Attachment A to Supporting Statements A & B

Attachment A.doc

National Mourning Dove Hunter Attitude Survey on Nontoxic Shot

Attachment A to Supporting Statements A & B

OMB: 1018-0149

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Table 1. Description, representation, and predicted direction of a priori models used to predict awareness of the impacts of lead ammunition on mourning doves health.

Dependent Variables for Awareness 1 (Dove Health) – Q11E,H; Q12A



Model Structure

Predicted Effects

Awareness2 (Wildlife Health)

Differences due to: effects of lead on wildlife have not been explained; non-lead for waterfowl was necessary.

β0 + β70(effect of lead on wildlife has not been explained) + β72a(non-lead for waterfowl was necessary)

β 70 < 0, β72a > 0


Differences due to: age; gender; income; education; occupation; current residence (urban, suburban, rural); background (urban, suburban, rural); ethnicity.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β3(income) + β4(education) + β5 (occupation) + β6(current residence) + β7(background) + β8a(ethnicity) + β8b(race)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β3 > 0, β4 > 0, β5 > 0, β6 > 0, β7 > 0, β8a > 0, β8b > 0


Differences due to: current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; current recreational shooter; memberships; reloaded non-lead; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted; trust.

β0 + β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) +

β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β63(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β11(day of season hunted) + β48-55(trust)

β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β23 > 0, β63 > 0, β56 < 0, β11 > 0, β48-55 < > 0


Differences due to age; gender; income; education; occupation; current residence (urban, suburban, rural); background (urban, suburban, rural); ethnicity; effects of lead on wildlife have not been explained; non-lead for waterfowl was necessary; current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); current recreational shooter; reload non-lead; source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; memberships; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted; trust.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β3(income) + β4(education) + β5 (occupation) + β6(current residence) + β7(background) + β8a(ethnicity)+ β8b(race) + β70(effect of lead on wildlife has not been explained) + β72a(non-lead for waterfowl was necessary) + β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) +

β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β63(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β11(day of season hunted)

+ β48-55(trust)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β3 > 0, β4 > 0, β5 > 0, β6 > 0, β7 > 0, β8a > 0, β8b > 0, β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β23 > 0, β63 > 0, β56 < 0, β11 > 0, β 70 < 0, β72a > 0, β48-55 < > 0

Table 2. Description, representation, and predicted direction of a priori models used to predict awareness of the impacts of lead on other wildlife health.

Dependent Variables for Awareness 2 (Wildlife Health) –Q12C,I



Model Structure

Predicted Effects

Awareness1 (Dove Health)

Differences due to: dove life too short to matter; can’t help doves because of other countries; doves that eat lead die.

β0 + β71b(dove life too short to matter) + β71c(can’t help doves because of other countries) + β71a(doves that eat lead die)

β 71b < 0, β71c < 0, β71a > 0


Differences due to: age; gender; income; education; occupation; current residence (urban, suburban, rural); background (urban, suburban, rural); ethnicity.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β3(income) + β4(education) + β5 (occupation) + β6(current residence) + β7(background) + β8a(ethnicity) + β8b(race)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β3 > 0, β4 > 0, β5 > 0, β6 > 0, β7 > 0, β8a > 0, β8b > 0


Differences due to: current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; current recreational shooter; memberships; reloaded non-lead; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted; trust.

β0 + β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) +

β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β63(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β11(day of season hunted)

+ β48-55(trust)

β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β23 > 0, β63 > 0, β56 < 0, β11 > 0, β48-55 < > 0


Differences due to age; gender; income; education; occupation; current residence (urban, suburban, rural); background (urban, suburban, rural); ethnicity; dove life too short to matter; can’t help doves because of other countries; doves that eat lead die; current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); current recreational shooter; reload non-lead; source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; memberships; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted; trust.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β3(income) + β4(education) + β5 (occupation) + β6(current residence) + β7(background) + β8a(ethnicity) + β8b(race) + β71b(dove life too short to matter) + β71c(can’t help doves because of other countries) + β71a(doves that eat lead die)+ β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) +

β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β63(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β11(day of season hunted)

+ β48-55(trust)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β3 > 0, β4 > 0, β5 > 0, β6 > 0, β7 > 0, β8a > 0, β8b > 0, β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β23 > 0, β63 > 0, β56 < 0, β11 > 0, β 71b < 0, β71c < 0, β71a > 0, β48-55 < > 0

Table 3. Description, representation, and predicted direction of a priori models used to predict support of restriction of lead ammunition for dove hunting (i.e. Regulatory Action).

