Hiring and Non-Hiring Progress Report (FY2010 and previo

COPS Progress Report

Hiring_Non-Hiring_Active Progress Report_0729-10FINAL3

COPS Progress Report

OMB: 1103-0102

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UShape1 .S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) OMB# 1103-#### Expires


COPS Active Progress Report


Hiring Questions

This survey pertains to the <TOTAL # FULL-TIME > COPS officer position(s) awarded under the following grant as of < Last day of the reporting period>.

Grant Program

Grant #

New Hires


Pre-Application Layoffs


Post-Application Layoffs












1. As of < Last day of the reporting period >, how many COPS grant position(s) were filled?

Grant Program

Grant #

New Hires


Pre-Application Layoffs


Post-Application Layoffs











2. As of < Last day of the reporting period >, how many of the unfilled COPS grant position(s) do you intend to fill?

Grant Program

Grant #

New Hires


Pre-Application Layoffs


Post-Application Layoffs






2a. Of the CHRP position(s) that you intend to fill, what is the status of each of these position(s).

________ Recruiting/hiring process has not yet started

________ In the recruiting/hiring process (e.g., career fairs, interviews, background checks)

________ In the training academy

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 0-3 months

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 4-6 months

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 7-9 months

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 10-12 months






2a. Of the CHP position(s) that you intend to fill, what is the status of each of these position(s).

________ Recruiting/hiring process has not yet started

________ In the recruiting/hiring process (e.g., career fairs, interviews, background checks)

________ In the training academy

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 0-3 months

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 4-6 months

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 7-9 months

________ Number of positions scheduled to start in 10-12 months

3. As of < Last day of the reporting period >, how many of the unfilled grant position(s) are not going to be filled?

Grant Program

Grant #

New Hires


Pre-Application Layoffs


Post-Application Layoffs











*For the position(s) you do not intend to fill, please contact your Grant Program Specialist at 1-800-421-6770 to discuss a grant modification and/or withdrawal.

Developers Note: This question will only be asked once annually during the 1st calendar quarter in January.

COPS hiring grantees are required to retain all sworn officer position(s) awarded under the Hiring grant with state and/or local funds for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each awarded position. This means that the retained COPS funded position(s) must be added to your agency’s law enforcement budget, over and above the number of locally-funded sworn officer positions that would exist in the absence of the grant. Absorbing your COPS-funded officer positions through attrition (rather than adding extra positions to your budget with additional funding) does not meet the retention requirement.

4. 2010RKWX0001

Shape6 I certify by checking this box that, as stated in my original grant application, my agency plans to retain the additional sworn officer position(s) awarded under the Hiring grant with state and/or local funds for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each awarded position.

Shape7 Please check this box if your agency has any questions about the retention requirement and/or is concerned about your agency’s ability to retain the officer position(s) due to fiscal distress or other extenuating circumstances. The COPS Office will contact you to provide you with additional grant implementation assistance. Please provide a brief explanation below of your question or concern.

(please explain in 1000 characters or less):


4. 2010RLWX0005

Shape9 I certify by checking this box that, as stated in my original grant application, my agency plans to retain the additional sworn officer position(s) awarded under the Hiring grant with state and/or local funds for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each awarded position.

Shape10 Please check this box if your agency has any questions about the retention requirement and/or is concerned about your agency’s ability to retain the officer position(s) due to fiscal distress or other extenuating circumstances. The COPS Office will contact you to provide you with additional grant implementation assistance. Please provide a brief explanation below of your question or concern.

(please explain in 1000 characters or less):


5. Does your agency require programmatic assistance for the grant(s) listed below at this time to ensure successful implementation of this project?





YShape14 Shape12 Shape13 es No

YShape16 Shape15 es No

Developers Note: This question will appear for each “yes” answer above. A grant row will appear for each “Yes” selection.

5a. Please identify what type of programmatic assistance you require.

Grant Modification Needed

Grant Extension Needed

Community Policing Assistance

Grant Withdrawal Needed

Federal Financial Report Question

Retention Issue


2010RKWX0001 CHRP
















Developers Note: If “other” is selected, a text box will appear. Also, add link to FAQ for modification and extension or instructions for completing mod and ext.

