2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Instruments and Communications
Initial Telephone Verification 2
[If contact replies that they do not have a law enforcement agency] 4
Pre-notification Letter to Campus Law Enforcement Agencies 6
email to Non-responders (1 wk. after Initial email Invitation) 11
Postcard to Non-responders (2 and 5 wks. after Initial email Invitation) 12
Telephone call to Non-responders (3 and 7 wks. after Initial email Invitation) 13
email to Non-responders (4 wks. after First Mailed Invitation) 14
email to Non-responders (1 wk. after First Mailed Invitation) 18
Telephone call to Non-responders (2 wks. after First Mailed Invitation) 19
email to Non-responders (1 wk. after Second Mailed Invitation) 23
Second Postcard Sent to Non-responders (2 wks. after Second Mailed Survey) 24
Final Telephone Call to Non-responders (4 wks. after Second Mailed Invitation) 25
Hello [contact name], my name is [first name] [last name] and I am calling from ICF International. We are contacting campus law enforcement agencies on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics in preparation for the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. The survey collects information about the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus law enforcement agencies. [If completed in 2004: “Your agency completed the most recent survey in 2005, and we thank you for that.”]
We need to identify the appropriate contact person in your agency to complete the 2011 survey and we need to obtain his or her email address or telephone number. Are you the person who would help us complete the survey?
[If respondent notes that their campus does not have its own law enforcement agency]
Thank you for letting me know. I will note that in our records. Can you tell me who employs the officers who provide the routine law enforcement services such as patrol or responding to calls for service on campus, including a municipal or county police agency, Sheriff’s office, State law enforcement agency, or private security firm? [record responses]. Thank you for your time today. [END CALL]
[If no]
Can you help me identify the person who would best know about your agency’s personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs?
[if yes] Thank you so much. Can you please spell his/her name for me? [record name] What is the best way is to reach [new contact name]? [record contact information; if phone number is provided, probe for an email address]
[if no] Can you tell me if there is anyone else who might know who I should contact? Can you spell their name for me? [record name] What is the best way is to reach [new contact name]? [record contact information; probe for email address] Thank you so much for your help today. [END CALL]
[If yes]
Great, I want to thank you in advance for helping us with this survey. May I verify your contact information? BJS provided us with contact information from the Clery* data. We have your phone number as xxx-xxx-xxxx, which is the number we called to reach you today. Is that the best number to reach you in the future?
[if no] Can you give me the best number to reach you? [record]
Excellent, thanks. In approximately [##] days/weeks we will be asking you to complete a Web-based survey and we would like to send you the link by email.
[if we have an email address already] We have your email address listed as [email address]. Is this the best email to use to send you the survey link?
[if no] Can you tell me the best email address at which to reach you? [record]
Thanks so much. The last thing I’d like to verify is the mailing address at your office. We have your address listed as [address]. Is that correct?
[If no] Can you tell me the correct address?
Thanks so much for your help today. We will in touch with more details about the survey, but can I answer any questions about the survey for you today? Again, my name is [name] from ICF International. I can provide you with my telephone number and email address if you would like that information today.
[If response is “Yes, I’d like the information” then provide telephone number and email address.]
[If response is “No thanks”, skip to:]
Thanks once again. [END CALL]
*Clery data refers to the data institutions of higher education report to the Department of Education under The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)). The Clery Act requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. Campus law enforcement agencies are generally the campus representative responsible for reporting Clery data, and, as such, contact information in that file will lead to the person who is likely to be the respondent. Respondents will be familiar with the term “Clery”.
From: [help desk email]
To: [email address]
Subject: 2011 BJS Campus Law Enforcement Survey – contact information
Dear [title] [last name],
I am emailing from ICF International on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics in preparation for the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. Right now we are trying to determine who is the best person is in your agency to complete the survey and how to contact that person. The survey collects information about the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies of campus law enforcement agencies. [If completed in 2005: “Your agency completed the most recent survey in 2005, and we thank you for that.”]
Can you help us by sending a quick email back with answers to the following questions?
Are you the person who would help us complete the survey?
If no: Can you identify who that person might be and how we can best contact them?
If yes: Can you please verify that the following contact information we have on file for you is the best contact information for you? (BJS provided us with contact information from the Clery data). Please make any corrections:
Name: [first name] [last name]
Title: [title]
Office Mailing Address: [address 1], [address 2], [city] [state] [zip]
Telephone number: [phone; please specify whether office, mobile, other]
Email address: [email address]
Thanks so much for your help today. In approximately [##] days/weeks we will in touch with a link to the online survey, but please feel free to include any questions you have about the survey in your response to this message, or call me or one of my colleagues at [help desk number].
