Round 2 SGA

Appendix 6 DEI_Year 2 SGA_012412.pdf

Disability Employment Initiative Evaluation

Round 2 SGA

OMB: 1230-0006

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Employment and Training Administration
Notice of Availability of Funds and Solicitation for Grant Applications
for Cooperative Agreements Under the Disability Employment Initiative
Announcement Type: Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA)
Funding Opportunity Number: SGA/DFA PY-10-14
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 17.207
Key Dates: The closing date for receipt of applications under this
announcement is July 15, 2011. Applications must be received no later than 4
p.m. Eastern Time.
Addresses: Mailed applications must be addressed to the U.S. Department of
Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Federal
Assistance, Attention: B Jai Johnson, Grant Officer, Reference SGA/DFA PY
10-14, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N4716, Washington, D.C.
20210. For complete application and submission information, including online application instructions, please refer to Section IV.
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), in coordination with
Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Office of Disability Employment Policy
(ODEP), announces the availability of approximately $20 million for a second
round of cooperative agreements to state agencies that administer the
Workforce Investment Act (WIA). These funds provide an opportunity for
states to develop and implement a plan for improving effective and
meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in the workforce.
DOL is using this funding to implement the Disability Employment Initiative
(DEI), through which the Department intends to make six to ten grant awards
designed to:
1) improve educational, training, and employment opportunities and outcomes
of youth and adults with disabilities who are unemployed, underemployed,
and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits; and 2) help these
individuals with disabilities find a path into the middle class through
exemplary and model service delivery by the public workforce system. The
DOL will award DEI grants for a three-year period of performance.
The Appropriation Committee Senate Report 111-66 on H.R. 3292 stated that:
“these funds…will improve the accessibility and accountability of the
public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities.
The Committee further expects these funds to continue promising
practices implemented by disability program navigators, including
effective deployment of staff in selected states to: improve
coordination and collaboration among employment and training and
asset development programs carried out at a state and local level,

including the Ticket to Work program and build effective community
partnerships that leverage public and private resources to better serve
individuals with disabilities and improve employment outcomes.”
The DEI was established under the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2010,
P.L. 111-117, and it includes reference to this Report.
This solicitation provides background information and describes the
application submission requirements, outlines the process that eligible entities
must use to apply for funds covered by this solicitation, and outlines the
evaluation criteria used as a basis for selecting the grantees.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
A. Overview
On September 30, 2010, ETA awarded funds, using both ETA and ODEP
money, to nine states (Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Maine,
New Jersey, New York, and Virginia) for three years to implement the first
round of DEI projects. Information on DEI projects can be found at This SGA funds a second round of DEI
Previous DOL grants to improve employment outcomes of individuals with
disabilities through systems change in the public workforce system include
ETA’s Work Incentive Grants (WIG), the Disability Program Navigator
Initiative (DPN), and employment service models, such as ODEP’s
Customized Employment, Workforce Action (Olmstead), the START-UP
Initiative, and State Intermediary Youth grants. DOL has incorporated a
number of promising practices from these grants into this SGA. In addition,
Federal, state, and local systems have developed numerous other successful
employment service models.
Systems Change Models. From Program Years (PY) 2000 through 2010,
DOL/ETA funded 65 WIGs and 51 DPN Initiative cooperative agreements to
states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands to
improve services in the One-Stop Career Center system and improve
employment outcomes of persons with disabilities. WIGs were competitively
awarded to state and local workforce areas that addressed systemic issues in
the workforce system and resulted in the development of numerous tools and
protocols to improve services to job seekers with disabilities. By 2003, DOL
shifted the focus of the WIG funds toward supporting a full-time, dedicated
staff person with disability expertise because this strategy has shown promise
in expanding the capacity of the One-Stop Career Center system to provide
integrated, accessible, and comprehensive services, and promote career and
employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities. In PY 2003 the
Department decided to devote funds previously used for WIGs to support the


DPN initiative through 2010. DPNs or Navigators were located in local
workforce investment areas to: 1) conduct outreach to the disability
community; 2) promote meaningful and effective access to the One-Stop
Career Center system; 3) establish linkages to employers to increase job
opportunities; and 4) create systemic change through: i) ongoing partnerships
and comprehensive, wrap-around services for job seekers with disabilities:
and ii) integrated resource teams to blend, braid, and leverage resources across
workforce and disability systems. The DPN Initiative created innovation and
transformation in the public workforce system by: building relationships with
state and local partners; facilitating youth transition services; promoting asset
development and financial literacy training; implementing the Ticket to Work
Program; building upon Medicaid Infrastructure Grants; improving linkages to
the employer community; improving access to and use of the One-Stop Career
Center service delivery system; and linking to other community providers.
Employment Service Models. Federal and state service systems use a number
of employment service models, including the traditional Vocational
Rehabilitation, Supported Employment, Transitional Employment, SelfEmployment, and various forms of self-direction that provide control and
choice to the individual job seeker. These models complement and reinforce
the WIG/DPN successful strategies in One-Stop Career Centers.
For example, from 2001 through 2006, ODEP funded development and
research work on Customized Employment in the One-Stop Career Centers
through 26 grants across the country. Customized employment is a flexible
process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job
candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. It is based
on an individualized match between the strengths, conditions, and interests
of a job candidate and the identified business needs of an employer.
Customized employment will often take the form of: task reassignment; job
carving; job sharing; self-employment. ODEP expected these projects to
increase the capacity of service-delivery systems to effectively serve people
with disabilities and other “hard-to-serve'' populations through individualized
employment and placement services.
A 2005 study of the initiative resulted in several key findings, including the
importance of the following strategies for increasing employment and wages
for individuals with disabilities:
1. Increasing partnership and collaboration among and across
generic and disability-specific systems that provide employment or
employment-support services to produce more effective and efficient services
through leveraging resources and funding across multiple systems;
2. Increasing use of self-direction in service and integration of
funding among and across cross-generic and disability-specific systems


(including the blending and braiding of resources and funding across
systems and programs), and the use of self-directed accounts providing
choice and control to the individual job seeker, including through the use of
“flexible dollars” to assist in achieving employment outcomes (such as
individual career accounts/budgets for needed services and supports
including but not limited to transportation, assistive technology, resource
ownership) that the existing system does not provide due to funding and/or
time restrictions;
3. Increasing economic self-sufficiency through leveraging
relevant generic and disability-specific tax incentives, financial education,
social security work incentives, benefits planning, and other strategies for
enhancing profitable employment resulting in the ability of people with
disabilities to accrue assets and resources through employment;
4. Increasing the use of universal design as the framework for the
organization of employment policy and the implementation of employment
services; and
5. Increasing the use of customized and other forms of flexible
work options for individuals with disabilities and others with complex
barriers to employment. (“Evaluation of Disability Employment Policy
Demonstration Programs,” Westat, June 2005).
ODEP’s WorkFORCE Action grants supported local non-profit
organizations in demonstrations of customized employment strategies for
persons with disabilities covered by the Olmstead Supreme Court decision
of 1999 (Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581, 119 S. Ct. 2176-1999). Key
organizations involved in these efforts included Local Workforce
Investment Boards, disability organizations and other community
organizations in order to build the capacity to provide employment services
to those persons with disabilities covered by the Olmstead decision, and to
document their employability, particularly through individually negotiated,
customized jobs. The WorkFORCE Action grants documented effective
partnerships across several Federal programs to ensure that employment is a
component of efforts to move people out/keep them out, of
institutions/nursing homes, and document their ability to obtain integrated
employment at minimum wage or above.
ODEP funded the Self-Employment Technical Assistance, Resource, &
Training (START-UP/USA) cooperative agreements to document the viability
of self-employment for people with disabilities including those with
significant disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) ort
Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. Congress designated these
funds to ODEP for the further development of self-employment of individuals
with disabilities. START-UP provided technical assistance and disseminated


resources nationally to persons with disabilities interested in pursuing selfemployment. START-UP/USA also provided technical assistance to three
sub-national projects in Alaska, Florida, and New York. This initiative
generated data and information to validate systems capacity building
strategies and system change models for increasing self-employment
opportunities for persons with disabilities, and documented the success of
self-employment for such individuals (http//
Youth Transition Models. In 2003 eight states received State Intermediary
Grants to assist states in improving transition outcomes for youth with
disabilities and conducting local pilot demonstrations to ensure that youth
with disabilities (ages 14 to 24) obtain transition services consistent with the
Guideposts for Success. These grants assisted states, under the leadership of
State Workforce Investment Boards (SWIBs), in the design, implementation,
and evaluation of systems changes needed to improve transition outcomes of
youth with disabilities at the local level. ODEP’s research indicates that all
youth, including those with disabilities, need exposure to 1) school-based
preparatory experiences; 2) career preparation and work-based learning
experiences; 3) youth development and leadership; 4) connecting activities,
including knowledge of transportation, health care, and financial planning;
and 5) family involvement and support. ODEP branded these five areas the
Guideposts for Success (
In addition to articulating the general needs of all youth, Guideposts for
Success also addresses the specific needs of youth with disabilities within
each of the five categories. As a result of the grants, both state and local level
organizations began to more effectively coordinate services for youth with
disabilities. State and local level intermediaries provided training that enabled
many organizations and individuals to become knowledgeable about services
and resources available to youth with disabilities. Grantees developed crossagency, multi-year state plans to support broader educational, vocational
rehabilitation, and workforce development plans. The grants demonstrated
that intermediaries can serve a key function by helping to define roles within a
B. DEI Project Description
The Department’s prior grant initiatives have resulted in significant
improvements in the delivery of services to individuals with disabilities
through the workforce system, including: increased accessibility of the OneStop Career Centers; expanded capacity to serve persons with disabilities;
trained front-line and partner staff; and increased partnerships. DOL is now
looking to refine and verify these delivery strategies for further replication
across the workforce system. This DEI SGA requires that applicants develop
a project plan that includes all of the Required Project Components in Section
I.C. and uses at least two of the Strategic Service Delivery Components in


