ATT A2-FMVSS 225 Child Restraint Anchorage Systems

ATT A2-FMVSS 225 Child Restraint Anchorage Systems.pdf

National Child Restraint Use Special Study (NCRUSS)

ATT A2-FMVSS 225 Child Restraint Anchorage Systems

OMB: 2127-0642

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§ 571.225

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

[61 FR 2035, Jan. 24, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 3662, Jan. 26, 1998; 69 FR 64500, Nov. 5, 2004;
69 FR 67668, Nov. 19, 2004; 71 FR 9277, Feb. 23, 2006]

S1. Purpose and scope. This standard
establishes requirements for child restraint anchorage systems to ensure
their proper location and strength for
the effective securing of child restraints, to reduce the likelihood of the
anchorage systems’ failure, and to in-

crease the likelihood that child restraints are properly secured and thus
more fully achieve their potential effectiveness in motor vehicles.
S2. Application. This standard applies
to passenger cars; to trucks and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a gross
vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 3,855
kilograms (8,500 pounds) or less; and to


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yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR

§ 571.225 Standard No. 225; Child restraint anchorage systems.

yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR

Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
buses (including school buses) with a
GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less.
This standard does not apply to walkin van-type vehicles, vehicles manufactured to be sold exclusively to the U.S.
Postal Service, shuttle buses, and funeral coaches.
S3. Definitions.
Child restraint anchorage means any
vehicle component, other than Type I
or Type II seat belts, that is involved
in transferring loads generated by a
child restraint system to the vehicle
Child restraint anchorage system means
a vehicle system that is designed for
attaching a child restraint system to a
vehicle at a particular designated seating position, consisting of:
(a) Two lower anchorages meeting
the requirements of S9; and
(b) A tether anchorage meeting the
requirements of S6.
Child restraint fixture (CRF) means the
fixture depicted in Figures 1 and 2 of
this standard that simulates the dimensions of a child restraint system,
and that is used to determine the space
required by the child restraint system
and the location and accessibility of
the lower anchorages.
Funeral coach means a vehicle that
contains only a front row of occupant
seats, is designed exclusively for transporting a body and casket and that is
equipped with features to secure a casket in place during operation of the vehicle.
Rear designated seating position means
any designated seating position (as
that term is defined at § 571.3) that is
rearward of the front seats(s).
Seat bight means the area close to and
including the intersection of the surfaces of the vehicle seat cushion and
the seat back.
SFAD 1 means Static Force Application Device 1 shown in Figures 12 to 16
of this standard.
SFAD 2 means Static Force Application Device 2 shown in Figures 17 and
18 of this standard.
Shuttle bus means a bus with only one
row of forward-facing seating positions
rearward of the driver’s seat.
Tether anchorage means a user-ready,
permanently installed vehicle system
that transfers loads from a tether strap
through the tether hook to the vehicle

§ 571.225
structure and that accepts a tether
Tether strap means a strap that is secured to the rigid structure of the seat
back of a child restraint system, and is
connected to a tether hook that transfers the load from that system to the
tether anchorage.
Tether hook means a device, illustrated in Figure 11 of Standard No. 213
(§ 571.213), used to attach a tether strap
to a tether anchorage.
S4. General vehicle requirements.
S4.1 Each tether anchorage and
each child restraint anchorage system
installed, either voluntarily or pursuant to this standard, in any new vehicle manufactured on or after September 1, 1999, shall comply with the
configuration, location, marking and
strength requirements of this standard.
The vehicle shall be delivered with
written information, in English, on
how to appropriately use those anchorages and systems.
S4.2 For passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 1999 and
before September 1, 2000, not less than
80 percent of the manufacturer’s average annual production of vehicles (not
including convertibles), as set forth in
S13, shall be equipped with a tether anchorage as specified in paragraphs (a),
(b) and (c) of S4.2, except as provided in
(a) Each vehicle with three or more
forward-facing rear designated seating
positions shall be equipped with a tether anchorage conforming to the requirements of S6 at no fewer than
three forward-facing rear designated
seating positions. The tether anchorage of a child restraint anchorage system may count towards the three required tether anchorages. In each vehicle with a forward-facing rear designated seating position other than an
outboard designated seating position,
at least one tether anchorage (with or
without the lower anchorages of a child
restraint anchorage system) shall be at
such a designated seating position. In a
vehicle with three or more rows of
seating positions, at least one of the
tether anchorages (with or without the
lower anchorages of a child restraint
anchorage system) shall be installed at
a forward-facing seating position in the
second row if such a forward-facing


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§ 571.225

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

seating position is available in that
(b) Each vehicle with not more than
two forward-facing rear designated
seating positions shall be equipped
with a tether anchorage conforming to
the requirements of S6 at each forwardfacing rear designated seating position.
The tether anchorage of a child restraint anchorage system may count
toward the required tether anchorages.
(c) Each vehicle without any forwardfacing rear designated seating position
shall be equipped with a tether anchorage conforming to the requirements of
S6 at each front forward-facing passenger seating position.
S4.3 Each vehicle manufactured on
or after September 1, 2000 and before
September 1, 2002, shall be equipped as
specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
S4.3, except as provided in S5.
(a) A specified percentage of each
manufacturer’s yearly production, as
set forth in S14, shall be equipped as
(1) Each vehicle with three or more
forward-facing rear designated seating
positions shall be equipped with a child
restraint anchorage system conforming
to the requirements of S9 at not fewer
than two forward-facing rear designated seating positions. In a vehicle
with three or more rows of seating positions, at least one of the child restraint anchorage systems shall be at a
forward-facing seating position in the
second row if such a forward-facing
seating position is available in that
(2) Each vehicle with not more than
two forward-facing rear designated
seating positions shall be equipped
with a child restraint anchorage system conforming to the requirements of
S9 at each forward-facing rear designated seating position.
(b) Each vehicle, including a vehicle
that is counted toward the percentage
of a manufacturer’s yearly production
required to be equipped with child restraint anchorage systems, shall be
equipped as described in S4.3(b)(1), (2)
or (3), subject to S13.
(1) Each vehicle with three or more
forward-facing rear designated seating
positions shall be equipped with a tether anchorage conforming to the requirements of S6 at no fewer than

three forward-facing rear designated
seating positions. The tether anchorage of a child restraint anchorage system may count towards the three required tether anchorages. In each vehicle with a forward-facing rear designated seating position other than an
outboard designated seating position,
at least one tether anchorage (with or
without the lower anchorages of a child
restraint anchorage system) shall be at
such a designated seating position. In a
vehicle with three or more rows of
seating positions, at least one of the
tether anchorages (with or without the
lower anchorages of a child restraint
anchorage system) shall be installed at
a forward-facing seating position in the
second row if such a forward-facing
seating position is available in that
(2) Each vehicle with not more than
two forward-facing rear designated
seating positions shall be equipped
with a tether anchorage conforming to
the requirements of S6 at each forwardfacing rear designated seating position.
The tether anchorage of a child restraint anchorage system may count
toward the required tether anchorages.
(3) Each vehicle without any forwardfacing rear designated seating position
shall be equipped with a tether anchorage conforming to the requirements of
S6 at each front passenger seating position.
S4.4 Vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2002 shall be
equipped as specified in paragraphs (a)
through (c) of S4.4, except as provided
in S5.
(a) Each vehicle with three or more
forward-facing rear designated seating
positions shall be equipped as specified
in S4.4(a)(1) and (2).
(1) Each vehicle shall be equipped
with a child restraint anchorage system conforming to the requirements of
S9 at not fewer than two forward-facing rear designated seating positions.
At least one of the child restraint anchorage systems shall be installed at a
forward-facing seating position in the
second row in each vehicle that has
three or more rows, if such a forwardfacing seating position is available in
that row.
(2) Each vehicle shall be equipped
with a tether anchorage conforming to


