authority and refer people to the resources section of the handbook.

2. Thank people for coming.

5 minutes

Handbooks, other contact info?

Safety Tip Activity

Training Worksheet for Activity #5

Safety Tip # _______

Review this Safety Tip in your handbook.

1. What are some possible solutions to make this work safer?

2. Review the “How to talk to each other about safety” section on pages 6-9 and the solutions you wrote for #1 above. What are some things you could do or say to convince your consumer that your solutions are good ideas?

3. As a group, please complete the following to-do list for your Safety Tip. An example of how to fill one out is on page 3 of your handbook.

Sticker Icons for Activity # 4

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSupporting Statement
Last Modified ByThelma Elaine Sims
File Modified2010-10-14
File Created2010-10-14

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