1513-0023 FR Notice

1513-0023 FR Notice (03-07-2011).pdf

Environmental Information; and Supplemental Information on Water Quality Consideration under 33 U.S.C. 1341(a)

1513-0023 FR Notice

OMB: 1513-0023

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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 44 / Monday, March 7, 2011 / Notices

Issued on: February 4, 2011.
Claude H. Harris,
Acting Associate Administrator for
[FR Doc. 2011–5036 Filed 3–4–11; 8:45 am]

Surface Transportation Board
Release of Waybill Data
The Surface Transportation Board has
received a request from Davis LLP on
behalf of Imperial Oil in connection
with a regulatory proceeding regarding
the shipment of petroleum diluents
(Diluent) in the Enbridge Southern
Lights Pipeline (ESL) pending before the
National Energy Board of Canada,
captioned NEB File OF-Tolls-Group2E242-TFGen 01 01 (WB11–021), for
permission to use certain data from the
Board’s 2008 and 2009 Carload Waybill
Samples. A copy of this request may be
obtained from the Office of Economics.
The waybill sample contains
confidential railroad and shipper data;
therefore, if any parties object to these
requests, they should file their
objections with the Director of the
Board’s Office of Economics within 14
calendar days of the date of this notice.
The rules for release of waybill data are
codified at 49 CFR 1244.9.
Contact: Scott Decker, (202) 245–
Andrea Pope-Matheson,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2011–5015 Filed 3–4–11; 8:45 am]

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Proposed Information Collections;
Comment Request
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau; Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for

As part of our continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, and as required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
we invite comments on the proposed or
continuing information collections
listed below in this notice.
DATES: We must receive your written
comments on or before May 6, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments to
Mary A. Wood, Alcohol and Tobacco

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Tax and Trade Bureau, at any of these
• P.O. Box 14412, Washington, DC
• 202–453–2686 (facsimile); or
• [email protected] (e-mail).
Please send separate comments for
each specific information collection
listed below. You must reference the
information collection’s title, form or
recordkeeping requirement number, and
OMB number (if any) in your comment.
If you submit your comment via
facsimile, send no more than five 8.5 x
11 inch pages in order to ensure
electronic access to our equipment.
obtain additional information, copies of
the information collection and its
instructions, or copies of any comments
received, contact Mary A. Wood,
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Bureau, P.O. Box 14412, Washington,
DC 20044–4412; or telephone 202–453–
Request for Comments
The Department of the Treasury and
its Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Bureau (TTB), as part of their
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invite the
general public and other Federal
agencies to comment on the proposed or
continuing information collections
listed below in this notice, as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be included or
summarized in our request for Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval of the relevant information
collection. All comments are part of the
public record and subject to disclosure.
Please not do include any confidential
or inappropriate material in your
We invite comments on: (a) Whether
this information collection is necessary
for the proper performance of the
agency’s functions, including whether
the information has practical utility; (b)
the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of
the information collection’s burden; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information collected; (d)
ways to minimize the information
collection’s burden on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and (e)
estimates of capital or start-up costs and
costs of operation, maintenance, and
purchase of services to provide the
requested information.

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Information Collections Open for
Currently, we are seeking comments
on the following forms and
recordkeeping requirements:
Title: Drawback on Beer Exported.
OMB Control Number: 1513–0017.
TTB Form Number: 5130.6.
Abstract: When taxpaid beer is
removed from a brewery and ultimately
exported, the brewer exporting the beer
is eligible for a drawback (refund) of
Federal excise taxes paid. By
completing this form and submitting
documentation of exportation, the
brewer may receive a refund of those
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 5,000.
Title: Application for a Basic Permit
under the Federal Alcohol
Administration Act.
OMB Control Number: 1513–0018.
TTB Form Number: 5100.24.
Abstract: TTB F 5100.24 is completed
by persons intending to engage in a
business involving beverage Alcohol
operations at distilled spirits plants,
bonded wineries, or wholesaling/
importing business. The information
allows TTB to identify the applicant and
the location of the business, and to
determine whether the applicant
qualifies for a permit.
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 2,800.
Title: Application for Amended Basic
Permit under the Federal Alcohol
Administration Act.
OMB Number: 1513–0019.
TTB Form Number: 5100.18.
Abstract: TTB F 5100.18 is submitted
by permittees who change their
operations in a manner that requires



