21 Healthy and Safe School Environment School Questionnaire

School Health Policies and Practices Study 2012

Appendix G-18 Healthy&Safe Environment_School

School Data Collection

OMB: 0920-0445

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OMB No: 0920-0445
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Healthy and Safe School Environment
School Questionnaire

7 January 2011


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 75 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attention PRA (0920-0445).

Healthy and Safe School Environment
School Questionnaire



General School Environment 1–28

Violence Prevention 29–51

Tobacco Use Prevention 52–79

Alcohol Use Prevention 80–84

Illegal Drug Use Prevention 85–94

Injury Prevention and Safety 95–116


Physical School Environment 117–142


Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery 143–153

Family Involvement 154–156

Community Service and Service Learning 156–161

Physical Activity 162–179

Foods and Beverages Available Outside of the School Meal Program 180–218

School Health Coordination 219–244



  1. What is your job title at the school? (In which role do you spend more time?)

1) Principal

2) Asst. Principal/Other School Administrator

3) School Secretary

4) Physical Ed Teacher

5) Athletic Director

6) Health Ed Teacher

7) Other Teacher

8) Food Service Manager

9) Commercial Food Service Provider

10) Other School Food Service Staff

11) School Counselor

12) Social Worker

13) Psychologist

14) Other Mental Health/
Social Services Provider

15) Nurse

16) Health Aide

17) Physician

18) Other Health Services Provider

19) SBHC Health Services Staff

20) SBHC Mental Health/
Social Services Staff

21) Facilities or Maintenance Director

22) Other Facilities or Maintenance Staff

50) Other Staff

During this interview, I will ask about policies and practices that affect the health, safety and security of the school environment at this school, such as measures taken to reduce violence, and to reduce alcohol or other drug use at school. When I ask about “policies,” I mean any mandate issued by the state, the local school board, or any other agency that affects your school environment. Please consider any policies officially adopted by your school or district, including policies developed by your school or (district/diocese), as well as policies built on model federal or state policies. In addition, I will ask about practices that you might follow to promote the health and well-being of students. Please keep in mind that I will be asking only about policies and practices, not about standard classroom instruction on these topics. If I ask about things that do not apply to this school or that your school does not do, please bear with me.

  1. How many students are currently enrolled in…

Kindergarten? Students

1st grade? Students

2nd grade? Students

3rd grade? Students

4th grade? Students

5th grade? Students

6th grade? Students

7th grade? Students

8th grade? Students

9th grade? Students

10th grade? Students

11th grade? Students

12th grade? Students

The next questions ask about physical features in and around your school.

  1. Other than restroom sinks, does your school have hand washing facilities or hand sanitizers available for students to use?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school provide students with access to a free source of drinking water, such as fountains, dispensers, or bottled sources, throughout the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Are students permitted to have a drinking water bottle with them during the school day?

Yes, throughout the school day 1

Yes, during certain periods of the school day 2

No 3

  1. Does your school have a school garden?

Yes 1

No 2

My next questions focus on safety and security measures.

  1. Is this school a “closed campus,” meaning that students are not allowed to leave school during the school day, including during lunchtime?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the school day, are staff or adult volunteers assigned to monitor…

Yes No

  1. School halls during classes? 1 2

  2. School halls between classes? 1 2

  3. Bathrooms? 1 2

  4. School grounds? 1 2


  1. Does this school routinely conduct locker searches?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have lockers 3

  1. Are students at this school required to wear school uniforms?

Yes 1 SKIP TO Q12A

No 2

  1. Is there a dress code at your school?

Yes 1

No 2

12a. Are students at your school required to wear identification badges?

Yes 1

No 2

12b. What about school faculty and staff?

Yes 1

No 2

12c. What about visitors to your school? These identification badges can include adhesive stickers with hand-written names.

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the school day, does your school use…

Yes No

  1. Security or surveillance cameras, either inside
    or outside the building? 1 2

  2. Metal detectors, including wands? 1 2

  3. Communication devices, such as cell phones,
    2-way radios, walkie-talkies, or intercoms

for security purposes? 1 2

  1. At your school, are students required to refrain from using personal communication devices, such as cell phones, during the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. I’m going to ask about different types of security staff that this school might use. During
    the regular school day, does your school use…

Yes No

  1. Police or school resource officers? 1 2

  2. Security guards? 1 2


  1. Are any of the security staff at your school armed?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. At your school, do students receive a student handbook, code of conduct, or other document that outlines school policies, rules, regulations and standards for behavior that students are expected to follow?

Yes 1


  1. Are students required to acknowledge receipt of the student handbook, code of conduct, or other document?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does the student handbook, code of conduct, or other document inform students about rules related to…

Yes No

  1. The use of personal communication devices,
    such as cell phones? 1 2

  2. Physical fighting? 1 2

  3. Weapon possession or use? 1 2

  4. Gang activity? 1 2

  5. Bullying? 1 2

  6. Electronic aggression or cyber-bullying? 1 2

  7. Cigarette smoking? 1 2

  8. Smokeless tobacco use? 1 2

  9. Alcohol use? 1 2

  10. Illegal drug possession or use? 1 2


  1. Playground safety? 1 2

The next questions are related to transportation.

  1. What is the posted speed limit in your school zone during peak school travel times? (If there is more than one posted speed limit, what is the highest?)

15 mph or lower 1

20 mph 2

25 mph 3

30 mph 4

35 mph or higher 5

  1. What percentage of students in your school live within one mile of a school building entrance?

10% or less 1

11–20% 2

21–30% 3

31–40% 4

41–50% 5

51–60% 6

61–70% 7

71–80% 8

81–90% 9

Greater than 90% 10

  1. Hazard busing occurs when students are bused relatively short distances to school (about one mile or less) because their walk route is deemed to be hazardous. These hazards might include lack of sidewalks, high traffic volume, unmarked crossings, railroad crossings, or major arterial roads. Does your school use hazard busing for any students?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school support or promote the use of public transportation for its students to travel to and from school?

Yes 1

No 2

No public transportation available 3

  1. Does your school support or promote the use of public transportation for its faculty and staff to travel to and from school?

Yes 1

No 2

No public transportation available 3

  1. Has your school implemented an engine idling reduction program for…

School does
not have
Yes No school buses

  1. School buses? 1 2 3

  2. Cars? 1 2

  3. Delivery trucks? 1 2

The next questions ask about joint use agreements.

A joint use agreement is a formal agreement between the school or school district and another public or private entity to jointly use either school facilities or community facilities to share costs and responsibilities. For example, joint use agreements might be designed to increase access to spaces for recreation and physical activity, library services, school health centers, preschool programs, child care centers, before- or after-school programs, adult education, or other programs that benefit students and the community. These could be indoor or outdoor education or recreational facilities.