CHRP 2009RKWX0001 (please explain in 1000 characters or less):


Non-Hiring Questions

6. During the reporting period, did your agency complete the purchase of all of the equipment, technology, training, background investigations and/or other cost items in your approved project budget?





YShape37 Shape35 Shape36 Shape34 es No NA

YShape40 Shape39 Shape38 es No NA

6a. Please check the reason(s) below that best explains why you have not completed all of your purchases (check all that apply):

Developers Note: This question will appear for each “no” answer above. A grant row will appear for each “no” selection.

Purchasing in progress

Change in administration

Vendor delays

Procurement issues

Technical issues

Sole Source Approval Needed


2010CKWX0123 Technology
















Developers Note: a text box will appear for each “other” check box selected above.

2010CKWX0123 (please explain in 1000 characters or less): Note: box only appears if “other” selected above


2010CKWXK005 (please explain in 1000 characters or less): Note: box only appears if “other” selected above


7. Has your agency hired all non-sworn/civilian personnel awarded in your approved project budget?





YShape62 Shape60 Shape61 Shape59 es No NA

YShape65 Shape64 Shape63 es No NA

Developers Note: For each “no” response, the agency will receive this question. A grant row should appear for each “no” selection.

7a. Please check the reason(s) below that best describes the hiring status (check all that apply):

Recruitment/ Hiring in Progress

Staff Turnover

Lack of Qualified Candidates

Change in Administration

Temporary hiring freeze


2010CKWX0123 Technology














2010CKWX0123 (please explain in 500 characters or less): Note: box only appears if “other” selected above


2010CKWXK005 (please explain in 500 characters or less): Note: box only appears if” other” selected above


8. During the reporting period, has your agency satisfied all the programmatic grant requirements?





YShape84 Shape82 Shape83 es No

YShape86 Shape85 es No

Developers Note: For each “no” response the agency will receive question 8a.

8a. Do you plan to meet the grant requirements and fully implement this grant in subsequent reporting periods?





YShape89 Shape88 Shape87 es No

YShape90 Shape91 es No

Developer Note: For each “no” response, the agency will receive this question:

8a1. Please explain why you do not plan to fully implement this grant (1000 characters or less):


9. Does your agency require programmatic assistance at this time to ensure successful implementation of this project?





YShape95 Shape93 Shape94 es No

YShape97 Shape96 es No

Developers Note: For each “Yes” response to the question above, the agency will receive the next question:

Developers note: A grant row will appear for each “Yes” selection above

9a. Please identify what type of programmatic assistance you require.(Check all that apply):

Grant Modification Needed

Grant Extension Needed

Sole Source Approval Needed

Community Policing Asst

Grant Withdrawal Needed

Federal Financial Report Question

Consultant Rate Approval Needed


2010CKWX0123 Technology


















Developers Note: a text box will appear for each “other” check box selected above. Also, add link to FAQ for modification and extension or instructions for how complete a mod or ext.

2010CKWX0123 (please explain in 1000 characters or less): Note: box only appears if other selected above


2010CKWXK005 (please explain in 1000 characters or less): Note: box only appears if other selected above


Developers Note: This question only applies to the Methamphetamine (Meth) grant program. The question will only appear if the grantee has a 2007 Meth grant.

10. Does your agency currently intend to develop a plan to assess the results of this project?



YShape120 Shape118 Shape119 es No

10a. Please explain why you not plan to assess the results of this project.(1000 characters or less).


Developers Note: This question only applies to certain Cooperative Agreements under the Community Policing Development (CPD) grant program. The question will only appear if certain grantees have a cooperative agreement under the CPD program.

Grant Program Grant #

CPD 2006CKWXK0005

11. Please discuss the status of each goal and deliverable scheduled to be achieved, as of the reporting period, including any barriers or challenges you have experienced in implementing your project.  (Developers Note: The second sentence will only appear if they have a FY07 and beyond grant.) In addition, please discuss your progress in evaluating the effectiveness and outcomes of activities implemented as a result of this project, and how this progress is consistent with the COPS Office's mission to advance Community Policing through increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies.

