ICR Attachment E - Focus Group Report

2425-01-attachment E.pdf

Use of Surveys in Developing Improved Labeling for Insect Repellent Products

ICR Attachment E - Focus Group Report

OMB: 2070-0180

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Environmental Protection Agency

7475 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 200
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
(301) 656-0310
September 21, 2010

Table of Contents






Key Findings


Next Steps






M th d l g






Understand Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors


Determine Insect Repellent Information Needs


Obtain Reactions to Current Insect Repellent Product Labels


D t
i A
Appeall off C
Currentt IInsectt R
ll t P
d t Claims
Cl i


Obtain Reactions to Instituting an Efficacy Mark


Obtain Reactions to EPA Sample Efficacy Marks


Explore Expectations for Protection Time and Variability Issues


APPENDIX A: Respondent Profile


Management Summary


Management Summary


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Pesticide Programs is in the process of developing and testing pesticide
efficacy marks to assist consumers in the purchasing of insect repellent products. Market research was conducted to better
understand the consumer needs and preferences regarding insect repellent product labeling.


Specifically, a two-phased research effort is underway. This report presents the key findings from the Phase 1, a series of 10
consumer focus
groups conducted
d t d in
i four
hi markets:
k t Bethesda,
B th d MD,
MD Tampa,
FL Norwalk,
lk CT and
d Minneapolis,
li MN.
Four consumer segments were included in the research: light/infrequent product users, heavy users, parents and general


Value of a Standard Efficacy Labeling Program
Consumers indicate that there is currently no consistent standard of measurement for evaluating the efficacy and safety of
insect repellents. Information and claims on current insect repellent labels are widely variable, confusing and are not always
easy to read or understand. Product claims are often perceived as too vague to be of use to consumers who need to rely on
them to make informed buying or product usage decisions. A consistent standard of measurement for evaluating the
efficacy and safety of insect repellents would be of value to consumers because it would help them make more informed
buying and product usage decisions. Therefore, EPA should continue its efforts to introduce such a system into the
“Easier understanding. When you go into a store and look at the shelf and you can figure out exactly what
you want with more ease than looking through a myriad of confusing labels.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“For me, it’s [efficacy mark] like a guideline on how to use the product. You might have a different one for
going out in the deep woods as opposed to hanging out in the afternoon at my mom’s house… you might
b a different
one ffor being
b i in
i your backyard
b k d at your campfire
fi than
h if you’re
’ camping
i outside
id allll weekend.”
k d”
(Minneapolis, Parent)

Management Summary


Desired Product Labeling Information
First and foremost, consumers want insect repellent labels to communicate the specific number of hours of efficacy for the
product, the specific insects the product repels, and the precise percentage of active ingredient in the product. These data
must be presented in a sizeable, clear font and placed on the front of the package. They also would like manufacturers to
use visuals that are eye appealing and relevant to the situational use of insect repellents. Therefore, it is critical for any
revised labeling system to include these specific data points and criteria in an easy to read format on the front of the
package where all is visible. Secondarily, but still important, consumers would like to know if the products are scented or
fragrance free, if they are waterproof, and if they are family friendly. Also, presenting important information imbedded in a
poor contrasting graphic design or using a small font, or placing it on the back of the package are examples of less effective
communication formats.


Reactions to Current Insect Repellent Product Claims
Claims that begin with verbs such as repels or protects are preferred. It is also important for claims to list the specific insects
that will be repelled or from what insects consumers will be protected. In addition, claims should include the number of
hours of effectiveness, if they are to be useful to consumers. EPA should consider claims such as “Repels _____for up to
______hours” or alternatively, “Protects against _____for up to ____hours.” Consumer receptivity to these claims should be
validated in the national consumer survey to be conducted in Phase 2. Vague, general or unsubstantiated claims such as
“long lasting protection” or “effective dependable protection” and wordy claims do not provide consumers with specific
enough information, in a user-friendly format to guide consumer purchase or usage behavior for insect repellents. Therefore,
these types of claims are less preferred.


Management Summary


Preferred Efficacy Marks
Currently, consumers can not quickly assess the effectiveness,
appropriate use, or safety of insect repellent products. Therefore, an
efficacy mark would be welcomed by consumers, since it would facilitate their ability to obtain the information they want and
need about insect repellents. Of the efficacy marks tested in this research, the “Bug” and “Alternative Circle” designs most
effectively communicate insect repellent efficacy information and do so in a visually appealing way. These two efficacy
marks effectively communicate because they use a combination of words, numbers, graphic symbols, color and design to
attract the reader’s attention and convey needed information in a simple, direct, organized, and time efficient manner.
Therefore, Shugoll Research recommends that consumer receptivity to the “Bug” and “Alternative Circle” efficacy marks be
further tested in Phase 2 (national consumer survey) in order to validate these qualitative findings.


Reaction to RF (Repellent Factor) Efficacy Rating System
Consumers admit they have to be educated about RFs and how to interpret them to compare the efficacy and safety of
different insect repellents. Based on the sunscreen product industry and its use of SPFs, consumers intuit that the higher RF
numbers are, the stronger and longer lasting the products will be. Consumers, however, express preference for a labeling
system that provides hours of effectiveness against specific insects. Therefore, Shugoll Research recommends measuring
consumer receptivity to a RF system in Phase 2 (national consumer survey). If EPA chooses to proceed with a RF-type
system, it needs to understand that introduction of this type of efficacy platform will require an investment of public
education dollars to familiarize the public with how to interpret the information.


Barriers to Regular Insect Repellent Usage
Some consumers need to be reminded or even educated to use insect repellents regularly. Increasing awareness of the
importance and efficacy of using insect repellents would be helpful. Those who purposefully do not use insect repellent more
regularly don’t like that the products are greasy and smelly, while others hesitate because the products contain chemicals
h they
h believe
b li
are not healthy
h l h for
f humans
d the
h environment.
A labeling
l b li effort
ff that
h will
ill h
l consumers compare


Management Summary

active ingredient percentages across products will be reassuring to consumers. The goal is to mitigate concerns about the
presence of the chemical(s) and educate consumers about the potential harmful effects from bug bites so that they will be
encouraged to use insect repellent when needed.

