AFI 36-2002 Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions


Non-Prior Service and Prior Service Accessions

AFI 36-2002 Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions

OMB: 0701-0079

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7 APRIL 1999



This publication is available digitally on the AFDPO/PP WWW site at:

Supersedes AFI 36-2002, 17 June 1998.

Certified by: HQ AFPC/DPP (Col Gary Blum)
Pages: 61
Distribution: F

This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-20, Accession of Air Force Military
Personnel. It tells how to enlist qualified individuals into the Regular Air Force (RegAF) and the Delayed
Entry Program (DEP) and how to: access Air Reserve Component (ARC) members onto specified
Extended Active Duty (EAD) tours; access ARC members who apply for RegAF enlistment while on
EAD; and reenlist officers with a statutory entitlement. Reenlist airmen removed from Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL). It provides procedures for the Initial Enlistment Bonus (IEB) program. This
publication applies to ARC units and members. This Air Force Instruction (AFI) also applies to Air
National Guard (ANG) with exception of Chapter 1, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. Refer questions or suggested changes to Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (HQ AFPC), Directorate of Personnel Program Management (DPP), Special Actions Section (DPPAES), 550 C Street West Suite 10, Randolph
AFB TX 78150-4712. Refer to Attachment 1 for Glossary of References and Supporting Information.
This instruction does not supplement or supersede the personnel management policies or procedures in
other Air Force publications. When guidance in a publication issued by a higher-level unit conflicts with
one issued by a field unit, the higher-level publication takes precedence. This instruction directs collecting and maintaining information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by Title 10, United States
Code (USC), Chapter 31, Sections 504, 505, 508, 513, 1163, 8258, 8914, 12102, and 12310. System of
Records Notice F035 AF MP H, Air Force Enlistment/Commissioning Records System, applies. Reference AFI 37-132, paragraph 6.1, Air Force Privacy Act Program. Process supplements that affect any
military personnel function as shown in AFI 37-160, volume 1, The Air Force Publications and Forms
Management Programs--Developing and Processing Publications, and HQ AFPC/DPPAES must coordinate. The reporting requirements in this directive are exempt from licensing IAW paragraphs 2.11.5 and
2.11.10 of AFI 37-124, The Information Collections and Reports (ICR) Management Program.
This change incorporates interim change (IC) 99-1 which provides guidance for the Initial Enlistment
Bonus (IEB) program; clarifies that HQ USAF/DPXPS authorizes bonus levels for eligible AFSs and


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

periodically reviews AFSs for IEB selection or removal (paragraph 4.2.1.); deletes paragraph 4.3.3.;
defines AFSs that are eligible for the IEB (paragraph 4.4.2.); provides clarification that bonus is based on
final AFS awarded (paragraph 4.4.3.); and any Guaranteed Training Enlistment Program (GTEP) “nonbonus” airman that is reclassified into a bonus initial skills AFS is ineligible for a 4- or 6- year bonus and
converts all bulleted items throughout the publication to a digital numbering scheme. See the last attachment of the publication, IC 99-1, for the complete IC. A “|” indicates revised material since the last edition.



RegAF Enlistment Authority. ....................................................................................



Enlistment Waiver Authority .....................................................................................



Enlistment Eligibility Determination Authority. .......................................................



Enlisted Program Requirements. ...............................................................................



Enlistment Date of Rank and Grade. .........................................................................



Accessing Offices: .....................................................................................................





ARC Processing Procedures. .....................................................................................



Voluntary Retired Airman EAD Recall Program. .....................................................



Basic Military Training Instructor (MTI) Program. ..................................................



Mobilization Processing Instructions. ........................................................................



Other Announced EAD Programs: ............................................................................



Disenrolled Air Force Academy (AFA) or Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
(AFROTC) Cadets. ....................................................................................................





Accession Procedures for Individuals Authorized to Enlist. .....................................



Administrative Guidance. ..........................................................................................



Airmen Removed from Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL)
Eligible for Enlistment: .............................................................................................



Reserve (Non-Regular) Air Force Officer with Statutory Enlistment Entitlement. ..



Retirement Eligible Officers. .....................................................................................



ARC Members on Voluntary or Involuntary EAD Including Mobilized Personnel:



IEB Incentive Program. .............................................................................................


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999



Implementing and Monitoring Responsibilities: .......................................................



Eligibility. ..................................................................................................................



IEB Payment. .............................................................................................................



Termination or Recoupment of Bonus. ......................................................................





Preparation of Documents. ........................................................................................



Department of Defense Forms. ..................................................................................



Air Force Forms: ........................................................................................................




















Attachment 12—IC 98-1 TO AFI 36-2002, REGULAR AIR FORCE AND


Attachment 13—IC 99-1 TO AFI 36-2002, REGULAR AIR FORCE AND SPECIAL



AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
Chapter 1

Section 1A—Enlistment Authority
1.1. RegAF Enlistment Authority. The Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) under Title 10, USC, chapter
31, may approve or deny the enlistment of qualified, effective, and able-bodied persons into the RegAF.
1.1.1. During emergencies or war, HQ AFPC Director of Personnel Program Management (DPP), in
conjunction with higher authorities, decides if the situation calls for delegating enlistment standards to
HQ Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS).
1.1.2. Military Service Obligation. Title 10, United States Code, Section 651, as implemented by
Department of Defense Instruction 1304.25, Fulfilling the Military Service Obligation (MSO), directs
that every person, on initial entry into the United States Air Force, shall serve a total of eight years to
be fulfilled in accordance with this Instruction. This obligation shall be initiated from the date of
enlistment, appointment or induction for all persons entering the Air Force after 1 June 1984. Policy
and procedures for members separated from active duty prior to completion of eight years of service
are in AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen.
1.2. Enlistment Waiver Authority . HQ AFRS/CC may waive disqualifying factors not set by statute or
otherwise stated in this instruction. AFRS may further delegate this waiver authority to Air Force Recruiting Groups and Squadrons.
1.2.1. HQ Air Education and Training Command (AETC) Office of the Command Surgeon General
(SG) or the appropriate Major Command (MAJCOM) SG may waive physical standards for enlistment.
1.3. Enlistment Eligibility Determination Authority. HQ AFRS Operations Division (RSO) makes
eligibility determinations for previous service applicants whose eligibility is in doubt because:
1.3.1. The applicant's Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) code and Separation Program Designator (SPD)
data are not available through the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).
1.3.2. The DMDC report, Project Capture, and separation documents regarding RE code or SPD
information differs.
1.3.3. Project Capture shows alpha or numeric data in the Unfavorable Information File (UIF) column.
1.3.4. The Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) column shows: M - temporarily decertified. P - permanently decertified from a critical nuclear weapons duty position. Q - permanently decertified during initial screening. R - permanently decertified from a controlled nuclear weapons duty position.
1.3.5. Member's control Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) is:

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

5 9A000 - Airman Awaiting Retraining - Disqualified for Reasons Beyond Control. 9A100 - Airman Awaiting Retraining - Disqualified for Reasons Within Control. 9A200 - Airman Awaiting Discharge, Separation, or Retirement. 9J000 - Prisoner.
1.3.6. Member received 2 or lower on last Enlisted Performance Report (EPR).
Section 1B—Minimum Eligibility Standards
1.4. Enlisted Program Requirements. Applicants must meet specific enlistment program requirements
announced by HQ AFRS, and:
1.4.1. Meet physical standards in Army Regulation (AR) 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness, and
AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards.
1.4.2. Have none of the disqualifying conditions listed in Attachment 2.
1.4.3. Have an approved HQ AFRS waiver or eligibility determination, if previously convicted or
adversely adjudicated of disqualifying offenses listed in Attachment 3.
1.4.4. Be a: United States citizen, or United States national born in American Samoa or Swains Island, or Lawfully admitted resident alien who possesses an alien regist ration form (I-551) issued
for a period of 10 years, or Foreign national citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia or the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
1.4.5. Treat American Indians born in Canada as immigrant aliens; they must present a birth certificate. (NOTE: Type in the Remarks section of the DD Form 1966 and have the applicant initial, "I am
an American Indian born in Canada as defined in Immigration and Naturalization Service Regulation
8 CFR 289.1.") Contact Headquarters United States Air Force (HQ USAF) Accessions Policy
(DPXFA) for guidance on native American-born Indians.
1.4.6. Enlist for at least 4 years. HQ USAF Force Structure Division (DPXP) authorizes 6-year enlistments in selected Air Force Specialties (AFS). NOTE: Six-year enlistments require applicants to be
high school graduates or higher (Tier 1).
1.4.7. Enlist in an AFS other than intelligence if the applicant formerly served in the Peace Corps.
(No waivers granted.) Refer questions to HQ USAF/DPXF.
1.4.8. Are a member of an ARC, not on EAD tour, and want to apply for a RegAF enlistment, when
HQ USAF Military Personnel Policy (DPX) announces AFS openings.
1.4.9. If enlisting as PS and the applicant is: Enlisting in a previously awarded AFS, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
(ASVAB) score validation is not required. Retraining into a new AFS, ASVAB score validation is required.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

1.5. Enlistment Date of Rank and Grade. See Attachment 4.
Section 1C—Acceptability for Enlistment
1.6. Accessing Offices:
1.6.1. HQ AFRS: Regular Air Force (RegAF). Delayed Entry Program (DEP). Officer Training School (OTS).
1.6.2. AFPC: TDRL. Former Air Force officers with statutory enlistment entitlement. Voluntary EAD Recall Programs. AFA Involuntary EAD Program. AFROTC Involuntary EAD Program.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Chapter 2

Section 2A—EAD Programs
2.1. ARC Processing Procedures. This chapter tells how to process ARC members voluntarily or involuntarily ordered to EAD:
2.1.1. Members separate under AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, after completing
their EAD tour and return to their former ARC status.
2.1.2. Individuals disqualified but not subject to separation under AFI 36-3208 leave involuntarily
and return to their former ARC status.
2.1.3. Personnel separated prior to completing their EAD tour are ineligible for other recall programs.
Section 2B—Voluntary Airman EAD Recall Programs
2.2. Voluntary Retired Airman EAD Recall Program. This program offsets shortages of trained airmen in critically manned skills:
2.2.1. HQ USAF/DPX. Determines the need for the program and informs HQ AFPC/DPPAES.
2.2.2. Individuals. Individuals must: Have retired within the last 3 years. Possess the needed Control Air Force Specialty Code (CAFSC) and grade. Be invited for recall by HQ AFPC/DPPAES.
2.2.3. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Gets a list of potentially qualified retirees from HQ AFPC Retirements and Separations
Branch (DPPRS). Reviews personnel records, selects the best candidates, and sends invitation letters,
enclosing AF Form 125, Application for Extended Active Duty With the United States Air
Force, and a Retired Reserve Statement of Understanding. (See Attachment 5.) Requests a complete physical with proof of negative Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) and Drug and Alcohol Test (DAT) results within 30 days of application date. NOTE: Travel
to accomplish physical examination is at member's expense and not reimbursable. Issues EAD orders and implements recall for the period HQ USAF/DPXF specifies.
2.2.4. Status of Retired Airman on EAD. Under Title 10, USC, Section 8914, a RegAF enlisted member with at least 20, but less than 30, years of service may upon request be retired. A retiree recalled to
AD: Is eligible for pay, promotion, and transportation of eligible family members and household goods.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999 When selected for promotion, must satisfactorily serve in the new pay grade for at least 6
months with extensions authorized to meet requirement in order to return to the retired Reserve list
in the new pay grade. Returns to retired status after the recall period.