Section I.D, in addition to the partnership and collaboration strategy, which is
required. Due to the level of effort expected from grantees and consideration
for the level of funding available, DOL requires applicants to focus primarily
on either adults or youth (ages 14-24) in order to develop and refine replicable
models and expertise. Almost all states and territories have received funding
under ETA and/or ODEP grant opportunities made available from PY/Fiscal
Year (FY) 2000 to PY/FY 2010. These grants helped identify a number of
promising strategies to improve education, training, and employment
outcomes of adults and youth with disabilities. Selection of a DEI focus on
adults or youth must not preclude the provision of services to all individuals
with disabilities, regardless of age, who are accessing the workforce system.
From prior experience, the Department expects that most customers of the
public workforce system will benefit from the implementation of the DEI
cooperative agreement, regardless of which population is the focus.
C. Required Project Components
The state’s DEI technical proposal design must include the following
1. State Level DEI Project Lead - Applicants must designate a DEI
project lead at the state level that will be responsible for the following:
 Identifying and coordinating with the participating local WIBs to
ensure that issues and challenges are addressed and that common goals
are achieved;
 Representing the state in administrative communications with the
designated ETA Federal Project Officer (FPO), ETA Grant Officer,
and National Office ETA and ODEP representatives;
 Facilitating state and local DEI participation in training and technical
assistance activities;
 Establishing and coordinating partnerships, via both formal and
informal mechanisms, with other state-level agencies that may be
critical to the success of education, training, and employment
activities, and that are often most effectively engaged at the state level
(e.g., Education, Medicaid Agency and Medicaid Infrastructure Grant
Projects, Vocational Rehabilitation, Mental Health, Work Incentive
Planning and Assistance Projects, and Intellectual Disability/
Developmental Disability agencies, among others);
 Coordinating implementation of Ticket to Work administrative
activities, such as access to WIA and Wagner-Peyser individualized
records and coordination with SSA or its representatives (e.g.,
 Facilitating implementation of additional data collection and process
evaluation requirements, as DOL may require, for evaluation purposes.
2. Disability Resource Coordinator - Local WIBs that participate in the
DEI cooperative agreement must commit to hiring a new, or designating
an existing, full-time staff person(s), as the disability resource


coordinator(s) to implement the strategic approach of the applicant’s
proposal. This person or persons should have disability-related knowledge
skills, experience, and abilities, including experience with the employment
and public workforce system challenges of persons with disabilities that
can be applied to implementing the project design at the local level. To
the extent possible, local WIBs should consider former DPNs for
employment in this role due to the extensive training and knowledge they
acquired over the years. The Department also encourages local WIBs to
hire individuals with disabilities for this employment position.
3. One-Stop Physical, Programmatic, and Communications Accessibility Applicants must verify that all the participating local WIBs and all
participating One-Stop Career Centers comply with physical,
programmatic, and communication accessibility requirements established
in non-discrimination regulations in 29 CFR part 37, which implemented
Section 188 of WIA. Participation in the DEI cooperative agreement is
contingent on compliance. Applicants must address the status of the most
recent accessibility survey in local workforce areas participating in the
DEI cooperative agreement, along with the corrective actions identified or
completed within 90 days of grant award. The Department expects that
applicants and local WIBs will continue to review and upgrade access to
their One-Stop Career Center system as part of their on-going
administration and compliance obligations.
4. Participation in SSA’s Ticket to Work Program as an Employment
Network (EN) - Operating as an EN under SSA’s Ticket to Work program
is an important strategic approach to sustainability and collaboration in
addressing the needs of people with disabilities receiving SSI/SSDI cash
benefits. Involvement in DEI by any state workforce agency or local WIB
requires that either the agency or LWIB: 1) already operate as an EN
under the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act; or 2)
stipulate their commitment to apply for EN status to SSA within 60 days
of the DEI grant award. Establishing EN status for workforce programs at
the state level is an important factor in successful execution of the EN role
for administrative and other reasons because it simplifies and expedites the
application and payment processes for employment and training services
already provided to Ticket holders.
A number of WIBs and One-Stop operators have become ENs and accept
Tickets for the provision of training or employment services. Full
participation in the Ticket to Work Program by the public workforce
system can provide significant resources for services to individuals with
disabilities. Active participation in the Ticket Program could greatly
enhance funding and future sustainability of the DEI projects. While the
Department recognizes that WIBs are, in fact, serving and obtaining
employment for significant numbers of SSI/SSDI beneficiaries, there are


still challenges with fully engaging workforce entities as ENs. The
Department will work with states, local WIBs, and SSA to identify and to
overcome administrative challenges that emerge. Information on SSA’s
procedures for requesting EN status is available at
5. Sustainability - The applicant must agree to make every effort to
sustain the disability resource coordinator(s) after the grant period ends
and to incorporate the promising practices that were successfully
implemented by the project into state policies and procedures.
6. Mandatory Evaluation Process – To assess the effects of the DEI, state
applicants must identify all the local WIBs in their states that have the
capacity to implement the DEI and are willing to be part of the evaluation.
Post-award, the Department will conduct a modified site lottery (in
consultation with the state) in each grantee state to determine which half
of the identified WIBs will receive funding through the state to implement
the SGA project. All adults and youth with disabilities in the DEI sites
will have access to the services implemented under this SGA. All adults
and youth with disabilities in the non-selected sites will have access to all
the standard WIA and Wagner-Peyser services their WIBs and the state
offers. The outcomes of these individuals across the two groups of WIBs
will be compared to evaluate the effects of DEI. To that end, all WIBs
listed in the application--whether they are selected or not in the lottery-must participate in the evaluation which would entail providing the
evaluation contractor with the individual records of all adults and youth
with disabilities served. Up to 5% of the state’s grant funds available may
be used to help offset the cost of increased data requirements for all WIBs
in the evaluation.
Successful state applicants will work with the Department and the
evaluator on the lottery rules that will be used to select the local WIBs that
will participate in the DEI grant project in order to ensure that all
identified WIBs and their workforce investment areas have a fair chance at
receiving funding. DOL will make the final decision identifying which
local WIBs will receive funding to implement the DEI project and which
WIBs will be part of the control group and just collect data for evaluation.
The state applicant must agree to participate with DOL’s data collection
and evaluation activities and have the capacity to do so to be considered
for the grant award. The Department will make maximum use of
participant data from the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record
Data (WIASRD) and Wagner-Peyser reporting system, but DOL will
require additional data collection. For example, the evaluation contractor
will conduct a series of site visits for the purpose of documenting grantee
progress and to develop case studies. In addition, DOL will require local


WIBs that are identified as willing to participate in the state application
(i.e., WIBs selected to participate in the DEI plan and those designated as
part of the control group) to collect additional participant data; thereby
allowing the Department to determine how services received differ
between the enhanced and non-enhanced workforce investment areas and
the extent to which outcomes of the adults and youth with disabilities
differ during the course of the grant project in these sites. DOL will
require awardees to provide access to individualized records that contain
sufficient information to allow data matching with SSA disability records.
Please note that the Department will work with states that are single state
workforce investment areas and receive a DEI grant award to determine an
evaluation approach that is consistent with this evaluation design. Again,
DOL will make the final identification of which local WIBs will receive
DEI funds and which WIBs will participate only as control sites in the
evaluation study (and therefore will receive additional funds only to
support data collection).

D. Strategic Service Delivery Components
At a minimum, an applicant must identify at least two of the following six
strategic components, plus a seventh strategy component which DOL requires
all applicants to use as significant elements of the service delivery approach
for the youth or adult population the applicant plans to serve. Some of these
strategies are not mutually exclusive nor are they always distinct or separate
activities. These are practices and strategies that DOL has identified through
both ETA and ODEP grant initiatives to increase education and employment
outcomes of persons with disabilities.
1. Integrated Resource Teams (IRT)
IRT is a promising practice identified by the DPN Initiative whereby a team
comprised of representatives from different agencies and service systems
(both general workforce and disability-specific) coordinate services and
leverage funding to meet the employment needs of an individual job seeker
with a disability. The job seeker is a member of the IRT working with
providers (e.g., interpreter service, community college, etc.) to identify and
strategize how their combined services and resources can benefit and support
an individual job seeker’s education, training, or employment goals. IRTs
lead to improved communication and coordination of services for those
impacted by multiple systems and benefit variables. More information on
IRTs and other DPN promising practices can be found at and


2. Integrating Resources and Services, Blending and Braiding Funds,
Leveraging Resources
Integrating services and the blending and braiding of funds from multiple
funding sources are strategies that are often incorporated into IRT, Guideposts
for Success, Vocational Rehabilitation, customized employment, selfemployment, and other employment models. Leveraging different Federal
and state program funds involves two or more agencies contributing resources
to the individual job seeker’s education, training, or employment goals. For
example, one provider may cover supportive services, while another agency or
program covers training costs. The job seeker with a disability may have
multiple challenges that are best addressed through a diversified funding
strategy. For the purposes of this SGA, we use the term “blended funding'' to
describe mechanisms that pool dollars from multiple sources and make them
in some ways indistinguishable. “Braided funding'' uses similar mechanisms,
but the funding streams remain separate. Both mechanisms are used to provide
greater efficiency and effectiveness by leveraging multiple resources to assist
the individual customer in achieving his/her employment outcomes.
3. Customized Employment
Customized employment is a flexible process that involves individualizing the
relationship between job seekers and employers in ways that meet the needs of
both. It is based on an individualized determination and discovery of the
strengths, requirements, and interests of a person with multiple challenges. It
is based on an individualized match between the strengths, conditions, and
interests of a job candidate and the identified business needs of an employer.
Customized employment will often take the form of: task reassignment; job
carving; job sharing; self-employment. Customized employment provides an
avenue to employment for job seekers who feel that traditional job search
methods do not meet their needs. More information on customized
employment is available on ODEP's Web site at
4. Self-Employment
Self-employment has long been an employment alternative for individuals
seeking a new or better career. Today, many job seekers with disabilities are
turning to the flexibility of self-employment to meet both their career
aspirations and financial goals. Self-employed persons have increased latitude
in determining the hours they work, the type of work they do, and how much
money they make. Self-employment strategies for youth and adults with
disabilities are consistent with ETA’s policy guidance (Training and
Employment Guidance Letter, No.12-10, “Supporting Entrepreneurial and
Self-Employment Training through the Workforce Investment System,
November 15, 2010) in this area. You can find additional information on
ODEP’s self-employment initiative at


