GRFP Follow-Up Survey - Current Graduate Students

An Evaluation of the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program

GRFP Follow-up Survey - Current Graduate Students

GRFP Follow-Up Survey - Current Graduate Students

OMB: 3145-0218

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NORC at the University of Chicago

GRFP Follow-Up Survey

December 8, 2011

The following table summarizes the source keys used throughout the Follow-up Survey to identify and reference items or series of items adapted for the GRFP Evaluation from other survey research projects. Items accompanying superscript notes have been adapted from other projects, while items without superscript notes were developed for the present GRFP Evaluation or were considered general enough not to warrant a citation. Please note that the final survey to be administered to the sample of GRFP Fellows and Honorable Mentions will not contain this documentation.

Key of GRFP survey items adapted from other survey research projects




Goldsmith, S.S., Presley, J.B., & Cooley, E.A. (2002). National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program: Final Evaluation Report (REC 9452969 and 9912174). Available on-line at:


Survey of Doctorate Recipients (2010). Available on-line at:


Survey of Earned Doctorates (2010). Available on-line at:


Weidman, J.C., & Stein, E.L. (2003). Socialization of doctoral students to academic norms. Research in Higher Education, 44, 641-658.


Anderson, M.S., & Louis, K.S. (1994). The graduate student experience and subscription to the norms of science. Research in Higher Education, 35, 273-299.


Anderson, M.S., & Swazey, J.P. (1998). Reflections on the graduate student experience: An overview. New Directions for Higher Education, 101, 3-13.


Cohort I Second Follow-up Questionnaire of the Washington State Achievers Tracking and Longitudinal Study (2007). Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Questionnaire available upon request.


College Senior Survey (2011). Cooperative Institutional Research Program, UCLA. Available on-line at:


Cohort 5 First Follow-up Instrument of the Gates Millennium Scholars Tracking and Longitudinal Study (2007). Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Questionnaire available upon request.


OMB website on Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. Available online at:


American Community Survey. Available online at:

Note. Sources are listed in descending order, from the most often cited to the least often cited.

Section I
GRFP Award Status

  1. GRFP Fellowship status

The first set of questions address your GRFP Fellowship status and experiences with the program.


Programming note: Section 1 (Part A) will be asked of GRFP Fellowship Recipients only.

Honorable Mention recipients will be skipped ahead to Section II (Part B).


  1. Did you accept the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship you were awarded? 1

Choose one.

  • Yes (Skip to Question A.4)

  • No (Proceed to Question A.2)

  1. Why did you not accept the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship?

Choose all that apply.

  • I received another fellowship that offered a higher stipend1

  • I received another fellowship that offered better non-stipend support (expenses for research, travel, etc.)1

  • I received another financial award (e.g., scholarship, grant, etc.) that offered a higher stipend

  • I received another financial award (e.g., scholarship, grant, etc.) that offered better non-stipend support (expenses for research, travel, etc.)

  • I accepted a research assistantship instead of the GRFP award

  • I accepted a teaching assistantship instead of the GRFP award

  • I decided not to pursue my graduate studies at that time1

  • Other (Please specify) ________________________________

  1. Did the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program requirements influence your decision to not accept the award?

Choose one.

  • Yes (Proceed to Question 3a)

  • No (Skip to Question 4)

3a. Please indicate which program requirement discouraged you from accepting the award (check all that apply):

  • The requirement that I attend a graduate program at a U.S. institution

  • The service requirement

  • The three year duration of the award

  • Not being allowed to concurrently accept other federal fellowship money

  • Other (Please specify) ________________________________

  1. Did you receive another fellowship or sponsored program award at any time during this five year period?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to Question 4)

  1. In your field, are there other fellowships or other sources of student support that are more desirable than the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship? 1

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to Section II)

5a. If yes, please select from the drop-down list and identify why that award was more


Fellowship or other source

(please write in)







Other—please specify

1. See below list

2. See below list

3. See below list

Insert the following list as a drop-down menu for Questions A.4:

  • Bell Labs Graduate Fellowship

  • Dept of Defense SMART

  • Dept of Energy

  • Dept of State Fulbright Program

  • EPA Star Fellowship

  • Ford Foundation Fellowship


  • Hertz Fellowship

  • Dept of Homeland Security

  • Jacob Javits Fellowship

  • LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate

  • Marshall Scholarship Program


  • NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program

  • NDSEG Fellowship

  • National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship

  • Rhodes Scholarship

  • University Fellowship

  • Whitaker

  • Arctic Research Opportunities

  • Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST)

  • HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (RISE)

  • Developing Global Scientists and Engineers (International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) and Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Projects (DDEP))

  • Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in the Directorate for Biological Sciences

  • Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems

  • East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students

  • Ethics Education in Science and Engineering

  • Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service

  • Graduate Research Fellowship Program

  • Minority Graduate Research Fellowship

  • Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program

  • Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education

  • Bridge to the Doctorate (LSAMP-BD)

  • Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Program

  • International Research and Education: Planning Visits and Workshops

  • National STEM Education Distributed Learning

  • NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program

  • Partnerships for International Research and Education

  • Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research

  • Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring

  • Other

Section II
Graduate Student Experiences

B. Graduate school Background information

The next set of questions address your graduate school history.

1. Please provide the following information about the institution and degree program for which you sought GRFP support (PROGRAMMING NOTE: REFERENCE PROGRAM ESTABLISHED).1, 3

Institution name __________________________

Branch or city __________________________

State or province __________________________

Country __________________________

Primary field of study from Appendix A __________________________

(Programming note: We will employ a drop down menu for this item based on the GRFP application, see Appendix A)

Month and year you started this degree program _ _ (month) _ _ (year)

Degree sought: Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, etc.)

Research doctoral degree / Ph.D.

Degree earned Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, etc.)

Research doctoral degree / Ph.D.

Did not complete degree

Month and year you completed or left this degree program _ _ (month) _ _ (year)

1a. Did you receive any other graduate degrees?

Yes (go to Question B.1b)

No (skip to Question B.1d)

1b. Please provide the following information about the additional graduate degree program you have attended. 1, 3

Institution name __________________________

Branch or city __________________________

State or province __________________________

Country __________________________

Primary field of study from Appendix A __________________________

(Programming note: we will employ a drop down menu for this item based on Appendix A)

Month and year you started this degree program _ _ (month) _ _ (year)

Degree sought: Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (e.g., MD, DDS, JD, D.Min, Psy.D., etc.)

Research doctoral degree / Ph.D.

Degree earned Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (e.g., MD, DDS, JD, D.Min, Psy.D., etc.)

Research doctoral degree / Ph.D.

Did not complete degree

Month and year you completed or left this degree program _ _ (month) _ _ (year)

1c. Did you receive any other graduate degrees?

  • Yes (return to Question B.1b)

  • No (skip to Question B.1d)

1d. At any time during your graduate education did you take a leave of absence (stop out or did not register for credit)? Do not count summer enrollment unless your program required summer enrollment. 7

  • Yes

  • No

1d.1 If yes, what was the total duration of your leave of absence?

  • Less than one academic year

  • One academic year

  • Between one and two academic years

  • Two or more academic years

1d.2 What were your main factors that led you to take a leave of absence from your graduate program? Choose all that apply

  • Financial

  • Family-related

  • Work-related

  • Health

  • Other…Please specify ___________

1e. Did you change or transfer institutions at any time during your graduate studies?

  • Yes

  • No

1f. Did you change your primary field of study at any time during your graduate education?

  • Yes

  • No (skip to Question C.1)

If yes, select the most important reason for changing fields - Choose one

  • My career goals or interests changed

  • To gain different skills or knowledge

  • To improve employment opportunities in industry

  • To improve employment opportunities in academia

  • I was not performing well academically

  • To study a field that better fits my interests

  • Other

C. Experiences during Graduate School

Please respond to the following items in terms of your experience at REFERENCE PROGRAM:

  1. How would you rate REFERENCE PROGRAM on each of the following? 1







Not applicable

  • Advice and guidance on my program of studies




  • Advice and guidance on post-graduation career steps

  • Curriculum





  • Quality of instruction





  • Training in research methods





  • Research experience





  • Support from dissertation/thesis advisor





  • Assistance on job search





  • Reputation of the program





  • Reputation of the university





  • Reputation of program faculty





  • Academic quality of peers





  • Financial support (assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, etc.)





