10 Physical Education and Activity State Questionnaire

School Health Policies and Practices Study 2012

Appendix G-2 Physical Education_State

State Recruitment and Data Collection

OMB: 0920-0445

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OMB No: 0920-0445

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Physical Education and Activity
State Questionnaire

5 January 2011


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attention PRA (0920-0445).

Physical Education
State Questionnaire


Standards 1–2

State Assistance to Districts and Schools 3–9

Elementary School Instruction 10–12

Middle School Instruction 13–15

High School Instruction 16–18

Fitness Testing 19–20

Certification, Licensure, or Endorsement 21

Professional Development 22

Collaboration 23–24

Interscholastic Sports 25

Physical Education Coordinator 26–34


  1. Some questions in this questionnaire will ask about physical education in your state. Physical education refers to class time that is spent teaching physical education. Please do not include instruction on physical activity topics that are part of health education or any other subject or course. Also, do not consider regularly scheduled recess. You have been identified as the person who knows the most about how physical education is provided throughout all grades in your state. As you think about the questions, please consider all physical education provided to students in your state.

  2. For the purposes of this questionnaire, “elementary school” refers to a school that contains any of grades K–5. “Middle school” refers to a school that contains any of grades 6–8. Some jurisdictions may refer to these schools as “junior high schools.” “High school” refers to a school that contains any of grades 10–12. Some jurisdictions may refer to these schools as “senior high schools.”

The first questions ask about your state’s physical education standards. These standards might cover student expectations and performance outcomes for physical education.

  1. Has your state adopted national or state physical education standards?

Yes 1


  1. Are these physical education standards based on the National Standards for Physical Education from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about state assistance to districts and schools.

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state develop, revise, or assist in developing model policies, policy guidance, or other materials to inform district or school policy on each of the following physical education topics?

Yes No

  1. Time requirements for elementary school
    physical education 1 2

  2. Time requirements for middle school
    physical education 1 2

  3. Time and graduation requirements for high school
    physical education 1 2

  4. Certification or licensure requirements for
    physical education teachers 1 2

  5. Professional development or continuing education
    requirements to maintain certification or licensure 1 2

  6. Use of physical activity as a punishment during
    physical education class 1 2

  7. Exemptions or waivers for physical education
    requirements for participation in other activities 1 2

  8. Using fitness tests 1 2

  9. Assessing student achievement of physical education
    standards 1 2

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state develop, revise, or assist in developing model policies, policy guidance, or other materials to inform district or school policy on each of the following physical activity topics?

Yes No

  1. Recess 1 2

  2. Physical activity outside of physical education
    and recess, such as classroom-based physical activity 1 2

  3. Walking or biking to or from school 1 2

  4. Preventing, recognizing, and responding
    to concussions among students 1 2

  5. Measuring or monitoring student weight status,
    such as body mass index (BMI) 1 2

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state distribute to district or school staff model policies, policy guidance, or other materials to inform district or school policy on each of the following physical education topics?

Yes No

  1. Time requirements for elementary school
    physical education 1 2

  2. Time requirements for middle school
    physical education 1 2

  3. Time and graduation requirements for high school
    physical education 1 2

  4. Certification or licensure requirements for
    physical education teachers 1 2

  5. Professional development or continuing education
    requirements to maintain certification or licensure 1 2

  6. Use of physical activity as a punishment during
    physical education class 1 2

  7. Exemptions or waivers for physical education
    requirements for participation in other activities 1 2

  8. Using fitness tests 1 2

  9. Assessing student achievement of physical education
    standards 1 2

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state distribute to district or school staff model policies, policy guidance, or other materials to inform district or school policy on each of the following physical activity topics?

Yes No

  1. Recess 1 2

  2. Physical activity outside of physical education
    and recess, such as classroom-based physical activity 1 2

  3. Walking or biking to or from school 1 2

  4. Preventing, recognizing, and responding
    to concussions among students 1 2

  5. Measuring or monitoring student weight status,
    such as body mass index (BMI) 1 2

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state distribute to district or school staff the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT)?

Yes 1

No 2

The next question asks about technical assistance your state may have provided to district or school staff. Technical assistance refers to tailored guidance to meet the specific needs of the district or school that may be provided through phone, e-mail, Internet, or in-person meetings.

  1. During the past 12 months, has your state provided technical assistance to district or school staff on…

Yes No

  1. Using the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis
    Tool (PECAT) to help assess physical education curricula? 1 2

  2. Using data to plan or evaluate physical education
    policies or practices? 1 2

  3. Time requirements for elementary school
    physical education? 1 2

  4. Time requirements for middle school
    physical education? 1 2

  5. Time and graduation requirements for high school
    physical education? 1 2

  6. Certification or licensure requirements
    for physical education teachers? 1 2

  7. Professional development or continuing education
    requirements to maintain certification or licensure? 1 2

  8. Use of physical activity as a punishment during
    physical education class? 1 2

  9. Exemptions or waivers for physical education
    requirements for participation in other activities? 1 2

  10. Using fitness tests? 1 2

  11. Assessing student achievement of physical
    education standards? 1 2

  12. Recess? 1 2

  13. Physical activity outside of physical education and recess,
    such as classroom-based physical activity? 1 2

(Q8 continued)

Yes No

  1. Walking or biking to or from school? 1 2

  2. Preventing, recognizing, and responding to concussions
    among students? 1 2

  3. Measuring or monitoring student weight status,
    such as body mass index (BMI)? 1 2

  1. During the past 2 years, did your state develop, revise, or assist in developing or improving each of the following items?

Yes No

  1. Physical education curricula 1 2

  2. Physical education standards 1 2

  3. A framework or course of study for physical education 1 2

  4. Instructional strategies for physical education 1 2

  5. Lesson plans or learning activities for physical education 1 2

  6. Plans or tools for assessing or evaluating students
    in physical education 1 2

The next questions ask about elementary school instruction.

  1. Has your state adopted standards for elementary school physical education?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q12

  1. Do the standards adopted by your state for elementary school physical education specifically address…

Yes No

  1. Competence in motor skills and movement patterns
    needed to perform a variety of physical activities? 1 2

  2. Understanding of movement concepts, principles,
    strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning
    and performance of physical activities? 1 2

  3. Regular participation in physical activity? 1 2

  4. Achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing
    level of physical fitness? 1 2

  5. Responsible personal and social behavior that respects
    self and others in physical activity settings? 1 2

  6. Value for physical activity for health, enjoyment,
    challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction? 1 2

The next questions ask about resources that state agencies may provide to districts or schools for elementary school physical education.

  1. During the past two years, has your state provided…

Yes No

  1. A list of one or more recommended elementary school
    physical education curricula? 1 2

  2. Physical education standards for elementary school? 1 2

  3. A framework or course of study for elementary
    physical education? 1 2

  4. Lesson plans or learning activities for elementary school
    physical education? 1 2

  5. Plans or tools for assessing or evaluating students
    in elementary school physical education? 1 2

The next questions ask about middle school instruction.

  1. Has your state adopted standards for middle school physical education?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q15

  1. Do the standards adopted by your state for middle school physical education specifically address…

Yes No

  1. Competence in motor skills and movement patterns
    needed to perform a variety of physical activities? 1 2

  2. Understanding of movement concepts, principles,
    strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning
    and performance of physical activities? 1 2

  3. Regular participation in physical activity? 1 2

  4. Achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing
    level of physical fitness? 1 2

  5. Responsible personal and social behavior that respects
    self and others in physical activity settings? 1 2

  6. Value for physical activity for health, enjoyment,
    challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction? 1 2

The next questions ask about resources that state agencies may provide to districts or schools for middle school physical education.

  1. During the past two years, has your state provided…

Yes No

  1. A list of one or more recommended middle school
    physical education curricula? 1 2

  2. Physical education standards for middle school? 1 2

  3. A framework or course of study for middle school
    physical education? 1 2

  4. Lesson plans or learning activities for middle school
    physical education? 1 2

  5. Plans or tools for assessing or evaluating students
    in middle school physical education? 1 2

The next questions ask about high school instruction.

  1. Has your state adopted standards for high school physical education?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q18

  1. Do the standards adopted by your state for high school physical education specifically address…

Yes No

  1. Competence in motor skills and movement patterns
    needed to perform a variety of physical activities? 1 2

  2. Understanding of movement concepts, principles,
    strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning
    and performance of physical activities? 1 2

  3. Regular participation in physical activity? 1 2

  4. Achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing
    level of physical fitness? 1 2

  5. Responsible personal and social behavior that respects
    self and others in physical activity settings? 1 2

  6. Value for physical activity for health, enjoyment,
    challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction? 1 2

The next questions ask about resources that state agencies may provide to districts or schools for high school physical education.

  1. During the past two years, has your state provided…

Yes No

  1. A list of one or more recommended high school
    physical education curricula? 1 2

  2. Physical education standards for high school? 1 2

  3. A framework or course of study for high school
    physical education? 1 2

  4. Lesson plans or learning activities for high school
    physical education? 1 2

  5. Plans or tools for assessing or evaluating students
    in high school physical education? 1 2

  1. Do districts or schools in your state report fitness test data to the state education agency or state health department?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q21

  1. Does your state use fitness test data to…

Yes No

  1. Monitor student fitness levels? 1 2

  2. Monitor student obesity rates? 1 2

  3. Assess student performance in physical education? 1 2

  4. Inform the development or improvement of policies,
    standards, or instruction for physical education? 1 2

The next questions ask about types of certification, licensure, or endorsement your state may offer for physical education teachers.

  1. Does your state offer certification, licensure, or endorsement for…

Yes No

  1. Physical education for grades K–12? 1 2

  2. Physical education for elementary school? 1 2

  3. Physical education for middle school? 1 2

  4. Physical education for high school? 1 2

  5. Combined physical education and health education
    for grades K–12? 1 2

  6. Combined physical education and health education
    for elementary school? 1 2

  7. Combined physical education and health education
    for middle school? 1 2

  8. Combined physical education and health education
    for high school? 1 2

The next questions are about professional development for those who teach physical education. This might include workshops, conferences, continuing education, graduate courses, or any other kind of in-service.

