OMB Control Number: XXXX-XXXX
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYYY
This data is being collected to conduct a process evaluation of the Weatherization Assistance Program at the local level. The data you supply will be used to characterize program activities during the ARRA Period generally and for Program Year 2010 specifically.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average twenty-four hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Office of the Chief Information Officer, Records Management Division, IM-11, Paperwork Reduction Project (XXXX-XXXX), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC, 20585-1290; and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), OIRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (XXXX-XXXX), Washington, DC 20503.
All of the information obtained from this survey will be protected and will remain confidential. The data will be analyzed in such a way that the information provided cannot be associated back to your state, your agencies, or the housing units and clients that your state served. Again, please note that some questions refer to PY 2010 specifically and others to the ARRA period from PY09 –PY11. Please be aware of the distinction.
Part 1. General Information
Please identify your state. ________________________________________
Please identify your local agency. ________________________________________
3. Which of the following best characterizes your agency? (Please check the one answer that best applies):
_____ Local Non-Profit Organization
_____ Local Government Agency
_____ County Government Agency
_____ Indian Tribe
_____ Other entity not eligible for CSBG funding
_____ Other (please specify) ____________________________
4. For how many years had the current director of your local Weatherization Program served in that capacity prior to PY 2010? _____
5. What agency, office, or department was responsible for reviewing the performance of your local Weatherization Program in PY 2010? _____
6. How many layers of management or supervision were there between your weatherization crews and the director of your local Weatherization Program in PY 2010? _____ [If your weatherization crews reported directly to the Program director, the answer should be 0.]
7. Please indicate other energy-related, housing, and other programs that cooperated with your agency’s weatherization program, by source of funding in PY 2010. Please check all that apply.
Type of Program Federal State Utility Other
Funding Funding Funding Funding
Energy bill paying assistance |
Housing re-habilitation |
Home emergency repairs |
Hardship funds (other than for energy bill paying) |
Fuel delivery in crisis |
Fair housing |
Health and safety |
Energy education (other than client education delivered by weatherization program) |
Home buying education |
Rehabilitation loan |
Mortgage loan |
Emergency food |
Emergency safety |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
Part 2. Leveraging
1. Please list weatherization funding received during PY 2010 by completing the table below.
Column A lists potential sources of weatherization funding. As a reference, Column B lists the amount of PY 2008 funding reported by your agency in the retrospective evaluation S2 survey. If the PY 2008 funding amount is incorrect, please list the correct amount in Column B. In Column C, please indicate whether your agency received funding from each source in PY 2010. In Column D, enter the total funding amount received in PY 2010 from each source received. Please allocate the total funding amount listed in Column D to the sub-categories listed in Columns E through G.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
Funding source |
Funds received from this source in PY 2008 |
Did agency receive weatherization funds from this source in PY 2010? |
Total funds received from this source in PY 2010 |
Funding for program operations2 |
Funding for administration/program management |
Funding for training and technical assistance (T&TA) |
DOE1 |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Selecting |
no will gray |
columns to |
right |
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Selecting |
yes will drive |
skip patterns |
in Q12-23 |
Petroleum Violation Escrow (PVE) |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Other Federal Programs |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
State Public Benefit Funds |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Other State Programs |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Program Income |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Non-Profits |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Third Party (e.g., Foundations, Lenders) |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
All other (Please specify) ______________ |
Pre-populated |
Yes No |
Pre-populated |
2. Of the Program Year 2010 funds retained by your Agency’s Weatherization Program for Program Management (see Column F total in Question 1), how much was used for each function listed below?
Type of Management Function |
Total |
Administration* |
Agency monitoring |
Other (specify) |
* Includes planning, finance and accounting, clerical support, outreach, and evaluation.
3. Did your agency classify its expenditures for client intake, audits, and post-weatherization inspections as program management costs or as allowable costs used in the calculation of average cost per unit in PY 2010? Please indicate your answer for each type of expenditure by checking the appropriate cell in the table below.
Type of Expenditure |
Classified as Program Management Costs? |
Classified as Allowable Costs for Purpose of Calculating Average Cost per Unit? |
Expenditures for Client Intake |
Expenditures for Audits |
Expenditures for Post-Weatherization Quality Control Inspections |
4. Of the TOTAL amount spent by your agency in Program Year 2010 using funds from all sources (see Column D total in Question 1), please give your best estimate of how much was spent on Audits and Inspections. $________
5. Please divide your agency’s Program Year 2010 expenditures on program operations (see Column E total in Question 1) into in-house expenditures and contractor expenditures, as shown in the following table.
