Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Knowledge and A

Marianas Trench Marine National (MTMN) Monument Knowledge and Attitudes Survey

MTMN survey instrument 072211

Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Knowledge and Attitutdes Survey instrument

OMB: 0648-0640

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Marianas Trench Marine National Monument
Hello, my name is _______. I’m calling from American Directions Group and the National Marine
Fisheries Service. We want to ask you some questions about the Marianas Trench Marine National
Monument and your use and opinions about marine resources in Guam/CNMI. May I please speak to
the head of the household?
IF UNAVAILABLE OR RESPONDENT CAN’T TALK: Thank you. Can we please tell me when I can call back to
speak to your head of household (or you)? (set appointment to call back)
We’re contacting only a small sample of Guam/CNMI residents in order for our results to be accurate
we’d really like to speak with you even if you don’t know much about the Monument. It should take only
about 15 minutes. The results will be provided to Monument managers so they can take citizens’ views
and perspectives into account when developing a management plan for the Monument. Results from
the survey will also be shared with other Guam and CNMI residents. Your identity will remain
anonymous and your responses will only be used and reported in combination with responses from
other residents.
Screener questions:
SC1. First, can you please tell me whether you are at least 18 years old?
(If less than 18) Is there another head of household who is at least 18 years old?
A. General/Initial Perceptions about the Monument
1. Now, I’d like to ask you some questions about the Marianas Trench Monument. When did you first
hear about the Monument?
1. During the discussion before it was designated in 2009
2. After it was designated
3. Never heard of it or heard about it on this call (SKIP TO QUESTION 7)
2. How much do you know about the Marianas Trench Monument?
1. Quite a bit
2. A moderate amount
3. Little or nothing
9. Don’t know/refused
3. Could you please tell me how you learned about the Monument? (Do not read list but prompt if
1. Read or heard about it on radio, tv, newspaper
2. Discussed it with friends or family


Attended a meeting
Friends of the Monument
Government official
Don’t know/refused

4. When you first heard about the Monument, did you support or oppose the designation of the
1. Strongly support
2. Support
3. Neither
4. Oppose
5. Strongly Oppose
9. Don’t know/refused
5. Did you participate in any of the following activities related to the Monument? (check all that apply)
1. Attended a meeting
2. Wrote a letter
3. Joined an advocacy group (If so, which one):________________
4. Read up about the issue to get more information
5. Discussed it with others
6. Other___________
9. Don’t know/refused
6. Do you feel there was an adequate attempt to understand and include the views of Guam and CNMI
residents regarding this designation?
1. Yes
2. No
9. Don’t Know/refused
7. During the discussion about the Monument, many economic advantages were mentioned. On a
scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is definitely not occur and 5 is definitely occur, can you please tell me your
opinion about how likely it is that these advantages will occur? (Read response options after first
item and then again as needed)
More media coverage
Increased tourism due to interest in the Monument
Increased tourism even if tourists cannot visit the Monument
Increased visits by research scientists
Increase of 400 jobs locally
Total of $10 million annually in economic benefits
Establishment of a visitor center on Saipan
(Response options)
1. Will definitely not occur
2. Probably not occur
3. Might or might not occur
4. Probably occur

5. Will definitely occur
9. Not sure
8. Do you feel that the Monument will or will not improve protection of marine resources in waters
around the Marianas?
1. Will improve protection
2. Will not improve protection
3. Don’t know
9. Do you believe that the Monument will affect you and your household? (If 5 or 9, skip to Q12)
1. Definitely
2. Probably
3. Maybe
4. Probably not
5. Definitely not
9. Don’t know
10. What type of effect do you expect this to be?
1. Strongly negative
2. Negative
3. Positive
4. Strongly positive
5. Some negative, some positive
9. Not sure
11. Could you tell me more about how you think the Monument will affect you and your household?
B. Monument Management and Personal Involvement
The Monument was designated in 2009 and includes three units, the “Islands Unit” includes the waters
and submerged lands of the three northernmost Mariana Islands (Uracas, Maug and Asuncion), the
“Volcanic Unit”, the submerged lands of 21 designated volcanic sites, called the and the “Trench Unit”,
the submerged lands of the Mariana Trench.
12. A management plan for the Monument is currently being prepared. The next few questions ask
about your management preferences and priorities for the Monument. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being
strongly oppose and 5 being strongly support, what is your level of support for or opposition to each
of the following types of activities in the Monument?