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Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT
the requirements of S6 at a third forward-facing rear designated seating position. The tether anchorage of a child
restraint anchorage system may count
towards the third required tether anchorage. In each vehicle with a forward-facing rear designated seating position other than an outboard designated seating position, at least one
tether anchorage (with or without the
lower anchorages of a child restraint
anchorage system) shall be at such a
designated seating position.
(b) Each vehicle with not more than
two forward-facing rear designated
seating positions shall be equipped
with a child restraint anchorage system conforming to the requirements of
S9 at each forward-facing rear designated seating position.
(c) Each vehicle without any forwardfacing rear designated seating position
shall be equipped with a tether anchorage conforming to the requirements of
S6 at each front forward-facing passenger seating position.
S4.5 As an alternative to complying
with the requirements of S4.2 through
S4.4 that specify the number of tether
anchorages that are required in a vehicle and the designated seating positions for which tether anchorages must
be provided, a vehicle manufactured
from September 1, 1999 to August 31,
2004 may, at the manufacturer’s option
(with said option irrevocably selected
prior to, or at the time of, certification
of the vehicle), meet the requirements
of this S4.5. This alternative ceases to
be available on and after September 1,
2004. A tether anchorage conforming to
the requirements of S6 must be installed—
(a) For each designated seating position, other than that of the driver, in a
vehicle that has only one row of designated seating positions;
(b) For each forward-facing designated seating position in the second
row of seating positions in a passenger
car or truck;
(c) For each of any two forward-facing designated seating positions in the
second row of seating positions in a
multipurpose passenger vehicle that
has five or fewer designated seating positions; and,
(d) For each of any three forward-facing designated seating positions that

§ 571.225
are located to the rear of the first row
of designated seating positions in a
multipurpose passenger vehicle that
has six or more designated seating positions.
S4.6 Adjustable seats. (a) A vehicle
that is equipped with a forward-facing
rear designated seating position that
can be relocated such that it is capable
of being used at either an outboard or
non-outboard forward-facing seating
position shall be considered as having a
forward-facing non-outboard seating
position. Such an adjustable seat must
be equipped with a tether anchorage
(with or without the lower anchorages
of a child restraint anchorage system)
if the vehicle does not have another
forward-facing non-outboard seating
position that is so equipped.
(b) Tether and lower anchorages shall
be available for use at all times, except
when the seating position for which it
is installed is not available for use because the vehicle seat has been removed or converted to an alternate use
such as the carrying of cargo.
S5. General exceptions.
(a) Convertibles and school buses are
excluded from the requirements to be
equipped with tether anchorages.
(b) A vehicle may be equipped with a
built-in child restraint system conforming to the requirements of Standard No. 213 (49 CFR 571.213) instead of
one of the required tether anchorages
or child restraint anchorage systems.
(c)(1) Each vehicle that—
(i) Does not have a rear designated
seating position and that thus meets
the conditions in S4.5.4.1(a) of Standard
No. 208 (§ 571.208); and
(ii) Has an air bag on-off switch
meeting the requirements of S4.5.4 of
Standard No. 208 (§ 571.208), shall have a
child restraint anchorage system for a
designated passenger seating position
in the front seat, instead of only a
tether anchorage. In the case of
convertibles, the front designated passenger seating position need have only
the two lower anchorages meeting the
requirements of S9 of this standard.
(iii) For vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2002, each vehicle
that does not have a rear designated
seating position, and does not have an
air bag installed at front passenger designated seating positions pursuant to a


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§ 571.225

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

NHTSA under 49 CFR Part 555, must
have a child restraint anchorage system installed at a front passenger designated seating position. In the case of
convertibles, the front designated passenger seating position need have only
the two lower anchorages meeting the
requirements of S9 of this standard.
(2) Each vehicle that—
(i) Has a rear designated seating position and meets the conditions in
(§ 571.208); and,
(ii) Has an air bag on-off switch
meeting the requirements of S4.5.4 of
Standard 208 (§ 571.208), shall have a
child restraint anchorage system for a
designated passenger seating position
in the front seat, instead of a child restraint anchorage system that is required for the rear seat. In the case of
convertibles, the front designated passenger seating position need have only
the two lower anchorages meeting the
requirements of S9 of this standard.
(iii) For vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2002, each vehicle
that has a rear designated seating position and meets the conditions in
(§ 571.208), and does not have an air bag
installed at front passenger designated
seating positions pursuant to a temporary exemption granted by NHTSA
under 49 CFR Part 555, must have a
child restraint anchorage system installed at a front passenger designated
seating position in place of one of the
child restraint anchorage systems that
is required for the rear seat. In the case
of convertibles, the front designated
passenger seating position need have
only the two lower anchorages meeting
the requirements of S9 of this standard.
(d) A vehicle that does not have an
air bag on-off switch meeting the requirements of S4.5.4 of Standard No.
208 (§ 571.208), shall not have any child
restraint anchorage system installed at
a front designated seating position.
(e) A vehicle with a rear designated
seating position for which interference
with transmission and/or suspension
components prevents the location of
the lower bars of a child restraint anchorage system anywhere within the
zone described by S9.2 or S15.1.2.2(b)

such that the attitude angles of
S15.1.2.2(a) could be met, is excluded
from the requirement to provide a
child restraint anchorage system at
that position. However, except as provided elsewhere in S5 of this standard,
for vehicles manufactured on or after
September 1, 2001, such a vehicle must
have a tether anchorage at a front passenger designated seating position.
S6. Requirements for tether anchorages.
S6.1 Configuration of the tether anchorage. Each tether anchorage shall:
(a) Permit the attachment of a tether
hook of a child restraint system meeting the configuration and geometry
specified in Figure 11 of Standard No.
213 (§ 571.213);
(b) Be accessible without the need for
any tools other than a screwdriver or
(c) Once accessed, be ready for use
without the need for any tools; and
(d) Be sealed to prevent the entry of
exhaust fumes into the passenger compartment.
S6.2 Location of the tether anchorage.
A vehicle manufactured on or after
September 1, 1999 and before September
1, 2004 may, at the manufacturer’s option (with said option irrevocably selected prior to, or at the time of, certification of the vehicle), meet the requirements of S6.2.1 or S6.2.2. Vehicles
manufactured on or after September 1,
2004 must meet the requirements of
S6.2.1 of this standard.
S6.2.1 Subject
S6.2.1.2, the part of each tether anchorage that attaches to a tether hook
must be located within the shaded zone
shown in Figures 3 to 7 of this standard
of the designated seating position for
which it is installed. The zone is defined with reference to the seating reference point (see § 571.3). (For purposes
of the figures, ‘‘H Point’’ is defined to
mean seating reference point.) A tether
anchorage may be recessed in the seat
back, provided that it is not in the
strap wrap-around area at the top of
the vehicle seat back. For the area
forwardmost edge of the shaded zone is
defined by the torso line reference
S6.2.1.1 In the case of passenger cars
and multipurpose passenger vehicles
manufactured before September 1, 2004,


