Vs 4-35


vs 4-35

Voluntary Bovine Johne's Disease Control Program - Business

OMB: 0579-0338

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According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control numbers for this information collection
are 0579-0338. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2.5 hours per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.

Johne’s Disease
Risk Assessment &
Management Plan for
Beef Herds.


This form is an adaptation from previous editions of the Johne’s Disease Planning for Prevention and Control
of Dairy Herds - Manual for Veterinarians” that was used to complete risk assessments and develop
management plans to prevent or control Johne’s disease in cattle herds for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s
Control Program. The original document were designed, edited and reviewed by members of the USAHA Risk
Assessment, Herd Management and Education Standards Task Force for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s
Control Program.

VS 4-35 

Johne’s disease risk assessments and management plans for beef herds
Current Herd Health Status and Concerns (Filling out this page is optional)
Collecting this information will provide important information to consider when drafting Johne’s management plan. Listed here are the herd’s
performance-limiting health issues and/or the level of concern that the owner has for them. Many of the potential health and production
problems listed below may already be addressed by the owner. The final Johne’s management plan should blend in with these current
performance-limiting health issues and concerns.
Fill in requested information, circle choice or specify the incidence (or level of concern for problem) by checking your choice (U, 1, 2 or 3) in the box next to
listed disease.
U= Unknown incidence or problem
Culling Information and Incidence
1= OK, low incidence, not considered problem
Overall cull rate
2= Moderate incidence, may need attention
3= Significant incidence, unsatisfactory, needs attention
Cull rate in 1 calf heifers

Suckling-Calf Health and Disease
Pre-wean mortality (Last 12 mos.)
Calf vigor
(satisfactory / unsatisfactory)
Calf growth
(satisfactory / unsatisfactory)
Weaned Heifer and Bull Health and Disease

(satisfactory / unsatisfactory)

Heifer age at 1 calving (months)
Breeding soundness (bulls)
(satisfactory / unsatisfactory)
Breeding program (heifers)
(satisfactory / unsatisfactory)

Periparturient Disease in Cows and 1
Grass tetany
Retained placenta
Dystocia / Trauma
Prolapse (specify)

Calf Heifers


Due to age
Due to injury
Low calf-weaning weight
Complications from dystocia
Infectious Disease
Calves weaned as % of bred cows and heifers
Bred but open cows and heifers or abortions / year
Bovine Virus Diarrhea
Clostridial infection
Reproduction Performance
Heat detection (If applicable)
Conception rate (If applicable)
Pregnancy rate
Natural service / Artificial Insemination (circle choice)
Other related concerns




Herd Information, Owner Goals and Biosecurity Issues
Herd owner (or herd code)__________________________________________Date______________________
Herd veterinarian ________________________________________________ Phone _____________________
General Herd Information
Key farm management (decision-makers, key employees)
Current herd inventory


Breed ____________
Cows ________
1 Calf Heifers ________
Unbred heifers _____
Bulls ________
Yearling Bulls ________
In addition to beef cattle, what other animals do you raise?
Farm or Ranch Goals and Some Biosecurity Questions
Do you plan to be raising beef cattle in five years?

Bred Heifers _________
Total head _________

Describe short and long-term goals or priorities for the enterprise. Consider herd size, health and performance, facilities, business /
employee management, family goals, environmental Issues, markets, Beef Quality, or other.

Short-term (this year)

Long term-(3-5 years)

What are your current herd performance values?

Herd performance goals

(For example weaning weight, % pregnant, etc.)

What are your top five overall concerns for your operation?

Herd health concerns you are addressing or plan to address
Management concerns or facilities issues you are addressing or plan to address

List how you obtain replacements

List planned changes for obtaining replacements

(e.g., home raised, market,

single owner, etc.)

If animals are raised elsewhere and return to the ranch, describe how their biosecurity is maintained.

List how you obtain herd additions
owner, etc.)

What health prerequisites do you require for herd

How are cows identified?

How are their calves identified as theirs?

(E.g., dealer, market, single


Outline vaccination routine for cows and 1 calf heifers
Outline vaccination routine for retained yearling heifers and bulls
Outline vaccination routine for calves


Herd Risk Assessment, History and Prevalence of Johne’s Disease
How long has the herd been here?__________________________________________________
How was it assembled? __________________________________________________________
What percent of the current herd was born on the premises?__________ % purchased?_______
What percent of the herd was born here, but raised elsewhere? _______________
Were those animals commingled with animals from other locations? Yes
When was the 1st clinical case of Johne’s diagnosed or suspected (year)?___________________

Age and source (home raised or purchased) of 1 case? ________________________________
What was the youngest case (age, date, source)? ________________________________________
List clinical cases beginning with most recent (use another sheet if needed)
Approx. Age
Home raised or from outside
Offspring ID still in herd

Record information from the last 12 months
Information Category


1 calf 2



3+ calf

Total % of herd

Clinical Johne’s cases, e.g., chronic diarrhea or chronic weight loss
Cattle culled last 12 mo.
Johne’s cases as % of cows culled
Number animals with positive ELISA results
Number animals with positive fecal cultures

Introduction of new cattle
Group No. last 12
JD status of seller herd Test
negative unknown, etc.