(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)


12. Please describe any planned marketing efforts for the deliverables or project outcomes.

(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less)


Community Policing Capacity

Developers Note: These questions should be asked of all 2007 and later grantees. Questions should be asked once per agency. We will also only ask this section once annually in the January report.

Community Policing

Developers Note: This question asked once per agency

13. Please explain how COPS funding has enhanced your agencies ability to implement community policing activities. (2,000 characters or less).


The questions in this section refer to the grant number(s) identified below and how it may have increased your agency’s community policing capacity.

Grant Program Grant # Award Amount

Technology 2010Non-Hiring $125,000

2010Non-Hiring2 $ 50,000

CHP 2010Hiring $130,000

CHRP 2010CHRP $130,000

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Grant Resources

Develop Community/Law Enforcement Partnerships

Developers Note: These questions asked once per agency.

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the community you serve.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

14. Has the grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

P1- Share relevant crime and disorder information with community members.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape135 Shape134 Shape133 Shape132 Shape131 Shape130 Shape129 Shape128 Shape127 Shape126 Shape125

P2- Actively seek input from the community regarding identifying and prioritizing neighborhood problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape146 Shape145 Shape144 Shape143 Shape142 Shape141 Shape140 Shape139 Shape138 Shape137 Shape136

P3- Engage the community in the development of responses to community problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape157 Shape156 Shape155 Shape154 Shape153 Shape152 Shape151 Shape150 Shape149 Shape148 Shape147

P4- Collaborate with other agencies that deliver public services (e.g., parks and recreation, social services, public health, mental health, code enforcement).

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape168 Shape167 Shape166 Shape165 Shape164 Shape163 Shape162 Shape161 Shape160 Shape159 Shape158


Developers Note: These questions asked once per agency.

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to use problem-solving. Problem-solving is an analytical process for systematically 1) identifying and prioritizing problems, 2) analyzing problems, 3) responding to problems, and 4) evaluating problem-solving initiatives. Problem-solving involves an agency-wide commitment to go beyond traditional police responses to crime to proactively address a multitude of problems that adversely affect quality of life.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

15. Has the grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

PS1-Integrate problem-solving into patrol work.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape179 Shape178 Shape177 Shape176 Shape175 Shape174 Shape173 Shape172 Shape171 Shape170 Shape169

PS2-Identify and prioritize crime and disorder problems by having officers examine patterns and trends involving repeat victims, offenders, and locations.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape190 Shape189 Shape188 Shape187 Shape186 Shape185 Shape184 Shape183 Shape182 Shape181 Shape180

PS3-Explore the underlying factors and conditions that contribute to crime and disorder problems.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape201 Shape200 Shape199 Shape198 Shape197 Shape196 Shape195 Shape194 Shape193 Shape192 Shape191

PS4-Develop tailored responses to crime and disorder problems that address the underlying conditions that contribute to them.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape212 Shape211 Shape210 Shape209 Shape208 Shape207 Shape206 Shape205 Shape204 Shape203 Shape202

Organizational Change

Developers Note: These questions asked once per agency.

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your capacity to transform your agency environment, organizational structure, personnel, practices, and policies to support the community policing philosophy and community policing activities.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

16. Has the grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

OC1-Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape223 Shape222 Shape221 Shape220 Shape219 Shape218 Shape217 Shape216 Shape215 Shape214 Shape213

OC2-Incorporate community policing principles into your agency’s mission/vision statement and strategic plan.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape234 Shape233 Shape232 Shape231 Shape230 Shape229 Shape228 Shape227 Shape226 Shape225 Shape224

OC3-Institutionalize community policing principles into a corresponding set of policies, practices and procedures.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape245 Shape244 Shape243 Shape242 Shape241 Shape240 Shape239 Shape238 Shape237 Shape236 Shape235

OC4-Institute community policing agency-wide.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape256 Shape255 Shape254 Shape253 Shape252 Shape251 Shape250 Shape249 Shape248 Shape247 Shape246

Increasing Technological Capacity (If a technology type of grant is active, show this question)

Developers Note: The technological capacity questions below should only be asked of grantees that have grant program types with equipment/technology grants.

