29 Cfr 1910.178

29cfr1910.178 (2010).pdf

Powered Industrial Trucks Standard (29 CFR 1910.178)

29 CFR 1910.178

OMB: 1218-0242

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[49 FR 4350, Feb. 3, 1984, as amended at 52 FR
36026, Sept. 25, 1987; 53 FR 34737, Sept. 8, 1988;
61 FR 9239, Mar. 7, 1996]

§ 1910.178 Powered industrial trucks.
(a) General requirements. (1) This section contains safety requirements relating to fire protection, design, maintenance, and use of fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, motorized
hand trucks, and other specialized industrial trucks powered by electric motors or internal combustion engines.
This section does not apply to compressed air or nonflammable compressed gas-operated industrial trucks,
nor to farm vehicles, nor to vehicles intended primarily for earth moving or
over-the-road hauling.
(2) All new powered industrial trucks
acquired and used by an employer shall
meet the design and construction requirements for powered industrial
trucks established in the ‘‘American
National Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks, part II, ANSI B56.1–1969’’,
which is incorporated by reference as
specified in § 1910.6, except for vehicles
intended primarily for earth moving or
over-the-road hauling.
(3) Approved trucks shall bear a label
or some other identifying mark indicating approval by the testing laboratory. See paragraph (a)(7) of this section and paragraph 405 of ‘‘American
National Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks, part II, ANSI B56.1–1969’’,
which is incorporated by reference in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section and
which provides that if the powered industrial truck is accepted by a nationally recognized testing laboratory it
should be so marked.
(4) Modifications and additions which
affect capacity and safe operation shall

§ 1910.178

not be performed by the customer or
user without manufacturers prior written approval. Capacity, operation, and
maintenance instruction plates, tags,
or decals shall be changed accordingly.
(5) If the truck is equipped with
front-end attachments other than factory installed attachments, the user
shall request that the truck be marked
to identify the attachments and show
the approximate weight of the truck
and attachment combination at maximum elevation with load laterally
(6) The user shall see that all nameplates and markings are in place and
are maintained in a legible condition.
(7) As used in this section, the term,
approved truck or approved industrial
truck means a truck that is listed or
approved for fire safety purposes for
the intended use by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, using nationally recognized testing standards.
Refer to § 1910.155(c)(3)(iv)(A) for definition of listed, and to § 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing
(b) Designations. For the purpose of
this standard there are eleven different
designations of industrial trucks or
tractors as follows: D, DS, DY, E, ES,
EE, EX, G, GS, LP, and LPS.
(1) The D designated units are units
similar to the G units except that they
are diesel engine powered instead of
gasoline engine powered.
(2) The DS designated units are diesel
powered units that are provided with
additional safeguards to the exhaust,
fuel and electrical systems. They may
be used in some locations where a D
unit may not be considered suitable.
(3) The DY designated units are diesel powered units that have all the
safeguards of the DS units and in addition do not have any electrical equipment including the ignition and are
equipped with temperature limitation
(4) The E designated units are electrically powered units that have minimum acceptable safeguards against inherent fire hazards.
(5) The ES designated units are electrically powered units that, in addition
to all of the requirements for the E
units, are provided with additional
safeguards to the electrical system to


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§ 1910.178

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

prevent emission of hazardous sparks
and to limit surface temperatures.
They may be used in some locations
where the use of an E unit may not be
considered suitable.
(6) The EE designated units are electrically powered units that have, in addition to all of the requirements for
the E and ES units, the electric motors
and all other electrical equipment
completely enclosed. In certain locations the EE unit may be used where
the use of an E and ES unit may not be
considered suitable.
(7) The EX designated units are electrically powered units that differ from
the E, ES, or EE units in that the electrical fittings and equipment are so designed, constructed and assembled that
the units may be used in certain
atmospheres containing flammable vapors or dusts.
(8) The G designated units are gasoline powered units having minimum
acceptable safeguards against inherent
fire hazards.
(9) The GS designated units are gasoline powered units that are provided
with additional safeguards to the exhaust, fuel, and electrical systems.
They may be used in some locations
where the use of a G unit may not be
considered suitable.
(10) The LP designated unit is similar
to the G unit except that liquefied petroleum gas is used for fuel instead of
(11) The LPS designated units are liquefied petroleum gas powered units
that are provided with additional safeguards to the exhaust, fuel, and electrical systems. They may be used in
some locations where the use of an LP
unit may not be considered suitable.
(12) The atmosphere or location shall
have been classified as to whether it is
hazardous or nonhazardous prior to the
consideration of industrial trucks
being used therein and the type of industrial truck required shall be as provided in paragraph (d) of this section
for such location.
(c) Designated locations. (1) The industrial trucks specified under subparagraph (2) of this paragraph are the minimum types required but industrial
trucks having greater safeguards may
be used if desired.

