Research Question Matrix

Appendix 1 OMB PACKAGE 110211.docx

Evaluation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of University Partnerships' University Programs

Research Question Matrix

OMB: 2528-0279

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Appendix 1: Research Question Matrix

Research Question Number

Question Number


Intent of Question

RQ1a: What are the characteristics of institutions that receive OUP grants?


None – This question will be answered using administrative data.


RQ1b: What are the long-term goals of OUP-funded projects?


When your institution decided to undertake this activity ([ACTIVITY]), what were you hoping to accomplish?

To document grantees long-term goals for specific grant activities.

RQ1c: What is the expected timeframe for OUP-funded projects?


The table below shows the years you received grants from OUP, the type of grant you received, and the start and end date for those grants. If any of the information in the table below is not accurate, please correct it before moving to the next question.

To confirm that the OUP grant information derived from the OUP database is correct.


Was [ACTIVITY] a completely new project that began with the [YEAR] OUP grant, or was it a continuation or expansion of a prior project? By project, I mean a discrete set of tasks or activities that are directly related to your use of OUP funding. We talk later about how this activity fits within a broader community revitalization strategy.

To understand to what extent OUP grants stimulate new activities or continue existing projects.


When did this larger project begin?

Background question in order to determine timeframe.


Has the larger project ended or is it ongoing?

Background question in order to determine timeframe


What was the timeline of OUP funding for [ACTIVITY] relative to the timeline of the larger project?

To determine how the OUP funding coincides with the larger project timeline.


Was any part of this larger project funded by a previous OUP grant? IF SO, what part of the project was funded by OUP and when did you receive the OUP funding?

To understand the extent to which grantees use multiple OUP grants to accomplish a project; how they allocate those funds within the project; and the timing considerations involved.

RQ1d: What activities did grantees plan to implement?


None – This question will be answered using administrative data.


RQ1e: Who are the beneficiaries of OUP-funded projects?


Who did you expect to benefit from [ACTIVITY]?

To learn whether grantees had a particular target group in mind when undertaking the activity.


Did these individuals end up benefiting from your work?

To understand how successful the institution was in achieving the goals it set for reaching a particular target group.


Were there other unexpected beneficiaries?

To find out whether additional people benefited from the project.

RQ1f: What other funding sources are used to support OUP projects?


Please list each funder that supported an activity in the [GRANT YEAR] Grant and check the activity or activities which were supported.

To learn to what extent OUP funds leverage other funds.


For each funder indicated in Question 4.1, indicate the amount of financial support contributed for each activity.

To understand the proportion of total activity funds each OUP grant comprises.


(IF THE ACTIVITY IS ONGOING, ASK THE FOLLOWING): What funding and/or staffing sources have you used to continue the activity since OUP funding ended?

To understand whether OUP funding had a lasting or sustainable impact, and if so, how the institution continues to fund the activity.


For [ACTIVITY] I see that OUP funding represented roughly [PERCENT DETERMINED FROM WEB SURVEY] of the total cost of [ACTIVITY]. How was the OUP funding used? Did it, for example, fund a specific component of [ACTIVITY] or was it part of a general fund?

To learn how institutions allocate their OUP funds.


Was any part of this larger project funded by a previous OUP grant? IF SO, what part of the project was funded by OUP and when did you receive the OUP funding?

To understand the extent to which grantees use multiple OUP grants to accomplish a project; how they allocate those funds within the project; and the timing considerations involved.


Are there additional funders associated with this larger project beyond those we’ve already discussed?

To provide a final opportunity for grantee to name additional funders.

RQ1g: How do grantees decide which activities to fund and who will be the beneficiaries?


Were there other activities directly related to this OUP grant that were funded by other sources? IF YES: Please describe which activities were funded by other sources.

To understand how the institution decided to dedicate its OUP funds among several activities that received additional non-OUP support.


(IF THE ACTIVITY WAS FOCUSED ON A PARTICULAR POPULATION): Why did you decide to focus on this particular population?

To understand the institution’s decision making process and priorities in identifying a target population.


How did you select the [AREA/ NEIGHBORHOOD] targeted by this strategy?

To understand the institution’s decision making process and priorities in identifying a target population and/or community to benefit.


Where is/are the target area(s)/neighborhood(s) located?

To determine whether there is a relationship between the target area and the institution location and whether that influences grantee’s decision making.

RQ2a: What partnerships were created to support grant implementation?


Please list each partner that worked together to implement the activities for the [GRANT YEAR] grant. For organization type, if multiple types could apply, please select the primary type that describes the organization.

To learn where grant administration and implementation reside within the larger grantee institution.


For each partner indicated in Question 3.1, indicate in which activities they were involved.