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the part of each user-ready tether anchorage that attaches to a tether hook
may, at the manufacturer’s option
(with said option selected prior to, or
at the time of, certification of the vehicle), instead of complying with S6.2.1,
be located within the shaded zone
shown in Figures 8 to 11 of this standard of the designated seating position
for which it is installed, relative to the
shoulder reference point of the three
dimensional H-point machine described
in section 3.1 of SAE Standard J826
(June 1992), (incorporation by reference; see § 571.5), such that—
(a) The H-point of the three dimensional H-point machine is located—
(1) At the actual H-point of the seat,
as defined in section of SAE
Recommended Practice J1100 (June
1993), (incorporation by reference; see
§ 571.5), at the full rearward and downward position of the seat; or
(2) In the case of a designated seating
position that has a child restraint anchorage system, midway between
vertical longitudinal planes passing
through the lateral center of the bar in
each of the two lower anchorages of
that system; and
(b) The back pan of the H-point machine is at the same angle to the
vertical as the vehicle seat back with
the seat adjusted to its full rearward
and full downward position and the
seat back in its most upright position.
S6.2.1.2 In the case of a vehicle
(a) Has a user-ready tether anchorage
for which no part of the shaded zone
shown in Figures 3 to 7 of this standard
of the designated seating position for
which the anchorage is installed is accessible without removing a seating
component of the vehicle; and
(b) Has a tether strap routing device
that is—
(1) Not less than 65 mm behind the
torso line for that seating position, in
the case of a flexible routing device or
a deployable routing device, measured
horizontally and in a vertical longitudinal plane; or
(2) Not less than 100 mm behind the
torso line for that seating position, in
the case of a fixed rigid routing device,
measured horizontally and in a vertical
longitudinal plane, the part of that anchorage that attaches to a tether hook

§ 571.225
may, at the manufacturer’s option
(with said option selected prior to, or
at the time of, certification of the vehicle) be located outside that zone.
(c) The measurement of the location
of the flexible or deployable routing device described in S6.2.1.2(b)(1) is made
with SFAD 2 properly attached to the
lower anchorages. A 40 mm wide nylon
tether strap is routed through the routing device and attached to the tether
anchorage in accordance with the written instructions required by S12 of this
standard. The forwardmost contact
point between the strap and the routing device must be within the stated
limit when the tether strap is flat
against the top surface of the SFAD
and tensioned to 55 to 65 N. In seating
positions without lower anchorages of
a child restraint anchorage system, the
SFAD 2 is held with its central lateral
plane in the central vertical longitudinal plane of the seating position. The
adjustable anchor attaching bars of the
SFAD 2 are replaced by spacers that
end flush with the back surface of the
S6.2.2 Subject
S6.2.2.2, the portion of each user-ready
tether anchorage that is designed to
bind with a tether strap hook shall be
located within the shaded zone shown
in Figures 3 to 7 of this standard of the
designated seating position for which it
is installed, with reference to the Hpoint of a template described in section
3.1 of SAE Standard J826 (June 1992)
(incorporation by reference; see § 571.5),
(a) The H-point of the template is located—
(1) At the unique Design H-point of
the designated seating position, as defined in section of SAE Recommended Practice J1100 (June 1993)
(incorporation by reference; see § 571.5),
at the full downward and full rearward
position of the seat, or—
(2) In the case of a designated seating
position that has a means of affixing
the lower portion of a child restraint
system to the vehicle, other than a vehicle seat belt, midway between the
two lower restraint system anchorages;
(b) The torso line of the template is
at the same angle to the transverse
vertical plane as the vehicle seat back


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§ 571.225

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

with the seat adjusted to its full rearward and full downward position and
the seat back in its most upright position; and
(c) The template is positioned in the
vertical longitudinal plane that contains the H-point of the template.
S6.2.2.1 In passenger cars and multipurpose passenger vehicles manufactured before September 1, 2004, the portion of each user-ready tether anchorage to which a tether strap hook attaches may be located within the
shaded zone shown in Figures 8 to 11 of
the designated seating position for
which it is installed, with reference to
the shoulder reference point of a template described in section 3.1 of SAE
Standard J826 (June 1992) (incorporation by reference; see § 571.5), if:
(a) The H-point of the template is located—
(1) At the unique Design H-point of
the designated seating position, as defined in section of SAE Recommended Practice J1100 (June 1993)
(incorporation by reference; see § 571.5),
at the full downward and full rearward
position of the seat, or—
(2) In the case of a designated seating
position that has a means of affixing
the lower portion of a child restraint
system to the vehicle, other than a vehicle seat belt, midway between the
two lower restraint system anchorages;
(b) The torso line of the template is
at the same angle to the vertical plane
as the vehicle seat back with the seat
adjusted to its full rearward and full
downward position and the seat back in
its most upright position; and
(c) The template is positioned in the
vertical longitudinal plane that contains the H-point of the template.
S6.2.2.2 The portion of a user-ready
tether anchorage in a vehicle that is
designed to bind with the tether strap
hook may be located outside the
shaded zone referred to in S6.2.2, if no
part of the shaded zone is accessible
without removing a seating component
of the vehicle and the vehicle is
equipped with a routing device that—
(a) Ensures that the tether strap
functions as if the portion of the anchorage designed to bind with the tether strap hook were located within the
shaded zone;