5. Youth Guideposts for Success
ODEP, in collaboration with the National Collaborative on Workforce
Disability for Youth, identified Guideposts for Success as a set of key
educational and career development interventions that can make a positive
difference in the lives of all youth, including youth with disabilities. The
Guideposts, also described in Section I.A. of the SGA under “Youth
Transition Models,“ are based on an extensive literature review of research,
demonstration projects, and effective practices covering a wide range of
programs and services, including youth development, quality education, and
workforce development programs. For more information on Guideposts for
Success, please visit
6. Asset Development Strategies
Asset development strategies include various approaches to enhance longterm economic self-sufficiency, including individual development accounts,
financial literacy training for youth and adults, SSA PASS plans and other
work incentives, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and other tax
provisions, and self-directed benefit and resource accounts, among others.
Asset development strategies include benefits and services that are funded
through resources other than those made available under WIA, such as tax
filing assistance, housing, nutrition, health care, or child care assistance.
Information on asset development strategies and tax credits, including their
relevance for the workforce development system, can be found at
7. Partnerships and Collaboration
The Department requires that applicants use partnerships and collaboration as
one of its strategies under this SGA. Applicants should demonstrate that the
proposed project will include coordination with a variety of partners that
impact the ability of adults and youth with disabilities to successfully
participate in education, training, and employment opportunities. Applicants
must include a description of coordination plans, memorandum of
understanding, and partnership strategies in the project proposal.
Coordination across multiple agencies includes outreach to customers and
consumers, service and/or partner co-location and integration in One-Stop
Career Centers, and leveraging available funds, resources, and organizational
expertise. Partnering across multiple systems and programs is often a prerequisite to providing all the supports that are needed to successfully address
multiple challenges to employment. Potential partners include, but are not
limited to: state and local Vocational Rehabilitation; Medicaid/Medicare;
Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Projects, Mental Health; Developmental
Disability/Intellectual Disability Agency; state and local Education
Departments; SSA programs, such as Work Incentives Planning and
Assistance Projects and SSA Area Work Incentive Coordinators; Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); higher education institutions;
vocational training, health, and education programs; community services


organizations including employment service providers; national, state, and
local financial literacy and asset development programs and resources; and
older worker programs. Finally, it is important that the application discuss
partnerships and collaborations with relevant DOL programs. DOL
anticipates that applicants will consider the following DOL programs in their
strategic approach: WIA adult, dislocated worker, and youth training
opportunities; Veterans Employment Training Services (VETS) programs; Job
Corps; YouthBuild; ex-offender programs; Senior Community Employment
Service Program (SCESP); registered apprenticeship programs; Indian and
Native American; Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers Program; and other
relevant DOL-funded grant activities.
E. Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
Grantees may use grant funds to fulfill the requirements identified above in
the Section I.A. and B. (e.g., required project components, strategic service
delivery components) and may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Disability resource coordinators or other project staff required to
implement project design;
Partnership coordination and collaboration activities or meetings
required to support the project objectives;
Necessary travel to conduct activities across the state or workforce
investment area;
Necessary travel to attend one national conference per year; and
Service and programmatic activities to implement the objectives of
the DEI cooperative agreement.
Up to 15 percent of grant funds are available for flexible spending purposes,
which may include, but is not limited to, procurement of software upgrades,
and other assistive technology equipment, supportive or intensive services to
assure availability of training and employment needs for individual job
seekers, or other innovative approaches to meet the unique needs of an
individual participant. The budget plan should include travel expenses to
enable the state lead and local area disability coordinators/project leads to
attend an ETA/ODEP-sponsored conference. For example, the applicants
should budget for a conference to be held in Washington DC, at least once a
year. Grantees should use WIA, Wagner-Peyser or other program resources
to the greatest extent possible to fund all education, training, job search
activities, and supportive services. DOL believes that the successful outcomes
of adults and youth with disabilities accessing the One-Stop Career Center
systems during the life of DEI initiative (and indeed the success of the DEI
projects) depends upon the leveraging of funds and resources beyond the DEI
grant funds for education, training, and other activities. Up to 5 percent of
grant funds are available for possible additional data collection expenses.


II. Award Information
A. Award Amount
The Department expects to award a total of approximately $21.5 million,
divided among six to ten cooperative agreements ranging from $1.5 million to
$6 million each. Applicants should request an amount within this funding
range proportionate to the needs and relative size of their project. DOL deems
any grant application with a proposed value exceeding $6 million as nonresponsive and will not consider the application.
DOL will issue the grants as cooperative agreements with the expectation that
there will be considerable engagement by ETA and ODEP with states and
their local workforce investment areas throughout the life of the initiative.
DOL will make extensive technical assistance available to grantees and DOL
will conduct an independent evaluation by using quantitative and qualitative
data from grantees.
B. Period of Performance
The period of performance will be 36 months from the date of execution of
the grant documents. This performance period includes all necessary
implementation and start-up activities. Applicants should plan to fully expend
grant funds during the period of performance while ensuring full transparency
and accountability for all project expenditures.

III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
Applicants must not have received DEI project funding in 2010. Applicants
must be the state WIA administrative agency. Congress’ intent was that these
funds be used to “improve the accessibility and accountability of the public
workforce development system for individuals with disabilities.”
(Appropriations Committee, Senate Report 111-66). Therefore, the state WIA
administrative agency must not pass these funds through to any other entity
for administration.
As discussed in Section I.B, where a state has at least four local WIBs, the
state workforce agency must select at least two local WIBs that have the
capacity to implement the state’s proposal under this SGA. If a state
workforce agency chooses to select only two, only one of the sites will be
selected via the modified site lottery to implement the DEI. The other site
must function as a control.
States with a single workforce area may select at least two distinct areas
within the state that can serve in the same roles as states with multiple WIBs.
Also, states with fewer than four local WIBs may select two of their local


WIBs that can serve in the same roles as local WIBs in states with four or
more WIBs. In either case, DOL will score these applications on the same
basis as those offering multiple WIBs. All evaluation criteria would apply to
these applications including the modified site lottery.
The Department will (in consultation with the state) conduct a modified site
lottery of the identified WIBs to identify the participating WIBs and will
require that the other half of the WIBs not selected participate in the
evaluation component and the collection of additional individualized data.
DOL will make the final decision on which WIBs will receive funds to
provide services under the DEI projects, plus receive funds for data collection,
and which WIBs will be a control group and only receive funds for data
collection, as required by evaluation.
The Department requires that, the states select local WIBs (to be included as
either DEI projects or controls) which meet the following minimum
capacities: 1) demonstrated success in serving individuals with disabilities as
evidenced by their WIA and Wagner-Peyser data and outcomes; 2) provided
assurance of physical, programmatic, and communication accessibility; 3)
demonstrated commitment to prior partner collaboration that suggests a high
likelihood of success in the implementation of the DEI cooperative
agreement’s goals and objectives; 4) incorporated policies and procedures into
the operations of One-Stop Career Centers to help them effectively serve with
disabilities; and 5) demonstrated ability to conduct outreach to the disability
community and employers to facilitate the hiring of people with disabilities.
Applicants must require that local WIBs selected to implement the objectives
of the DEI cooperative agreement will work with DOL training, technical
assistance, and evaluation contractors as applicable. All WIBs identified in
the application must agree to collect and provide relevant data, or other
information identified by DOL as critical to the evaluation.
B. Cost Sharing or Matching
Cost sharing or matching funds are not required as a condition for application,
but leveraged resources are strongly encouraged and may affect the
applicant’s score in Section V., Subsection A. Leveraged resources can come
from a variety of sources, including public (e.g., Federal, state, or local
governments) and non-profit sectors
C. Other Eligibility Criteria
Applicants will not be reviewed unless they meet the following required
project components, identified in Sections I.C and D of the SGA.
1. State Level DEI Project Lead - Applicants must identify or designate a DEI
project lead at the state level.