Dependent Variables for Regulatory Action – Q13E; Q12B,D; Q11I



Model Structure

Predicted Effects

Awareness1 (Dove Health)

Differences due to: dove life too short to matter; can’t help doves because of other countries; doves that eat lead die.

β0 + β71b(dove life too short to matter) + β71c(can’t help doves because of other countries) + β71a(doves that eat lead die)

β 71b < 0, β71c < 0, β71a > 0


(Wildlife Health)

Differences due to: effects of lead on wildlife have not been explained; non-lead for waterfowl was necessary.

β0 + β70(effect of lead on wildlife has not been explained) + β72a(non-lead for waterfowl was necessary)

β 70 < 0, β72a > 0


Differences due to: age; gender; income; education; occupation; current residence (urban, suburban, rural); background (urban, suburban, rural); distance to hunt; ethnicity.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β3(income) + β4(education) + β5 (occupation) + β6(current residence) + β7(background) + β9(distance to hunt) + β8a(ethnicity) + β8b(race)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β3 > 0, β4 > 0, β5 > 0, β6 > 0, β7 > 0, β8a > 0 , β8b > 0, β9 > 0


Differences due to: current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; current recreational shooter; memberships; reloaded non-lead; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted, trust.

β0 + β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) +

β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β63(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β11(day of season hunted) + β48-55(trust)

β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 > 0, β20 > 0, β23 > 0, β63 > 0, β56 < 0, β11 > 0, β48-55 < > 0


Differences due to: age; gender; current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; current recreational shooter; memberships; reloaded non-lead; reloaded lead; leased land; experienced gun damage from non-lead; hunt dove on own land; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted; non-lead cripples more, non-lead does not perform as well; some non-lead is safe for older firearms; non-lead is less available; number of doves harvested.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) + β19 (reloaded lead) + β22 (leased land) + β24 (experienced gun damage from non-lead) + β21 (hunt doves own land) + β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β63(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β57(non-lead cripples more) + β58(non-lead does not perform as well) + β59(some non-lead is safe for older firearms) + β60(non-lead is less available) + β17(number of doves harvested) + β11 (day of season hunted)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β19 < 0, β22 > 0, β24 < 0, β21 < 0, β23 > 0, β63 > 0, β56 < 0, β57 < 0, β58 < 0, β59 > 0, β60 < 0, β17 > 0, β11 > 0


Differences due to: income; distance to hunt; day of season hunted; cost of gas; cost of shotshells; cost of hunting gear; cost of permit; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; non-lead is too expensive; amount of ammunition used; shotshell expenditures.

β0 + β3(income) + β9(distance to hunt) + β11 (day of season hunted) + β36(cost of gas) + β37(cost of shotshells) + β38(cost of hunting gear) + β39(cost of permit) + β40 (cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land) + β61 (non-lead is too expensive) +β68 (amount of ammunition used) 62 (shotshell expenditures)

β1 > 0, β9 < 0, β11 < 0, β36 < 0, β37 < 0, β38 < 0, β39 < 0, β40 < 0,

β61 < 0, β68 < 0, β62 < 0

Hunting Traditions and Gun Ownership

Differences due to: current recreational shooter; reloaded lead; reloaded non-lead; source of hunting information; memberships; non-lead requirement would likely quit hunting; non-lead would reduce number of trips; non-lead will hurt recruitment; non-lead is antigun tactic; non-lead is animal rights tactic.