Consumer Expectations Regarding Protection Time and Variability Issues
Consumers appear to have reasonable expectations regarding protection time and variability. They do not expect insect
ll t tto protect
t t them
allll bites;
bit rather
th they
th expectt a reduced
d number
b off bites.
are also
l relatively
l ti l
conservative about believing cited efficacy hours because they know efficacy is based on a number of variables. They tend to
re-apply some time before the hour is up or precisely when the cited time is up, immediately after participating in an activity
that might have diluted the repellent or when they feel the bugs start biting again. Therefore, as long as product labels
product is waterproof,
etc., consumers are accepting
p g of p
product variances
include hours of effectiveness, whether or not the p
and can manage their re-application timing to achieve optimal effectiveness.


Shugoll Research, in conjunction with EPA staff, will develop a questionnaire for a national consumer survey to address the
following topic areas:

Identify motivators and barriers to insect repellent product use


Obtain consumer reactions and preferences to alternative efficacy marks


Determine consumer receptivity to RF rating system


Study Overview



The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Pesticide Programs is in the process of developing and testing
pesticide product labels to assist consumers in comparing the efficacy and safety of available products. Market research
among consumer pesticide users was recommended and initiated to better understand consumer needs and preferences.


The EPA contracted with SRA International, Inc. and Shugoll Research to conduct a two-phased research project:



Phase 1: A series of 10 consumer focus groups to test various versions of pesticide efficacy marks


Phase 2: A national online consumer survey to determine consumer preferences

This report presents the findings from the initial phase of 10 consumer focus groups. Specifically, Phase 1 was designed to
address the following objectives:

Understand insect repellent purchase behaviors


Determine insect repellent information needs


Obtain reactions to current insect repellent product labels


Determine appeal of current insect repellent product claims


Obtain reactions to instituting an efficacy mark


Obtain reactions to EPA sample efficacy marks


Explore expectation for protection time and variability issues



Qualitative research in the form of focus groups was the recommended methodology. Focus groups allow for an in-depth
exploration of consumer behaviors and perceptions as well as reactions to stimuli.


A total of 10 focus groups were conducted in four geographic markets: Bethesda, MD, Tampa, FL, Norwalk, CT, and
Minneapolis, MN. Each focus group discussion lasted 90 to 120 minutes.

May 13 & 19
Bethesda, MD

August 10
Tampa, FL

August 11
Norwalk, CT

August 12
Minneapolis, MN


Light/Infrequent Users

1 group

1 group

1 group


3 groups

Heavy Users

1 group

1 group


1 group

3 groups


1 group


1 group

1 group

3 groups

General Users

1 group




1 group


4 groups

2 groups

2 groups

2 groups

10 groups


Methodology (Cont’d)

Shugoll Research, in conjunction with EPA staff, developed a screening questionnaire to ensure consumers met the target
audience specifications. A total of 12 consumers were recruited per group to ensure 8 to 10 participated. A group of 8 to 10
participants is considered optimal for focus group research


In order to qualify for study participation, respondents:

Could not be involved professionally with advertising, public relations, market research or the manufacturing or
marketing of insect repellent


Had to be the primary decision maker for the purchasing and use of insect repellent or share that responsibility
equally with someone else


Had to spend time outdoors at least occasionally


Could not say they refuse to use insect repellent because they think the chemicals or DEET are harmful


Had to have children 10 years or younger to participate in the parent groups


Qualified for the heavy user groups if they used insect repellent at least most of the time, and qualified for the
general/infrequent user groups if they didn
didn’tt use insect repellent or their use was light i.e., sometimes or rarely.


Had to be comfortable expressing themselves in a group environment


Had to have at least a high school diploma


a mix of demographic
g p characteristics includingg ggender, education, employment
p y
and household income


A total of 92 consumers participated in the research. A summary of the respondent profile may be found in Appendix A.


Shugoll Research developed a topic guide to ensure each discussion remained focused on the agreed upon objectives of the
study. Client approval of the topic guide was received prior to the conduct of the focus groups. Minor revisions were made to
the topic guide upon completion of the first four focus groups.



A qualitative research methodology seeks to develop directions rather than quantitatively precise or absolute measures.
The limited number of respondents involved in this type of research means the study should be regarded as exploratory in
nature and the results used to generate hypotheses for marketing decision making and further testing
testing. The non
nature of qualitative research means the results cannot be generalized to the population under study with a known level of
statistical precision.


Key Findings


Understand Insect Repellent Purchase


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors – Heavy Users


Heavy/frequent users of insect repellent use the product regularly because they spend a lot of time outdoors or are prone to
bug bites.

Use of insect repellent is all year round in some locales such as Florida, often depends on the outdoor surroundings or
activities, and typically increases at night because bug activity is more prevalent.


Heavy users tend to purchase products that are “strong,” or that provide “long acting protection against everything.”


Heavy users use insect repellent both because the bugs are annoying and because they carry disease.
“I am a magnet for mosquitoes and my whole family can be outside and not get bitten, but I have them all
over me. So I use it almost every time I go outside to garden or take the dogs for a walk…”
(Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I use it year round for the nuisance issue…I’m even more conscious of it when you hear things on the news
about encephalitis…” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“When I’m running or hanging out in the backyard because I go out a lot in the evenings when it cools off,
and that’s
that s when everything comes out
out.” (Tampa,
(Tampa Heavy User)
“I use it all the time because we’re always going to movies in the park.” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors –
Light/Infrequent Users


Light/infrequent users of insect repellents use the product primarily when specific situations dictate the need such as when
they engage in outdoor activities near wooded areas or water.

