Report Forms for 2012 Economic Census Covering Mining Sector

2012 Economic Census Covering the Mining Sector

OMB: 0607-0939

IC ID: 178797

Documents and Forms
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Other-2012 Mining products, fuels, m
Other-2012 Mining Special Inquiries
Other-2012 Mining Special Inquiries
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Report Forms for 2012 Economic Census Covering Mining Sector
No Modified

Document Type Form No. Form Name Instrument File URL Available Electronically? Can Be Submitted Electronically? Electronic Capability
Form MI-21101 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction Attachment B - MI-21101.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21102 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction Attachment B - MI-21102.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21171 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction Attachment B - MI-21171.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21201 Coal Mining Attachment B - MI-21201.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21202 Iron Ore Mining Attachment B - MI-21202.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21203 Copper, Lead, Zinc, Gold, and Silver Ore Mining Attachment B - MI-21203.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21204 Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining Attachment B - MI-21204.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21205 Miscellaneous Metal Ore Mining Attachment B - MI-21205.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21206 Stone, Sand, and Gravel Mining or Quarrying Attachment B - MI-21206.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21207 Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Mineral Mining.pdf Attachment B - MI-21207.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21208 Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining Attachment B - MI-21208.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21209 Phosphate Rock Mining Attachment B - MI-21209.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment B - Information Sheets.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21210 Miscellaneous Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining Attachment B - MI-21210.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21211 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Attachment B - MI-21211.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21271 Stone Mining and Quarrying, and Sand and Gravel Mining Attachment B - MI-21271.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21301 Oil and Gas Field Services Attachment B - MI-21301.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21302 Mineral Contract Services Attachment B - MI-21302.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21351 Oil and Gas Field Services - Consolidated Attachment B - MI-21351.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form MI-21352 Mineral Contract Services - Consolidated Attachment B - MI-21352.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-2012 Mining products, fuels, materials, miscellaenous receipts Matrix Attachment B - 2012 Mining products, fuels, materials, miscellaenous receipts Matrix.xlsx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-2012 Mining Special Inquiries and Type of Operations Images Attachment B - 2012 Mining SI and TO Images.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-2012 Mining Special Inquiries and Type of Operations Matrix Attachment B - 2012 Mining SI and TO Matrix.xlsx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable

General Government Central Records & Statistical Mgt


1 0
Private Sector Businesses or other for-profits
   16 %

  Approved Program Change Due to New Statute Program Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA Previously Approved
Annual Number of Responses for this IC 1 0 1 0 0 0
Annual IC Time Burden (Hours) 1 0 1 0 0 0
Annual IC Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

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            Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.

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