2. Disability Resource Coordinators (DRCs) - LWIBs participating in DEI
must hire a new staff or designate existing full-time staff persons as DRCs.
DOL expects the Disability Coordinator(s) to work full time on the
initiative and for grantees to consider former DPNs as a possible valuable
resource to fill this position
3. Accessibility - Applicants must verify physical, programmatic, and
communications accessibility.
4. Become an EN(s) - The state workforce agency or local WIBs to be
involved in DEI must be an EN, or applicants must stipulate their
commitment to apply for EN status to SSA within 60 days of the DEI grant
5. Evaluation - Applicants must agree to participate in the site lottery
6. Strategic Service Delivery - Applicants must identify at least two of the six
service delivery strategies, plus a seventh strategy to be part of the DEI
project (Refer to pages 16 - 21).
7. Population Focus - Applicants must select either adult or youth as their
primary population to be served.
D. Eligible Participants
1. Veterans Priority for Participants
The Jobs for Veterans Act (Public Law 107-288) requires grantees to
provide priority of service for veterans and spouses of certain veterans for the
receipt of employment, training, and placement services in any job training
program directly funded, in whole or in part, by DOL. The regulations
implementing this priority of service can be found at 20 CFR part 1010. In
circumstances where a grant recipient must choose between two qualified
candidates for a service, one of whom is a veteran or eligible spouse, the
veterans priority of service provisions require that the grant recipient give the
veteran or eligible spouse priority of service by first providing him or her that
service. To obtain priority of service, a veteran or spouse must meet the
program’s eligibility requirements. Grantees must comply with DOL
guidance on veterans priority. ETA’s Training and Employment Guidance
Letter (TEGL) No. 10-09 (issued November 10, 2009) provides guidance on
implementing priority of service for veterans and eligible spouses in all
qualified job training programs funded in whole or in part by DOL. TEGL
No. 10-09 is available at


IV. Application and Submission Information
A. How to Obtain an Application Package
This SGA contains all of the information and links to forms needed to
apply for grant funding.
B. Content and Form of Application Submission
Proposals submitted in response to this SGA must consist of three
separate and distinct parts: (I) a cost proposal; (II) a technical proposal; and
(III) attachments to the technical proposal. Applications that do not contain
all of the three parts or that fail to adhere to the instructions in this section will
be considered non-responsive and will not be considered. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to ensure that the funding amount requested is consistent across
all parts and sub-parts of the application.
Part I. The Cost Proposal. The Cost Proposal must include the
following items:
SF-424, “Application for Federal Assistance” (available at The
SF-424 must clearly identify the applicant and must be signed by an
individual with authority to enter into a grant agreement. Upon confirmation
of an award, the individual signing the SF-424 on behalf of the applicant shall
be considered the authorized representative of the applicant. All applicants
for Federal grant and funding opportunities are required to have a Data
Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S®) number, and must supply their
D-U-N-S® Number on the SF-424. The D-U-N-S® Number is a nine-digit
identification number that uniquely identifies business entities. If you do not
have a D-U-N-S® Number, you can get one for free through the D&B
The SF-424A Budget Information Form (available at In
preparing the Budget Information Form, the applicant must provide a concise
narrative explanation to support the budget request, explained in detail below.
Budget Narrative: The budget narrative must provide a
description of costs associated with each line item on the SF-424A. It should
also include a description of leveraged resources provided (as applicable) to
support grant activities.
Note that the entire Federal grant amount requested (not just
one year) must be included on the SF-424 and SF-424A and budget narrative.
No leveraged resources should be shown on the SF-424 and SF-424A. The
amount listed on the SF-424, SF-424A and budget narrative must be the same.
Please note, the funding amount included on the SF-424 will be considered
the official funding amount requested if any inconsistencies are found.
Applications that fail to provide an SF-424 including D-U-N-S® Number, SF-


424A, and a budget narrative will be considered non-responsive and not
Regardless of the method of application submission, all
applicants must register with the Federal Central Contractor Registry (CCR)
before submitting an application. Step-by-step instructions for registering
with CCR can be found at
An awardee must maintain an active CCR registration with current
information at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an
application under consideration. To remain registered in the CCR database
after the initial registration, the applicant is required to review and update on
an annual basis from the date of initial registration or subsequent updates its
information in the CCR database to ensure it is current, accurate and
complete. For purposes of this paragraph, the applicant is the entity that
meets the eligibility criteria and has the legal authority to apply and to receive
the award. Failure to register with the CCR before application submission
will result in your application being found non-responsive and not being
Part II. The Technical Proposal. The Technical Proposal must
demonstrate the applicant’s capability to implement the grant project in
accordance with the provisions of this Solicitation. The guidelines for the
content of the Technical Proposal are provided in section V of this SGA. The
Technical Proposal is limited to 25 double-spaced single-sided 8.5 x 11 inch
pages with 12 point text font and 1 inch margins. Any materials beyond the
specified page limit will not be read. Applicants should number the Technical
Proposal beginning with page number 1. Applications that do not include
Part II, the Technical Proposal, will be considered non-responsive and not
Part III. Attachments to the Technical Proposal. In addition to the
Technical Proposal, the applicant must submit the following attachments:
A two-page abstract, which will serve as a summary of the grant
and will be shared publicly, that includes, but not limited to, the scope of
the project, population focus, strategies selected, and proposed
b) A chart displaying the WIA and Wagner-Peyser data to address
evaluation criteria in Section V.A.
c) A chart displaying state, population of state, and list of each local
d) A work plan and implementation schedule, staff responsibility,
expected milestones, and outcomes (A sample work plan is attached to
the SGA).
Applications that do not include the required attachments will be
considered non-responsive and will not be reviewed.


Only those attachments listed above as required attachments will be
excluded from the page limit. The required attachments must be affixed as
separate, clearly identified appendices to the application. Additional materials
such as resumes or general letters of support or commitment will not be
Applicants should not send documents separately to ETA, because
documents received separately will be tracked through a different system and
will not be attached to the application for review. ETA will not accept general
letters of support submitted by organizations or individuals that are not
partners in the proposed project and that do not directly identify the specific
commitment or roles of the project partners. Support letters of this nature will
not be considered in the evaluation review process.
C. Submission Date, Times, Process and Addresses
The closing date for receipt of applications under this announcement is
July 15, 2011. Applications may be submitted electronically on or in hard-copy by mail or hand delivery (including
overnight delivery). Hard-copy applications must be received at the address
below no later than 4 p.m. Eastern Time. Applications submitted on must also be successfully submitted (as described below) no later
than 4 p.m. Eastern Time. Applications sent by e-mail, telegram, or facsimile
(FAX) will not be accepted.
Applicants submitting proposals in hard-copy must submit an original
signed application (including the SF-424) and one (1) ‘‘copy-ready’’ version
free of bindings, staples or protruding tabs to ease in the reproduction of the
proposal by DOL. Applicants submitting proposals in hard copy are also
required to provide an identical electronic copy of the proposal on compact
disc (CD). If discrepancies between the hard copy submission and CD copy
are identified, the application on the CD will be considered the official
applicant submission for evaluation purposes. Failure to provide identical
applications in hardcopy and CD format may have an impact on the overall
If an application is physically submitted by both hard-copy and
through, a letter must accompany the hard-copy
application stating which application to review. If no letter accompanies the
hard-copy, we will review the copy submitted through
Applications that do not meet the conditions set forth in this notice will be
considered non-responsive. No exceptions to the mailing and delivery
requirements set forth in this notice will be granted. Further, documents
submitted separately from the application, before or after the deadline, will
not be accepted as part of the application.
Mailed applications must be addressed to the U.S. Department of
Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Federal


Assistance, Attention: B Jai Johnson, Grant Officer, Reference SGA/DFA PY
10-14, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N4716, Washington, DC 20210.
Applicants are advised that mail delivery in the Washington area may be
delayed due to mail decontamination procedures. Hand-delivered proposals
will be received at the above address. All overnight mail will be considered to
be hand-delivered and must be received at the designated place by the
specified closing date and time.
Applications that are submitted through must be
successfully submitted at no later than 4 p.m. Eastern
Time on the closing date and then subsequently validated by The
submission and validation process is described in more detail below. The
process can be complicated and time-consuming. Applicants are strongly
advised to initiate the process as soon as possible and to plan for time to
resolve technical problems if necessary.
The Department strongly recommends that before the applicant begins
to write the proposal, applicants should immediately initiate and complete the
“Get Registered” registration steps at Applicants should read
through the registration process carefully before registering. These steps may
take as much as four weeks to complete, and this time should be factored into
plans for electronic submission in order to avoid unexpected delays that could
result in the rejection of an application. The site also contains registration
checklists to help you walk through the process. The Department strongly
recommends that applicants download the “Organization Registration
Checklist” at
and prepare the information requested before beginning the registration
process. Reviewing and assembling required information before beginning
the registration process will alleviate last minute searches for required
information and save time.
As described above, applicants must have a D-U-N-S® Number and
must register with the Federal Central Contractor Registry (CCR).
The next step in the registration process is creating a username and
password with to become an Authorized Organizational
Representative (AOR). AORs will need to know the D-U-N-S® Number of
the organization for which they will be submitting applications to complete
this process. To read more detailed instructions for creating a profile on visit:
After creating a profile on, the E-Biz point of Contact (EBiz POC) - a representative from your organization who is the contact listed
for CCR - will receive an email to grant the AOR permission to submit
applications on behalf of their organization. The E-Biz POC will then log in


to and approve an applicant as the AOR, thereby giving him or her
permission to submit applications. To learn more about AOR Authorization
visit:, or to track AOR status
An application submitted through constitutes a submission
as an electronically signed application. The registration and account creation
with, with E-Biz POC approval, establishes an AOR. When you
submit the application through, the name of your AOR on file will
be inserted into the signature line of the application. Applicants must register
the individual who is able to make legally binding commitments for the
applicant organization as the AOR; this step is often missed and it is crucial
for valid submissions.
When a registered applicant submits an application with,
an electronic time stamp is generated within the system when the application
is successfully received by Within two business days of
application submission, will send the applicant two email
messages to provide the status of the application’s progress through the
system. The first email, sent almost immediately, will contain a tracking
number and will confirm receipt of the application by The second
email will indicate the application has either been successfully validated or
has been rejected due to errors. Only applications that have been successfully
submitted by the deadline and subsequently successfully validated will be
considered. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to ensure a timely
submission. While it is not required that an application be successfully
validated before the deadline for submission, it is prudent to reserve time
before the deadline in case it is necessary to resubmit an application that has
not been successfully validated. Therefore, sufficient time should be allotted
for submission (two business days) and, if applicable, additional time to
address errors and receive validation upon resubmission (an additional two
business days for each ensuing submission). It is important to note that if
sufficient time is not allotted and a rejection notice is received after the due
date and time, the application will not be considered.
To ensure consideration, the components of the application must be
saved as .doc, .xls or .pdf files. If submitted in any other format, the applicant
bears the risk that compatibility or other issues will prevent us from
considering the application. ETA will attempt to open the document but will
not take any additional measures in the event of problems with opening. In
such cases, the non-conforming application will not be considered for funding.
We strongly advise applicants to use the various tools and documents,
including FAQs, which are available on the “Applicant Resources” page at