β0 + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) + β19 (reloaded lead) + β27-35(hunting information) + β67a (non-lead requirement would likely quit hunting) + β67b (non-lead would reduce number of trips) + β66(non-lead will hurt recruitment) + β64 (non-lead is antigun tactic) + β65 (non-lead is animal rights tactic)

β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β19 < 0, β27-35 > 0, β67a < 0, β67b < 0, β66 < 0,

β64 < 0, β65 < 0


Differences due to: dove life too short to matter; can’t help doves because of other countries; doves that eat lead die; effects of lead on wildlife have not been explained; non-lead for waterfowl was necessary; age; gender; income; education; occupation; current residence (urban, suburban, rural); background (urban, suburban, rural); distance to hunt; ethnicity; current hunter type in last 3-years; where dove hunts (public, private, or both); source of hunting information; years dove hunting experience; cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land; current recreational shooter; memberships; reloaded non-lead; reloaded lead; leased land; experienced gun damage from non-lead; hunt dove on own land; traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt; importance of dove hunting; current use of lead shot; day of season hunted; non-lead cripples more, non-lead does not perform as well; some non-lead is safe for older firearms; non-lead is less available; number of doves harvested; cost of gas; cost of shotshells; cost of hunting gear; cost of permit; non-lead is too expensive; amount of ammunition used; shotshell expenditures; non-lead requirement would likely quit hunting; non-lead would reduce number of trips; non-lead will hurt recruitment; non-lead is antigun tactic; non-lead is animal rights tactic; trust.

β0 + β1(age) + β2(gender) + β3(income) + β4(education) + β5 (occupation) + β6(current residence) + β7(background) + β9(distance to hunt) + β8a(ethnicity) + β8b(race) + β71b(dove life too short to matter) + β71c(can’t help doves because of other countries) + β71a(doves that eat lead die) + β70(effect of lead on wildlife has not been explained) + β72a(non-lead for waterfowl was necessary) + β12-15(current hunter type) + β16(public/private hunt) + β27-35(hunting information) + β10(years dove hunting experience) + β40(access fee) + β18(current recreational shooter) + β43-46(memberships) + β20(reloaded non-lead) + β19 (reloaded lead) + β22 (leased land) + β24 (experienced gun damage from non-lead) + β21 (hunt doves own land) + β23(traveled out of U.S. to dove hunt) + β64(importance of dove hunting) + β56(current use of lead shot) + β57(non-lead cripples more) + β58(non-lead does not perform as well) + β59(some non-lead is safe for older firearms) + β60(non-lead is less available) + β17(number of doves harvested) + β11 (day of season hunted) + β36(cost of gas) + β37(cost of shotshells) + β38(cost of hunting gear) + β39(cost of permit) + β61 (non-lead is too expensive) +β68 (amount of ammunition used) 62 (shotshell expenditures) +

β67a (non-lead requirement would likely quit hunting) + β67b (non-lead would reduce number of trips) + β66(non-lead will hurt recruitment) + β64 (non-lead is antigun tactic) + β65 (non-lead is animal rights tactic) + β48-55(trust)

β1 < 0, β2 > 0, β3 > 0, β4 > 0, β5 > 0, β6 > 0, β7 > 0, β8a > 0, β8b > 0, β9 > 0, β71b < 0, β71c < 0, β71a > 0, β70 < 0, β72a > 0, β12-15 < > 0, β16 < 0, β27-35 < > 0, β10 > 0, β40 > 0, β18 > 0, β43-46 < > 0, β20 > 0, β19 < 0, β22 > 0, β24 < 0, β21 < 0, β23 > 0, β64 > 0, β56 < 0, β57 < 0, β58 < 0, β59 > 0, β60 < 0, β17 > 0, β11 > 0, β36 < 0, β37 < 0, β38 < 0, β39 < 0, β61 < 0, β68 < 0, β62 < 0, β67a < 0, β67b < 0, β66 < 0, β64 < 0, β65 < 0, β48-55 < > 0