Insect repellent is typically not top-of-mind for these consumers and they often forget to put it on or bring it with them.
“When you go somewhere you forget to take it with you.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“I just completely forget until I get bit. It just doesn’t cross my mind to have it…doesn’t cross my mind to be
premeditated about it.” (Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)


When they do remember to bring their insect repellent, they are more apt to remember to apply it at night, or when
they are near wooded areas or areas surrounded by water, since these environments attract more bugs.
It s one of those things that sits in the bathroom cabinet for years.
years ” (Bethesda,
(Bethesda Infrequent/Light User)
“ If I know I’m going outdoors like for a picnic, or camping, or if we’re going to the park and we’re going to be
there later.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
areas. If we’re
we re just outside in a normal area
area, I don
don’tt think
“II do think of it in more wooded areas and water areas
about it.” (Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors – Parents


Parents are conflicted about their use of insect repellent products on their children.

They are conscientious about using insect repellent on their children and yet
yet, many express reservations about using
insect repellents on their children because of concerns about the chemicals these products contain.


As a result, parents find the so called “natural” products appealing for their kids. This is because they worry about
purchasing products with high concentrations of DEET.
“I’m concerned
d with
ith some off the
th ingredients,
i g di t and
d so I’m
I’ g
i g ffor th
the all-natural
ll t l stuff
t ff right
ight now. So,
S why
h nott
just go with the natural stuff that again? It’s not 100%, but it cuts down and I’m not spreading chemicals on
the kids.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“Especially if they’re playing a lot of sports, if they’re out, I try to spray them before they go.”
(Norwalk, Parent)
“I’m even more careful now because about four years ago my oldest son got Lyme Disease.”
(Norwalk, Parent)
“I usually
ll use the
th harsher
h h stuff,
t ff but
b t for
f my kids
kid I will
ill use Skintastic,
Ski t ti something
thi that
th t is
i nott as aggressive.”
i ”
(Minneapolis, Heavy User)


Parents also use insect repellents on themselves for specific situations such as going camping , playing outdoor sports or
recreating near wooded and wet areas warrant the use of these products.

However, parents are typically less deliberate about using insect repellents for themselves than for their children.
“We don’t use it in town, but when we are camping, we have to.” (Minneapolis, Parent)
“I use it on the kids more often. I mean I don’t like getting bites and I don’t like the itching, but I don’t like
having that stuff on me as much. So I put it on the kids because I’m more concerned about them.”
(Minneapolis, Parent)

Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors – Reasons
to Use Product


Inspect repellents are used to prevent illness and discomfort caused by bites or stings.

Consumers are aware that certain insects carry potentially deadly diseases.
“[I use it] to not get a disease like malaria or stuff from mosquito bites.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I worry about the West Nile…Where we are, we are right next to the woods where we camp and stuff. It just
p , Parent))
makes me nervous.” ((Minneapolis,
“The Lyme disease with the ticks, and the younger the kids are, the more I’m concerned with the discomfort
from the itching because they can’t handle it as well.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“There was Equestrian disease that was transferred by a mosquito, and the baby died. So I’m now majorly
aware.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)


In addition, they want to avoid the itching and pain experienced from bug bites and stings.
“It maybe stings, nobody enjoys that. Pain is not a good thing.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“To avoid the bites and the reactions that set in. I want to have a good night’s sleep without scratching
myself, getting an irritation. It’ s just not [worth] being miserable.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors – Purchase

Consumers base their purchasing decisions on a variety of factors including brand reputation, strength of the active
ingredient, lasting effectiveness, types of insects repelled, price, method of application (i.e., spray, wipes, aerosol/pump,
etc ) and recommendations from friends and family.

Most consumers do not make their purchase decisions based solely on the information found on the labels of insect
repellent products.
“Because I’m looking for quality and brand name, a lot of people use it.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“They are all relatively safe within reason, so I go by the brand.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“I look at the package first that I’ve been drawn to, and then I read [the label].” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)
DEET ” (Bethesda,
(Bethesda Heavy User)
“II usually go with the highest percentage of DEET.
“[if it says 8 hours it means] from the time I put it on, it should last me eight hours before I have to reapply
it.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
How long it last
last, like 2 hours or 8 hours or something
something.” (Bethesda,
(Bethesda Infrequent/Light User)
“Normally it tells you…it covers ticks, it covers, this, it covers chiggers. So that’s the other thing I’m looking
for, what insects does it deal with.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
What insects is it going to repel.
repel ” (Bethesda,
(Bethesda Infrequent/Light User)
“I like the spray stuff. It’s a lot easier and you don’t have to rub it all in.” (Bethesda, General User)
“We’ve gone to having wipes so we can have them in the car.” (Norwalk, Parent)
“Sometimes by word of mouth, friends and family tell you what product they use.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors –
Label Reading – 1


Most consumers do not thoroughly read the ingredient labels on insect repellent products because they do not understand
what the chemical ingredients are, they have fears about the toxicity of the ingredients, and they are not even sure about
which ingredients repellents should contain in order to be effective and safe.

Consumers acknowledge insect repellents probably contain chemicals that they perceive are not healthy for them.
However, the threats of discomfort and illness that come from bug bites often outweigh the risks associated with the
“I have no idea what any of those things do.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I am not well informed as to what the ingredients are in insect repellent and I don’t know what should be in
there.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I don’t know what the ingredients mean, you know, so I don’t look for it for that purpose.”
(Bethesda, Heavy User)
“The bite far outweighs the chemical.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“I’d rather have a chemical on me than get bitten and I’m scratching and itching for three days.”
(Tampa, Heavy User)
“I look at it [label], get it, hoping it works because…it’s hard to tell right by a label exactly how it’s actually
going to work.”
work. (Minneapolis, Parent)


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors –
Label Reading – 2


Some consumers are curious about the inert ingredients in insect repellent.

While consumers generally recognize DEET is the most common active ingredient
ingredient, several express some curiosity
regarding the inactive ingredients.
“They all have the main ingredient and then 75% of other ingredients. What the heck are the other
ingredients?” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“You don’t really know what all the ingredients are.” (Bethesda, General User)
“This one says,’Now with Gerinol.’ What is Gerinol? There should be an asterisk with an explanation.”
(Bethesda, General User)


Several consumers erroneously infer that a lack of product registration means the product is inherently safe to use.