To collect more information on partners involved with each activity.


Are there any additional partners you’d like to add related to [ACTIVITY]?

To allow the grantee an opportunity to add additional partners, besides those reported in the web survey.


Did your college or university specifically sponsor a community development corporation (CDC) to assist with community revitalization? IF SO, was this CDC responsible for implementation of the OUP grant(s)?

To learn whether the institution has a relationship with a CDC and if so, how the CDC was involved in implementation.

RQ2b: What are the partners’ roles, paying particular attention to the role of the university or college grantee?


What school, department, or office within the university administers the grant?

To learn how the institution structures the entities involved in administering the grant and conducting grant activities.


Who among these parties would you say played the lead role in implementation?

To understand how the various partners were involved in implementation and whether any one particular type of partner across grantees is central to implementation.


Please briefly explain the role of each of the partners

To allow the grantee to report on partner roles.


What is the university’s specific role in the partnership?

To understand the institution’s role in the partnership.


In terms of its use of OUP funding, which of the following statements best describes the college/university’s approach to community development?

To understand how the institution perceives its role in implementation.

RQ3a: What activities were completed?


Did you use your grant to create or expand a multipurpose center?

Response determines which set of telephone questions will be asked: Format A or Format B.


Did you create or expand a college or university facility?

Response determines which set of telephone questions will be asked: Format A or Format B.


Please complete the table below. Indicate activities that were funded by the [GRANT YEAR] OUP grant and whether the activity was a continuation or expansion of a previous program or activity implemented by your institution, or whether the activity was a new activity undertaken with the [GRANT YEAR] grant (use as many lines as necessary). If “Other” is selected, please describe the activity in the “Notes” column. A complete list of the items on the Activities drop-down menu is presented in the chart at the bottom of the screen for your reference.

Response provides basic activity information on which to base subsequent questions. List of activities entered will also populate questions later in the survey.


Please describe the work you implemented related to [ACTIVITY] that was directly funded by OUP.

To learn about activities implemented


Were other types of activities other than [ACTIVITY] included in this project? IF SO, what were they?

To allow grantee to mention other activities that they view to contribute to the larger OUP-funded project.

RQ3b: What outputs have been realized?


Did these individuals end up benefiting from your work?

To understand how successful the institution was in achieving the goals it set for reaching a particular target group.


Form 1: (Walk through outputs and outcomes for activity.)

To reveal specific outputs and outcomes of each activity. And across grantees, to assess the availability of data for a common set of outputs/outcomes.


Are there additional accomplishments associated with this larger project beyond those we’ve already discussed?

To allow the grantee to report additional achievements that may not have been covered.

RQ4a: What outcomes have been realized for the communities, populations served and/or university partners?


(IF THEY SET SPECIFIC GOALS OR PERFORMANCE TARGETS): Were you able to measure your performance against these goals? If so, please tell me about the indicators you used to measure your performance. If you have this information available electronically, will you email me a copy?

To determine grantee’s success in measuring performance and to understand the level of sophistication in choosing indicators and measuring outcomes.


Form 1: (Walk through outputs and outcomes for activity.)

To reveal specific outputs and outcomes of each activity. And across grantees, to assess the availability of data for a common set of outputs/outcomes.


Are there other outcomes we have not listed here that your institution observed and can tell us about?

To allow the grantee to report additional outcomes that may not have been covered.


In addition to participant and community outcomes, we’d also like to know how the college benefited from [ACTIVITY]. Please describe any benefits to the college you observed.

To understand what effect OUP-funded activities had on the institution.


Have you attempted to measure [THIS/THESE] benefit(s) to the college? IF YES: How? (ASK FOR SPECIFIC NUMBERS.)

To learn whether the grantee measures benefits from OUP activities on its own operations.


Has your institution observed other benefits that we have not yet covered? IF YES: What are those?

To allow the grantee to report additional benefits that may not have been covered.


Are there additional accomplishments associated with this larger project beyond those we’ve already discussed?

To allow the grantee to report additional achievements that may not have been covered.


Was [ACTIVITY] part of a larger community revitalization strategy?

To understand the extent to which institutions view their OUP-funded activities as contributing to a broader community revitalization effort, and whether they are intentional in tying activities to a broader community development strategy.

RQ4b: To what extent did OUP funding produce successful community development partnerships?


(IF THE ACTIVITY HAS ENDED, ASK THE FOLLOWING): Have any of the benefits we talked about above, either for the community or the college, continued since the activity ended? IF YES, in what ways?

To determine the lasting effects of OUP-funded activities on the community or institution.


Did your college or university specifically sponsor a community development corporation (CDC) to assist with community revitalization? IF SO, was this CDC responsible for implementation of the OUP grant(s)?

To learn whether the institution has a relationship with a CDC and if so, how the CDC was involved in implementation.

RQ 5a: How does partnership structure, especially the role of the university or college, influence the outputs and outcomes grantees were able to accomplish?


Form 1: (Walk through outputs and outcomes for activity.)

To reveal specific outputs and outcomes of each activity. And across grantees, to assess the availability of data for a common set of outputs/outcomes.


Are there other outcomes we have not listed here that your institution observed and can tell us about?

To allow the grantee to report additional outcomes that may not have been covered.


In addition to participant and community outcomes, we’d also like to know how the college benefited from [ACTIVITY]. Please describe any benefits to the college you observed.

To understand what effect OUP-funded activities had on the institution.


Have you attempted to measure [THIS/THESE] benefit(s) to the college? IF YES: How? (ASK FOR SPECIFIC NUMBERS.)

To learn whether the grantee measures benefits from OUP activities on its own operations.


Has your institution observed other benefits that we have not yet covered? IF YES: What are those?

To allow the grantee to report additional benefits that may not have been covered.


(IF THE ACTIVITY HAS ENDED, ASK THE FOLLOWING): Have any of the benefits we talked about above, either for the community or the college, continued since the activity ended? IF YES, in what ways?

To determine the lasting effects of OUP-funded activities on the community or institution.


Who among these partners would you say played the lead role in implementation?

To understand how the various partners were involved in implementation and whether any one particular type of partner across grantees is central to implementation.


Please briefly explain the role of each of the partners.

To allow the grantee to report on partner roles.


What is the university’s specific role in the partnership?

To understand the institution’s role in the partnership.


In terms of its use of OUP funding, which of the following statements best describes the college/university’s approach to community development?

To understand the institution’s role in implementation.


Did your college or university specifically sponsor a community development corporation (CDC) to assist with community revitalization? IF SO, was this CDC responsible for implementation of the OUP grant(s)?

To learn whether the institution has a relationship with a CDC and if so, how the CDC was involved in implementation.

RQ5b: How does grant purpose (i.e. goals and activities) influence the outputs and outcomes grantees were able to accomplish?


When your institution decided to undertake this activity ([ACTIVITY]), what were you hoping to accomplish?

To document grantees long-term goals for specific grant activities.


(IF THEY SET SPECIFIC GOALS OR PERFORMANCE TARGETS): Were you able to measure your performance against these goals? If so, please tell me about the indicators you used to measure your performance. If you have this information available electronically, will you email me a copy?

To determine grantee’s success in measuring performance and to understand the level of sophistication in choosing indicators and measuring outcomes.


Form 1: (Walk through outputs and outcomes for activity.)

To reveal specific outputs and outcomes of each activity. And across grantees, to assess the availability of data for a common set of outputs/outcomes.


Are there other outcomes we have not listed here that your institution observed and can tell us about?

To allow the grantee to report additional outcomes that may not have been covered.


In addition to participant and community outcomes, we’d also like to know how the college benefited from [ACTIVITY]. Please describe any benefits to the college you observed.

To understand what effect OUP-funded activities had on the institution.


Have you attempted to measure [THIS/THESE] benefit(s) to the college? IF YES: How? (ASK FOR SPECIFIC NUMBERS.)

To learn whether the grantee measures benefits from OUP activities on its own operations.


Has your institution observed other benefits that we have not yet covered? IF YES: What are those?

To allow the grantee to report additional benefits that may not have been covered.


(IF THE ACTIVITY HAS ENDED, ASK THE FOLLOWING): Have any of the benefits we talked about above, either for the community or the college, continued since the activity ended? IF YES, in what ways?

To determine the lasting effects of OUP-funded activities on the community or institution.


Was [ACTIVITY] part of a larger community revitalization strategy?

To understand the extent to which institutions view their OUP-funded activities as contributing to a broader community revitalization effort, and whether they are intentional in tying activities to a broader community development strategy.

RQ5c: How does institution type influence the outputs and outcomes grantees were able to accomplish?


(IF THEY SET SPECIFIC GOALS OR PERFORMANCE TARGETS): Were you able to measure your performance against these goals? If so, please tell me about the indicators you used to measure your performance. If you have this information available electronically, will you email me a copy?

To determine grantee’s success in measuring performance and to understand the level of sophistication in choosing indicators and measuring outcomes.


Form 1: (Walk through outputs and outcomes for activity.)

To reveal specific outputs and outcomes of each activity. And across grantees, to assess the availability of data for a common set of outputs/outcomes.


Are there other outcomes we have not listed here that your institution observed and can tell us about?