  1. Does your school, either directly or through the school district, have such an agreement for shared use of school or community property? Do not include situations where the community can use school property but no formal agreement with another entity exists.

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q29

  1. Does this agreement apply to the use of facilities for…

Yes No

  1. Indoor recreation or physical activity? 1 2

  2. Outdoor recreation or physical activity? 1 2

  3. Library services? 1 2

  4. Preschool or child care programs? 1 2

  5. Before or after school programs? 1 2

  6. Adult education programs? 1 2

  7. Other activities or programs? 1 2

  1. Does your school, either directly or through the school district, have a joint use agreement with…

Yes No

  1. A local parks or recreation department? 1 2

  2. A local youth organization, such as the YMCA,
    Boys or Girls Clubs, or the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts? 1 2

  3. A local faith-based organization? 1 2

  4. A local health club? 1 2

  5. Any other public or private entity? 1 2

Now I would like to ask about your school’s policies regarding violence.

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught physically fighting?

Yes 1



  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught physically fighting?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Victim versus perpetrator status 4

Repeat offender status 5

None 6


  1. When students were caught physically fighting, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Referred to peer mediation? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Required to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Placed in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities
    or interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  10. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  12. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught using or possessing a weapon?

Yes 1



  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took
    when students were caught using or possessing a weapon?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

Type of weapon 5

Use versus possession 6

None 7


  1. When students were caught using or possessing a weapon, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Required to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Place in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  10. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting gang activity, such as recruiting or wearing gang colors, symbols, or other gang attire?

Yes 1

No 2

Now, I’d like to ask about procedures that your school might use to involve students, families, and other community members in your violence prevention efforts.

  1. During the past two years, have…

Yes No

  1. Students helped develop, communicate, or implement
    violence prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  2. Students’ families helped develop, communicate,
    or implement violence prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  3. Community members helped develop, communicate,
    or implement violence prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  1. Does your school post signs marking a weapons-free school zone, that is, a specified distance from school grounds where weapons are not allowed?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about bullying. By “bullying,” I mean when one or more students tease, threaten, spread rumors about, hit, shove, or hurt another student over and over again. It is not bullying when two students of about the same strength or power argue or fight or tease each other in a friendly way.

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting bullying on school property?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting bullying at off-campus, school-sponsored events?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught bullying?

Yes 1



  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught bullying?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

Type of bullying
(for example, physical or verbal) 5

None 6

  1. When students were caught bullying, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Referred to peer mediation? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Required to participate in
    an assistance or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4

  7. Placed in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  10. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  12. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

The next questions as about electronic aggression, sometimes called cyber-bullying. By “electronic aggression,” I mean when students use a cell phone, the Internet, or other communication devices to send or post text, pictures, or videos intended to threaten, harass, humiliate, or intimidate other students or staff.

  1. Has your school adopted a policy prohibiting electronic aggression or cyber-bullying on school property?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has your school adopted a policy prohibiting electronic aggression or cyber-bullying at off‑campus, school-sponsored events?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has your school adopted a policy prohibiting any electronic aggression or cyber-bullying that interferes with the educational environment, even if it does not occur on school property or at school-sponsored events?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught engaging in electronic aggression or cyber-bullying?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q49


  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught engaging in electronic aggression or cyber-bullying?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

None 5


  1. When students were caught engaging in electronic aggression or cyber- bullying, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Referred to peer mediation? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Required to participate in an assistance
    or education program? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4

  7. Placed in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  10. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  12. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

The next questions ask about school-wide programs to prevent behaviors related to violence. When answering these questions, please do not include instruction on these topics that occurs only in health education classes or courses.

  1. Does your school have or participate in…

Yes No

  1. A program to prevent dating violence? 1 2

  2. A program to prevent gang violence? 1 2

  3. A program to prevent bullying? 1 2

  1. Does this school have a plan for the actions to be taken when a student at risk for suicide is identified?

Yes 1


  1. Does this plan require that…

Yes No

  1. The student’s family will be informed? 1 2

  2. The student will be referred to a mental health provider? 1 2

  3. A visit with a mental health provider will be documented
    before the student returns to school? 1 2

The next questions ask about your school’s policies regarding tobacco use.

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting cigarette smoking by students?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q54

  1. Does your school’s policy specifically prohibit cigarette smoking by students…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught smoking cigarettes?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q57


  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught smoking cigarettes?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

None 5


  1. When students were caught smoking cigarettes, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Required to participate in an assistance
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Place in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  10. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting cigar or pipe smoking by students?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting smokeless tobacco use by students?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q60

  1. Does your school’s policy specifically prohibit smokeless tobacco use by students…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught using smokeless tobacco?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q63


  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught using smokeless tobacco?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

None 5


  1. When students were caught using smokeless tobacco, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Required to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Place in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  10. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

  1. Is tobacco advertising prohibited…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2

  5. Through sponsorship of school events? 1 2

  1. Are students at your school prohibited from wearing tobacco brand-name apparel or carrying merchandise with tobacco company names, logos, or cartoon characters on it?

Yes 1

No 2

Now, I’d like to ask about procedures that your school might use to involve students, families, and other community members in your tobacco use prevention efforts.

  1. During the past two years, have…

Yes No

  1. Students helped develop, communicate, or implement
    tobacco use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  2. Students’ families helped develop, communicate,
    or implement tobacco use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  3. Community members helped develop, communicate,
    or implement tobacco use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  1. Does your school post signs marking a tobacco-free school zone, that is, a specified distance from school grounds where tobacco use is not allowed?

Yes 1

No 2


  1. Does your school have or participate in a youth empowerment or advocacy program related to tobacco use prevention?

Yes 1

No 2

These next questions are about tobacco use by faculty and staff.

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting cigarette smoking by faculty and staff during any school-related activity?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q70

  1. Does your school’s policy specifically prohibit cigarette smoking by faculty and staff…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting cigar or pipe smoking by faculty and staff during any school-related activity?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting smokeless tobacco use by faculty and staff during any school-related activity?

Yes 1


  1. Does your school’s policy specifically prohibit smokeless tobacco use by faculty and staff…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2


  1. Does your school have procedures to inform faculty and staff…

Yes No

  1. About rules related to tobacco use by faculty and staff? 1 2

  2. About what happens if they break the rules? 1 2

These next questions are about tobacco use by school visitors. By “visitors,” I mean anyone other than students or faculty and staff, including family members, community members, contractors, and repair workers. These people might visit school during or outside of school hours.