  • Tuition assistance / cost of education allowance





  • Environment for minority students





  • Environment for women students





  • Opportunities for career and professional development

  1. How often did the following occur while you were a graduate student at REFERENCE PROGRAM?

Very often





  • You engaged in social conversation





  • You discussed topics in your primary field of study outside of the classroom






  • You discussed topics of intellectual interest outside of the classroom






  • You held membership or participated in a professional organization






  • You performed research of your own which was not required by your program or courses






  • You called or wrote to a scholar at another institution to exchange views on scholarly work






  • You wrote, alone or with others, a grant proposal






  • You were asked by a fellow student to critique his/her work






  • You asked a fellow student to critique

your work






  • You engaged in leadership or service activities in groups such as student organizations, community groups, or K-12 education institutions or agencies.

  • You participated in or led a research team

  1. To what extent would you agree with the following statements about your experience at REFERENCE PROGRAM?

3a. Resources and support





Neither agree

nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  • My department offered a variety of enrichment activities (seminars, colloquia, social events, etc.) in addition to regular classes4






  • My department emphasized engaging students in scholarly activities (research, writing other than dissertations, etc.) 4






  • The program assisted me in writing for







  • The program helped me learn the art of survival in this field5






  • The program helped me develop professional relationships with others in my field5






  • The program taught me the details of good research practice5






  • Graduate students had to compete for department resources6






  • The program fostered scholarly interchange between students and faculty4

  • The program fostered my scholarly self-confidence4

  • The program possessed an educational climate that encouraged the scholarly aspirations of all students4

  • I identified well with my fellow students

  • My peers considered me a good student

3b. To what extent would you agree with the following statements about your REFERENCE PROGRAM?

Opportunities provided by your program





Neither agree

nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  • The program offered me opportunities to learn about proposal writing1





  • The program presented me with opportunities to choose research projects1






  • The program presented me with opportunities to assist faculty on their projects1






  • The program provided me with opportunities to present my research1






  • The program offered me opportunities to work on a team with people other than my advisor1






  • The program offered me opportunities to collaborate with other students, faculty, or outside departments1






  • The program offered me opportunities to conduct interdisciplinary research1






  • My graduate school experiences prepared me for the challenges of my career6

  • The program offered me opportunities to develop career skills (personnel management, budgeting, etc.)

  • The program offered courses or seminars in ethics training

  • My coursework laid a good foundation for doing independent work6

  • The program provided me with opportunities to participate in grant-writing activities

  • The program offered me opportunities to travel outside of the U.S. for training and research purposes

  • The program made it easy to change departments

  • The program made it easy to change advisors

3c. To what extent would you agree with the following statements about your faculty at REFERENCE PROGRAM?

Relationship with faculty




Neither agree

nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  • I identified well with the faculty4

  • I could trust the faculty to give me good academic advice4






  • I was treated as a colleague by the faculty4






  • The faculty saw me as a serious scholar 4






  • I often felt exploited by faculty5






  • I felt free to call on the faculty for academic help4






  • There was at least one faculty member (including your advisor, if appropriate) in my department who was particularly supportive of me and my work4






  • The faculty exposed me to a wide variety of useful research experiences6






  • The faculty was accessible for scholarly discussions outside of class4

  • The faculty was aware of student problems and concerns4

  • The faculty seemed to treat each other as colleagues4

  • Faculty considered me an asset to their projects

  1. To what extent did your graduate program provide you with the following?

To a great extent


Very little

Not at all

  • Training or instruction (e.g., courses, workshops) in effective teaching practices

  • Training or instruction (e.g., courses, workshops) in student mentoring

  • Training or instruction on the interaction between academic research and industrial technical requirements

  • Training or instruction for applying research to address public policy concerns or issues

  • Opportunities to develop or present course and/or curriculum materials

  1. To what extent did you participate in the following graduate school activities?

To a great extent


Very little


at all

  • Worked on a team with people other than your advisor1

  • Collaborated on a research paper or project1

  • Undertook interdisciplinary research1

  • Learned organizational or managerial skills1

  • Collaborated with a researcher or researchers from countries other than the U.S.

