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An Impact Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF)

OMB: 1850-0876

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Contract Number:
ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)
Mathematica Reference Number:
Submitted to:
Institute of Education Sciences
U.S. Department of Education
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208
Project Officer: Elizabeth Warner
Submitted by:
Mathematica Policy Research
600 Maryland Avenue, SW
Suite 550
Washington, DC 20024-2512
Telephone: (202) 484-9220
Facsimile: (202) 863-1763
Project Director: Jill Constantine

An Impact Evaluation of the
Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF)
Part B
July 13, 2011

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research


Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods ............................................. 2
Procedures for the Collection of Information .............................................. 3
Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with Nonresponse ............. 9
Tests of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken.................................... 10
Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects of the Design, Data
Collection, and Data Analysis ................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 12

Table 1. Minimum Detectable Effects on Student Test Scores ...................................... 8
Table 2. Minimum Detectable Impacts on Teacher Retention ....................................... 9


ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

This package requests clearance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for data
collection activities to support a rigorous evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF). This
evaluation will include TIF grantees who were awarded funds from the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 and the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) fiscal year (FY)
2010 appropriation. The Institute of Education Sciences (IES), within ED, has contracted with
Mathematica Policy Research and its partners Chesapeake Research Associates and faculty and staff
at the Peabody College of Education at Vanderbilt University to conduct the evaluation.
The main objective of the evaluation is to estimate the impact of differentiated performancebased incentive pay (DPBIP)1 on student achievement and the mobility and retention of teachers
and principals. The evaluation design is an experiment in which researchers will randomly assign
schools within a district to either a treatment or control group. The treatment schools will
implement educator DPBIP as part of a performance-based compensation system (PBCS). Control
schools will implement the same non-differentiated components of the PBCS program and a one
percent across-the-board bonus, but will not implement any type of DPBIP for the duration of the
TIF grant. We will compare student achievement and other outcomes between the treatment and
control schools to estimate the impact of DPBIP compared to the one percent bonus.
The Notice of Final Priorities (NFP) for the TIF grants, published in the Federal Register on May
21, 2010, announced two competitions for grants to be awarded in 2010—the TIF main competition
and the TIF evaluation competition; applicants applied to one or the other competition. Successful
applicants for the evaluation competition received an ―evaluation grant‖ that includes an additional
financial award to fund TIF program activities, including some activities that are not eligible for
funding under the main competition.2 Grantees awarded an evaluation grant had to demonstrate
their ability and willingness to meet the grant requirements, which included the main competition
requirements plus additional ones specific to the evaluation. In particular, evaluation grantees agreed
to cooperate with data collection activities required for the national evaluation, identified the schools
that will participate in the national evaluation, and agreed to allow those schools to be randomly
assigned to either the treatment or control group. Both main and evaluation grants are for five years.
This is the second submission of a two-stage clearance request for the evaluation. The first
package (approved October 18, 2010, under OMB Control Number 1850-4285) requested clearance
to ensure that grantees’ program designs and implementation are consistent with the requirements
for a rigorous evaluation of the TIF, and if necessary, recruit grantees for the evaluation. This
second package requests clearance to collect data that will support the full-scale study.

1 For this document, DPBIP refers to the differentiated incentive pay portion of a grantee’s PBCS. DPBIP
programs provide bonuses for highly effective teachers and principals, where effectiveness is based on student
achievement growth, observations, and any other criteria included in the district’s PBCS.
2 Evaluation grantees will receive $250,000 per pair of schools identified for the national evaluation, up to $2.5
million for 20 schools.


ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

We believe it is important to note that our eventual data collection plans will differ in two ways
from those for a study of TIF grantees being conducted by the Policy and Program Studies Services
(PPSS) in the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development at ED. First, the two data
collection efforts target different respondents. The PPSS study includes grantees from the FY2007
awards while participants in the current study received their grants in FY2010, and the two studies
target different schools and/or educators. Second, the focus and design of each study is different. The
PPSS evaluation is an implementation study. This evaluation uses a rigorous experimental design in
which schools are randomly assigned to either a control or a treatment group to estimate the impact
of DPBIP on student achievement and educator mobility and recruitment.
Part B: Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods

Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods

This study sample will rely on a convenience sample that consists of grantees that were awarded
an evaluation grant and include the schools these grantees identified for the evaluation and the
educators working at these schools. The study will not statistically sample 2010 TIF grantees. The
TIF grant competition provided applicants with an option to apply for an evaluation or a main
grant. In addition to meeting other requirements, the evaluation grantees must be willing to allow at
least eight high-need schools with tested grades within a district to be randomly assigned to either a
treatment or control group. ED awarded 11 TIF evaluation grants covering 15 districts3 and over
250 schools. In order to obtain estimates of the effect of the DPBIP program at the desired level of
precision, we need to include approximately 250 schools in the evaluation (see Table 1 below).
The proposed data collection will include the following components:
District survey. We will survey all 2010 TIF districts (from main and evaluation
grantees) to determine specific features of the incentive program, to understand
approaches districts used to obtain buy-in and compromises they had to make, explore
districts’ experiences, and compare characteristics of main and evaluation districts. We
will also use the data on evaluation district programs to examine the association between
impacts and key program features.
District interview. The questions in the district interviews will allow us to collect more
in-depth information on evaluation district programs than that collected from the survey,
and to probe for clarification if necessary. We will use this detailed information to more
thoroughly understand each program’s context, implementation strategy, and challenges.
All evaluation districts will be interviewed.
Principal and teacher administrative data. These data will be used to estimate the
impacts of DPBIP on educator mobility and recruitment. The data will also allow us to
examine the association between educator characteristics and student and educator
outcomes, and to describe the educator sample. These data will be collected for all
principals and teachers in study schools.


New York City is a grantee and is also included in the New York State grant.


ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

Student records data. We will use existing state or district test score data to estimate
the impact of DPBIP on student achievement, the key outcome of interest. Information
on students’ demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and their achievement test
scores prior to the study school year will be used to describe the students in the study
and to develop more precise impact estimates. To the extent possible, we will use
student-teacher linked data to estimate teachers’ value-added score to better understand
mobility of high- and low-performing educators. We will collect math and reading scores
for all third through eighth grade students in the study schools. We will also collect
information from participating districts on the teacher performance and payouts under
the TIF program.
Principal survey. The principal survey will be used to assess hiring practices, classroom
assignments, knowledge and perceptions of the TIF program in the study schools, how
this may change over time, and to supplement administrative data to be obtained from
district records. The principal survey can also provide important insight on their
motivation for remaining, leaving or entering a study school. We will survey all principals
of study schools.
Teacher survey. The teacher survey will be used to assess knowledge and perceptions
of the TIF program in the study schools, how this may change over time, and to
supplement administrative data to be obtained from district records. The teacher survey
can also provide important insight on teachers’ motivation for remaining, leaving, or
entering a study school. The survey will be administered to a sample of approximately
2,000 teachers from the anticipated sample of 250 schools in the evaluation.
The evaluation does not aim to make statements that generalize beyond the districts and
schools under study. Although we will not be able to generalize findings to all 2010 TIF grantees, we
will obtain valid estimates of the impacts for the set of districts in our study. We will also be able to
describe the characteristics and implemented policy of the evaluation and non-evaluation districts
from the FY10 competition.

Procedures for the Collection of Information


Statistical Methods for Sample Selection

As described above, the study will use a convenience sample of TIF evaluation grantees, and
will comprise as many schools as the evaluation districts are willing and able to include, up to the
maximum of 20 allowed. Moreover, the district survey will be administered to all TIF districts
covered by either main or evaluation TIF grants. Thus, the study will not statistically sample
grantees, districts, principals, schools, or students. We will sample teachers for the teacher survey as
explained below.
The teacher survey will be administered to a representative sample of teachers in the study
schools. We plan to survey two types of teachers—those in tested grade/subject combinations and
teachers in nontested grade/subject combinations. This will be done in two grade spans—
elementary and middle school grades. We need adequate representation of both tested and
nontested grade-subjects because each group of teachers faces different incentives and we need to
measure the impacts that performance-based pay has on each group separately. Those in nontested
grade/subjects may be subject to bonuses based on performance measures that they only indirectly
affect, whereas teachers in tested grade/subjects have a more direct effect on performance measures.
We will focus separately on elementary and middle schools. At the elementary level, the teachers are

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

typically in nondepartmentalized settings, meaning that the classroom teacher is responsible for all
subjects (including both math and reading), whereas in middle school the teacher is typically
responsible for one subject (such as math or reading).
We plan to draw a census of all teachers who are responsible for math or reading instruction in
all study schools in grades four and seven. By sampling teachers in this manner, we can limit the
amount of heterogeneity of teachers that could make it difficult to interpret the treatment effect. For
example, in several analyses, teacher survey data will be linked with test score data to examine
DPBIP impacts on differential mobility of high- and low-performing teachers. If all of our
elementary teachers come from a particular grade (and likewise for middle school teachers), then the
test scores used in this analysis will already be comparable between the treatment and control groups
within each district. On the other hand, if we sample teachers from several grades, sample sizes of
teachers per grade will be somewhat small, and there may be the possibility of grade imbalance
(among either teachers or students) between the treatment and control groups. We will then have to
rely on inclusion of grade dummies and other modeling approaches to take care of this potential
grade imbalance. Overall, we believe it is preferable to limit the generalizability of our findings to
avoid having to adjust for possible grade imbalances.
We anticipate an average of four teachers per elementary school, six per middle school (three
each in math and reading), and eight per K-8 school (or school with both elementary and middle
school grades). This is a total of 1,300 teachers (4 x 150 elementary + 6 x 50 middle school + 8 x 50
K-8 schools).
For nontested grade/subjects, we will focus on first grade teachers in elementary schools and
grade seven science teachers in middle schools. We selected the first grade because we expect that
every elementary school will have a full-day class and is less likely to have standardized testing than
grades two and three. We selected science because it is a well-defined subject that is not routinely
tested, but for which retaining certified teachers is an important policy goal.
We will randomly select two first grade teachers from every school with elementary grades, two
grade seven science teachers from every school with middle school grades, and two of each teacher
from schools with both elementary and middle school grades. We anticipate this would result in a
sample of 300 teachers from elementary schools, 100 from middle schools, and 200 from K-8
schools, for a total of 600 teachers. Therefore, the total number of teachers we plan to survey is
approximately 2,000.
The teacher survey data is more useful if we are able to follow the same teachers over time as
well as refresh the sample with teachers who are new to the TIF schools, to learn about the types of
teachers each school is recruiting. Therefore, our sampling plan for the follow-up surveys is to
survey 100 percent of leavers, 100 percent of replacement teachers, and approximately 75 to 82
percent of stayers. If we assume that 15 to 20 percent will leave the sample, and an equal number
replace them, then we must reduce the sample of stayers by 18 to 25 percent, or in other words,
survey 75 to 82 percent of the stayers. This is equivalent to following the 285 to 380 expected
leavers, adding a roughly equal number of replacement teachers, and following 1,140 to 1,330
randomly chosen stayers.
In subsequent years we will continue to survey all leavers and their replacements, since they are
a smaller group and are of great policy interest, and follow a shrinking percentage of the stayers. If
the exit rates after each year are higher than we have anticipated, we will consider altering the
sampling rates by mobility status in order to achieve adequate sample sizes in each group.

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

b. Estimation Procedures
Random assignment of schools within a district to a treatment group that will implement
DPBIP or to a control group not allowed to do so for the duration of the TIF grant is an ideal
design for assessing overall effectiveness. Our primary impact analysis will exploit this experimental
design to provide rigorous estimates of the impact of DPBIP on student achievement and
teacher/principal mobility and recruitment. Additional nonexperimental analyses are designed to
estimate the relative effectiveness of individual-based versus group-based or mixed incentive
programs, explore the association of other key program features with student achievement and
teacher/principal outcomes, and to learn about districts’ implementation experiences and challenges.
Estimating the overall impact of DPBIP. With this experimental design, the simple
differences between mean outcomes in the treatment and control schools should yield unbiased
estimates of the impacts of DPBIP. However, the precision of the estimates can be improved by
using regression procedures to control for student, teacher, or school baseline characteristics that
may explain some of the variation in outcomes not related to the treatment itself. These
characteristics may include student controls, such as test scores from the year before TIF
implementation; gender, race/ethnicity, free- or reduced-price lunch eligibility, special education
status, and English learner status; teacher controls, such as demographic characteristics, age,
experience, and educational background; and school-level averages of the student or teacher
characteristics. Regression procedures also enable us to adjust for any differences between treatment
and control groups in these baseline characteristics that happen to arise due to chance or sample
attrition. The regression model must be flexible enough to include the full range of programs and
generate estimates of district-specific impacts, which can then be aggregated to produce an overall
estimate. We will therefore estimate variations of the following model for the outcome yijk of
individual (student or teacher) i in school j within district k:

R jk α

(1) yijk


(T jk Gk ) Xijk δ Z jk γ u jk


k 1

where R jk is a vector of indicators for combinations of grade levels and randomization strata; α is
a vector of grade-by-strata fixed effects; T jk is a treatment indicator; Gk is a dummy variable for
district k;


is the impact of DPBIP in district k; Xijk is a vector of baseline individual

characteristics with coefficient vector δ ; Z jk is a vector of baseline school-level characteristics with
coefficient vector γ ; u jk is a random school effect; and


is a random individual error term. The

district-specific impacts of performance pay, k , are the key coefficients of interest in equation (1).
We will estimate equation (1) with ordinary least squares (OLS) using Huber-White (―sandwich‖)
standard errors that account for school-level clustering.
Our primary interest is in the overall, average impact of DPBIP in the full study sample. To
estimate the average impact of DPBIP on schools in the study, we will take a weighted average of

the estimated district-specific effects, ˆk , with weights equal to the number of treatment and
control schools within each district. The standard error of the average impact estimate can be
calculated from the estimated variances and covariances among the district-specific impacts from
equation (1).

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

The evaluation includes four years of analyses. Impacts in the second and subsequent years of
the implementation of the DPBIP may be larger than those in the first year for several reasons. First,
changes in educator effectiveness and the composition of the teaching staff at treatment schools
may be more pronounced after educators observe the payments from earlier years. Also, if educators
improve their performance over time, in years 2 through 5 of the grant, some students will have had
multiple years of exposure to the treatment. For these reasons, equation (1) will be estimated
separately for assessing impacts for each year of implementation, as well as cumulative impacts.
The impact of DPBIP on the outcomes of interest—student achievement and educator
mobility and recruitment—will be estimated with a variant of equation (1). Student achievement
outcomes are math and reading scores from spring 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 state or district
assessments. Because tests will differ across states, grade levels, and subjects, we will convert raw
scale scores to z-scores (raw scores minus the mean score divided by the standard deviation of
scores on that test among students in that grade and state) in order to scale the outcome variable
comparably across all students in the sample. Using district records, we will measure teacher and
principal retention as a dichotomous outcome for whether or not the teacher returns to work in the
grantee site and/or in his or her initial school in fall of 2011 and continue to do so annually through
2015. Because the retention outcome is dichotomous, we will estimate the probit model analog of
equation (1). Annual school-level teacher data from study schools in fall, 2011 through fall, 2015
(from district records) and spring 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 (from the principal and teacher
surveys) will be analyzed as outcomes to examine impacts on the composition of the teaching staff.
If available from administrative records, the quality of applicants who apply to teach in study schools
for school years 2012–2013, 2013–2014, 2014–2015, and 2015–2016 will also be analyzed, including
the total number of applicants, average experience level, percentage of applicants who have teaching
experience, and the selectivity of the college from which they graduated. Equation (1) can be
aggregated to the school level for the analysis of composition outcomes.
To better understand mobility of high- and low-performing principals and teachers, for districts
where we can obtain or calculate a measure of staff effectiveness, we will also estimate a model of
transitions that includes a teacher or school measure of effectiveness, and interactions of this
measure with treatment indicators in the set of independent variables. The coefficients on the
effectiveness measure by treatment interactions provide an estimate of whether differences in
retention between highly effective and less effective principals or teachers are more or less
pronounced in treatment versus control schools. Since high- and low-performing teachers are not
being randomly assigned to treatment and control schools, and estimates of their effectiveness may
be endogenous if DPBIP induces greater teacher effectiveness, these estimates are nonexperimental
and will need to be interpreted with caution. Wherever possible, we will obtain or calculate valueadded estimates based on student achievement to measure teacher effectiveness. In addition, if
possible, we will also use districts’ measures of effectiveness.
Estimating the effectiveness of key program features. We will conduct exploratory analyses
to assess whether particular features of DPBIP are associated with impacts on student achievement.
These analyses will, in particular, examine the relative effectiveness of DPBIP models that place
different weights on individual versus group performance in the determination of incentive payouts.
Other programmatic features of interest include the average and maximum size of the incentive
payouts and the degree to which the payouts vary across educators.
Since we do not expect that districts will randomly assign specific components of their DPBIP
to schools, we will not be able to experimentally assess the relative effectiveness of different DPBIP
program features. Instead, we will examine the association between impacts and key program

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

features in a regression framework. We will be careful to note that an observed association between
impacts and programmatic features may not necessarily have a causal interpretation.
For these analyses, we will rely on findings from the implementation analysis to examine how
the variation in programmatic features is related to the impact. Our basic approach is to regress the
estimated district-specific impacts from equation (1) on a measure of a specific programmatic
feature. For the estimated impact ˆk from district k, we estimate:






where π0 is an intercept, Wk is a measure of a specific programmatic feature with associated
coefficient λ, and ωk is an error term that includes random error in estimating the true impact βk.
Because impacts might be more precisely estimated in some districts than in others, we will weight
districts by the precision of the estimated impacts when estimating equation (2) to account for this
source of heteroskedasticity in the error term. For each of the programmatic features described
earlier, we will estimate equation (2) with the specified program feature as the only covariate, given
the limited number of grantees in the sample.
Understanding the implementation experiences of TIF districts. Understanding the
implementation experiences and challenges of TIF districts will provide essential information for
documenting their incentive policies and experiences and for improving the implementation of
future incentive programs. The descriptive analyses will describe the average characteristics of three
groups of TIF districts: (1) evaluation districts; (2) main districts; and (3) the combined population
of all TIF districts. Since the evaluation grantees were purposively selected, and the impact estimates
cannot necessarily be generalized beyond this sample, we will use the district surveys to construct
tables on their incentive policies, comparing the evaluation districts to all recent district awardees.
We also will use the district surveys and information from telephone interviews (for the evaluation
districts) to document and analyze implementation challenges.
We will also analyze the implementation data collected from evaluation grantee, district, and
school documents; district, principal, and teacher surveys; and telephone interviews to provide
crucial context for the interpretation of the impact findings. The principal and teacher surveys will
provide context to determine if they understood the incentive compensation policy and program in
their district and school and adjusted their behavior accordingly. After the initial survey, for each
subsequent wave of the principal and teacher surveys, we will construct tables to assess any changes
in educators’ understanding and behavior.
Comparing the outcomes for TIF districts to non-TIF districts. In addition to estimating
the impact of the DPBIP, we will plan to tabulate outcomes for a group of TIF schools that includes
both treatment and control group members, and a reference group of non-TIF schools that are not
implementing any kind of PBCS. The goal of this analysis is to provide information on the broader
set of TIF-funded reforms beyond performance pay. Outcome data for non-TIF schools, such as
average test scores, and PBCS implementation status will be obtained from publicly available data
Degree of accuracy needed. The study must ensure adequate statistical power for detecting
policy-relevant impacts on key outcomes. The study is powered to detect a minimum detectable
effect (MDE) of 0.09 of a standard deviation on student achievement (see Table 1).

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

Table 1. Minimum Detectable Effects on Student Test Scores
Number of

Number of

Minimum Detectable Effect
on Student Test Scores

Proposed sample (MDE = 24
percent annual gain)




Sample to detect MDE = 22
percent annual gain




The calculations in Table 1 assume the following: (1) 80 percent power and a 5 percent
significance level for a two-tailed test; (2) 60 percent of schools in the sample will be elementary
schools, 20 percent middle schools, and 20 percent K-8; (3) each elementary school will contain 240
students in tested grades, each middle school will contain 740 students in tested grades, and each K8 school will contain 320 students in tested grades; (4) test scores will be missing for 15 percent of
students in tested grades and 13 percent of the total variance of student test scores will be between
schools; and (5) covariates can explain 65 percent of the between-school variance and 40 percent of
the within-school variance of student test scores in middle schools; covariates explain only 50
percent of the variance between elementary schools and 33 percent within elementary schools, and
explain 55 percent of the variance between K-8 schools and 35 percent within K-8 schools.
There is no universally agreed upon MDE that education interventions should be powered to
detect. One strategy is to put the MDE in context by expressing it in terms of expected annual
learning growth of students. Recent work by Bloom et al. (2008) indicates that the expected annual
growth in student test scores is different for reading and math, and both decline as student grade
levels increase. However, the mean annual growth for reading and math for students in third
through eighth grades is approximately .37 standard deviations. Therefore, the MDE for this study,
with our proposed sample size, is powered to detect a difference of approximately 24 percent of a
year, roughly 2.9 months, of learning. To detect an MDE of .08, or roughly 22 percent of a year of
learning, the evaluation would require 310 schools, shown in the bottom row of Table 1.
DPBIP programs are theorized to improve student achievement through educator mobility and
refining teaching practices. Since both of these mechanisms will take time to be realized, effects in
the first year or two may not be detectable. In addition, students may realize the effect each year they
experience a high performing teacher, and small yearly effects may accumulate over a number of
years. This study is powered to be able to detect impacts that might occur in a single year, but is
more likely to detect impacts that accumulate over multiple years.
The study has also been powered to detect teacher response to DPBIP. One key outcome is the
percentage of teachers who are retained in the school each year, which is obtained from the teacher
survey.4 Based on national statistics (Ingersoll 2003), we expect the annual teacher retention rate in
the control schools to be between 80 and 90 percent. A survey of the full sample of teachers would
be unnecessarily burdensome without providing substantial gains in statistical power. Therefore, we
will select a sample of 1,900 teachers, as discussed above. This will enable us to detect approximately
4 If possible, we will also use district records to estimate teacher retention; we expect that the quality of the district
records will vary substantially across districts.


ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

a six percentage point impact, as illustrated in Table 2, on the basis of the same assumptions as those
from the student-level MDE calculations. This sample size also allows sufficient power to detect
meaningful impacts in a 50 percent subgroup of teachers, in order to examine, for example, effects
for novice and more experienced teachers.
Table 2. Minimum Detectable Impacts on Teacher Retention

Number of

Number of

Minimum Detectable Percentage Point
Change if Control Group Retention
Rate is:


All teachers in sampling





Proposed sample





50 percent subgroup of
proposed sample






Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with Nonresponse

There are multiple strategies to maximize response while minimizing burden on respondents,
and the following techniques are major contributions to a high completion rate: establishing positive
relationships with respondents and school and district staff; sending letters prior to the surveys; and
establishing efficient and flexible scheduling. We will include a statement on confidentiality and data
collection requirements (Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183) in all
letters, data collection instruments, and study brochure (described in detail in Part A and
appendices). In cases when the data collection activity is voluntary (e.g. the teacher survey), we will
include a statement indicating that participation is voluntary, yet emphasize the importance of their
response for the study findings.
We anticipate a district response rate of at least 80 percent overall (from both main and
evaluation grantees). We expect complete cooperation from evaluation districts because evaluation
grantees committed to cooperating with data collection activities for the national evaluation, which
is a condition of the grant. Furthermore, during the implementation year, the research team will be
working with evaluation grantees and will establish a rapport with them. To further solidify
administrators’ cooperation, we will adhere to additional data collection requirements that districts
may have such as preparing research applications and seeking institutional review board (IRB)
approvals. In our correspondence, we will also send notification letters on ED letterhead to districts
to capture their attention and to help increase the response rate.
Based on Mathematica’s experience in conducting surveys with teachers and principals, we
expect at least an 85 percent response rate for the principal and teacher surveys. Because principals
signed letters of commitment to the evaluation, we anticipate this will help enhance cooperation
from both teachers and principals. To ensure response, first a follow-up will be initiated through
email and telephone calls to educators who do not respond within two to three weeks of the initial
contact. Second, nonrespondents will be given the option of providing data during the telephone
follow-up. Data collectors can read the questions aloud and enter responses on the hard copy
instrument or directly into the web-based survey. Third, experienced interviewers will be recruited
and extensively trained on data collection procedures, including methods for promoting cooperation

ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

among school staff. Interviewers especially skilled at encouraging cooperation will be available to
persuade reluctant educators to participate.
We thoroughly pretested the instruments for such features as clarity, accuracy, length, flow, and
wording. Trained quality control staff checked for completeness and reasonableness as soon as a
hard copy questionnaire was received and followed up with respondents if problems are identified.
The web-based survey will not allow respondents to enter out-of-range or inconsistent responses,
and data entry programs will also check for these.
Reducing districts’ burden in the submission of study data will facilitate attaining a response rate
of at least 85 percent on student records and educator administrative data. Federal rules permit ED
and its designated agents to collect student demographic and existing achievement data from schools
and districts without prior parental or student consent (Family Educational and Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)). To maximize the response rate and minimize
burden on schools and parents, we will follow these federal rules.
Finally, we will be courteous but persistent in our follow-up with participants who do not
respond quickly to our attempts to reach them.

Tests of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken

As much as possible, data collection instruments for the study drew upon surveys and protocols
that have been used successfully in previous studies. The pretests assessed the content and wording
of individual questions, organization and format of the questionnaire, respondent burden time, and
potential sources of response error. We piloted instruments that are new, that are adaptations and
extensions of existing ones, that have limited information on reliability and validity for the
population in this study, and for which we wish to examine how measures perform when combined
with others. .
Each of the educator surveys was pretested with no more than nine respondents, to identify
problems future respondents might have in providing the requested information. Responses on the
survey were collected from educators by email, regular mail or fax, and the study team debriefed
with respondents by telephone or email. The district survey and interview protocol were pretested
with representatives from districts that received TIF grants from an earlier round. The results of the
pretests were used to revise and improve the instruments.

Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects of the Design, Data Collection, and Data
The following individuals were consulted on the statistical aspects of the study:



Telephone Number

Jill Constantine

Associate Director of Research and Education Area
Leader, Mathematica


Steven Glazerman

Senior Fellow, Mathematica


Matthew Springer

Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Education;
Director, National Center on Performance Incentives,
Vanderbilt University


John Deke

Senior Researcher, Mathematica



ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

Alison Wellington

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Dan Player

Academic Director, Partners for Leadership in
Education, Curry School of Education, University of


Hanley Chiang

Researcher, Mathematica


The following individuals will be responsible for data collection and analysis:


Telephone Number

Jill Constantine

Associate Director of Research and Education Area
Leader, Mathematica


Sheila Heaviside

Associate Director of Survey Research, Mathematica


Steven Glazerman

Senior Fellow, Mathematica


Matthew Springer

Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Education;
Director, National Center on Performance Incentives,
Vanderbilt University


Annette Luyegu

Survey Researcher, Mathematica


Alison Wellington

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Hanley Chiang

Researcher, Mathematica



ED-04-CO-0112 (0012)

Mathematica Policy Research

Bloom, Howard S., Carolyn J. Hill, Alison Rebeck Black, and Mark W. Lipsey. ―Performance
Trajectories and Performance Gaps as Achievement Effect Size Benchmarks for Educational
Interventions.‖ MDRC Working Papers on Research Methodology. New York, NY: MDRC,
October 2008.
Ingersoll, Richard M. ―Is There Really a Teacher Shortage? A Research Report.‖ Center for the
Study of Teaching and Policy, University of Washington, 2003.


Improving public well-being by conducting high-quality, objective research and surveys
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleOMB Part B
AuthorDawn Patterson
File Modified2011-07-13
File Created2011-07-13

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