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The Safe School/Healthy Student (SS/HS) Initiative National Evaluation

3. Site Visit Protocol

Site Visit Protocol

OMB: 0930-0297

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OMB No. 0930-0297

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An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0930-0297. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 9 hours per respondent, per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, One Choke Cherry Road, Room 8-1099, Rockville, Maryland 20857.

Site Visit Protocol

National Cross-Site Evaluation of the

Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative

You are being asked to take part in an evaluation of the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative. We are asking you to take part because we are interested in learning about your experience of and perspectives on the grant implementation process and outcomes.

Please read this form carefully and ask any questions you may have before agreeing to take part in the study.

What the study is about: The purpose of this evaluation is to understand the conditions, resources, and activities that lead to improved outcomes; describe grant management processes; and follow grantee’ progress throughout the grant cycle.

Taking part is voluntary: Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. You may skip any questions that you do not want to answer. If you decide not to participate or to skip some of the questions, it will not affect your current or future relationship with the grant. If you decide to take part, you are free to withdraw at any time.

What we will ask you to do: If you agree to be in this evaluation, we will conduct an interview with you. The interview will include questions about your experience with the SS/HS grant. The interview will take about 3 hours to complete. With your permission, we would also like to audio-record the interview.

Risks and benefits: I do not anticipate any risks to you participating in this study other than those encountered in day-to-day life. There are no benefits to you specifically.

Compensation: You will not be compensated for participation in this evaluation.

Your answers will be private. The records of this study will be kept private. In any sort of report we make public we will not include any information that will make it possible to identify you. Research records will be kept in a locked file; only the researchers will have access to the records. If we audio-record the interview, we will destroy the recording after it has been transcribed, which we anticipate will be within two months of the recording.

If you have questions: The researcher conducting this evaluation is Dr. Gary Hill. Please ask any questions you have now. If you have questions later, you can reach Dr. Hill at [email protected] or 571-633-9797 ext 208. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a subject in this study, you may contact Lisa Lunghofer, chair of the MANILA Institutional Review Board (IRB), at [email protected] or at 240-271-4941.

You will be given a copy of this form to keep for your records.

Statement of Consent: I have read the above information, and have received answers to any questions I asked. I consent to take part in the study.

Your Signature ______________________________ Date ________________________

Your Name (printed) ____________________________________________________________

In addition to agreeing to participate, I also consent to having the interview audio-recorded.

Your Signature________________________________________ Date _____________

Signature of person obtaining consent ______________________ Date _____________

Printed name of person obtaining consent ____________________Date ____________

This consent form will be kept by the researcher for at least three years beyond the end of the study and was approved by the IRB on July 29, 2011.

Safe Schools/Healthy Students National Evaluation Team

Year 1 Site Visit

Part 1: Project Director/Local Evaluator Questions

Planning for the SS/HS Project

  • How was the needs assessment conducted?

  • Who was involved in developing your SS/HS plan and logic model described in your grant application, and what role(s) did they play? Are they all still involved in the project? If not, why not?

  • How, if at all have you revised or refined the SS/HS logic model presented in your grant application since grant award? If revisions were made, why were they made and who was involved?

  • How were specific programs selected for your comprehensive plan (and/or logic model)?

  • How if at all did your process for selecting programs change after receiving the SS/HS grant?

  • What techniques were used to get community/partner buy-in of the proposed SS/HS activities/programs?

  • What is your overall evaluation of your planning process (e.g., inclusion of the appropriate stakeholders, quality of contributions from various parties, group’s openness to differing points of views, group’s ability to develop strategies to address the needs of the identified population, satisfaction with outcome)?

  • Since the receipt of your SS/HS grant, what activities to promote the initiative, if any, have been conducted? If there have been such activities, have there been any community members or organizations outside the partnership that have helped promote the initiative? If so, who are those individuals/organizations, and how have they helped?

  • Have there been any challenges or barriers to promoting the initiative?

  • How does the project address needs of cultural groups or other local need areas?


  • It is our understanding that the following partners are on your SS/HS Core Management Team. Has this information changed since your application?

    • If there are changes, what and why were these changes made?

  • (Ask if there is a broader partnership beyond the CMT) It is our understanding that the following organizations are in your SS/HS partnership. Has this changed from your application? If so, why?