(b) Is at least 65 mm behind the torso
line, in the case of a non-rigid-webbingtype routing device or a deployable
routing device, or at least 100 mm behind the torso line, in the case of a
fixed rigid routing device; and
(c) When tested after being installed
as it is intended to be used, is of sufficient strength to withstand, with the
user-ready tether anchorage, the load
referred to in S6.3.4 or S6.3.4.1, as applicable.
S6.3 Strength requirements for tether
anchorages. Subject to S6.3.2, a vehicle
manufactured on or after September 1,
1999, and before September 1, 2004 may,
at the manufacturer’s option (with said
option irrevocably selected prior to, or
at the time of, certification of the vehicle), meet the requirements of S6.3.1
or S6.3.4. Vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2004 and before September 1, 2005 must meet the requirements of S6.3.1 of this standard, except
as provided in S16 of this standard. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2005 must meet the requirements of S6.3.1.
S6.3.1 Subject to S6.3.2, when tested
in accordance with S8, after preloading
the device with a force of 500 N, the
tether anchorage must not separate
completely from the vehicle seat or
seat anchorage or the structure of the
S6.3.2 In vehicles manufactured before September 1, 2004, each user-ready
tether anchorage in a row of designated
seating positions in a passenger car
may, at the manufacturer’s option
(with said option selected prior to, or
at the time of, certification of the vehicle), instead of complying with S6.3.1,
withstand the application of a force of
5,300 N, when tested in accordance with
S8.2, such that the anchorage does not
release the belt strap specified in S8.2
or allow any point on the tether anchorage to be displaced more than 125
S6.3.3 Provisions for simultaneous and
sequential testing. (a) In the case of vehicle seat assemblies equipped with
more than one tether anchorage system, the force referred to in S6.3.1 and
S6.3.2 may, at the agency’s option, be
applied simultaneously to each of those
tether anchorages. However, that force
may not be applied simultaneously to


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tether anchorages for any two adjacent
seating positions whose midpoints are
less than 400 mm apart, as measured in
accordance with S6.3.3(a)(1) and (2) and
Figure 20.
(1) The midpoint of the seating position lies in the vertical longitudinal
plane that is equidistant from vertical
longitudinal planes through the geometric center of each of the two lower
anchorages at the seating position. For
those seating positions that do not provide lower anchorages, the midpoint of
the seating position lies in the vertical
longitudinal plane that passes through
the SgRP of the seating position.
(2) Measure the distance between the
vertical longitudinal planes passing
through the midpoints of the adjacent
seating positions, as measured along a
line perpendicular to the planes.
(b) A tether anchorage of a particular
child restraint anchorage system will
not be tested with the lower anchorages of that anchorage system if one or
both of those lower anchorages have
been previously tested under this
S6.3.4 Subject to subsections S6.3.4.1
and S6.3.4.2, every user-ready tether
anchorage in a row of designated seating positions shall, when tested, withstand the application of a force of
10,000 N—
(a) Applied by means of one of the
following types of test devices, installed as a child restraint system
would be installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s installation instructions, namely,
(1) SFAD 1, to test a tether anchorage at a designated seating position
that does not have a child restraint anchorage system; or
(2) SFAD 2, to test a tether anchorage at a designated seating position
that has a child restraint anchorage
(b) Applied—
(1) In a forward direction parallel to
the vehicle’s vertical longitudinal
plane through the X point on the test
device, and,
(2) Initially, along a horizontal line
or along any line below or above that
line that is at an angle to that line of
not more than 5 degrees;
(c) Approximately linearly over a
time, at the option of the vehicle man-

§ 571.225
ufacturer, of not more than 30 seconds,
at any onset force rate of not more
than 135 000 N/s; and
(d) Maintained at a 10,000 N level for
one second.
S6.3.4.1 In a passenger car manufactured before September 1, 2004, every
user-ready tether anchorage in a row of
designated seating positions must,
when tested, subject to subsection
S6.3.4.2, withstand the application of a
force of 5,300 N, which force must be—
(a) Applied by means of a belt strap
(1) Extends not less than 250 mm forward from the vertical plane touching
the rear top edge of the vehicle seat
(2) Is fitted at one end with suitable
hardware for applying the force and at
the other end with a bracket for the attachment of the user-ready tether anchorage, and
(3) Passes over the top of the vehicle
seat back as shown in Figure 19 of this
(b) Applied—
(1) In a forward direction parallel to
the vehicle’s longitudinal vertical
plane, and
(2) Initially, along a horizontal line
or along any line below that line that
is at an angle to that line of not more
than 20 degrees;
(c) Attained within 30 seconds, at any
onset force rate of not more than
135,000 N/s; and
(d) Maintained at a 5,300 N level for
one second.
S6.3.4.2 If the zones in which tether
anchorages are located overlap and if,
in the overlap area, a user-ready tether
anchorage is installed that is designed
to accept the tether strap hooks of two
restraint systems simultaneously, both
portions of the tether anchorage that
are designed to bind with a tether strap
hook shall withstand the force referred
to in subsection S6.3.4 or S6.3.4.1, as the
case may be, applied to both portions
S6.3.4.3 Provisions for simultaneous
and sequential testing. (a) In the case of
vehicle seat assemblies equipped with
more than one tether anchorage system, the force referred to in S6.3.4, or S6.3.4.2 may, at the agency’s
option, be applied simultaneously to


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49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

each of those tether anchorages. However, that force may not be applied simultaneously to tether anchorages for
any two adjacent seating positions
whose midpoints are less than 400 mm
apart, as measured in accordance with
S6.3.4.3(a)(1) and (2) and Figure 20.
(1) The midpoint of the seating position lies in the vertical longitudinal
plane that is equidistant from vertical
longitudinal planes through the geometric center of each of the two lower
anchorages at the seating position. For
those seating positions that do not provide lower anchorages, the midpoint of
the seating position lies in the vertical
longitudinal plane that passes through
the SgRP of the seating position.
(2) Measure the distance between the
vertical longitudinal planes passing
through the midpoints of the adjacent
seating positions, as measured along a
line perpendicular to the planes.
(b) A tether anchorage of a particular
child restraint anchorage system will
not be tested with the lower anchorages of that anchorage system if one or
both of those lower anchorages have
been previously tested under this
S6.3.4.4 The strength requirement
tests shall be conducted with the vehicle seat adjusted to its full rearward
and full downward position and the
seat back in its most upright position.
When SFAD 2 is used in testing and
cannot be attached to the lower anchorages with the seat back in this position, adjust the seat back as recommended by the manufacturer in its
instructions for attaching child restraints. If no instructions are provided, adjust the seat back to the position that enables SFAD 2 to attach to
the lower anchorages that is the closest to the most upright position.
S7. Test conditions for testing tether anchorages.
The test conditions described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of S7 apply to the
test procedures in S8.
(a) Vehicle seats are adjusted to their
full rearward and full downward position and the seat back is placed in its
most upright position. When SFAD 2 is
used in testing and cannot be attached
to the lower anchorages with the seat
back in this position, adjust the seat
back as recommended by the manufac-