(2) For specific areas of use, see Table
N–1 which tabulates the information
contained in this section. References
are to the corresponding classification
as used in subpart S of this part.
(i) Power-operated industrial trucks
shall not be used in atmospheres containing hazardous concentration of
acetylene, butadiene, ethylene oxide,
hydrogen (or gases or vapors equivalent in hazard to hydrogen, such as
manufactured gas), propylene oxide,
acetaldehyde, cyclopropane, diethyl
ether, ethylene, isoprene, or unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH).
atmospheres containing hazardous concentrations of metal dust, including
aluminum, magnesium, and their commercial alloys, other metals of similarly hazardous characteristics, or in
atmospheres containing carbon black,
coal or coke dust except approved
power-operated industrial trucks designated as EX may be used in such
(b) In atmospheres where dust of
magnesium, aluminum or aluminum
bronze may be present, fuses, switches,
motor controllers, and circuit breakers
of trucks shall have enclosures specifically approved for such locations.
(iii) Only approved power-operated
industrial trucks designated as EX
may be used in atmospheres containing
acetone, acrylonitrile, alcohol, ammonia, benzine, benzol, butane, ethylene
dichloride, gasoline, hexane, lacquer
solvent vapors, naphtha, natural gas,
propane, propylene, styrene, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, or xylenes in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or
ignitable mixtures and where such concentrations of these gases or vapors
exist continuously, intermittently or
periodically under normal operating
conditions or may exist frequently because of repair, maintenance operations, leakage, breakdown or faulty
operation of equipment.
(iv) Power-operated industrial trucks
designated as DY, EE, or EX may be
used in locations where volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases are
handled, processed or used, but in
which the hazardous liquids, vapors or
gases will normally be confined within
closed containers or closed systems


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor

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from which they can escape only in
case of accidental rupture or breakdown of such containers or systems, or
in the case of abnormal operation of
equipment; also in locations in which
hazardous concentrations of gases or
vapors are normally prevented by positive mechanical ventilation but which
might become hazardous through failure or abnormal operation of the ven-

§ 1910.178

tilating equipment; or in locations
which are adjacent to Class I, Division
1 locations, and to which hazardous
concentrations of gases or vapors
might occasionally be communicated
unless such communication is prevented by adequate positive-pressure
ventilation from a source of clear air,
and effective safeguards against ventilation failure are provided.


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Divisions (nature of
hazardous conditions)


Piers and wharves inside
and outside general
storage, general industrial or commercial

Examples of locations
or atmospheres in
classes and groups.


Ethyl ether


Metal dust

black coal
coke dust


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Above condition exists
continuously, intermittently, or periodically under normal
operating conditions.

Above condition may
occur accidentally as
due to a puncture of
a storage drum.

Explosive mixture may
be present under
normal operating
conditions, or where
failure of equipment
may cause the condition to exist simultaneously with arcing
or sparking of electrical equipment, or
where dusts of an
electrically conducting nature may
be present.

Explosive mixture not
normally present, but
where deposits of
dust may cause heat
rise in electrical
equipment, or where
such deposits may
be ignited by arcs or
sparks from electrical


Locations in which easily ignitible fibers or
materials producing
combustible flyings
are handled, manufactured, or used.


Class III locations

Locations in which easily ignitible fibers are
stored or handled
(except in the process of manufacture).


Baled waste, cocoa
fiber, cotton, excelsior, hemp, istle,
jute, kapok, oakum,
sisal, Spanish
moss, synthetic fibers, tow.


Locations where easily ignitible
fibers or flyings are present
but not likely to be in suspension in quantities sufficient to
produce ignitible mixtures.

Grain dust, flour dust,
starch dust, organic


Locations which are hazardous because of the
presence of combustible dust.

Class II locations



Locations not possessing
Locations in which flammable gases or vapors
atmospheres as deare, or may be, present in the air in quantities
scribed in other columns.
sufficient to produce explosive or ignitible mixtures.

Class I locations



Groups in classes

Description of classes


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§ 1910.178
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E** ...........

G** ..........

LP** .........


D** ...........














EX ....


















LPS ..

GS ....

ES ....
EE ....
EX ....

DS ....
DY ....









EX ....



Authorized uses of trucks by types in groups of classes and divisions

**Trucks conforming to these types may also be used—see subdivision (c)(2)(x) and (c)(2)(xii) of this section.

Type of truck authorized:
Type D .................
Type DS ...............
Type DY ...............
Type E .................
Type ES ...............
Type EE ...............
Type EX ...............
Type G .................
Type GS ..............
Type LP ...............
Type LPS .............
Paragraph Ref. in No.

Groups in classes

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EX ....













LPS ..

GS ....

ES ....
EE ....
EX ....

DS ....
DY ....




EE ...........
EX ...........

DY ...........