No. 2-5 yrs

JD status of seller herd Test
negative unknown, etc.


Estimate the prevalence of Johne’s disease in herd






Place an X on line above where you estimate herd prevalence might be.
Consider number, age and timeframe of clinical cases for estimating prevalence of Johne’s in the herd.
You may also use information from boxes below to help estimate herd prevalence.

No or rare clinical cases Clinical
only in purchased animals ~< 5%
test prevalence mostly in older
animals Excellent management
and sanitation



Few clinical cases in home-reared animals
Recent history of 2-5% clinicals/year ~6-19%
test prevalence mixed group Management
allowed for some contact of weaned young
stock with manure or older animals

Frequently in home-reared animals
Increasing clinical cases Decreasing age of
clinicals ~> 20% test prevalence mixed
group Severe risks exist for contact of young
stock with manure of mature animals


Risk Assessment Scores (based on visual observation of each environment and investigation of policy).
Estimate the risk for fecal/oral and colostrum/milk disease spread, or gap in farm’s biosecurity, for each management practice. Note
how current management conditions differ from past. Ideally, producer & veterinarian score risks independently. Then compare &
discuss relative importance in development of management plans. See Step 4 in the ‘How to Do’ handbook, pages 2 - 3 and 6 – 7
for guidelines to completing area risk assessments.


10. V. High




5 Moderate



2. Low

1. V. Low


(Place an X in the box to the right of the management practice
that most closely signifies the risk for that item.)

8. High

Notes / Current vs. Past

A. Calving Area Risk Factors

Multiple animal use [Single use pen → Very crowded calving area]
Manure build-up risk for calf ingestion [Clean dry → Dirty wet]
Manure soiled udders / legs [Never → Always]
Presence of JD clinicals or suspects here [Never → Always]

1. Cow/calf pairs kept with JD clinical or suspect animals

10. V. High


8. High



5. Mod.



2. Low


B. Nursing Calf Risk Factors

1. V. Low

Maximum score is 40. Your herd score is ______. Consider the impact of JD prevalence on ability to reduce risks.
Estimate the risk for spreading Johne’s in the calving area: Very Low
Low Moderate
High Very High (Circle choice)
Notes / Current vs. Past

[Never →


2. Manure build up risk for calf ingestion [Clean dry → High manure load]
3. Possible manure contamination of water by cows, traffic splatter,
equipment or people. [Never → Frequently]
4. Possible manure contamination of feed by cows, traffic splatter,
equipment or people. [Never → Frequently]
5. Sick calves exposed to sick cows [Never → Frequently]

Maximum Score is 50. Your herd score is ________. Consider the impact of JD prevalence on ability to reduce risks.
Estimate the risk for spreading Johne’s in pre-weaned calves: Very Low Low Moderate
High Very High (Circle choice)


7. V High



4. Mod.




C. Weaned Heifers and Bull Calves Risk Factors

1. V Low

Notes / Current vs. Past

1. Direct contact with cows or their manure [Never → Frequently]
2. Possible manure contamination of feed: stored feed, equipment,
from cows, traffic splatter, people or runoff [Never → Frequently]
3. Potential for contamination of water: shared with cows, traffic
splatter, runoff or people [Never → Frequently]
4. Share pasture with cows/bulls [Never → Frequently]
5. Manure spread on forage grazed/harvested same season [As #4.

Maximum Score is 35. Your herd score is _______. Consider the impact of JD prevalence on ability to reduce risks.
Estimate the risk for spreading Johne’s in post weaned heifers: Very Low Low Moderate
High Very High (Circle choice)

5. V High


3. Mod



D. Bred Heifer and Yearling Bull Risk Factors

1. V Low

Notes / Current vs. Past

1. Direct contact with cows or their manure [Never → Frequently]
2. Possible manure contamination of feed: stored feed, equipment, cows,
traffic splatter, people or runoff [Never → Frequently]
3. Possible manure contamination of water sources: shared with cows, by
cows, traffic splatter, runoff or people [Never → Frequently]
4. Share pasture with cows/bulls [Never → Frequently]
5. Manure spread on forage grazed/harvested same season [As #4. above]