  • How would you characterize your leadership style?

  • Since grant award, how have you engaged your partners in the partnership? Have you been able to engage partners in any leadership roles? If so, how?

  • Has the partnership had the opportunity to develop a mission or vision statement for the project outside of what was written in the grant application? If so, can you tell me about your partnership’s process for developing your shared vision?

  • Have you worked to build relationships with partners or coalitions outside your current partnership? If yes, for what purpose did you build those relationships?

  • Have you had the opportunity to receive any professional development or training on leadership? If yes, have you been able to incorporate any of the strategies or new concepts into your role as project director for this grant?

Current Status of Project Implementation

  • Please confirm or provide program specific details for each of your programs including adaptation and fidelity information, partner involvement in implementation, related topic areas, and characteristics of the target population. Your site liaison will walk you through this information to identify gaps.

  • What major changes (requiring FPO approval) in interventions, services, or activities have been made since grant award? If major changes were made, why were they made? Who was involved in making these changes?

  • Have any programs or activities been discontinued, and if so why?

  • (For multidistrict sites only) Does program implementation vary across districts? If so, why?

  • Does program implementation vary across schools? If so, why?

  • What helped or assisted the implementation of the interventions, services, or activities?

  • What challenges have you experienced in implementing (or attempting to implement) them? What has been done to address these challenges?

Partnership Contributions

  • Definition: Determining the most critical SS/HS element-related needs, and then choosing and implementing programs that address those needs. Examples might include conducting a needs assessment; canvassing the array of services and activities that might address the identified needs of the project; reviewing and considering the importance and implications of specific implementation requirements of a recommended practice (such as training, materials, duration); and choosing the programs and practices that the SS/HS project will implement.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to planning for the SS/HS project?

    • No contribution

    • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

    • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

    • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

    • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

    • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Providing continued and ongoing support needed for implemented programs and practices to succeed. Examples might include disseminating information related to the program or practice across the grantee area or to intended participants, ensuring the availability of ongoing training, contributing time or resources that assist in the implementation of the program or practice, or providing advice based on prior experience with the program or knowledge of the target population.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to implementing the SS/HS project?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Undertaking consistent monitoring of the implementation of programs and practices. This might include, for example, monitoring the duration and intensity of program delivery, how the content is delivered, the characteristics of the participants (in relation to those with whom the program or practice was validated), the qualifications and experience of the person or people delivering the program or providing the service, and the location.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to monitoring implementation of the SS/HS project?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Carrying out a comprehensive plan of programs and services to address the identified needs. These activities might include, for example, formulating policy approaches to address cross-system jurisdictional issues, changing eligibility requirements to enhance interagency service delivery, or seeking legislative rule.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to formulating policy changes related to the SS/HS project outside the school district?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Developing strategies and plans to continue the successful programs and activities funded by the SS/HS grant beyond the life of the funding period, and to enhance partnerships and systems built prior to or during the SS/HS project. Examples of sustainability efforts might include building support, acquiring resources, planning for integration into existing systems, implementing targeted dissemination, or expanding training related to the programs and practices to be sustained.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to sustaining the SS/HS project?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • I am going to list the agencies that we understand to be the required partner organizations involved in the SS/HS project at _______________ (name of site). As I mention each, could you rate their contribution to the overall SS/HS project?


No Contribution

Minor Contribution

Moderate Contribution

Significant Contribution

Leading Contribution

(School District)


(Juvenile Justice Authority)


(Mental Health Agency)


(Law Enforcement Agency)


(other) _____________________



(other) ____________________

(other) _____________________

1 Write in the names of the organizations. For other organizations, write in both the organization type and name.

Local Evaluation Status

  • What challenges, if any, have you experienced in developing the local evaluation design? If you have experienced challenges, what were they, and how have you addressed them or plan on addressing them?

    • PROBE If needed: What challenges, if any, have you experienced in obtaining the required partners commitment to participate in the local evaluation (e.g., partners lack of understanding regarding the usefulness of the local evaluation for ongoing refinement of the project’s programs, activities, etc.; partners’ reluctance to assist with the collection of process and outcome data regarding the project’s services, activities, and programs)? How have you addressed these challenges?

  • What are the plans for disseminating local evaluation data and findings, including implementation fidelity findings, back to the SS/HS partnership and to the community? How will local evaluation findings be used by the partnership or community?