One sample product included a statement regarding exemption from EPA registration which led several consumers to
assume that the product is safe.
It doesn
doesn’tt have to be tested or regulated…so
regulated so it either means there is some loophole,
loophole or it means it’s
it s a lot
safer and it doesn’t need any testing.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“It means it’s plants and it’s safe. You know you’re safe.’ (Tampa, Heavy User)
To me, it means there
there’ss nothing in there to test. It doesn’t
doesn t have a dangerous chemical…but we only have
the company’s word for that – that it is safe.” (Bethesda, General User)


Insect Repellent Purchase Behaviors – Barriers


Barriers to regular use of insect repellents include:

Effect of
h i l on th
human body and
the environment


to Use

Dislike for the
smell, taste
and feel

Many of the barriers have to do with intrinsic product qualities/attributes, and are not profound emotional deterrents.
Consumers mostly complain about the products being oily/greasy and smelling bad.
“I just completely forget until I get bit. It just doesn’t cross my mind…” (Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)
“The smell, the taste.” (Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)
“It’s oily and greasy and it stinks.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“The lotion feels horrible. You sweat and it gets in your eyes.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“Well some people are scared of the chemicals…” (Tampa, Heavy User)
The idea of poison and long-term
long term effects…
effects ” (Norwalk,
(Norwalk Parent)
“Just the feel of having sticky fingers and sticky hands.” (Bethesda, General User)

Determine Insect Repellent Information


Insect Repellent Information Needs

Consumers want the label on an insect repellent to clearly cite the strength or amount of DEET/other active ingredient in the
product, which insects will be repelled, and how long the protection will last in hours so they will know when to re-apply.
re also interested in knowing if it
it’ss waterproof and if it is scented or unscented.

Using established industry criteria to provide information on the strength of the product would be helpful to the
consumer because it communicates effectiveness.
¾ Consumers want an effective, long acting product as long as it is safe.
“Usually the percentage of the DEET.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“The strength of concentration of the ingredient.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
long so maybe it will repel a little bit better.
better ”
“…II imagine it would have to be stronger to last long,
(Tampa, Heavy User)


Consumers prefer longer acting products so they do not have to re-apply as often.
¾ Providing the number of hours of protection allows consumers to determine which product will last longest and
also allows them to estimate when and how often the product will have to be re-applied during an outing.
“From the time I put it on, it should last me eight hours before I have to reapply it.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“How long it lasts, like two hours or eight hours or something.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“Lasts ‘X’ amount of time.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“It seems that the number would gauge the hours. Like if it said one, it would be one hour, two for two
hours, four for four hours, eight for eight hours…” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“In the summertime you go out swimming, so I need to know if it’s going to stay on in the water. Do you have
to re-spray?” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)

Insect Repellent Information Needs

¾ Many do not believe that the communicated number of hours is a sure thing. Therefore, they tend to be
conservative and reapply prior to the indicated expiration hour.
“I usually don’t believe it will last the full 8 hours.” (Tampa, Heavy User)

Consumers like when a product can protect them against multiple types of insects. Naming the different insects the
user will be protected against helps shoppers determine if the product they buy will meet all their needs.
“I look for all purpose, can kill more insects, mosquitoes, all in one or three in one instead of [having] to buy
three different products.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I like to know what it’s doing. Is it mosquitoes, ticks, everything?” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)
“What they say it’s going to deter biting the crap out of you.” (Tampa, heavy User)


Cosmetic information including: if the product is scented, if it is greasy, and if it is waterproof are important to
consumers. In fact, consumer complaints about insect repellent products often focus on these issues.
“I look for something that is going to stay on when I’m running because I really don’t like for it to come off
when I sweat.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“It’s oily sometimes.” (Bethesda, General User)
Whether it
it’ss odorless or odor free.
free ” (Norwalk,
(Norwalk Infrequent/Light User)
“In the summer time you go out swimming, so I need to know if it’s going to stay on in the water, do you have
to re-spray?” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)


Insect Repellent Information Needs

In addition, standard safety information, instructions on when to reapply, and an expiration date should also appear on the


Even though consumers feel it is important to include this information on the package, these data are not what they
look for first when purchasing insect repellent.

Consumers want key information presented in a clear and concise manner in big print on the front of the package so
important data points are readily visible.

Consumers do not want to have to read the “fine print” to get the information they need.
“It should pop out at you. You shouldn’t have to really look for it.” (Minneapolis, Parent)
“Use a big
g font.” ((Bethesda, Heavyy User))
“Make it easy to read.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“The ones that are clearly labeled are easier to read. If I have to look too long to figure it out, I put it back.”
(Norwalk, Parent)


Consumers prefer that both the language and visuals be used to communicate information about insect repellents.

They have mixed opinions about the type of visuals that should be used on the labels. Some want pictures of the
specific insects the product protects them against, others prefer pictures of the surroundings/situations where insect
repellent is needed e.g.,
e g woods,
woods campgrounds,
campgrounds etc.,
etc and parents express an interest in visuals that communicate the
products are family friendly.
“Probably [should have] a picture of the insects.” (Minneapolis, Parent)
If it can have pictures or symbols…to make me want to pick the product up to read the label to see what
additional information it may have.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)


Insect Repellent Information Needs
Summary: Most Important Labeling Information


• Type of bugs protected
• Hours of protection
• Active ingredient

Secondary, but
still important

• Scented/unscented
• Waterproof
• Reapply after “x” hours
• Expiration
• Safety warnings


Obtain Reactions to Current Insect
Product Labels


Reactions to Current Insect Repellent Product Labels
The following twelve insect repellent products, which are currently on the market, were presented to respondents in order to
obtain their reactions to the product labels.













After reviewing the above labels, consumers admit there is no consistency in insect repellent labeling, and this lack of
consistency makes it difficult for them to compare products when shopping.

Many labels are confusing because the claims vary, and there is too much text/detail that is written in small/fine print,
which is too difficult to read.


Respondents prefer simple, uncluttered labels that present key information e.g., hours of protection, insects repelled,
g of active ingredient,
scented or unscented, in a sizeable font on the front of the label.


Respondents are interested in consistency or a degree of uniformity for all insect repellent labels that will help simplify
the shopping experience and facilitate consumers’ ability to compare products easily and quickly. The goal is to
“eliminate the guesswork.”