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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 44 / Monday, March 7, 2011 / Notices
TTB to issue a new permit or receive a
new notice. The information allows TTB
to identify the permittee, the changes to
the permit or business, and to determine
whether the applicant qualifies.
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 600.
Title: Environmental Information; and
Supplemental Information on Water
Quality Consideration under 33 U.S.C.
OMB Number: 1513–0023.
TTB Form Numbers: 5000.29 and
5000.30, respectively.
Abstract: TTB F 5000.29 is used to
determine whether an activity will have
a significant effect on the environment
and to determine if a formal
environmental impact statement or an
environmental permit is necessary for a
proposed operation. TTB F 5000.30 is
used to make a determination as to
whether a certification or waiver by the
applicable State Water Quality Agency
is required under section 21 of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33
U.S.C. 1341(a)). Manufacturers that
discharge a solid or liquid effluent into
navigable waters submit this form.
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 4,000.
Title: Schedule of Tobacco Products,
Cigarette Papers or Tubes Withdrawn
from the Market.
OMB Control Number: 1513–0034.
TTB Form Numbers: 5200.7.
Abstract: TTB F 5200.7 is used by
persons who intend to withdraw
tobacco products and cigarette papers
and tubes from the market for which the
Federal excise taxes have already been
paid or determined. The form describes
the products that are to be withdrawn to
determine the amount of tax to be

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claimed later as a tax credit or refund.
The form notifies TTB when withdrawal
or destruction is to take place since TTB
may elect to supervise such action.
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection request for
extension purposes only. The
information collection, estimated
number of respondents, and estimated
total annual burden hours remain
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 1,539.
Title: Offer in Compromise of Liability
Incurred under the Provisions of Title
26 U.S.C. Enforced and Administered by
the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
OMB Control Number: 1513–0054.
TTB Form Numbers: 5640.1.
Abstract: TTB F 5640.1 is used by
persons who wish to compromise
criminal and/or civil penalties for
violations of the Internal Revenue Code.
If accepted, the offer in compromise is
a settlement between the Government
and the party in violation, in lieu of
legal proceedings or prosecution. TTB F
5640.1 identifies the party making the
offer, the violation(s), the amount of
offer, and the circumstances concerning
the violation(s).
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 140.
Title: Usual and Customary Business
Records Relating to Denatured Spirits.
OMB Control Number: 1513–0062.
TTB Recordkeeping Requirement
Number: 5150/1.
Abstract: Denatured spirits are used
for nonbeverage industrial purposes in
the manufacture of personal household
products. These records are maintained
at the premises of the regulated entity
and are routinely inspected by TTB
personnel during field tax compliance
examinations. These examinations are
necessary to verify that all specially
denatured spirits can be accounted for
and are being used only for purposes

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authorized by laws and regulations. By
ensuring that spirits have not been
diverted to beverage use, tax revenue
and public safety are protected. There is
no additional recordkeeping imposed on
the respondent as these requirements
are usual and customary business
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other for
profit; and State, Local, or Tribal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: One (1).
Title: Manufacturers of Nonbeverage
Products—Records to Support Claims
for Drawback.
OMB Number: 1513–0073.
TTB Recordkeeping Requirement
Number: 5530/2.
Abstract: The recordkeeping
requirements included in TTB REC
5530/2 are part of the system necessary
to prevent diversion of drawback spirits
to beverage use by maintaining
accountability over these spirits.
Required source records kept at the
manufacturing plant include
information about distilled spirits
received, gauge records, records of
receipts, the identification of the person
from whom received, evidence of the
taxes paid on the spirits, the date the
spirits were used, the quantity and kind
used in each product (including usage
of Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands
spirits for compliance with the
Caribbean Basin Initiative), receipt and
usage of other ingredients (to validate
formula compliance), inventory records,
records of recovered alcohol, the
quantity of intermediate products
transferred to other plants, the
disposition of each nonbeverage product
produced, and the purchasers (except
for retail sales). These elements make it
possible to trace spirits using audit
techniques, thus enabling TTB officers
to verify the amount of spirits used in
nonbeverage products and subsequently
claimed as eligible for drawback of tax.
The record retention requirement for
this information collection is 3 years.
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.