  1. When thinking about your intended career path, how important were the following considerations?


Very important

Somewhat important

Not important

  • Working for social change8




  • High income potential8





  • Social recognition or status8





  • Stable, secure future8





  • Creativity and initiative8

  • Expression of personal values8

  • Availability of jobs8

  • Limited working hours8

  • Leadership potential8

  • Discovery/advancement of knowledge8

  • Balance between work and family life

  1. Reflecting on your graduate school enrollment decision, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

I decided to enroll in my particular graduate institution:




Neither agree

nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  • Because it provided me with opportunities to teach

  • To work with a specific faculty member






  • To improve my employment opportunities in industry






  • To improve my employment opportunities in academia






  • To attend an institution that was socially desirable






  • To attend an institution that was academically desirable

  • To attend an institution that was desirable due to its geographic location

  • To attend an institution that provided a good fit for me personally (e.g., in terms of family or health circumstances)

D. Professional Productivity and Financial Support during Graduate School

The next series of questions addresses your employment patterns and finances during graduate school.

  1. Which of the following were sources of financial support during the course of your overall graduate school experience? 3

Choose all that apply

  • Fellowship, scholarship

  • Grant

  • Teaching assistantship

  • Research assistantship

  • Other assistantship

  • Internship

  • Loans (from any source)

  • Personal savings

  • Personal earnings during graduate school (other than sources listed above)

  • Spouse’s, partner’s, or family’s earnings or savings

  • Employer reimbursement/assistance

  • Foreign (non-U.S.) support

  • Other…Please specify ___________

  1. Did you work for pay during your REFERENCE PROGRAM? Please do not include teaching and research assistantships, traineeships, fellowships, and internships.

  • Yes (Go to Question D.2a)

  • No (Skip to Question D.2e)

If Yes:

2a. On average, how many hours per week did you work? _______

(Programming note: We will employ a drop down menu with response options in
0 – 4 hour increments.)

2b. Did you work on-campus, off-campus, or both?

  • On-campus

  • Off-campus

  • Both on-campus and off-campus

2c. Was your job related to your graduate school major field of study?

  • Yes

  • No

2d. Why did you work? (Please check all that apply) 7, 9

  • Required as part of my teaching, research, or graduate assistantship

  • Living expenses

  • Experience

  • Support family

  • Pay back loans or other education-related debt

  • Pay for school

  • Help pay for social activities

  • Fits into career path/internship/Gain experience or skills

  • Make money/create savings

  • Other

2e. Did you have an internship during your time at REFERENCE PROGRAM?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to Question D.3)

If yes, was (were) your internship(s):

  • Paid

  • Unpaid

  • I held both paid and unpaid internships while at REFERENCE PROGRAM

If yes, was (were) your internship(s):

  • In an academic setting

  • In a non-academic setting (e.g., industry, government)

  • I held internships in both academic and non-academic setting while at REFERENCE PROGRAM

  1. How many papers did you present while in graduate school? 1

National meetings or conferences

International meetings or conferences













  1. How many of the following publications did you produce in graduate school?

(Include publications in press.) 1

Primary Author (Number)

Other Co-Author (Number)

Refereed journal articles

Drop down range 0-20

Drop down range 0-20

Non-refereed articles (i.e., newspaper and magazine articles, book reviews)

Drop down range 0-20

Drop down range 0-20

Book chapters/edited books

Drop down range 0-20

Drop down range 0-20

Books published

Drop down range 0-20

Drop down range 0-20

  1. How many patents did you apply for while in graduate school? (Number) 1 ______

Drop down range 0-10

  1. Did you apply to any of the following types of grants/contracts as a Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI while in graduate school? (Mark Yes or No for each) 1

Yes No

Federal government

State government

Local government



Employing organization

Not-for-profit agency

Professional society or association

Section III
Academic & Career Outcomes

E. Job History

Here we will be gathering more specific information regarding your employment history. Please note that for the purposes of this section, a postdoctoral appointment should be considered employment.