208 (a)





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§ 1910.178




rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

§ 1910.178

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

(v) In locations used for the storage
of hazardous liquids in sealed containers or liquefied or compressed
gases in containers, approved power-operated industrial trucks designated as
DS, ES, GS, or LPS may be used. This
classification includes locations where
volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases or vapors are used, but
which, would become hazardous only in
case of an accident or of some unusual
operating condition. The quantity of
hazardous material that might escape
in case of accident, the adequacy of
ventilating equipment, the total area
involved, and the record of the industry or business with respect to explosions or fires are all factors that should
receive consideration in determining
whether or not the DS or DY, ES, EE,
GS, LPS designated truck possesses
sufficient safeguards for the location.
Piping without valves, checks, meters
and similar devices would not ordinarily be deemed to introduce a hazardous condition even though used for
hazardous liquids or gases. Locations
used for the storage of hazardous liquids or of liquified or compressed gases
in sealed containers would not normally be considered hazardous unless
subject to other hazardous conditions
(vi)(a) Only approved power operated
industrial trucks designated as EX
shall be used in atmospheres in which
combustible dust is or may be in suspension continuously, intermittently,
or periodically under normal operating
conditions, in quantities sufficient to
produce explosive or ignitable mixtures, or where mechanical failure or
abnormal operation of machinery or
equipment might cause such mixtures
to be produced.
(b) The EX classification usually includes the working areas of grain handling and storage plants, room containing grinders or pulverizers, cleaners, graders, scalpers, open conveyors
or spouts, open bins or hoppers, mixers,
or blenders, automatic or hopper
scales, packing machinery, elevator
heads and boots, stock distributors,
dust and stock collectors (except allmetal collectors vented to the outside),
and all similar dust producing machinery and equipment in grain processing
plants, starch plants, sugar pulverizing

plants, malting plants, hay grinding
plants, and other occupancies of similar nature; coal pulverizing plants (except where the pulverizing equipment
is essentially dust tight); all working
areas where metal dusts and powders
are produced, processed, handled,
packed, or stored (except in tight containers); and other similar locations
where combustible dust may, under
present in the air in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable
(vii) Only approved power-operated
industrial trucks designated as DY,
EE, or EX shall be used in atmospheres
in which combustible dust will not normally be in suspension in the air or
will not be likely to be thrown into
suspension by the normal operation of
equipment or apparatus in quantities
sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures but where deposits or accumulations of such dust may be ignited by arcs or sparks originating in
the truck.
(viii) Only approved power-operated
industrial trucks designated as DY,
EE, or EX shall be used in locations
which are hazardous because of the
presence of easily ignitable fibers or
flyings but in which such fibers or
flyings are not likely to be in suspension in the air in quantities sufficient
to produce ignitable mixtures.
(ix) Only approved power-operated industrial trucks designated as DS, DY,
ES, EE, EX, GS, or LPS shall be used
in locations where easily ignitable fibers are stored or handled, including
outside storage, but are not being processed or manufactured. Industrial
trucks designated as E, which have
been previously used in these locations
may be continued in use.
(x) On piers and wharves handling
general cargo, any approved power-operated industrial truck designated as
Type D, E, G, or LP may be used, or
trucks which conform to the requirements for these types may be used.
(xi) If storage warehouses and outside
storage locations are hazardous only
the approved power-operated industrial
truck specified for such locations in
this paragraph (c)(2) shall be used. If
not classified as hazardous, any approved power-operated industrial truck


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
designated as Type D, E, G, or LP may
be used, or trucks which conform to
the requirements for these types may
be used.
(xii) If general industrial or commercial properties are hazardous, only approved
trucks specified for such locations in
this paragraph (c)(2) shall be used. If
not classified as hazardous, any approved power-operated industrial truck
designated as Type D, E, G, or LP may
be used, or trucks which conform to
the requirements of these types may be
(d) Converted industrial trucks. Poweroperated industrial trucks that have
been originally approved for the use of
gasoline for fuel, when converted to the
use of liquefied petroleum gas fuel in
accordance with paragraph (q) of this
section, may be used in those locations
where G, GS or LP, and LPS designated trucks have been specified in
the preceding paragraphs.
(e) Safety guards. (1) High Lift Rider
trucks shall be fitted with an overhead
guard manufactured in accordance
with paragraph (a)(2) of this section,
unless operating conditions do not permit.
(2) If the type of load presents a hazard, the user shall equip fork trucks
with a vertical load backrest extension
manufactured in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(f) Fuel handling and storage. (1) The
storage and handling of liquid fuels
such as gasoline and diesel fuel shall be
in accordance with NFPA Flammable
and Combustible Liquids Code (NFPA
No. 30–1969), which is incorporated by
reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(2) The storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas fuel shall be in accordance with NFPA Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
(NFPA No. 58–1969), which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(g) Changing and charging storage batteries. (1) Battery charging installations shall be located in areas designated for that purpose.
(2) Facilities shall be provided for
flushing and neutralizing spilled electrolyte, for fire protection, for protecting charging apparatus from damage by trucks, and for adequate ven-