Part 2: SS/HS Core Management Team / Partnership Questions

Partnership History/Update

  • What broad-based community coalitions or partnerships existed in the community prior to receipt of the SS/HS grant? How and when did your current partnership originate; that is, what was the motivation for the relationship? In what efforts was your partnership engaged?

  • What are the roles and functions of each of your required and other key partners?

  • What is the current structure and operation of your SS/HS partnership? Have changes been made in the structure and operation of the partnership since the start of the grant? What is the current structure and operation of your SS/HS Core Management Team? Have changes been made to this team since the start of the grant?

  • Including preparation for your SS/HS grant, what helped or assisted collaboration among your partners? What impeded or served as a challenge to collaboration? What, if anything, did your partnership do to attempt to address these barriers?

  • Including preparation for your SS/HS grant, what helped or assisted collaboration with schools? What impeded or served as a challenge to collaboration with schools? Did this change after receiving the SS/HS grant?

  • How has the project director encouraged participation from you since grant award? How has the project director incorporated your input?

  • Has the partnership had the opportunity to develop a mission or vision statement for the project outside of what is written in the grant application? If so, can you tell me about your partnership’s process for developing your shared vision?

Enhanced Interagency Service Systems and Structures

For the purpose of the SS/HS national evaluation, the following are working definitions of Coordination and Service Integration:

Coordination refers to two or more agencies working together to address a particular issue, increase understanding of other agency services, and facilitatie the development of new protocols and practices for purposes of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Examples of coordination activities include multidisciplinary training, development of referral protocols, and development of information sharing protocols.

Service integration is defined as two or more agencies/organizations working together to deliver a unified and more comprehensive range of services for a given client population, where the intent is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Examples of service integration include multidisciplinary teams and case management.

  • How, if at all, were agencies/organizations coordinating or integrating services prior to the SS/HS grant?

  • Since the grant award, have you coordinated or integrated services across agencies? If so, in what ways were services integrated or coordinated? Which agencies were involved, and what did they do?

    • Has the partnership been involved in planning of integrated services and if so, who was involved and what did they plan? (e.g., planning of a county-wide referral system)

    • Have there been any formalized agreements or systems established to coordinated and integrate services (e.g., referral system, information sharing agreement)

    • If services have not yet been coordinated or integrated across agencies, do you have plans to do so?

  • Did the SS/HS grant help make changes to how services are coordinated or integrated across agencies? If so, how?

  • What assisted in coordinating and integrating services across agencies?

  • What barriers or challenges have you experienced in coordinating and integrating services? What has been done to address these barriers/challenges?

  • Since the grant award, have you shared resources across agencies/organizations? If so, in what ways have you shared resources? (e.g., sharing of staff or facility space)

  • Since the grant award, have you conducted joint/multi-disciplinary trainings across agencies? If so, what types of trainings?


What would you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of the grant?

  • How has the partnership begun to think about sustaining the programs and activities started or enhanced with the SS/HS grant?

    • Has a formal sustainability plan been developed? What parts of the plan have been implemented and to what extent (e.g., not at all, in progress, partially completed, fully completed)?

  • What strategies do you anticipate using to help sustain SS/HS programs and activities beyond the grant?

  • Has the partnership begun to think about sustaining the partnership after Federal grant money has ended?

    • Has a formal sustainability plan been developed? What parts of the plan have been implemented, and to what extent (e.g., not at all, in progress, partially completed, fully completed)?

  • What aspects of your SS/HS grant activities or partnership are important to continue after the grant?

  • Have you applied for additional funding since the receipt of your grant? What other types of funding has your partnership sought and for what purpose? Which of those funding types were obtained? Has there been any realignment or redistribution of existing funds?

Year 2/3/4 Site Visit Interview—Project Director and Local Evaluator

Status of Implementation

  • Please confirm or provide program specific details for each of your programs, including adaptation and fidelity information, partner involvement in implementation, related topic areas, and characteristics of the target population. Your site liaison will walk you through this information to identify gaps.

  • Have there been any major changes (requiring FPO approval) in interventions, services, or activities you have made since last year? Why were these changes made? Who was involved in making these changes?

  • Have any programs or activities been discontinued, and if so why?

  • (For multidistrict sites only) Does program implementation vary across districts? If so, why?