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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 44 / Monday, March 7, 2011 / Notices

Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 10,521.
Title: Proprietors or Claimants
Exporting Liquors.
OMB Number: 1513–0075.
TTB Recordkeeping Requirement
Number: 5900/1.
Abstract: Distilled spirits, wine, and
beer may be exported from bonded
premises without payment of Federal
excise taxes, or, if the taxes have been
paid, the exporter may claim drawback
(refund) of the taxes paid. This export
drawback allows the manufacturer to
recover the amount of the tax paid to the
government. Obviously, substantial
losses in tax revenues would occur if
untaxpaid liquors were allowed to enter
the domestic market, or if the
government allowed drawback to be
claimed on liquors used for domestic
consumption. This recordkeeping
requirement makes it possible to trace
spirits using audit techniques, thus
enabling TTB officers to verify the
amount of spirits, beer, and wine
eligible for exportation without payment
of tax or exportation subject to
drawback. The retention requirement for
this information collection is 2 years.
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 7,200.
Title: Special Tax Renewal
Registration and Return/Special Tax
Location Registration Listing.
OMB Number: 1513–0113.
Abstract: The statutory section of
chapter 52 of 26 U.S.C. authorizes the
collection of an occupational tax from
persons engaging in certain tobacco
businesses. In the Internal Revenue
Code, 26 U.S.C. 5276 requires persons to
register and/or pay a special
occupational tax before conducting
business in certain tobacco categories.
TTB F 5630.5R is used both to compute
and report the tax, and as an application
for registry as required by statute. TTB
F 5630.5R is computer generated by
TTB with known taxpayer identifying

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information (e.g., name, trade name,
address, employer identification
number, etc.) along with tax
computations reflecting tax class(es),
number of business locations, tax
rate(s), and total tax due. The taxpayer
supplies any inaccurate or incomplete
Current Actions: We are submitting
this information collection for extension
purposes only. The information
collection, estimated number of
respondents, and estimated total annual
burden hours remain unchanged.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 100.
Dated: March 1, 2011.
Gerald M. Isenberg,
Director, Regulations and Rulings Division.
[FR Doc. 2011–5067 Filed 3–4–11; 8:45 am]

Office of Foreign Assets Control
Additional Designation of Entity
Pursuant to Executive Order 13382
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.

The Treasury Department’s
Office of Foreign Assets Control
(‘‘OFAC’’) is publishing the name of 1
newly-designated entity whose property
and interests in property are blocked
pursuant to Executive Order 13382 of
June 28, 2005, ‘‘Blocking Property of
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Proliferators and Their Supporters.’’
DATES: The designation by the Director
of OFAC of the 1 entity identified in this
notice pursuant to Executive Order
13382 is effective on February 17, 2011.
Assistant Director, Compliance
Outreach & Implementation, Office of
Foreign Assets Control, Department of
the Treasury, Washington, DC 20220,
tel.: 202/622–2490.

Electronic and Facsimile Availability
This document and additional
information concerning OFAC are
available from OFAC’s Web site
enforcement/ofac) or via facsimile
through a 24-hour fax-on demand
service, tel.: (202) 622–0077.

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Background: On June 28, 2005, the
President, invoking the authority, inter
alia, of the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–
1706) (‘‘IEEPA’’), issued Executive Order
13382 (70 FR 38567, July 1, 2005) (the
‘‘Order’’), effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern
daylight time on June 29, 2005. In the
Order, the President took additional
steps with respect to the national
emergency described and declared in
Executive Order 12938 of November 14,
1994, regarding the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and the
means of delivering them.
Section 1 of the Order blocks, with
certain exceptions, all property and
interests in property that are in the
United States, or that hereafter come
within the United States or that are or
hereafter come within the possession or
control of United States persons, of:
(1) The persons listed in the Annex to
the Order; (2) any foreign person
determined by the Secretary of State, in
consultation with the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Attorney General, and
other relevant agencies, to have
engaged, or attempted to engage, in
activities or transactions that have
materially contributed to, or pose a risk
of materially contributing to, the
proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction or their means of delivery
(including missiles capable of delivering
such weapons), including any efforts to
manufacture, acquire, possess, develop,
transport, transfer or use such items, by
any person or foreign country of
proliferation concern; (3) any person
determined by the Secretary of the
Treasury, in consultation with the
Secretary of State, the Attorney General,
and other relevant agencies, to have
provided, or attempted to provide,
financial, material, technological or
other support for, or goods or services
in support of, any activity or transaction
described in clause (2) above or any
person whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to the
Order; and (4) any person determined
by the Secretary of the Treasury, in
consultation with the Secretary of State,
the Attorney General, and other relevant
agencies, to be owned or controlled by,
or acting or purporting to act for or on
behalf of, directly or indirectly, any
person whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to the
On February 17, 2011, the Director of
OFAC, in consultation with the
Departments of State, Justice, and other
relevant agencies, designated 1 entity
whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to
Executive Order 13382.
The additional designee is as follows:



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2011-03-04
File Created2011-03-04

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