U.S. Department of the Interior National Park ServiceSocial Science Division
Visitor Services Project |
OMB Control Number: 1024-0224
Current Expiration Date: 8/31/2014
National Seashore
United States Department of the Interior
NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Cumberland Island National Seashore 101 Wheeler Street St. Marys, GA 31558 |
Summer 2012
Dear Park Visitor,
Thank you for participating in this study. We would like to hear about your experience at Cumberland Island National Seashore, and learn about your opinions on the visitor services and facilities on the island. We are especially interested in your opinions about transportation services on the island. This information will be used in the park transportation planning which aims to improve the quality of the services and to provide better visitor experiences.
This questionnaire is only being given to a select number of visitors, so your participation is important and appreciated. It should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Please return your completed questionnaire to the lock-box by Sea Camp Ranger Station.
We appreciate your help.
[insert signature]
Fred Boyles Superintendent
1. Please have the selected individual (at least 16 years old) complete this questionnaire.
2. Answer the questions carefully since each question is different.
3. For questions that use circles (O), please mark your answer by filling in the circle with black or blue ink. Please do not use pencil.
4. Return the completed questionnaire to the lock-box by the Sea Camp Ranger Station
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This information will be used by the National Park Service as authorized by 16 U.S.C. 1a-7. We will use this information to evaluate the tour services provided by Cumberland Island National Seashore. Your responses are voluntary and anonymous. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to, respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number and expiration date. We estimate that it will take an average of 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire. You may send any comments concerning the burden estimates or any aspect of this information collection to Lena Le, NPS Visitor Services Project, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, P.O. Box 441139, Moscow, ID, 83844-1139; or [email protected] (email).
Topic Area 2 - TPLAN1
1. a) Prior to this visit, how did you obtain information to prepare for your visit to Cumberland Island National Seashore? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O |
Previous visits |
O |
Live in the local area |
O |
Friends/relatives/word of mouth |
O |
Inquiry to park via phone, mail, or email |
O |
Cumberland Island National Seashore website: www.nps.gov/cuis |
O |
Other websites — which one(s)? ______________________ |
O |
Ferry companies |
O |
Local businesses (hotels, motels, restaurants, etc.) |
O |
Maps/brochures |
O |
Newspaper/magazine articles |
O |
Other tourist sites (not National Park Service) |
O |
Social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) |
O |
State welcome center/visitors bureau/chamber of commerce |
O |
Television/radio programs/DVDs |
O |
Travel guides/tour books (such as AAA, etc.) |
O |
Other (Please specify) ____________________________ |
Topic Area 2 – TPLAN2
b) From the sources you used prior to this visit, did you receive the type of information about the park that you needed?
O No O Yes Go to Question 2
Topic Area 2 – TPLAN3
c) If NO, what type of park information did you need that was not available? Please be specific.
Topic Area 3 – ITIN1
2. For this visit, please list all the sites that you visited at Cumberland Island National Seashore. Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Park visitor center
O Dungeness Ruins O Beach
O Ice House Museum O Stafford Cemetery
O Plum Orchard Mansion O Wharf Ruins
O First African American Church
O Other (please be specific) ________________________
Topic Area 3 – TRIPC8
3. a) On this visit to Cumberland Island National Seashore, how much time in total did you spend on the island? Please list partial hours as ¼, ½, ¾.
Total number of hours
Topic Area 3 – TRIPC6
b) Did you visit the park on more than one day?
O No O Yes c) If YES, how many days?
Topic Area 3 – TRANS4
4. a) Cumberland Island National Seashore offers a free, unscheduled shuttle service used to transport visitors along 3-mile loops at the south end of the island from Dungeness Dock to Dungeness Ruins and Sea Camp. On this visit, did you take the South End Shuttle?
O Yes O No Go on to question 5
Topic Area 6 – EVALSERV17
b) If Yes, how satisfied were you with the shuttle service? Please mark (•) one.
Not at all satisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Very satisfied |
Completely satisfied |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Topic Area 3 – TRANS4 (Variation)
5. If you did not take the South End Shuttle Service this visit, what prevented you from using the shuttle service? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Was not aware of the shuttle service
O Wanted to take the shuttle but it wasn’t available when we arrived
O Preferred to walk/bike
O Did not need to go that far onto the island
O The vehicle was not large enough for my entire group
O The vehicle looked uncomfortable
O Other (Please specify)
Topic Area 3 – ACT1
6. a) On this visit, in which activities did you participate within Cumberland Island National Seashore? Please mark (•) all that apply in column a).
b) If you were to visit Cumberland Island National Seashore in the future, in which activities would you group prefer to participate? Please mark (•) all that apply in column b).
a) This visit |
b) Future visit |
Activity |
O |
O |
Attending ranger-led programs |
O |
O |
Bicycling |
O |
O |
Creative arts (photography/drawing/painting/writing) |
O |
O |
Fishing/hunting |
O |
O |
General sightseeing |
O |
O |
Camping |
O |
O |
Jogging/running for exercise |
O |
O |
Viewing wildlife |
O |
O |
Stargazing |
O |
O |
Learning/researching history |
O |
O |
Obtaining a National Park Passport stamp |
O |
O |
Picnicking |
O |
O |
Playing on the beach/swimming |
O |
O |
Boating |
O |
n/a |
Other, this visit (Specify) ____________________________ |
n/a |
O |
Other, future visit (Specify) __________________________ |
7. Currently Cumberland Island National Seashore offers a guided motorized tour of the North End of the island called the “Lands and Legacies Tour.” The tour is guided by park staff, takes five to six hours, and includes both natural and cultural sites.
Topic Area 1 – KNOW9
a) Prior to receiving this questionnaire, were you aware of the Land and Legacies Tour?
O No Go to Question 8
O Yes
Topic Area 3 – ACT7 (Variation)
b) On this visit, did you take the Land and Legacies Tour?
O No O Yes
c) If NO, what prevented you from taking the Land and Legacies Tour on this visit? Please mark (•) all that apply.
O Had taken it in the past
O Generally not interested in guided tours
O Wanted to go but could not make a reservation
O The vehicle looked uncomfortable for a long trip
O Tour is too long, did not have time
O Cost of tour is too high
O Other reasons (Please specify)_________________________________
Topic Area 3 – FVIS7
8. If you were to visit Cumberland Island National Seashore in the future, would you be interested in taking the Land and Legacies Tour?
O Yes O No O Not sure
Topic Area 6 – EVALFEE2
9. a) Currently the charge for the Land and Legacies Tour is $15/adult, and $12 for a senior citizen or a child under 12. In your opinion, how appropriate is this amount? Please mark (•) only one.
O Too high O About right O Too low
Topic Area 6 – EVALFEE1
b) On a future visit, would you be willing to pay $20 per adult and $17 for senior citizens and children under 12, if the fees were used to fund the increasing cost to operate the Land and Legacy Tour?
O Yes, likely O No, unlikely O Unsure
Topic Area 3 – FVIS22
10. a) If transportation was offered, would you be interested in taking a guided tour of Plum Orchard Mansion?
O No Go to Question 11
O Yes
Topic Area 6 – EVALFEE1
b) Would you be willing to pay a fee of $10 per adult and $7 per senior citizen or a child under 12 to take the Plum Orchard Mansion tour? Please mark (•) one.
O Yes, likely O No, unlikely O Unsure
Topic Area 6 – EVALSERV17
11. a) On this visit to Cumberland Island National Seashore, please indicate how satisfied you were with the following services. Please mark (•) one for each service.
Service |
Did not use |
Not at all satisfied |
Slightly satisfied |
Neutral |
Very satisfied |
Completely satisfied |
Ferry/water transportation |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Bookstores/ retail |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Ranger-led programs |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Information services |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Special events/ programs |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Visitor centers/ exhibits |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Campsites |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Picnic areas |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
b. For any service that was not satisfactory, please explain the problem.
Topic Area 6 – EVALSERV1
12 Overall, how would you rate the quality of the facilities, services, and recreational opportunities provided to you at Cumberland Island National Seashore during this visit? Please mark (•) one.
Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
Topic Area 6 – OPMGMT1
13. If you were a park manager planning for the future of Cumberland Island National Seashore, what would you propose? Please be specific.
Topic Area 1 – GR2
14. On this visit, were you part of a larger organized group (such as tour group, school, scout, church, etc.)?
O Yes O No
Topic Area 1 – GR1
15. a) On this visit, what kind of group (not guided tour/school/other organized group) were you with? Please mark (•) one.
O Alone O Friends
O Family O Family and friends
O Other (Please specify)
Topic Area 1 – GR3
b) On this visit, how many people were in your personal group, including yourself?
Number of people 16 years of age and over
Number of people under 16 years of age
Topic Area 1 – AGE3
16. What is your age? ____________
Topic Area 1 – AGE1
17. a) What is your U.S. zip code? _________________________
b) If you are not from the U.S. please specify name of the country______________
Topic Area 1 – AGE1
18. How many times have you visited Cumberland Island National Seashore (to date, including this visit)? ___________________(number of times)
Topic Area 7 – ECON1
19. a) Which category best represents your annual household income? Please mark (•) one.
O |
Less than $24,999 |
O |
$50,000-$74,999 |
O |
$150,000-$199,999 |
O |
$25,000-$34,999 |
O |
$75,000-$99,999 |
O |
$200,000 or more |
O |
$35,000-$49,999 |
O |
$100,000-$149,999 |
O |
Do not wish to answer |
b) How many people are in your household? Number of people
Topic Area 6 – OPMGMT3
20. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your visit to Cumberland Island National Seashore?
on recycled paper
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Lena Le Studies |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |