FDA Form 3670
OMB 0910-0471
Exp. Date 12/31/2010
USection 1: Contact Information
User Facility Name: |
Address: |
Contact’s Name: |
Contact’s Phone #: |
Contact’s Fax #: |
Contact’s email address: |
Contact’s Occupation: |
Name of initial reporter: |
Address of initial reporter: |
USection 2: Event Information
Event Title: (to help you identify this event) |
When did the event happen? (mm/dd/yyyy) |
How many days ago did you first become aware of the event? |
Less than or equal to 10 days |
More than 10 days ago |
Date of this report: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
USection 2: Event Information (continued)U
Where did this event occur: |
Ambulatory surgical facility |
Nursing home |
Not known |
Home |
Outpatient diagnostic facility |
Not applicable |
Hospital |
Outpatient treatment facility |
Physician’s office |
Other: (specify) |
If you checked “Hospital,” where in the hospital did this event occur? |
Critical Care |
OR |
Not known |
ER |
Skilled nursing unit |
Not applicable |
Patient room |
Other: (specify) |
The device(s) may have caused or contributed to: (check all that apply) |
Death date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Potential for patient harm (indicates voluntary report) |
Serious injury |
Potential harm to a health care provider (indicates voluntary report) |
Minor injury to the patient or health care provider (indicates voluntary report) |
Not known |
Not applicable |
If you checked “Serious injury,” please answer the following questions: |
Was intervention required to prevent permanent impairment or damage? |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
Outcomes attributed to serious injury: (check all that apply) |
Congenital anomaly |
Life threatening |
Disability |
Not known |
Hospitalization, initial or prolonged |
Not applicable |
Other: (please describe the outcome) |
USection 2: Event Information (continued)
Was there a problem with the device? (such as a defect, malfunction, break, etc.) |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
If you checked “Yes,” what problem did the user have? (check all that apply) |
Device failed (broke, couldn’t get it to work, stopped working, etc.) |
Not known |
Device malfunction (the device did not do what it was supposed to do) |
Not applicable |
Device was hard to use |
Other: (specify) |
Was someone directly “operating” the device at the time of the event? |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
If you checked “Yes,” who was operating the device? (check all that apply) |
Allied Health Provider |
Patient |
Doctor |
Not known |
Family member/visitor |
Not applicable |
Nurse |
Other: (specify-NO NAMES) |
Were there other devices being used on the patient at the time of the event that may have caused or contributed to the event? |
Were there other therapies being used on the patient at the time of the event that may have caused or contributed to the event? (check all that apply) |
Cardiac drugs |
Chemotherapy—date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Immunotherapy |
Dialysis—date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Long-term antibiotics |
Hormonal Replacement Therapy |
Prenatal medication |
Not known |
No other therapies |
Not applicable |
Other: (list other therapies) |
Section 2: Event Information (continued)U
Describe the event or problem. Please provide as much detail as possible. |
USection 2: Event Information (continued)U
What was the original intended procedure? |
What was the health professional’s impression of how the device may have caused or contributed to the adverse event? |
Can the health professional’s impression be included in the event?