2.3. Basic Military Training Instructor (MTI) Program. Each fiscal year Headquarters Basic Military
Training Group Resource Management, 737 Training Group (TRG) Group Superintendent (CCS), selects
up to ten participating ARC members for MTI duty.
2.3.1. Submitting Applications. Members submit applications to 737 TRG/CCS through their servicing Military Personnel Flight (MPF) in May and June.
2.3.2. Applicants. Applicants must: Meet requirements in AFI 48-123, AFI 36-2110, Assignments, and AFI 36-2108, Airman
Classification. Be a high school or general education development (GED) graduate. Be able to obtain sufficient retainability for EAD tour. Have 13 or less years total active Federal military service. Be a SSgt or TSgt. MSgt and above may apply provided they accept voluntary demotion
to TSgt per AFI 36-2503, Administrative Demotion of Airmen. Completion of an active duty tour is mandatory. Not have separated from active service with a Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) or
Special Separation Benefit (SSB).
2.3.3. Application Procedures. Participating ARC member submits an application letter for EAD
(Attachment 6) through the servicing MPF who sends it to 737 TRG/CCS, 1618 Truemper Street
Suite 3, Lackland AFB TX 78236-5533. The MPF includes, with the application letter, the documents
listed in Attachment 7.
2.3.4. 737 TRG/CCS: Convenes a board to select qualified applicants for personal interviews. Notifies members and their units of selection or nonselection and asks those chosen to
report for personal interviews. NOTE: Unit pays Temporary Duty (TDY). Interviews applicants and makes final selection. Notifies members of selection or nonselection. Tells HQ AFPC/DPPAES who was chosen and MTI school quotas needed. Sends the unit MTI school TDY reporting instructions. NOTE: Unit pays TDY. Notifies HQ AFPC/DPPAES who graduates from MTI school. 737 TRSS/TSRM notifies Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command (HQ AFRC)
Training Support Branch (DPTS) and Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC) Enlisted
Accessions (MPTET) of its selections.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

9 37 TRSS/DOFM notifies HQ USAF/DPXF or Headquarters 2nd Air Force (HQ 2AF)
Resident Programs Sections (DOPR) of school quotas filled.
2.3.5. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: DELETED. DELETED. Provides 4-year EAD order to member and processes amendments as necessary. Monitors the member for the entire EAD tour.
2.3.6. Member's Unit: Verifies eligibility criteria and forwards application to 737 TRG/CCS. Provides TDY order for candidates interviewed and selected for MTI school. ANG units only, transfer approved member to Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) 1
day prior to EAD date.
2.3.7. 2AF/DOPR. 2AF/DOPR provides class quotas to HQ AFRES/DPTS and ANGRC/MPTET.
2.4. Mobilization Processing Instructions. Upon announcement of a mobilization, see AFI 10-402,
Mobilization Planning. HQ USAF Directorate of Operations (XOO), HQ AFRES, HQ ANG, or ARPC
provide guidelines for mobilization.
2.5. Other Announced EAD Programs:
2.5.1. HQ USAF/DPXF establishes selection criteria.
2.5.2. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Notifies HQ AFRES Assignment Branch (DPRA), HQ ARPC Assignment Management
Division (DPR), and ANGRC Manpower (MP) of selection criteria and application procedures. Screens applications to verify member meets criteria. Forwards applications to selection activity listed in announcement. Notifies the unit of missing documents and their status. Notifies the unit of selection or nonselection and issues EAD order.
2.5.3. HQ AFRES/DPRA, HQ ARPC/DPR, and ANGRC/MP announce program guidelines to units.
2.5.4. AFRES and ANG Units: Submit applications to HQ AFPC/DPPAES. NOTE: Airmen not assigned to a unit process applications through nearest MPF. Unit commander may disapprove applications on members with questionable potential. Notify member of selection or nonselection. Out process and ensure member possesses a copy of HQ AFPC/DPPAES EAD order.
NOTE: ANG unit transfers member to ARPC 1 day before EAD date.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Section 2C—Involuntary EAD Programs
2.6. Disenrolled Air Force Academy (AFA) or Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
(AFROTC) Cadets. This program allows disenrolled AFA and AFROTC cadets to repay their obligation
to the Air Force by serving on EAD as an enlisted member without discrimination and without regard to
financial status, and is not considered a punitive action. For further guidance, see AFI 36-2020, Disenrollment of United States Air Force Academy Cadets, for AFA cadets and AFI 36-2011, Air Force Reserve
Officer Training Corps (AFROTC), for AFROTC cadets.
2.6.1. Involuntary EAD. The SAF determines if involuntary EAD or financial reimbursement is
appropriate and notifies HQ AFPC/DPPAES of cadets identified for involuntary EAD. For AFA
cadets, active duty in enlisted status is the primary form of reimbursement; recoupment of money is
available only if the member voluntarily or through misconduct, or for other reasons specified in the
contract, fails to complete the active duty obligation. For disenrolled ROTC cadets, SAF can elect AD
or recoupment.
2.6.2. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Establishes airman accession file in the Personnel Data System (PDS) to monitor disenrolled cadets to ensure fulfillment of Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC). Notifies member's base finance to initiate recoupment action upon notification of early
separation of former cadets on EAD. For educational delay cadets only: Confirms approved educational delay with AFA or AFROTC. Informs members of requirement to submit a verification of registration from their
school no later than 60 days after the start of their educational delay. They must: Include major and projected graduation date in their verification. Verify their registration every February and October until the educational
delay ends. NOTE: HQ AFPC/DPPAES orders to EAD within 30 days, members failing to
maintain full-time student status (at least 15 semester hours for AFA; 12 for AFROTC) or
who disenroll. Provides member's AFS choices to 2AF Resources Section (DOPC) and
assignment preferences to HQ AFPC Airman Assignments (DPAAD) including projected Report No Later Than Date (RNLTD) approximately 60 days prior to projected
EAD. Provides EAD order with ADSC, AFS, and duty location to member no
later than 10 days prior to projected EAD. AFA issues EAD orders for those without an education delay (AFA cadets only). HQ
AFPC/DPPAES issues all other EAD orders.
2.6.3. Request for Release from EAD or Military Service Obligation (MSO) Commitment. MPFs
refer to AFI 36-2020 for AFA and AFI 36-2011 for AFROTC.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Chapter 3

3.1. Accession Procedures for Individuals Authorized to Enlist. This chapter tells how to process
individuals authorized to enlist who HQ AFRS does not process. NOTE: HQ USAF/DP delegated to HQ
Air Education and Training Command (AETC), HQ AFRS, and AFROTC the responsibility for Nonprior
and Prior Service, ROTC, and OTS accession programs.
3.2. Administrative Guidance. HQ AFPC/DPPAES provides guidance to enlist previous service members in RegAF.
3.3. Airmen Removed from Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) Eligible for Enlistment:
3.3.1. Procedures: Applicant presents to the nearest Air Force MPF: Memorandum from HQ AFPC Disability Board Support Branch (DPPDS) authorizing enlistment. Special order announcing removal from TDRL. DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty, issued at
time of placement on TDRL. NOTE: Aptitude testing and physical examination not required.
3.3.2. MPF Actions: Cites memorandum from HQ AFPC/DPPDS as enlistment authority in Remarks section
on DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document--Armed Forces of the United States. Requests assignment, by message or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)-gram, from HQ AFPC/
DPAAD (with information copy to HQ AFPC/DPPAES) per AFI 36-2110 after first contact with
member, but no later than date of enlistment. Lists: Up to five Continental United States (CONUS) or overseas preferences. Additional AFSs held by the airman. Other information considered pertinent to assignment limitations. Enlists the member in same grade held when placed on TDRL within 60 calendar days
from TDRL discharge date. Uses Date of Rank (DOR) the HQ AFPC/DPPDS letter stated. However, if a member
does not enlist the day after discharge from TDRL, adjust DOR by adding total days between
removal from TDRL and date of enlistment. Refers to AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment in the United States Air Force, for Term of Enlistment (TOE). Age, grade, and length of service influence TOE. NOTE: Enlistees eligible for retirement and restricted from enlistment because of age, grade, or length of service, may enlist for a
minimum of 2 years.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999 On enlistment date, provide the following information by message or CRT-gram (USERID 09ATRA1) to HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Social Security Number (SSN). Name. Grade. DOR. Race. Ethnic group. Sex. Marital status. Date and place of birth. Education level. Total Active Federal Military Service Date (TAFMSD). Pay date. Date of initial entry into armed forces. Citizenship. CAFSC. DOE. TOE. Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) or (ASVAB) scores (if known). Name and Defense Switchboard Network (DSN) telephone number of MPF point
of contact (POC). After obtaining end assignment, issues Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders using
AF Form 899, Request for Authorization for Permanent Change of Station - Military. (For
local assignment, see Attachment 8.) Distributes enlistment documents per AFI 36-2606.
3.3.3. When notified of enlistment, HQ AFPC/DPPAES accesses member into PDS using AA109
Personnel Transaction Identifier (PTI). HQ AFPC/DPAAD provides end assignment to servicing
MPF. Upon enlistment, prior to PCS, member will be utilized at the discretion of the Mission Support
Squadron commander.

3.4. Reserve (Non-Regular) Air Force Officer with Statutory Enlistment Entitlement. Under Title
10, USC, Section 8258, Regular Air Force Reenlistment After Service as an Officer, certain officers with
prior enlisted service (including those twice nonselected for promotion and those separated due to elimination from flying or technical training) may request authority to enlist.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


3.4.1. The FY93 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 520, Public Law 102-484,
enacted 23 October 1992, amended Title 10, USC, Section 8258 to reflect former enlisted Regular Air
Force members who serve on active duty as a Reserve officer and separate after enactment of the act
for qualitative reasons or whose former Regular Air Force enlisted status was solely for the purpose of
attending a precommissioning program no longer have statutory entitlement. Refer questions to HQ
3.4.2. Individual Qualifications: The Air Force may not deny reenlistment to members who are entitled under Title 10,
USC, Section 8258. Entitled individuals: Are former RegAF enlisted members who served on active duty as Reserve officers, or were discharged as RegAF enlisted members to accept temporary appointment as Air
Force officers. Were commissioned immediately after discharge as enlisted members with no break
in active service. Never accepted a Regular appointment. Were never relieved from active duty while awaiting appellate review of sentence
involving dismissal or dishonorable discharge. Honorably separated or relieved from active duty. Officers separated with General
Discharge (under honorable conditions) need SAF Manpower Reserve Affairs, Installations
and Environment (MI) approval to reenlist. Must reenlist within 6 months of release from active duty service as an officer.
3.4.3. Application Procedures: Submit applications through the MPF, if on active duty, or directly to HQ AFPC/DPPAES
(Attachment 9) if separated for less than 6 months. HQ AFPC/DPPAES verifies eligibility and provides a memorandum authorizing reenlistment at nearest MPF. MPF receives the HQ AFPC/DPPAES memorandum and: Sets a reenlistment date at least 10 days out to allow for classification and assignment coordination. Processes applicants without regard to age, physical disqualification incurred in line
of duty while on active military service, or existing vacancy in their grade. Reenlists members in enlisted grade with the DOR cited in HQ AFPC/DPPAES
memorandum. Refers to: AFI 36-2101,Classifying Military Personnel (Officers and Airmen), for classification. AFI 36-2110 for assignment instructions. AFI 36-2606 for authorized TOE.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999 Cites HQ AFPC/DPPAES memorandum as authority for reenlistment in the
Remarks section on DD Form 4. Refers to paragraphs,, and 3.3.3. for instructions on PCS
orders, distribution of enlistment documents, and accessing member to PDS.

3.5. Retirement Eligible Officers. Retirement eligible officers with less than 10 years commissioned
service may reenlist, for the purpose of immediate retirement, in the highest enlisted grade previously
held. NOTE: The FY91 NDAA, 5 November 1990, reduced the number of years of commissioned service
from 10 to 8 years, until 30 September 1999. The services will determine the use of that provision by law.
See AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, and contact HQ AFPC/DPPRD for processing guidance.
3.6. ARC Members on Voluntary or Involuntary EAD Including Mobilized Personnel:
3.6.1. Qualifications: Be on voluntary or involuntary EAD whose end strength accountability transfers to
RegAF. NOTE: Full time Active Guard Reserve (AGR) or ARC members on a Title 10, USC,
Section 12310 tour are ineligible (identified in PDS as functional category X). Be within 60 to 120 days of scheduled Date of Separation (DOS). Be US citizen or US national. Not single, divorced, separated, or have a military spouse, or common-law spouse and
have legal or physical custody of any family member incapable of self-care. Have an overall rating no less than 3 on the last three Enlisted Performance Reports
(EPR). Never have received nonjudicial punishment. Not be on weight management program. Not have an active UIF. Be qualified for worldwide duty. Serving in pay grade E-3 through E-6. Possess minimum 5-skill level if SrA through SSgt (3-skill level when no 5-skill level
exists) or 7-skill level if a TSgt. Never taken VSI or SSB. Be less than 28 years old when reduced by TAFMS in a Regular component. Members with satisfactory service in ANG or AFRES who are less than 35 years
old after subtracting their Regular component TAFMS may use ANG or AFRES service (use
AF Form 526, ANG/USAFR Point Credit Summary, to verify) to further reduce their age to
less than 28 years. Satisfactory service from ANG or AFRES only accrues in 1-year increments. Months and days do not count for satisfactory service. EXAMPLE:

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Current Age
Adjusted Age
Total Satisfactory Service
Adjusted Age







25 Applicants may submit a justified exception to policy with their completed application (not intended to imply approval). NOTE: Title 10, USC Section 505 prohibits enlisting
anyone 35 years or older after adjustment for TAFMS.
3.6.2. Application Procedures: Member submits an enlistment request through local MPF to HQ AFPC/DPPAES no earlier than 120 days nor later than 60 days prior to DOS. Include: Copies of last three EPRs when available. Immediate supervisor's and commander's letter of recommendation, including body
fat qualification. Current AF Form 526 when submitting age waiver.
3.6.3. MPF Career Enhancement Section Actions: Verifies member's entitlement for Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) per AFI 36-2606,
paragraph 2.5. If qualified, Reenlistment Section does one of two things: Includes a request for SRB authorization as part of member's application package. Provides member a disqualification statement to include with application. Forwards application to HQ AFPC/DPPAES. Includes MPF POC, DSN, and CRT-gram
designation identifier. Notifies member of decision. Processes approvals for enlistment similar to a reenlistment according to AFI 36-2606.
NOTE: Member does not have to obtain a Career Job Reservation for this enlistment. Enlists the member within 15 days of approval notification. NOTE: If enlistment occurs
within 2 weeks of DOS, advise member of possible pay interruption. Updates PDS using PTI 47V. Ensures initial assignment, grade, and DOR are the same as when discharged unless otherwise specified by HQ AFPC/DPPAES. Completes DD Form 4 as initial enlistment. Complete signature elements of AF Form
3006, Enlistment Agreement - Prior Service/Active USAFR/ANG - United States Air Force,