Respondents like product labels A
A, K and M because they clearly communicate that the insect repellent application is
good for a precise number of hours. The higher the number, the better.



Reactions to Current Insect Repellent Product Labels














Others comment favorably about showing a visual of camping/or the woods, since these represent typical occasions
when they are more likely to need and use insect repellent. They can envision themselves there. These labels are A,
D, K, M, N.


Parents are attracted to labels that communicate the insect repellent is appropriate for families, especially children.
The communication is most effective using both words and visuals. Parents are attracted to words like “trusted,”
tl ” “natural,”
“ t l ” “organic/chemical
i / h i l i.e.,
DEET free.”
” These
l b l are B,
B F,
F G,
G L and
R. H
However, consumers
generally perceive “organic” products to be more expensive and less effective.


Consumers especially like all labels that provide specific information on the front of the bottle about the types of
insects the product repels. Only F does not detail this information on the front.


Consumers prefer the labels that identify the active ingredient (e.g., DEET) or alternatively, the absence of it. Labels
that make a point of calling out this information, e.g., M and N (percent of DEET) and F and R (absence of DEET) are
preferred over the ones that just provide an ingredients list.


Consumers also prefer the bottles that indicate whether or not a product is scented (Label R) or unscented /fragrance
free (Label A).


Reactions to Current Insect Repellent Product Labels
“This one has 8 hours, some just say long-lasting. I’d rather have a time frame.”
(Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)
“This one is not really selling me…‘repels for hours.’ How many hours?”
(Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)
“The fact that this says insects and ticks for eight hours on the front, that is helpful information.”
(Bethesda Infrequent/Light User)
“This says strong repellent, and to me, that means absolutely nothing. I want to see a rating on a
repellency scale that I understand.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
picture. That’s
That s visually what I am doing.
doing ”
“II go for anything that has woods on the picture
(Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)
“I like L. It’s easy to read. It says it’s ‘All Family’ right off the bat. Soft on skin, tough on bugs, not
greasy or oily. Repels mosquitoes ‘that may carry West Nile Virus.’ You see the DEET real easy. It just
gives it to me in plain sight,
sight not in little tiny writing.
writing ” (Tampa,
(Tampa Infrequent/Light User)
“It has all the listed active ingredients in it. You can really see them.” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)
“I like K because it looks like it’s going to work because it says ‘Works against West Nile Virus’ and it
lists all the bugs
bugs. It gives you confidence knowing that it
it’ss saying what it will fight against
(Minneapolis, Parent)
“They put the small print on the back and it’s so hard to read. The [lack of] contrast and the [small] size
make the label difficult to read.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“The ones with the dark background and dark print are very hard to read. Impossible to read K.”
(Norwalk, Parent)

Reactions to Current Insect Repellent Product Labels
Summary: Reactions to Current Product Labels
•Simple, uncluttered labels
that present the key
information on the front in
large/readable text
•Clear communication of the
n mber of hours
ho rs of protection
•Information about the specific
insects repelled
•Identify the type and strength
of active ingredients

•There is no consistency in
•Cannot easily compare across
•Confusing because claims
vary or consumers do not
know enough about the active
•Too much fine print

Communication of
“appropriate for families”

Determine Appeal of Current Insect
Repellent Product Claims


Appeal of Current Insect Repellent Product Claims

Consumers were exposed to 19 sample product claims and asked to identify which claims are most informative/helpful and
which claims are least informative/helpful.

Most Helpful/Informative Claims

Repels ____


Repels ___ for up to ___ hours


All day protection


Protects against ___(insert name)


Over ___ hours of maximum protection


Protects against ___ for up to ___ hours


Reapply after ___ hours


___ hour protection


Repels biting insects for ___ hours

Least Helpful/Informative Claims


Up to ___ hours of protection


Repels bloodsucking insect pests


Provides up to ___ hours of protection


Effective dependable protection


Avoid over-application


Pleasant protections, effective for ___ hours


Re-apply after ___ hours


Hours of protection


Repeat application as necessary


Frequent re-application is unnecessary

eut a Claims
Ca s


Appeal of Current Insect Repellent Product Claims

Consumers react most positively toward claims that use action words such as “protects or repels against” and then state the
type of insects. These preferred claims also include the words “for up to” and then specifically state the specific “number of
hours” any single application of the product will last.

In general, consumers feel that “repel” is a much stronger word than “protect” and describes that use of insect repellent
will prevent them from getting bit, which is precisely what the product is intended to do.


“Protect” is often preferred by parents because it suggests that their children will be protected from the diseases being
carried by the insects. Some express concern that the word “protect” gives users a “false sense of security.”
“I think of them different. I think of like repelling mosquitoes so they don’t bite me. Protecting, I think
of something more like disease.” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)
“II would want to protect my daughter, but I would want the mosquitoes repelled away from me. I
want to protect her. Protection seems more like for my family.” (Minneapolis, Parent)


Consumers respond positively to these claims because they tend to be short and to the point
“Provides up to the number of hours of protection, just simple, sweet.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)


Consumers are either neutral or border on reacting negatively toward claims that are non-specific, too wordy, or focused more on
a re-application message for the product.
“I didn’t really like ‘all day protection,’ because what is all day?” (Bethesda, General User)
“Hours of protection. What does that mean? (Minneapolis, Parent)
“I crossed out hours of protection because it seems too generic.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“[I crossed out] All day protection, repeat application as necessary and frequent reapplication is
unnecessary. I don’t know what it means.” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)


Appeal of Current Insect Repellent Product Claims

Less preferred claims tend to be general, vague and lacking in specifics.

The less preferred claims simply say “hours of protection,” or focus on re-application e.g., “repeat applications as
necessary,” and “frequent re-application is unnecessary.” They also include subjective words or unsubstantiated
opinions e.g., “pleasant protections,” “effective, dependable protection,” or are perceived as unpleasant such as
“repels bloodsucking insect pests.”
“Exactly which insects, exactly how long, exactly how strong, not general statements.”
(Bethesda, Infrequent/Lighter User)
“Bloodsucking insects. That’s just a little weird.” (Bethesda, General User)
“I crossed out ‘pleasant protection’ because that sounded sissy to me.” (Tampa, Heavy User)


As mentioned, claims that focus on “re-applying” are of less interest because insect repellent users generally know to

Typically, they reapply just prior to or when the stated number of hours on the product have expired, or if they are
engaging in an activity e.g.,
e g swimming where the repellent is likely to be diluted
diluted, or when they feel the bugs are no
longer being repelled/or are biting again.