Type of Expenditure |
PY 2010 In-house Expenditures (in $) |
PY 2010 Contractor Expenditures (in $) |
PY 2010 Total Expenditures on program operations (in $) |
Expenditures for Health and Safety, Repairs, and Other Non Cost-Effective Measures |
All Expenditures Defined as Allowable Costs for Purpose of Calculating Average Cost per Unit |
6. Of your agency’s total Program Year 2010 expenditures on program operations (see Column E total in Question 1), please give your best estimate of how much was for labor, how much for materials, and how much for other expenses.
Type of Expenditure |
PY 2010 Expenditures on program operations (in $) |
Labor |
Materials |
Other Expenses (e.g., costs for vehicles, transportation, maintenance, and storage) |
7. Please provide the following information about ALL low-income dwelling units weatherized by your agency in Program Year 2010.
Type of Unit Weatherized |
Number of Units Weatherized in PY 2010 |
DOE Units1 |
Non-DOE Units2 |
TOTAL Units |
Comprehensive Weatherization3 |
Non-comprehensive Weatherization4 |
Single Family Attached and Detached |
Small Multi-family (2-4 units) |
Multifamily (5 or More Units per Building) |
Mobile Home |
Shelter |
1 These are dwelling units that your agency weatherized and reported to the State as “DOE Units” 2 These are dwelling units that your agency weatherized but did not report as “DOE Units” 3 Comprehensive weatherization units are those for which an audit or priority list was used that addressed a large proportion of potential energy-saving measures. 4 Non-comprehensive weatherization units are those for which a limited set of measures was considered (e.g., baseload electric measures only; low cost/no cost measures only), reflecting the needs and priorities of the funding entity. |
8. Of all the DOE units weatherized by your agency in Program Year 2010, how many used each of the following as their main heating fuel (i.e., the fuel providing most of the heat for the dwelling unit) in the winter prior to weatherization?
Natural gas _____
Fuel oil _____
Electricity _____
Propane/LPG _____
Kerosene or coal oil _____
Wood _____
Other (please specify) _________________________________________ _____
9. Of all the DOE units weatherized by your agency in Program Year 2010, how many housed members of the following high-priority client populations (leave blank if do not know)?
Children (according to your state’s definition of that term) _____
Elderly (age 60 and older) _____
Disabled _____
Native American _____
10. Did your state have official definitions of “high energy expenditure” or “high energy burden” in PY 2010?
Yes ____
No ____
11. Of all the DOE units weatherized by your agency in Program Year 2010, how many met your state’s definition of having “high energy expenditures” __________ and “high energy burden”___________? (leave blank if do not know or if state did not have that definition)
[Q12 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the associated funding categories of Question 1 and skipped for any ‘no’ responses in those categories].
12. In the categories below, please specify the name of each funder and the total amount of weatherization funding received in PY 2010.
Funding entity |
Total weatherization
funding administered in PY 2010 |
Utilities |
Utility 1 |
Utility 2 |
Utility 3 |
All other utilities |
In-kind contributions |
In-kind 1 |
In-kind 2 |
In-kind 3 |
All other in-kind |
Nonprofits |
Nonprofit 1 |
Nonprofit 2 |
Nonprofit 3 |
All other nonprofits |
Other |
Other 1 |
Other 2 |
Other 3 |
All others |
[Q13 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the LIHEAP category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
13a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from LIHEAP? _________
13b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
13c. Please describe the change in the leveraging relationship between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and LIHEAP during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely negative
13d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
13e. If leveraged funding from LIHEAP decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
13f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from LIHEAP in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[13g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 13f]
13g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of LIHEAP funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?____________
13h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from LIHEAP in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q14 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the PVE category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
14a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Petroleum Violation Escrow (PVE)? _________
14b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
14c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and PVE during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
14d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
14e. If leveraged funding from PVE decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
14f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from PVE in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[14g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 14f]
14g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of PVE funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds? _____________________________________________________________
14h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from PVE in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q15 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the Other Federal Programs category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
15a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Other Federal Programs? _________
15b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
15c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and Other Federal Programs during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
15d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
15e. If leveraged funding from Other Federal Programs decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
15f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from Other Federal Programs in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[15g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 15f]
15g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of Other Federal Programs funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds? __________________________________________________________________
15h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from Other Federal Programs in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q16 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the State Public Benefit Funds category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
16a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from State Public Benefit Funds? _________
16b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
16c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and State Public Benefit Funds during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
16d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
16e. If leveraged funding from State Public Benefit Funds decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
16f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from State Public Benefit Funds in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[16g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 16f]
16g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of State Public Benefit Funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds? __________________________________________________________________
16h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from State Public Benefit Funds in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q17 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the Other State Programs category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
17a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Other State Programs? _________
17b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
17c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and Other State Programs during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
17d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
17e. If leveraged funding from Other State Programs decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
17f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from Other State Programs in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[17g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 17f]
17g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of Other State Programs funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?