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
which becomes annex A to DD Form 4. NOTE: Do not use AF Form 901, Reenlistment Eligibility Annex to DD Form 4, for this type of enlistment. Prior to administering the enlistment oath, the enlisting officer ensures the following
statement is in the Remarks section of AF Form 3006, "I understand the option for payment of
accrued leave is not authorized under Title 37, USC, Section 501, paragraph (b) (2)."
3.6.4. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Reviews the application for suitability using the whole person concept. Obtains base and worldwide manning figures from DPAAD. Requests a skill determination from HQ USAF Skills Management (DPXPS). Notifies MPF by CRT-gram of approval or disapproval. Forwards completed (except for signature blocks) AF Form 3006 to enlisting MPF prior
to projected enlistment date of member.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Chapter 4

4.1. IEB Incentive Program. The IEB incentive program encourages individuals to enlist in a selected
AFS needed by the Air Force.
4.2. Implementing and Monitoring Responsibilities:
4.2.1. HQ USAF/DPRS: Determines eligible AFSs. Determines bonus levels for eligible AFSs. Periodically reviews AFSs for IEB selection or removal.
4.2.2. 319 Training Squadron (TRS): Approves IEBs for members classified at Basic Military Training (BMT).
4.2.3. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Monitors IEB Incentive Program Corrects IEB data errors in PDS.
4.2.4. HQ AFRS. HQ AFRS enlists qualified applicants to meet Air Force objectives.
4.2.5. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS): Pays the member. Recoups any monies owed the Government.
4.3. Eligibility. Candidates must:
4.3.1. Be a high school diploma graduate or higher (Tier 1).
4.3.2. Be Air Force Qualification Test (AFQT) Category I, II, or III. NOTE: AFQT score 31 or higher
4.3.3. DELETED.
4.4. IEB Payment. Upon receipt of computer notice, MPF Career Enhancement verifies bonus data in
APDS before updating Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) with PTI 343 and ensures:
4.4.1. Bonus authorization (AF Form 3008, Supplement to Enlistment Agreement - United States
Air Force or AF Form 3009, Change to Enlistment Agreement - United States Air Force) is in
4.4.2. The enlistee completed training to 3-skill in IEB authorized AFS. Those completing technical
training will be paid their bonus upon arrival at first duty station. Refer to the web site
(, Link to Enlisted Benefits/Retraining/SRB) for list of authorized IEB


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
4.4.3. Amount of enlistment bonus received is based on date of enlistment and on the AFS where
technical training has been completed and AFSC awarded (regardless of any reclassification). DELETED. DELETED. DELETED. Any GTEP "nonbonus" airman who is subsequently reclassified into a bonus initial skills
AFS is ineligible for a 4- or 6-year bonus (since enlistment bonus was not part of the member's
original inducement for joining the Air Force).
4.4.4. Discrepancies are reported to HQ AFPC/DPPAES for resolution before updating PDS.
4.4.5. Updates PTI 343 to confirm member's entitlement.

4.5. Termination or Recoupment of Bonus. Intent of recoupment authority is to end bonus entitlement
in a fair and equitable manner:
4.5.1. See AFI 36-2606 for conditions and procedures.
4.5.2. MPF Career Enhancement Section refers member to local Accounting and Finance Office for
remission of debt.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Chapter 5

5.1. Preparation of Documents. This chapter provides instructions for use of forms in connection with
the enlistment of persons into the RegAF. HQ AFRS accession regulations contain additional or unique
instructions. See Attachment 10 for information on correcting enlistment documents:
5.1.1. Use original or authenticated copies of documents to verify eligibility (SSN card, birth certificate, diploma, etc.).
5.1.2. An Air Force Liaison Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) verifies information on enlistment
records and returns the documents to the applicant.
5.2. Department of Defense Forms. Department of Defense (DoD) forms are used on or after 1 June
1975 as prescribed by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1304-2, Pre-Enlistment Forms, March 14, 1975:
5.2.1. DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document- Armed Forces of the United States.
Mandatory for all Air Force enlistments: Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) personnel prepare the form for individuals
processed through a MEPS. HQ AFRS provides overseas MPFs guidance for processing individuals overseas. The “Applicant Briefing Item On Separation Policy” (see Attachment 11) must be added
as an annex to the DD Form 4.
5.2.2. DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release. Used by Reserve component members as a
conditional release to allow member to process for entry into the RegAF. Instructions are on the form.
HQ AFPC/DPPAES is the approval authority for disenrolled AFA and AFROTC cadets awaiting
5.2.3. DD Form 369, Police Record Check. Used by Air Force representatives to assist in establishing applicant's eligibility for enlistment. AFRS and AFROTC establish specific processing guidelines.
Form is self-explanatory.
5.2.4. DD Form 372, Request for Verification of Birth. Air Force representatives use this form to
verify birth information for native born US citizens when other documents, such as birth certificates,
are unavailable. Form is self-explanatory.
5.2.5. DD Form 1966, Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of the United States. Form
is mandatory for all Air Force enlistments. Air Force accession and recruiting agencies provide
instructions to field units to assist in completion of form. EXCEPTION: Applicants processing for
AFROTC are not required to complete this form.
5.2.6. DD Form 2246, Applicant Medical Prescreening Form. Required on all applicants who process through MEPS. Complete as early as possible during initial processing. The form is self-explanatory: When an applicant identifies a questionable disqualifying medical problem, give a copy
of form, with supporting medical documentation provided by applicant, to the MEPS Chief Medical Officer (CMO).


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999 The MEPS CMO reviews the form and the documents and determines eligibility. The
form is self-explanatory.
5.2.7. DD Form 2280, Armed Forces Fingerprint Card. Mandatory when requesting an Entrance
National Agency Check on all NPS applicants and is an attachment to the SF 86, Questionnaire for
National Security Positions. Form is self-explanatory.

5.3. Air Force Forms:
5.3.1. AF Form 485, Application for Enlistment - US Air Force Band. Mandatory for all band
applicants. Must be initiated for audition and then forwarded through SAF Air Bands and Music
(PAC) and HQ AFRS Enlistment Accession Section (RSOPB). The form is self-explanatory.
5.3.2. AF Form 883, Privacy Act Statement - US Air Force Application Record. Used to brief the
applicant on provisions of the Privacy Act: Give the applicant a copy of the form before asking for a SSN or personal data on a personnel interview form.
5.3.3. AF Form 1034, Extended Active Duty Agreement (Officer Training School) United States
Air Force Reserve. Used for applicants applying for OTS and is an official agreement between an
OTS applicant and the USAF. It lists all promises or guarantees made to the applicant: The form becomes an annex to DD Form 4. Instructions are on the form.
5.3.4. AF Form 2030, USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate. Used for applicants applying for
enlistment in the RegAF. Complete as early as possible during the initial interview and prior to mental
or medical qualification processing. The form is self-explanatory: Individuals who refuse to initial or sign any part of the form cannot enlist. Recertify the information on date of enlistment in RegAF prior to administering the oath
of enlistment.
5.3.5. The forms listed below are an official agreement between the applicant and the USAF. The
forms become an annex to DD Form 4. See the forms for instructions. Unless supplemented by an AF
Form 3008, containing additional promises or guarantees, these forms list all promises or guarantees
made to the applicant about: AF Form 3005, Guaranteed Aptitude Area Enlistment Agreement - Non-Prior Service - United States Air Force. Use for non-prior service applicants enlisting into an aptitude area
(i.e., mechanical, administrative, general, or electronics) without a specific AFS guaranteed and
for enlistment into the DEP. Classification into a specific AFS occurs during basic military training, based on
individual preferences, qualifications, specialties available at time of classification, and Air
Force needs. AF Form 3006, Enlistment Agreement (Prior Service/Active USAFR/ANG) United
States Air Force. Used for prior service, Active AF Reserve, and Air National Guard applicants
applying for RegAF enlistment.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

21 AF Form 3007, Guaranteed Training Enlistment Agreement Non-Prior
Service - United States Air Force. Used for non-prior service applicants enlisting into a specific
5.3.6. AF Form 3008, Supplement to Enlistment Agreement--United States Air Force. Use as
supplement to AF Forms 1034, 3005, 3006, and 3007. It lists all additional promises and guarantees to
applicants not covered on the primary enlistment document and becomes an annex to DD Form 4. See
the form for instructions.
5.3.7. AF Form 3009, Change to Enlistment Agreement - United States Air Force. Use after
RegAF enlistment by HQ AFPC/DPPAES and 319 TRS Classification Review (TPCAR) during BMT
if: One of these agencies finds the applicant ineligible for original AFS or Aptitude Index. The
enlistee volunteers for another AFS based on AF needs. Give HQ AFPC/DPPAES a completed copy of the form for inclusion in the member's
master personnel file. The form is self-explanatory. Cross out nonapplicable areas.
5.3.8. AF Form 3010, USAF Statement of Understanding, Dependent Care Responsibilities.
Mandatory for all enlistments. Complete as early as practical in applicant processing. Provides definition of "dependent" (family member) for accession purposes and includes statements of understanding
regarding the member's obligation toward current or future family members. See the form for instructions.



AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
Attachment 1

Title 10, USC Chapter 31, Enlistments
Title 10, USC Section 504, Persons not qualified
Title 10, USC Section 505, Regular Components: qualifications, term, grade
Title 10, USC Section 508, Reenlistment: qualifications
Title 10, USC Section 513, Enlistments: Delayed Entry Program
Title 10, USC Section 651, Members Required Service
Title 10, USC Section 654, Policy on Homosexual Conduct
Title 10, USC Section 8258, Regular Air Force: reenlistment after service as an officer
Title 10, USC Section 8914, Twenty to Thirty Years: enlisted members
Title 10, USC Section 12102, Reserve Components: qualifications
Title 10, USC Section 12310, Reserves: for organizing, administering, etc., reserve components
Department of Defense Instruction 1304-2, Pre Enlistment Forms, March 14, 1975
Department of Defense Instruction 1304.25, Fulfilling the Military Service Obligation (MSO)
Department of Defense Directive 1304.26, Qualification Standards for Enlistment, Appointment and
Induction, December 21, 1993 with Change 1
Public Law 102-484
Abbreviations and Acronyms
A1C—Airman First Class
AB—Airman Basic
ADSC—active duty service commitment
AETC—Air Education and Training Command
AFA—Air Force Academy
AFS—Air Force Specialty
AFSC—United States Air Force Specialty Code
AFCT—Armed Forces Classification Test
AFI—Air Force Instruction
AFPD—Air Force Policy Directive
AFQT—Air Force Qualification Test

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
AFRES—Air Force Reserve
AFROTC—Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
AFRS—Air Force Recruiting Service
AFRSQ—Air Force Recruiting Squadron
AGR—Active Guard and Reserve
ANG—Air National Guard
ANGRC—Air National Guard Readiness Center
AR—Army Regulation
ARC—Air Reserve Components
ARPC—Air Reserve Personnel Center
ASVAB—Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
BMT—Basic Military Training
CAFSC—Control Air Force Specialty Code
CCS—Group Superintendent
CMO—Chief Medical Officer
CONUS—continental United States
CRT—cathode-ray tube
DAT—Drug Alcohol Test
DCS—Deputy Chief of Staff
DEP—Delayed Entry Program
DFAS—Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DMDC—Defense Manpower Data Center
DOE—date of enlistment
DoD—Department of Defense
DoDI—Department of Defense Instruction
DOPC—Resources Section (HQ 2AF)
DOPR—Resident Program Sections (HQ 2AF)
DOR—date of rank
DOS—date of separation
DP—Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel (HQ USAF)



AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

DPAAD—Airman Assignments (HQ AFPC)
DPP—Directorate of Personnel Program Management (HQ AFPC)
DPPAES—Special Actions Section (HQ AFPC)
DPPDS—Disability Board Support Branch (HQ AFPC)
DPPRS—Retirements and Separations Branch (HQ AFPC)
DPR—Assignment Management Division (HQ ARPC)
DPRA—Assignments Branch (HQ AFRES)
DPTS—Training Support Branch (HQ AFRES)
DPX—Military Personnel Policy (HQ USAF)
DPXF—Force Policy Division (HQ USAF)
DPXFA—Accession Policy (HQ USAF)
DPXP—Force Structure Division (HQ USAF)
DPXPS—Skills Management (HQ USAF)
DSN—Defense Switched Network
EAD—extended active duty
EPR—Enlisted Performance Report
FED—Financial Eligibility Determination
GED—general education development
HIV—Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HOR—Home of Record
HQ AFPC—Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center
HQ 2AF—Headquarters 2nd Air Force
HQ USAF—Headquarters United States Air Force
IAW—In Accordance With
IEB—Initial Enlistment Bonus
IRC—Interservice Reenlistment Code
ISC—Interservice Separation Code
JROTC—Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
JUMPS—Joint Uniform Military Pay System
MAJCOM—Major Command
MEPS—Military Entrance Process Station
MI—Manpower Reserve Affairs, Installations and Environment (HQ USAF)