Consumers are less likely to react positively toward re-application claims because these sorts of claims remind them
that insect repellents may not be too reliable.
“Re-apply is like it stops working, whereas the other one says, it works for this long.”
(Bethesda, Parent)


Appeal of Current Insect Repellent Product Claims

Summary: Preferences Regarding Product Claims


•Claims that use actions words
such as “protect”
protect and “repel”
and then state the specific
type of insects

•Claims that are vague,
general non-specific
non specific

•Includes “for up to ‘x’ hours”

•Claims that focus on a reapplication message

•Claims that are wordy

•Claims that use subjective
words or unsubstantiated


Obtain Reactions to Instituting an
Efficacy Mark


Reactions to Instituting an Efficacy Mark – 1

Consumers are uninformed and a bit confused about the regulatory agency for insect repellents.

Consumers assume insect repellents are regulated, although most are unaware of which federal agency is responsible
f these
“I’m a machinist so I see that symbol right there [sample efficacy mark] as like the OSHA standard of
fire reactivity, hazard and incompatibility. And, it just captured my attention right away. I know what
that symbol means.” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)
“If it’s FDA approved, it means it’s been vigorously tested and it’s not going to give you some crazy
side effect, whereas something that has not been FDA approved, it could have an ingredient that will
hurt you in the long run.” (Bethesda, General User)
You may want to see something about whether it
it’ss FDA approved…if
approved if it’s
it s been approved.
approved ”
(Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“It’s like a seal of approval…you would hope there’s some kind of regulation saying that it’s tested
and it’s going to work like this.” (Minneapolis, Parent)


Consumers are receptive to, and value, a standard efficacy label on insect repellent products.

After examining sample products, consumers are very receptive to some form of standardization or efficacy mark.
“If the industry somehow established some sort of criteria, that would be great!”
(Bethesda, Heavy User)
“Right now the labels are all over the map [making it difficult to compare]…in other words, it would be
hard to do a comparison chart.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I’m iin ffavor off some kind
ki d off consistency
i t
across allll these
differentt b
d Y
You can read
d th
ingredients, but I’m not a scientist. I don’t know what they mean and what that translates to.”
(Minneapolis, Parent)

Reactions to Instituting an Efficacy Mark – 2
“You could use ABF – Anti-Bug Factor. A rating compared to other products. So, for example, you can
take it right off the shelf, but there is a code.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“This says ‘strong repellent’, and to me, that means absolutely nothing! I want to see a rating on a
repellency scale that I understand.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“I would like to see a standard established that I can make a judgment about functionality.”
((Bethesda,, Infrequent/Light
/ g User))

Specifically, they anticipate standardization to assist them in selecting the appropriate product for their needs.
“I think it’s really helpful…I don’t want to spend 10 or 15 minutes trying to read labels.”
(Minneapolis, Heavy User)
“If it became standardized, [then] I’m not worried about are they trying to manipulate me>
(Bethesda, Parent)
“So the consumer can make an informed decision. Perfect decision assumes perfect knowledge of
th product,
d t and
d if you can’t
’t compare the
th products,
d t you can’t
’t make
k a perfect
f t decision.”
d i i ”
(Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“It’s easy for you to compare right there and see what you want and pick out what you need.”
(Norwalk, Parent)
“It would be helpful if it was all standardized where it had to be on the box, the same spot on each
bottle.” (Tampa, Heavy User)


Obtain Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks


Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks

A total of 5 efficacy marks were tested in Round 1 of the research (Bethesda, MD). These marks include: “Original Circle”,
“Square”, “Bugs” , “Bars/Lines”, and “Circle-Pairs.”





Circle Pairs

Based on the initial findings, four efficacy marks were tested in Round 2 (Norwalk, Ct, Minneapolis, MN and Tampa FL)
including: “Circle” (which is a modified version of the “Original Circle” tested in Round 1), “Alternative Circle”, “Square” and
“Bugs”. “Lines/Bars” and “Circle Pairs” were not as well received in Round 1 so they were eliminated from testing in the
second round of focus groups.


Ci l




Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks – Bugs

Consumers indicate that the “Bug” efficacy mark is the most communicative because it is easy to
read and straightforward to interpret.

They like that it conveys in a simple way using both words, visuals and numbers the
important information needed on an insect repellent label, which is the number of hours that
the repellent lasts and the types of insects it repels. Consumers also like that the “Bug” efficacy mark is colorful.
“I liked Bugs too. I just thought with the contrast and the colors, how it really directs, pulls your eyes to
where it needs to go and you look instantly and see it.” (Minneapolis, Parent)
“It’s visual and we’re visual people. So, you look at it and then you can see without having to read the fine
print.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“Bugs. It tells you two hours for ticks, six hours for mosquitoes. Plain and simple.” (Norwalk, Parent)
“I like the Bugs because they use just two colors; it’s very simple, everything seems to be in order, not as
busy as the others.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“I like
lik Bugs
B g because
it has
h a picture
i t
d someone mentioned
d what
h t if th
they d
’t read
gli h th
thatt would
ld b
useful.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“The Bugs because they had pictures of the insects for those who don’t know what all the insects look like
and it was very clear to see quickly.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“I like the Bugs, and that takes even less work. You don’t have to read a word. You can just look at the
picture.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“I thought the Bug was the most effective in communicating, taking into consideration people that may not
speakk the
th language
or are off different
t intelligence
i t lli
l l different
t ways off looking
l ki att things.
I thi
thinkk it’
extremely clear for most people with what’s written under it. I think the words and the picture help it to be
very clear.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)

Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks – Original Circle (Round 1)


Reactions to “Original Circle” tested in Round 1 were positive from a visual appeal perspective.
However because a key was required to interpret the initials “M”
M and “T”
T , which were provided to
communicate insect types, the efficacy mark did not test as strongly on communication effectiveness.