ETA encourages new prospective applicants to view the online
tutorial, “Grant Applications 101: A Plain English Guide to ETA Competitive
Grants,” available through Workforce3One at
To receive updated information about critical issues, new tips for users
and other time sensitive updates as information is available, applicants may
subscribe to “ Updates” at
If applicants encounter a problem with and do not find an
answer in any of the other resources, call 1-800-518-4726 to speak to a
Customer Support Representative or email “[email protected]”. The
Contact Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is closed on
federal holidays.
Late Applications: For applications submitted on, only
applications that have been successfully submitted no later than 4:00 p.m.
Eastern Time on the closing date and then successfully validated will be
considered. Applicants take a significant risk by waiting to the last day to
submit by
Any hard-copy application received after the exact date and time
specified for receipt at the office designated in this notice will not be
considered, unless it is received before awards are made, it was properly
addressed, and it was: (a) sent by U.S. Postal Service mail, postmarked not
later than the fifth calendar day before the date specified for receipt of
applications (e.g., an application required to be received by the 20th of the
month must be postmarked by the 15th of that month); or (b) sent by
professional overnight delivery service to the addressee not later than one
working day before the date specified for receipt of applications.
‘‘Postmarked’’ means a printed, stamped or otherwise placed impression
(exclusive of a postage meter machine impression) that is readily identifiable,
without further action, as having been supplied or affixed on the date of
mailing by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service. Therefore, applicants
should request the postal clerk to place a legible hand cancellation ‘‘bull’s
eye’’ postmark on both the receipt and the package. Failure to adhere to these
instructions will be a basis for a determination that the application was not
filed timely and will not be considered. Evidence of timely submission by a
professional overnight delivery service must be demonstrated by equally
reliable evidence created by the delivery service provider indicating the time
and place of receipt.
D. Intergovernmental Review
This funding opportunity is not subject to Executive Order 12372,
“Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.”


E. Funding Restrictions
All proposal costs must be necessary and reasonable and in accordance
with Federal guidelines. Determinations of allowable costs will be made in
accordance with the applicable Federal cost principles. Disallowed costs are
those charges to a grant that the grantor agency or its representative
determines not to be allowed in accordance with the applicable Federal cost
principles or other conditions contained in the grant.
Applicants, whether successful or not, will not be entitled to
reimbursement of pre-award costs.
1. Indirect Costs
As specified in OMB Circular Cost Principles, indirect costs are those that
have been incurred for common or joint objectives and cannot be readily
identified with a particular final cost objective. An indirect cost rate (ICR) is
required when an organization operates under more than one grant or other
activity, whether Federally-assisted or not. Organizations must use the ICR
supplied by the Federal Cognizant Agency. If an organization requires a new
ICR or has a pending ICR, the Grant Officer will award a temporary billing
rate for 90 days until a provisional rate can be issued. This rate is based on
the fact that an organization has not established an ICR agreement. Within
this 90 day period, the organization must submit an acceptable indirect cost
proposal to their Federal Cognizant Agency to obtain a provisional ICR
2. Administrative Costs
Under this SGA, an entity that receives a grant to carry out a project or
program may not use more than 10 percent of the amount of the grant to pay
administrative costs associated with the program or project. Administrative
costs do not include activities listed in Section I.B (For example, the DRC
position is considered program costs; the Department will inform the grantee
of the allowable administrative costs after it is approved for funding).
Administrative costs could be direct or indirect costs, and are defined at 20
CFR 667.220. Administrative costs do not need to be identified separately
from program costs on the SF-424A Budget Information Form. However,
they must be tracked through the grantee’s accounting system. To claim any
administrative costs that are also indirect costs, the applicant must obtain an
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement from its Federal Cognizant agency, as specified
3. Salary and Bonus Limitations
Under Public Law 109-234, none of the funds appropriated in Public Law
109-149 or prior Acts under the heading “Employment and Training
Administration” that are available for expenditure on or after June 15, 2006,
may be used by a recipient or sub-recipient of such funds to pay the salary and
bonuses of an individual, either as direct costs or indirect costs, at a rate in


excess of Executive Level II, except as provided for in section 101 of Public
Law 109-149. Public Laws 111-8 and 111-117 contain the same limitation on
funds appropriated under each of these Laws. This limitation applies to grants
funded under this SGA. The salary and bonus limitation does not apply to
vendors providing goods and services as defined in OMB Circular A-133
(codified at 29 CFR Parts 96 and 99). See Training and Employment
Guidance Letter number 5-06 for further clarification:
4. Intellectual Property Rights: The Federal Government reserves a paid-up,
nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use,
and to authorize others to use for Federal purposes: i) the copyright in all
products developed under the grant, including a subgrant or contract under the
grant or subgrant; and ii) any rights of copyright to which the grantee,
subgrantee or a contractor purchases ownership under an award (including but
not limited to curricula, training models, technical assistance products, and
any related materials). Such uses include, but are not limited to, the right to
modify and distribute such products worldwide by any means, electronically
or otherwise. Federal funds may not be used to pay any royalty or licensing
fee associated with such copyrighted material, although they may be used to
pay costs for obtaining a copy which is limited to the developer/seller costs of
copying and shipping. If revenues are generated through selling products
developed with grant funds, including intellectual property, these revenues are
program income. Program income is added to the grant and must be expended
for allowable grant activities.
If applicable, the following needs to be on all products developed in
whole or in part with grant funds:
“This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The
product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official
position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes
no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with
respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and
including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness,
timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This
product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an
organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial
purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the
copyright owner.”
5. Use of Grant Funds for Participant Wages
Organizations that receive grants through this SGA may not use grant funds to
pay for the wages of participants. Further, the provision of stipends to
training enrollees for the purposes of wage replacement is not an allowable
cost under this SGA.


F. Other Submission Requirements
Withdrawal of Applications: Applications may be withdrawn by
written notice to the Grant Officer at any time before an award is made.

V. Application Review Information
A. Evaluation Criteria
This section identifies and describes the criteria that DOL will use for each
category to evaluate grant proposals. DOL will award points based on how
well an applicant fully demonstrates its approach and/or qualifications and
clearly provides that required information. We recommend that applicants
structure their Technical Proposal around the evaluation criteria and subcriteria in the same order in which they are listed and described below:
1. Program Delivery- Strategic Approach
a. Primary Focus, Rationale and Objectives
b. Strategies Approach
c. One-Stop Career Center System
2. Partnership Commitment and Resources
a. Strategic Partners
b. Partner Resources
3. Demonstrated Experience
a. Services and Outcomes to Adults or Youth
with Disabilities
b. Physical, Communication, and
Programmatic Accessibility
c. Programmatic Experience and Initiative
d. Registration and Operation as an
Employment Network
4. Project Management
a. Staff Capacity
b. Fiscal and Administrative Capacity
5. Outcomes and Sustainability
a. Outcomes
b. Sustainability


1. Program Delivery - Strategic Approach (40 Points)
Discuss the strategic approach and how you will incorporate required and
strategic service delivery components set forth in Sections I.C and I.D into the
project activities, including how the strategic approach will result in increased
access to and use of the One-Stop Career Center system’s services by adults
and/or youth with disabilities and their improved education, training, and/or

employment outcomes. Note that depending on the selected Strategic Service
Delivery Components in Section I.C., not all of the items in the paragraphs
below will apply.
DOL will assess the 40 possible points for this criterion as follows:
a. Primary Focus, Rationale, and Objectives (5 Points) – We will score under
this criterion based upon the extent to which the applicant:
 Clearly defines the primary focus of the DEI project (i.e., adults or
youth focus). For purposes of this SGA, youth are ages 14 - 24
(applicants may select the full age range given or age limits within this
range). States and local workforce areas are required to serve both
adults and youth with disabilities through the One-Stop delivery
system; however for the purpose of this SGA, DOL requires the
applicants to focus on only one population for the purpose of
developing replicable models and expertise, given the level of effort
that is required with the currently limited available funds;
 Clearly and fully explains the rationale for the selection of adults or
youth focus;
 Describes the overall objectives of the project and explains how these
objectives are consistent with and support the goals of the DEI;
 Provides adequate demographic information and explains whether the
project will focus on urban or rural environments, as well as
identifying any additional special focus of the project on other
targeted populations, such as: veterans with disabilities,
homeless individuals, TANF recipients; individuals with
developmental, psychiatric, and/or other non-visible disabilities, outof-school youth, ex-offenders, or other populations with significant
 Includes adults/youth with disabilities from racial or ethnic minorities
in the project;
 Includes SSI/SSDI beneficiaries in the project design.
b. Strategies Approach (20 Points) – We will score under this criterion based
upon the extent to which the applicant provides a convincing narrative that:
 Fully describes the overall strategic approach to be implemented and
demonstrates how this approach addresses the unique needs of the
primary population and focus;
 Clearly identifies the workforce areas the project expects to
 Explains how the project design is expected to lead to success in
achieving the goals of the DEI;
 Explains how the strategic service delivery components in Section I.D
will be deployed to achieve the stated objectives (a minimum of
two of the strategic service delivery components must be a significant
part of the project design, but more can be included).