turer in its instructions for attaching
child restraints. If no instructions are
provided, adjust the seat back to the
position that enables SFAD 2 to attach
to the lower anchorages that is the
closest to the most upright position.
(b) Head restraints are adjusted in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, provided pursuant to S12, as
to how the head restraints should be
adjusted when using the child restraint
anchorage system. If instructions with
regard to head restraint adjustment
are not provided pursuant to S12, the
head restraints are adjusted to any position.
S8 Test procedures. Each vehicle
shall meet the requirements of S6.3.1
and S6.3.3 when tested according to the
following procedures. Where a range of
values is specified, the vehicle shall be
able to meet the requirements at all
points within the range. For the testing specified in these procedures, the
SFAD used in the test has a tether
strap consisting of webbing material
with an elongation limit of 4 percent at
a tensile load of 65,000 N (14,612 lb). Pretension the tether strap with 53.5 N to
67 N of preload prior to the test. The
strap is fitted at one end with a high
strength steel tether hook for attachment to the tether anchorage. The
tether hook meets the specifications in
Standard No. 213 (49 CFR § 571.213) as to
the configuration and geometry of
tether hooks required by the standard.
A steel cable is connected to the X
point through which the test force is
S8.1 Apply the force specified in
S6.3.1 as follows—
(a) Use the following specified test
device, as appropriate:
(1) SFAD 1, to test a tether anchorage at a designated seating position
that does not have a child restraint anchorage system; or,
(2) SFAD 2, to test a tether anchorage at a designated seating position
that has a child restraint anchorage
(b) Attach the SFAD 1 to the vehicle
seat using the vehicle belts or the
SFAD 2 to the lower anchorages of the
child restraint anchorage system, as
appropriate, and attach the test device
to the tether anchorage, in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions


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provided pursuant to S12 of this standard. For the testing specified in this
procedure, if SFAD 1 cannot be attached using the vehicle belts because
of the location of the vehicle belt buckle, the test device is attached by material whose breaking strength is equal
to or greater than the breaking
strength of the webbing for the seat
belt assembly installed as original
equipment at that seating position.
The geometry of the attachment duplicates the geometry, at the pre-load
point, of the attachment of the originally installed seat belt assembly. All
belt systems (including the tether)
used to attach the test device are
tightened to a tension of not less than
53.5 N and not more than 67 N on the
webbing portion of the belt. For SFAD
1, apply a rearward force of 135 N ±15 N,
in a horizontal plane through point
‘‘X’’ of SFAD 1. While maintaining the
force, tighten the vehicle seat belt to a
tension of not less than 53.5 N and not
more than 67 N measured at the lap
portion of the seat belt and maintain
the tension during the preload, lock
the seat belt retractor, and tighten the
tether belt strap to remove all slack. A
rearward force of 135 N ±15 N is applied
to the center of the lower front crossmember of SFAD 2 to press the device
against the seat back as the fore-aft
position of the rearward extensions of
the SFAD is adjusted to remove any
slack or tension.
(c) Apply the force—
(1) Initially, in a forward direction in
a vertical longitudinal plane and
through the Point X on the test device;
(2) Initially, along a line through the
X point and at an angle of 10 ±5 degrees
above the horizontal. Apply a preload
force of 500 N to measure the angle; and
(3) Increase the pull force as linearly
as practicable to a full force application of 15,000 N in not less than 24 seconds and not more than 30 seconds, and
maintain at a 15,000 N level for 1 second.
S8.2 Apply the force specified in
S6.3.2 as follows:
(a) Attach a belt strap, and tether
hook, to the user-ready tether anchorage. The belt strap extends not less
than 250 mm forward from the vertical

§ 571.225
transverse plane touching the rear top
edge of the vehicle seat back, and
passes over the top of the vehicle seat
back as shown in Figure 19 of this
(b) Apply the force at the end of the
belt strap—
(1) Initially, in a forward direction in
a vertical longitudinal plane that is
parallel to the vehicle’s longitudinal
(2) Initially, along a horizontal line
or along any line below or above that
line that is at an angle to that line of
not more than 20 degrees;
(3) So that the force is attained within 30 seconds, at any onset rate of not
more than 135,000 N/s; and
(4) Maintained at a 5,300 N level for a
minimum of 1 second.
S9 Requirements for the lower anchorages of the child restraint anchorage system. As an alternative to complying
with the requirements of S9, a vehicle
manufactured on or after September 1,
1999 and before September 1, 2004 may,
at the manufacturer’s option (with said
option irrevocably selected prior to, or
at the time of, certification of the vehicle), meet the requirements in S15 of
this standard. Vehicles manufactured
on or after September 1, 2004 and before
September 1, 2005 must meet all of the
requirements of S9 of this standard, except as provided in S16 of this standard
with regard to S9.4. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2005
must meet all the requirements of S9
of this standard.
S9.1 Configuration of the lower anchorages
S9.1.1 The lower anchorages shall
consist of two bars that—
(a) Are 6 mm ±.1 mm in diameter;
(b) Are straight, horizontal and
(c) As shown in Figure 21, are:
(i) Not less than 25 mm in length, and
(ii) Are not more than 60 mm in
length between the anchor bar supports
or other structural members of the vehicle that restrict lateral movement of
the components of a child restraint
that are designed to attach to the bars,
measured in a vertical plane 7 mm
rearward of the vertical plane that is
tangent of the rearward face of the anchor bar.


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§ 571.225

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

(d) For bars installed in vehicles
manufactured on or after March 1, 2005,
the bars must not be capable of being
(e) [Reserved]
(f) Are part of the vehicle, such that
they can only be removed by use of a
tool, such as a screwdriver or wrench;
(g) Are rigidly attached to the vehicle such that they will not deform
more than 5 mm when subjected to a
100 N force in any direction.
S9.2 Location of the lower anchorages.
S9.2.1 The anchorage bars are located at the vehicle seating position by
using the CRF rearward extensions,
with the CRF placed against or near
the vehicle seat back. With the CRF attached to the anchorages and resting
on the seat cushion, the bottom surface
shall have attitude angles within the
limits in the following table, angles
measured relative to the vehicle horizontal, longitudinal and transverse reference planes.
Pitch ..............................................
Roll ................................................
Yaw ...............................................

15° ±10°
0° ±5°
0° ±10°

yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR

NOTE: An explanation of the above angles is given in Figure 1.

S9.2.2 With adjustable seats adjusted as described in S9.2.3, each lower
anchorage bar shall be located so that
a vertical transverse plane tangent to
the front surface of the bar is:
(a) Not more than 70 mm behind the
corresponding point Z of the CRF,
measured parallel to the bottom surface of the CRF and in a vertical longitudinal plane, while the CRF is pressed
against the seat back by the rearward
application of a horizontal force of 100
N at point A on the CRF; and
(b) Not less than 120 mm behind the
vehicle seating reference point, measured horizontally and in a vertical longitudinal plane.
S9.2.3 Adjustable seats are adjusted
as follows:
(a) Place adjustable seat backs in the
manufacturer’s nominal design riding
position in the manner specified by the
manufacturer; and