Maximum Score is 25. Your herd score is_______. Consider the impact of JD prevalence on ability to reduce risks.
Estimate the risk for spreading Johne’s in bred heifers: Very Low Low Moderate
High Very High (Circles choice)


4. High




E. Cow and Bull Risk Factors

1. Low

Notes / Current vs. Past

1. Possible manure contamination of feed: when fed or stored, by
equipment, traffic splatter, runoff or people. [Never → Frequently]
2. Possible manure contamination of water: by cows, traffic splatter, runoff,
people [Never → Frequently]
3. Direct access to accumulated or stored manure [Never → Frequently]
4. Manure spread on forage grazed or harvested the same season [As #3. above]

Maximum Score is 16. Your herd score is _____. Consider the impact of JD prevalence on ability to reduce risks.
Estimate the likely risk for spreading Johne’s among cows:
High (Circle choice)

Number of Animals

F. Sources of Additions and Replacements




21 50


1. Get additions or replacements from Level 2-4 Status Herd
2. From low risk herds, Level 1 or pre-tested herds
3. From single source non-tested or non-program herds
4. From multiple sources non-tested, non-program herds or markets






(Circle the square in each row that reflects management in the past 12 months. Include ET recipients and leased bulls.)
Maximum Score allowed is 60 (If >60 only place 60 points in space). Your herd score is_______. Consider the impact of JD
prevalence as above.
Estimate the likely risk from herd additions/replacements: Very Low
Low Moderate
High Very High (Circle Choice)
Risk Assessment Summary

Risk Factor Areas

Completing this table is


Calving area


Pre-weaned calves


Post-weaned calves


Yearling bulls and bred heifers


Cows and bulls






However, calculating the herd
score for each area as a percent
of the area’s maximum score and
as a percent of the herd’s total
score will highlight the top risk
areas to address in the
management plan.


Your Herd

Each Area Herd Score /
Each Area Max Score (%)

Each Area Herd Score /
Your Total Herd Score (%)

List the risk factors of most importance identified by assessment

Building the elements of the testing strategy for the Johne’s management plan. See
Step 5 in the instructions for details.
1. What is the testing scheme expected to accomplish; how it will help achieve herd plan objectives?

2. What test (s) will be used?
3. Who will be tested?
4. When?
5. What decision (s) will be made on results? Consider higher vs. lower risk ‘test-positive’ cattle.

Assembling the Johne’s Disease Management Plan
Issues to integrate include:
1. The owner’s Johne’s management plan objectives (e.g., find out if JD is present, eliminate the
infection from herd, prevent introduction into herd, establish official test-negative or low-risk
2. List planned management changes for each area or management group brought to light by the risk
assessment. If there are no changes planned for a specific area or group, simply list current herd
management procedures.
3. Be certain to coordinate Johne’s management procedures in this plan with other health /
management objectives already in place. It may serve as an incentive for owners with low risk
herds thinking of seeking official status. Especially note where these other objectives and health
concerns will benefit from the Johne’s management efforts that are outlined in the plan, (e.g.,
lower calf mortality or morbidity, healthier fresh cows, etc.). See Step 7, pages 10 and 11, in the
‘How to Do’ handbook for guidelines.
4. Before signing off on this management plan, be certain the overall strategy is comprehensive and
effective enough to meet management goals. The plan should take current JD prevalence
estimate into account for setting realistic goals. Proposed actions should be practical and feasible
to implement and they may be applied in phases. Procedures should integrate with available
resources and other management priorities. See Step 8, page 12, in the ‘How to Do’ handbook for


Johne’s Management Plan
What are the objectives of the herd plan? □ Determine status of herd
□ Prevent JD introduction into herd
□ Prevent further spread
□ Establish test-negative status □Reduce the infection in herd
□Other ________________________________________________________
Management practice to reduce identified
risks for Johne’s disease in this herd

How does practice benefit and/or integrate
with existing health / management objectives

Lo, M, or Hi

Person(s) in

Testing strategy

Name of Johne’s Certified Veterinarian or animal health official who completed this risk assessment and management plan
Signature __________________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________________


Instructions for Risk Assessments and Management Plans for
Johne’s Disease
The purpose of this handbook is to assist and guide veterinarians and their cattle producer clients with the
development and implementation of a standard Johne’s risk assessment and management plan. It is a
comprehensive process directed specifically at reducing or eliminating identified risks for the introduction
and/or spread of Johne’s disease and other fecal-oral and colostrum-milk transmitted diseases. In addition,
implementation of management practices directed against Johne’s disease will enhance the overall
biosecurity of the herd. They can reduce the risk for other pathogens that have significant impact on cattle
health and performance.
The step-wise process presented in this handbook will lead to a number of management choices that can
be employed to reduce identified risks. The actual content of a final plan is a decision for the owner and
veterinarian responsible for the health and production of the herd. However, it should support the owner’s
goals for the farm, address the impact of Johne’s and other disease risks, as determined by the
assessment, and contain an outline for a testing scheme.
To be successful, the plan should take all health and management priorities or concerns into account and
Johne’s control practices should blend with ongoing biosecurity efforts. The efficacy of the plan will depend
on the returns the owner expects from their effort and what is realistically achievable with their management
and resource capabilities. All of these factors must be considered to craft an effective and feasible plan.