i. Adult Focus – In addition, for projects which have an adult focus, scoring
under this criterion will also be based on the extent to which the applicant
provides a convincing narrative:
 Explains how the overall approach addresses the specific challenges
and needs of adult job seekers with disabilities, including the
availability of learning and skill assessments, retraining options, onthe-job training, customized employment, part-time employment, and
self-employment options, among others;
 Provides information on the availability of supportive services,
including assistance with transportation and other short-term
requirements for participation in training or employment;
 Provides adequate information on the state’s economy, including
career opportunities in high-growth job sectors, and explains how the
project will incorporate this information in the project design;
 Provides examples of linkages to the employer community and
explains how engagement of businesses and employers will facilitate
improved employment outcomes and achievement of goals;
 Includes strategies for outreach to the population the project expects to
serve, marketing of One-Stop services to job seekers with disabilities;
 Demonstrates experience in conducting similar outreach activities
similar to those described directly above;
 Identifies how it will use various asset development strategies in
achieving project goals;
 Identifies approaches that the project will use to improve outcomes for
any targeted populations included in the project design, such as
veterans with disabilities, TANF recipients, and persons who are
 Includes early intervention strategies, including deployment of
Medicaid Buy-in and explains how the project will use SSA work
incentive strategies for SSI/SSDI beneficiaries to achieve the goals of
the DEI.
ii. Youth Focus - In addition, for projects which have a youth focus, scoring
under this criterion will also be based on the extent to which the applicant
provides a convincing narrative:
 Explains how the overall strategic approach addresses the needs of
the youth the project intends to serve, including providing detailed
information on the extent to which the focus is on transitioning into the
workforce and the age range of the youth to be served;
 Includes outreach to out-of-school and at-risk youth;
 Explains how the project will incorporate Guideposts for Success, as
referenced in Section I.C;
 Identifies what vocational assessments, transition and
intermediary services and parental involvement will be components of





the project;
Identifies strategies for linkages with middle and secondary schools
and other education components;
Explains how the project will accomplish the availability of work
experience, summer youth activities, mentoring opportunities, on-thejob training and other opportunities for youth to engage in work
Identifies linkages to the employer community and explains how
engagement of business and employers will facilitate quality work
experience and help achieve the project goals;
Identifies the availability of education, training, and employment
opportunities that focus on career opportunities, in particular in highgrowth job sectors, and explains the applicant’s approach to further
career pathways;
Explains clearly the objectives of the project design in terms of
education outcomes, including access to community college and other
post secondary education, and the extent to which youth with
disabilities will obtain credentials or other certificates of
Identifies the extent to which the project will make part-time,
temporary and self-employment options available.
Describes how the project design will address systemic challenges to
education and employment of youth on SSI, and identifies the extent to
which the project will include youth on SSI; and
Includes apprenticeship training and employment options, if

c. One-Stop Career Center System (15 Points) – We will score under this
criterion based upon the extent to which the applicant provides a convincing
 Explains how the state will incorporate the following requirements
provided in Section III.A in the selection of at least two local WIBs:
1) demonstration of success in serving individuals with disabilities as
evidenced by their WIA and Wagner-Peyser data and outcomes;
2) provision of assurances of physical, programmatic, and
communication accessibility; 3) demonstration of commitment to prior
partner collaboration that suggests a high likelihood of success in the
implementation of the DEI cooperative agreement’s goals and
objectives; 4) incorporation of policies and procedures to help the
One-Stop Career Centers to effectively serve persons with disabilities;
and 5) provision of outreach to the disability community and
employers to facilitate the hiring of people with disabilities. For single
state workforce area states selecting distinct areas within the state that
would serve in the same roles as local WIBs in the states with multiple
WIBs, DOL will evaluate single state workforce areas based upon the
applicants addressing these factors at the state level;





Identifies any additional criteria the state will use for selecting local
WIBs to participate in the DEI project, including an overview of the
number of local workforce areas that exist in the state, and how many
local areas the state plans to include;
Explains how the requirements set forth in Section I.C. will be met;
Demonstrates the applicant’s status as an EN or explains its plans for
becoming an EN at the state and/or local WIB level, and explains what
part the EN role will play in the overall design and implementation of
the project;
Identifies whether the state currently collects SSI/SSDI status as part
of registration in WIA and Wagner-Peyser funded programs;
Explains planned activities under the DEI project to improve physical,
programmatic, and communication access, if applicable;
Explains how the project design will impact the workforce
development system, expand comprehensive service delivery, facilitate
systems change, incorporate universal design, and improve the
effective and meaningful education, training, and employment
opportunities for adults or youth with disabilities.

2. Partnership Commitment and Resources (20 points)
Discuss the partners with which the applicant is planning to collaborate with
in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the adult or youth DEI project,
including the extent to which the partners will be engaged (include informal
arrangements - e.g., cross-staff training, shared data, cross-referral, coenrollment - and formal agreements such as MOUs), and funds and resources
will be leveraged. Include the criteria that the applicant will use to address
partnerships and linkages among the WIBs participating in the cooperative
DOL will assess the 20 possible points for this criterion as follows:
Strategic Partners (10 Points) - We will score under this criterion based upon
the extent to which the applicant provides a convincing narrative that:
 Identifies and explains the participation of primary partners that will
actively participate in the DEI project in terms that demonstrate
understanding of the adult or youth focus and makes clear how these
partners are integral to the goals and objectives of the applicant’s
project design;
 Identifies partners involved at the state-level, and explains the extent
to which strong partnerships with state-level agencies (both general
workforce systems and disability specific programs and systems) have
been forged, what additional systems change efforts will be sought
through the DEI cooperative agreement, and how the project will use
state-level partnerships at the local level to increase service delivery
and outcomes;
 Identifies the linkages the project plans to develop and explains how
these will facilitate improved services and outcomes for SSI/SSDI



beneficiaries, including partnerships to address work incentives, asset
development, and SSA work provisions;
Identifies the extent to which co-location of and coordination amongst
Vocational Rehabilitation, Area Work Incentive Coordinators,
education, TANF, Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program, ENs,
Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Projects, or other organizational or
community providers is a factor in the state’s workforce system.

Partner Resources (10 Points) - We will score under this criterion based upon
the extent to which the applicant provides a convincing narrative:
 Explains how the program will leverage and incorporate partner
resources and programs in the project design and how these will
improve the services and outcomes of the adults or youth with
disabilities, as well as accomplish DEI objectives and
 Identifies resources and program dollars that the program plans to use
for the education and training of adults or youth, including resources
that will be available from WIA adult, dislocated worker, and youth
 Explains how flexible funding dollars (if applicant plans to use them)
will augment the available resources of individual job seekers and
identifies partner resources the program anticipates will be available
to the adult or youth with a disability through individual development
accounts, through IRTs, or other funds that expand the likelihood of
individual success and economic independence, including flexible
funding available through partner systems or the flexible-spending
3. Demonstrated Experience (20 Points)
Provide information about the applicant’s achievements to date in the
education, training, and employment or self-employment of adults and/or
youth with disabilities; actions taken to assure physical, programmatic, and
communication accessibility of the workforce system; and the extent to which
the applicant has promoted services that addressed the needs of job seekers
with disabilities. Provide criteria the applicant will use to identify WIBs with
significant accomplishments in the areas below.
DOL will assess the 20 possible points for this criterion as follows:
a. Services and Outcomes of Adults and Youth with Disabilities (5 Points) We will score under this criterion based upon the extent to which the
 Provides full and complete data on WIA and Wagner-Peyser services
for adults and youth in PYs 2008 and 2009. Applicants can provide
this information in chart form as an attachment. Applicants focusing
the DEI project on adults should include data on the: 1) number of all
exiters/registrants, number and percent of people with disabilities;



2) total number and percent entering employment, number and percent
of persons with disabilities; 3) total number and percent retaining
employment, number and percent of people with disabilities; and
4) average wage of all and average wage of people with disabilities.
Applicants focusing the DEI project on youth should include data on
the: 1) number of all exiters participating in older and younger WIA
youth programs, number of percent of people with disabilities;
2) educational achievements of all youth and those with disabilities;
and 3) employment outcomes of older youth. DOL will rate applicants
on the extent to which they have achieved successful outcomes when
providing services to adults or youth with disabilities;
Demonstrates prior participation with ETA’s DPN initiative and
ODEP’s Customized Employment or Youth demonstration grants and
identifies outcomes achieved.

b. Physical, Communication, and Programmatic Accessibility (5 Points) - We
will score under this criterion based upon the extent to which the applicant:
 Provides full and complete information on the status of physical,
communication, and programmatic accessibility in the state’s
workforce system, including the status of accessibility surveys,
workforce areas covered in the survey, corrective actions identified,
and current status. Information should also include the level of
commitment or innovation that has occurred at the state level and the
local WIB level;
 Explains implementation of assistive technologies, percent of
workforce areas covered, and what improvements are still needed;
 Identifies the status of communication access and strategies deployed
to meet the needs of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing;
 Demonstrates the implementation of deliberate strategies to address
accessibility and the level of commitment taken by the applicant to
improve accessibility and assure accessibility requirement have been
met since the implementation of WIA.
c. Programmatic Experience and Initiative (5 Points) – We will score this
criterion based upon the extent to which the applicant:
 Provides full and complete information on any special initiatives or
projects that have been implemented to address the particular needs of
adults or youth with disabilities;
 Demonstrates experience in successfully implementing a DPN or
ODEP grant, including the identified promising practices and the
extent to which the applicant implemented other initiatives and actions
to serve adults and youth with disabilities and/or other populations
with significant challenges to employment;
 Presents a convincing plan to become an EN and describes the benefits
of becoming an EN;