§ 1910.178

tilation for dispersal of fumes from
gassing batteries.
(3) [Reserved]
(4) A conveyor, overhead hoist, or
equivalent material handling equipment shall be provided for handling
(5) Reinstalled batteries shall be
properly positioned and secured in the
(6) A carboy tilter or siphon shall be
provided for handling electrolyte.
(7) When charging batteries, acid
shall be poured into water; water shall
not be poured into acid.
(8) Trucks shall be properly positioned and brake applied before attempting to change or charge batteries.
(9) Care shall be taken to assure that
vent caps are functioning. The battery
(or compartment) cover(s) shall be
open to dissipate heat.
(10) Smoking shall be prohibited in
the charging area.
(11) Precautions shall be taken to
prevent open flames, sparks, or electric
arcs in battery charging areas.
(12) Tools and other metallic objects
shall be kept away from the top of uncovered batteries.
(h) Lighting for operating areas. (1)
(2) Where general lighting is less
than 2 lumens per square foot, auxiliary directional lighting shall be provided on the truck.
(i) Control of noxious gases and fumes.
(1) Concentration levels of carbon monoxide gas created by powered industrial
truck operations shall not exceed the
levels specified in § 1910.1000.
(j) Dockboards (bridge plates). See
§ 1910.30(a).
(k) Trucks and railroad cars. (1) The
brakes of highway trucks shall be set
and wheel chocks placed under the rear
wheels to prevent the trucks from rolling while they are boarded with powered industrial trucks.
(2) Wheel stops or other recognized
positive protection shall be provided to
prevent railroad cars from moving during loading or unloading operations.
(3) Fixed jacks may be necessary to
support a semitrailer and prevent upending during the loading or unloading
when the trailer is not coupled to a


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§ 1910.178

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

(4) Positive protection shall be provided to prevent railroad cars from
being moved while dockboards or
bridge plates are in position.
(l) Operator training. (1) Safe operation. (i) The employer shall ensure
that each powered industrial truck operator is competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful completion
of the training and evaluation specified
in this paragraph (l).
(ii) Prior to permitting an employee
to operate a powered industrial truck
(except for training purposes), the employer shall ensure that each operator
has successfully completed the training required by this paragraph (l), except as permitted by paragraph (l)(5).
(2) Training program implementation.
(i) Trainees may operate a powered industrial truck only:
(A) Under the direct supervision of
persons who have the knowledge, training, and experience to train operators
and evaluate their competence; and
(B) Where such operation does not
endanger the trainee or other employees.
(ii) Training shall consist of a combination of formal instruction (e.g.,
lecture, discussion, interactive computer learning, video tape, written material), practical training (demonstrations performed by the trainer and
practical exercises performed by the
trainee), and evaluation of the operator’s performance in the workplace.
(iii) All operator training and evaluation shall be conducted by persons who
have the knowledge, training, and experience to train powered industrial
truck operators and evaluate their
(3) Training program content. Powered
industrial truck operators shall receive
initial training in the following topics,
except in topics which the employer
can demonstrate are not applicable to
safe operation of the truck in the employer’s workplace.
(i) Truck-related topics:
(A) Operating instructions, warnings,
and precautions for the types of truck
the operator will be authorized to operate;
(B) Differences between the truck
and the automobile;

(C) Truck controls and instrumentation: where they are located, what they
do, and how they work;
(D) Engine or motor operation;
(E) Steering and maneuvering;
(F) Visibility (including restrictions
due to loading);
(G) Fork and attachment adaptation,
operation, and use limitations;
(H) Vehicle capacity;
(I) Vehicle stability;
(J) Any vehicle inspection and maintenance that the operator will be required to perform;
(K) Refueling and/or charging and recharging of batteries;
(L) Operating limitations;
(M) Any other operating instructions, warnings, or precautions listed
in the operator’s manual for the types
of vehicle that the employee is being
trained to operate.
(ii) Workplace-related topics:
(A) Surface conditions where the vehicle will be operated;
(B) Composition of loads to be carried and load stability;
(C) Load manipulation, stacking, and
(D) Pedestrian traffic in areas where
the vehicle will be operated;
(E) Narrow aisles and other restricted places where the vehicle will
be operated;
(F) Hazardous (classified) locations
where the vehicle will be operated;
(G) Ramps and other sloped surfaces
that could affect the vehicle’s stability;
(H) Closed environments and other
areas where insufficient ventilation or
poor vehicle maintenance could cause a
buildup of carbon monoxide or diesel
(I) Other unique or potentially hazardous environmental conditions in the
workplace that could affect safe operation.
(iii) The requirements of this section.
(4) Refresher training and evaluation.
(i) Refresher training, including an
evaluation of the effectiveness of that
training, shall be conducted as required
by paragraph (l)(4)(ii) to ensure that
the operator has the knowledge and
skills needed to operate the powered
industrial truck safely.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(ii) Refresher training in relevant
topics shall be provided to the operator
(A) The operator has been observed
to operate the vehicle in an unsafe
(B) The operator has been involved in
an accident or near-miss incident;
(C) The operator has received an
evaluation that reveals that the operator is not operating the truck safely;
(D) The operator is assigned to drive
a different type of truck; or
(E) A condition in the workplace
changes in a manner that could affect
safe operation of the truck.
(iii) An evaluation of each powered
industrial truck operator’s performance shall be conducted at least once
every three years.
(5) Avoidance of duplicative training. If
an operator has previously received
If the employee was hired:

training in a topic specified in paragraph (l)(3) of this section, and such
training is appropriate to the truck
and working conditions encountered,
additional training in that topic is not
required if the operator has been evaluated and found competent to operate
the truck safely.
(6) Certification. The employer shall
certify that each operator has been
trained and evaluated as required by
this paragraph (l). The certification
shall include the name of the operator,
the date of the training, the date of the
evaluation, and the identity of the person(s) performing the training or evaluation.
(7) Dates. The employer shall ensure
that operators of powered industrial
trucks are trained, as appropriate, by
the dates shown in the following table.

The initial training and evaluation of that employee must be completed:

Before December 1, 1999 ..........................
After December 1, 1999 .............................

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§ 1910.178

By December 1, 1999.
Before the employee is assigned to operate a powered industrial truck.

(8) Appendix A to this section provides non-mandatory guidance to assist
employers in implementing this paragraph (l). This appendix does not add
to, alter, or reduce the requirements of
this section.
(m) Truck operations. (1) Trucks shall
not be driven up to anyone standing in
front of a bench or other fixed object.
(2) No person shall be allowed to
stand or pass under the elevated portion of any truck, whether loaded or
(3) Unauthorized personnel shall not
be permitted to ride on powered industrial trucks. A safe place to ride shall
be provided where riding of trucks is
(4) The employer shall prohibit arms
or legs from being placed between the
uprights of the mast or outside the
running lines of the truck.
(5)(i) When a powered industrial
truck is left unattended, load engaging
means shall be fully lowered, controls
shall be neutralized, power shall be
shut off, and brakes set. Wheels shall
be blocked if the truck is parked on an
(ii) A powered industrial truck is unattended when the operator is 25 ft. or

more away from the vehicle which remains in his view, or whenever the operator leaves the vehicle and it is not
in his view.
(iii) When the operator of an industrial truck is dismounted and within 25
ft. of the truck still in his view, the
load engaging means shall be fully lowered, controls neutralized, and the
brakes set to prevent movement.
(6) A safe distance shall be maintained from the edge of ramps or platforms while on any elevated dock, or
platform or freight car. Trucks shall
not be used for opening or closing
freight doors.
(7) Brakes shall be set and wheel
blocks shall be in place to prevent
movement of trucks, trailers, or railroad cars while loading or unloading.
Fixed jacks may be necessary to support a semitrailer during loading or unloading when the trailer is not coupled
to a tractor. The flooring of trucks,
trailers, and railroad cars shall be
checked for breaks and weakness before they are driven onto.
(8) There shall be sufficient headroom under overhead installations,
lights, pipes, sprinkler system, etc.


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§ 1910.178

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

(9) An overhead guard shall be used
as protection against falling objects. It
should be noted that an overhead guard
is intended to offer protection from the
impact of small packages, boxes,
bagged material, etc., representative of
the job application, but not to withstand the impact of a falling capacity
(10) A load backrest extension shall
be used whenever necessary to minimize the possibility of the load or part
of it from falling rearward.
(11) Only approved industrial trucks
shall be used in hazardous locations.
(12)–(13) [Reserved]
(14) Fire aisles, access to stairways,
and fire equipment shall be kept clear.
(n) Traveling. (1) All traffic regulations shall be observed, including authorized plant speed limits. A safe distance shall be maintained approximately three truck lengths from the
truck ahead, and the truck shall be
kept under control at all times.
(2) The right of way shall be yielded
to ambulances, fire trucks, or other vehicles in emergency situations.
(3) Other trucks traveling in the
same direction at intersections, blind
spots, or other dangerous locations
shall not be passed.
(4) The driver shall be required to
slow down and sound the horn at cross
aisles and other locations where vision
is obstructed. If the load being carried
obstructs forward view, the driver shall
be required to travel with the load
(5) Railroad tracks shall be crossed
diagonally wherever possible. Parking
closer than 8 feet from the center of
railroad tracks is prohibited.
(6) The driver shall be required to
look in the direction of, and keep a
clear view of the path of travel.
(7) Grades shall be ascended or descended slowly.
(i) When ascending or descending
grades in excess of 10 percent, loaded
trucks shall be driven with the load upgrade.
(ii) [Reserved]
(iii) On all grades the load and load
engaging means shall be tilted back if
applicable, and raised only as far as
necessary to clear the road surface.
(8) Under all travel conditions the
truck shall be operated at a speed that