Charter boat fishing
Private boat recreational fishing
Being able to fish for food while in the Monument
Traditional indigenous fishing
Scientific research
Non-fishing cultural and religious uses
Monitoring and enforcement
Military activities


Strongly oppose
Strongly Support
Don’t know

13. Commercial and all other fishing is allowed to continue in the Trench and Volcanic units, but
commercial fishing is prohibited in the Islands Unit. Which of the following do you consider to be a
commercial fishing trip? (Please answer yes or no for each of the following)

If any fish caught on the trip are sold
If fish caught on the trip are sold for profit
If fish caught on the trip are sold to help pay for trip expenses
If fish caught on the trip are bartered or traded
If fish caught on the trip are shared with the community

1. Yes
2. No (for each i-v)
14. In your opinion about what portion of fish caught in the Islands Unit of the Monument in recent
years (the three northernmost islands), was landed in the CNMI?
1. None
2. Very little
3. About 25%
4. About half
5. About 75%
6. Nearly all
9. Don’t know
15. Permits may be required for some types of public use activities within the Monument. In your
opinion, should the permit process be more restrictive to err on the side of resource protection, or
less restrictive, to err on the side of resource use?
1. More restrictive
2. Less restrictive
9. Don’t know
16. Next we have a few questions about your level of confidence in the various agencies and
governments that will have a role in managing the Monument. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being no
confidence and 5 being a high level of confidence, for each of the following statements, could you
tell me your level of confidence regarding their ability to manage the Monument?

Government of Guam
Government of CNMI
Military/Department of Defense
Other Federal Agencies
Monument Advisory Council with Federal and CNMI members


No confidence
Low level of confidence
Moderate level of confidence
High level of confidence
Not sure

17. Establishing the Monument will provide opportunities for scientific research and study of the unique
ecosystem components. The following are research topics that are of interest for scientists within
the Monument. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all interested and 5 is very interested. Please
rate your level of interest for research on each of these activities:

Climate change impacts
Invasive species
Protected species
Habitat for marine species
Deep water exploration
Weather monitoring
Coral reef diversity
Fish populations
Cultural studies
Economic studies
Not at all interested
(not labeled intentionally)
Somewhat interested
(not labeled intentionally)
Very interested
Not sure

(Note: in this and subsequent questions, where we refer to “Guam/CNMI” the question would use Guam
for Guam residents and CNMI for CNMI residents)
18. Do you believe that scientists should make an effort to present the results of their work locally (in
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
19. How do you feel about using Monument science results to increase marine education in
Guam/CNMI schools? On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being strongly oppose to 5 being strongly support.
1. Strongly oppose
2. Oppose
3. Neither
4. Support
5. Strongly support
9. Refused


20. Would you like to be updated on the status of Monument management issues as the management
plan is being developed?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
21. What are the best ways to provide you and your household with more details about ongoing
Monument activities?
1. Public meeting or forum
2. Public school system
3. Newsletter
4. Blog
5. Articles in newspaper
6. Radio programs
7. Television announcements
8. Other _________
9. Don’t know/refused
22. The following are activities where residents may have an opportunity to participate in Monument
activities. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being not at all likely to 5 being very likely, how likely or unlikely
would it be for you or members of your household to:

Attend presentations of scientists’ results of studies in the Monument
Attend public meetings related to creating the management plan for the Monument
Volunteer to help visiting scientists with science education for local students,
researchers and educators
Volunteer to help inspect ship hulls for invasive species

Very likely
Neutral/not sure
Not likely
Not at all likely

23. Are there any other ways you or members of your household would like to be involved in
Monument activities?
24. (If Q1 = 3):
Given the information you know so far, how do you currently feel about the Monument?
(If Q1 = 1 or 2):
Now, 2 years after designation, how do you currently feel about the Monument?
(for both versions of the question) On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being strongly oppose to 5 being strongly
1. Strongly oppose
2. Oppose


Strongly Support
Don’t know/Refused

C. The next few questions are not about the Monument, but how you feel about existing reef and
ocean conditions around Guam/CNMI and how they are managed.
25. How would you rate the condition of reef waters and fish populations around Guam/CNMI? (Read
answer choices)
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Neutral
4. Poor
5. Terrible
9. Not sure
26. How would you rate the condition of farther offshore, open ocean waters and fish populations
around Guam/CNMI? (Read answer choices.)
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Neutral
4. Poor
5. Terrible
9. Not sure
27. We’re also interested in your opinion about the nearshore marine protected areas (marine
protected areas or marine reserves) around Guam/CNMI. How familiar are you with these areas?
1. Very familiar
2. Somewhat familiar
3. Not at all familiar
28. Were any of your uses of coastal or marine areas changed by designation of the nearshore marine
protected areas? (If no, skip to Q30)
1. Yes
2. No
29. If so, how? __________
30. The following is a number of statements people have made about the effects or conditions of
nearshore marine protected areas. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly
agree, could you please tell us your opinion of whether…

They increase the number of fish inside the preserve
They are not needed to protect habitats and marine resources
They increase the number of fish outside the preserve
They protect cultural resources


They provide educational opportunities
They are clearly marked
They benefit communities
They do not provide benefits to the local economy
They are well enforced
They provide opportunities for recreation
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don’t know/Refused

