Revision Request
Indicators of the Performance of Local, State, Territorial, and Tribal Education Agencies in HIV Prevention, Coordinated School Health Program, and Asthma Management Activities for Adolescent and School Health Programs
OMB #0920-0672
Supporting Statement Part B
Supported by:
Division of Adolescent and School Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
March 2011
Catherine Rasberry, Ph.D.
Health Scientist
(770) 488-5635
(770) 488-6156 fax
Leah Robin, Ph.D.
Health Scientist
(770) 488-6187
(770) 488-6156 fax
Rich Dunville, MPH
Health Scientist
(770) 488-6212
(770) 488-6156 fax
Section A: Justification for Information Collection
A.1 Circumstances Making the Collection of Information Necessary
A.2 Purpose and Use of Information Collection
A.3 Use of Improved Information Technology and Burden Reduction
A.4 Efforts to Identify Duplication and Use of Similar Information
A.5 Impact on Small Business or Other Small Entities
A.6 Consequences of Collecting the Information Less Frequently
A.7 Special Circumstances Relating to the Guidelines of 5 CFR 1320.5
A.8 Comments in Response to the Federal Register Notice and Efforts to Consult Outside the Agency
A.9 Explanation of Any Payments or Gift to Respondents
A.10 Assurance of Confidentiality Provided to Respondents
A.11 Justification for Sensitive Questions
A.12 Estimates of Annualized Burden Hours and Costs
A.13 Estimates of Other Annual Cost Burden to Respondents and Record Keepers
A.14 Annualized Cost to the Federal Government
A.15 Explanation for Program Changes or Adjustments
A.16 Plans for Tabulation and Publication and Project Time Schedule
A.17 Reason(s) Display of OMB Expiration is Inappropriate
A.18 Exceptions to Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
List of Attachments
Attachment A: Enabling Legislation
Attachment B: 60-day Federal Register Notice
Attachment C-1: Indicators for School Health Programs: HIV Prevention, State Education Agencies (FY2010)
Attachment C-2: Indicators for School Health Programs: HIV Prevention, State Education Agencies (FY2011-FY2012)
Attachment D-1: Indicators for School Health Programs: HIV Prevention, Local Education Agencies (FY2010)
Attachment D-2: Indicators for School Health Programs: HIV Prevention, Local Education Agencies (FY2011-FY2012)
Attachment E-1: Indicators for School Health Programs: to support Coordinated School Health Programs (CSHP) to address Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Use (PANT), State Education Agencies (FY2010)
Attachment E-2: Indicators for School Health Programs: to support Coordinated School Health Programs (CSHP) to address Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Use (PANT), State Education Agencies (FY2011-FY2012)
Attachment F-1: Indicators for School Health Programs: Asthma Management, Local Education Agencies (FY2010)
Attachment F-2: Indicators for School Health Programs: Asthma Management, Local Education Agencies (FY2011-FY2012)
Attachment G: Currently Funded State, Territorial, Tribal, and Local Education Agencies
Attachment H: Description of Changes to Revised (FY2011-FY2012) Questionnaires
Section B - Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
A census of the CDC/DASH funded state, territorial, tribal and local education agencies will be conducted for the surveys, therefore no sampling will take place. For FY2010, FY2011, and FY2012, a total of 16 local education agencies will complete the LEA HIV prevention questionnaire; 1 tribal, 6 territorial, and 50 state education agencies will complete the SEA/TEA HIV prevention questionnaire; 1 tribal and 22 state education agencies will complete the SEA CSHP/PANT questionnaire; and 10 local education agencies will complete the LEA HIV prevention questionnaire annually. The surveys provide performance measures for the activities of each grantee. Therefore it is not possible to sample grantees given their small numbers and the need to monitor and assess each program.
Table B.1-1 shows the estimated annualized number of respondents (Annualized N) used to calculate annualized burden hours. The Annualized N is based on the estimated number of respondents (N) for each year of this three-year clearance request (FY10, FY11, and FY12 funding).
Table B.1-1: Calculation of Annualized Number of Respondents
Types of Respondents |
Form Name |
N FY2010 |
N FY2011 |
N FY2012 |
Total N |
Annualized N |
Local Education Agency Officials |
Indicators for School Health Programs: HIV Prevention (LEA) |
16 |
16 |
16 |
48 |
16 |
State and Territorial Education Agency and Tribal Government Officials |
Indicators for School Health Programs: HIV Prevention (SEA) |
57 |
57 |
57 |
171 |
57 |
State Education Agency and Tribal Government Officials |
Indicators for School Health Programs: Coordinated School Health Programs |
23 |
23 |
23 |
69 |
23 |
Local Education Agency Officials |
Indicators for School Health Programs: Asthma Management (LEA) |
10 |
10 |
10 |
30 |
10 |
As described above, no sampling or randomization will take place. A census of the funded education agencies will complete the questionnaires. The education agencies will complete the questionnaires via a password protected Web site once a year. Data collection will occur over a fifteen month cycle with annual data being submitted 90 days after the end of each fiscal year (data submission deadline is June 1st, or when June 1st falls on a weekend, the next business day). This will give the education agency 12 months to collect the necessary data and then three months to compile and report the data.
CDC/DASH will be providing technical assistance throughout the year in order to help education agencies complete the questionnaires once a year. Technical assistance will be provided by CDC/DASH project officers and CDC/DASH staff involved with monitoring the project. Non-responders will be contacted by either phone or email by CDC/DASH project officers and offered assistance in completing the appropriate questionnaire. Because the respondents are in regular communication with their CDC/DASH project officers, experience supports that most responders can be contacted within 2-3 attempts.
If renewed and approved, this data collection will be required to obtain and/or retain continued funding for all education agencies funded by CDC/DASH. At present, education agencies are expected to submit an annual report as a condition of their funding. The response rate for the annual report is generally 100 percent. CDC/DASH anticipates that the response rates for the questionnaires will be close to or equal to 100 percent.
The HIV prevention and CSHP/PANT questionnaires that are proposed for this data collection were originally tested in 2003 and 2004, and have been successfully completed either on paper or via the Web by the funded education agencies since the original OMB approval was granted. The asthma management questionnaire was introduced in FY2008 and has been successfully completed via the Web by the funded education agencies since that time. The previous (current) OMB approval number for all four questionnaires is 0920-0672.
The questionnaires used in this request are revised versions of the most recent HIV prevention, CSHP/PANT, and asthma management questionnaires that were updated based on feedback from CDC/DASH staff and funded partners. The FY2010-FY2012 HIV prevention, CSHP/PANT, and asthma management questionnaires were updated with feedback from CDC/DASH staff to be better aligned with Funding Opportunity Announcement DP08-801, DASH priorities, and school-level impact measures.
The following individuals at CDC are responsible for collecting the data:
Leah Robin, Ph.D..........................................................................Health Scientist
(770) 488-6187
Catherine Rasberry, Ph.D..............................................................Health Scientist
(770) 488-5635
Rich Dunville, MPH......................................................................Health Scientist
(770) 488-6212
George Khalil..................................................................................Contractor
(770) 488-6437
The following individuals at CDC are responsible for statistical aspects of the project and analyzing the data:
Leah Robin, Ph.D..........................................................................Health Scientist
(770) 488-6187
Rich Dunville, MPH......................................................................Health Scientist
(770) 488-6212
Catherine Rasberry, Ph.D..............................................................Health Scientist
(770) 488-5635
George Khalil..................................................................................Contractor
(770) 488-6437
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Section B - Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods |
Author | John Canfield |
Last Modified By | Thelma Elaine Sims |
File Modified | 2011-03-30 |
File Created | 2011-03-30 |