  • What assisted the implementation of the interventions, services, or activities during the past year?

  • What challenges have you experienced in implementing (or attempting to implement) them in the past year? What has been done to address these challenges?

  • Over the past year, what activities to promote the initiative, if any, have been conducted? If such activities have been conducted, have there been any community members or organizations outside the partnership that have helped promote the initiative? If so, who are those individuals/organizations, and how have they helped?

  • How does the project address needs of cultural groups or other local need areas?

SS/HS School–Community Partnership

  • We would like to get an understanding of the structure and operation of your partnership and any changes since last year. Our understanding from last year is that your [partnership name or CMT name] is your primary partnership body. Was that still true during grant year X? What are the primary responsibilities of your partnership?

  • What are the primary responsibilities of your SS/HS CMT?

  • What, if any, committees or subcommittees make up your partnership? What are their responsibilities? Has this changed from last year? If so, how and why? If there are no subcommittees, how are specific issues handled and/or specific responsibilities divided?

  • Have new organizations joined your partnership since last year? How did they become involved?

  • How often does your partnership meet? What does a typical agenda look like (i.e., what content is typically included?) What are partners’ responsibilities for the meetings?

  • Are there partners who always participate in partnership meetings and decisionmaking? (If yes, which organizations are those?) Are there partners who rarely participate in partnership meetings and decisionmaking? (If yes, which organizations are those?) Has this changed from last year? If so, how/why?

  • Who leads your partnership? Has this changed from last year? If so, how and why?

  • How are decisions made for your partnership? Has this changed since last year? If so, how and why?

  • What has helped with the collaboration experienced by the SS/HS partnership or by individual partners.

  • What have been the challenges to collaboration experienced by the SS/HS partnership or by individual partners?

  • How would you characterize your leadership style? Has your style changed since last year?

  • How have you engaged your partners in the partnership in the past year? Have you been able to engage partners in any leadership roles? If so, how?

  • How, if at all, have you worked to build relationships with partners or coalitions outside your current partnership? For what purpose did you build those relationships?

  • Have you had the opportunity to receive any professional development or training on leadership? If yes, have you been able to incorporate any of the strategies or new concepts into your role as project director for this grant?

Enhancing Interagency Services

For the purpose of the SS/HS national evaluation, the following are working definitions of Coordination and Service Integration:

Coordination refers to two or more agencies working together to address a particular issue, increasing understanding of other agency services, and facilitating the development of new protocols and practices for purposes of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Examples of coordination activities include multidisciplinary training, development of referral protocols, and development of information sharing protocols.

Service integration is defined as two or more agencies/organizations working together to deliver a unified and more comprehensive range of services for a given client population, where the intent is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Examples of service integration include multidisciplinary teams and case management.

  • In the past year, have you coordinated or integrated services across agencies? If so, in what ways were services integrated or coordinated? Which agencies were involved, and what they do?

  • Did the SS/HS grant help make changes to how services are coordinated or integrated across agencies? If so how?

    • Has the partnership been involved in planning of integrated services and if so, who was involved and what did they plan? (e.g., planning of a county-wide referral system)

    • Have there been any formalized agreements or systems established to coordinated and integrate services (e.g., referral system, information sharing agreement)

    • If services have not yet been coordinated or integrated across agencies, do you have plans to do so?

  • What facilitated or assisted in coordinating and integrating services across agencies?

  • What barriers or challenges have you experienced in coordinating and integrating services? What has been done to address these barriers/challenges?

  • In the past year, have you shared resources across agencies/organizations? If so,in what ways have you shared resources? (e.g., sharing of staff or facility space)

  • In the past year, have you conducted joint/multi-disciplinary trainings across agencies? If so, what types of trainings?


  • What would you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of the grant?

  • What are your plans, if any, for continuing the programs and activities begun under the grant?

    • Has a formal sustainability plan been developed? If so, (obtain copy) What parts of the plan have been implemented, and to what extent (e.g., not at all, in progress, partially completed, fully completed)?

  • What are your plans, if any, for sustaining the partnership after Federal grant money has ended?

    • Has a formal sustainability plan been developed? (if so, obtain copy) What parts of the plan have been implemented, and to what extent (e.g., not at all, in progress, partially completed, fully completed)?