To allow the grantee to report additional outcomes that may not have been covered.


In addition to participant and community outcomes, we’d also like to know how the college benefited from [ACTIVITY]. Please describe any benefits to the college you observed.

To understand what effect OUP-funded activities had on the institution.


Have you attempted to measure [THIS/THESE] benefit(s) to the college? IF YES: How? (ASK FOR SPECIFIC NUMBERS.)

To learn whether the grantee measures benefits from OUP activities on its own operations.


Has your institution observed other benefits that we have not yet covered? IF YES: What are those?

To allow the grantee to report additional benefits that may not have been covered.


(IF THE ACTIVITY HAS ENDED, ASK THE FOLLOWING): Have any of the benefits we talked about above, either for the community or the college, continued since the activity ended? IF YES, in what ways?

To determine the lasting effects of OUP-funded activities on the community or institution.

RQ5d: How does receipt of multiple grants influence the outputs and outcomes grantees were able to accomplish?


Our records from HUD show that you received [X] number of OUP grants under the [GRANT TYPE] program between 2005 and 2008. Is this correct?

To confirm that the OUP grant information derived from the OUP database is correct in order to correctly identify grantees that received multiple grants.


The table below shows the years you received grants from OUP, the type of grant you received, and the start and end date for those grants. If any of the information in the table below is not accurate, please correct it before moving to the next question.

To confirm that the OUP grant information derived from the OUP database is correct.


(IF THEY SET SPECIFIC GOALS OR PERFORMANCE TARGETS): Were you able to measure your performance against these goals? If so, please tell me about the indicators you used to measure your performance. If you have this information available electronically, will you email me a copy?

To determine grantee’s success in measuring performance and to understand the level of sophistication in choosing indicators and measuring outcomes.


Form 1: (Walk through outputs and outcomes for activity.)

To reveal specific outputs and outcomes of each activity. And across grantees, to assess the availability of data for a common set of outputs/outcomes.


Are there other outcomes we have not listed here that your institution observed and can tell us about?

To allow the grantee to report additional outcomes that may not have been covered.


What barriers did your institution face in measuring outcomes?

To learn what challenges grantees faced in attempting to measure outcomes.


In addition to participant and community outcomes, we’d also like to know how the college benefited from [ACTIVITY]. Please describe any benefits to the college you observed.

To understand what effect OUP-funded activities had on the institution.


Have you attempted to measure [THIS/THESE] benefit(s) to the college? IF YES: How? (ASK FOR SPECIFIC NUMBERS.)

To learn whether the grantee measures benefits from OUP activities on its own operations.


Has your institution observed other benefits that we have not yet covered? IF YES: What are those?

To allow the grantee to report additional benefits that may not have been covered.


(IF THE ACTIVITY HAS ENDED, ASK THE FOLLOWING): Have any of the benefits we talked about above, either for the community or the college, continued since the activity ended? IF YES, in what ways?

To determine the lasting effects of OUP-funded activities on the community or institution.


Was any part of this larger project funded by a previous OUP grant? IF SO, what part of the project was funded by OUP and when did you receive the OUP funding?

To understand the extent to which grantees use multiple OUP grants to accomplish a project; how they allocate those funds within the project; and the timing considerations involved.

RQ5e: What challenges do grantees and their partners face in implementing the program?


The following table lists a number of challenges that your institution potentially could have faced in implementing grant activities. Please indicate whether you would consider these items to be a major challenge, minor challenge, or not a challenge in implementing the activity by checking the appropriate box. If there were other challenges, please note them in the “Other” field.

To assess the types of challenges that grantees encountered and to gauge the degree of difficulty that each challenge caused for grant implementation.


(IF THEY SET SPECIFIC GOALS OR PERFORMANCE TARGETS): Were you able to measure your performance against these goals? If so, please tell me about the indicators you used to measure your performance. If you have this information available electronically, will you email me a copy?

To determine grantee’s success in measuring performance and to understand the level of sophistication in choosing indicators and measuring outcomes.


What barriers did your institution face in measuring outcomes?

To learn what challenges grantees faced in attempting to measure outcomes.


In the web survey, you indicated that [LIST ITEMS MARKED AS MAJOR CHALLENGES FOR THIS ACTIVITY] [was a major challenge/were major challenges] in implementing [ACTIVITY].

[FOR EACH CHALLENGE LISTED, ASK:] Please describe the challenge your institution faced related to [ACTIVITY]. How did this challenge limit what you were able to implement and/or accomplish?

To gather further information on the challenges reported in the web survey and to understand how challenges inhibited achievements.

Abt Associates Inc. Appendix 1: Research Question Matrix 6

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