Form 1 Training and TA Reporting Template

Application Instructions: Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements


Training and TA Progress Report

OMB: 3045-0105

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Header Page
Continuation App. Year 3
Balance Forward From FY07
App ID 1
App ID 2
App ID 3
App ID 4
App ID 5

Sheet 1: Header Page

FY08 Budget and Performance Measurement Reporting (BPMR) Workbook for Training and Technical Assistance Providers

Grant #

Provider Name

TTA Category

Program Year FY08 Year 3
Start Date 10/1/2007
End Date 9/30/2008

Balance & Application ID Reporting Period (1 or 2) Total Funds AC Funds OLDT H Funds LSA (H) Funds SC Funds VISTA Funds OTHER Funds Comments
Continuation Application Year 3

Balance forward from FY07

App ID 1

App ID 2

App ID 3

App ID 4

App ID 5

FY08 CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUNDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Sheet 2: Continuation App. Year 3

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 3: Balance Forward From FY07

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 4: App ID 1

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 5: App ID 2

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 6: App ID 3

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 7: App ID 4

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 8: App ID 5

Grant Number is auto-repeated from the header page Grant Number Provider Name is auto-repeated from the header page Provider Name Application ID is auto-repeated from the header page Application ID TTA Category is auto-repeated from the header page TTA Category Reporting Start Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Start Date Reporting End Date is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting End Date FY08 Total Cumulative Funds Reporting Period is auto-repeated from the header page Reporting Period Program Year is auto-repeated from the header page Program Year
0 0 Continuation Application Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 $0 0 FY08 Year 3

Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) outputs per category delivered to AmeriCorps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of AmeriCorps participants who received TTA services per output category. All Commission participants are to be included here including Commission Staff. AC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Learn and Serve America audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Learn and Serve America participants who received TTA services per output category. SEAs (State Education Agencies) participants are to be included here even if they do not currently have a grant from CNCS. LSA (H) Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to Senior Corps audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of Senior Corps participants who received TTA services per output category. SC Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to VISTA audiences. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of VISTA participants who received TTA services per output category. VISTA Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category Funded by OLDT H funds. OLDT H funds include H03 disability funds, H68 funds. Where applicable place the participants trained with H funds in the columns AC, LSA, SC, VISTA, or Other. OLDT H Funded Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered exclusively to cross-CNCS program audiences, such as AC and SC, or AC, SC and VISTA, etc. The number of participants per CNCS program (stream) should be entered as applicable in the AC, LSA, SC, VISTA and Other fields. CROSS PROGRAM FUNDED Enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of outputs per category delivered to CNCS supported national service programs that are not AC, LSA, SC, H and VISTA. If applicable, also enter the number (year-to-date cumulative planned or actual) of OTHER participants who received TTA services per output category. Please include Community partners and potential grantees here as well as CNCS Staff and NCCC participants. In the comments sections describe how many participants of each kind are included in this section. OTHER Funded This field is now a formula that auto calculates for you. REAL TOTAL
Events should be included in this category only if the T/TA provider is the lead organizer. National events are completed institutes, meetings or conferences open to participants nationally that were organized or coordinated by the provider. This category also counts completed training events organized primarily for participants from either one state or several states. 1. National/multi-state/single state training events organized by provider

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

An individual training session (for example, a workshop or meeting) conducted by the provider at an event that is organized by another entity. An individual session is characterized (and justified) by its own distinctive agenda, timeline and audience. 2. Training sessions at other's events

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # events

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # events

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Technical assistance interventions that include site visits by providers, peer exchanges and peer clinics. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 3. On-site technical assistance

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # site visits/peer clinics facilitated

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of remote assistance interventions conducted by provider via phone, fax, email and listservs. Count multiple calls relating to the same issue separately, even if this involves the same participant. Count interventions only when TA actually occurs. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 4. Remote technical assistance (phone, fax, email, listservs)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique interventions