Steps for developing the plan
The following steps are recommended for assessing an operation and developing a standard
comprehensive management plan.

Step 1. Collect information on current herd health status and production.

See page 1. This step
is optional for the Management and Herd Classification Elements of the VBJDCP.

Collecting and considering the information about a herd’s current health status and owner’s
concerns is optional, but it is highly recommended for the following reasons.
1. It will enhance the veterinarian’s understanding of the operation.
2. It provides the veterinarian an opportunity to remark on the potential impact of subclinical
and clinical JD infections on the incidence of other herd diseases (e.g., metritis, foot rot,
3. When drafting the Johne’s management plan, information collected in this step offers the
veterinarian an opportunity to tie certain management practices, directed at controlling or
preventing Johne’s, back to address some of the owner concerns and existing practices
discovered by filling out page 1 in the guideline handbook.
4. Current herd health information is important to consider before writing the herd plan
because some of the herd’s performance limiting health issues may be principal to the
sustainability of the business.


Step 2. Collect herd information, owner goals and biosecurity data.

See page 2 for essential
questions and data collection. This step should be completed for the Management and Herd
Classification Elements of the VBJDCP.

This step is to collect basic information about the herd inventory, available human resources and
some biosecurity practices. It also encourages the producer to articulate major goals for their
operation, such as changes in herd size or facilities, management, environmental issues, product
quality, etc. Goals dictate what is important to the owner and influence future commitment to any
management plan. Biosecurity questions may reveal practices that can be addressed in the final
plan to maintain or enhance herd protection from disease.

Step 3. Begin the risk assessment - Collect history and estimate Johne’s prevalence.

See page 3
for essential questions and data collection. This step should be completed for the Management
Element and Herd Classification Elements of the VBJDCP.

The risk assessment begins by collecting information about the herd’s history with and potential
exposure to Johne’s disease. This data could provide useful benchmarks from which to consider
the potential impact of Johne’s disease on business profitability and to evaluate changes and
progress over time. The quality of the information available can range from accurate written
records to vague personal recall. An assessor will need to take the quality factor into account
when applying information to the operation and plan. The initial visit can focus on the big picture,
i.e., note recent JD cases and fill in specific details like animal ID, exact date of onset and age at a
later time.
Estimating a current prevalence of Johne’s disease is a vital part of the assessment. It is basic to
prioritizing risks to be included in the management plan and to interpreting Johne’s test results in
this specific herd. If available, whole-herd test results provide a reasonably accurate estimate. If
test results are not available, a crude estimate is obtained by coupling historical data with the
criteria outlined in the boxes below the prevalence line on the bottom of page 3 in the dairy and
beef handbooks. This will help to categorize the herd prevalence within a range from low to very

Step 4. Assess risks for transmitting Johne’s among specific animal groups.
See pages 4 - 6 for essential risk factors and risk score values. This step should be completed for the
Management and Herd Classification Elements of the VBJDCP.

This is a basic requirement for the management and herd testing elements of the Program. The
object is to conduct an assessment of the management practices or conditions that promote the
risk for spread of Johne’s and other fecal-oral and colostrum-milk transmitted pathogens. Potential
risk factors for the major management areas are listed on pages 4 through 6. They begin with the
maternity area and follow a calf’s development to bred heifer. They also assess disease risk from

herd additions. The listed management practices or risk factors are believed to promote fecal-oral
and colostrum-milk transmission of pathogens in particular, but other infections may be transmitted
by the same management conditions. Assessors should consider all factors in each management
area. Scoring risks is a subjective process that is based on the observer’s experience and
knowledge of disease transmission and Johne’s epidemiology. As knowledge and experience
increase so does the thoroughness of an assessment.
The intended procedure is for both veterinarian and producer to score the risk for each factor listed
in each management area independently. Then discuss results and reach agreement on values.
Mutual agreement on the importance of risk factors will help establish priorities for the
management plan. Identifying each management area’s risks and the overall area’s estimated risk
for transmitting Johne’s is an important step in designing a herd plan that is effective and realistic
to implement.
Please note that the maximum scores for the specific animal environments have been weighted
from the youngest age group to oldest. This weighted score is artificial, but intentional. Since the
young are more susceptible to infection, the authors wanted the raw score in those areas to be
markedly higher than raw scores for older animals. Suggested guidelines for scoring are provided
in the tables below.
To better understand the degree of Johne’s infection in the current mature herd, it is also important
to recognize where current management conditions have changed from the past. For example, if
maternity management has changed in the last two years, mature cows that recently developed
clinical disease or tested positive were likely raised under different management circumstances,
with potentially different exposures.
Descriptive guidelines for scoring risk factors for beef herds
A. Calving area Since calves are the most susceptible to infection, the score values are higher for risk
factors in this area. Risk factors for the maternity or calving area should be assessed for the potential of a
newborn to ingest manure or Mycobacterium avium ss paratuberculosis (MAP) from mature cattle.
Considerations include ground and pen surfaces, contaminated udders and teats, suckling from an infected
cow or manure contamination on calf’s body surfaces.