Reactions were not overly positive with regard to the effectiveness of the communication for this
mark because it requires too much effort to interpret the message. In other words, consumers
could not understand the message with just a quick glance.
“For the Circle, I felt like once you became an educated population and knew what we were looking for the
circle could work. But for me it was like, wait, what does M stand for?” (Bethesda, Parent)
“You’ve got letters and then you’ve got to go down to the key and then go back up to…you know, once you go
where the M is then you’ve got to go back up to the eight, back and forth.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I don’t like having to look at the key.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“Circles, when I’m seeing it, I’m thinking what is M8 and T4 for?” (Bethesda, General User)


Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks – Circle and Alternative Circle


The “Circle”, the efficacy mark that does not include the words “Mosquito” and “Tick” is visually appealing,
b t lless effective
ff ti from
a communications
i ti
t d i t

This is because people might not be able to figure out which insects the graphic symbols represent, and then will not
know which insects the repellent repels.
to have the name…I think most people
p p don’t
“I went with the Circle,, but it would be important
know what a tick would look like…how will they know, if it’s just a picture?” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“The Circle one shows the consumer what it repels and hours. I thought the mosquito-tick wording , it’s too
busy. But if you’re a visitor, it’s kind of important [to have the word labels].” (Minneapolis, Heavy User)


The “Alternative Circle”, the one that includes the visuals, names and numbers of the insects, as well
as the words “repels” and “hours” is considered the most visually appealing efficacy mark by far, out of
all those tested, and many consumers also think it effectively communicates.

Specifically, respondents like the shape of this efficacy mark, the colors and the fact that it is neat
and organized.
“I thought that it was very, very clear information the first time you look at it. It repels insects for that long.”
(Minneapolis, Parent)
It looks like it would be very easy to standardize that on all of the bug labels
labels. It just looks concise and
together. It looks like you could walk by and see the one you’d want and go and not have to try and figure
everything out.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“I picked Bugs as the most effective, but Circle as the most appealing.” (Tampa, Heavy User)


Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks – Square


The Square efficacy mark communicates effectively, and is very simple and easy to understand.
However its design is considered old fashioned,
fashioned artistically boring,
boring bland and dull.

Concern was expressed about the message being conveyed in words only, rather than words
and visuals, since visuals are seen as being extremely helpful in conveying the intended message.


The visuals are considered especially valuable to non-English speaking individuals.
“I like Square because it lists it clearly and boldly, very easy to see and just glance at and know what it
means.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“There is nothing creative.” (Tampa, Heavy User)
“It’s short, sweet and simple.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“Square is just straight to the point with mosquito, eight hours, tick, four hours. Straight to it, not too much
going on, no designs or anything like that.” (Bethesda, General User)
“I chose the Square as the most effective. It’s very clear. It’s crisp, it looks serious and professional, and you
don’t have to guess which bug it is.” (Norwalk, Parent)
“It’s too dull, it was very boring…and it has no visual.” (Norwalk, Infrequent/Light User)
“[The S
Square]] h
has no visuals…I
l I like
lik th
the visual
l symbols,
b l and
d th
then ffor people
l who
h d
do nott speakk E
gli h [it’
like shorthand, you instantly know.” (Minneapolis, Parent)


Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks – Lines/Bars


Results from Round 1 testing indicated that “Bars/Lines”, although visually appealing
primarily because of the colors,
colors was too difficult for consumers to understand and
interpret quickly.

“Bars/Lines” is confusing because it is missing specific language to communicate that what is being measured is
length of time in hours that insect repellent users would be protected against mosquitoes and ticks.


” iis also
l missing
i i iinsectt symbols
b l which
hi h work
k wellll iin concertt with
ith llanguage tto effectively
ff ti l communicate
i t which
hi h
insects will be repelled with use of a particular product.


Therefore, consumers feel a key would be necessary to aid in the understanding of the information this particular
efficacy mark is trying to convey.
“I liked the idea of the bars that it gives you a gradation perspective, but I was searching for where I am on it
and it takes too long for a quick comparison.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“This [Bars] is too complicated for this type of product…it is making you work…it looks like an equation.”
(Bethesda, Parent)
“It’s not saying anything about hours, and I’m going, what is four and what is eight?”
(Bethesda, General User)
g y cryptic.”
, General User))
“I felt it was slightly


Reactions to EPA Sample
Efficacy Marks – Circle Pairs


The “Circle Pairs” efficacy mark is one of the least preferred marks because it is much too
cryptic and difficult to read and interpret

The analog clock style of the graphic without the word “hours” being noted, and the use of the initials “M” and “T”
rather than use of the words “mosquito” and “tick” require the reader to work too hard to get the message.
“That’s just what I thought, you’d have to go from insecticide to looking at your watch and saying, okay,
th t’ eight,
i ht so it’s
it’ an eight
i ht hour
t ti ” (Bethesda,
(B th d Heavy
“I keep looking at the clock and I get confused.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)


Reactions to EPA Sample Efficacy Marks – Summary




Alternative Circle

Most communicative because
it is easy to read and
straightforward to interpret


Most visually appealing


Easy to understand


Like the shape and colors


Conveys important
information in both words and


IIt is
i neat llooking
ki and

Design is old fashioned,
boring and dull


There are no visuals


Too difficult to interpret


0-8 scale is not labeled

Circle Pairs

Least p
preferred because it is
too difficult to read and


Explore Expectations for Protection
Time and Variability Issues


Expectations for Protection Time
and Variability Issues – Repellent Factor





Consumers want a consistent, standard measure of efficacy for insect repellent products. However, because RF
measurement is unfamiliar to consumers, they find it confusing.
Consumers were asked about another system for communicating efficacy for insect repellents called Repellent Factor (RF).

They are not sure what RF means or how to interpret it, and wonder whether it is communicating that a product has a
higher percentage of the active ingredient.


