Form #1 Form #1 Key Informant Interview Guide

Understanding Development Methods from Other Industries to Improve the Design of Consumer Health IT

Attachment B -- Key Informant Interview Guide

Semi-structured interviews

OMB: 0935-0180

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Attachment B: Key Informant Interview Guide

Revised March 2011

Key Informant Interview Guide

Hi, my name is ______________. As you know, I am calling from Westat. Thank you for agreeing to speak with me today.

Westat is conducting this study with funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to explore the consumer product design, development, and marketing processes used in various industries that could be extended to the development of consumer products for managing personal health information.

We scheduled up to 90 minutes for this call. Does that still work with your schedule?

Before we start, I will cover the points of consent for your participation.

  • Westat, with staff from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is conducting a project on behalf of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

  • We will be asking you to describe your approaches to, and experiences with, development of consumer products.

  • The session will last approximately 90 minutes.

  • Your participation in this study is voluntary. If at any time you feel uncomfortable answering a question or do not have an answer please let me know and we will move on to another question. If you wish to make comments but shield them from public reports, let us know and we will mark the information as off-limits.

  • The things you say may be put in a written summary of this discussion.

  • Copies of interview notes may be shared with others from the project team but will not be shared with anyone outside of our project team.

  • We would like to record the interview in case we need to review a portion of the session as we make recommendations for revisions. A recording would only be reviewed by a few project staff and possibly AHRQ staff.

Is it okay with you if we record the interview? [START RECORDER AND OBTAIN VERBAL PERMISSION WITH RECORDER RUNNING].

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the survey. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Room # 5036, Rockville, MD 20850.

During this interview, we would like to explore your experiences in developing consumer products, focusing on the design processes that your company uses, how you segment the market, the role of users in testing during the various product development phases, and the factors that affect the success of your product development approaches.

The results of these interviews will be used to generate a set of recommendations for vendors and developers of consumer health IT products. These recommendations will be disseminated at the conclusion of this project. If you wish to receive a copy of the recommendations report at that time, we will be happy to send you one.

Before we start, do you have any questions?

Q.A. General Company Information

Q.A.01. What services does your company provide?

Q.A.01.a. What size is your company?

Q.A.01.b. Does your company have a specific industry or product focus?

Q.A.02. In what phases of the product development cycle is your company involved?

Q.A.02.a. Does your company have a documented project plan or method?

Q.A.02.b. Can you share any flowcharts or lists of standard methods with us?

Q.A.03. How many people are typically on a team for a given product?

Q.A.03.a. What are the typical team member assignments for a given product?

Q.A.03.b. Do different types of team members make up the teams for different products?

Q.A.03.c. What is your role at the company?

Q.A.03.d. In what product development phases are you directly involved?

Q.A.04. To date, has your company developed any health information products aimed directly at consumers or patients (consumer health IT products)?

Q.A.04.a. [IF SO] What types of products and for what types of end users?

Q.A.05. Does your company have plans to develop any consumer health IT products?

Q.A.05.a. [IF SO] What types of products and for what types of end users?

Q.B. Idea Generation

Q.B.01. How does your firm begin the product development process?

Q.B.01.a. When does your firm typically initiate the process of developing a product?

Q.B.01.b. How does your firm identify potential end users of the product?

Q.B.01.c. When does the identification of potential end users typically occur?

Q.B.01.d. How does your firm identify users’ needs?

Q.B.01.e. How does your firm determine how a product could meet users’ needs in a way that distinguishes it from existing products?

Q.C. Concept Development

Q.C.01. How does your firm define the characteristics of a product?

Q.C.01.a. What techniques does your firm use to define the characteristics of a product?

Q.C.01.b. What prototyping methods does your firm use?

Q.C.01.c. When does prototyping typically occur?

Q.C.01.d. Does your firm use any contemporary or modern approaches to product development?

Q.C.01.d.1 [IF SO]: If yes, what/which [contemporary/modern] product development approaches does your firm use?

Q.C.02. In what ways does your firm segment the consumer market?

Q.C.02.a. What role do these segments play in tailoring the testing of a product?

Q.D. Testing

Q.D.01. What role does testing play as the product moves from a prototype to a more finished product?

Q.D.01.a. When does this testing typically occur?

Q.D.01.b What methods does your firm use to test a prototype or product concept?

Q.D.01.c. What questions does your firm try to answer through testing methods?

Q.D.01.d. How do the results of your firm’s testing guide subsequent tests?

Q.D.02. How does your firm define usefulness versus ease of use of a product?

Q.D.02.a How does your firm gauge the perceived usefulness of a product?

Q.D.02.a.1 When does this typically occur?

Q.D.02.b How does your firm gauge the perceived ease of use of a product?

Q.D.02.b.1 When does this typically occur?

Q.E. Implementation

Q.E.01. What goals need to be attained before the product can move from a testing phase to an implementation phase?

Q.E.01.a. What results does your firm look for to confirm a product is ready to move from testing to implementation?

Q.F. Commercialization

Q.F.01. What determines the success of a product once it is released to the public?

Q.F.01.a. What strategies and tools does your firm use to influence the success of a product before and after it is released to the public?

Q.F.01.b. What are some reasons a product may not be successful when released to the public?

Q.F.01.c. What characteristics of a product influence an individual’s decision to adopt or reject the product?

Q.F.02. How does your firm determine: when and where to launch a product; what price to charge consumers; and how to market the product?

Q.F.02.a. How do these decisions affect the success of a product?

Q.G. Individual’s Experience With and Perspective on Design Methods Applicable to Consumer Health IT

Q.G.01. Have you been personally involved with designing or developing consumer IT products?

[IF SO]:

Q.G.02.a. For what types of products and for what types of end users?

Q.G.02.b. What was your role in the design or development of the product(s)?

Q.G.02.c. What design methods did you apply?

Q.G.02. From your perspective, which consumer product design methods do you think would be most applicable to the design of consumer health IT products?

Q.G.02.a. Why?

Q.G.02.b. What insights related to design, development, or marketing in your industry do you think would apply to consumer health IT products?


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