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting cigarette smoking by school visitors?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q76

  1. Does your school’s policy specifically prohibit cigarette smoking by school visitors…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting cigar or pipe smoking by school visitors?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting smokeless tobacco use by school visitors?

Yes 1


  1. Does your school’s policy specifically prohibit smokeless tobacco use by school visitors…

Yes No

  1. In school buildings? 1 2

  2. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots
    and playing fields? 1 2

  3. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  4. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2


  1. Does your school have procedures to inform school visitors…

Yes No

  1. About rules related to tobacco use by visitors? 1 2

  2. About what happens if they break the rules? 1 2

Now I would like to ask about alcohol use among students at your school.

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught drinking alcohol?

Yes 1



  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught drinking alcohol?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

None 5


  1. When students were caught drinking alcohol, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Required to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Place in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  10. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

Now, I’d like to ask about procedures that your school might use to involve students, families, and other community members in your alcohol use prevention efforts.

  1. During the past two years, have…

Yes No

  1. Students helped develop, communicate, or implement
    alcohol use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  2. Students’ families helped develop, communicate,
    or implement alcohol use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  3. Community members helped develop, communicate,
    or implement alcohol use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  1. Does your school have or participate in a community-based alcohol use prevention program?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about illegal drug use among students at your school.

  1. During the 2010–11 school year, were there four or more times that students at your school were caught possessing or using illegal drugs?

Yes 1



  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught possessing or using illegal drugs?

Zero-tolerance 1

Effect or severity of the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Repeat offender status 4

Type of drug 5

None 6


  1. When students were caught possessing or using illegal drugs, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Referred to a school counselor? 1 2 3 4 5

  2. Referred to a school administrator? 1 2 3 4

  3. Encouraged, but not required,
    to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Required to participate in an assistance,
    education, or cessation program? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Referred to legal authorities? 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Placed in detention? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Given in-school suspension? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Not allowed to participate in
    extracurricular activities or
    interscholastic sports? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  10. Expelled from school? 1 2 3 4

  11. Reassigned to an alternative school? 1 2 3 4 5

Now, I’d like to ask about procedures that your school might use to involve or inform students, families, and other community members in your illegal drug use prevention efforts.

  1. During the past two years, have…

Yes No

  1. Students helped develop, communicate, or implement
    illegal drug use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  2. Students’ families helped develop, communicate, or
    implement illegal drug use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  3. Community members helped develop, communicate, or
    implement illegal drug use prevention policies or activities? 1 2

  1. Does your school post signs marking a drug-free school zone, that is, a specified distance from school grounds where illegal drugs are not allowed?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school have or participate in a community-based illegal drug use prevention program?

Yes 1

No 2


The next questions ask about student drug testing.

  1. Does your school conduct any drug testing on students?

Yes 1



  1. The next questions ask about how students are chosen for drug testing at your school.

Yes No


  1. Is student drug testing conducted randomly, with the entire
    student population subject to testing? 1 2

  2. Is student drug testing conducted randomly among
    members of specific groups of students, such as athletes,
    students who participate in other extracurricular activities,
    or student drivers? 1 2

  3. Is student drug testing conducted when it is suspected
    that a student is using drugs at school, that is, for cause? 1 2

  4. Is student drug testing voluntary for all students
    or for specific groups of students? 1 2

  5. Are students chosen for drug testing using criteria
    other than the ones we just discussed? 1 2

  1. Does your school test for…

Yes No

  1. Alcohol? 1 2

  2. Nicotine? 1 2

  3. Cocaine? 1 2

  4. Marijuana? 1 2

  5. Opiates, for example, heroin or morphine? 1 2

  6. Amphetamines, for example, methamphetamine or Ecstasy? 1 2

  7. Phencyclidine, that is, PCP? 1 2

  8. Steroids? 1 2


  1. Which of the methods on this card does your school use to conduct drug testing?

Breathalyzer (breath alcohol test) 1

Urine 2

Hair 3

Saliva 4

Sweat 5

Other 6

The next questions ask about injury prevention and safety procedures related to sports or playground activities, school lab or workshop activities, the use of school vehicles, and fire safety.

  1. During the past 12 months, have the following been inspected and provided with the appropriate maintenance?


Yes No NA

  1. Playground facilities and equipment,
    such as playing surfaces, benches,
    monkey bars, and swings 1 2 3

  2. Indoor athletic facilities and equipment,
    such as playing surfaces, benches,
    tumbling mats, and weight lifting
    equipment 1 2 3

  3. Outdoor athletic equipment,
    such as playing fields and bleachers 1 2 3

  4. Special classroom areas, such as
    chemistry labs, workshops, and art rooms. 1 2 3

  5. Other areas of the school, such as halls,
    stairs, and regular classrooms 1 2 3

  6. Smoke alarms 1 2 3

  7. Fire extinguishers 1 2 3

  8. Sprinkler systems 1 2 3

  9. Lighting inside school buildings 1 2 3

  10. Lighting outside school buildings 1 2 3

  11. Automated external defibrillators (AED) 1 2 3

  1. Are students required to wear appropriate protective gear when engaged in…

Yes No NA

  1. Classes such as wood shop or metal shop? 1 2 3

  2. Lab activities for photography, chemistry,
    biology, or other science classes? 1 2 3

  1. Are students required to use hearing protection devices during classes or activities where they are exposed to potentially unsafe noise levels, such as industrial arts classes or marching band? By “hearing protection devices,” I mean any piece of equipment or apparatus that is made to reduce the loudness of sound, such as earplugs or earmuffs.

Yes 1

No 2


  1. Does your school use the safety checklist and equipment guidelines published in the Handbook for Public Playground Safety by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school have rules related to playground safety?

Yes 1


  1. Does your school post rules for the safe use of specific types of playground equipment, such as swings, slides, or climbing structures?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the 2010–2011 school year, were there four or more times that students were caught breaking playground safety rules?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q105


  1. Which of the things listed on this card helped determine what actions the school took when students were caught breaking playground safety rules?

Effect or severity of the violation 1

Whether an injury resulted from the violation 2

Grade level of student 3

Victim versus perpetrator status 4

Repeat offender status 5

None 6

  1. When students were caught breaking playground safety rules, how often were they

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always

  1. Provided verbal redirection
    by a playground monitor? 1 2 3 4

  2. Required to refrain from playing
    for a designated time period? 1 2 3 4

  3. Not allowed to participate in
    the next scheduled recess period?
    (e.g., the next day) 1 2 3 4

  4. Placed in detention? 1 2 3 4

  5. Suspended from school? 1 2 3 4

  1. When students were caught breaking playground safety rules, how often were students’ families notified?

Never 1

Rarely 2

Sometimes 3

Almost always or always 4


  1. Schools often establish rules that students must follow to use a school’s parking facilities. These rules are sometimes outlined in a parking permit agreement. Does your school’s parking permit agreement specifically require seat belt use?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have
parking permit agreement 3

  1. Does your school have a procedure to monitor seat belt use on school property?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the past two years, have

Yes No

  1. Students helped develop, communicate, or implement
    injury prevention and safety policies or activities? 1 2

  2. Students’ families helped develop, communicate,
    or implement injury prevention and safety policies
    or activities? 1 2

  3. Community members helped develop, communicate,
    or implement injury prevention and safety policies
    or activities? 1 2

  1. Has your school ever been sued because of an injury that occurred on school property or at an off-campus, school-sponsored event? Please include any claim filed with a court, regardless of the outcome.

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about sun safety.

  1. During the past 12 months, how often were outdoor activities scheduled to avoid times when the sun was at peak intensity?

Never 1

Rarely 2

Sometimes 3

Almost always or always 4

  1. How would you describe the shade available to students while outside when the sun is at peak intensity? Consider shade created by trees, covered or sheltered areas, or canopies in outdoor spaces.

No shade for students to use during
any outdoor activity 1

Enough shade for sedentary activities
such as eating or outdoor
classroom instruction 2

Enough shade available for both
sedentary and active activities
(such as recess or physical education) 3

  1. Are any of the following strategies used to support or promote sunscreen use among students?

Yes No

  1. Parents are asked to ensure students apply sunscreen
    before school 1 2

  2. Teachers allow time for students to apply sunscreen
    at school 1 2

  3. Teachers remind students to apply sunscreen
    before going outside 1 2

  4. The school makes sunscreen available for students to use 1 2

  1. Does your school encourage students to wear protective clothing, such as long sleeve shirts or long pants, when in the sun during the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school encourage students to wear hats or visors when in the sun during the school day?

Yes 1 SKIP TO Q115

No 2

  1. Are students prohibited from wearing hats or visors when in the sun during the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school encourage students to wear sunglasses when in the sun during the school day?

Yes 1 SKIP TO Q117

No 2

  1. Are students prohibited from wearing sunglasses when in the sun during the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

The next section asks about the physical school environment, such as building maintenance, indoor air quality, pest control, and chemicals.

  1. Does your school conduct periodic inspections…

Yes No

  1. For condensation in and around the school facilities? 1 2

  2. Of the building foundation, walls, and roof for cracks,
    leaks, or past water damage? 1 2

  3. For mold? 1 2

  4. Of the plumbing system? 1 2

  5. Of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system,
    or HVAC, system? 1 2

  6. That test drinking water outlets for lead? 1 2

  7. For clutter that prevents effective cleaning
    and maintenance? 1 2

  1. In what year was this school’s main instructional building constructed?

  1. In what year was the last major renovation of the main instructional building? By “major renovation” I mean a significant rehabilitation of the interior of the building; of major systems in the building such as the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system; or of the building envelope, that is, the outer shell of the building such as the foundation, roof, walls, doors and windows. Major renovations would also include building new attached and/or detached permanent additions to original buildings such as a new classroom wing or gymnasium.


  1. During the past 12 months, has your school conducted an inspection for cracked or peeling paint that may contain lead?

Yes 1

No 2

Lead paint previously identified
and remediated 3

  1. During the past 12 months, has your school conducted an inspection for caulking around windows and doors that may contain PCBs?

Yes 1

No 2

PCBs in caulking previously identified
and remediated 3

  1. How often does your school conduct a campus wide inspection for pests such as ants, roaches, bees, mice, or rats? By “campus wide,” I mean inside the buildings and on the school grounds.

Weekly 1

Monthly 2

Quarterly 3

Every 6 months 4

Once per year 5

As needed 6

Other time frame 7

  1. How often does your school notify staff, students, and families prior to the application of pesticides?

Never 1

Each time 2

Once per year 3

Other time frame 4

School does not apply pesticides 5

  1. During the past 12 months, how often…

Some- Always or
Never Rarely times Always N/A

  1. Were ASHRAE standards
    for ventilation maintained? 1 2 3 4

  2. Were openings in walls, floors, doors,
    and windows sealed with caulk
    or weather stripping? 1 2 3 4 5

  3. Were vegetation, shrubs, and wood mulch
    kept at least one foot away from buildings
    to control pests? 1 2 3 4 5

  4. Was eating allowed only in designated areas
    to control pests? 1 2 3 4

  5. Was waste stored in plastic, glass,
    or metal containers with tight lids
    so that it was inaccessible to pests? 1 2 3 4

  6. Were cracks in the pavement
    and sidewalks repaired? 1 2 3 4 5

  7. Were infested or diseased plants
    removed? 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Were spot treatments and baiting used
    rather than widespread applications
    of pesticides? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Were indoor and outdoor areas that had
    been treated with pesticides marked? 1 2 3 4 5

For the next questions, please answer based on what your school does in those months when school is in session.

  1. How often does your school clean student lockers, cubbies, or inside of desks in order to remove any food remains?

Daily 1

Weekly 2

Monthly 3

Quarterly 4

Every 6 months 5

Once per year 6

As needed 7

Other time frame 8

  1. How often does your school clean or sanitize desk tops?

Daily 1

Weekly 2

Monthly 3

Quarterly 4

Every 6 months 5

Once per year 6

As needed 7

Other time frame 8

  1. How often does your school disinfect trash containers?

Daily 1

Weekly 2

Monthly 3

Quarterly 4

Every 6 months 5

Once per year 6

As needed 7

Other time frame 8

  1. Does your school have a plan for how to address mold problems?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the past 12 months, did your school respond to moisture-related issues, such as floods, leaks, or condensation within 48 hours or less?

Yes 1

No 2

No moisture-related issues during the past
12 months 3

  1. Does your school have an indoor air quality management program?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q131

  1. Is your program based on EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Has your school ever been tested for radon?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school operate its own water system, that is, the school obtains drinking water from its own well, spring, or small reservoir?

Yes 1 SKIP TO Q136

No 2

  1. During the past 12 months, was your school’s drinking water tested for…

Yes No

  1. Bacteria? 1 2

  2. Coliforms? 1 2

  3. Other contaminants? 1 2


  1. Were the results of this/these test(s) provided to…

Yes No

  1. School faculty and staff? 1 2

  2. Students’ families? 1 2

  3. Students? 1 2

  1. Does your school flush drinking water outlets after periods of non-use, such as after weekends or school vacations?

Yes 1

No 2

The next question asks about low-emitting products, which are products designed to give off low levels of fumes or vapors. These products might include floor covering, furniture, paint, cleaners, markers, textiles, or adhesives.