Risk Factors

Scoring guidelines

Is the area used for more than
one calving cow at a time?

Lowest risk = single pen use (0-1). Moderate risk = general calving area (corral or pasture) with
moderate cow concentration were calves are born (4-6). Highest risk = heavy cow
concentration where calves are born (8-10).

Does manure build-up in the
calving area pose a risk for
calf ingestion?

Lowest risk = area always clean and dry (0-1). Moderate risk = area has fair amount of manure
visible but more manure-free than manure-contaminated (4-6). Highest risk = area is more
manure-covered than manure-free to extensive manure contamination (8-10).

Are calving cow's udders
soiled with manure?

Lowest risk = 90% of udders are clean and dry (0-1). Moderate risk = moderate amount of
manure on udders of 20% - 40% of cows (4-6). Highest risk = udders are manure covered on a
majority of cows (8-10).

Are high risk / JD clinical and
suspects in calving area?

Lowest risk = almost never (0-1). Moderate risk = low risk suspects in calving area (4-6).
Highest risk = high risk / JD clinicals are in calving area (8-10).


B. Nursing calf group Risk factors for this group should be assessed for the potential of a calf to ingest
manure or MAP from mature cattle. Considerations include ground and pen surfaces and potentially
contaminated water or feed. Consider all sources for potential manure contamination, including accidental
contamination from mature cattle, traffic spatter or people.

Risk Factor

Scoring guidelines

Are cow/calf pairs pastured with
JD clinical or suspect cattle?
Does manure build up in the
pasture posing a risk for calf
Can calf’s water be contaminated
with cow / bull manure any time?
Can calf’s feed be contaminated
with cow / bull manure any time?
Are sick calves kept with or near
sick cows?

Lowest risk = never or rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally. Highest risk = frequently
Lowest risk = area always clean and dry (0-1). Moderate risk = area has little manure
visible to area about 60% manure-free (4-6). Highest risk = area is < 50% manure-free to
extensive manure contamination (8-10).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from a few sources (4-6).
Highest risk = frequently from many sources (8-10).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (4-6). Highest risk =
frequently or always (8-10).
Lowest risk = almost never (0-1). Moderate risk = sick calf pen adjacent to sick cow pen (46). Highest risk = sick calves are penned with sick cows (8-10).

C. Weaned calves group The age of this group may extend to 16 months. The score values are less than
younger calves but, higher than bred heifers, yearling bulls or cows. Risk factors for this group should also
be assessed for the potential of a calf to ingest manure or MAP from mature cattle. Considerations include
ground and pen surfaces, water or feed. Consider all sources.

Risk Factor

Scoring guidelines

Do weaned calves have contact with mature
cattle or their manure?
Is it possible for manure from mature cattle to
contaminate the feed?
Is it possible for manure from mature cattle to
contaminate water sources?
Do heifers or young bulls share pasture with
mature cattle?
Is manure spread on forage then fed to
heifers or young bulls?

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from a few
sources (3-5). Highest risk = frequently from many sources (6-7).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from a few
sources (3-5). Highest risk = frequently from many sources (6-7).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from a few
sources (3-5). Highest risk = frequently from many sources (6-7).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (3-5).
Highest risk = frequently or always (6-7).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (3-5).
Highest risk = frequently or always (6-7).

D. Bred heifer and yearling bull group This group of cattle is usually over 12 months of age and is
believed to be substantially less susceptible to Johne’s than newborn calves. The score values are less
than younger calves but slightly higher than cows. Risk factors for this group should also be assessed for
the potential of a yearling animal to ingest manure or MAP from mature cattle. Factors include ground and
pen surfaces, water or feed. Other sources for potential contamination, include manure runoff from cow
herd, sharing pasture or water with mature cattle, accidental contamination of any feed, water or pen
surfaces from mature cattle, equipment, traffic splatter or people.


