Survey - Division of Research Programs

Survey for Research - Generic Clearance 2011 .doc

General Clearance Authority to Develop Grantee Survey Instruments for the National Endowment for the Humanities

Survey - Division of Research Programs

OMB: 3136-0139

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OMB #: 3136-


Dear NEH Fellowship Recipient,

The National Endowment for the Humanities is conducting an evaluation of its Fellowships program in order to obtain data on the degree to which the program is successfully meeting its goal of promoting significant research in the humanities. As part of this evaluation, we are surveying Fellowships recipients who held grants between 2002 and 2004. We would be grateful if you could help document the impact of the Fellowships program by taking a few minutes to respond to the questionnaire below. Thank you.

Your Name:


Your Current Institutional Affiliation (if any):



May we follow up with additional questions by email or phone, if they arise?

 Yes No

1. Did the fellowship result in any of the following? Please check all that apply.

 Monograph(s)

 Edited volume(s)

 Peer-reviewed article(s)

 Chapter(s) in an edited volume or volumes

 Public lecture(s)

 Conference paper(s)

 New course(s)

 Improvements in an existing course or courses

 Other (please explain) _______________________________________________

2. Please provide full bibliographic information for any publications that resulted.


3. Did any of the items listed in (1) win a prize? If so, please provide details, including the name of the prize and its sponsor.


4. If your project resulted in a monograph, how long after the conclusion of your fellowship did it appear?

a. less than 12 months

b. 12-24 months

c. 24-36 months

d. 36-48 months

e. 48-60 months

f. more than 5 years

g. not yet finished / other (explain) _______________________________________

5. If your project resulted in a monograph, has it been reviewed? If so, please provide citations.


6. If your project resulted in another kind of publication (apart from a monograph), how long after the conclusion of the fellowship did it (or they) appear? Please check the appropriate line(s).

a. less than 12 months

b. 12-24 months

c. 24-36 months

d. 36-48 months

e. 48-60 months

f. more than 5 years

g. not yet finished / other (explain) _________________________________________

7. What was the impact of the Fellowship on the project? Check all that apply.

a. speedier completion

b. higher quality result

c. more thorough treatment of the subject

d. development of new analyses or connections

e. discovery of new sources or archives

f. allowed use of sources or archives that you otherwise would not have been able to exploit

g. enabled interviews

h. enabled collaboration with others

i. opened new options for dissemination of results

j. allowed me to use a theory, approach, or method that I would not have otherwise used

k. other (please specify) ___________________________________________________

8. Which of the following impacts on your career do you credit at least in part to your NEH Fellowship? Check all that apply.

a. led to promotion or tenure

b. allowed me to produce publication(s) required to advance my career

c. allowed me to begin new collaborations

d. changed the focus of my scholarly interests

e. led to media attention

f. led to a new job

g. getting a publisher for the book

9. All in all, would you say the impact of the fellowship on your project was

a. extremely significant

b. somewhat significant

c. relatively insignificant

d. insignificant

10. Do you think you would you have completed your project within a year of the time you actually did, even if you had not held an NEH Fellowship?

a. yes, definitely

b. probably

c. unsure

d. probably not

e. no, definitely not

11. All in all, do you consider your fellowship to have been successful? What do you feel were the most important benefits to you of the Fellowship award?


12. Do you feel that holding the fellowship allowed you to make a significant contribution to scholarship in the humanities? If yes, in what way?


13. In your opinion, is it important to offer support at the national level to individual scholars in the humanities? Why or why not?


14. Did your institution supplement your fellowship in some way? Did accepting the fellowship entail financial hardship? If either or both applies, please explain.


15. Did you have other, non-university support for your project? If so, please specify the source(s).


Privacy policy

Information in this survey is solicited under the authority of the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 956. The principal purpose for which the information will be used is to collect additional post-award information that will provide NEH with useful program progress information that is currently not being collected. Your responses will be used only for the purposes described at the point of collection. If you provide contact information, NEH staff may contact you to clarify your comment or question. We do not sell any personal information to third parties. We never collect information or create individual profiles for commercial or marketing purposes.

Application completion time

The Office of Management and Budget requires federal agencies to supply information on the time needed to complete forms and also to invite comments on the paperwork burden. NEH estimates that the average time to complete this survey is thirty minutes per response. This estimate includes time for reviewing instructions, gathering the information needed, and completing and reviewing the survey.

Please send any comments regarding the estimated completion time or any other aspect of this survey, including suggestions for reducing the completion time, to the Office of Grant Management, at [email protected] or to 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 311, Washington, DC 20506; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3136-____), Washington, D.C. 20503. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleThe Endowment has been asked to evaluate…
Last Modified ByDaisey, Susan
File Modified2011-06-13
File Created2011-04-04

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