[help desk liaison name]
Dear [title] [lastname],
Thank you for your reply – we will make a note of this information. In that case, can you help us by telling us who employs the officers who provide the routine law enforcement services such as patrol or responding to calls for service on campus? Please place an X next to ALL that apply.
Campus police/security agency
Municipal/county police agency
Sheriff’s office
State law enforcement agency (non-campus)
Private security firm
None of these
Thanks so much for your help today.
[First Name] [Last Name]
[City, State Zip]
Dear [Title] [Last Name],
In September, the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) will be conducting the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. This data collection includes 1,600 campuses and is the only national effort to collect data on the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies. I am asking for your help in providing information for your agency as part of this national survey.
BJS most recently conducted a survey of campus law enforcement in 2004-2005. Your campus law enforcement agency may have completed the 2004-05 survey and if so, we sincerely thank you for your participation at that time and we ask that you continue to contribute to this effort by completing the 2011 survey. ICF, an international research organization headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, is carrying out the 2011 data collection effort on behalf of BJS. The goal of this program is to generate accurate and reliable national statistics about the police and security agencies serving college and university campuses in the U.S.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation. This is a very important national study. Upon completion of this collection, BJS will distribute the findings from the survey to all respondents and will publish the findings on the BJS website. Information about BJS reports on campus law enforcement, including findings from previous surveys, is available at www.bjs.gov. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Brian Reaves, Statistician at (202) 616-3287 or [email protected].
James P. Lynch, Ph.D.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
From: [help desk email]
To: [email address]
Subject: 2011 BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Dear [title] [last name]:
We are writing to ask for your participation in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, conducted on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by ICF International. Please help us by providing data for your agency in response to this national survey. This data collection is the only national effort to collect data on the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies of campus law enforcement agencies.
You are being contacted as the representative of your agency we believe is best able to respond to the enclosed survey. To access the survey, enter the following web address in your browser:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need and appreciate your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, or if you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call the survey contractor (ICF International) toll-free at [toll-free number] or send an e-mail to [Survey Help Desk email address].
We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation.
Bureau of Justice Statistics 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Your campus law enforcement agency has been asked to complete this survey and you were identified as your agency’s point of contact. The section below provides information about the survey. At the end of this section you will be asked if you consent to participate in the survey. If you consent, you will be directed to a screen in which you will enter the agency code provided in the email or letter you received, and begin the survey.
OMB number:
Expiration date:
Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours [1 hour for short form] per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC 3732), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.
Privacy Act Statement: This information is provided in accordance with Public Law 93-579, the Privacy Act of 1974.
Authority: Authority for the survey includes, but is not limited to: OMB xxxx.
Purpose: This is a research study for the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) designed to generate accurate and reliable national statistics about the police and security agencies serving college and university campuses in the U.S.
Participation: Your participation in this survey is voluntary. No negative action will be taken against you or your agency should you choose not to take part in the survey. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer (or for which you do not have data) and you can stop participating in the survey at any point.
Confidentiality: This questionnaire is neither anonymous nor confidential, but we will maintain all information about your agency on a password protected, secure server. Data provided by individual campus law enforcement agencies may be published by the Department of Justice in a way that will link the data you provide with the name of your campus (for example, the 10 law enforcement agencies with the most personnel may be listed in the final report); these data will be accessible by the public.
Risks: We do not anticipate any risks from completing this survey.
Length: The survey questionnaire will take you about [2 hours/1 hour] to complete. You may leave it and return as many times as necessary to complete it.
If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, or if you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call the survey contractor (ICF International) toll-free at [toll-free number] or send an e-mail to our helpbox at [Survey Help Desk email address].
A support letter from [add BJS Director’s name here] is posted in the following link xxxx
If you do not wish to complete the survey and you would like to opt-out of any further messages, click here or call ICF toll-free at [toll-free number].
Do you consent to participate? Buttons for “Yes” and “No.” If you select “Yes” you will be taken to a screen where you will enter your agency password. This password will allow you to come back and finish the survey, if you want to start now and finish at a later date
[If Yes, continue to the survey]
[If No] Thank you for your time. You may now close this page.
[BJS logo]
OMB number:
Expiration date:
Bureau of Justice Statistics 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Please enter your agency access code: ______________________
This code can be found in the email invitation or letter we sent you.
If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, please call the survey contractor (ICF International) toll-free at [toll-free number] or send an e-mail to our helpbox at [Survey Help Desk email address].
From: [help desk email]
To: [email address]
Subject: Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies 2011
Dear [title] [last name]:
We emailed last week to ask for your participation in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, conducted on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by ICF International. Your responses to the survey are important and will help BJS generate accurate and reliable national statistics about the police and security agencies serving college and university campuses in the U.S. This data collection is the only national effort to collect data on the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies of campus law enforcement agencies.
Please help us by providing data for your agency in response to this national survey of 1,600 campus law enforcement agencies in the United States. If you have already completed the survey, we appreciate your participation. You may request to opt out of future reminders by clicking this link [opt out link].
You are being contacted as the representative of your agency we believe is best able to respond to the enclosed survey. To access the survey, click on the following link or enter the following web address in your browser:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need and appreciate your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, or if you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call the survey contractor (ICF International) toll-free at [toll-free number] or send an e-mail to [Survey Help Desk email address].
We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation.
Last week you received an email inviting you to participate in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). This important survey will help BJS understand agencies like yours.
If someone at your agency has already completed the survey, please accept our sincere thanks. If not, please ensure that a representative of your agency completes the survey. We are grateful for your help.
If you did not receive an email with the survey access information, please call us at [phone number] and we will provide you with the access information. Please call us or email [help desk email] if you have any questions about the survey or would like to opt out of further reminders.
BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
ICF International
9300 Lee Highway
Fairfax VA 22031
Hello [contact name], my name is [first name] [last name] and I am calling from ICF International on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. I am calling about the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. Have you received the information we sent about how to access the web survey?
[If no, work with respondent to obtain a valid email address]
[If yes] Were you able to access the survey?
[If respondent had problems, work with respondent to try to resolve and access survey]
[If respondent has not attempted yet] That’s okay, I hope you will able to find some time to access and complete the survey soon. We really appreciate your help. Can I answer any questions about the survey for you?
[if respondent has attempted] That’s great to hear. We really appreciate your help. Can I answer any questions about the survey for you?
Once again, I just want to encourage you to complete the survey. The survey is endorsed by IACLEA, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. I would also be happy to send you a paper version of the survey if you would like – it is also available at the web form for download.
Thanks so much for your help, and please email or call us if you have any questions about the survey or if you would like to opt out of further reminders.
[if respondent requests to be taken off the contact list] Is there another person at your agency who would be able to respond to the survey?
[If yes] Can you give me his/her name and email address or phone number?
[If no] We hope that you change your mind and decide to help us by representing your agency. I will make sure that we do not contact you further, however. If you change your mind and want us to resend the survey link or a paper copy of the survey, please call us at [number].
Thank you for your help today.
From: [help desk email]
To: [email address]
Subject: Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies 2011
Dear [title] [last name]:
We are writing to follow-up with our telephone call last week to ask for your participation in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, conducted on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by ICF International. We hope that you will help us by completing the survey.
Please click the link below to access the survey on the web, and enter the access code:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
You may also call our help desk at [toll-free number] to complete the survey by telephone or to request a paper survey by mail. If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, or if you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call us at the above number or email us at this address. You may also contact us to opt out of future reminders.
Your response is important to us, and we appreciate your help.
[First Name] [Last Name]
[City, State Zip]
Dear [Title] [Last Name]:
A few weeks ago, you received an email asking you to participate in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. It appears your agency has not yet submitted a survey to our Web system. Please help the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by providing data for your agency in response to this national survey of 1,600 campus law enforcement agencies in the United States. This data collection is the only national effort to collect data on the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus law enforcement agencies.
You are being contacted as the representative of your agency we believe is best able to respond to the enclosed survey. We have enclosed a paper copy of the survey for your convenience. You may also access the Web version of the survey. To access the survey, enter the following web address in your browser:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
If you prefer to complete the paper survey, please use the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope to return it to ICF, the organization conducting the data collection on behalf of BJS. You may also fax it to [fax #]. As mentioned before, the survey should take about [2 hours/1 hour] to complete. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation.
James P. Lynch, Ph.D.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Enclosures: Survey and Privacy Advisory
Privacy Advisory
2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Your campus law enforcement agency has been asked to complete this survey and you were identified as your agency’s point of contact. The section below provides information about your rights as a participant. If you choose to complete the survey, please return it to ICF International in the postpaid envelope.
OMB number:
Expiration date:
Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours [1 hour for short form] per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC 3732), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.
Privacy Act Statement: This information is provided in accordance with Public Law 93-579, the Privacy Act of 1974.