Yes |
No |
USection 3: Patient Information U
Patient Identifier: (use something that will help you remember who the patient is. DO NOT USE the patient's name, initials, SSN, date of birth, medical record number of other identifiers) 8 Character Limit. |
Patient’s age: |
Years |
Months |
Do not know |
Weeks |
Not applicable |
Days |
Patient’s sex: |
Male |
Not known |
Female |
Not applicable |
Patient’s weight: |
Pounds |
Kilograms |
Ounces |
Grams |
Do not know |
Not applicable |
Patient’s ethnic background: [Optional] |
American Indian or Alaskan Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Hispanic or Latino |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
White |
Unknown |
Not applicable |
USection 3: Patient Information (continued)U
Did the patient have any of the following preexisting characteristics that may have contributed to the event? (check all that apply) |
Allergies (describe below) |
Pregnancy |
Alcohol/drug use |
Premature infant |
Smoking |
Coronary heart disease |
Status post total hysterectomy or salpingioherectomy |
Diabetes |
Relevant accidents (i.e. hit head) (describe below) |
Hepatic/renal dysfunction |
Stroke |
Hypertension |
Surgery |
Immuno-compromised |
No preexisting characteristics |
Morbidly obese |
Not known |
Pneumonia |
Not applicable |
Other: (describe below) |
Please use this space to describe the relevant accident preceding the event, the relevant patient allergies, (i.e. latex allergy, a particular medication allergy, an allergy to a particular material or biomaterial, etc.) and/or other preexisting characteristics. |
Please describe the relevant accident preceding the event |
Other characteristics or medical conditions. |
USection 3: Patient Information (continued)U
Please provide any other information about the patient that may have influenced the outcome of the event: |
Section 4: Device Information
Device manufacturer’s name: |
Street address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
When do you plan to return the device to the manufacturer? date: (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional]
Device brand name: |
Type of device: |
Approximate age of device: |
If the device is a disposable device, was the packaging saved? |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
Is this a single use device that was reprocessed and reused on a patient? |
Yes |
Unknown |
No |
If “Yes,” please fill in all that are available: |
Name of Reprocessor:
Reprocessor’s Street Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Is this a laboratory device or laboratory test? |
Yes |
No |
If “Yes,” please answer the following questions: |
Did the problem involve: (check all that apply) |
The reagent |
The instrument |
Single use or rapid test |
Other: (specify) |
Section 4: Device Information (continued)
Section 4: Device Information (continued)
Is this a recurrent problem with this assay, test kit, or instrument? |
Yes |
No |
If “Yes,” please provide additional details: |
Which of the following problems did you observe? (check all that apply) |
Calibration |
Repeated error message |
Reproducibility |
Analytical sensitivity |
Analytical specificity |
Quality control |
Questionable patient results |
Reagent(s) |
Inadequate or unclear |
Poor test / instrument design |
instructions for use |
Specimen problems |
Performance described in |
Other: (specify) |
package insert not met |
Patient related problems |
Please describe any follow-up actions below: (check all that apply) |
Repeated assay, results OK |
Repeated assay, still problems |
reported out |
Replaced reagents |
Opened new lot |
Manufacturer notified |
Called for service, received adequate |
Product not available to |
response from manufacturer |
return to manufacturer |
Discontinued all use of product |
Not known
Not applicable |
Other: (specify) |
No |
Device numbers: (please fill in all that are available) |
Device serial #: |
Device model #: |
Device lot #: |
Device catalog #: |
Other device #: |
Expiration date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Has the facility discontinued use of the device due to the event? [Optional] |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
Section 4: Device Information
Section 4: Device Information (continued)
If the device was implanted, give the implant date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
If the device was explanted, give the explant date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Was the device returned to the manufacturer? |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
If you checked “Yes,” when was returned? (mm/dd/yyyy) |
How was the device returned to the manufacturer? |
Returned to the manufacturer by mail |
Given to manufacturer field representative |
Other method (please specify): |
If you checked “No,” where is the device now? |
Retained by the patient or patient representative |
Discarded |
Retained by the hospital |
Other (please specify): |
Is the device available at your facility for evaluation? |
Yes |
Not known |
No |
Not applicable |
Have you made the manufacturer aware of this problem/issue? |
Yes |
No known |
No |
If you checked “Yes,” what has been the manufacturer’s response? |
Section 4: Device Information (continued)
Can this information be made available to the public? |
Yes |
No |
Do you intend to return the device to the manufacturer in the near future? |
Yes |
No |
When do you plan to return the device to the manufacturer? date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Section 5: Test Information
Please enter all relevant tests/laboratory data: (enter each test separately) |
Test Type/ Test Performed |
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Results |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | MEDSUN Report |
Author | Aletha Dixon |
Last Modified By | gittlesond |
File Modified | 2010-11-15 |
File Created | 2010-11-15 |