  • Have you applied for additional funding since the receipt of your grant? What other types of funding has your partnership sought and for what purpose? Which of those funding types were obtained? Has there been any realignment or redistribution of existing funds?

Do you have plans for obtaining additional funds for SS/HS programs or activities?

    • If yes: What parts of the plan have been implemented?

Partnership Contributions (over the past year)

  • Definition: Determining the most critical SS/HS element-related needs, and then choosing and implementing programs that address those needs. Examples might include conducting a needs assessment; canvassing the array of services and activities that might address the identified needs of the project; reviewing and considering the importance and implications of specific implementation requirements of a recommended practice (such as training, materials, duration); and choosing the programs and practices that the SS/HS project will implement.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to planning for the SS/HS project?

    • No contribution

    • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

    • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

    • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

    • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

    • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Providing continued and ongoing support needed for implemented programs and practices to succeed. Examples might include disseminating information related to the program or practice across the grantee area or to intended participants, ensuring the availability of ongoing training, contributing time or resources that assist in the implementation of the program or practice, or providing advice based on prior experience with the program or knowledge of the target population.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to implementing the SS/HS project?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Undertaking consistent monitoring of the implementation of programs and practices. This might include, for example, monitoring the duration and intensity of program delivery, how the content is delivered, the characteristics of the participants (in relation to those with whom the program or practice was validated), the qualifications and experience of the person or people delivering the program or providing the service, and the location.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to monitoring implementation of the SS/HS project?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Carrying out a comprehensive plan of programs and services to address the identified needs. These activities might include, for example, formulating policy approaches to address cross-system jurisdictional issues, changing eligibility requirements to enhance interagency service delivery, or seeking legislative rule.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to formulating policy changes related to the SS/HS project outside the school district?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • Definition: Developing strategies and plans to continue the successful programs and activities funded by the SS/HS grant beyond the life of the funding period, and to enhance partnerships and systems built prior to or during the SS/HS project. Examples of sustainability efforts might include building support, acquiring resources, planning for integration into existing systems, implementing targeted dissemination, or expanding training related to the programs and practices to be sustained.

How would you characterize the overall contribution that the required partners in your SS/HS project have made to sustaining the SS/HS project?

  • No contribution

  • Minor contribution (e.g., have participated in partnership meetings)

  • Moderate contribution (e.g., have provided data or information to the partnership)

  • Significant contribution (e.g., have provided data or information and participated in partnership decisionmaking)

  • Leading contribution (e.g., led the partnership’s decisionmaking in this area)

  • No activities in this area occurred during the referenced period

  • Project director doesn’t know/can’t answer

  • I am going to list the agencies that we understand to be the required partner organizations involved in the SS/HS project at _______________ (name of site). As I mention each, could you rate their contribution to the overall SS/HS project?


No Contribution

Minor Contribution

Moderate Contribution

Significant Contribution

Leading Contribution

(School District)


(Juvenile Justice Authority)


(Mental Health Agency)


(Law Enforcement Agency)


(other) _____________________



(other) ____________________

(other) _____________________

1 Write in the names of the organizations. For other organizations, write in both the organization type and name.

Status of the Local Evaluation

  • Please describe the status of your local evaluation effort. Have you made any changes to the evaluation plan since last year? If so, please describe what changes you have made.

  • What challenges, if any, have you experienced in implementing your local evaluation design? If you experienced challenges, what were they, and how were they addressed?

    • PROBE If needed: What challenges, if any, have you experienced in obtaining the required partners commitment to participate in the local evaluation (e.g., partners lack of understanding regarding the usefulness of the local evaluation for ongoing refinement of the project’s programs, activities, etc.; partners’ reluctance to assist with the collection of process and outcome data regarding the project’s services, activities, and programs)? How have you addressed these challenges?

  • What are the plans for disseminating local evaluation data and findings, including implementation fidelity findings, back to the SS/HS partnership and to the community? How will local evaluation findings be used?


Thank you for taking the time to talk about your project. We have a better understanding of its implementation status, evaluation plan, as well as the partnership’s history and structure. We have discussed how the project has led to or may lead to enhanced interagency service systems or structures. Is there anything else about the project that you believe we should know to better understand your project?

Year 2/3/4 Site Visit Interview —Required Partners

and Other Key Partners

Status of Implementation

  • Please describe any significant accomplishments achieved by the project or your SS/HS partnership, or any improvements in the collaborative working relationship of the partnership from the start of year [2/3/4] until today.