  1. Has your school adopted a policy to purchase low-emitting products for use in and around the school and school grounds, including in art classes, industrial art classes, and science laboratories?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about hazardous materials. Hazardous materials are chemicals or materials that may be harmful to people or the environment. Some examples are paint, chemicals used for science experiments or art classes, cleaning products, and pesticides.

  1. Does your school have a plan for how to reduce the use of hazardous materials or chemicals?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school keep an inventory of hazardous materials or chemicals in the school?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q141

  1. How often is the inventory reviewed or updated?

Daily 1

Weekly 2

Monthly 3

Quarterly 4

Every 6 months 5

Once per year 6

As needed 7

Other time frame 8

  1. Are custodial or maintenance staff at this school required to receive training on…

Yes No

  1. Use of hazardous materials? 1 2

  2. Labeling of hazardous materials? 1 2

  3. Storage of hazardous materials? 1 2

  4. Disposal of hazardous materials? 1 2

  5. How to reduce the use of hazardous materials? 1 2

  6. How to address mold problems? 1 2

  7. Indoor air quality? 1 2

  8. School drinking water quality? 1 2

  9. Pest management practices that limit the use of pesticides? 1 2

  1. Are all teachers at your school who use hazardous materials or chemicals, such as science teachers, art teachers, or vocational education teachers, required to receive training on…

Yes No

  1. Use of hazardous materials? 1 2

  2. Labeling of hazardous materials? 1 2

  3. Storage of hazardous materials? 1 2

  4. Disposal of hazardous materials? 1 2

  5. How to reduce the use of hazardous materials? 1 2

The next questions ask about crisis preparedness, response, and recovery in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency situation.


  1. Which of the following best describes your school’s plan to address crisis preparedness, response, and recovery in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency or crisis situation?

This school does not have such a plan 1 SKIP TO Q149

This school uses a plan provided
by the district 2 SKIP TO Q147

This school uses a district-level plan that has
been adapted to meet our school’s needs 3

This school has its own plan 4

  1. Did your school use any materials from the U.S. Department of Education, such as Practical Information on Crisis Planning: A Guide for Schools and Communities, to develop the plan?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. In developing the crisis preparedness, response, and recovery plan, did your school work with staff or members from…

Yes No

  1. A local fire department? 1 2

  2. A local law enforcement agency? 1 2

  3. Local emergency medical services? 1 2

  4. The local public transportation department? 1 2

  5. A local health department? 1 2

  6. A local mental health or social services agency? 1 2

  7. A local hospital? 1 2

  8. A local homeland security office
    or emergency management office? 1 2

  1. Did your school work with students, families, or other community members to develop the crisis preparedness, response, and recovery plan?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does the crisis preparedness, response, and recovery plan used by your school include…

Yes No

  1. Evacuation plans? 1 2

  2. Procedures to stop people from leaving or entering
    school buildings, that is, lock down plans? 1 2

  3. Procedures to control the exterior of the building
    and school grounds? 1 2

  4. Plans to seek immediate shelter and remain in that area
    during a chemical, biological, or radiological emergency
    rather than evacuating, or shelter-in-place plans? 1 2

  5. Requirements to conduct regular emergency drills,
    other than fire drills? 1 2

  6. Family reunification procedures? 1 2

  7. Provisions for students and staff with special needs? 1 2

  8. Plans to resume normal activities after buildings
    or facilities have been damaged? 1 2

  9. Provision of mental health services for students, faculty,
    and staff after a crisis has occurred, for example to treat
    post-traumatic stress disorder? 1 2

  10. Mechanisms for communicating with school personnel? 1 2

  11. Establishment of an incident command system? 1 2

  12. Procedures for responding to media inquiries? 1 2

  13. Mechanisms for communicating the plan
    to students’ families? 1 2

  14. Requirements to periodically review and revise
    emergency response plans? 1 2

  15. Procedures for responding to pandemic flu or other
    infectious disease outbreaks? 1 2

  16. Procedures for implementing unplanned school dismissal
    or school closure? 1 2

  1. During the past two years, has your school provided training on the crisis preparedness, response, and recovery plan to…

Yes No

  1. School faculty and staff? 1 2

  2. Students? 1 2

  3. Students’ families? 1 2

  1. During the past two years, has your school provided training on crisis preparedness, response, and recovery to students’ families?

Yes 1

No 2

IF Q143 IS 1 OR 2, SKIP TO Q151.

  1. During the past 12 months, has your school’s crisis preparedness, response, and recovery plan been evaluated or assessed?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Some communities have a group of local agencies that coordinates crisis preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. Such a group might be called a local emergency planning committee, an emergency management team, or something else. Is your school a member of such a group?

Yes 1

No 2

No such group 3

  1. Is your school designated to serve as a staging area or a community shelter during local emergencies?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school have a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, weather radio?

Yes 1

No 2


The next questions ask about family involvement in school. This card lists some ways faculty might promote family involvement in school.

  1. During the past 12 months, how many of your school’s faculty…

None Some Most All N/A

  1. Provided students’ families with a way
    to communicate directly with teachers,
    such as voicemail or an e-mail address?
    Would you say none, some, most, or all? 1 2 3 4

  2. Provided families with the opportunity
    to review curricula? 1 2 3 4

  3. Provided families with copies
    of assignments? 1 2 3 4

  4. Contacted families to communicate
    about problems with their child? 1 2 3 4 5

  5. Contacted families to communicate
    praise about their child? 1 2 3 4

  6. Encouraged families to volunteer
    at the school, for example by asking
    parents for assistance with fundraising
    efforts or to serve as a chaperone
    for school trips? 1 2 3 4

  7. Discussed with families ways
    to reinforce learning at home? 1 2 3 4

  8. Requested that families regularly review
    and sign homework assignments? 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Encouraged families to attend
    parent-teacher conferences? 1 2 3 4 5

  10. Encouraged family participation in
    parent-teacher association (PTA)
    meetings? 1 2 3 4 5

  1. Are students at this school involved in developing school or classroom rules?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. A parent information and resource center is a designated place in a school where parents can meet with other parents, teachers or school administrators to learn about and volunteer for school events or programs. These centers may also disseminate materials or provide services, such as parent workshops or conferences. Does your school have a parent information and resource center?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about community service and service-learning. By “community service,” I mean unpaid work that helps the community. By “service-learning,” I mean a particular type of community service that is designed to meet specific learning objectives for a course.