(b) Place adjustable seats in the full
rearward and full downward position.
S9.3 Adequate fit of the lower anchorages. Each vehicle and each child restraint anchorage system in that vehicle shall be designed such that the CRF
can be placed inside the vehicle and attached to the lower anchorages of each
child restraint anchorage system, with
adjustable seats adjusted as described
in S9.3(a) and (b).
(a) Place adjustable seat backs in the
manufacturer’s nominal design riding
position in the manner specified by the
manufacturer; and
(b) Place adjustable seats in the full
rearward and full downward position.
(c) To facilitate installation of the
CRF in a vehicle seat, the side, back
and top frames of the CRF may be removed for installation in the vehicle,
as indicated in Figure 1A of this standard. If necessary, the height of the CRF
may be 560 mm.
S9.4 Strength of the lower anchorages.
S9.4.1 When tested in accordance
with S11, the lower anchorages shall
not allow point X on SFAD 2 to be displaced horizontally more than the distances specified below, after preloading
the device—
(a) 175 mm, when a force of 11,000 N is
applied in a forward direction in a
vertical longitudinal plane; and
(b) 150 mm, for lower anchorages
when a force of 5,000 N is applied in a
lateral direction in a vertical longitudinal plane that is 75 ±5 degrees to either side of a vertical longitudinal
S9.4.1.1 Forces described in S9.4.1(a),
forward direction, shall be applied with
an initial force application angle of 10
±5 degrees above the horizontal. Forces
described in S9.4.1(b), lateral direction,
shall be applied horizontally (0 ±5 degrees).
S9.4.1.2 The amount of displacement
is measured relative to an undisturbed
point on the vehicle body.
S9.4.2 Provisions for simultaneous and
sequential testing. (a) In the case of vehicle seat assemblies equipped with
more than one child restraint anchorage system, the lower anchorages may,
at the agency’s option, be tested simultaneously. However, forces may not be
applied simultaneously for any two adjacent


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midpoints are less than 400 mm apart,
as measured in accordance with
S9.4.2(a)(1) and (2) and Figure 20.
(1) The midpoint of the seating position lies in the vertical longitudinal
plane that is equidistant from vertical
longitudinal planes through the geometric center of each of the two lower
anchorages at the seating position.
(2) Measure the distance between the
vertical longitudinal planes passing
through the midpoints of the adjacent
seating positions, as measured along a
line perpendicular to the planes.
(b) The lower anchorages of a particular child restraint anchorage system will not be tested if one or both of
the anchorages have been previously
tested under this standard.
S9.5 Marking and conspicuity of the
lower anchorages. Each vehicle shall
comply with S9.5(a) or (b).
(a) Above each bar installed pursuant
to S4, the vehicle shall be permanently
marked with a circle:
(1) That is not less than 13 mm in diameter;
(2) That is either solid or open, with
or without words, symbols or pictograms, provided that if words, symbols
or pictograms are used, their meaning
is explained to the consumer in writing, such as in the vehicle’s owners
manual; and
(3) That is located such that its center is on each seat back between 50 and
100 mm above or on the seat cushion
100 ±25 mm forward of the intersection
of the vertical transverse and horizontal longitudinal planes intersecting
at the horizontal centerline of each
lower anchorage, as illustrated in Figure 22. The center of the circle must be
in the vertical longitudinal plane that
passes through the center of the bar
(±25 mm).
(4) The circle may be on a tag.
(b) The vehicle shall be configured
such that the following is visible: Each
of the bars installed pursuant to S4, or
a permanently attached guide device
for each bar. The bar or guide device
must be visible without the compression of the seat cushion or seat back,
when the bar or device is viewed, in a
vertical longitudinal plane passing
through the center of the bar or guide
device, along a line making an upward
30 degree angle with a horizontal plane.

§ 571.225
Seat backs are in the nominal design
riding position. The bars may be covered by a removable cap or cover, provided that the cap or cover is permanently marked with words, symbols or
pictograms whose meaning is explained
to the consumer in written form as
part of the owner’s manual.
S10. Test conditions for testing the
lower anchorages. The test conditions
described in this paragraph apply to
the test procedures in S11.
(a) Adjust vehicle seats to their full
rearward and full downward position
and place the seat backs in their most
upright position. When SFAD 2 is used
in testing and cannot be attached to
the lower anchorages with the seat
back in this position, adjust the seat
back as recommended by the manufacturer in its instructions for attaching
child restraints. If no instructions are
provided, adjust the seat back to the
position closest to the upright position
that enables SFAD 2 to attach to the
lower anchorages.
(b) Head restraints are adjusted in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, provided pursuant to S12, as
to how the head restraints should be
adjusted when using the child restraint
anchorage system. If instructions with
regard to head restraint adjustment
are not provided pursuant to S12, the
head restraints are adjusted to any position.
S11. Test procedure. Each vehicle shall
meet the requirements of S9.4 when
tested according to the following procedures. Where a range of values is
specified, the vehicle shall be able to
meet the requirements at all points
within the range.
(a) Forward force direction. Place
SFAD 2 in the vehicle seating position
and attach it to the two lower anchorages of the child restraint anchorage
system. Do not attach the tether anchorage. A rearward force of 135 ±15 N
is applied to the center of the lower
front crossbar of SFAD 2 to press the
device against the seat back as the
fore-aft position of the rearward extensions of the SFAD is adjusted to remove any slack or tension. Apply a
preload force of 500 N at point X of the
test device. Increase the pull force as
linearly as practicable to a full force
application of 11,000 N in not less than


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§ 571.225

49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

24 seconds and not more than 30 seconds, and maintain at an 11,000 N level
for 1 second.
(b) Lateral force direction. Place SFAD
2 in the vehicle seating position and attach it to the two lower anchorages of
the child restraint anchorage system.
Do not attach the tether anchorage. A
rearward force of 135 ±15 N is applied to
the center of the lower front crossbar
of SFAD 2 to press the device against
the seat back as the fore-aft position of
the rearward extensions of the SFAD is
adjusted to remove any slack or tension. Apply a preload force of 500 N at
point X of the test device. Increase the
pull force as linearly as practicable to
a full force application of 5,000 N in not
less than 24 seconds and not more than
30 seconds, and maintain at a 5,000 N
level for 1 second.
S12. Written instructions. The vehicle
must provide written instructions, in
English, for using the tether anchorages and the child restraint anchorage
system in the vehicle. If the vehicle
has an owner’s manual, the instructions must be in that manual. The instructions shall:
(a) Indicate which seating positions
in the vehicle are equipped with tether
anchorages and child restraint anchorage systems;
(b) In the case of vehicles required to
be marked as specified in paragraphs
S4.1, S9.5(a), or S15.4, explain the
meaning of markings provided to locate the lower anchorages of child restraint anchorage systems; and
(c) Include instructions that provide
a step-by-step procedure, including diagrams, for properly attaching a child
restraint system’s tether strap to the
tether anchorages.
S13. Tether anchorage phase-in requirements.
S13.1 Passenger cars manufactured
on or after September 1, 1999 and before
September 1, 2000 shall comply with
S13.1.1 through S13.2. At anytime during the production year ending August
31, 2000, each manufacturer shall, upon
request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information
identifying the passenger cars (by
make, model and vehicle identification
number) that have been certified as
complying with the tether anchorage
requirements of this standard. The