31. Do you believe that there is currently conflict over uses of the ocean and coast around Guam/CNMI?
1. Lots of conflict
2. Moderate amount of conflict
3. Little conflict
4. No conflict
32. One way of dealing with conflicting uses of the ocean and coast is to designate zones for one or
more uses. Marine National Monuments and nearshore marine protected areas do this but so do
broader planning efforts. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being strongly oppose and 5 being strongly support,
what is your opinion of these types of coastal and marine spatial planning efforts?
1. Strongly oppose
2. Oppose
3. Neutral
4. Support
5. Strongly support
9. Don’t know
33. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about the Monument or coastal and marine resources and
how they’re managed around Guam/CNMI?
D. Fishing Orientation. Now we’d like to ask you about some of your own experiences.
34. Have you ever been to or seen in person any of the following northern islands in the Marianas
archipelago? Farallon de Pajaros (aka Uracas), Maug or Asuncion
1. Yes
2. No
35. If yes, about when and what did you do there?
36. Do you know anyone else, such as a friend or relative, who has visited these three northern islands?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
37. Are you or is someone in your household a fisherman?

1. Yes
2. No
(If no, skip to Q45)
38. Is this you and/or others in the household?
1. Myself
2. Others (If so, how many total?____)
39. Approximately how many times did a fisherman in your household fish from shore over the past 12
months? (choose closest one)
1. None
2. Less than one trip a month (fewer than 12 trips total)
3. One trip a month (about 12 trips total)
4. Two trips a month (24 trips total)
5. One a week (52 trips total)
6. More than once a week (more than 52 trips a year) estimated #: ______
40. Approximately how many fishing trips by boat did a fisherman in your household take over the past
12 months? (choose closest one)
1. None
2. Less than one trip a month (fewer than 12 trips total)
3. One trip a month (about 12 trips total)
4. Two trips a month (24 trips total)
5. One a week (52 trips total)
6. More than once a week (more than 52 trips a year) estimated #: ______
41. How does your household utilize fish? (Please respond Yes or No to each of the following

Main source of income
Supplemental source of income
Source of food on regular basis
Provide fish for others, community/cultural events
Source of recreation

1. Yes
2. No (to each i-v)
42. Is someone in your household a member of the GFCA (Guam only)?
1. Yes
2. No
43. Have you bought fish at the GFCA? (Guam only)
1. Yes
2. No


E. Demographics
Demographics Intro: We have just a few more questions that will be used for statistical purposes.
44. What village do you live in?_____
45. How long have you lived on Guam/CNMI?
46. How many people live in your household?
47. Which of the following activities provides income in your household? (Check all that apply)
1. Fishing
2. Agriculture
3. Small business ownership
4. Tourism
5. Education
6. Government work
7. Other (specify)______
8. None
9. Don’t know/refused
48. Are you of Hispanic, Latin or Spanish origin?
1. No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
2. Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
3. Yes, Puerto Rican
4. Yes, Cuban
5. Yes, another Hispanic, Latino or Spanish Origin
49. How would you describe your race background? (ask open-ended format, then check all that apply)
1. Guamanian or Chamorro
2. Filipino
3. Other Asian or Pacific Islander (specify)_____
4. White
5. Chinese
6. Japanese
7. Korean
8. Vietnamese
9. Native Hawaiian
10. Samoan
11. Asian Indian
12. Black/African American
13. American Indian or Alaska Native
14. Other (specify)_____
50. (Interviewer notes gender if unsure, ask:) What is your gender?
1. Male
2. Female


51. What is your age?
1. less than 25 years
2. 25 to 34 years
3. 35 to 44 years
4. 45 to 54 years
5. 55 to 64 years
6. more than 64 years
9. Refused
52. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Please tell me the number that
corresponds to your highest level of education:
1. Less than 9th grade
2. Some high school (no diploma)
3. High school graduate (including GED)
4. Some college (no degree)
5. Associates degree or technical school
6. College graduate (bachelor degree)
7. Masters, Professional, or Doctoral degree
53. Are you currently employed, retired, or a student?
1. Employed Full-time
2. Employed Part-time
3. Retired
4. Student (full-time)
5. Student (part-time)
6. Unemployed
7. Other (specify)_____
54. Do you belong to any community organizations?
1. Yes
2. No
55. If so, which?
56. What was your total household income, before taxes, in 2010? Please tell me which of the following
number corresponds to your total household income before taxes, in 2010:
1. Less than $20,000
2. $20,000 to $39,999
3. $40,000 to $59,999
4. $60,000 to $79,999
5. $80,000 to $99,999
6. $100,000 to $149,999
7. $150,000 to $199,999
8. $200,000 or more
Thanks very much for your time. As soon as the results are analyzed, we will make them available in
several ways. (If asked, at Monument planning meetings; on the internet; and summaries will be
provided to local media outlets).

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20
minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Stewart Allen, National
Marine Fisheries, 1601 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 1000, Honolulu, HI 96814.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to,
nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of
information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that
collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.


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File TitleC:\PRA\OMB83I pre-ps.WP6.wpd
File Modified2011-07-25
File Created2011-07-25

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