  1. Does your school provide community service opportunities for students?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q159

  1. At your school, is community service…

Yes No

  1. Required for all students? 1 2


  1. Required for students in specific grades? 1 2

  2. Required for students who meet specific criteria,
    for example honor students? 1 2

  3. Voluntary for all students? 1 2

  1. Does your school provide service-learning opportunities for students?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q161

  1. At your school, is service-learning…

Yes No

  1. Required for all students? 1 2


  1. Required for students in specific grades? 1 2

  2. Required for students in specific courses? 1 2

  1. Does your school participate in a program in which family or community members serve as role models to students or mentor students, such as the Big Brothers Big Sisters program?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about physical activity.


I would like to ask about times when students participate in regularly scheduled recess at this school. Please do not include activities that students engage in during physical education class.

  1. In what grade or grades do students participate in regularly scheduled recess during the school day?

Kindergarten 0

1st Grade 1

2nd Grade 2

3rd Grade 3

4th Grade 4

5th Grade 5

6th Grade 6

None 7 SKIP TO Q174

  1. On average, how many days per week are the students scheduled to have recess?


  1. On average, how many minutes each day do students spend in recess?


  1. About how many classes have regularly scheduled recess immediately before lunch?

None 1

Less than half 2

Half 3

More than half 4

All 5

  1. About how many classes have regularly scheduled recess immediately after lunch?

None 1

Less than half 2

Half 3

More than half 4

All 5

  1. Are faculty and staff at this school allowed to exclude students from all or part of recess as punishment for bad behavior?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q169

  1. Are faculty and staff at this school discouraged from excluding students from all or part of recess as punishment for bad behavior?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Which of the following statements best describes how recess is structured at your school?

Students engage in free play
or physical activity 1

Students are required to use
physical activity or fitness stations 2

Other (Specify) 3

  1. Is recess held outdoors, weather permitting?

Yes 1

No 2


  1. (When students cannot go outside for recess,) which of the following statements best describes what happens during recess time?

Students participate in physical activity
in the gymnasium, multi-purpose room,
or cafeteria 1

Students participate in physical activity
in regular classrooms 2

Students watch a DVD/video (do not include
physical activity DVDs/videos) 3

Other (Specify) 4

  1. Do students participate in regular physical activity breaks, outside of physical education class and recess, during the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school have a specified time or event for school-wide physical activity outside of physical education classes and recess, for example during morning announcements?

Yes 1

No 2


  1. Do students participate in regular physical activity breaks, outside of physical education class, during the school day?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school have a specified time or event for school-wide physical activity outside of physical education classes, for example during morning announcements?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school do any of the following activities to support or promote walking or biking to and from school?

Yes No

  1. Use paid or volunteer crossing guards 1 2

  2. Use a walking school bus 1 2

  3. Use law enforcement officials to promote traffic safety
    near the school 1 2

  4. Use law enforcement officials to prevent crime
    near the school 1 2

  5. Provide bicycle racks at school 1 2

  6. Provide promotional materials to students or parents
    such as safety tips or maps of bicycle
    or walking routes to school 1 2

  7. Use traffic calming devices to slow driving speeds
    near the school 1 2

  8. Use reduced speed limits in a specified school zone
    during peak school travel times 1 2

  1. On an average school day, what percentage of students walk or bike TO your school in the morning?

10% or less 1

11–20% 2

21–30% 3

31–40% 4

41–50% 5

51–60% 6

61–70% 7

71–80% 8

81–90% 9

More than 90% 10

  1. On an average school day, what percentage of students walk or bike home (or to some other destination) FROM your school in the afternoon?

10% or less 1

11–20% 2

21–30% 3

31–40% 4

41–50% 5

51–60% 6

61–70% 7

71–80% 8

81–90% 9

More than 90% 10

  1. Does your school prohibit students from walking or biking to or from school?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about influences on students’ dietary behavior while at school.

  1. Are faculty and staff at this school prohibited from using food or food coupons as a reward for good behavior or good academic performance?

Yes 1 SKIP Q182

No 2

  1. Are faculty and staff at your school discouraged from using food or food coupons as a reward for good behavior or good academic performance?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school prohibit withholding food or restricting the types of foods available as a form of punishment?



No 2

  1. Does your school discourage withholding food or restricting the types of foods available as a form of punishment?

Yes 1

No 2

Next, I’ll ask about policies your school might have adopted on foods offered at specific events or venues. Do not include foods offered in the cafeteria, vending machines, or school store.

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that, if food is served at student parties, fruits or vegetables will be among the foods offered?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have student parties 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that, if food is served in after-school or extended day programs, fruits or vegetables will be among the foods offered?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have after-school
or extended day programs 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that fruits or vegetables will be among the foods offered at concession stands?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have concession stands 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that, if food is served at student parties, whole grain foods will be among the foods offered?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have student parties 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that, if food is served in after-school or extended day programs, whole grain foods will be among the foods offered?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have after-school
or extended day programs 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that whole grain foods will be among the foods offered at concession stands?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have concession stands 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that, if beverages are served at student parties, healthful beverages such as water or low-fat milk will be among the beverages offered?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have student parties 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that, if beverages are served in after-school or extended day programs, healthful beverages such as water or low-fat milk will be among the beverages offered?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have after-school
or extended day programs 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy stating that healthful beverages such as water or low-fat milk will be among the beverages offered at concession stands?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have concession stands 3

The next question asks about the availability of junk foods in schools. Junk foods are foods or beverages that have low nutrient density, that is, they provide calories primarily through fats or added sugars and have minimal amounts of vitamins and minerals.

  1. Has your school adopted a policy prohibiting junk foods from being offered at student parties?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have student parties 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy prohibiting junk foods from being offered in after-school or extended day programs?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have after-school
or extended day programs 3

  1. Has your school adopted a policy prohibiting junk foods from being offered at concession stands?

Yes 1

No 2

School does not have concession stands 3

The next questions ask about foods and beverages available in vending machines, school stores, canteens, or snack bars.

  1. Can students purchase food or beverages from…

Yes No

  1. One or more vending machines at the school? 1 2

  2. A school store, canteen, or snack bar? 1 2


  1. Can students purchase the following from vending machines or school stores?

Yes No

  1. Chocolate candy 1 2

  2. Other kinds of candy 1 2

  3. Cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries, or other baked goods
    that are not low in fat 1 2

  4. Salty snacks that are not low in fat,
    such as regular potato chips 1 2

  5. Ice cream or frozen yogurt that is not low in fat 1 2

  6. 2% or whole milk (plain or flavored) 1 2

  7. Water ices or frozen slushes that do not contain juice 1 2

IF Q197A–G ARE “NO,” SKIP TO Q199.