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
MP—Manpower (ANGRC)
MPF—Military Personnel Flight
MPTET—Enlisted Accessions (ANGRC)
MTI—military training instructor
MSO—military service obligation
NCO—noncommissioned officer
NDAA—National Defense Authorization Act
NDT—Nonprior Service Direct Duty to Technical Training
NLT—No Later Than
NPS—Nonprior Service
OTS—Officer Training School
PAC—Air Band and Music
PAFSC—primary Air Force specialty code
PCS—Permanent Change of Station
PDS—personnel data system
POC—Point of Contact
PRP—Personnel Reliability Program
PS—Prior Service
PTI—personnel transaction identifier
RCG—Air Force Recruiting Group
RE—Reenlistment Eligibility
RegAF—Regular Air Force
RES/RES—Reserved Reservist
RNLTD—Report No Later Than Date
RSL—Recruiting Service Liaison
RSO—Operations Division (HQ AFRS)
RSOPB—Enlistment Accession Section (HQ AFRS)
SAF—Secretary of the Air Force
SG—Surgeon General
SGPS—Physical Standards Division (HQ AETC)
SPD—separation program designator
SRB—Selective Reenlistment Bonus


SSB—Special Separations Benefit
SSN—Social Security Number
TAFMS—total active Federal military service
TAFMSD—Total Active Federal Military Service Date
TDRL—temporary disability retired list
TDY—temporary duty
TOE—term of enlistment
TPCA—Classification Flight (319 TRS)
TPCAR—Classification Review (319 TRS)
TPPP—Processing Flight (319 TRS)
TRG—Training Group
TRS—Training Squadron
UIF—Unfavorable Information File
USC—United States Code
VSI—Voluntary Separations Incentive
XOO—Directorate of Operations (HQ USAF)

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 2

A2.1. Ineligibility Conditions. Applicant is ineligible to enlist when one of the following conditions
(refer questionable cases to HQ USAF/DPXFA for paragraphs A2.1.1. - A2.1.5.) exists:
A2.1.1. Intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time during enlistment processing or has been involved with narcotics, dangerous drugs, diagnosed as an alcoholic or alcohol abuser
or who self-admits to alcoholism or alcohol abuse, or has had a positive Drug and Alcohol Test
(DAT). Forward waivers of preservice drug use or involvement for other than marijuana through
AFRS channels to HQ AFRS/CC. They will consider waivers only for limited preservice use of
amphetamines, barbiturates or unprescribed anabolic androgenic steroid usage. Marijuana usage after
signing AF Form 2030, USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate, makes the applicant ineligible
for enlistment or waiver consideration. A positive DAT renders an applicant ineligible for waiver consideration. An applicant who completes treatment for alcoholism will be considered for waiver after 2
years alcohol free.
A2.1.2. Has questionable moral character, history of antisocial behavior (including psychosis), frequent difficulties with law enforcement agencies, transsexualism and other gender identity disorders,
exhibitionism transvestitism voyeurism, and other paraphilias, or homosexual conduct. See Attachment 11 for explanation of the Air Force policy on homosexual conduct and eligibility determination
procedures involving evidence of homosexual conduct.
A2.1.3. Enlistment is not clearly consistent with national security interest according to AFI 31-501,
Personnel Security Management Program.
A2.1.4. Conscientious objector, person with personal beliefs, convictions, or religious practices precluding unrestricted duties or assignments; received a presidential pardon for draft evasion.
A2.1.5. A high school graduate with an ASVAB AFQT score less than 21; an alternate credential
holder (GED) with an AFQT score less than 50; non-high school graduate with an AFQT less than 65.
NOTE: AFRS/CC, with USAF/DP approval, may set a higher operational standard for the AFQT.
Mental Category IV (AFQT 21-30) enlistments must not exceed 1% of total NPS enlistments.
Ninety-nine percent of all NPS enlistments must be high school graduates or higher (Tier 1 as defined
by the Department of Defense.)
A2.1.6. Previously served in any other country's Armed Forces. (Waiver authority is HQ AFRS/
A2.1.7. Under restraint imposed by civil or criminal court or subpoena ordering attendance on some
specified future date (includes those relieved from restraint on the condition of enlistment). (No waivers authorized.)
A2.1.8. Civil or criminal charges filed or pending (includes those released from charges on condition
of enlistment). In civil suit cases only, a person may enlist provided they obtain a statement of nonappearance from legal or court officials. HQ AFRS/RSO renders eligibility determinations in these cases
(no further delegation authorized).
A2.1.9. Receiving disability compensation from any Federal or other agency. (No waivers authorized.)


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A2.1.10. Has excessive or distracting tattoos. Persons with tattoos that are obscene, advocate sexual,
racial, ethnic, or religious slurs are ineligible. Persons with excessive tattoos, when exposed from a
military uniform that detract from a proper military image, are ineligible. This is not waiverable. Refer
doubtful cases to HQ AFRS/RSO for eligibility determination.
A2.1.11. On active duty or active duty for training with any branch of the United States Armed
Forces. Acceptance into an Air Force commissioning or appointment program renders warrant officers and enlisted personnel from any branch of the United States Armed Forces eligible for enlistment.
However, failure to complete the program renders the enlistee ineligible to remain in or revert to
enlisted status in the Air Force. Reserve officers from any Guard or Reserve component not currently
on EAD and who were only on EAD for training, may apply for nonprior service enlistment through
AFRS. AFRS advises members they cannot hold a warrant officer or Reserve commission in an
Armed Force other than the Air Force.
A2.1.12. Has ever held a commission in any Regular or Reserve component. EXCEPTION: All warrant officers are eligible to enlist for the sole purpose of attending a precommissioning program or to
apply for any direct commissioning program.
A2.1.13. Discharged or separated from any branch of the armed forces with a reenlistment eligibility
(RE) code or separation designator/number (SPD) barring reenlistment:
A2.1.13.1. Applicants with a General Discharge and an RE code upgraded to a "1" are exceptions
and may apply for enlistment. HQ AFRS verifies eligibility (no further delegation authorized).
A2.1.13.2. Regular and Reserve (non-rated) officers on active duty without statutory entitlement,
eliminated from flying or technical training, with less than 2 years of active duty may apply for
nonprior service enlistment through AFRS. These individuals do not attend enlisted basic training.
A2.1.13.3. Do not give waivers for:
A2. Interservice Reenlistment Code (IRC) of 4 or Interservice Separation Code
(ISC) of 60 through 87. Consider ISC 87 case by case.
A2. Air Force RE code 3S or 3V with an SPD code of MCA (accepted VSI) or MCB
(accepted SSB).
A2. Discharges under authority of AFI 36-2902, Physical Evaluation for Retention,
Retirement, and Separation, and identified on DD Form 214 with an SPD code of JFM (disability existed prior to service - no severance pay).
A2. RE code 2Q.
A2.1.13.4. Consider waivers for the following (approval and disapproval authority delegated no
lower than HQ AFRS/RSO level):
A2. Separated with 5 or more days lost time.
A2. Separated from a regular component in pay grade E-3 or lower after 24 or more
months TAFMS. Must have no other disqualifying factor.
A2. Separated for physical condition during basic or technical training. Applicant
must furnish proof the physical defect responsible for separation no longer exists and have HQ
AETC Physical Standards Division (SGPS), certification of acceptability for enlistment.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


A2. Air Force RE code 3 or 4 (convert other service's narrative reason for discharge
to an Air Force RE code.) Contact HQ AFPC/DPPAES for guidance in questionable cases.
A2. Separated from OTS.
A2.1.14. Retired, eligible for retired pay under any provisions of law, or retired and serving on
extended active duty (EAD) in a Reserve status. (No waivers authorized.)
A2.1.15. A non US citizen or US national with 24 or more months TAFMS in any branch of the
United States Armed Forces. (No waivers authorized.):
A2.1.15.1. Treat persons born in American Samoa or Swains Islands as United States nationals;
they do not have to hold lawful permanent residence status and will not possess an alien registration card.
A2.1.16. Applicant is less than 18 years of age or more than 27 years of age. NOTE: Title 10, USC,
Section 505, prohibits enlistment of anyone 35 or over. In unique or unusual cases, route age waivers
for applicants between 27 and 35 years of age, through chain of command to HQ AFPC/DPPAES:
A2.1.16.1. Minimum age for enlistment is 17 provided applicant is a high school graduate or an
enrolled high school senior. A 17-year old single enlistee must have parental or guardian consent
on the DD Form 1966, Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of the United States,
prior to enlistment processing except for the ASVAB. Emancipated 17-year old may enlist with an
approved parental consent waiver from the Air Force Recruiting Squadron (AFRSQ) Commander
A2.1.16.2. Age, when reduced by TAFMS, must equal less than 28 years. However; if applicant
has previous satisfactory service in an Air Reserve Component (ARC) (verified by AF Form 526),
age must first equal less than 35, when reduced by TAFMS and when further reduced by years of
satisfactory service in the ARC, it must equal less than 28 years.
A2.1.17. Applicant is:
A2.1.17.1. Single, divorced, separated, has a military spouse or common-law spouse and has
legal or physical custody of any family member incapable of self-care. (No waiver authorized.)
A2.1.17.2. Married to a civilian spouse and wishes to enlist in pay grade E-3 or lower and has two
or more family members incapable of self-care. (Waiver authorized at HQ AFRS level.)
A2.1.17.3. A member of the United States Armed Forces, either as an active duty member or
holding status with the ARC, and is married to a member of the United States Armed Forces who
is either active duty or holding status with the ARC.
A2.1.17.4. For accession purposes the Air Force defines a family member as:
A2. A spouse.
A2. Any person under the age of 18 of whom the applicant or spouse has legal or
physical custody, control, care, maintenance, or support. This includes children from a previous marriage, a relative by blood or marriage, and the applicant's or spouse's stepchildren or
adopted children.
A2. The applicant's or spouse's unmarried natural children, regardless of where the
children live. The term "natural child" includes children born out of wedlock.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A2. Any persons who rely upon the applicant or spouse for their care, maintenance,
or support regardless of age.
A2. For male applicants only, the spouse's unborn child, one the applicant claims, or
one a court order determines to be his. NOTE: Pregnant female applicants are ineligible under
medical criteria.
A2.1.17.5. Applicants who give up legal and physical custody of family members through court
order, incapable of self-care, are eligible with an approved HQ AFRS dependency eligibility
A2.1.17.6. Take any pending changes in an applicant's family member status such as a pregnancy,
divorce, separation, etc., into consideration at time of processing for RegAF enlistment.
A2.1.18. Applicant eliminated from an officer candidate training program based on punitive or
administrative actions involving defective character traits, unsuitability, alcohol or drug abuse. Prior
to processing, applicant must provide a DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer Candidate-Type Training, or a memorandum from the releasing agency containing the same DD Form
785 information. Refer questionable cases to HQ AFRS/RSO for eligibility determination. EXCEPTION: Disenrolled AFROTC and USAFA cadets (who must fulfill an active duty service obligation)
may enlist provided HQ AFPC/DPPAES approves a DD Form 368, Request for Conditional
A2.1.19. Applicants applying for RegAF enlistment are ineligible if financial screening reveals
excessive debts or questionable credit history. All applicants 23 years or older, or who have dependents will require financial screening. A Financial Eligibility Determinations (FED) may be processed
on all applicants who exceed debt ratio as determined by HQ USAF/DPX or questionable credit history as determined by HQ USAF/AFRS.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 3