They recognize that they would have to be educated to understand a new system of measurement on efficacy for
insect repellents.
“I think it’s just confusing, honestly. I don’t know what Repellent Factor means.”
(Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“Right now I have no clue because I haven’t been trained in what RFs are.” (Minneapolis, Parent)
“Does that mean there’s more DEET in it? (Norwalk, Parent)


Expectations for Protection Time
and Variability Issues – Repellent Factor
“There is going to have to be like a training period for the public to understand what this means.”
(Tampa, Heavy User)

Intuitively, and mostly based on their experience with sunscreen products, consumers assume products with
higher RF numbers are stronger than products with lower RF numbers. Therefore, they believe that consumers
who tend to attract bugs, who are engaging in outdoor activities, or who are going out at night should use products
with higher RF numbers.
“The RF stands for Repellent Factor. So how much it repels, I would think the higher the number the
more repellent it is. I would think.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“Obviously, the higher the number to me means it’s stronger.” (Tampa, Heavy User)


Because they do not yet understand RF, consumers indicate they’d prefer to see the number of hours of efficacy and the
type of insects repelled rather than RF.
“This is going to be confusing. People are going to worry about how much does it control. How much
p on there mosquito
and tick
are the chemicals in RF15 versus RF40 versus RF30? If yyou just
protection for ‘x’ number of hours, that should be sufficient.” (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)
“Is it the higher the number, the stronger? But you don’t know how long and you don’t know what it’s
good for.” (Minneapolis, Parent)
“If I saw hours, I’d probably grab that over this. I’d be like, ‘Oh’ because I’d know what I was getting.”
(Minneapolis, Parent)


Expectations for Protection Time
and Variability Issues

Consumers are pretty realistic about the efficacy of insect repellents. Although they hope that insect repellents will be 100
percent effective, based on personal experience, they know the products will only reduce the number of bites they get and
not eliminate them completely.

Some say they have yet to find a product that will protect them against all types of bugs. Others say it’s hard to ensure
that all exposed skin areas are treated.
“[I expect fewer] They’re going to find a place to land, you can’t cover up everything.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“Well, they mostly say repellent. Repellent means it’s going to repel, but it’s not going to protect you all the
way.” (Bethesda, Parent)
“I think of bug sprays as like an umbrella. If you walk in the rain with an umbrella for four hours you’re going
to get a little bit wet. It’s there to protect you, it’s there to help…it’s not a hundred percent.”
(Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I would automatically bump it down from eight [hours] to six because everyone applies it different.”
(Minneapolis, Parent)


Consumers acknowledge that there are many variables that affect optimal effectiveness of insect repellents and understand
and accept that variability in protection time exists.

Therefore, they try to assess their own personal needs in choosing a product and in determining when to reapply.
“My test is I put it on and then when they start biting me again; it’s starting to wear off.”
(Minneapolis, Parent)


Expectations for Protection Time
and Variability Issues

Consumers assume that efficacy ratings have a margin of error based on a variety of factors some human and some

Consumers acknowledge variability can be based on: the sensitivity of the person to bites, the circumstances,
occasions or surroundings prompting the use of insect repellent, weather conditions, time of day, the fact that product
ingredients vary, and the fact that the hours of efficacy are likely estimations.


Therefore, consumers typically reapply just prior to or when the allotted hours of efficacy time are up, or if they are
participating in activities that might cause the insect repellent to dilute, or ultimately when the bugs start to bite again.
“I think the comparison is the thing that is most important, and the hours I take as average. Like if I’m extra
sweaty, I apply it more often. The same thing with swimming where you put your sunscreen back on. You
know, it’s an average day doing average things for an average person if you do it right, you probably won’t
get mosquito bites in 8 hours.” (Bethesda, Infrequent/Light User)
“Like you said, it depends on what conditions, people, the type of person and everything. There are so many
different variables.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I think
thi k off bug
b sprays like
lik an umbrella.
b ll If you walk
lk iin th
the rain
i with
ith an umbrella
b ll ffor ffour h
hours, you’re
’ going
i tto
get a little bit wet. It’s there to protect you, it’s there to help you…it’s not a 100%.” (Bethesda, Heavy User)
“I was thinking about will it last longer on my skin than it lasts on her skin? Where are you? Are you in a
forest, on a river, or will it wash off while you’re sweating? (Tampa, Infrequent/Light User)


Appendix A: Respondent Profile


Respondent Profile

Geographical Locations


Bethesda, MD


Norwalk, CT


Minneapolis, MN


Tampa, FL


Under 25











Highest level of education you have completed?


High school graduate


Some college


College graduate


Post graduate



Respondent Profile

Working Status

N 92

Employed full time


Employed part time


Not currently working


Household Income


$35,000 to $49,999


$50,000 to $74,999


$75,000 to $99,999


$100,000 or more






African American/Black




Asian American


Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


Some other racial or ethnic group


G d

N 92






Respondent Profile

Age off Children
at Home*











Frequency of Using Insect Repellent on Children 10 and Under When Going


Every time


Most of the time


Some of the time






No answer



Only asked to Parents Group
* Respondents could answer yes to more than one group


Respondent Profile

Reasons for Not Using Insect Repellent on Children All the Time


N 29

Don’t like the smell


Outside for too short a time period


N t sure which
hi h insect
t repellent
ll t tto purchase


Don’t like the greasy feel


Don’t think they work


L b l are confusing
f i g


Forget to use


Don’t usually get bitten by insects




Frequency of Using Insect Repellent



Every time


Most of the time


Some of the time







Only asked to Parents Group
Not asked to Parents Group

Respondent Profile

Reasons for Not Using Insect Repellent


N 46

Don’t like the smell


Outside for too short a time period


N t sure which
hi h insect
t repellent
ll t tto purchase


Too expensive


Don’t like the greasy feel


D ’t thi
thinkk they
th workk


Labels are confusing


Forget to use


D ’t usually
ll gett bitt
bitten by
b insects


Frequency of Being Outdoors





l l





Not asked to Parents Group
Onlyy asked to Infrequent/Light
g and ggeneral user ggroupp


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft PowerPoint - FG.Report.final_Sept 21, 2010.pptx
File Modified2011-01-07
File Created2011-01-03

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