  • During your [second/third/fourth] grant year, what helped the implementation of the interventions, services, or activities?

  • During your [second/third/fourth] grant year, what challenges have you experienced in implementing (or attempting to implement) them? How are they being resolved?

SS/HS School–Community Partnership

  • How would you describe your agency’s role or participation on your SS/HS partnership?

  • How does the partnership keep its members and leaders informed? What are the mechanisms for communication between key partners, staff, and other members? What is the quality of communication among members? Has this changed from how you communicated with one another last year? If so, how?

  • How are decisions about partnership operations, grant funds, and programs/services made for your partnership? Would you characterize this process as formal (i.e., explicitly written out somewhere) or informal (i.e., known among partners but not stated)? Has this changed from how decisions were made last year? If so, how and why? In what types of grant decisions do you perceive your organization to be influential (what is an example)?

  • How frequently do partners communicate with one another? By what methods do you communicate with other partners? Has this changed from how you communicated with one another last year? If so, how?

  • Over the past year, what helped with collaboration among your partners?

  • Over the past year, what impeded, or served as a challenge to collaboration? What, if anything, did your partnership do to attempt to address these challenges?

  • Over the past year, what helped with school buy-in of SS/HS programs and services?

  • What impeded or served as a challenge to school buy-in of SS/HS programs and services? What did your partnership do to address the challenge(s)?

  • How has the project director encouraged participation from you in the past year? How has the project director incorporated your input?

Enhancing Interagency Services

For the purpose of the SS/HS national evaluation, the following are working definitions of Coordination and Service Integration:

Coordination refers to two or more agencies working together to address a particular issue, increasing understanding of other agency services, and facilitating the development of new protocols and practices for purposes of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Examples of coordination activities include multidisciplinary training, development of referral protocols, and development of information sharing protocols.

Service integration is defined as two or more agencies/organizations working together to deliver a unified and more comprehensive range of services for a given client population, where the intent is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Examples of service integration include multidisciplinary teams and case management.

  • In the past year, have you coordinated or integrated services across agencies? If so, in what ways were services integrated or coordinated? Which agencies were involved, and what they do?

  • Did the SS/HS grant help make changes to how services are coordinated or integrated across agencies? If so how?

    • Has the partnership been involved in planning of integrated services and if so, who was involved and what did they plan? (e.g., planning of a county-wide referral system)

    • Have there been any formalized agreements or systems established to coordinated and integrate services (e.g., referral system, information sharing agreement)

    • If services have not yet been coordinated or integrated across agencies, do you have plans to do so?

  • What facilitated or assisted in coordinating and integrating services across agencies?

  • What barriers or challenges have you experienced in coordinating and integrating services? What has been done to address these barriers/challenges?

  • In the past year, have you shared resources across agencies/organizations? If so,in what ways have you shared resources? (e.g., sharing of staff or facility space)

  • In the past year, have you conducted joint/multi-disciplinary trainings across agencies? If so, what types of trainings?


  • What would you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of the grant?

  • What are your plans, if any, for continuing the programs and activities begun under the grant?

    • Has a formal sustainability plan been developed? (if so, obtain copy) What parts of the plan have been implemented, and to what extent (e.g., not at all, in progress, partially completed, fully completed)?

  • What are your plans, if any, for sustaining the partnership after Federal grant money has ended?

    • Has a formal sustainability plan been developed? (if so, obtain copy) What parts of the plan have been implemented, and to what extent (e.g., not at all, in progress, partially completed, fully completed)?

  • What aspects of your SS/HS grant activities or partnership are important to continue after the grant?

  • Have you applied for additional funding since the receipt of your grant? What other types of funding has your partnership sought and for what purpose? Which of those funding types were obtained? Has there been any realignment or redistribution of existing funds?


Thank you for taking the time to talk about your project. We have a better understanding of its implementation status, evaluation plan, as well as the partnership’s history and structure. We have discussed how the project has led to or may lead to enhanced interagency service systems or structures. Is there anything else about the project that you believe we should know to better understand your project?


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorAdrienne Elefantis
Last Modified ByDepartment of Health and Human Services
File Modified2011-08-23
File Created2011-08-23

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