will permit it to be brought to a stop in
a safe manner.
(9) Stunt driving and horseplay shall
not be permitted.
(10) The driver shall be required to
slow down for wet and slippery floors.
(11) Dockboard or bridgeplates, shall
be properly secured before they are
driven over. Dockboard or bridgeplates
shall be driven over carefully and slowly and their rated capacity never exceeded.
(12) Elevators shall be approached
slowly, and then entered squarely after
the elevator car is properly leveled.
Once on the elevator, the controls shall
be neutralized, power shut off, and the
brakes set.
(13) Motorized hand trucks must
enter elevator or other confined areas
with load end forward.
(14) Running over loose objects on
the roadway surface shall be avoided.
(15) While negotiating turns, speed
shall be reduced to a safe level by
means of turning the hand steering
wheel in a smooth, sweeping motion.
Except when maneuvering at a very
low speed, the hand steering wheel
shall be turned at a moderate, even
(o) Loading. (1) Only stable or safely
arranged loads shall be handled. Caution shall be exercised when handling
off-center loads which cannot be centered.
(2) Only loads within the rated capacity of the truck shall be handled.
(3) The long or high (including multiple-tiered) loads which may affect capacity shall be adjusted.
(4) Trucks equipped with attachments shall be operated as partially
loaded trucks when not handling a
(5) A load engaging means shall be
placed under the load as far as possible;
the mast shall be carefully tilted backward to stabilize the load.
(6) Extreme care shall be used when
tilting the load forward or backward,
particularly when high tiering. Tilting
forward with load engaging means elevated shall be prohibited except to pick
up a load. An elevated load shall not be
tilted forward except when the load is
in a deposit position over a rack or
stack. When stacking or tiering, only


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
enough backward tilt to stabilize the
load shall be used.
(p) Operation of the truck. (1) If at any
time a powered industrial truck is
found to be in need of repair, defective,
or in any way unsafe, the truck shall
be taken out of service until it has
been restored to safe operating condition.
(2) Fuel tanks shall not be filled
while the engine is running. Spillage
shall be avoided.
(3) Spillage of oil or fuel shall be
carefully washed away or completely
evaporated and the fuel tank cap replaced before restarting engine.
(4) No truck shall be operated with a
leak in the fuel system until the leak
has been corrected.
(5) Open flames shall not be used for
checking electrolyte level in storage
batteries or gasoline level in fuel
(q) Maintenance of industrial trucks.
(1) Any power-operated industrial
truck not in safe operating condition
shall be removed from service. All repairs shall be made by authorized personnel.
(2) No repairs shall be made in Class
I, II, and III locations.
(3) Those repairs to the fuel and ignition systems of industrial trucks which
involve fire hazards shall be conducted
only in locations designated for such
(4) Trucks in need of repairs to the
electrical system shall have the battery disconnected prior to such repairs.
(5) All parts of any such industrial
truck requiring replacement shall be
replaced only by parts equivalent as to
safety with those used in the original
(6) Industrial trucks shall not be altered so that the relative positions of
the various parts are different from
what they were when originally received from the manufacturer, nor
shall they be altered either by the addition of extra parts not provided by
the manufacturer or by the elimination
of any parts, except as provided in
paragraph (q)(12) of this section. Additional counterweighting of fork trucks
shall not be done unless approved by
the truck manufacturer.
(7) Industrial trucks shall be examined before being placed in service, and

§ 1910.178

shall not be placed in service if the examination shows any condition adversely affecting the safety of the vehicle. Such examination shall be made at
least daily.
Where industrial trucks are used on a
round-the-clock basis, they shall be examined after each shift. Defects when
found shall be immediately reported
and corrected.
(8) Water mufflers shall be filled
daily or as frequently as is necessary
to prevent depletion of the supply of
water below 75 percent of the filled capacity. Vehicles with mufflers having
screens or other parts that may become clogged shall not be operated
while such screens or parts are clogged.
Any vehicle that emits hazardous
sparks or flames from the exhaust system shall immediately be removed
from service, and not returned to service until the cause for the emission of
such sparks and flames has been eliminated.
(9) When the temperature of any part
of any truck is found to be in excess of
its normal operating temperature, thus
creating a hazardous condition, the vehicle shall be removed from service and
not returned to service until the cause
for such overheating has been eliminated.
(10) Industrial trucks shall be kept in
a clean condition, free of lint, excess
oil, and grease. Noncombustible agents
should be used for cleaning trucks. Low
flash point (below 100 °F.) solvents
shall not be used. High flash point (at
or above 100 °F.) solvents may be used.
Precautions regarding toxicity, ventilation, and fire hazard shall be consonant with the agent or solvent used.
(11) [Reserved]
(12) Industrial trucks originally approved for the use of gasoline for fuel
may be converted to liquefied petroleum gas fuel provided the complete
conversion results in a truck which
embodies the features specified for LP
or LPS designated trucks. Such conversion equipment shall be approved.
The description of the component parts
of this conversion system and the recommended method of installation on
specific trucks are contained in the
‘‘Listed by Report.’’