  1. During the past two years, has your state provided funding for or offered professional development to those who teach physical education on…

Yes No

  1. Methods to increase the amount of class time students
    are engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity? 1 2

  2. Methods to promote gender equity in physical education
    and sports? 1 2

  3. Using technology such as computers or video cameras
    for physical education? 1 2

  4. Using physical activity monitoring devices such as
    pedometers or heart rate monitors for physical education? 1 2

  5. Encouraging family involvement in physical activity? 1 2

  6. Administering or using fitness tests? 1 2

  7. Helping students develop individualized physical
    activity plans? 1 2

  8. Injury prevention and first aid? 1 2

  9. How to prevent, recognize, and respond to concussions
    among students? 1 2

  10. Teaching physical education to students with long-term
    physical, medical, or cognitive disabilities? 1 2

  11. Teaching individual or paired activities or sports? 1 2

  12. Teaching team or group activities or sports? 1 2

  13. Teaching movement skills and concepts? 1 2

  14. Assessing or evaluating student performance
    in physical education? 1 2

  15. Developing and using student portfolios
    for physical education? 1 2

  16. Teaching methods to promote inclusion and active
    participation of overweight children during
    physical education? 1 2

(Q22 continued)

Yes No

  1. Chronic health conditions, for example asthma
    or diabetes, including recognizing and responding
    to severe symptoms or reducing triggers? 1 2

  2. Methods for developing, implementing, and evaluating
    intramural or physical activity clubs? 1 2

  3. Developing, implementing, and evaluating comprehensive
    school physical activity programs? 1 2

  4. Establishing walking or biking to school programs? 1 2

  5. Assessing student weight status using body mass
    index (BMI), skinfolds, or bioelectric impedance? 1 2

  6. Physical education standards? 1 2

  7. Teaching online or distance education courses? 1 2

  8. Transforming traditional face-to-face courses into
    an online format? 1 2

  9. Using the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis
    Tool (PECAT) to help assess physical education curricula? 1 2

  10. Using data to plan or evaluate physical education
    policies or practices? 1 2

The next questions ask about collaboration among physical education staff and other staff in your state.

  1. During the past 12 months, have state-level physical education staff worked on physical education activities with state-level…

State does
not have staff
Yes No in this area

  1. Health education staff? 1 2 3

  2. Health services staff? 1 2 3

  3. Mental health or social services staff? 1 2 3

  4. Child nutrition or nutrition services staff? 1 2 3

  1. During the past 12 months, have state-level physical education staff worked on physical education activities with staff or members from…

State does
not have

this agency
Yes No or organization

  1. The state health department? 1 2 3

  2. Action for Healthy Kids? 1 2 3

  3. Alliance for a Healthier Generation? 1 2 3

  4. An AAHPERD state affiliate? 1 2 3

  5. The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness
    and Sports? 1 2 3

  6. The state parks or recreation department? 1 2 3

  7. The state department of transportation? 1 2 3

  8. A state-level school nurses’ association
    or organization? 1 2 3

  9. A state-level physicians’ organization, such
    as the American Academy of Pediatrics? 1 2 3

  10. A state-level health organization, such as
    the American Heart Association or the
    American Cancer Society? 1 2 3

  11. A state-level parents’ organization, such as
    the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)? 1 2 3

  12. A state-level youth organization, such as
    the Boys and Girls Club? 1 2 3

(Q24 continued)

State does
not have

this agency
Yes No or organization

  1. A state-level school health committee,
    council, or team? 1 2 3

  2. Colleges or universities? 1 2 3

  3. Businesses? 1 2

  4. A professional sports team? 1 2 3

  1. During the past two years, has your state education agency provided any funding for or offered professional development to coaches of interscholastic sports?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Currently, does someone in your state oversee or coordinate physical education?

Yes 1

No 2 That is the last question.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

  1. Are you this person?

Yes 1

No 2 That is the last question.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

The last few questions ask about your educational background.

  1. Do you have an undergraduate degree?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q34

  1. What did you major in?

Physical education 1

Health education 2

Other education 3

Kinesiology, exercise physiology,
or exercise science 4

Other (Specify) 5

  1. Did you have an undergraduate minor?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q32

  1. What did you minor in?

Physical education 1

Health education 2

Other education 3

Kinesiology, exercise physiology,
or exercise science 4

Other (Specify) 5

  1. Do you have a graduate degree?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q34

  1. In what area or areas?

Physical education 1

Health education 2

Other education 3

Kinesiology, exercise physiology,
or exercise science 4

Other (Specify) 5

  1. Are you certified, licensed, or endorsed by the state to teach physical education at the…

State does not
offer certification,
licensure, or
to teach physical
Yes No at this level

  1. Elementary school level? 1 2 3

  2. Middle school level? 1 2 3

  3. High school level? 1 2 3

Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this study.

If you would like more information about this study or would like clarification of any questions in this questionnaire, please call 800-287-1815.

Physical Education and Activity State Questionnaire—National Review Version 0

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File TitleForm Approved
Last Modified Byarp5
File Modified2011-03-09
File Created2011-03-03

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