Risk Factor

Scoring guidelines

Do heifers or yearling bull have contact with mature
cattle or their manure?

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from
a few sources (3). Highest risk = frequently from many sources (5).

Is it possible for manure from mature cattle to
contaminate the feed?

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1).
Moderate risk = occasionally from a few sources (3). Highest risk =
frequently from many sources (5).

Is it possible for manure from mature cattle to
contaminate the water used by bred heifers or yearling

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from
a few sources (3). Highest risk = frequently from many sources (5).

Do bred heifers or yearling bulls share pasture with
mature cattle any time?

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (3).
Highest risk = frequently or always (5).

Is manure spread on forage then fed to bred heifers or
yearling bulls?

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (3).
Highest risk = frequently or always (5).

E. Cow group Even though cattle over 24 months of age are believed to be less susceptible to JD, infected
cattle may shed MAP and other pathogens in their feces and add significantly to the overall pathogen load
in their environment. One of the primary objectives of a management plan is to reduce the pathogen load in
the environment. Risk factors for this group should be assessed for the potential of a cow to ingest
significant amounts of MAP from the environment over time. Considerations include water or feed.
Consider all sources for potential contamination including accidental contamination of any feed, water from
other mature cattle, equipment, traffic splatter or people.
Risk Factor

Scoring guidelines

Is it possible for feed to be contaminated
with manure?
Is manure contamination of the water
Do cows have access to accumulated or
stored manure?
Is manure spread on forage and grazed
or fed the same season?

Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from a few sources
(2-3). Highest risk = frequently or always from many sources (4).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally from a few sources
(2-3). Highest risk = frequently or always from many sources (4).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (2-3).
Highest risk = frequently or always (4).
Lowest risk = never to rarely (0-1). Moderate risk = occasionally (2-3). Highest risk =
frequently or always (4).

F. Additions and replacement group Animals acquired from outside sources may pose a significant risk
for many diseases including Johne’s. Preventing entrance of pathogens into a herd is a primary biosecurity
objective of the management plan. The maximum score for this risk is high because of its potential to
introduce a new or maintain an existing pathogen load in the herd. The assessment is based on the source
and number of animals that enter the herd or location. The assessment for this operation policy is found on
page 6 of the beef handbook.
Summarize risk assessment and list most important factors A summary table is provided in the beef
handbook, page 6 for convenience and assistance in comparing risk scores between different management
areas of risk. Filling it out is optional. The final step in the risk assessment is to list the most important
factors identified by the assessment. Space is provided on page 7 of the beef handbook. Listing them by
importance will help prioritize those to include in the final plan.


Step 5. Build the elements of a testing strategy.
See page 7 for essential questions and data collection. This step needed for the Management Element
but is optional for the Herd Classification Elements of the VBJDCP.

Testing strategy Tests for Johne’s disease are tools and must work within a management plan to
be useful. Thus, producer and veterinarian should develop and begin implementing the
management strategy before doing much testing. Testing without a plan and an understanding of
how to use results can cause confusion and waste time and money. The key elements to consider
in choosing a strategy are listed below. Collecting the information on page 7 in the dairy and beef
handbook will help clarify how testing will be used to enhance management efforts and accomplish
goals of the plan.
Decide how to handle the following issues before testing.
1. What is the testing scheme expected to accomplish and how will it help achieve farm and
plan objectives?
a. A common objective for initial testing is finding out if Johne’s is in the herd.
b. Common objectives for more advanced schemes include: timely identification of infected
animals to manage or cull, screen a herd to determine risk for purchasing replacements
and more thorough assessment of prevalence and/or herd status.
c. Consider the ethical and liability implications in case a positive diagnosis is made.
2. What cattle will be tested and when?
a. Testing should be timed for immediate management (control) decisions.
b. Useful initial testing strategies might include:
i. Target groups, i.e., cattle at higher risk of being exposed or infected, beef cattle
between 3 and 6 years old, Johne’s suspects, acquired cattle, etc.
ii. 30 (or more) older cattle at random to assess herd risk.
c. Useful strategies for control might include a whole herd or statistical sample at pregcheck time or dairy cattle as they reach 150-160 days pregnant. Results are ready for
critical management decisions at calving or breeding time.
3. What decisions will be made based on test results?
a. Herd level decisions such as establish herd-status or assess prevalence.
b. Management or control decisions on individuals:
i. Determine high risk and lower risk cattle (often based on multiple test results).
ii. Control decisions include: Segregate or cull ASAP, do not breed, etc.

Step 6. Select critical management practices to include in the management plan

See page 7 for
information to be included and page 8 for plan format.
This step should be completed for the Management and Herd Classification Elements of the

Include owner’s objectives The objectives should reflect owner’s goals and the relative impact of
Johne’s on the herd. These objectives are the basis for determining the elements of the
management plan and whether a testing strategy (and what type) might be desired to meet them.