17h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from Other State Programs in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q18 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the Utilities category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
18a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Utilities? _________
18b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
18c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and Utilities during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
18d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
18e. If leveraged funding from Utilities decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
18f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from Utilities in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[18g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 18f]
18g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of Utilities funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?
18h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from Utilities in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q19 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the Program Income category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
19a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Program Income? _________
19b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
19c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and Program Income during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
19d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
19e. If leveraged funding from Program Income decreased from PY 20019, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
19f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from Program Income in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[19g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 19f]
19g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of Program Income funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?
19h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from Program Income in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q20 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the In-Kind Contributions category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
20a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from In-Kind Contributions? _________
20b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
20c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and In-Kind Contributions during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
20d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
20e. If leveraged funding from In-Kind Contributions decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
20f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from In-Kind Contributions in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[20g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 20f]
20g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of In-Kind Contributions in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?__________________________________________________________________
20h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from In-Kind Contributions in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q21 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the Non-profits category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
21a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Non-profits? _________
21b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
21c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and Non-profits during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
21d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
21e. If leveraged funding from Non-Profits decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
21f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from Non-Profits in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[21g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 21f]
21g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of Non-Profits funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds? __________________________________________________________________
21h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from Non-profits in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q22 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in the Third Party category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
22a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from Third Parties (foundations, lenders)? _________
22b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
22c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and Third Parties during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
22d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
22e. If leveraged funding from Third Parties decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
22f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from Third Parties in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[22g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 22f]
22g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of Third Party funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?
22h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from Third Parties in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
[Q23 will be activated by ‘yes’ responses in All Other, Specify category of Question 1 and deactivated (skipped) for ‘no’ responses in that category.]
23a. When did agency first receive weatherization funds from [insert text from ‘All Other, Specify’]?
23b. Number of years that agency worked to achieve this leveraging relationship (leave blank if unknown): _________
23c. Please describe the change in leveraging relationships between your agency’s low-income weatherization program and [insert text from ‘All Other, Specify’] during the ARRA period.
____ Extremely positive
____ Positive
____ No change
____ Negative
____ Extremely Negative
23d. How do you expect leveraged funding from this source to change from PY 2010 to the post-ARRA period in PY 2012?
____ increase
____ decrease
____ stay the same
23e. If leveraged funding from [insert text from ‘All Other, Specify’] decreased from PY 2008, was the change attributable to increased ARRA funding?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Not applicable
23f. Did your agency follow DOE rules when spending weatherization funds from [insert text from ‘All Other, Specify’] in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
[23g will appear if respondent answered ‘no’ in 23f]
23g. What were the major differences in the rules governing the expenditure of [insert text from ‘All Other, Specify’] funds in comparison to the rules governing the expenditure of DOE funds?
23h. Did your agency experience any delays or other difficulties in spending funds from [insert text from ‘All Other, Specify’] in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, please provide a short description of the reasons for the delays or other difficulties:
24. How important were leveraged funds for your agency’s Weatherization Program in PY 2010 compared to program years without additional ARRA funding? (Check best answer)