Actual Units Unit = # unique interventions

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses used by participants through the Resource Center Web site. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 5. eCourses utilized (for the Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The number of “webinars” i.e. audio-visual information sharing sessions and trainings hosted live online. Enter Planned and Actual units and participants as directed. 6. Webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # webinars

Annual Cumulative Planned Participants

Actual Units Unit = # webinars

Actual Participants

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

The actual number of times an individual Central Processing Unit (CPU) accesses the Resource Center web site. This measure applies only to the Resource Center. Enter Projected and Actual units as directed. 7. Unique website visits (for Resource Center only)

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique web visits

Actual Units Unit = # unique web visits

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Includes publications in diverse formats (print, on-line, CD-ROM) such as, handbooks, manuals, toolkits, recorded webinars, tutorials videos, DVDs, slide-shows. Do not duplicate e-courses. Count unique products, not the number of items distributed. 8. Curricula and materials developed

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Number of online training courses completed, posted and ready for use by participants in Evolution/ELM. Do Not include Online tutorials, recorded webinars, or other online TA materials in this section. Please include those under material and curricula developed. If you think you have an eCourse that belongs in this category but is not in Elm/Evlolution Contact Michelle Akoto for an exception. 9. New eCourses created

Annual Cumulative Planned Units Unit = # e-courses

Actual Units Unit = # e-courses

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

Any completed activity or resource supporting training and technical assistance not described in the core output categories listed in the BPMR workbook, such as, a TTA needs assessment survey. Enter Planned and Actual units as directed. 10. Other outputs

Planned Units Unit = # unique items

Actual Units Unit = # unique items

Cross Program funded (planned): How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (planned)

Cross Program funded: (actual) How activity is cross program per funding sources and activity descriptions.

Program Funded Activity Descriptions (actual).

11. Additional comments on information reported above (Text field, 2,000 characters)

Sheet 9: OUTCOMES (1)

Grant Number
Provider Name Program Year T&T Category Start End Source
0 FY08 Year 3 0 10/1/2007 3/31/2008 All Sources

T/TA Outcomes OVERALL TOTAL (Auto-Calculated)


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

0 0 1. The subject matter was presented effectively 0

0 0 2. The trainer was knowledgeable 0

0 0 3. The trainer responded to questions 0

0 0 4. There were enough opportunities for discussion 0

0 0 5. The written materials are useful 0

0 0 6. The session met its stated learning objectives 0

0 0 7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work 0

0 0 8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session 0

T/TA Outcomes AmeriCorps: State and National


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes Senior Corps


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes VISTA


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes NCCC


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes LSA


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes OTHER


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

Sheet 10: OUTCOMES (2)

Grant Number
Provider Name
T&T Category Start End Source
0 FY08 Year 3 0 10/1/2007 9/30/2008 All Sources

T/TA Outcomes OVERALL TOTAL (Auto-Calculated)


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

0 0 1. The subject matter was presented effectively 0

0 0 2. The trainer was knowledgeable 0

0 0 3. The trainer responded to questions 0

0 0 4. There were enough opportunities for discussion 0

0 0 5. The written materials are useful 0

0 0 6. The session met its stated learning objectives 0

0 0 7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work 0

0 0 8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session 0

T/TA Outcomes AmeriCorps: State and National


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes Senior Corps


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes VISTA


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes NCCC


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes LSA


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

T/TA Outcomes OTHER


Total Number of Trainees attended # of Evaluations completed Participants rating a training event at least 4.0 on a five-point scale on evaluation statements: # Participants (Rating = or >4.0) Percent Participants Rating = or > 4.0

1. The subject matter was presented effectively

2. The trainer was knowledgeable

3. The trainer responded to questions

4. There were enough opportunities for discussion

5. The written materials are useful

6. The session met its stated learning objectives

7. As a result of this training I gained new knowledge applicable to my work

8. I plan to apply what I learned at this session

File Typeapplication/
Last Modified Bympeatakoto
File Modified2007-08-16
File Created2005-01-11

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