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§ 1910.178

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)


rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

A–1. Definitions.
The following definitions help to explain
the principle of stability:
Center of gravity is the point on an object
at which all of the object’s weight is concentrated. For symmetrical loads, the center
of gravity is at the middle of the load.
Counterweight is the weight that is built
into the truck’s basic structure and is used
to offset the load’s weight and to maximize
the vehicle’s resistance to tipping over.
Fulcrum is the truck’s axis of rotation
when it tips over.
Grade is the slope of a surface, which is
usually measured as the number of feet of
rise or fall over a hundred foot horizontal
distance (the slope is expressed as a percent).
Lateral stability is a truck’s resistance to
overturning sideways.
Line of action is an imaginary vertical line
through an object’s center of gravity.
Load center is the horizontal distance from
the load’s edge (or the fork’s or other attachment’s vertical face) to the line of action
through the load’s center of gravity.
Longitudinal stability is the truck’s resistance to overturning forward or rearward.
Moment is the product of the object’s
weight times the distance from a fixed point
(usually the fulcrum). In the case of a powered industrial truck, the distance is measured from the point at which the truck will
tip over to the object’s line of action. The
distance is always measured perpendicular to
the line of action.
Track is the distance between the wheels
on the same axle of the truck.
Wheelbase is the distance between the centerline of the vehicle’s front and rear wheels.
A–2. General.
A–2.1. Determining the stability of a powered industrial truck is simple once a few
basic principles are understood. There are

many factors that contribute to a vehicle’s
stability: the vehicle’s wheelbase, track, and
height; the load’s weight distribution; and
the vehicle’s counterweight location (if the
vehicle is so equipped).
A–2.2. The ‘‘stability triangle,’’ used in
most stability discussions, demonstrates stability simply.
A–3. Basic Principles.
A–3.1. Whether an object is stable depends
on the object’s moment at one end of a system being greater than, equal to, or smaller
than the object’s moment at the system’s
other end. This principle can be seen in the
way a see-saw or teeter-totter works: that is,
if the product of the load and distance from
the fulcrum (moment) is equal to the moment at the device’s other end, the device is
balanced and it will not move. However, if
there is a greater moment at one end of the
device, the device will try to move downward
at the end with the greater moment.
A–3.2. The longitudinal stability of a
counterbalanced powered industrial truck
depends on the vehicle’s moment and the
load’s moment. In other words, if the
mathematic product of the load moment (the
distance from the front wheels, the approximate point at which the vehicle would tip
forward) to the load’s center of gravity times
the load’s weight is less than the vehicle’s
moment, the system is balanced and will not
tip forward. However, if the load’s moment is
greater than the vehicle’s moment, the
greater load-moment will force the truck to
tip forward.
A–4. The Stability Triangle.
A–4.1. Almost all counterbalanced powered
industrial trucks have a three-point suspension system, that is, the vehicle is supported
at three points. This is true even if the vehicle has four wheels. The truck’s steer axle is
attached to the truck by a pivot pin in the
axle’s center. When the points are connected
with imaginary lines, this three-point support forms a triangle called the stability triangle. Figure 1 depicts the stability triangle.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor

tion or the vehicle/load combination falls
outside the stability triangle, the vehicle is
unstable and may tip over. (See Figure 2.)


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

A–4.2. When the vehicle’s line of action, or
load center, falls within the stability triangle, the vehicle is stable and will not tip
over. However, when the vehicle’s line of ac-

§ 1910.178

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–10 Edition)

A–5. Longitudinal Stability.
A–5.1. The axis of rotation when a truck
tips forward is the front wheels’ points of
contact with the pavement. When a powered
industrial truck tips forward, the truck will
rotate about this line. When a truck is stable, the vehicle-moment must exceed the
load-moment. As long as the vehicle-moment
is equal to or exceeds the load-moment, the
vehicle will not tip over. On the other hand,
if the load moment slightly exceeds the vehicle-moment, the truck will begin to tip forward, thereby causing the rear to lose contact with the floor or ground and resulting in
loss of steering control. If the load-moment
greatly exceeds the vehicle moment, the
truck will tip forward.
A–5.2. To determine the maximum safe
load-moment, the truck manufacturer nor-

mally rates the truck at a maximum load at
a given distance from the front face of the
forks. The specified distance from the front
face of the forks to the line of action of the
load is commonly called the load center. Because larger trucks normally handle loads
that are physically larger, these vehicles
have greater load centers. Trucks with a capacity of 30,000 pounds or less are normally
rated at a given load weight at a 24-inch load
center. Trucks with a capacity greater than
30,000 pounds are normally rated at a given
load weight at a 36- or 48-inch load center.
To safely operate the vehicle, the operator
should always check the data plate to determine the maximum allowable weight at the
rated load center.
A–5.3. Although the true load-moment distance is measured from the front wheels, this