_____Very important
_____ Important
_____ Not very important
_____ Not important at all
25. Did your agency set aside funding to advocate for leveraged resources in PY 2010?
_____ Yes
_____ No
26. How successful would you rate your agency’s efforts to acquire leveraged funds in PY 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ Very successful
_____ Successful
_____ Not very successful
_____ Not successful at all
_____ State does not seek leveraged funds
27. What factors limited the success of your agency’s efforts to acquire leveraged funding in PY 2010? _______________________
28. Did your agency encounter any of the following problems in spending non-DOE funds in general in PY 2010? (Check all that apply)
_____ Our agency could not easily increase the number of homes weatherized during the year in order to better spend non-DOE funds
_____ Our agency required the expenditure of DOE weatherization funds before non- DOE funds were expended
_____ We had insufficient staff to manage the receipt and expenditure of non-DOE funds
_____ We had inadequate accounting systems to manage the receipt and expenditure of non-DOE funds
_____ Guidance received from DOE and/or our state made it difficult to expend non- DOE funds in a timely manner
_____ Other ___________________
29. Have you modified your agency’s weatherization program practices or regulations in the three years prior to PY 2010 to facilitate spending and reporting on leveraged resources?
_____ Yes
_____ No
30. How has the influx of ARRA funding impacted previously existing leveraging relationships?
a. Extremely positive impact
b. Positive impact
c. No Impact
d. Negative impact
e. Extremely negative impact
31. Can leveraging relationships damaged or lost during ARRA be re-built post-ARRA?
a. Yes, absolutely
b. Yes, probably
c. Uncertain
d. No, probably not
e. No, definitely not
32. What aspects about your agency’s low-income weatherization program are most misunderstood by actual and potential leveraging partners? __________________
33. How has your program worked to overcome these misunderstandings? _________________
34. What information would your agency’s weatherization program like to have that could be used to overcome these misunderstandings? ____________________________
35. What other information would your agency’s weatherization program like to have that could be used to promote the adoption of leveraging relationships? __________________________
36. What was the quality of the support and assistance on leveraging the Weatherization Assistance Program with other funding sources and related programs that your agency received from the state and its contractors in Program Year 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ very high quality
_____ high quality
_____ moderate quality
_____ low quality
_____ very low quality
_____ not applicable
36a. If appropriate, why did you rate the quality very low or low? ______________
37. Overall, what is your expectation for total agency leveraged for low-income weatherization funding post ARRA in PY 2012 compared to pre-ARRA PY 2008
a. Greatly increased
b. Increased
c. Same level
d. Decreased
e. Greatly decreased
38. On balance, how beneficial do you think ARRA funding will prove to be over the longer-term on your agency’s ability to leverage DOE WAP-program funding for low-income weatherization?
a. Extremely beneficial
b. Beneficial
c. No long-term impact
d. Unbeneficial
e. Extremely unbeneficial
PART 3. WAP ARRA Program Information
1. For many years, the national weatherization network and the state-level national weatherization networks had been relatively stable. During the ARRA period, did the composition of your agency-level weatherization network change?
a. Yes
b. No (Skip to Question 5)
2. How would you characterize the magnitude of this change?
a. Extreme
b. Great
c. Moderate
d. Small
3. Using the table below, please list the names and contributions of the major new stakeholders
Name |
Description of Weatherization Related Contributions (e.g., provides training, sells energy efficient products ) |
4. On balance, how beneficial have these new stakeholders been to your agency’s weatherization program?
a. Extremely beneficial
b. Beneficial
c. Neither beneficial nor unbeneficial
d. Unbeneficial
e. Extremely unbeneficial
Please Explain _____________________
5. During the ARRA period, did organizational responsibilities for your agency’s weatherization program (e.g., reporting lines, organizational home) change?
a. Yes
b. No (Skip to Question 9)
6. How did the organizational responsibilities change? Please Explain _______________
7. In your opinion, was this change a result of increased visibility of your agency’s weatherization program created by the substantial funding increase?
a. Yes
b. No
8. On balance, how beneficial has this change been to your agency’s weatherization program during the ARRA period?
a. Extremely beneficial
b. Beneficial
c. Neither beneficial nor unbeneficial
d. Unbeneficial
e. Extremely unbeneficial
Please explain ____________________________
9. During the ARRA period, how has state-level oversight of your agency’s weatherization assistance program changed?
a. Greatly increased
b. Increased
c. Stayed the same
d. Decreased
e. Greatly decreased
10. During the ARRA period, has your state passed any new laws and/or implemented any new regulations that have directly impacted your agency’s weatherization assistance program?
a. Yes
b. No (Skip to Question 14)
11. Please describe the new laws and/or regulations. __________________________
12. On balance, how beneficial have these new laws and/or regulations been to your agency’s weatherization program?
a. Extremely beneficial
b. Beneficial
c. Neither beneficial nor unbeneficial
d. Unbeneficial
e. Extremely unbeneficial
Please explain ______________________________________
13. Would these laws and/or regulations have been passed with or without the increased funding for the program attributable to ARRA?