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <<program type>> grant(s) have assisted your agency to increase your technological capacity to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

17. Has the <<program type>> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

T1- Ensure agency staff have proper access to relevant data (e.g., calls for service, incident and arrest data, etc.).

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape267 Shape266 Shape265 Shape264 Shape263 Shape262 Shape261 Shape260 Shape259 Shape258 Shape257

T2- Analyze and understand problems in the community.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape278 Shape277 Shape276 Shape275 Shape274 Shape273 Shape272 Shape271 Shape270 Shape269 Shape268

T3- Improve your agency’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape289 Shape288 Shape287 Shape286 Shape285 Shape284 Shape283 Shape282 Shape281 Shape280 Shape279

T4- Provide officers with necessary equipment to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape300 Shape299 Shape298 Shape297 Shape296 Shape295 Shape294 Shape293 Shape292 Shape291 Shape290

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Training and Technical Assistance Resources

Developers Note: These questions asked once per agency.

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) the COPS Office has provided training or technical assistance to your agency to advance community policing.

18. Have you received training or technical assistance, with respect to implementing community policing, from the COPS Office or COPS-sponsored training providers?

Yes No

Shape302 Shape301

Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does not apply to you please select “N/A.”

Developers Note: If “yes” is selected in the previous question, the agency will receive the following 6 questions:

18a. Has the training and/or technical assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the following?

Train2- Develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the community.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape313 Shape312 Shape311 Shape310 Shape309 Shape308 Shape307 Shape306 Shape305 Shape304 Shape303

Train3- Engage in problem-solving to prevent, respond to, and/or better analyze crime.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape324 Shape323 Shape322 Shape321 Shape320 Shape319 Shape318 Shape317 Shape316 Shape315 Shape314

Train4- Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape335 Shape334 Shape333 Shape332 Shape331 Shape330 Shape329 Shape328 Shape327 Shape326 Shape325

Train5- Improve technological capabilities to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape346 Shape345 Shape344 Shape343 Shape342 Shape341 Shape340 Shape339 Shape338 Shape337 Shape336

Train6- Effectively implement the strategies presented to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree N/A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape357 Shape356 Shape355 Shape354 Shape353 Shape352 Shape351 Shape350 Shape349 Shape348 Shape347

Train7- Did you share the information that you learned with others?

Yes No

Shape359 Shape358

19. Do you have any best practices or success stories that you would like to share with the COPS Office related to your community policing activities?

Developers Note: This question asked once per agency.


Survey Feedback

Developers Note: This question asked once per Agency.

20. The COPS Office is committed to continuously improving our processes and systems based upon grantee feedback.

Please rate your overall satisfaction with this online Progress Report.

Highly Highly

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shape370 Shape369 Shape368 Shape367 Shape366 Shape365 Shape364 Shape363 Shape362 Shape361

21.If you have any additional comments regarding using the Progress Report System, please share those comments below.

(please explain in 2000 characters or less):


Certification and Contact Information

Developers Note: This question asked once per agency.

If you would like to provide any additional comments, please feel free to include them below.


Title of Person Completing this Report:


First and Last Name of Person Completing this Report:


E-mail of Person Completing this Report (if applicable):


Phone Number of Person Completing this Report:


Shape377 <Certification Language> (similar to DAPR)

Please type your name here in place of your signature:


<Paperwork Reduction Act Notice>

<OMB control number and expiration date>

Shape379 I certify that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS grant awards may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from participating in Federal grants or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law to the Federal Government. Please be advised that a hold may be placed on COPS grant awards if it is deemed that the agency is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation.


The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to one hour per response including time for searching existing data sources, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the report. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530; and to the Public Use Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20530.

You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this application is 1103-0102 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YYYY.



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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleDepartment Non-Hiring Progress Report
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-01

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