Att B 60d FRN_0212

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National Hospital Discharge Survey

Att B 60d FRN_0212

OMB: 0920-0212

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Attachment B Federal Registar 60 Day Notice


Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 10, 2010 / Notices

Dated: August 4, 2010.
Maryam I. Daneshvar,
Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.

0920–0212 exp. 10/31/2011)—
Revision—National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC).

[FR Doc. 2010–19703 Filed 8–9–10; 8:45 am]

Background and Brief Description


Centers for Disease Control and

Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement
of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for
opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed projects. To
request more information on the
proposed project or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and
instruments, call the CDC Reports
Clearance Officer at 404–639–5960 or
send comments to CDC Assistant
Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton
Road, MS D–74, Atlanta, GA 30333 or
send an e-mail to [email protected].
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. Written comments should
be received within 60 days of this
Proposed Project
Revision of the National Hospital
Discharge Survey (NHDS) (OMB No.

collection will begin by collecting the
electronic Uniform Bills (UB–04s) from
recruited hospitals for the year 2011
followed by data for 2012 and 2013. A
pretest of a survey supplement on acute
coronary syndrome sponsored by the
National Heart Lung and Blood will also
be fielded in 2011.
The data items to be collected from
the UB–04 in the NHDS will include
patient level data items including basic
demographic information, personal
identifiers, name, address and medical
record number (if available on the UB–
04), and characteristics of the discharges
including admission and discharge
dates, diagnoses, and surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Facility level data
items include demographic information,
clinical capabilities, and financial
The pretest of the supplement on
acute coronary syndrome will be
conducted in a convenience sample of
32 hospitals and discharges will be
identified from the UB–04 codes for a
diagnosis of acute myocardial
Users of NHDS data include, but are
not limited to CDC, Congressional
Research Office, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
(ASPE), American Health Care
Association, Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), and Bureau of
the Census. Data collected through
NHDS are essential for evaluating health
status of the population, for the
planning of programs and policy to
elevate the health status of the Nation,
for studying morbidity trends, and for
research activities in the health field.
NHDS data have been used extensively
in the development and monitoring of
goals for the Year 2000 and 2010
Healthy People Objectives. In addition,
NHDS data provide annual updates for
numerous tables in the Congressionallymandated NCHS report, Health, United
States. Other users of these data include
universities, contract research
organizations, many in the private
sector, foundations, and a variety of
users in the print media. There is no
cost to respondents other than their time
to participate.

Section 306 of the Public Health
Service (PHS) Act (42 U.S.C. 242k), as
amended, authorizes that the Secretary
of Health and Human Services (DHHS),
acting through NCHS, shall collect
statistics on the extent and nature of
illness and disability of the population
of the United States. This three-year
clearance request includes hospital
recruitment and data collection for
2011, 2012, and 2013 of the redesigned
National Hospital Discharge Survey, as
well as a pretest of data collection on
acute coronary syndrome for a
supplement to the NHDS which will be
sponsored by the National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute.
The National Hospital Discharge
Survey (NHDS) has been conducted
continuously by the National Center for
Health Statistics, CDC, since 1965. It is
the principal source of data on inpatient
utilization of short-stay, non-Federal
hospitals and is the principal annual
source of nationally representative
estimates on the characteristics of
discharges, lengths of stay, diagnoses,
surgical and non-surgical procedures,
and patterns of use of care in hospitals
in various regions of the country. It is
the benchmark against which special
programmatic data sources are
Although the current NHDS is still
fulfilling its intended functions, it is
based on concepts from the health care
delivery system, as well as the hospital
and patient universes, of previous
decades. It has become clear that a
redesign of the NHDS that provides
greater depth of information is
necessary. Consequently, 2010 will
serve as the last year in which the
current NHDS will be fielded.
Meanwhile, the redesigned National
Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) is
scheduled to begin in 2011.
A new sample of 500 hospitals drawn
for the NHDS will be recruited
beginning in June 2011 and continuing
through September 2012. In 2011, data

sroberts on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES

Number of



Redesigned NHDS:
Hospital CEO/CFO ....................

Survey presentation to hospital .......

VerDate Mar<15>2010

16:26 Aug 09, 2010

Jkt 220001

PO 00000

Frm 00047

Fmt 4703

Sfmt 4703

Number of
responses per





burden per
(in hours)

Total burden



Attachment B Federal Registar 60 Day Notice


Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 10, 2010 / Notices

Director of health information
Health information technology
DHIM or DHIT ............................
DHIM or DHIT ............................
Acute Coronary Syndrome Pretest:
Hospital CEO/CFO ....................
DHIM or DHIT ............................
Total ....................................

Induction (including




Post induction annual facility questionnaire.
transmit UB–04 ................................









Presentation at hospital ...................
Pulling medical records for abstraction.











Centers for Disease Control and

Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
Reduction Act review
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 639–5960 or send an
e-mail to [email protected]. Send written
comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC or by fax to (202) 395–5806. Written
comments should be received within 30
days of this notice.

sroberts on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES

Proposed Project
Early Aberration Reporting System
(EARS) Registration Module—New—
National Center for Emerging and
Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
(NCEZID)(proposed), Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
To support two of CDC’s main priority
areas: (1) Improving CDC’s support for
state and local health departments, and
(2) strengthening surveillance and
epidemiology, CDC is requesting
approval from the Office of Management

16:26 Aug 09, 2010

Total burden


[FR Doc. 2010–19704 Filed 8–9–10; 8:45 am]

Jkt 220001


burden per
(in hours)


Dated: August 4, 2010.
Maryam I. Daneshvar,
Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.

VerDate Mar<15>2010

Number of
responses per

Number of


and Budget (OMB) to improve the Early
Aberration Reporting System (EARS) by
collecting data from individuals who
request a download of EARS from the
CDC Web site.
The Early Aberration Reporting
System, developed within the Division
of Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response, is a Web-enabled tool that
analyzes public health surveillance data
using methods that detect abnormal
trends that could possibly indicate an
outbreak of infectious disease. The local
public health professionals manage the
entire tool and can implement the
defaults or can adjust the tool in order
to meet their local needs. The goal of
this process is to assist public health
professionals in the early identification
of outbreaks of disease as well as
bioterrorism events. EARS is used to
assess whether the current number of
reported cases of an event is higher than
The term syndromic surveillance is
used to describe surveillance that uses
health-related data that precede
diagnosis and that signals a sufficient
probability of a case or an outbreak of
infectious disease to warrant further
public health response. Syndromic
surveillance systems are used by state,
local, national and international health
departments to monitor syndrome-based
(e.g., case information collected in
emergency departments (EDs) and
diagnostic data sources for early
detection of outbreaks and other public
health events). More recently these
systems are used during public health
responses to provide more rapid near
real-time situational awareness
regarding the health status of the target
population. EARS were the first
software platform to support local
syndromic surveillance systems. EARS
has been designed and used to monitor
syndromic data from emergency

PO 00000

Frm 00048

Fmt 4703

Sfmt 4703

departments, 911 calls, physician office
data, school and business absenteeism,
over-the-counter drug sales, laboratory
testing and results data and reportable
disease surveillance systems. In the past
several years, EARS systems have been
integral in the local public health
surveillance arsenal. EARS has been
used at events such as the Beijing
Summer Olympics; multiple
Superbowls (football) and World Series
(baseball); the political conventions of
both major US political parties; and the
Presidential Inauguration (2009).
Today, EARS is a highly successful
and sustainable system and has over 200
users at the federal, state, local, and
international levels. These users include
international Ministries of Health and
domestic state and local public health
departments. Additionally, EARS
detection methods have been integrated
in well-known surveillance platforms
such as BioSense at CDC, ESSENSE at
Johns Hopkins, NAMRD at US
Department of Defense, and Emergint at
Northrop Grumman.
EARS is widely-accepted and easily
sustainable due to its being free to all
end users, the capacity to use multiple
forms of data, flexibility and user-driven
design and maintenance. EARS is a
service provided by CDC as share-ware
and is available by download at no cost
from the CDC Web site http://
In an effort to continue to improve
and enhance EARS, the collection of
registration information is needed to
track users and organizations to assist in
future needs assessments. Requiring the
users to register will provide CDC with
contact information (i.e., e-mail
addresses) to use for broadcast e-mails
regarding new releases for upgrades and
enhancements; track the number of
users, the download frequency, and the
type of data that users will monitor with



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-09-17
File Created2010-09-13

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