a. Wholly due to ARRA
b. Primarily due to ARRA
c. Somewhat due to ARRA
d. Would have been passed anyway without ARRA
14. During the ARRA period, how has the visibility of your agency’s weatherization program changed with respect to elected officials?
a. Greatly increased
b. Increased
c. Stayed the same
d. Decreased
e. Greatly decreased
15. On balance during the ARRA period, how has the public’s support for your agency’s weatherization assistance program changed?
a. Greatly increased
b. Increased
c. Stayed the same
d. Decreased
e. Greatly decreased
Please explain ________________________________
16. How would you rate the public’s understanding of your agency’s low-income weatherization assistance program?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
17. Please explain those aspects of the program that are most frequently misunderstood by the public. ________________________
18. During the ARRA period, how has media attention on your agency’s weatherization program changed?
a. Greatly increased
b. Increased
c. Stayed the same
d. Decreased
e. Greatly decreased
19. Please rate the quality of the media coverage your agency’s weatherization program has received during the ARRA period?
a. very high quality
b. high quality
c. moderate quality
d. low quality
e. very low quality
f. N/A no media coverage (skip to 22)
g. no opinion
20. Please describe the overall media coverage of your agency’s weatherization program during the ARRA period:
a. very positive
b. positive
c. neither positive or negative
d. negative
e. very negative
21. What topics did the media mainly focus on? (check all that apply)
a. Jobs created
b. Energy saved
c. Helping low income households
d. Waste, fraud and abuse
e. Lack of energy savings
f. Organizational mis-steps
g. Other ______________________
22. Will weatherization issues identified by the media during ARRA have lasting impacts on weatherization funding for your agency in the future?
a. could substantial reduce funding
b. could reduce funding
c. no impact
d. could increase funding
e. could substantially increase funding
23. On balance, how beneficial has been the attention paid to your agency’s weatherization program during the ARRA period?
a. Extremely beneficial
b. Beneficial
c. Neither beneficial nor unbeneficial
d. Unbeneficial
e. Extremely unbeneficial
Please explain ____________________________
1. How have relationships changed between your state weatherization office and your local weatherization agency during ARRA?
a. become much more positive
b. become more positive
c. no changes
d. become more negative
e. become much more negative
2. What was the quality of the administrative support and assistance that your agency received from the state and its contractors in Program Year 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ very high quality
_____ high quality
_____ moderate quality
_____ low quality
_____ very low quality
_____ not applicable
2a. If appropriate, why did you rate the quality very low or low? ______________
3. What was the quality of the training that your agency received from the state and its contractors in Program Year 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ very high quality
_____ high quality
_____ moderate quality
_____ low quality
_____ very low quality
_____ not applicable
3a. If appropriate, why did you rate the quality very low or low? ______________
4. What was the quality of the support and assistance on client education that your agency received from the state and its contractors in Program Year 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ very high quality
_____ high quality
_____ moderate quality
_____ low quality
_____ very low quality
_____ not applicable
4a. If appropriate, why did you rate the quality very low or low? ______________
5. What was the quality of the support and assistance on leveraging the Weatherization Assistance Program with other funding sources and related programs that your agency received from the state and its contractors in Program Year 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ very high quality
_____ high quality
_____ moderate quality
_____ low quality
_____ very low quality
_____ not applicable
5a. If appropriate, why did you rate the quality very low or low? ______________
6. What was the quality of the technical support that your agency received from the state and its contractors in Program Year 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ very high quality
_____ high quality
_____ moderate quality
_____ low quality
_____ very low quality
_____ not applicable
6a. If appropriate, why did you rate the quality very low or low? ______________
7. How flexible did you find the DOE program rules that governed the weatherization program in Program Year 2010? In other words, did the program rules allow your agency to tailor your program to your needs (very flexible) or proscribe your program to only one way of operation (very inflexible (Check best answer)
_____ Very Flexible
_____ Flexible
_____ Inflexible
_____ Very Inflexible
7a. Using PY 2010 as the reference point, how should the program rules change?