manufacturer’s designation of a passenger car as a certified vehicle is irrevocable.
S13.1.1 Subject to S13.2, for passenger cars manufactured on or after
September 1, 1999 and before September
1, 2000, the number of vehicles complying with S4.2 shall be not less than
80 percent of:
(a) The manufacturer’s average annual production of passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 1996
and before September 1, 1999; or
(b) The manufacturer’s production of
passenger cars manufactured on or
after September 1, 1999 and before September 1, 2000.
S13.1.2 For the purpose of calculating average annual production of vehicles for each manufacturer and the
number of vehicles manufactured by
each manufacturer under S13.1.1, a vehicle produced by more than one manufacturer shall be attributed to a single
manufacturer as provided in S13.1.2(a)
through (c), subject to S13.2.
(a) A vehicle which is imported shall
be attributed to the importer.
(b) A vehicle manufactured in the
United States by more than one manufacturer, one of which also markets the
vehicle, shall be attributed to the manufacturer which markets the vehicle.
(c) A vehicle produced by more than
one manufacturer must be attributed
to any one of the vehicle’s manufacturers specified by an express written contract, reported to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
under 49 CFR part 585, between the
manufacturer so specified and the manufacturer to which the vehicle would
otherwise be attributed under S13.1.2(a)
or (b).
S13.2 For the purposes of calculating average annual production of
passenger cars for each manufacturer
and the number of passenger cars manufactured by each manufacturer under
S13.1, each passenger car that is excluded from the requirement to provide
tether anchorages is not counted.
S13.3 Until May 1, 2001, vehicles manufactured by a final-stage manufacturer or alterer need not be equipped
with the tether anchorages required by
S4.3 of this standard. Vehicles manufactured by a final-stage manufacturer
or alterer on or after May 1, 2001 must


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be equipped with the tether anchorages
specified in S4.3.
S14. Lower anchorages phase-in requirements for vehicles manufactured on
or after September 1, 2000 and before September 1, 2002.
S14.1 Vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2000 and before September 1, 2002 shall comply with S14.1.1
through S14.1.2. At anytime during the
production years ending August 31,
2001, and August 31, 2002, each manufacturer shall, upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the child restraint anchorage requirements of this
standard. The manufacturer’s designation of a vehicle as a certified vehicle
is irrevocable.
S14.1.1 Vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2000 and before September 1, 2001. Subject to S14.4, for vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2000 and before September 1,
2001, the number of vehicles complying
with S4.3 shall be not less than 20 percent of:
(a) The manufacturer’s average annual production of vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 1997 and
before September 1, 2000; or
(b) The manufacturer’s production on
or after September 1, 2000 and before
September 1, 2001.
S14.1.2 Vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2001 and before September 1, 2002. Subject to S14.4, for vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2001 and before September 1,
2002, the number of vehicles complying
with S4.3 shall be not less than 50 percent of:
(a) The manufacturer’s average annual production of vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 1998 and
before September 1, 2001; or
(b) The manufacturer’s production on
or after September 1, 2001 and before
September 1, 2002.
S14.2 Vehicles produced by more than
one manufacturer.
S14.2.1 For the purpose of calculating average annual production of vehicles for each manufacturer and the
number of vehicles manufactured by

§ 571.225
through S14.1.2, a vehicle produced by
more than one manufacturer shall be
attributed to a single manufacturer as
follows, subject to S14.2.2.
(a) A vehicle which is imported shall
be attributed to the importer.
(b) A vehicle manufactured in the
United States by more than one manufacturer, one of which also markets the
vehicle, shall be attributed to the manufacturer which markets the vehicle.
S14.2.2 A vehicle produced by more
than one manufacturer must be attributed to any one of the vehicle’s manufacturers specified by an express written contract, reported to the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration
under 49 CFR part 585, between the
manufacturer so specified and the manufacturer to which the vehicle would
otherwise be attributed under S14.2.1.
S14.3 Alternative phase-in schedules.
alterers. A final-stage manufacturer or
alterer may, at its option, comply with
the requirements set forth in S14.3(a)(1)
and (2), instead of the requirements set
forth in S14.1.1 through S14.1.2.
(1) Vehicles manufactured on or after
September 1, 2000 and before September
1, 2002 are not required to be equipped
with the lower anchorages specified in
this standard.
(2) Vehicles manufactured on or after
September 1, 2002 must be equipped
with the lower anchorages specified in
this standard.
(b) Small volume manufacturers. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2000 and before September 1,
2002 that are manufactured by a manufacturer that produces fewer than 5,000
vehicles worldwide annually are not required to provide the lower anchorages
specified in this standard.
S14.4 For the purposes of calculating average annual production of vehicles for each manufacturer and the
number of vehicles manufactured by
each manufacturer under S14.1.1 and
S14.1.2, each vehicle that is excluded
from the requirement to provide child
restraint anchorage systems is not
S15 Alternative to complying with the
requirements of S9. As an alternative to
complying with the requirements of S9,
a vehicle manufactured on or after
September 1, 1999 and before September


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1, 2004 may, at the manufacturer’s option (with said option irrevocably selected prior to, or at the time of, certification of the vehicle), meet the requirements in S15 of this standard. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2004 must meet the requirements of S9 of this standard.
S15.1 Dimensions and installation requirements.
S15.1.1 General. The vehicle anchorages are positioned near the seat bight.
The location of the anchorages is defined with respect to the CRF. If the
vehicle seat is adjustable, it is adjusted
as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer for use with child restraint
S15.1.2 Anchorage dimensions and location.
S15.1.2.1 The lower anchorages shall
consist of two bars that—
(a) Are 6 mm ±.1 mm in diameter;
(b) Are straight, horizontal and
(c) Are not less than 25 mm in length;
(d)–(e) [Reserved]
(f) Are permanently attached to the
vehicle or vehicle seat such that they
can only be removed by use of a tool,
such as a screwdriver or wrench.
S15.1.2.2 (a) The anchorage bars are
located at the vehicle seating position
with the aid of and with respect to the
CRF rearward extensions, with the
CRF placed against or near the vehicle
seat back. With the CRF attached to
the anchorages and resting on the seat
cushion, the bottom surface shall have
attitude angles within the limits in the
following table, angles measured relative to the vehicle horizontal, longitudinal and transverse reference planes.
TABLE TO S15.1.2.2(A)
Pitch ....................................................
Roll ......................................................
Yaw .....................................................

15° ±10°
0° ±5°
0° ±10°

yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR

NOTE: An explanation of the above angles is given in Figure 1.