Demonstrates the successful implementation of special projects or
initiatives that have been directed to populations that are known to
often have a substantial number of individuals with disabilities such as
veterans, TANF recipients, homeless individuals, and ex-offenders.
Demonstrates the commitment of the state to capture partnership
involvement and contributions (e.g., resources leveraged) to outcomes.

d. Registration and Operation as an Employment Network (5 Points) – We
will score this criterion based upon the extent to which the applicant:
 Demonstrates registration as an EN;
 Demonstrates prior success in participation as an EN at the state or
local level;
4. Project Management (10 Points)
Describe the capacity of the state to effectively implement its applicant’s
proposal. Applicants must complete a work plan, and example of which is
found in Attachment A. Explain how you will monitor progress through the
work plan, implementation schedule, staff responsibilities, expected
milestones, and outcomes to ensure that you meet the objectives. You must
demonstrate that you have the management and administrative capacity to
collect the data required by the evaluation and to participate in each of the
evaluation phases. Describe how you will use management information
systems will be used to report on the performance outcomes of WIA and
Wagner-Peyser adults and youth with disabilities in local workforce areas, and
whether those adults and youth with disabilities have access to the DEI
interventions or the standard WIA and Wagner-Peyser services. Explain how
maximum use of participant data from the Workforce Investment Act
Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) and Wagner-Peyser reporting system,
and additional data collections will be made available to the Department.
DOL will assess the 10 possible points for this criterion as follows:
a. Staff Capacity (5 Points) – Scoring under this criterion will be based upon
the extent to which the applicant:
 Demonstrates the experience of the project lead regarding workforce
and disability knowledge;
 Provides a plan to hire an experienced and knowledgeable disability
coordinator (or more than one) at the local WIB level and identifies the
criteria that the applicant will use to assure that participating WIBs
hire individuals with disability expertise and include current or former
DPNs in the DEI disability resource coordinator positions when
possible (the applicant needed to explain why it selected someone
other than an existing or former DPN);
 Identifies the likely employing entity (e.g., state, local WIB, One-Stop
Career Center) of disability resource coordinator position(s). Identify
any utilization of consultants anticipated during the course of the DEI


b. Fiscal and Administrative Capacity (5 Points) Scoring under this criterion
will be based upon the extent to which the applicant:
 Demonstrates the capacity of the state to administer the DEI project,
including fiscal and oversight capability, its capacity for early start-up,
its capacity to timely and completely submit WIA quarterly fiscal, and
program reporting, and its ability to make participant data available to
the Department.
 Identifies the status of common intake, Management Information
Systems (MIS), and integrated data sets for WIA, Wagner-Peyser,
Vocational Rehabilitation, and non-mandated WIA programs such as
 Discusses audit or FPO findings and recommendations since PY 2007
and the status of corrective action(s).
 Describes its management and administrative capacity to collect the
data required by the evaluation and to participate in all phases of the
 Identifies how the state will provide access to the Department’s duly
designated contractor for evaluation purposes. DOL will protect the
confidentiality of these records and they will be protected to the fullest
extent possible under the law.
 Commits to working with the Department’s independent evaluator.
5. Outcomes and Sustainability (10 points) DOL will assess the 10 possible
points for this criterion as follows:
a. Outcomes (5 Points) – Scoring under this criterion will be based upon the
extent to which the applicant:
 Identifies an achievable set of anticipated outcomes that will result
from grant activities, including achieved goals and number of
individuals with disabilities served;
 Demonstrates its ability to achieve the stated outcomes and provide
timely or routine data on results within the timeframe of the grant;
 Clearly explains the scope of the project in terms of adults or youth
with disabilities expected to receive core, intensive, and training
services; education and employment outcomes expected; retention
expectations; and average wage the applicant expects participants will
receive (If a grantee states that it expects employment outcomes that
will result in sub-minimum wages for participants, DOL will consider
the grant applicant non-responsive and not consider it for funding);
 Demonstrates the capacity of the workforce system to capture program
co-enrollments (e.g., individuals enrolled in WIA and at least one
other program, such as TANF, VR, ENs, etc.).
b. Sustainability (5 Points) – Scoring under this score this criterion based
upon the extent to which the applicant:
 Develops and explains sustainability strategies for implementing
successful approaches that are demonstrated to improve the education

and employment outcomes of adults and youth with disabilities
beyond the end of the DEI grant;
 Provides detailed information on WIA and Wagner-Peyser, Ticket to
Work, and other program resources that the applicant will use to
replicate or expand the promising practices implemented by the
project to other LWIBs and One-Stop Career Centers.
B. Review and Selection Process
Applications for grants under this Solicitation will be accepted after
the publication of this announcement and until the closing date. A technical
review panel will carefully evaluate applications against the selection criteria.
These criteria are based on the policy goals, priorities, and emphases set forth
in this SGA. Up to 100 points may be awarded to an application, depending
on the quality of the responses to the required information described in
Section V., Subsection A. The ranked scores will serve as the primary basis
for selection of applications for funding, in conjunction with other factors
such as urban, rural, and geographic balance; the availability of funds; and
which proposals are most advantageous to the government. The panel results
are advisory in nature and not binding on the Grant Officer. The Grant
Officer may consider any information that comes to his/her attention. The
government may elect to award the grant(s) with or without discussions with
the applicant. Should a grant be awarded without discussions, the award will
be based on the applicant’s signature on the SF-424, including electronic
signature via E-Authentication on, which constitutes a
binding offer by the applicant.

VI. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
All award notifications will be posted on the ETA Homepage
( Applicants selected for award will be contacted
directly before the grant’s execution. Non-selected applicants will be notified
by mail or email and may request a written debriefing on the significant
weaknesses of their proposal.
Selection of an organization as a grantee does not constitute approval
of the grant application as submitted. Before the actual grant is awarded, ETA
may enter into negotiations about such items as program components, staffing
and funding levels, and administrative systems in place to support grant
implementation. If the negotiations do not result in a mutually acceptable
submission, the Grant Officer reserves the right to terminate the negotiations
and decline to fund the application. DOL reserves the right to not fund any
application related to this SGA.
B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
1. Administrative Program Requirements


All grantees will be subject to all applicable Federal laws, regulations,
and the applicable OMB Circulars. The grant(s) awarded under this SGA will
be subject to the following administrative standards and provisions:
i. Non-Profit Organizations - OMB Circular A-122 (Cost Principles),
relocated to 2 CFR Part 230, and 29 CFR Part 95 (Administrative
ii. Educational Institutions - OMB Circular A-21 (Cost Principles),
relocated to 2 CFR Part 220, and 29 CFR Part 95 (Administrative
iii. State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments - OMB Circular A-87
(Cost Principles), relocated to 2 CFR Part 225, and 29 CFR Part 97
(Administrative Requirements).
iv. Profit Making Commercial Firms - Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) - 48 CFR part 31 (Cost Principles), and 29 CFR Part 95
(Administrative Requirements).
v. All Grant Recipients must comply with the applicable provisions of
The Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Public Law No. 105-220, 112 Stat.
936 (codified as amended at 29 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) and the applicable
provisions of the regulations at 20 CFR 660 et seq. Note that 20 CFR part 667
(General Fiscal and Administrative Rules) includes unsuccessful applicant
appeal information.
vi. All entities must comply with 29 CFR Part 93 (New Restrictions
on Lobbying), 29 CFR Part 94 (Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free
Workplace (Financial Assistance)), 29 CFR 95.13 and Part 98
(Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension, and drug-free workplace
requirements), and, where applicable, 29 CFR Part 96 (Audit Requirements
for Grants, Contracts, and Other Agreements) and 29 CFR Part 99 (Audits of
States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations).
vii. 29 CFR Part 2, subpart D - Equal Treatment in Department of
Labor Programs for Religious Organizations, Protection of Religious Liberty
of Department of Labor Social Service Providers and Beneficiaries.
viii. 29 CFR Part 31 - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted
Programs of the Department of Labor - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
ix. 29 CFR Part 32 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in
Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance.
x. 29 CFR Part 35 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in
Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance from the
Department of Labor.
xi. 29 CFR Part 36 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in
Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance.
xii. 29 CFR Part 37 - Implementation of the Nondiscrimination and
Equal Opportunity Provisions of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
xiii. 29 CFR Parts 29 and 30 - Labor Standards for the Registration of
Apprenticeship Programs, and Equal Employment Opportunity in
Apprenticeship and Training, as applicable.