_____ Become much more flexible
_____ Become more flexible
_____ Stay about the same
_____ Become more inflexible
_____ Become much more inflexible
7b. In what areas should the program rules become more flexible? ________________________
7c. In what areas should the program rules become less flexible? _________________________
8. Please describe any important political issues faced by your agency’s weatherization program in Program Year 2010. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Which statement best describes how your agency dealt with program expansion during the ARRA period?
a. promoted existing weatherization staff to management positions and hired new entry level workers
b. hired new weatherization managers and hired new entry level workers
c. promoted existing weatherization staff to management positions and hired contractors to ramp up production
d. simply hired contractors to ramp up production
10. Did expanding your agency’s level of production result in any economies of scale benefits?
a. No
b. some benefits
c. moderate benefits
d. substantial benefits
11. How did your agency change its in-take procedures during the ARRA-period from the procedures used pre-ARRA (i.e., PY2008)? (Check Best Answer)
a. No change
b. Eligibility checks more stringent
c. Eligibility checks less stringent
d. Other _______________________
12. Were there any material, equipment or other supply chain bottlenecks during the ARRA period that negatively impacted weatherization production by your agency?
a. No
b. Yes
If yes, what was in short supply? ______________________
13. To what extent have large DOE programs, WAP, State Energy Program, Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant Program, competed for labor during the ARRA period?
a. Not at all
b. a small extent
c. a moderate extent
d. a large extent
e. a very large extent
14. During the ARRA period, how has state-level oversight of your state’s weatherization assistance program changed?
a. Greatly increased
b. Increased
c. Stayed the same
d. Decreased
e. Greatly decreased
15. How did your agency manage increasing workloads and performance expectations?
Please Explain ____________________
16. Has ARRA funding allowed your agency to purchase and implement new information technologies to improve program administration?
a. Yes
b. No
If yes, please describe these new information technologies. __________________________
17. Has ARRA funding allowed your agency to purchase new field technologies (e.g., Infrared Thermal Imagers) to improve weatherization audits and measure installation?
a. Yes
b. No
If yes, please describe these purchases.
18. How timely has DOE’s guidance been during the ARRA period?
a. very timely
b. timely
c. not very timely
d. not timely at all
19. How clear has DOE’s guidance been during the ARRA period?
a. very clear
b. clear
c. not very clear
d. not clear at all
20. During PY 2010, how much of a burden were your agency’s administrative costs associated with increased oversight during the ARRA period (e.g., from DOE IG, GAO)?
a. no burden
b. slight burden
c. moderate burden
d. substantial burden
e. extreme burden
21. Did your agency change its audit approach during the ARRA-period from the approach used pre-ARRA (i.e., PY2008)?
a. Yes, went from priority list to computerized audit
b. Yes, went from computerized audit to priority list
c. Yes, changed from one computerized audit tool to another
d. No
22. To what extent have measure costs used in Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) calculations diverted from actual measure costs experienced during ARRA in PY 2010? (choose the best description)
a. on balance actual measure costs were much higher than SIR calculations
b. on balance actual measure costs were higher than SIR calculations
c. SIR calculations and actual measure costs were about the same
d. on balance SIR calculations and actual measure costs were about the same but the actual measure costs fluctuated a great deal up and down
e. on balance actual measure costs were lower than SIR calculations
f. on balance actual measure costs were much lower than SIR calculations
23. Did your agency change its quality assurance procedures during the ARRA-period (e.g., PY 2010) from the procedures used pre-ARRA (i.e., PY2008)?
a. Yes, procedures are much more stringent
b. Yes, procedures are more stringent
c. No
24. Did your agency change its approach to using in-house crews versus contractors during the ARRA-period (e.g., PY 2010) from the procedures used pre-ARRA (i.e., PY2008)?
a. Contractors are performing a much higher percentage of weatherization jobs
b. Contractors are performing a higher percentage of weatherization jobs
c. In-House crews are performing a higher percentage of weatherization jobs
d. In-house crews are performing a much higher percentage of weatherization jobs
e. No
24a. If there was a change, what prompted the change? (choose the best description)
a. Change was solely made to meet production targets
b. Change was solely made to deal with Davis-Bacon
c. Change was made to meet production targets and deal with Davis-Bacon
d. Other (Please explain) __________________________________________
24b. How did your training requirements change with the change in approach?
All workers were required to be trained in weatherization work
Only in-house crews were required to be trained
Only contractors were required to be trained
No training was required.