Authority: Authority for the survey includes, but is not limited to: OMB xxxx.
Purpose: This is a research study for the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) designed to generate accurate and reliable national statistics about the police and security agencies serving college and university campuses in the U.S.
Participation: Your participation in this survey is voluntary. No negative action will be taken against you or your agency should you choose not to take part in the survey. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer (or for which you do not have data) and you can stop participating in the survey at any point without penalty.
Confidentiality: This questionnaire is neither anonymous nor confidential, but we will maintain all information about your agency on a password protected, secure server. Paper surveys will be kept in a locked location accessible only to authorized staff. Data provided by individual campus law enforcement agencies may be published by the Department of Justice in a way that will link the data you provide with the name of your campus. These data will be accessible by the public.
Risks: We do not anticipate any risks from completing this survey.
Length: The survey questionnaire will take you about [2 hours/1 hour] to complete.
If you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call the survey contractor (ICF International) toll-free at [toll-free number] or send an e-mail to our helpbox at [Survey Help Desk email address].
A support letter from [add BJS Director’s name here] is posted on the Internet at the following URL: xxxx
If you do not wish to complete the survey and you would like to opt-out of any further messages, please call ICF toll-free at [toll-free number].
From: [help desk email]
To: [email address]
Subject: Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies 2011
Dear [title] [last name]:
We emailed a few weeks ago to ask for your participation in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, conducted on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by ICF International. We additionally sent a mailed packet to you last week with a paper version of the survey. We hope that you will help us by completing either the web or paper version of the survey.
Please click the link below to access the survey on the web, and enter the access code:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
You may also call our help desk at [toll-free number] to complete the survey by telephone. If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, or if you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call us at the above number or email us at this address. You may also contact us to opt out of future reminders.
Your response is important to us, and we appreciate your help.
Hello [contact name], my name is [first name] [last name] and I am calling from ICF International on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. I am calling about the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. We have sent you a paper version of the survey – did you receive it?
We have not yet received a response from you, and I just wanted to see if there were any questions I could answer about the survey for you.
[Answer respondent questions]
Once again, I want to let you know that your response is important to us. The survey is also endorsed by IACLEA, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. Thanks so much for your help, and please email or call us if you have any questions about the survey.
[if respondent is not interested in further contact] Is there another person at your agency who would be able to respond to the survey?
[If yes] Can you give me his/her name and email address or phone number?
[If no] We hope that you change your mind and decide to help us by representing your agency. I will make sure that we do not contact you further, however. If you change your mind and want us to resend the survey link or a paper copy of the survey, please email or call us at [telephone number].
Thank you for your help today.
[First Name] [Last Name]
[City, State Zip]
Dear [Title] [Last Name],
In September 2011, we sent an email asking you to participate in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. It appears your agency has not yet submitted a survey to our Web system.
We are writing again because of the importance that your agency’s data has for helping get accurate and reliable national statistics about the police and security agencies serving college and university campuses in the U.S. Please help the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by providing data for your agency in response to this national survey of 1,600 campus law enforcement agencies in the United States. This data collection is the only national effort to collect data on the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies of campus law enforcement agencies.
You are being contacted as the representative of your agency we believe is best able to respond to the enclosed survey. We have enclosed a paper copy of the survey for your convenience. You may also access the Web version of the survey. To access the survey, enter the following web address in your browser:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
If you prefer to complete the paper survey, please use the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope to return it to ICF, the organization conducting the data collection on behalf of BJS. You may also fax it to [fax #]. As mentioned before, the survey should take about [2 hours/1 hour] to complete. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation.
James P. Lynch, Ph.D.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Enclosures: Survey and Privacy Advisory
Privacy Advisory
2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Your campus law enforcement agency has been asked to complete this survey and you were identified as your agency’s point of contact. The section below provides information about your rights as a participant. If you choose to complete the survey, please return it to ICF International in the postpaid envelope.
OMB number:
Expiration date:
Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours [1 hour for short form] per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC 3732), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is voluntary, we urgently need your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.
Privacy Act Statement: This information is provided in accordance with Public Law 93-579, the Privacy Act of 1974.
Authority: Authority for the survey includes, but is not limited to: OMB xxxx.
Purpose: This is a research study for the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) designed to generate accurate and reliable national statistics about the police and security agencies serving college and university campuses in the U.S.