  1. At the present time, which of the following best describes your employment status? 1, 2

  • Employed (including self-employment, postdoctoral appointment, or on any kind of paid or unpaid leave, including vacation) (Skip to Question E.3)

  • Not currently working for pay (Proceed to Question E.2a)

2a. What best describes your reason for not currently working? (Select one) 2

  • Further education (this EXCLUDES postdoctoral study)

  • Retired

  • On layoff from job

  • Family responsibilities

  • Medical condition (chronic illness, disability, etc)

  • Seeking employment

  • Do not need or want to work

2b. What was the most recent year of employment? ______

(PROGRAMMING NOTE: We will employ a drop down menu with range 1990-2011)

  1. How many jobs have you held since leaving REFERENCE PROGRAM? _____

(Programming note: We will employ a drop down menu with range 0 – 20)

4. Thinking of your current / most recent employment, using the job categories listed, please choose the code that best describes your current or most recent job:2


(Programming note: we will employ a drop down menu for this item based on Appendix B)

5. Please consider your current / most recent employer. Counting all locations that your employer operates, how many people work for your principal employer? Your best estimate is fine. 2

Choose one

  • 10 or fewer employees

  • 11 - 24 employees

  • 25 - 99 employees

  • 100 - 499 employees

  • 500 - 999 employees

  • 1,000 - 4,999 employees

  • 5,000 - 24,999 employees

  • 25,000+ employees

6. For what type of employer are you/were you most recently working? 2

Choose one

EDUCATION (if selected, go to Question E.7)

  • U.S. 4-year college or university other than medical school

  • U.S. medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)

  • U.S. university-affiliated research institute

  • U.S. community or two-year college

  • U.S. preschool, elementary, middle, secondary school or school system

  • Foreign educational institution

GOVERNMENT - other than education institution (if selected, skip to Question E.9)

  • Foreign government

  • U.S. federal government

  • U.S. state government

  • U.S. local government (e.g., city, county, school district)

  • U.S. Military service

  • U.S. national laboratory

PRIVATE SECTOR - other than education institution (if selected, skip to Question E.9)

  • Not for profit organization

  • Industry or business (for profit)

  • Start-up company


  • Self-employed

  • Other…Please specify _______________________________________

7. (If EDUCATION was selected in Question E.6) Is your current / most recent job an academic position? 2

  • Yes (Go to Question E.8)

  • No (Skip to Question E.9)

8. What type of academic position(s) do you currently hold / did you most recently hold? 2

Choose all that apply

  • President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)

  • Dean (any level), department head or chair

  • Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow

  • Non-tenure track-track faculty (e.g., instructor, lecturer, etc)

  • Tenure-track faculty (e.g., assistant professor, etc)

  • Tenured faculty (e.g., associate professor, etc)

  • Adjunct faculty

  • Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)

  • Research assistant

  • Teaching assistant

  • Other position... Please specify_______________________________

9. Please indicate your basic annual salary for your current / most recent job (in the current or most recent year you were employed). Do not include bonuses or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research. If you are not salaried, please estimate your earned income 3


OR: If you prefer not to report an exact amount, please indicate into which range you expect your salary to fall:

Choose one

  • $30,000 or less

  • $70,001 - $80,000

  • $30,001 - $35,000

  • $80,001 - $90,000

  • $35,001 - $40,000

  • $90,001 - $100,000

  • $40,001 - $50,000

  • $100,001 - $110,000

  • $50,001 - $60,000

  • $110,001 or above

  • $60,001 - $70,000

  • Don’t know

10. Was this salary based on a 52-week year, or less than that? 2

Include paid vacation and sick leave.

52-week year

Less than 52 weeks…Please specify number of weeks _____________

11. What are your primary and secondary work activities at your current / most recent job? 3

Choose one in each column PRIMARY SECONDARY

Research and development


Management or administration

Professional services to individuals


If Other, Please specify _____________

Mark if no secondary work activities

12. To what extent is your work on your current /most recent job related to your field of graduate studies at REFERENCE PROGRAM? 2

Choose one answer.

  • Closely related

  • Somewhat related

  • Not related

13. Thinking about your current / most recent employment, do/did you work for pay at a second job (or business), including part-time, evening, or weekend work? 2

  • Yes

  • No

14. Is your current / most recent job the same as your first job after leaving REFERENCE PROGRAM? 2

Yes, current / most recent job is same as first job (Skip to Question E.24)

No, current / most recent job is different is different than first job (Po to Question E.15)

15. Thinking of the first job you held after leaving REFERENCE PROGRAM, when did you hold this job? 2

Month and year you started working this job __________________________

Month and year you last worked at this job __________________________

15a. Thinking of the first job you held after leaving REFERENCE PROGRAM, please choose the code that best describes that first job. 2