25. Did your agency implement any innovative approaches to weatherization during the ARRA-period?
a. No
b. Yes
If yes, please describe the innovative approaches ______________________________
26. Did your agency implement any other major programmatic changes during the ARRA-period?
a. No
b. Yes
If yes, please describe these programmatic changes ______________________________
27. Does your agency have a deferral policy?
a. Yes
b. No
28. Please estimate the number of units where weatherization was deferred during PY 2010?
a. 0%
b. 1-5%
c. 6-10%
d. 10-20%
e. 21-30%
f. more than 30%
28a. What was the leading cause for deferral during PY 2010? __________________________
28b. Please estimate what percentage of units where weatherization was deferred during PY 2010 will eventually be weatherized?
a. 0%
b. 1-25%
c. 26-50%
d. 51-75%
e. 76-90%
f. 91-100%
28c. Please describe your agency’s deferral rates in PY2010 compared to PY2008:
a. very great increase
b. great increase
c. increase
d. no change
e. decrease
f. great decrease
g. very great decrease
29. How much of a priority does your agency place on health and safety when weatherizing homes?
a. Very high priority
b. High priority
c. Medium priority
d. Low priority
e. Very low priority
f. No priority
30. What would be the ideal amount of money per home your agency would like to spend for addressing health and safety issues? ________________
31. Of all the homes weatherized by your agency in Program Year 2010, how many did you refer to non-energy programs for additional services (e.g., nutrition; family counseling)? ___________
32. What approaches did your local agency use to recruit new qualified, reliable and trustworthy weatherization crew members and how effective were these approaches: ___________________
33. What approaches did your local agency use to train the expanded weatherization workforce?
a. Utilized existing state program-based training resources, i.e. State monitors or other staff providing training to the network
b. Sent weatherization workers to one of 26 newly funded weatherization training centers
c. Sent weatherization workers to one of 12 legacy weatherization training centers (i.e. COAD, NRCERT, INCAA, BPC, PG&E Stockton, NYSWDA, FSL, AEA, etc. YY)
d. Utilized private, consultant training providers (i.e. Saturn, BMI, EMC)
e. OTHER Please explain:___________________________________________________
f. No additional training was provided
34. In your opinion, how effective were these approaches?
a. Highly effective
b. Very Effective
c. Somewhat effective
d. Not effective
35. Has your agency implemented new certification requirements for weatherization workers during the ARRA period?
a. No (go to Q28)
b. Yes
36. What new certifications are required? (Check all that apply)
a. BPI Building Analyst
b. BPI Envelope
c. BPI Residential Building Envelope Accessible Areas Air Leakage Control Installer
d. Residential Building Envelope Whole House Air Leakage Control Crew Chief
e. BPI Manufactured Housing
f. BPI Heating
g. BPI Air Conditioning and Heat Pump
h. BPI Multifamily
k. Lead Safe Weatherization
l. Lead Certified Renovator
m. NAHB Green Building
n. Other ___________________
37. Did the staff turnover rate change during the ARRA period as compared to the pre-ARRA period?
a. Turnover greatly increased
b. Turnover increased
c. No, turnover did not change
d. Turnover decreased
e. Turnover greatly decreased
38. Which statement best describes changes in the level of employment in your agency’s jurisdiction resulting from Davis-Bacon?
a. large number of jobs created
b. small number of jobs created
c. no change in the number of jobs
d. small number of jobs lost
e. large number of jobs lost
f. don’t know
39. Which statement best describes the impact of Davis-Bacon on wages paid to weatherization workers by your agency?
a. large increase in wages
b. small increase in wages
c. no increase in wages
d. small decrease in wages
e. large decrease in wages
40. Did Davis-Bacon paperwork requirements lead to an increase or decrease in experienced weatherization contractors working in the low-income weatherization field??
a. Large increase
b. small increase
c. no change
d. small decrease
e. large decrease
41. How much of an impact was there on your agency in coordinating wages stipulated by Davis-Bacon for weatherization workers whose operations spanned multiple counties?
a. extremely positive impact
b. positive impact
c. no impact
d. negative impact
e. extremely negative impact
f. N/A because your agency works exclusively in one county
42. Have changes in weatherization costs associated with Davis-Bacon altered choices of measures installed in homes?
a. No
b. Yes
If yes, please explain _________________________________________
43. Overall, how did Davis-Bacon impact the costs of weatherization in your agency?
a. greatly increased costs
b. increased costs
c. no change in costs
d. decreased costs
e. greatly decreased costs
44. In your agency, on average, how much did Davis-Bacon rules increase the cost of weatherizing low-income multifamily buildings four stories and higher?
