Form HUD 92900 HUD 92900 FHA Hope for Homeowner attachment to FHA Loan Underwriti

Application for HUD/FHA Insured Mortgage “Hope for Homeowners”


Application for HUD/FHA Insured Mortgage “Hope for Homeowners”

OMB: 2502-0579

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FHA HOPE for Homeowners
Attachment to FHA Loan
Underwriting and Transmittal Summary

OMB 2502 - 0579

U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development

exp 8/31/2009

See back page for public burden and sensitive Information

At Case Number Assignment
Borrower Name

FHA Case #

Co-Borrower Name

DTI on existing loan(s)*

(Minimum 6 payments)

Total number of payments made on existing senior mortgage

Date of first payment on old loan

Combined Loan-to-Value on Existing Loans

Current Mortgage Provider(s) (check only one)


Type of Loan Product(s) (check all that apply)



Rural Development


Interest Only


Option ARM




2/28 ARM

At Endorsement
Existing Lien Information
Pre-payment penalty on existing loan(s):


If yes, amount of pre-payment penalty:


Senior Lien

Junior Lien 1

Junior Lien 2

Junior Lien 3

Junior Lien 4






Unpaid Balance:

Accrued Interest:
Total Due:
Write Down Amount:

Tax ID Number:

*For fixed-rate mortgages, the borrower's existing monthly mortgage payment must be in excess of 31% of their gross monthly income as of March 1, 2008.
For ARMs, the payment must be in excess of 31% of their gross monthly income as of March 1, 2008 or the date of the new loan application.
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form HUD-92900-H4H

FHA HOPE for Homeowners

U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development

OMB 2502 - eoxx
exp 9/30/11

"Public reporting burden f or this collection of information i s estimated t o a verage .10 ho urs. This inc lude s the time for
colle ctin g, reviewing, and reportin g th e data. The information i s be ing collected for a temporary FHA pro gram that offe rs
hom eow ne rs and e xisting mortgage loa n hol de rs (or servicers acting on t he ir be ha lf) insuranc e on t he refina nc ing of loa ns for
distresse d mortgagors. The infor mation w ill be us ed for de termining the eligibility requi rements and u nde rwriting pr oc edur es.
Re spons e to t his reque st for information i s requi red i n orde r to r eceive the be ne fits to be de rived. This ag en cy may not co llect
this information, and y ou a re not requi red t o c om plete this for m unl ess it di splays a currently va lid O M B cont rol num be r. No
co nfidentia lity is assured.”
Privacy A ct Notice: The U nited S tates D epa rtment of H ous ing and U rba n D evelopm ent, Fede ral H ous ing Adm inistration, is
author ized t o s olicit the information r eque sted i n t he form b y virtue of Title 12, U nited S tates C ode , Section 1 70 1 e t seq., and
regulatio ns pr om ulgated t he reund er at Title 12, C ode of Fede ral R egulations . W hile no a ssuranc e of conf ide ntiality is pl edg ed t o
respon de nts, H UD gene rally di scloses this da ta onl y in r espons e to a Freedom of Infor mation A ct reque st.

Existing Mortgage Information

As of March 1, 2008, the borrower’s aggregate total monthly mortgage
payment debt-to-income ratio (DTI) on all existing mortgages must be
greater than 31 percent of the borrower’s gross monthly income for fixed-rate
mortgages. For ARMs, the borrower's aggregate total monthly mortgage
payment DTI must be greater than 31 percent of the borrower's gross monthly
income as of the date of the new loan application or March 1, 2008.
The total monthly mortgage payment is defined as the fully-indexed
and fully-amortized Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance (PITI) payment.
(This includes principal and interest, taxes and insurance, homeowners
association fees, ground rents, special assessments, and all subordinate liens.)

Existing loan payment history:


The borrower must have made a minimum of six (6) full payments during the
life of the existing senior mortgage. (Full payment is defined as what was
acceptable to the lender for meeting the monthly payment obligation under
the terms and conditions of the mortgage.)

Combined Loan-to-Value on existing loan(s)


Combined Loan-to-Value on existing loans at the time they were originated.

H4H debt to income ratios:


The lender must determine that the payment-to-income and debt-to-income
ratios are at, or below, 31 percent and 43 percent, respectively. However,
expanded ratios of up to 38/50 are permitted.

Existing Lien Information Tables:


Provide the unpaid principal, accrued interest amounts and EINS for all
existing liens.


Indicate the amount of monies owed to the existing lien holders that is
being written down.
In the case of junior lien holders, please indicate whether or not they are
participating in Shared Appreciation.

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form HUD-92900-H4H

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleHUD-9879-CA.indd
File Modified2009-07-14
File Created2009-07-14

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