  1. Can students purchase these items…

Yes No

  1. Before classes begin in the morning? 1 2

  2. During any school hours when meals are not being served? 1 2

  3. During school lunch periods? 1 2

  1. Can students purchase the following from vending machines or school stores?

Yes No

  1. Low-fat cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries,
    or other low-fat baked goods 1 2

  2. Salty snacks that are low in fat, such as pretzels,
    baked chips, or other low-fat chips 1 2

  3. Snacks such as pretzels, crackers, or chips
    that are low in sodium 1 2

  4. Bread sticks, rolls, bagels, pita bread,
    or other bread products 1 2

  5. Whole grain bread products, such as bread sticks, rolls,
    or bagels 1 2

  6. Low-fat or fat-free ice cream, frozen yogurt,
    or sherbet 1 2

  7. Low-fat or non-fat yogurt 1 2

  8. Fruits or vegetables, not juice 1 2

  9. 100% fruit juice 1 2

  10. 100% vegetable juice 1 2

  11. 1% or skim milk 1 2

  12. Bottled water 1 2

IF Q199A–L ARE “NO,” SKIP TO Q201.

  1. Can students purchase these items…

Yes No

  1. Before classes begin in the morning? 1 2

  2. During any school hours when meals are not being served? 1 2

  3. During school lunch periods? 1 2

  1. Can students purchase the following from vending machines or school stores?

Yes No

  1. Soda pop or fruit drinks that are not 100% juice 1 2

  2. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade™ 1 2

  3. Coffee, coffee drinks, or any kind of tea 1 2

  4. Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as lemonade,
    sweetened tea or coffee drinks, flavored milk, Snapple,
    or Sunny Delight 1 2

  5. Energy drinks, such as Red Bull or Jolt 1 2

IF Q201A–E ARE “NO,” SKIP TO Q203.

  1. Can students purchase these items…

Yes No

  1. Before classes begin in the morning? 1 2

  2. During any school hours when meals are not being served? 1 2

  3. During school lunch periods? 1 2

  1. Does your school intentionally price nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods at a lower cost than junk food?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school intentionally price healthful beverages such as water at a lower cost than sugar-sweetened beverages?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the past 12 months, have any organizations at this school, such as student clubs, sports teams, or the PTA sold food at school or in the community to raise money?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q210

  1. During the past 12 months, have any of the following items been sold as part of fund­raising for any school organization?

Yes No

  1. Chocolate candy 1 2

  2. Other kinds of candy 1 2

  3. Soda pop or fruit drinks that are not 100% juice 1 2

  4. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade™ 1 2

  5. Cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries, or other baked goods
    that are not low in fat 1 2

IF Q206A–E ARE “NO,” SKIP TO Q208.

  1. Could students purchase these items…

Yes No

  1. Before school classes began in the morning? 1 2

  2. During any school hours when meals
    were not being served? 1 2

  3. During school lunch periods? 1 2

  1. During the past 12 months, have any of the following items been sold as part of fund­raising for any school organization?

Yes No

  1. Fruits or vegetables 1 2

  2. 100% fruit juice or vegetable juice 1 2

  3. Low-fat cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries,
    or other low-fat baked goods 1 2

IF Q208A–C ARE “NO,” SKIP TO Q210.

  1. Could students purchase these items…

Yes No

  1. Before classes began in the morning? 1 2

  2. During any school hours when meals were not being served? 1 2

  3. During school lunch periods? 1 2

  1. Does this school hold fundraiser nights at fast food restaurants where a portion of the sales made on a particular night benefit the school?

Yes 1

No 2


  1. Does this school sell soft drinks to students in any venue? Please include sports drinks, soda pop, or fruit drinks that are not 100% juice.

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q215

  1. Does your school receive a specified percentage of soft drink sales receipts?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q214

  1. Does your school receive incentives, such as cash awards or donations of equipment, supplies, or other donations, once receipts total a specified amount?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Is your school prohibited from selling soft drinks produced by more than one company?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Are soft drink companies allowed to advertise soft drinks, such as sports drinks, soda pop, or fruit drinks…

School does not
have vending
Yes No machines

  1. On vending machines? 1 2 3

  2. Elsewhere in the school building? 1 2

  3. On school grounds, including on the outside
    of the school building, on playing fields,
    or other areas of the campus? 1 2

  4. On school buses or other vehicles used
    to transport students? 1 2

  1. Does your school allow advertisements for junk food or fast food restaurants on school property?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Does your school use any educational materials that promote junk food, fast food restaurants, or soft drinks?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. At this school, are junk food, fast food restaurants, or soft drinks promoted through the distribution of products, such as t-shirts, hats, and book covers to students?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about school health coordination.

  1. Is there one or more than one group—for example, a school health council, committee, or team—at this school that offers guidance on the development of policies or coordinates activities that are health-related?

Yes 1


  1. Do any of these groups address…

Yes No

  1. Tobacco use prevention? 1 2

  2. Alcohol or other drug use prevention? 1 2

  3. Food service or nutrition? 1 2

  4. Physical education or physical activity? 1 2


  1. Pregnancy prevention? 1 2

  2. Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, prevention? 1 2

  3. Other sexually transmitted disease, or STD, prevention? 1 2

  4. Violence prevention, for example fighting, bullying, fighting, or

dating violence prevention? 1 2

  1. Injury prevention and safety? 1 2

  2. Health education? 1 2

  3. Health services? 1 2

  4. Mental health or social services? 1 2

  5. The psychological and social environment,
    or school climate? 1 2

  6. Faculty and staff health promotion? 1 2

  7. Family and community involvement
    in school health programs? 1 2

  8. Physical school environment? 1 2

(Q220 continued)

Yes No

  1. Crisis preparedness, response, and recovery? 1 2

  2. Management of chronic health conditions,
    such as asthma or diabetes? 1 2

  3. Management of infectious diseases such as influenza
    or foodborne illness 1 2

  4. Management of food allergies……………………………………1 2

  5. Local wellness policies 1 2


  1. Looking at this card, please tell me who is included on any school health council, committee, or team.


Elementary school classroom teachers 0


Health education teachers 1

Physical education teachers 2

Health services staff (e.g., school nurses) 3

Nutrition or food service staff 4

Mental health or social services staff 5

Maintenance or transportation staff 6

Technology staff 7

Library or media center staff 8

District administrators 9

School-level administrators 10

Students 11

Students’ parents or families 12


  1. Looking at this card, please tell me if these local agencies or organizations are represented on any school health council, committee, or team.