a. 1-10% increase
b. 11-20% increase
c 21% + increase
d. no increase
e. 1-10% decrease.
f. 11-20% decrease
g. 21% + decrease
h. N/A
45. Does your state allow the weatherization of large low-income multi-family buildings?
a. yes
b. no (go to Q 40)
If not, why not? _______________________________
46. Does your agency weatherize large low-income multi-family buildings?
a. No
b. Yes
47. What are the barriers to weatherizing large low-income multi-family buildings? (check all that apply)
a. lack of trained auditors
b. lack of trained crew
c. too expensive
d. building owners are uncooperative
e. energy savings are not high enough
f. unclear guidance from DOE on owner contributions
g. other __________________
48. Does your state allow the weatherization of public housing, that is, housing owned by a public housing authority?
a. Yes
b. No (go to Q. 51)
If not, why not? _______________________________
49. Does your agency weatherize public housing?
a. No
b. Yes
50. What are the barriers to weatherizing public housing units?
51. During the ARRA period did your state allow the weatherization of HUD assisted housing?
a. Yes
b. No (go to Q55)
If not, why not? _______________________________
52. During the ARRA period did your agency weatherize HUD assisted housing?
a. No
b. Yes
53. During the ARRA period did what were the barriers to weatherizing HUD assisted housing? ______________
54. How many units of each type were weatherized by your program in PY 2010?
Type of Housing |
Large Multi-family (Not Public Housing or HUD Assisted) |
Public Housing Multi-family |
HUD Assisted Multi-family |
55. Are there any DOE rules that could be changed to make it easier to weatherize large low-income multi-family buildings?
a. No
b. Yes
If yes, please explain ___________________________________________
56. Does your agency’s weatherization program have an agreement with your State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)?
a. Yes
b. No
57. What percentage of units weatherized by your agency in PY 2010 fell under the SHPO agreement?
a. 0
b. 1-5
c. 6-10
d. 11-15
e. 15+
58. In general, have the historic preservation guidelines changed the types of measures installed in these homes?
a. No
b. Yes
If yes, please explain ___________________________________________________
59. How many homes were on your wait list for weatherization in PY 2010? _____
60. On average, how long was a home on the wait list before it was weatherized in PY 2010? _____
61. In Program Year 2010, did your agency set targets and actively solicit participation by dwelling units of the types shown below? (Check all that apply)
Type of dwelling unit |
Set targets for number of dwelling units of this type to weatherize |
Actively sought participation by households residing in this type of dwelling unit |
Single Family Attached and Detached |
Small Multi-family (2-4 units) |
Multifamily (5 or More Units per Building) |
Mobile Home |
Shelter |
62. Which of the following approaches did your agency use in Program Year 2010 to market your weatherization services to low-income households? (Check all that apply)
Targeted mailings to potential clients _____
Targeted mailings to landlords of potential clients _____
Visits to potential clients _____
Visits to landlords of potential clients _____
Advertising with other social service agencies _____
Advertising in local newspapers or magazines _____
Radio advertising _____
Television advertising _____
Posting information on website _____
Other (please specify) ______________________________________ _____
63. Who was responsible for leading the marketing/outreach efforts described above? (Check all that apply)
Agency management _____
In-house outreach coordinator _____
Contractor outreach coordinator _____
In-house communications staff _____
Contractor communications staff _____
Other in-house staff (please specify) __________________________ _____
Other contractor staff (please specify) _________________________ _____
64. In general, how satisfied were you with the length of time between the client’s request to have their home weatherized and when it was actually weatherized in PY 2010? (Check best answer)
_____ Very satisfied
_____ Satisfied
_____ Not satisfied or dissatisfied
_____ Dissatisfied
_____ Very dissatisfied
65. In general, how easy was it to schedule your visits to client homes to perform audits, weatherization, and inspections in PY 2010? (Check best answer)
_____Very easy
_____ Easy
_____ Not easy or difficult
_____ Difficult
_____ Very difficult
66. What percentage of households whose homes were weatherized by your agency in Program Year 2010 registered a complaint regarding the quality or nature of the weatherization job performed on their dwelling unit? ____________
67. Of those households that filed complaints, what percentage of these required some additional work? __________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Bruce Edward Tonn |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |