These are the surveys and instructions given to subjects in the third of four sessions in one of our two conditions. This is the condition using single driver simulations. The driving simulator is not used in session three, however.
Session 3. The tasks for the single driver experiment are scheduled for 35 minutes.
Welcome 2 minutes
lottery 10 minutes
travel survey 15 minutes
payment 5 minutes
sum 32 minutes
Thank you for returning for session 3 of study. We are delighted to have you here.
We expect the session to last about half an hour and you will have a chance to make some earning based on the download from the GPS recordings in addition to the session participation fee of $____.
There are no other tasks today other than a couple of questionnaires. We will not be using a driving simulator today. You may skip specific questions, however if you skip a large number of questions you may need to withdraw, in which case you will not receive the full participation fee but only $____as a compensation for your travel expenses.
We need to first verify that you have a current Driver’s License and a current car insurance.
HANDOUT: Overview of the Session
Station T1 download GPS data and calculate earnings
Station T2 Lottery Choice for money
Station T2 Travel Survey
Station T2 Field driving instructions
Station T2 Payment and schedule next visit
The money you receive based on the GPS recordings and for the lottery task is in addition to your show-up fee.
Lottery Choice Task for Money
(Less than 5 minutes was needed for this task in pretests)
You will be shown two lotteries on the computer screen. The images of the lotteries look different from last time, but otherwise it works the same. Here is an image of what the computer screen will look like:
On the screen you will be asked to make a choice between the two lotteries. You may select either one of them. Each lottery has two possible prizes, a lower one shown in the light blue text and a higher one shown in the dark blue text. The prizes differ across the pair. In the image above, the left lottery has one prize of $___ and another prize of $___. These are just illustrations; the actual prizes will not be this large. The pie chart above the text that shows you the prize displays the chances you have of getting that prize.
The lotteries will be played out using a ten-sided die. The sum of the area that is light blue shows the chances of getting the lower prize, here $___. In this version of the lotteries the display of the colors has been scrambled so it may be difficult to see the size of the area. We will also limit the amount of time that you get to view each image to ______. The sum of the area that is dark blue shows the chances of getting the higher prize of $_____. After you have finished making your choice we will unscramble the colors so you can see exactly what the chances are before we play it out.
We have a handout for you that shows the same image that you will see on the screen. Later when we play out the lottery you will turn this handout over to see what the colors look like when they are unscrambled.
We will play out the lottery as soon as you have finished making your choice. We will then keep track of your cumulative earnings that will be paid to you at the end of the session.
So that you may understand your task better we will first go over a practice round before we start the ones for which you will get paid. In the practice round you will not be paid.
Another Lottery Choice Task for Money
(Less than 5 minutes was needed in this task in pretests.)
You will be shown another pair of lotteries on the computer screen. The images of the lotteries look different from last time, but otherwise it works the same. You will see one pair at a time. Here is an image of what the computer screen will look like:
In this version of the lotteries the display of the colors has been scrambled and in addition, some parts of the area have been covered over in black. You will only be able to view the image for ______ minutes.
We have a handout for you that shows the same image that you see on the screen. Later when we play out the lottery you will turn this handout over to see what the colors look like when they are unscrambled and the black is removed.
Travel Survey
Please answer these questions on a scale from 1 to 7, with a “1” implying “not much” or “not at all” and a “7” implying “very much”, as indicated for each question. Just circle the number that best represents your opinions.
1. How much do you think that traffic congestion impacts your life?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Not much |
A lot |
2. How severe is your loss of time due to traffic delays in congestion?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
No effect |
Very serious |
3. How easy is it for you to avoid traffic congestion?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
No problem |
Very difficult |
4. How expensive is it to be delayed due to traffic congestion?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
No expense |
Very expensive |
5. Do you think the consequences to you from delays due to congestion are more or less severe than they are to the average rush hour commuter?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Much less |
The same |
Much more |
6. Do you think the money costs to you due to congestion delay are more or less severe than they are to the average rush hour commuter?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Much less |
The same |
Much more |
7. How severe are the consequences to you if you are late for work because of traffic delays?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
No effect |
Very serious |
Questions about travel habits such as use of transit and carpooling
8. Do you regularly commute by (select all that apply on a regular basis):
Yourself in your own car
Car pool where you regularly drive
Car pool where you don’t regularly drive
Car pool where the driver rotates
9. If you carpool, do you regularly split gas and toll costs?
10. Which day of the week do you think traffic is the heaviest during morning rush hour?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11. Which day of the week do you think traffic is the heaviest during evening rush hour?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
12. At which time in the morning do you think traffic is the heaviest on your commuter route?
7 7:30 8 8:30 9 9:30 (and other times)
13. At which time in the evening do you think traffic is the heaviest on your commuter route?
4 4:30 5 5:30 6 6:30 7 7:30 8 (and other times)
14. How long, on average, does it take you to commute using your most frequent route?
0-15 minutes
15-30 minute
30-45 minutes
45-60 minute
60+ minutes
15. What are the consequences to you of being delayed during the morning or evening commute? (Select all that apply):
My boss/client will get upset
I would be upset, I don’t like being late
I would lose some of my wages/earnings for the day
I could get fired/lose my clients
I would be late dropping off or picking up my kids
I would miss important non-work related engagements
Parking becomes a bigger problem
Other: _____________________________
There are no serious consequences
16. If commuting from _____ to _______ on ___________, how would you normally arrive to the intersection of __________________?
I would normally arrive via
____________ entering at:
___________ entering at:
(Number of options will depend on which of our regions the participant is from).
16b) If commuting from _____ to ______, where do you normally leave ___________?
(Again options depend on which region the participant is from)
Payment and Scheduling
This is the end of today’s session. I hope you found it interesting and rewarding. We are going to accompany you to your car and help you place the GPS unit in a good spot.
Before we do that I will calculate your earnings across the tasks today and pay you. You will again be paid over Paypal
Have you already signed up for a session in two weeks time? If not we can do so now as well.
Do you have any question about your driving task for the next two weeks?
Do you know how to contact us if you have any questions?
We will now accompany you to your car. Here is a card that you can keep in your car that summarizes your driving task.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Elisabet Rutstrom |
Last Modified By | Elisabet Rutstrom |
File Modified | 2011-02-14 |
File Created | 2010-12-05 |