Routine Uses: None, except those generally permitted under 5 USC 552a(b) of the Privacy Act. The Privacy Act specifies how federal agencies are to maintain and use information collected about individuals. 5 USC 552 a(b) requires that such records be used only “for a purpose which is compatible with the purpose for which it was collected.” In this case the purpose is to analyze your responses along with those of other campus law enforcement agencies to produce a summary report on personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies of campus law enforcement agencies.
Participation: Your participation in this survey is voluntary. No negative action will be taken against you or your agency should you choose not to take part in the survey. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer (or for which you do not have data) and you can stop participating in the survey at any point.
Confidentiality: This questionnaire is neither anonymous nor confidential, but we will maintain all information about your agency on a password protected, secure server. Paper surveys will be kept in a locked location accessible only to authorized staff. Data provided by individual campus law enforcement agencies may be published by the Department of Justice in a way that will link the data you provide with the name of your campus (for example, the 10 law enforcement agencies with the most personnel may be listed in the final report); these data will be accessible by the public.
Risks: We do not anticipate any risks from completing this survey.
Length: The survey questionnaire will take you about [2 hours/1 hour] to complete.
If you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call the survey contractor (ICF International) toll-free at [toll-free number] or send an e-mail to our helpbox at [Survey Help Desk email address].
A support letter from [add BJS Director’s name here] is posted on the Internet at the following URL: xxxx
If you do not wish to complete the survey and you would like to opt-out of any further messages, please call ICF toll-free at [toll-free number].
From: [help desk email]
To: [email address]
Subject: Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies 2011
Dear [title] [last name]:
We are nearing the end of data collection for the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, and we hope that you will be able to participate. The survey is conducted on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) by ICF International. We hope that you will help us by completing either the web or paper version of the survey.
Please click the link below to access the survey on the web, and enter the access code:
Web address: http//:[address]
Agency access code: [Agency access code]
You may also call our help desk at [toll-free number] to complete the survey by telephone. If you experience technical difficulties with the survey, or if you have questions about the survey or about your rights as a survey participant, please call us at the above number or email us at this address.
As we receive surveys from agencies, we are send thank you letters to the agencies and to the presidents and deans we contacted at the start of the survey to let them know that their agency has participated and we appreciate their support.
Your response is important to us, and we appreciate your help.
We hope that you will help us by participating in the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). This important survey will help BJS understand agencies like yours.
If someone at your agency has already completed the survey, please accept our sincere thanks. If not, we are ending survey data collection soon and want to make sure you can participate. Please ensure that a representative of your agency completes the survey. We are grateful for your help.
you did not receive an email with the survey access information,
please call us at [phone number] and we will provide you with the
access information. Please call us or email [help desk email] if you
have any questions about the survey or would like to opt out of
further reminders.
BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
ICF International
9300 Lee Highway
Fairfax VA 22031
Hello [contact name], my name is [first name] [last name] and I am calling from ICF International on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. I am calling about the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies. We have not yet received a response from you, and I just wanted to see if there were any questions I could answer about the survey for you.
[Answer respondent questions]
Would you be interested in completing the survey over the phone? We can complete it now or schedule a time when you are available.
[Complete, schedule or refusal]
Once again, I want let you know that your response is important to us. Thanks so much for your help, and please email or call us if you have any questions about the survey.
[if respondent is not interested in further contact] We hope that you change your mind and decide to help us by representing your agency. I will make sure that we do not contact you further, however. If you change your mind and want us to resend the survey link or a paper copy of the survey, please email or call us at [telephone number].
Thank you for agreeing to complete the 2011 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies by telephone. Before we begin, I would like to verify that you have reviewed the Privacy Statement either printed on the paper survey, or on the Introductory screen for the online survey. Have you reviewed the Privacy Statement?
If yes, notify the respondent that the survey will take approximately one or two hours to complete (based on the short vs. long form). Ask:
Are you willing to answer several questions?
YES (Go to Q1)
If no, review the Privacy information verbally with the respondent:
The purpose of this research is to collect data on the personnel, functions, budgets, policies, and programs of campus police and security agencies of campus law enforcement agencies.
The results of this project will support the Department of Justice in assessing and planning for law enforcement needs at the nation’s facilities for higher education.
Although your agency’s answers will not be anonymous or confidential, your data will be protected and only authorized staff members will have access to survey responses.
Participation is voluntary and you may decline to answer any question and stop taking the survey at any time. The survey will take approximately [2 hours/1 hour] to complete.
Are you willing to answer several questions?
YES (Go to Q1)
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Boyd, Diane |
Last Modified By | pricel |
File Modified | 2011-12-06 |
File Created | 2011-12-06 |