Table 4. Questionnaire Item and Model Variable Linkage

Independent variables and related questionnaire items

  • Demographic variables

    • Age (standard categories) (β1) : Q26

    • Gender (male or female) (β2) : Q25

    • Income (standard categories) (β3): Q21

    • Education (standard categories) (β4): Q20

    • Occupation (standard categories) (β5): Q22

    • Current residence (urban, suburban, rural) (β6): Q19

    • Background (urban, suburban, rural) (β7): Q19

    • Ethnic Background (β8a): Q23

    • Race (β8b): Q24

  • Distance to hunt; number of many miles traveled (β9): Q7

  • Years dove hunting (β10): Q1

  • Dove hunt participation (which days hunted in season) (β11): Q6

  • Hunter type in last 5 years

    • Upland birds (β12): Q5a

    • Small game (β13): Q5b

    • Waterfowl (β14): Q5c

    • Big game (β15): Q5d

  • Where an individual dove hunts (public, private, or both) (β16): Q8

  • Average annual dove harvest (β17): Q2

  • Current recreational shooter (Trap, skeet, sporting clays) (β18): Q14c

  • Reload lead shotgun ammunition (β19): Q14a

  • Reload non-lead shotgun ammunition (β20): Q14b

  • Hunt doves on own land (β21): Q14d

  • Lease land to hunt doves (β22): Q14e

  • Travel out of country to hunt doves (β23): Q14f

  • Experienced gun damage from non-lead shot (β24): Q14g

  • Source of hunting information

    • Newspaper (β27): Q18a

    • Magazines (β28): Q18b

    • Radio (β29): Q18c

    • Television (β30): Q18d

    • Internet(β31): Q18e

    • State agency (β32): Q18f

    • US Fish and Wildlife (β33): Q18g

    • Friends/family (β34): Q18h

    • Sporting goods stores (β35): Q18i

  • Problems with deferent aspects of dove hunting

    • Cost of gas/travel (β36): Q16d

    • Cost of ammunition (β37): Q16b

    • Cost of hunting equipment and clothing (β38): Q16c

    • Cost of permit (β39): Q16e

    • Cost of access fee to hunt doves on private land (β40): Q16a

  • Memberships

    • Hunting/conservation organizations (β43): Q15a

    • Fishing/conservation organizations (β44): Q15b

    • Gun rights/shooting sports organizations (β45): Q15c

    • Environmental organizations (β46): Q15d

  • Most represents dove hunter interest

    • Ammunition manufacturers (β48): Q17a

    • Other hunting products businesses (β49a): Q17b

    • Other dove hunters (β50): Q17c

    • Wildlife biologists (β51): Q17d

    • Hunting guides (β52): Q17e

    • Game wardens (β53): Q17f

    • Outdoor writers (β54): Q17g

    • Sporting goods stores staff (β55): Q17h

    • Hunting organizations (β49b): Q17i

  • Current use of lead shot (β56): Q10

  • Perceived problems with nontoxic-shot

    • Lethality, crippling (β57): Q12e

    • Ballistic shooting differences, effectiveness (β58): Q11b

    • Effect on older firearms (β59): Q11d

    • Availability of ammunition (β60): Q11c

    • Possible increased cost (β61): Q11a

  • Expenditures on dove shotgun shells (β62): Q3

  • Importance of dove hunting to individual (β63): Q4

  • Indirect influences with nontoxic-shot regulation

    • Encroachment on gun ownership (β64): Q12i

    • Encroachment on hunting rights (β65): Q12f

    • Effects on hunter recruitment (β66): Q11f

    • Effects on hunter retention(β67a,b): Q11g,Q12h

  • Amount of ammunition used during the season (or during an average dove hunt): (β68)Q9

  • Attitudes toward possible policy action (β69a,b,c,d): Q13, Q12b,d, Q11i

  • Awareness of wildlife health concerns and lead

    • Issue has been explained to the hunting community (β70): Q12c

    • Aware of dove health concerns related to use of lead shot for doves (β71a,b,c): Q12a, Q11e,h

    • Aware of wildlife health concerns related to use of lead shot for doves (β72a): Q12g

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Last Modified ByU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
File Modified2011-07-21
File Created2011-07-21

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