A3.1. Matrix and guidance for eligibility determinations applied to the Uniform Guide List (UGL) in
paragraph A3.2.:
A3.1.1. Applicants with one or more convictions or adverse adjudications from paragraphs A3.2.1.
(category 1), A3.2.2. (category 2) or A3.2.3. (category 3) in a lifetime require an approved waiver of
morals disqualification.
A3.1.2. Applicants with two or more convictions or adverse adjudications in the last 3 years, or three
or more convictions or adverse adjudications in a lifetime, from paragraph A3.2.4. (category 4)
require an approved waiver of morals disqualification.
A3.1.3. Applicants with six or more convictions or adverse adjudications in any 365-day period in the
last 3 years from paragraph A3.2.5. (category 5) require an approved waiver of morals disqualification.
A3.1.4. In evaluating an arrest record, information indicating acquittal, dropped charges, expunged
record, case dismissal, or that the individual was the subject of a "nolle prosequi," does not negate the
significance of the underlying conduct. Therefore, to protect the interest of the Air Force, base eligibility determinations on available information concerning a person's conduct and actions rather than
the legal outcome of a criminal proceeding:
A3.1.4.1. These factors may mitigate disqualifying information. Consider them in the waiver process:
A3. Immaturity attributable to the age of the individual at the time of the offense.
A3. Circumstances surrounding the offense.
A3. Isolated nature of the conduct.
A3. Incident occurred in one's youth with no subsequent criminal conduct.
A3. Temporary conditions contributed to the conduct, (such as parents' divorce, serious illness, or death in immediate family, etc.) with no subsequent criminal conduct.
A3.1.5. HQ AFRS:
A3.1.5.1. May approve or disapprove requests for waivers of these provisions.
A3.1.5.2. May delegate this authority to AFRSQ/CC.
A3.1.5.3. Determines category of offense in questionable cases.
A3.1.6. A conviction is the act of finding a person guilty of a crime, offense, or other violation of the
law by a court, judge, or other authorized adjudication authority and includes fines and forfeiture of
bond in lieu of trial.
A3.1.7. An adverse adjudication (adult or juvenile) is a finding, decision, sentence, or judgment,
other than unconditionally dropped, dismissed, or acquitted. When the adjudicating authority places a


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
condition or restraint that leads to dismissal, dropped charges, or acquittal, the adjudication is considered adverse:
A3.1.7.1. An adjudicating authority is an official of a Federal, state, county, or local government
body empowered to make findings or determinations concerning alleged criminal (adult or juvenile) offenses and establishes responsibility for commission of the offense. Responsibility for
commission of the offense is established by a conviction or when action tantamount to a finding of
guilty is directed by the official (e.g., entry into a diversionary program, probation, or revocation
of probation). Adjudicating authorities include:
A3. Judges.
A3. Courts.
A3. Magistrates.
A3. Prosecutors.
A3. Hearing officials.
A3. Military commanders (Article 15 action or suspension of dependent privileges or
similar actions).
A3. Probation officers.
A3. Parole officers or boards.
A3.1.8. A member is not eligible to begin enlistment processing for 3 months following termination
of parole, probation, suspended sentence, or any period of confinement for a conviction. EXCEPTION: Suspended sentences for minor traffic offenses and completion of community service.

A3.2. Uniform Guide List of Typical Offenses:
A3.2.1. Category 1 Moral Offenses. This list of offenses is a guide. Consider violations of a similar
nature of seriousness as a category 1 offense. A conviction or adverse adjudication of one or more of
these offenses is disqualifying for entry into the Air Force. The procurement source commander
approves waivers to these offenses:
A3.2.1.1. Aggravated assault: With a dangerous weapon, intentionally inflicting great bodily
harm, with intent to commit a felony (adjudicated as adult only).
A3.2.1.2. Bribery (adjudicated as adult only).
A3.2.1.3. Burglary (adjudicated as adult only).
A3.2.1.4. Carnal knowledge of a child under 16.
A3.2.1.5. Draft evasion.
A3.2.1.6. Drugs: Use, possession, trafficking, sale, or manufacture of an illegal or illicit drug
(except for marijuana use or possession - see category 2).
A3.2.1.7. Extortion (adjudicated as adult only).
A3.2.1.8. Indecent acts or liberties with a child under 16, molestation.
A3.2.1.9. Kidnapping, abduction.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


A3.2.1.10. Manslaughter.
A3.2.1.11. Murder.
A3.2.1.12. Perjury (adjudicated as adult only).
A3.2.1.13. Rape.
A3.2.1.14. Robbery (adjudicated as adult only).
A3.2.2. Category 2 Moral Offenses. This list of offenses is a guide. Consider violations of a similar
nature or seriousness as a category 2 offense. In doubtful cases, treat the offense as a category 2
offense when the maximum possible confinement under local law exceeds one year. Conviction or
adverse adjudication of one or more of these offenses is disqualifying for entry into the Air Force.
Waivers to these offenses may be approved by the next lower level of command below the procurement source:
A3.2.2.1. Arson.
A3.2.2.2. Aggravated assault: With a dangerous weapon, intentionally inflicting great bodily
harm, with intent to commit a felony (adjudicated as juvenile only).
A3.2.2.3. Attempting to commit a felony.
A3.2.2.4. Breaking and entering a building with intent to commit a felony.
A3.2.2.5. Bribery (adjudicated as juvenile only).
A3.2.2.6. Burglary (adjudicated as juvenile only).
A3.2.2.7. Carrying a concealed firearm or unlawful carrying a firearm.
A3.2.2.8. Carrying a concealed weapon (other than firearm), possession of brass knuckles.
A3.2.2.9. Child pornography offenses.
A3.2.2.10. Conspiring to commit a felony.
A3.2.2.11. Criminal libel.
A3.2.2.12. DUI/DWUI/DWI (driving under the influence, while intoxicated, or impaired by
drugs or alcohol).
A3.2.2.13. Embezzlement.
A3.2.2.14. Extortion (adjudicated as juvenile only).
A3.2.2.15. Forgery: Knowingly uttering or passing forged instrument (except for altered identification for purchase of alcoholic beverages).
A3.2.2.16. Grand larceny.
A3.2.2.17. Grand theft.
A3.2.2.18. Housebreaking.
A3.2.2.19. Indecent assault.
A3.2.2.20. Involuntary manslaughter.
A3.2.2.21. Leaving the scene of an accident (hit-and-run) involving personal injury.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A3.2.2.22. Lewd, licentious, or lascivious behavior.
A3.2.2.23. Looting.
A3.2.2.24. Mail or electronic emissions matters: Abstracting, destroying, obstructing, opening,
secreting, stealing or taking.
A3.2.2.25. Mail: Depositing obscene or indecent matter.
A3.2.2.26. Maiming or disfiguring.
A3.2.2.27. Marijuana: Simple possession or use.
A3.2.2.28. Negligent homicide.
A3.2.2.29. Pandering.
A3.2.2.30. Perjury (adjudicated as juvenile only).
A3.2.2.31. Public record: Altering, concealing, destroying, mutilating, obliterating, or removing.
A3.2.2.32. Riot.
A3.2.2.33. Robbery (adjudicated as juvenile only).
A3.2.2.34. Sedition or soliciting to commit sedition.
A3.2.2.35. Selling, leasing, or transferring weapon to a minor or unauthorized individual.
A3.2.2.36. Sexual harassment.
A3.2.2.37. Willfully discharging firearms so as to endanger life or shooting in public place.
A3.2.3. Category 3 Moral Offenses. This list of offenses is a guide. Consider violations of a similar
nature as category 3 offenses (including boating, aviation, and similar recreational vehicular
offenses). In doubtful cases, treat the offense as a category 3 offense when the maximum possible confinement under local law exceeds 4 months but no more than one year. Conviction or adverse adjudication of one or more of these offenses is disqualifying for entry into the Air Force. Waivers to these
offenses may be approved by the lowest level of command in the procurement source:
A3.2.3.1. Adultery.
A3.2.3.2. Assault (simple).
A3.2.3.3. Breaking and entering a vehicle.
A3.2.3.4. Check: Insufficient funds (amount of check over $50, worthless, or uttering with intent
to defraud or deceive).
A3.2.3.5. Conspiring to commit misdemeanor.
A3.2.3.6. Contempt of court (includes nonpayment of child support or alimony required by court
A3.2.3.7. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor (includes purchase of alcoholic beverages).
A3.2.3.8. Desecration of a grave.
A3.2.3.9. Discharging firearm through carelessness or within municipal limits.
A3.2.3.10. Drunk in public, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


A3.2.3.11. Failure to stop and render aid after an accident.
A3.2.3.12. Indecent exposure.
A3.2.3.13. Indecent, insulting, or obscene language communicated directly or by telephone or
any electronic transmission method.
A3.2.3.14. Killing a domestic animal.
A3.2.3.15. Leaving the scene of an accident (hit-and-run) with no personal injury involved.
A3.2.3.16. Liquor or alcoholic beverages: Unlawful manufacture or sale.
A3.2.3.17. Malicious mischief.
A3.2.3.18. Resisting, fleeing, or eluding arrest.
A3.2.3.19. Removing property under lien or from public grounds.
A3.2.3.20. Slander.
A3.2.3.21. Shooting from highway or on public road.
A3.2.3.22. Shoplifting, larceny, petty larceny or theft (age 14 or older or stolen goods valued over
A3.2.3.23. Stolen property or knowingly receiving stolen property.
A3.2.3.24. Unlawful or illegal entry.
A3.2.3.25. Unlawful use of long distance telephone lines or any electronic transmission method.
A3.2.3.26. Use of telephone or any electronic transmission method to abuse, annoy, harass,
threaten, or torment another.
A3.2.3.27. Wrongful appropriation of motor vehicle, joyriding or driving without owner’s consent (if intent was to permanently deprive owner of vehicle, treat as grand larceny).
A3.2.4. Category 4 Moral Offenses. This list of offenses is a guide. Consider traffic violations that are
treated as serious by law enforcement agencies as category 4 offenses (including boating, aviation,
and similar recreational vehicular offenses). In doubtful category 4, nontraffic cases, treat similar
offenses as category 4 offenses when the maximum possible confinement under the local law is 4
months or less. Two convictions or adverse adjudications in the last 3 years, or three or more convictions or adverse adjudications in a lifetime is disqualifying for entry into the Air Force. Waivers to
these offenses may be approved by the lowest level of command in the procurement source:
A3.2.4.1. Abusive language under circumstances to provoke breach of peace.
A3.2.4.2. Altered identification when intent is to purchase alcoholic beverages.
A3.2.4.3. Careless or reckless driving.
A3.2.4.4. Check ($50 or less, insufficient funds or worthless).
A3.2.4.5. Curfew violation.
A3.2.4.6. Committing or creating nuisance.
A3.2.4.7. Damaging road signs.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A3.2.4.8. Disorderly conduct, creating disturbance or boisterous conduct, disturbing the peace.
A3.2.4.9. Driving with suspended or revoked license or without license.
A3.2.4.10. Failure to appear, comply with judgment, answer or disobey summons.
A3.2.4.11. Failure to comply with officer’s direction.
A3.2.4.12. Fare evasion (includes failure to pay turnstile fees).
A3.2.4.13. Fighting, participating in a brawl.
A3.2.4.14. Illegal betting or gambling: Operating illegal handbook, raffle, lottery, punch board or
watching a cockfight.
A3.2.4.15. Juvenile noncriminal misconduct: Beyond parental control, incorrigible, runaway, truant or wayward.
A3.2.4.16. Liquor or alcoholic beverages: Unlawful possession or consumption in a public place.
A3.2.4.17. Littering or dumping refuse on or near highway or other prohibited place.
A3.2.4.18. Loitering.
A3.2.4.19. Possession of indecent publications or pictures (other than child pornography).
A3.2.4.20. Purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages by a minor.
A3.2.4.21. Racing, drag racing, contest for speed.
A3.2.4.22. Shoplifting, larceny, petty larceny, or theft (committed under age 14 and value of stolen goods is $50 or less).
A3.2.4.23. Trespass on property.
A3.2.4.24. Unlawful assembly.
A3.2.4.25. Vagrancy.
A3.2.4.26. Vandalism, defacing or injuring property.
A3.2.4.27. Violation of fireworks law.
A3.2.4.28. Violation of fish and game laws.
A3.2.5. Category 5 Moral Offenses. This list of offenses is a guide. Consider offenses of a similar
nature (including boating, aviation, and similar recreational vehicular offenses) and traffic offenses
treated as minor by local law enforcement agencies, as Category 5 offenses. However, careless or
reckless driving are considered category 3 offenses. If the offense is for parking tickets, count and
document only tickets written by law enforcement officers for parking in prohibited zones, regardless
of location. Do not count or document any overtime parking tickets. Do not count any parking tickets
issued by private security firms, campus police, etc. Conviction or adverse adjudication of six or more
category 5 offenses in a 365-day period in the last three years is disqualifying for entry into the Air
Force. Waivers to these offenses may be approved by the lowest level of command in the procurement
A3.2.5.1. Blocking or retarding traffic.
A3.2.5.2. Crossing yellow line, drifting left of center.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A3.2.5.3. Disobeying traffic lights, signs, or signals.
A3.2.5.4. Driving on shoulder.
A3.2.5.5. Driving uninsured vehicle.
A3.2.5.6. Driving with blocked or impaired vision.
A3.2.5.7. Driving with expired plates or without plates.
A3.2.5.8. Driving without license in possession.
A3.2.5.9. Driving without registration or with improper registration.
A3.2.5.10. Driving wrong way on one-way street.
A3.2.5.11. Failure to display inspection sticker.
A3.2.5.12. Failure to have vehicle under control.
A3.2.5.13. Failure to keep right or in proper lane.
A3.2.5.14. Failure to signal.
A3.2.5.15. Failure to stop or yield to a pedestrian.
A3.2.5.16. Failure to yield right-of-way.
A3.2.5.17. Faulty equipment (defective exhaust, horn, lights, etc., illegal window tint).
A3.2.5.18. Following too close.
A3.2.5.19. Improper backing.
A3.2.5.20. Improper blowing of horn.
A3.2.5.21. Improper passing.
A3.2.5.22. Improper turn.
A3.2.5.23. Improper parking (does not include overtime parking).
A3.2.5.24. Invalid or unofficial inspection sticker.
A3.2.5.25. Leaving key in the ignition.
A3.2.5.26. License plates improperly displayed or not displayed.
A3.2.5.27. Operating overloaded vehicle.
A3.2.5.28. Playing vehicle radio or stereo too loud (noise or sound pollution).
A3.2.5.29. Speeding (contest for speed, racing or drag racing is category 4 offense).
A3.2.5.30. Spinning wheels, improper start.
A3.2.5.31. Seat belt violation.
A3.2.5.32. Zigzagging or weaving in traffic.



AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
Attachment 4

A4.1. Nonprior Service Date of Rank and Enlistment Grade:
A4.1.1. A nonprior service (NPS) applicant is an individual, without previous military service, who
has not completed basic training and who receives a commission in or enlists directly into an Armed
Force of the United States. Also includes, for enlistment eligibility definition purposes:
A4.1.1.1. Individuals who are credited with less than 24 months TAFMS in the United States
Armed Forces.
A4.1.1.2. Individuals separated as service academy cadets.
A4.1.1.3. Reservists whose total active service consists of active duty for training.
A4.1.1.4. Individuals who do not meet the prior service criteria.
A4.1.2. A nonprior service applicant going direct duty or to technical training (NDT) is an NPS individual who has completed a basic military training course.
A4.1.3. A reserved reservist (RES/RES) is a current member of a Reserve or Guard Component (NPS
applicant) with a conditional release for enlistment into the RegAF who has no RegAF active duty,
except for training.
A4.1.4. Only 369 RCG/RSL may change an enlistee’s enlistment grade while at basic military training (BMT):
A4.1.4.1. The enlistee must present documents after RegAF enlistment and before completing
A4.1.4.2. After completing BMT, the enlistee must submit a request for correction of enlistment
grade to HQ AFPC/DPPAES with a letter of justification and supporting documents.
A4.1.5. For an NPS applicant, date of rank is RegAF enlistment date. Enlistment grade is E-1 Airman
Basic (AB) unless they:
A4.1.5.1. Have over 90 days active duty service and last separated in pay grade E-2 or higher,
then grade is E-2 Airman (Amn). NOTE: The enlisting activity must verify TAFMS and pay
A4.1.5.2. Are a Service Academy ex-cadet with over 90 days service, then grade is E-2 (Amn).
NOTE: The enlisting activity must verify TAFMS, pay grade, and disenrollment from a service
A4.1.5.3. Receive grade credit based upon official college transcripts showing satisfactory completion of work.
A4. The current edition of Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education published by the American Council on Education must list the college or university. Members
cannot receive grade credit based upon transcripts from institutions listed in candidate status.
A4. If the educational directory reflects courses of varying lengths and the transcript
does not specify type of credit hour, the member must ask the school to attach a memorandum

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


to the transcript stating the type of credit earned. (Fifteen clock or contact hours equal 1
semester hour.)
A4. Applicant is a high school graduate or higher (Tier 1) and grade credit for work
completed is as follows:
A4. E-2 (Amn): 20 semester (trimester) hours or 30 quarter hours of credit.
A4. E-3 Airman First Class (A1C): 45 semester (trimester) hours or 67 quarter
hours of credit.
A4.1.5.4. Have completed 2 or more years of college or High School ROTC and provides a letter
of recommendation from the professor of the unit attended, then grade is E-2 (Amn).
A4.1.5.5. Possess a Billy Mitchell, Amelia Earhart, or Carl Spaatz Award, or a letter from
CAP-USAF/TTHE, Maxwell AFB AL, certifying successful completion for the award, and is a
high school diploma graduate or higher, then grade is E-3 (A1C).
A4.1.5.6. Is a Boy Scout Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Cadet Senior Scout with Gold Palm Award
recipient, and is a high school diploma graduate or higher, then grade is E-2 (Amn)
A4.1.5.7. Possess a High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Certificate of
Completion (3 years or more) or statement on official letterhead from a JROTC Unit Commander
stating satisfactory completion, and is a high school diploma graduate or higher, then grade is E-3
A4.1.5.8. Enlist for 6 years and not required to attend basic training, then grade is E-3 (A1C).
A4.1.5.9. Have over 12 months active duty service and last separated in pay grade E-3 or higher,
then grade is E-3 (A1C). NOTE: The enlisting activity must verify total active Federal military
service and pay grade.
A4.1.5.10. Enlist for the purpose of attending OTS, then pay grade is E-5. NOTE: OTS eliminees
approved for RegAF retention are reduced to E-3 (A1C) with a date of rank equal to date of enlistment unless authorized a higher grade based on previous service. Enlist all OTS applicants into the
A4.2. Prior Service (PS) Date of Rank and Enlistment Grade:
A4.2.1. A PS applicant is an individual who is credited with 24 or more months TAFMS in the United
States Armed Forces.
A4.2.2. Adjust DOS for satisfactory ARC service (full years of satisfactory service) since separation
from the Regular component and use the adjusted date to determine DOS anniversary.
A4.2.3. Minimum TAFMS requirements for enlistment in a higher pay grade than last held in the
Regular Air Force or when last Regular component was non-USAF:
A4.2.3.1. E-4, 2 years.
A4.2.3.2. E-5, 5 years and 6 months.
A4.2.3.3. E-6, 10 years.
A4.2.3.4. E-7, 15 years (prior service Regular Air Force only).


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A4.2.4. Access applicants qualifying for pay grade E-4 as Senior Airmen.
A4.2.5. Determine DOR for a PS applicant per AFI 36-2604, Service Dates and Dates of Rank .
A4.2.6. Enlistment grade for applicants whose last Regular component is:
A4.2.6.1. Air Force, and enlists before 4th anniversary of DOS, grade in which last separated
from the RegAF or grade in which currently serving in an ARC (maximum E-7). See A4.2.3. for
minimum TAFMS requirements for enlistment in a higher grade than last separated:
A4. If the applicant's adjusted DOS is over 4 years, the applicant is ineligible for
enlistment unless a waiver is approved by HQ AFPC/DPPAES. Rank will be in accordance
with paragraph A4.2.6.1. with no DOR adjustment.
A4.2.6.2. Non-USAF, and enlists before 4th anniversary of DOS, grade in which last separated
from Regular component or grade in which currently serving in an ARC (maximum E-6; minimum E-5 provided E-5 was held at the time of separation from Regular component or in an ARC).
See A4.2.3. for minimum TAFMS requirements.
A4. If the applicant’s adjusted DOS is over 4 years, the applicant is ineligible for
enlistment unless a waiver is approved by HQ AFPC/DPPAES. Rank will be in accordance
with paragraph A4.2.6.1. with no DOR adjustment.
A4.2.7. If the applicant’s TAFMS is all from an ARC , the applicant may enlist in the grade in which
currently serving in an ARC ( maximum grade allowed is E-6) provided they meet minimum TAFMS
requirement in paragraph A4.2.3.
A4.2.8. Applicants who are or previously were warrant officers enlisting for the purpose of attending
OTS enlist in the pay grade of E-5, unless they have 10 or more years of TAFMS, in which case they
enlist in the pay grade of E-6. Applicants who were former warrant officers with less than 5 years and
6 months TAFMS will be reduced to E-4 if they are eliminated from OTS, and request and receive
approval to remain on active duty in enlisted status.
A4.2.9. HQ USAF/DPXFA waives the above criteria only in exceptional cases.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 5


550 C Street West Ste 10
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4712

FROM: Applicant's address


SUBJECT: Retired Reserve Statement of Understanding
I accept the invitation for extended active duty (EAD) under the Retired Airman Recall Program and
a. I will make no commitments in my personal affairs until receipt of EAD orders.
b. Entry in a higher grade than my retirement grade is not authorized.
c. I must meet eligibility criteria for promotion while on EAD.
d. I may not enlist or reenlist in the Regular Air Force.
e. I will revert back to my retired Reserve status at the end of my recall tour.
f. An extension is not authorized unless:
(1) I am involuntarily extended due to mobilization, under investigation, or other reasons based on
law, regulation, or the needs of the Air Force.
(2) I (or my family members) develop a temporary medical problem diagnosed by Air Force
medical authorities prior to my release from EAD. I also understand I must request the extension in
writing through the medical facility, my unit commander, and Military Personnel Flight (MPF) Special
Actions Section. I also understand the extension will not exceed time required to resolve medical
(3) I am selected for promotion and incur an active duty service commitment based on such


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Contact me at (area code home phone number) or (area code work number).

Print Name, Grade:

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 6

MEMORANDUM FOR unit commander or supervisor

FROM: Applicant's military address


SUBJECT: Application for Extended Active Duty (EAD) and Statement of Understanding
According to AFI 36-2002, I am applying for (specify program). I agree to serve on EAD for (announced)
years and understand:
a. This application is contingent on my acceptance for EAD.
b. I will make no commitments in my personal affairs until receipt of EAD orders.
c. Approval of my application is not a commitment or promise of EAD.
d. I must obtain sufficient retainability to cover the completion of my EAD tour prior to publication of my EAD orders.
e. I may not withdraw my application after EAD orders are published.
f. I am subject to Regular Air Force eligibility, rules, regulations, laws, and directives while serving on EAD.
g. Entry on EAD is in my current pay grade. NOTE: For MTI applicants only, add the following:
If I am a MSgt or MSgt selectee, I accept voluntary demotion to TSgt.
h. I may be involuntarily relieved from EAD and returned to my previous Air Reserve Component
Status should I become disqualified for this duty for any reason.
i. Voluntary or involuntary release from EAD disqualifies me for additional EAD programs outlined in AFI 36-2002.
j. Extensions of EAD tours are not normally authorized unless:

(1) I am involuntarily extended due to mobilization, under investigation, or other reasons
based on law, regulation, or the needs of the Air Force.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
(2) I (or my family members) develop a temporary medical problem diagnosed by Air Force
medical authorities prior to my release from EAD. I also understand I must request the extension in writing through the medical facility, my unit commander, and Military Personnel
Flight (MPF) Special Actions Section. NOTE: The MPF Special Actions Section sends message to HQ AFPC/DPPAES requesting extension. I also understand the extension will not
exceed time required to resolve medical problems.
(3) I am within 2 years of becoming eligible for retirement and the Secretary of the Air Force
does not approve my release from active duty.
k. Consecutive tours are not normally considered.
l. I will be medically evaluated and recertified periodically during my EAD tour.

I certify I meet qualification requirements or a waiver request is attached.

Print Name, Grade:
Work & Home Phone No.:

1st Ind (OFC SYM) Ltr, (Date), Application for Extended Active


Duty (EAD),
(Grade, Name, SSN)
Recommend approval. I know of no reason that would keep (Grade, Last Name) from serving effectively
on EAD. I understand if member is selected for EAD as an MTI we will use our unit resources for member's personal interview and MTI technical training.

(Unit CC Signature)

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 7

A7.1. AF Form 125, Application for Extended Active Duty With the United States Air Force.
A7.2. Current copy of record review listing.
A7.3. Copy of DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data.
A7.4. Copy of last DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty.
A7.5. Copy of last AF Form 526, ANG/USAFR Point Credit Summary (issued on anniversary of date
entered ARC).
A7.6. Copy of SF 88, Report of Medical Examination, and SF 93, Report of Medical History (physical must be less than 1 year from application date).
A7.7. Proof of negative HIV test and DAT results (both within 30 days of application date).
A7.8. Active duty Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR) or Airman Performance Reports (APR). NOTE:
EPR and APR are not written on ARC member SSgts and below.
A7.9. Copy of last DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document - Armed Forces of the United
States, and all approved extensions.
A7.10. Copy of current promotion order.
A7.11. Copy of MTI School Graduation Certificate (if applicable).
A7.12. Full length 5x7-inch photograph without hat, in short sleeve shirt/blouse taken at a 45-degree
angle. Submit a Polaroid when base photo lab support is not available.
A7.13. AF Form 422, Physical Profile Serial Report, certifying qualification per AFI 36-2110.
A7.14. Copy of SF 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
Attachment 8




for TDRL)(006 for former officer); DOE: (DATE); TOE: (# YEARS); DOR: (DATE); HOR: (STREET,
ASSIGNMENT: Assignment to (GAINING UNIT, BASE, ZIP) for directed duty in CAFSC (AFSC).
REPORTING DATA: 15 DDALVP. Report to Commander No Later Than (NLT) (Insert date). Early
reporting is authorized and encouraged.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Authority: AFI 36-2002 and AFI 36-2108.
ORDERLY ROOM: Schedule member for an HIV Test no later than 5 workdays after arrival.
MPF: Direct member to the Base Security Police Office to update security data.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Pursuant to AFI 32-6001, Family Housing Management, report to the base
housing referral office serving your new duty station before entering into rental, lease, or purchase agreement for off-base housing. Submit travel voucher within 5 workdays of competing travel. GAINING
MPF: If an amendment is necessary or if member fails to report, contact HQ AFPC/DPPAES (DSN
487-5954 or commercial 210-652-5954) prior to processing according to AFI 36-2911, Desertion and
Unauthorized Absence.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


TRANSPORTATION: PCS. TDN. 57*3500 32*5841.0* S503725 (*insert M, D, H, I, L, T, or Y). Shipment of HHG is authorized, or member elects transportation of a mobile home in lieu of shipment of
household goods. Member not authorized reimbursement for transportation expenses from Home of
Record (HOR) to initial duty station. Transportation of family members and shipment of household
effects is authorized from the member's HOR. Travel of the following family members is authorized:

Proc Prgms and Procedures Manager

5 - Individual

Dir of Personnel Program Management

1 - Gaining Unit
1 - Gaining MPF


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
Attachment 9

550 C Street West Ste 10
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4712

FROM: Name and Grade
Mailing Address


SUBJECT: Request for Reenlistment Authorization
Request grade determination and authorization to reenlist in the Regular Air Force as an enlisted member per AFI 36-2002. My scheduled separation date is (date). Reason for separation: ____. Character of
Service: ________________.
I certify that I meet the conditions outlined in AFI 36-2002 and understand I must reenlist within 6
months from date of release from active duty officer status.
I understand if I subsequently qualify for retirement, any type separation or readjustment pay I received
upon separation from active duty officer status will be deducted from my retired pay.