2. Other Legal Requirements:
i. Religious Activities
The Department notes that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
(RFRA), 42 U.S.C. Section 2000bb, applies to all Federal law and its
implementation. If your organization is a faith-based organization that makes
hiring decisions on the basis of religious belief, it may be entitled to receive
Federal financial assistance under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act and
maintain that hiring practice even though Section 188 of the Workforce
Investment Act contains a general ban on religious discrimination in
employment. If you are awarded a grant, you will be provided with
information on how to request such an exemption.
ii. Lobbying or Fundraising the U.S. Government with Federal Funds
In accordance with Section 18 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995
(Public Law 104-65) (2 U.S.C. 1611), non-profit entities incorporated under
Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c) (4) that engage in lobbying
activities are not eligible to receive Federal funds and grants. No activity,
including awareness-raising and advocacy activities, may include fundraising
for, or lobbying of, U.S. Federal, State or Local Governments (see OMB
Circular A-122).
iii. Transparency Act Requirements
DOL is committed to conducting a transparent grant award process
and publicizing information about program outcomes. Posting grant
applications on public websites is a means of promoting and sharing
innovative ideas. For this grant competition, we will publish the abstracts
required by Section IV, Part IIIa, for all applications on the Department’s
website or similar location. Additionally, we will publish a version of the
Technical Proposal required by Section IV, Part II, for all those applications
that are awarded grants, on the Department’s website or a similar location.
No other parts or attachments to the application will be published. The
Technical Proposals and abstracts will not be published until after the grants
are awarded. In addition, information about grant progress and results may
also be made publicly available.
DOL recognizes that grant applications sometimes contain
information that an applicant may consider proprietary or business
confidential information, or may contain personally identifiable information.
Information is considered proprietary or confidential commercial/business
information when it is not usually disclosed outside your organization and
when its disclosure is likely to cause you substantial competitive harm.
Personally identifiable information is information that can be used to
distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity, such as name, social security
number, date and place of birth, mother‘s maiden name, or biometric records,


or other information that is linked or linkable to an individual, such as
medical, educational, financial, and employment information. 1
Abstracts will be published in the form originally submitted, without
any redactions. However, in order to ensure that confidential information is
properly protected from disclosure when DOL posts the winning Technical
Proposals, applicants whose technical proposals will be posted will be asked
to submit a second redacted version of their Technical Proposal, with
proprietary, confidential commercial/business, and personally identifiable
information redacted. All non-public information about the applicant’s staff
should be removed as well. The Department will contact the applicants whose
technical proposals will be published by letter or email, and provide further
directions about how and when to submit the redacted version of the
Technical Proposal. Submission of a redacted version of the Technical
Proposal will constitute permission by the applicant for DOL to post that
redacted version. If an applicant fails to provide a redacted version of the
Technical Proposal, DOL will publish the original Technical Proposal in full,
after redacting personally identifiable information. (Note that the original,
unredacted version of the Technical Proposal will remain part of the complete
application package, including an applicant’s proprietary and confidential
information and any personally identifiable information.)
Applicants are encouraged to maximize the grant application
information that will be publicly disclosed, and to exercise restraint and redact
only information that truly is proprietary, confidential commercial/business
information, or capable of identifying a person. The redaction of entire pages
or sections of the Technical Proposal is not appropriate, and will not be
allowed, unless the entire portion merits such protection. Should a dispute
arise about whether redactions are appropriate, DOL will follow the
procedures outlined in the Department’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
regulations (29 CFR part 70).
Redacted information in grant applications will be protected by DOL
from public disclosure in accordance with federal law, including the Trade
Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. § 1905), FOIA, and the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
If DOL receives a FOIA request for your application, the procedures in
DOL’s FOIA regulations for responding to requests for commercial/business
information submitted to the government will be followed, as well as all FOIA
exemptions and procedures. 29 CFR § 70.26. Consequently, it is possible
that application of FOIA rules may result in release of information in response
to a FOIA request that an applicant redacted in its “redacted copy.”


Memorandums 07-16 and 06-19. GAO Report 08-536, Privacy: Alternatives Exist for Enhancing
Protection of Personally Identifiable Information, May 2008,


The Department is working with OMB to meet the requirements of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1965 (PRA), and will not require any
applicants to submit any redactions until the PRA process has been completed.
3. Other Administrative Standards and Provisions
Except as specifically provided in this SGA, DOL/ETA’s acceptance
of a proposal and an award of Federal funds to sponsor any programs(s) does
not provide a waiver of any grant requirements and/or procedures. For
example, the OMB Circulars require that an entity’s procurement procedures
must ensure that all procurement transactions are conducted, as much as
practical, to provide open and free competition. If a proposal identifies a
specific entity to provide services, the DOL’s award does not provide the
justification or basis to sole source the procurement, i.e., avoid competition,
unless the activity is regarded as the primary work of an official partner to the
4. Special Program Requirements
i. Mandatory Participation in the Evaluation
To assess the effects of DEI, the Department is asking state applicants
to identify all the local WIBs in their states that have the capacity to
implement the pilot and are willing to be part of the evaluation. Post-award,
the Department will conduct a modified random site lottery (in consultation
with the state) for each grantee state. Under this lottery, each site identified
by the state will have a 50/50 chance of being chosen to receive funding
through the state to implement the SGA project.
For example, if the state applicant nominates six sites to participate in
the DEI, three sites will be selected by the site lottery to implement the DEI
and three sites would be control sites that would not implement the DEI. All
adults and youth with disabilities in the control sites will have access to all the
standard WIA and Wagner-Peyser services their WIBs and the state offers.
The outcomes of these individuals across the two groups of WIBs will be
compared to evaluate the effects of DEI. To that end, all WIBs listed in the
application-whether they are selected or not in the lottery-must participate in
the evaluation which would entail providing the evaluation contractor with the
individuals records of all adults and youth with disabilities served. Up to 5%
of the state’s grant funds available may be used to help offset the cost of
increased data requirements for all WIBs in the evaluation.
DOL requires that the program or project participate and fully
cooperate in the evaluation of DEI’s impact on programs and individuals with
disabilities as a condition of award. Participating in the evaluation entails:
1) participating in a site lottery in which all local WIBs identified in the
winning applications are entered to determine which of them receive the DEI
services; 2) having both the selected DEI and the non-selected DEI WIBs
collect the additional data items needed from the evaluation from all

individuals with disabilities that receive services from the WIBs; and 3) by
accepting fund the state applicant and the local WIBs agree to comply with all
other DOL’s data collection and other evaluation activities. The Department
will make maximum use of participant data from the Workforce Investment
Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) and Wagner-Peyser reporting
system, but additional data collection will be necessary. DOL will require
awardees to provide access to individualized records that contain sufficient
information to allow data matching with SSA disability records.
C. Reporting
Grantees must agree to meet DOL reporting requirements. Quarterly
financial reports, quarterly progress reports, and MIS data must be submitted
by the grantee electronically. The grantee is required to provide the reports
and documents listed below:
1. Quarterly Financial Reports
A Quarterly Financial Status Report (ETA 9130) is required until such
time as all funds have been expended or the grant period has expired.
Quarterly reports are due 45 days after the end of each calendar year quarter.
Grantees must use DOL’s Online Electronic Reporting System and
information and instructions will be provided to grantees.
2. Quarterly Performance Reports
The grantee must submit a quarterly progress report within 45 days
after the end of each calendar year quarter. The report must include quarterly
information regarding grant activities and information on employment
outcomes for those individuals who have exited to date. This reporting will
require post-program exit follow-up and tracking of participants.
The last quarterly progress report that grantees submit will serve as the
grant’s Final Performance Report. This report should provide both quarterly
and cumulative information on the grant activities. It must summarize project
activities, employment outcomes and other deliverables, and related results of
the project, and should thoroughly document the training or labor market
information approaches used by the grantee. DOL will provide grantees with
formal guidance about the data and other information that is required to be
collected and reported on either a regular basis or special request basis.
Grantees must agree to meet DOL reporting requirements.
3. Record Retention
Applicants must be prepared to follow Federal guidelines on record
retention, which require grantees to maintain all records pertaining to grant
activities for a period of not less than three years from the time of final grant


VII. Agency Contacts
For further information about this SGA, please contact Serena Boyd,
Grants Management Specialist, Division of Federal Assistance, at (202) 6933338. Applicants should e-mail all technical questions to
[email protected] and must specifically reference SGA/DFA PY 10-14,
and along with question(s), include a contact name, fax and phone number.
This announcement is being made available on the ETA Web site at and at

VIII. Additional Resources of Interest to Applicants
A. DOL Web-Based Resources for the Applicant
1. DOL maintains a number of web-based resources that may be of
assistance to applicants. These include Workforce3One Resources. For
example, the Disability and Employment Workforce3one Web site, provides disability and employment
resources for the workforce investment system, including promising practices
to promote the positive employment outcomes of persons with disabilities and
Disability Program Navigator (DPN) successful strategies and promising
practices. It also has archived materials from the past seven years of DPN
training and technical assistance activities.
2. In addition to ODEP’s Web-based resources noted in other parts of
this SGA, applicants may find additional helpful information on disability and
employment issues at
3. ETA encourages applicants to view the on-line tutorial, “Grant
Applications 101: A Plain English Guide to ETA Competitive Grants,”
available through Workforce3One at:

IX. Other Information
OMB Information Collection No. 1225-0086
OMB Information Collection No 1225-0086, Expires November 30, 2012.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are
required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection
displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 20 hours per response,
including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. Send comments about the burden estimated or any


other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, to the attention of the
Departmental Clearance Officer, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room
N1301, Washington, DC 20210. Comments may also be emailed to
[email protected]. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THE
This information is being collected for the purpose of awarding a
grant. The information collected through this “Solicitation for Grant
Applications” will be used by the Department of Labor to ensure that grants
are awarded to the applicant best suited to perform the functions of the grant.
Submission of this information is required in order for the applicant to be
considered for award of this grant.
Signed May 31, 2011, in Washington, D.C. by:

B Jai Johnson
Grant Officer, Employment and Training Administration


Attachment A: Sample Project Work Plan Project Work Plan
Priority 1:
Strategy 1.1:

Develop a virtual
Strategy Total:
Start Date:
environment for
medical record
technicians. The
eligible applicant
will develop
curriculum, faculty
user guides, and
web interface
testing and
This activity will
be supported
through a
subcontract to
Organization X to
beta-test software
and provide
technical support.
End Date:
Year 1:
Equipment purchases complete – February 2012
Year 2:
Cohorts begin virtual training – September 2012
Year 3:
Strategy 1.2:
Strategy Total:


May 2011

100 persons
trained using A
virtual training
environment that
will result in the
training of 100

May 2014
Subcontract awarded – May 2011
Curriculum and user guides complete – July
Cohorts complete virtual training – May 2014
Start Date:

Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Priority 2:
Strategy 2.1:
Year 1:



End Date:

Strategy Total:



Start Date:
End Date:

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-10-05
File Created2011-05-31

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