(b) With adjustable seats adjusted as
described in S15.1.2.2(c), each lower anchorage bar shall be located so that a
vertical transverse plane intersecting
the center of the bar is:
(1) Not more than 70 mm behind
point Z of the CRF, measured parallel
to the bottom surface of the CRF and

to the center of the bar, with the CRF
rear surface against the seat back; and
(2) Not less than 120 mm behind the
vehicle seating reference point, measured horizontally and to the center of
the bar. (NOTE: To facilitate installation of the CRF in a vehicle seat, the
CRF may be constructed of smaller
separable parts and assembled in the
vehicle seat. Alternatively, vehicle
components may be removed to allow
(c) Adjustable seats are adjusted as
recommended by the vehicle manufacturer for use with child restraint systems.
S15.2 Static Strength Requirements.
S15.2.1 The strength of the anchorages shall be determined using the procedure of S15.3 to apply forces to the
SFAD 2, installed in the vehicle seating position and engaged with the anchorages. The vehicle seat shall be installed in the vehicle, or in sufficient
parts of the vehicle so as to be representative of the strength and rigidity
of the vehicle structure. If the seat is
adjustable, it shall be placed in the position recommended by the vehicle
manufacturer for use with child restraint systems. If no adjusted position
is recommended, the seat shall be
placed in any position, at the agency’s
S15.2.2 Horizontal excursion of point
X during application of the 8 kN and 5
kN forces must be not more than 125
mm, after preloading the device. The
amount of displacement is measured
relative to an undisturbed point on the
vehicle body.
S15.3 Forces and directions.
S15.3.1 A rearward force of 135 N ±15
N shall be applied to the center of the
lower front crossbar of SFAD 2 to press
the device against the seat back as the
fore-aft position of the rearward extensions of the SFAD is adjusted to remove any slack or tension. Forces shall
be applied to SFAD 2 in forward and
lateral directions according to the following table.

0° ±5° .........................

8 kN ±0.25


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75° ±5° (to both sides
of straight forward).

5 kN ±0.25

S15.3.2 Forces in the forward direction shall be applied with an initial
force application angle of 10 ±5 degrees
above the horizontal. Lateral forces
shall be applied horizontally (0° ±5°). A
pre-load force of 500 N ±25 N shall be
applied at the prescribed loading point
(point X) in Figure 17. The force shall
be increased to 8 kN ±0.25 kN for forward tests, or to 5 kN ±0.25 kN for lateral tests. Full application of the force
shall be achieved within a time period
of 2 seconds or less. The force shall be
maintained for a period of 0.25 seconds
±0.05 seconds.
S15.3.3 Provisions for simultaneous
and sequential testing. (a) If anchorages
for more than one child restraint anchorage system are installed in the vehicle seat assembly and not directly
into the vehicle structure, the forces
described in S15.3 may, at the agency’s
option, be applied simultaneously to
SFADs engaged with the anchorages.
However, that force may not be applied
simultaneously to SFADs engaged at
any two adjacent seating positions
whose midpoints are less than 400 mm
apart, as measured in accordance with
S15.3.3(a)(1) and (2) and Figure 20.
(1) The midpoint of the seating position lies in the vertical longitudinal
plane that is equidistant from vertical
longitudinal planes through the geometric center of each of the two lower
anchorages at the seating position.
(2) Measure the distance between the
vertical longitudinal planes passing
through the midpoints of the adjacent
seating positions, as measured along a
line perpendicular to the planes.
(b) The lower anchorages of a particular child restraint anchorage system will not be tested if one or both of
the anchorages have been previously
tested under this standard.
S15.4 Marking and conspicuity of the
lower anchorages. At least one anchorage bar (when deployed for use), one
guidance fixture, or one seat marking
feature shall be readily visible to the
person installing the CRF. If guidance
fixtures are used to meet this require-

§ 571.225
ment, the fixture(s) (although removable) must be installed. Storable anchorages shall be provided with a telltale or label that is visible when the
anchorage is stored.
S16. Phase-in of strength requirements
for vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2004 and before September 1,
2005. At anytime during the production
year ending August 31, 2005, each manufacturer shall, upon request from the
Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance,
provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle
identification number) that have been
certified as complying with S6.3.1 or
S6.3.4, and with S9.4 or S15.2 and S15.3.
The manufacturer’s designation of a
vehicle as meeting the particular requirement is irrevocable.
S16.1 Tether anchorage phase-in of
strength requirements. For vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2004
and before September 1, 2005, the number of vehicles complying with S6.3.1
shall be not less than 90 percent of:
(a) the manufacturer’s average annual production of vehicle manufactured on or after September 1, 2001 and
before September 1, 2004; or
(b) The manufacturer’s production on
or after September 1, 2004 and before
September 1, 2005.
S16.2 Lower anchorages phase-in of
strength requirements.
For vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2004 and before September 1, 2005, the number of vehicles
complying with S9.4 shall be not less
than 90 percent of:
(a) The manufacturer’s average annual production of vehicle manufactured on or after September 1, 2001 and
before September 1, 2004; or
(b) The manufacturer’s production on
or after September 1, 2003 and before
September 1, 2004.
S16.3 Vehicles produced by more than
one manufacturer.
S16.3.1 For the purpose of calculating average annual production of vehicles for each manufacturer and the
number of vehicles manufactured by
each manufacturer under S16.1 and
S16.2, a vehicle produced by more than
one manufacturer shall be attributed
to a single manufacturer as follows,
subject to S16.3.2.


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49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–08 Edition)

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(a) A vehicle which is imported shall
be attributed to the importer.
(b) A vehicle manufactured in the
United States by more than one manufacturer, one of which also markets the
vehicle, shall be attributed to the manufacturer that markets the vehicle.
S16.3.2 A vehicle produced by more
than one manufacturer must be attributed to any one of the vehicle’s manufacturers specified by an express written contract, reported to the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration
under 49 CFR part 585, between the
manufacturer so specified and the manufacturer to which the vehicle would
otherwise be attributed under S16.3.1.
S16.4 Alternative phase-in schedules.
(a) Final-stage manufacturers and
alterers. A final-stage manufacturer or
alterer may, at its option, comply with
the requirements set forth in S16.4(a)(1)

and (2), instead of the requirements set
forth in S16.1 through S16.2.
(1) Vehicles manufactured on or after
September 1, 2004 and before September
1, 2005 may meet the requirements of
S6.3.4 instead of S6.3.1, and may meet
the requirements of S15.2 and S15.3 instead of S9.4.
(2) Vehicles manufactured on or after
September 1, 2005 must meet the requirements of S6.3.4 and S9.4.
(b) Small volume manufacturers. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2004 and before September 1,
2005 that are manufactured by a manufacturer that produces fewer than 5,000
vehicles worldwide annually may meet
the requirements of S6.3.4 instead of
S6.3.1, and may meet the requirements
of S15.2 and S15.3 instead of S9.4. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2005 must meet the requirements of S6.3.4 and S9.4.


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§ 571.225

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[64 FR 10823, Mar. 5, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 47587, Aug. 31, 1999; 65 FR 46640, July 31, 2000;
68 FR 24667, May 8, 2003; 68 FR 38226, June 27, 2003; 69 FR 48823, Aug. 11, 2004; 69 FR 60565, Oct.
12, 2004; 69 FR 70915, Dec. 8, 2004]


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§ 571.225


Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2009-01-13
File Created2009-01-13

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