Stakeholder Survey Questionnaire

PCII Stakeholder Survey Questionnaire.doc

Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Stakeholder Survey

Stakeholder Survey Questionnaire

OMB: 1670-0026

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Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII)

Stakeholder Survey


This is a short series of questions designed to collect information the PCII Program can use to improve its processes and procedures and provide better customer service to its user community. Please do not attach any personally identifiable information to the form.

When completed, the form can be submitted to [email protected]. Please contact us at this address if you have any questions.

Confidentiality Notice:

We appreciate your comments and findings.  Please do not include any personally identifiable information on the form.  The survey results will be collected and analyzed in order to help the PCII Program improve its processes and procedures and better assist its user community.  The resulting report on survey results that is shared inside DHS will not identify particular responses by state or locality.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: The public reporting burden to complete this information collection is estimated at 30 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and the completing and reviewing the collected information.  The collection of this information is voluntary.  An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to DHS/NPPD/IP/IICD Barbara Forrest, 703-235-1921 ATTN: PRA [1670-New].


Q-1 What is your overall opinion of the PCII Program?

Select one answer.

Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

Somewhat Positive, Somewhat Negative


Very Negative


Q-2 To what extent are PCII policies and procedures (user eligibility, safeguarding, federal vs. local copies, etc.) easy to understand?

Select one answer.

Very Easy

Somewhat Easy

Somewhat Easy, Somewhat Hard

Somewhat Hard

Very Hard

Q-3 To what extent are PCII policies and procedures useful to you?

Select one answer.

Very Useful

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful


Q-4 How useful have you found the following sources of information on PCII?

Select one answer for each source.

PCII Web pages on (

Very Useful

Somewhat Useful

Not Useful

Not Applicable

PCII Procedures manual

PCII Fact Sheet

PCII Brochure

PCII Video

Q-5 To what extent are communications materials on PCII clear and easy to understand?

Select one answer.

Very Clear and Easy to Understand

Somewhat Clear and Easy to Understand

Not Clear and Easy to Understand


The PCII Program uses the PCII Management System (PCIIMS) to provide training, register PCII authorized users, provide a look up function for PCII authorized users, and provide resources on PCII.

Q-6 To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with using PCIIMS for the following functions?

Very Satisfied


Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

Not Applicable


PCII Officer listing

Checking the status of other PCII Authorized Users



E-mail notices

Training Reminders

Q-7 Have you experienced any PCIIMS issues that were not resolved? Please describe in the space below.

[Text box: unlimited text]


Q-8 Have you ever contacted the PCII Help Desk?

The PCII help desk includes [e-mail addresses and phone number]

Select one answer.

Yes [Continue to Q-8a]

No [Skip to Q-9]

Please answer the following questions about your experience with the help desk for PCIIMS questions.

Q-8a To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the timeliness of the response?

Select one answer.

Very Satisfied


Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

Not Applicable

Q-8b To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the quality of the response?

Select one answer.

Very Satisfied


Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

Not Applicable

Please answer the following questions about your experience with the help desk for other PCII questions.

Q-8c To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the timeliness of the response?

Select one answer.

Very Satisfied


Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

Not Applicable

Q-8d To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the quality of the response?

Select one answer.

Very Satisfied


Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

Not Applicable

Q-8e How often do you contact the help desk?

Select one answer.

A few times a week

Once every few weeks

Once a month

Once every few months

Once every six months

Once a year

Less than once a year


Q-9 If you have experienced any difficulties in sharing PCII please provide an explanation or example of a situation in the space below.

[Text Box: unlimited text]

Q-10 In the situation described above, what would you like to see done to make it easier to share PCII? Please discuss below.

[Text Box: unlimited text]


Q-11 Which of the following best describes your current status with regards to PCII?

Select all that apply.

PCII Officer

PCII PM Designee (Federal Government only)

PCII Authorized User


Q-12 How long have you been a PCII Officer or PCII Authorized User?

Select one answer.

Less than 6 months

6 months to less than 1 year

1 year to less than 2 years

2 years or more

Q-13 How are you using PCII?

Select all answers that apply.

Security Plans

Emergency Action (Response) Plans

Recovery Plans

Buffer Zone Plans (BZPP)

Site Assistance Visits (SAVs)

ACAMS Asset Cataloging

Enhanced Critical Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Survey Tool

Risk Self Assessment Tool (RSAT)

Advisories, Alerts and Warnings

High-Level Work Products Which Quote PCII Documents

Informal Vulnerability or Threat Assessments

Other, please specify [Text Box]

Q-14 Are there any other uses for PCII that are not currently in existence?

[Text Box: unlimited text]

Q-15 Which of the following best describes your professional affiliation?

Select one answer.

Federal Government Employee or Contractor

State Government Employee or Contractor

Local Government Employee or Contractor

Tribal Government

Other, please specify [text box]

Q-16 Do you work for a Fusion Center?

Select one answer.



Q-17 In which State or Territory are you located?

Select one answer.

[State and territory list]


Q-18 Please provide any suggestions for changes in the PCII Program in the space below.

[Text box: unlimited]

Q-19 Please provide any additional comments in the space below.

[Text box: unlimited]


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleProtected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Stakeholder Survey
Last Modified ByJoseph.Maltby
File Modified2012-07-18
File Created2012-07-18

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