Health department 1

Mental health or social service agencies 2

Healthcare providers,
such as pediatricians or dentists 3

Health organizations,
such as the local Red Cross chapter 4

Youth organizations,
such as the Boys and Girls Clubs 5

Businesses 6

Hospitals 7

Service clubs, such as the Rotary Club 8

Public safety agencies,
such as police, fire, or emergency services 9

Faith-based organizations 10

Other local government agencies 11

  1. Do any of these groups…

Yes No

  1. Identify student health needs based on a review
    of relevant data, such as Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data? 1 2

  2. Develop or review a school-wide health and safety plan? 1 2

  3. Recommend new or revised health and safety policies
    and activities to the Superintendent or the school board? 1 2

  4. Seek funding or leverage resources to support
    school health and safety priorities for students and staff? 1 2

  5. Recommend or review health-related curricula
    or instructional materials? 1 2

  6. Communicate the importance of health and safety
    policies and activities with the school board, school,
    and community? 1 2

For the next question, please think about the school health council, committee, or team that met the most during the past 12 months.

  1. During the past 12 months, how many times did this group met?

0 times 1

1 or 2 times 2

3 or 4 times 3

5 or 6 times 4

More than 6 times 5

The next questions ask about materials your school might have used to assess your school’s health and safety policies and activities.

  1. Has your school ever used the School Health Index, or SHI, or other self-assessment tool to assess your school’s health and safety policies and activities?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about a plan your school might have developed to improve your school’s health and safety policies and activities.

  1. Does your school have a health and safety plan to improve its health-related policies and activities for students and staff?

Yes 1


  1. Did your school analyze the following types of data when developing the plan?

Yes No

  1. Health behavior data, such as Youth Risk
    Behavior Survey data 1 2

  2. Educational achievement data, such as standardized
    test scores 1 2

  3. Educational data, such as absences, drop-outs,
    or grade retention 1 2

(Q227 Continued)

  1. Health services data, such as the number of

visits to the school nurse 1 2

  1. Other types of data, such as school meal participation 1 2

  1. Does the plan address any of the following school health-related areas?

Yes No

  1. Health education 1 2

  2. Physical education and physical activity 1 2

  3. Nutrition services and foods and beverages
    available at school 1 2

  4. Health services 1 2

  5. Mental health and social services 1 2

  6. Healthy and safe school environment 1 2

  7. Faculty and staff health promotion 1 2

  8. Family and community involvement 1 2

  1. How often is the school’s health and safety plan reviewed?

Every year 1

Every 2 to 3 years 2

Every 4 to 5 years 3

More than every 5 years 4

As needed 5

Other time frame 6

Never 7

The next questions ask about a school improvement plan. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires certain schools to have a written School Improvement Plan, or SIP. Many states and school districts also require schools to have a written SIP. Such plans are developed to improve overall instructional and environmental policies and programs.

  1. Does your school’s written SIP include health-related goals and objectives on any of the following topics?


Yes No No SIP

  1. Health education 1 2 3

  2. Physical education and physical activity 1 2 3

  3. Nutrition services and foods and beverages
    available at school 1 2 3

  4. Health services 1 2 3

  5. Mental health and social services 1 2 3

  6. Healthy and safe school environment 1 2 3

  7. Faculty and staff health promotion 1 2 3

  8. Family and community involvement 1 2 3

The next questions ask about school and community collaboration to improve your school’s health and safety policies and activities for students and staff.

  1. During the past two years, did any community agencies, organizations, or healthcare providers provide resources, such as funding, materials, services, facilities, or data, to help protect and improve the health and safety of students and staff in your school?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. During the past two years, did your school provide resources such as funding, materials, services, facilities, or data to help community agencies, organizations, or healthcare providers protect and improve the health and safety of students and staff?

Yes 1

No 2

The next questions ask about the person responsible for overseeing or coordinating all of the school’s health and safety policies and activities.

  1. Currently, does someone at your school oversee or coordinate the school’s health and safety policies and activities, for example a school health coordinator?

Yes 1


  1. Are you this person?

Yes 1


  1. Have you ever received any training in your role as a coordinator of your school’s health and safety policies and activities, such as school health coordinator training provided by your school district, your state education or health agency, colleges, universities, or health organizations such as the American Cancer Society?

Yes 1

No 2

  1. Are the following activities included in your responsibilities as coordinator of your school’s health and safety policies and activities?

Yes No NA

  1. Developing or assisting in the development
    of school health and safety policy language,
    policy guidance, or other policy materials 1 2

  2. Securing funding or other resources
    to support school health and safety policies
    and activities 1 2

  3. Communicating school health and safety
    priorities to decision-makers, such as
    the school principal, the district’s
    school health coordinator, or other
    district-level administrators 1 2

  4. Facilitating linkages between the school’s
    health-related programs and services,
    and health-related resources
    in the community 1 2

  5. Facilitating collaboration among school
    staff responsible for the health and safety
    of students and staff 1 2

  6. Serving as a liaison between the school
    and those who oversee or implement
    school health and safety policies and activities
    at the district level 1 2

  7. Conducting school health council, committee,
    or team meetings 1 2 3

  8. Managing implementation and evaluation
    of the school’s health and safety plan 1 2 3

  9. Facilitating the provision of school health-related
    professional development 1 2

  1. Counting this year as a full year, how many years have you been responsible for coordinating school health and safety policies and activities?


The last set of questions ask about your educational background.

  1. Do you have an undergraduate degree?

Yes 1


  1. What did you major in?

Health education 1

Physical education 2

Other education 3

Kinesiology, exercise physiology,
or exercise science 4

Nursing 5

Nutrition 6

Public health 7

Biology or other science 8

Home economics or family
and consumer science 9

Other 10

  1. Did you have an undergraduate minor?

Yes 1

No 2 SKIP TO Q242

  1. What did you minor in?

Health education 1

Physical education 2

Other education 3

Kinesiology, exercise physiology,
or exercise science 4

Nursing 5

Nutrition 6

Public health 7

Biology or other science 8

Home economics or family
and consumer science 9

Other 10

  1. Do you have a graduate degree?

Yes 1


  1. In what area or areas?

Health education 1

Physical education 2

Education administration 3

Other education 4

Kinesiology, exercise physiology,
or exercise science 5

Nursing 6

Nutrition 7

Public health 8

Biology or other science 9

Home economics or family
and consumer science 10

Other 11

  1. My supervisor may wish to call you to ask about how I conducted this interview. Would you please tell me a telephone number where we might reach you starting with the area code?

( ) -

1) Daytime or

2) Evening/Weekend

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this interview.

Healthy and Safe School Environment School Questionnaire—National Review Version 0

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified Byarp5
File Modified2011-03-09
File Created2011-03-03

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