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rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

§ 1910.178

rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
distance is greater than the distance from
the front face of the forks. Calculating the
maximum allowable load-moment using the
load-center distance always provides a lower
load-moment than the truck was designed to
handle. When handling unusual loads, such
as those that are larger than 48 inches long
(the center of gravity is greater than 24
inches) or that have an offset center of gravity, etc., a maximum allowable load-moment
should be calculated and used to determine
whether a load can be safely handled. For example, if an operator is operating a 3000
pound capacity truck (with a 24-inch load
center), the maximum allowable load-moment is 72,000 inch-pounds (3,000 times 24). If
a load is 60 inches long (30-inch load center),
then the maximum that this load can weigh
is 2,400 pounds (72,000 divided by 30).
A–6. Lateral Stability.
A–6.1. The vehicle’s lateral stability is determined by the line of action’s position (a
vertical line that passes through the combined vehicle’s and load’s center of gravity)
relative to the stability triangle. When the
vehicle is not loaded, the truck’s center of
gravity location is the only factor to be considered in determining the truck’s stability.
As long as the line of action of the combined
vehicle’s and load’s center of gravity falls
within the stability triangle, the truck is
stable and will not tip over. However, if the
line of action falls outside the stability triangle, the truck is not stable and may tip
over. Refer to Figure 2.
A–6.2. Factors that affect the vehicle’s lateral stability include the load’s placement
on the truck, the height of the load above
the surface on which the vehicle is operating, and the vehicle’s degree of lean.
A–7. Dynamic Stability.
A–7.1. Up to this point, the stability of a
powered industrial truck has been discussed
without considering the dynamic forces that
result when the vehicle and load are put into
motion. The weight’s transfer and the resultant shift in the center of gravity due to the
dynamic forces created when the machine is
moving, braking, cornering, lifting, tilting,
and lowering loads, etc., are important stability considerations.
A–7.2. When determining whether a load
can be safely handled, the operator should
exercise extra caution when handling loads
that cause the vehicle to approach its maximum design characteristics. For example, if
an operator must handle a maximum load,
the load should be carried at the lowest position possible, the truck should be accelerated slowly and evenly, and the forks should
be tilted forward cautiously. However, no

§ 1910.179

precise rules can be formulated to cover all
of these eventualities.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 40
FR 23073, May 28, 1975; 43 FR 49749, Oct. 24,
1978; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10, 1984; 53 FR 12122,
Apr. 12, 1988; 55 FR 32015, Aug 6, 1990; 61 FR
9239, Mar. 7, 1996; 63 FR 66270, Dec. 1, 1998; 68
FR 32638, June 2, 2003; 71 FR 16672, Apr. 3,

§ 1910.179 Overhead
(a) Definitions applicable to this section. (1) A crane is a machine for lifting
and lowering a load and moving it horizontally, with the hoisting mechanism
an integral part of the machine. Cranes
whether fixed or mobile are driven
manually or by power.
(2) An automatic crane is a crane
which when activated operates through
a preset cycle or cycles.
(3) A cab-operated crane is a crane
controlled by an operator in a cab located on the bridge or trolley.
(4) Cantilever gantry crane means a
gantry or semigantry crane in which
the bridge girders or trusses extend
transversely beyond the crane runway
on one or both sides.
(5) Floor-operated crane means a crane
which is pendant or nonconductive
rope controlled by an operator on the
floor or an independent platform.
(6) Gantry crane means a crane similar to an overhead crane except that
the bridge for carrying the trolley or
trolleys is rigidly supported on two or
more legs running on fixed rails or
other runway.
(7) Hot metal handling crane means an
overhead crane used for transporting or
pouring molten material.
(8) Overhead crane means a crane
with a movable bridge carrying a movable or fixed hoisting mechanism and
traveling on an overhead fixed runway
(9) Power-operated crane means a
crane whose mechanism is driven by
electric, air, hydraulic, or internal
combustion means.
(10) A pulpit-operated crane is a crane
operated from a fixed operator station
not attached to the crane.
(11) A remote-operated crane is a crane
controlled by an operator not in a pulpit or in the cab attached to the crane,
by any method other than pendant or
rope control.


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2011-04-19
File Created2010-09-28

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