Work & Home Phone No:

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 10

A10.1. Procedures. Use these procedures as a guide and take the necessary action to ensure the following enlistment documents are correct: DD Form 4, AF Forms 1034, 3005, 3006, 3007 and 3008. Refer
questions to HQ AFPC/DPPAES, DSN 487-5954 or Commercial (210)-652-5954.
A10.1.1. Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) discovering errors in a form prior to an
enlistee's departure will reaccomplish the form.
A10.1.2. Errors discovered after enlistee's departure from MEPS: Contact 369 Air Force Recruiting
Group (RCG) Recruiting Service Liaison (RSL), DSN 673-3841 or CM 210-671-3842, with member's name, SSN, date of enlistment, and summary of discrepancies. Agencies listed in paragraphs
A10.2.-A10.6.. below may make corrections to enlistment documents as indicated.
A10.1.3. Line out erroneous entry, insert correct data, and have member and Air Force representative
initial the correction. Include a short statement in a clear area of the form identifying the item corrected, date corrected, and activity making the correction. Annotate the top of the form with Corrected
A10.1.4. The activity making the correction will make required systems updates.
A10.2. 319 TRS. 319 TRS Processing Flight (TPPP) identifies and corrects errors, including:
A10.2.1. Misspelled names.
A10.2.2. Incorrect Social Security numbers.
A10.2.3. Other obvious typographical errors.
A10.2.4. Refer these errors to 369 RCG/RSL for correction:
A10.2.4.1. Enlistment grade.
A10.2.4.2. Term of enlistment.
A10.2.4.3. Missing signature.
A10.2.4.4. Problems with enlistment incentive options.
A10.2.5. 369 RCG/RSL coordinates changes to documents with 319 TRS/TPPP to ensure 319 TRS/
TPPP has updated PDS and made administrative corrections.
A10.2.6. Forward a copy of all changes to HQ AFPC/DPPAES for inclusion in the member's master
personnel file.
A10.3. Corrective Actions. 369 RCG/RSL determines appropriate corrective action on enlistment
agreement errors and effects contract changes on enlistees not offered the proper enlistment incentive,
having erroneous enlistments, or not properly processed for reenlistment:
A10.3.1. After reviewing the circumstances, they notify 319 TRS/TPPP of the corrective action
taken. NOTE: Refer corrective action changing an enlistee's guaranteed Air Force Specialty or Aptitude Index to 319 TRS/TPCAR.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A10.3.2. Counsel enlistees with an erroneous enlistment (guaranteed an option they do not qualify
for) on their ineligibility and accomplish a new agreement:
A10.3.2.1. A member who does not want a new agreement must ask for separation for Nonfulfillment of Enlistment Agreement.
A10.3.2.2. If they agree to the change but believe an injustice occurred, provide them a copy of
DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record Under the Provisions of Title
10, USC, Section 1552, and copies of the incorrect and new agreement. Forward a copy of both
agreements to HQ AFPC/DPPAES for inclusion in the member's master personnel file.

A10.4. Classification. Only 319 TRS/TPCA may classify or reclassify enlistees during basic military
A10.4.1. Refer errors discovered during classification to either 319 TRS/TPPP or 369 RCG/RSL, as
A10.4.2. Record changes to enlistment agreements on AF Form 3009, Change to Enlistment Agreement - United States Air Force, and send HQ AFPC/DPPAES a copy for the member's master personnel file.
A10.5. 2AF/DOPR. 2AF/DOPR (do not delegate further) may reclassify members when mission
requirement changes, during technical school training, keep the Air Force from meeting enlistment guarantees.
A10.5.1. Member must request reclassification.
A10.5.2. Record changes on AF Form 3009 and send HQ AFPC/DPPAES a copy for the member's
master personnel file.
A10.5.3. Separate for Nonfulfillment of Enlistment Agreement a member who refuses the new classification.
A10.6. MPF. MPF corrects administrative errors not found during initial entry processing. EXCEPTIONS: Send changes to enlistment grade to HQ AFPC/DPPAES for approval. A request for enlistment
grade change must include letter of justification and supporting documents. A request to authorize
changes in enlistment incentives such as TOE, bonuses, special training or retraining must be submitted
on a DD Form 149.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 11

A11.1. DoD Policy. DoD Directive 1304.26, Qualification Standards for Enlistment, Appointment and
Induction, dated 21 December 1993, sets DoD policy on accession procedures concerning homosexual
conduct. This directive provides the following information and guidance.
A11.2. Terms explained:
A11.2.1. BISEXUAL. A person who engages in, attempts to engage in, has a propensity to engage in,
or intends to engage in homosexual and heterosexual acts.
A11.2.2. DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY. The command authority designated (see below) to
determine applicant eligibility for military service, when, through the normal accession process, an
applicant reveals, or evidence is presented demonstrating that an applicant has engaged in homosexual


AUTHORITY (See Note 2) IS:

Regular Air Force (Enlisted)
Air Force Reserve
Air National Guard
Officer Training School Precommissioning Program
Medical Service Officer
The Judge Advocate General's Department
Air Force Chaplaincy
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
United States Air Force Academy


1. HQ AFPC/DPP is the decision making authority for individuals: Being reinstated to military
service by the Board for Correction of Military Records; removed from the Temporary Disability Retired List; entering Extended Active Duty after disenrollment from the Air Force
Academy or Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps; or entering extended Active Duty as


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
an enlisted member after a reduction in force terminated their service as a commissioned
2. The eligibility determination of the decision making authority is final.
A11.2.3. HOMOSEXUAL. A person, regardless of sex, who engages in, attempts to engage in, has a
propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in homosexual acts.
A11.2.4. HOMOSEXUAL ACT. A homosexual act is:
A11.2.4.1. Any bodily contact, actively undertaken or passively permitted, between members of
the same sex for the purpose of satisfying sexual desires; and,
A11.2.4.2. Any bodily contact (for example, hand holding or kissing, in most circumstances) that
a reasonable person would understand to demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in an act
described in paragraph A11.2.4.1.
A11.2.5. HOMOSEXUAL CONDUCT. A homosexual act, a statement by an applicant that demonstrates a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts, or a homosexual marriage or attempted
A11.2.6. HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE. A homosexual marriage or attempted marriage is when a
member has married or attempted to marry a person known to be of the same biological sex.
A11.2.7. PROPENSITY. Propensity to engage in homosexual acts means more than an abstract preference or desire to engage in homosexual acts; it indicates a likelihood that a person engages in, or
will engage in homosexual acts.
A11.2.8. SEXUAL ORIENTATION. An abstract sexual preference for persons of a particular sex, as
distinct from a propensity or intent to engage in sexual acts.
A11.2.9. Statement that a person is a homosexual or bisexual, or words to that effect. Language or
behavior that a reasonable person would believe was intended to convey the statement that a person
engages in, attempts to engage in, or has a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts. This
includes statements such as "I am a homosexual", "I am gay", "I am a lesbian", "I have a homosexual
orientation", and the like.

A11.3. DoD's Policy on Homosexual Conduct.
A11.3.1. Congress has determined that the policy on homosexual conduct in the Armed Forces is
based upon the following findings, which are codified at section 654 of Title 10, United States Code:
A11.3.1.1. Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution of the United States commits exclusively to
the Congress the powers to raise and support armies, provide and maintain a Navy, and make rules
for the government and regulation of the land and Naval Forces.
A11.3.1.2. There is no constitutional right to serve in the Armed Forces.
A11.3.1.3. Pursuant to the Powers conferred by Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution of the
United States, it lies within the discretion of the Congress to establish qualifications for and conditions of service in the Armed Forces.
A11.3.1.4. The primary purpose of the Armed Forces is to prepare for and to prevail in combat
should the need arise.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


A11.3.1.5. The conduct of military operations requires members of the Armed Forces to make
extraordinary sacrifices, including the ultimate sacrifice, in order to provide for the common
A11.3.1.6. Success in combat requires military units that are characterized by high morale, good
order and discipline, and unit cohesion.
A11.3.1.7. One of the most critical elements in combat capability is unit cohesion, that is, the
bonds of trust among individual service members that make the combat effectiveness of a military
unit greater than the sum of the combat effectiveness of the individual unit members.
A11.3.1.8. Military life is fundamentally different from civilian life in that:
A11. The extraordinary responsibilities of the Armed Forces, the unique conditions of
military service, and the critical role of unit cohesion, require that the military community,
while subject to civilian control, exist as a specialized society; and
A11. The military society is characterized by its own laws, rules, customs, and traditions, including numerous restrictions on personal behavior, that would not be acceptable in
civilian society.
A11.3.1.9. The standards of conduct for members of the Armed Forces regulate a member's life
for 24 hours each day beginning at the moment the member enters military status and not ending
until that person is discharged or otherwise separated from the Armed Forces.
A11.3.1.10. Those standards of conduct, including the Uniform Code of Military Justice, apply to
a member of the Armed Forces at all times that the member has a military status, whether the
member is on base or off base, and whether the member in on duty or off duty.
A11.3.1.11. The pervasive application of the Standards of Conduct is necessary because members
of the Armed Forces must be ready at all times for worldwide deployment to a combat environment.
A11.3.1.12. The worldwide deployment of the United States military forces, the international
responsibilities of the United States, and the potential for involvement of the Armed Forces in
actual combat routinely make it necessary for members of the Armed Forces involuntarily to
accept living conditions and working conditions that are often spartan, primitive, and characterized by forced intimacy with little or no privacy.
A11.3.1.13. The prohibition against homosexual conduct is a long-standing element of military
law that continues to be necessary in the unique circumstances of military service.
A11.3.1.14. The Armed Forces must maintain personnel policies that exclude persons whose
presence in the Armed Forces would create an unacceptable risk to the Armed Forces' high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.
A11.3.1.15. The presence in the Armed Forces of persons who demonstrate a propensity or intent
to engage in homosexual acts would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale,
good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.
A11.3.2. A person's sexual orientation is considered a personal and private matter, and is not a bar to
service entry or continued service unless manifested by homosexual conduct in the manner described


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
in paragraph A11.3. Applicants for enlistment, appointment, or induction shall not be asked or
required to reveal whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Applicants also will not be
asked or required to reveal whether they have engaged in homosexual conduct, unless independent
evidence is received indicating that an applicant engaged in such conduct or unless the applicant volunteers a statement that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or words to that effect.
A11.3.3. Homosexual conduct is grounds for barring entry into the Air Force, except as otherwise
provided in this paragraph. Homosexual conduct is a homosexual act, a statement by an applicant that
demonstrates a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts, or a homosexual marriage or
attempted marriage. Propensity to engage in homosexual acts means more than an abstract preference
or desire to engage in homosexual acts; it indicates a likelihood that a person engages in, or will
engage in homosexual acts.
A11.3.3.1. An applicant shall be rejected for entry into the Armed Forces if, in the course of the
accession process, evidence is received (see notes 1-4) demonstrating that the applicant engaged
in, attempted to engage in, or solicited another to engage in a homosexual act or acts, unless there
is a further determination that:
A11. Such acts are a departure from the applicant's usual and customary behavior;
A11. Such acts, under all the circumstances, are unlikely to recur;
A11. Such acts were not accompanied by use of force, coercion, or intimidation; and,
A11. The applicant does not have a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts.