(Programming note: we will employ a drop down menu for this item based on Appendix B)

16. Please consider your first employer. Counting all locations that your employer operates, how many people work for your principal employer? Your best estimate is fine. 2

Choose one

  • 10 or fewer employees

  • 11 - 24 employees

  • 25 - 99 employees

  • 100 - 499 employees

  • 500 - 999 employees

  • 1,000 - 4,999 employees

  • 5,000 - 24,999 employees

  • 25,000+ employee

17. What type of employer did you work for your first job after REFERENCE PROGRAM? 2

Choose one

EDUCATION (if selected, see Question E.18)

  • U.S. 4-year college or university other than medical school

  • U.S. medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)

  • U.S. university-affiliated research institute

  • U.S. community or two-year college

  • U.S. preschool, elementary, middle, secondary school or school system

  • Foreign educational institution

GOVERNMENT - other than education institution (if selected, skip to Question E.20)

  • Foreign government

  • U.S. federal government

  • U.S. state government

  • U.S. local government (e.g., city, county, school district)

  • U.S. Military service

  • U.S. national laboratory

PRIVATE SECTOR - other than education institution (if selected, skip to Question E.20)

  • Not for profit organization

  • Industry or business (for profit)

  • Start-up company


  • Self-employed

  • Other…Please specify _______________________________________

18. (If EDUCATION was selected in Question E.17)
Was your
first job after leaving REFERENCE PROGRAM an academic position? 2

  • Yes (Proceed to Question E.19)

  • No (Skip to Question E.20)

19. What type of academic position(s) did you have at your first job? 2

Choose all that apply

  • President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)

  • Dean (any level), department head or chair

  • Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow

  • Non-tenure track-track faculty (e.g., instructor, lecturer, etc)

  • Tenure-track faculty (e.g., assistant professor, etc)

  • Tenured faculty (e.g., associate professor, etc)

  • Adjunct faculty

  • Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)

  • Research assistant

  • Teaching assistant

  • Other position… Please specify______________________________

  1. What was your basic annual salary for your first job after REFERENCE PROGRAM? Do not include bonuses or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research. If you were not salaried, please estimate your earned income. 3


If you prefer not to report an exact amount, please

indicate into which range you expect your salary to fall:

Mark (X) one

  • $30,000 or less

  • $70,001 - $80,000

  • $30,001 - $35,000

  • $80,001 - $90,000

  • $35,001 - $40,000

  • $90,001 - $100,000

  • $40,001 - $50,000

  • $100,001 - $110,000

  • $50,001 - $60,000

  • $110,001 or above

  • $60,001 - $70,000

  • Don’t know

21. Was this salary based on a 52-week year, or less than that? 2

Include paid vacation and sick leave.

  • 52-week year

  • Less than 52 weeks…Please specify number of weeks _____________

22. What were your primary and secondary work activities at your first job after leaving REFERENCE PROGRAM? 3

Choose one in each column PRIMARY SECONDARY

Research and development


Management or administration

Professional services to individuals


Mark if no secondary work activities

23. To what extent was your work on your first job related to your field of graduate studies at REFERENCE PROGRAM? 2

Choose one answer.

  • Closely related

  • Somewhat related

  • Not related

24. Since leaving graduate school, how many papers have you presented? 2

National meetings

International meetings

Number of Papers Presented

Range 0-100

Range 0-100

25. Since leaving graduate school, how many of the following publications have you produced (include in press)? 2

Primary Author (Number)

Other Co-Author (Number)

Refereed journal articles

Range 0-50

Range 0-50

Non-refereed articles (i.e., newspaper and magazine articles, book reviews)

Range 0-50

Range 0-50

Book chapters/edited books

Range 0-50

Range 0-50

Books published

Range 0-50

Range 0-50

26. Since leaving graduate school…2


How many applications for U.S. patents have named you as an inventor?

Range 0-100

How many U.S. patents have been granted to you as an inventor?

Range 0-100

How many of the patents recorded as granted (in category 2 above) have resulted in commercialized products or processes or have been licensed?

Range 0-100

27. Since leaving graduate school, how many and what types of grants/contracts have you been awarded as Principal Investigator? 2

  • If you have not received a grant as PI, mark here and go to the next question.