Short and longer-term objectives, achievable with given management and resources and a realistic
time frame, should be considered. They can start simple and be modified with time. They should
be measurable, such as: determine status of herd, establish test negative status, reduce the
number of animals that have positive tests in the herd, reducing the number of clinical cases to 1%
within 3 years. The table, “Elements of herd plans for different objectives”, at the end of this
document, has suggestions for least, moderate and most aggressive objectives and plans.
Elements of the Plan Page 8 in this document may be used to write out plan elements.
Management actions are prioritized based on the JD prevalence, risk assessment results,
objectives, other health and management priorities and available resources. Recommendations for
management practices that will reduce or eliminate the risk for Johne’s disease in most areas of
production are outlined below and on the next page. A review of these suggestions should help the
process of prioritizing and deciding specific elements to include in the herd plan. Management
applying specifically to dairy or beef herds is noted.
A. Calving area
a. Management objectives: keep it clean and dry.
b. Suggested procedures to achieve objectives:
1. For inside area:
Use area for calving only.
Use single-animal pens; assure adequate size area.
Always have adequate dry bedding.
Remove manure and wet bedding after each use.
2. For outside calving areas:
Use adequate area and monitor use to minimize mud and manure accumulation.
3. For both: clean udders and bellies after assisted births or whenever possible in beef herds. Clip and
clean udders before calving and remove calves immediately in dairy herds.
B. Pre-weaned and nursing calves
a. Management objectives: avoid contact with infectious material or environments.
b. Suggested procedures:
Use colostrum from JD-test negative or low risk cows as applicable to breed.
Prevent manure contamination of feed and water.
Feed milk replacer or pasteurized milk in dairy herds.
Manage pasture to minimize calf exposure to manure-contaminated forage in beef herds.
On dairies, keep calves in separate facility or location from cows.
On dairies, minimize manure transfer from cows to calves, i.e., feed calves first, separate
equipment, clean boots, etc.
Minimize manure exposure from JD-suspect cows to calves in beef herds.
C. Weaned heifers and retained yearling bulls
a. Management objectives: prevent exposure to infective animals and manure and prevent contamination of
feed and water.
b. Suggested procedures:
Do not co-mingle or allow direct contact with mature cattle or their manure.
Prevent manure drainage from cow to young stock areas.
Do not use common feeding areas or water sources for cows and young stock.


Use separate equipment to handle feed and manure.
Design and maintain feed and water to prevent manure contamination.
Avoid traffic from cow areas to young stock.
Do not feed refused cow rations to this group.
D. Mature cattle
a. Management objectives: eliminate high-risk animals; manage test-positive animals to reduce risk of
exposing susceptible young stock.
b. Suggested procedures:
Segregate, test and cull all animals with clinical signs of JD as soon as possible.
Manage asymptomatic animals with positive JD test to reduce premise contamination.
Cull when economically feasible.
Consider removing offspring from cattle with positive Johne’s fecal culture results.
E. Acquired animals
a. Management objectives: not to purchase or bring back Johne’s infected cattle.
b. Suggested procedures:
Know identity, health history and hygiene of herd(s) of origin.
Evaluate Johne’s risk in other species besides cattle, such as goats and sheep
Investigate any known JD history, clinical case rate/yr, JD testing results in herd(s) of origin.
Avoid buying animals from herd with JD risk higher than your herd.
Test acquired animals (pre or post-purchase depending on age); integrate into home prevention
Do not buy or retain cattle with positive Johne’s fecal culture results.
Segregate and/or prevent contact with young stock until test status is known.
F. Herd testing
a. Management objectives: determine presence and/or prevalence of disease; identify infected animals;
monitor progress of herd management plan.
b. Suggested procedures:
Do target testing to determine status.
Test suspects to know status and track clinical cull rate.
Accumulate herd test data, assess prevalence, target high risk cattle and control efforts.
Use routine timely testing schemes to provide current results for control management decisions and
stimulate Johne’s awareness and prevention activity.
Use results as part of a management plan.

Step 7. List how JD management efforts will benefit and integrate with other health and
performance issues. Include on page 8, in the dairy and beef handbooks.
This step should be completed for the Management and Herd Classification Elements of the

Management efforts against Johne’s disease are often doubly justified because they can be
coordinated with and targeted to produce results or improvements in other herd health or
management priority areas. Plan how to capitalize on practices that also increase commitment to
and return on the producer’s overall biosecurity efforts.