1. If the applicant is the source of the evidence received, the applicant will be notified (by
the recruiter or other procurement source personnel) that he or she is disqualified for
military service under current policy and will be given 10 calendar days to present
written evidence (such as statements) to demonstrate why he or she is not disqualified.
2. If the evidence is received from a source other than the applicant, the decision making
authority must determine the credibility of evidence. If the evidence (from another
source) is determined to be credible, the decision making authority will notify the
applicant in writing that he or she is disqualified for military service and the reason for
the disqualification (evidence of homosexual acts). The applicant will be given 10 calendar days to present written evidence (such as statements) to counter the credibility
of the evidence received and/or to demonstrate why he or she is not disqualified.
3. If the applicant presents written evidence, it will be forwarded through normal channels to the decision making authority. The decision making authority will review the
written evidence, determine the applicant's eligibility for military service, and notify
the applicant in writing of the final decision made.
4. The applicant does not have the right to any other recourse or rights of appeal than
those described in this paragraph.
A11.3.3.2. An applicant shall be rejected for entry into the Air Force if he or she makes a statement that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or words to that effect, unless there is a further
determination (see notes 1-3) that the applicant has demonstrated that he or she is not a person

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


who engages in, attempts to engage in, has a propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in
homosexual acts.
1. The applicant has 10 calendar days to present written evidence (such as statements) to
rebut the presumption (from a statement that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or
words to that effect) that the applicant engages in, attempts to engage in, intends to engage
in, or has a propensity to engage in homosexual acts.
2. If the applicant presents written evidence, it will be forwarded through normal channels to
the decision making authority. The decision making authority will review the written evidence, determine the applicant's eligibility for military service, and notify the applicant in
writing of the final decision made.
3. The applicant does not have the right to any other recourse or rights of appeal than those
described in this paragraph.
A11.3.3.3. An applicant shall be rejected for entry into the Armed Forces if, in the course of the
accession process, evidence is received (see notes 1-4) demonstrating that an applicant has married or attempted to marry a person known to be of the same biological sex (as evidenced by the
external anatomy of the persons involved).
1. If the applicant is the source of the evidence received, the applicant will be notified (by the
recruiter or other procurement source personnel) that he or she is disqualified for military
service under current policy.
2. If the evidence is received from a source other than the applicant, the decision making
authority must determine the credibility of evidence. If the evidence (from another source)
is determined to be credible, the decision making authority will notify the applicant in
writing that he or she is disqualified for military service and the reason for the disqualification (e.g., homosexual marriage). The applicant will be given 10 calendar days to
present written evidence (such as statements) to counter the credibility of the evidence
3. If the applicant presents written evidence, it will be forwarded through normal channels to
the decision making authority. The decision making authority will review the written evidence, determine the applicant's eligibility for military service, and notify the applicant in
writing of the final decision made.
4. The applicant does not have the right to any other recourse or rights of appeal than those
described in this paragraph.
A11.3.4. Prior to oath of enlistment, applicant will be informed of separation policy (Title 10, USC,
Section 654 (b), see A11.4.). Failure to receive such information shall not constitute a defense in any
administrative or disciplinary proceeding.
A11.3.5. Nothing in these procedures requires rejection for entry into the Air Force when the decision
making authority (see paragraph A11.2.2.) determines:


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
A11.3.5.1. That an applicant or inductee made a statement, engaged in acts, or married or
attempted to marry a person of the same sex for the purpose of avoiding military service, and
A11.3.5.2. Rejection of the applicant or inductee would not be in the best interest of the Air

A11.4. Brief applicants, prior to Oath of Enlistment as follows:
Applicant Briefing Item on Separation Policy
As military members, you occupy a unique position in society. You represent the military establishment.
This special status brings with it the responsibility to uphold and maintain the dignity and high standards
of the U.S. Armed Forces at all times and in all places. The Armed Forces must also be ready at all times
for worldwide deployment. This fact carries with it the requirement for military units and their members
to possess high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and cohesion. As a result, military laws,
rules, customs and traditions include restrictions on your personal behavior that may be different from
civilian life. Members of the Armed Forces may be involuntarily separated before their enlistment or term
of service ends for various reasons established by law and military regulations. Some unacceptable conduct may be grounds for involuntary separation, such as:
You establish a pattern of disciplinary infractions, discreditable involvement with civil or military authorities or you cause dissent, or disrupt or degrade the mission of your unit. This may also include conduct of
any nature that would bring discredit on the Armed Forces in the view of the civilian community.
Because of parental responsibilities you are unable to perform your duties satisfactorily or you are
unavailable for worldwide assignment or deployment.
You fail to meet the weight control standards.
Although we have not and will not ask you whether you are a heterosexual, a homosexual, or a bisexual,
you should be aware that homosexual acts, statements that demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in
homosexual acts, and homosexual marriages or attempted marriages are grounds for discharge from the
Armed Forces. This means that if you do one of the following, you could be involuntarily separated
before your term of service ends:
HOMOSEXUAL ACTS. You engage in, attempt to engage in, or solicit another to engage in a
homosexual act or acts. A "Homosexual Act" means touching a person of your same sex or allowing
such a person to touch you for the purpose of satisfying sexual desires. (For example, hand-holding or
kissing, or other physical contact of a sexual nature.)
HOMOSEXUAL STATEMENTS. You make a statement that demonstrates a propensity or
intent to engage in homosexual acts. This may include a statement by you that you are a homosexual or
bisexual, or words to that effect. It also may include behavior that a reasonable person would believe
was intended to convey the statement that you are a homosexual or bisexual.
HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE. You marry or attempt to marry a person of your same sex.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999


You will not necessarily be discharged if you do or say these things solely to end your military service.
You may, however, be disciplined.
The Armed Forces do not tolerate harassment or violence against any service member, for any reason.

A11.5. Provide a typed copy of the following to each applicant prior to oath of enlistment:
Restrictions of Personal Conduct in the Armed Forces
Military life is fundamentally different from civilian life. The military has its own laws, rules, customs,
and traditions, including numerous restrictions on personal behavior, that would not be acceptable in
civilian society. These are necessary because military units and personnel must maintain the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are essential for combat effectiveness.
The Armed Forces must be ready at all times for worldwide deployment. Military law and regulations,
including the Uniform Code of Military Justice, apply to service members at all times, both on base or off
base, from the time the member enters the service until the member is discharged or otherwise separated
from the Armed Forces.
Members of the Armed Forces may be involuntarily separated before their term of service ends for various reasons established by law and military regulations, such as:
A member may be separated for a pattern of disciplinary infractions, a pattern of misconduct,
commission of a serious offense, or civilian conviction.
A member who has been referred to a rehabilitation program for personal drug and alcohol
abuse may be separated for failure through inability or refusal to participate in, cooperate in, or successfully complete such a program.
A member may be discharged by reason of parenthood, if it is determined the member because
of parental responsibilities, is unable to perform his or her duties satisfactorily or is unavailable for
worldwide assignment or deployment.
A member may be separated for violation of laws or regulations regarding sexual conduct of
members of the Armed Forces, for example, engaging or attempting to engage in a homosexual act or
soliciting another to engage in such an act; for stating that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or
words to that effect; or for marrying or attempting to marry an individual of the same sex. (See Reverse)
A member may be separated for failure to meet service weight control standards.
A member may be separated for harassment or violence against any service member.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999
Restrictions on Personal Conduct in the Armed Forces

Title 10 USC 654 (b)
POLICY. A member of the Armed Forces shall be separated from the Armed Forces under regulations
prescribed by the Secretary of Defense if one or more of the following findings is made and approved in
accordance with procedures set forth in such regulations:
That the member has engaged in, attempted to engage in, or solicited another to engage in a homosexual
act or acts unless there are further findings, made and approved in accordance with procedures set forth in
such regulations, that the member has demonstrated that:

Such conduct is a departure from the member's usual and customary behavior;
Such conduct, under all the circumstances, is unlikely to recur;
Such conduct was not accomplished by use of force, coercion, or intimidation;
Under the particular circumstances of the case, the member's continued presence in the
Armed Forces is consistent with the interests of the Armed Forces in proper discipline, good order, and
morale; and,
The member does not have a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts.
That the member has stated that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or words to that effect, unless there
is a further finding, made and approved in accordance with procedures set forth in the regulations, that the
member has demonstrated that he or she is not a person who engages in, attempts to engage in, has a propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in homosexual acts.
That the member has married or attempted to marry a person known to be of the same biological sex.

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 12

IC 98-1 TO AFI 36-2002,
17 JUNE 1998
This change incorporates interim change (IC) 98-1 which provides guidance for the Military Service Obligation requirements for initial enlistment (A4.1.5.4.), includes High School ROTC for entry grade credit
(A4.1.5.4.), expands definition of candidates who qualify for initial enlistment bonuses (4.3.3.), increases
initial enlistment bonuses for selected AFSCs (4.3.3.), and streamlines the Basic Military Training
Instructor (MTI) Program procedures (2.3.4. and 2.3.5.). See the last attachment of the publication, IC
98-1, for the complete IC. A star (H) indicates revision from the previous edition.
1.1.2. Military Service Obligation. Title 10, United States Code, Section 651, as implemented by Department of Defense Instruction 1304.25, Fulfilling the Military Service Obligation (MSO), directs that every
person, on initial entry into the United States Air Force, shall serve a total of eight years to be fulfilled in
accordance with this Instruction. This obligation shall be initiated from the date of enlistment, appointment or induction for all persons entering the Air Force after 1 June 1984. Policy and procedures for
members separated from active duty prior to completion of eight years of service are in AFI 36-3208,
Administrative Separation of Airmen.
2.3.4. 737 TRG/CCS: Convenes a board to select qualified applicants for personal interviews. Notifies members and their units of selection or nonselection and asks those chosen to report for
personal interviews. NOTE: Unit pays Temporary Duty (TDY). Interviews applicants and makes final selection. Notifes members of selection or nonselection Tells HQ AFPC/DPPAES who was chosen and MTI school quotas needed. Sends the unit MTI school TDY reporting instructions. NOTE: Unit pays TDY. Notifies HQ AFPC/DPPAES who graduates from MTI school. 737 TRSS/TSRM notifies Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command (HQ AFRC) Training Support Branch (DPTS) and Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC) Enlisted Accessions (MPTET)
of its selections. 37 TRSS/DOFM notifies HQ USAF/DPXF or Headquarters 2nd Air Force (HQ 2AF) Resident
Programs Sections (DOPR) of school quotas filled.


AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

2.3.5. HQ AFPC/DPPAES: Provides 4-year EAD order to member and processes amendments as necessary. Monitors the member for the entire EAD tour.
4.3.3. Enlist and serve in IEB AFS for those enlistees who meet qualification criteria as determined by
4.4.2. The enlistee completed training to 3-skill in IEB authorized AFS. Effective 11 February 1998,
authorized AFSs are 1C2X1, 1N3XX, 1T2X1, and 3E8X1. Subject to change as Air Force requirements
dictate. Change effective date of the letter to 11 Feb 98.
4.4.3. Bonus authorization in PDS for: 1N3XX, 1C2X1, and 1T2X1 for a six year term of enlistment is code 7 ($6,000). 3E8X1 for a six year term of enlistment is code 4 ($3,000). 1C2X1, 1T2X1, and 3E8X1 for a four year term of enlistment is code 1 ($1,000).

AFI36-2002 7 APRIL 1999

Attachment 13


7 APRIL 1999

This change incorporates interim change (IC) 99-1 which provides guidance for the Initial Enlistment
Bonus (IEB) program; clarifies that HQ USAF/DPXPS authorizes bonus levels for eligible AFSs and
periodically reviews AFSs for IEB selection or removal (paragraph 4.2.1.); deletes paragraph 4.3.3.;
defines AFSs that are eligible for the IEB (paragraph 4.4.2.); provides clarification that bonus is based on
final AFS awarded (paragraph 4.4.3.); and any Guaranteed Training Enlistment Program (GTEP) “nonbonus” airman that is reclassified into a bonus initial skills AFS is ineligible for a 4- or 6- year bonus and
converts all bulleted items throughout the publication to a digital numbering scheme. See the last attachment of the publication, IC 99-1, for the complete IC. A star (H) indicates revision from the previous edition.
4.2.1. HQ USAF/DPRS: Determines eligible AFSs. Determines bonus levels for eligible AFSs. Periodically reviews AFSs for IEB selection or removal.
4.3.3. DELETED.
4.4.2. The enlistee completed training to 3-skill in IEB authorized AFS. Those completing technical training will be paid their bonus upon arrival at first duty station. Refer to the web site (, Link to Enlisted Benefits/Retraining/SRB) for list of authorized IEB AFSs.
4.4.3. Amount of enlistment bonus received is based on date of enlistment and on the AFS where technical training has been completed and AFSC awarded (regardless of any reclassification). DELETED. DELETED. DELETED. Any GTEP "nonbonus" airman who is subsequently reclassified into a bonus initial skills AFS is
ineligible for a 4- or 6-year bonus (since enlistment bonus was not part of the member's original inducement for joining the Air Force).

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleAFI36-2002.STR
File Modified2001-05-03
File Created2001-04-16

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