Type of Agency

Number of

Grants or Contracts

Total Amount

(Including Overhead)

Federal government

Range 0-50

State government

Range 0-50

Local government

Range 0-50


Range 0-50


Range 0-50

Employing organization

Range 0-50

(Programming note: Total Amount will be open ended with range checks)

28. What teaching activities have you undertaken since graduate school? 1

Mark all that apply.

  • Taught course(s) in K-12

  • Participated in curriculum development

  • Taught undergraduate course(s)

  • Mentored/tutored elementary students

  • Taught graduate course(s)

  • Mentored/tutored junior/senior high students

  • Developed new course(s)

  • Mentored undergraduates

  • Taught interdisciplinary course(s)

  • Mentored graduate students

  • Team taught course(s)

  • Member of master’s thesis committee

  • Taught distance education course(s), including via Internet

  • Chair of master’s thesis committee

  • Taught course(s) on-site in business/industry

  • Member of dissertation committee

  • Taught course(s) on-site in other nonacademic settings

  • Chair of dissertation committee

  • Used computers for instruction

  • Other

  • None

29. What professional services have you undertaken since leaving graduate school?

Choose all that apply.

  • Conference presentation proposal reviewer1

  • Manuscript/chapter reviewer1

  • Departmental committee1

  • Institutional/company-wide committee1

  • Professional organization committee1

  • Local community/government committee/panel1

  • State-level committee/panel1

  • National committee/panel1

  • Off-campus peer review panel, accreditation and certification team1

  • Member of editorial board of professional journal1

  • Editor of professional journal1

  • Professional peer review of grant proposals

  • Involved in K-12 STEM policy

  • Outreach to K-12 professionals

  • Participated in professional development activities for K-12 teachers

  • Other (Please specify)_________________________________________

Section IV
Background Characteristics

F. undergraduate Educational Background

We are also interested in your experiences as an undergraduate.

  1. Did you attend community college at any point during your undergraduate education? 3



  1. Did you participate in any NSF-sponsored programs during your undergraduate education?

Yes (Proceed to F.2a)

No (Skip to F.3)

2a. If yes, please check all that apply:

G. Demographics

Finally, we have a few background questions that will help us understand and analyze the data.

  1. Are you…

  • Male

  • Female

  1. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? 3, 10

  • Hispanic or Latino (go to Question G.3)

  • Not Hispanic or Latino (go to Question G.4)

  1. Which of the following best describes your Hispanic or Latino origin or descent? 3, 10

Mark one.

  • Mexican or Chicano

  • Puerto Rican

  • Cuban

  • Other Hispanic

  1. Do you consider yourself (select one or more)… 1, 2, 10

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black or African American

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  1. What is your marital status? (choose one) 3

  • Married

  • Living in a marriage-like relationship

  • Widowed

  • Separated

  • Divorced

  • Never married

  1. Not including yourself or your spouse/partner, how many dependents (children or adults) do you have - that is, how many others receive at least one half of their financial support from you? 3

Drop down 0-10 _______

If 0 Skip to G.7

6a. How many of these dependents are under the age of 18? 3

Drop down 0-10 _______

  1. What is the highest educational attainment of your mother and father? 3

Mother Father

Less than high/secondary school graduate

High/secondary school graduate

Some college

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (e.g., MD, DDS, JD, D.Min, Psy.D., etc.)

Research doctoral degree or Ph.D.

Do not know

  1. Which best described your citizenship when entering graduate school? 1

  • U.S. Citizen

  • Non-U.S. Citizen with a Permanent U.S. Resident Visa (“Green Card”)

  • Non-U.S. Citizen with a temporary U.S. Visa

8a. Which best describes your current citizenship status? 1

  • U.S. Citizen (Skip to Question G.1)

  • Non-U.S. Citizen with a Permanent U.S. Resident Visa (“Green Card”)
    (Proceed to Question G.8b)

  • Non-U.S. Citizen with a temporary U.S. Visa (Proceed to Question G.8b)

8b. Of which country are you currently a citizen? 2, 3


  1. What is your date of birth? 1

____Month (1-12)

____Day (1-31)

____Year (19__)

  1. Please answer each of the following as Yes or No. 11

Yes No

Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?

Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses?

Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?

Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?

Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?

Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping?

Thank you for your participation! Please hit the submit button before you close out of the survey.

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