Some beef herd examples might be:
Calving area
Keeping cattle density in calving area low might improve labor observations, decrease
dystocia cases and reduce disease risk for newborn calves.
Moving cow/calf pairs to less crowded area immediately will reduce the risk of newborn calf
diseases as well.
Nursing calves
Continuing to monitor and control manure contamination of feed and water for suckling
calves will reduce the risk for other calf diseases.
Cows and 1 calf heifers

More frequent observations of 1 calf heifers in or near labor (for quick new-pair removal) allows
early detection of periparturient diseases.

Step 8. Do a reality check.

Will the plan work? Plan to monitor it.
This step should be completed for the Management and Herd Testing Elements.
As the plan outline comes together make sure to perform a reality check to confirm there is agreement
on the elements and how they will be implemented. It is expected to evolve with time. An appropriate
plan should pass the following criteria.
a. Strategy should be comprehensive and effective enough to meet management goals.
b. Plan should take current JD prevalence estimate into account for setting realistic goals.
c. It should be practical and feasible to implement. It may be implemented in phases.
d. Integrated with other farm management priorities and available resources.
e. Is in line with farm's short and long term business objectives.
Plans help change the way things are done and must be monitored on a regular basis. Agree to
routinely review and evaluate the plan, identify problems and adjust as needed.
a. Evaluate implementation and effectiveness on a timely and regular basis, i.e. monthly or
seasonal checklist reviewed by team and veterinarian.
b. Identify areas not working; re-evaluate and modify as appropriate.


Elements of herd plans for different objectives
The aggressiveness of the plan depends on owner goals, prevalence, transmission risks, and time frame.
Testing strategy depends on JD prevalence, plan objectives and management capabilities.
Control Plan

Level of aggressiveness desired for herd plan design
Least aggressive

Moderately aggressive

Most aggressive


Preventive Management


Reduce or Eliminate

Initially investigate herd status
Minimize existing risks
Maintain prevalence
Minimize/manage introduced

Reduce prevalence
Reduce clinical disease to <2%
Reduce premise contamination

Achieve low prevalence
No clinical disease
Eliminate infection
Thorough CMP implementation
Minimal time to reduce/eliminate

Test choice and

Lower sensitivity, less costly test
Initial mature herd screen
Partial herd (high risk animals)
Monitor clinical suspects

1-2 x/yr >20-24 mos of age
Serology w/ selected fecal culture
Test subgroups (>5 years old)
Whole herd or partial herd
Time results to manage risks at calving
Test clinical suspects early

1-3 X/yr > 18-24 mos of age
Whole herd regular intervals
Multiple tests
Maximize sensitivity & specificity
Time results to manage risks at calving
Test clinical suspects early

Test result use:

Clinical suspects
High risk animals with positive test

Clinical suspects immediately
Prioritize subclinical animals by test
result and performance criteria
Consider culling offspring of clinical

Clinical suspects immediately, segregate
until leave
Subclinical animals before advanced
Consider offspring of infected dams

Segregate or group
Do not breed higher risk animals

Consider not raising any replacements
until low prevalence
Other actions more aggressive than
Single animal calving pens

Keep calving area density low
Clean and dry, good sanitation
Separate weaned stock from adults
with barriers or buffers
Eliminate manure contamination of
feed, water & feed equipment used for
young stock

Raise all replacements or acquire from
low risk source
Superior calving management. and
Other management actions same as for
moderate but monitored more frequently

Keep calving area density low
Clean, dry, good sanitation
Remove newborn calves immediately
Separate immature from adults with
barriers or buffers
Feed low risk colostrum & milk, or milk
Eliminate manure contamination of
feed, water & equipment used for
young stock

Raise all replacements or acquire from
low risk source
Superior calving management. and
Feed colostrum from test-negative
animals to offspring of test-positives, if
Feed milk replacer or milk from negative
cows only
Other management actions same as but
monitored more frequently

Focus management to improve
performance in related areas:
pregnant cow nutrition, calving ease,
developing heifers and bulls, etc.

Optimize management to improve
performance in related areas: pregnant
cow nutrition, calving ease, developing
heifers and bulls, etc.

Manage animals
w. positive tests

Management in
beef herds

Management in
dairy herds

Coordinate with

Monitor for clinical signs
Use as one culling criteria

Prevent overcrowded calving
Clean, dry, good sanitation
Prevent weaned stock from
contact with adults’ manure
Minimize manure contamination of
feed and water, especially for
young stock
Prevent overcrowded calving
Clean, dry, good sanitation
Remove newborn calves ASAP
Prevent young stock contact with
adults & manure
Minimize manure contamination of
feed and water, especially for
young stock

Improve general management in
priority areas: late gestation cows,
calving, heifers, nutrition, etc.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft PowerPoint - guide for Johne risk assessment for beef.ppt
File Modified2011-05-18
File Created2007-10-29

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