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Surveys of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Governmental Health Agencies

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United States Government Accountability Office


Report to Congressional Requesters

June 2005

Federal Agencies Face
Challenges in
Initiatives to Improve
Public Health



June 2005

Accountability Integrity Reliability

Highlights of GAO-05-308, a report to
congressional requesters

Federal Agencies Face Challenges in
Implementing Initiatives to Improve
Public Health Infrastructure

Why GAO Did This Study

What GAO Found

The anthrax scare of October 2001
exposed serious weaknesses in the
U.S. public health infrastructure.
Since then, the appearance of new
infectious diseases has made
preparation and readiness even
more critical. Information
technology (IT) can be a major
factor in detecting and responding
to public health emergencies,
including bioterrorism.

Although significant work remains, federal agencies have made progress on
major public health IT initiatives. These initiatives include one broad
initiative at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—known
as the Public Health Information Network (PHIN)—which is intended to
provide the nation with integrated information systems, and two initiatives
at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which are focused on
biosurveillance (see table). CDC’s PHIN initiative has made progress by
establishing communications systems and promoting standards, but more
work remains on associated surveillance systems. For example, public
health officials told GAO that they did not find PHIN’s BioSense application
useful because of limitations in the data currently collected. DHS also has
major initiatives related to public health, both of which are in development.
In addition, a system associated with one of the DHS initiatives—
BioWatch—has been deployed. BioWatch, an early-warning environmental
monitoring system that collects air samples in order to detect trace amounts
of biological materials, recently underwent modification to solve an
interoperability problem: its three IT components required redundant data
entry in order to communicate with each other. According to DHS, it has
developed a solution to this interoperability problem and implemented it at
two locations; DHS plans to install that solution in the remaining BioWatch

GAO was asked to review the
progress of major federal IT
initiatives aimed at strengthening
the ability of government at all
levels to respond to public health
emergencies, as well as to describe
key challenges facing agencies
pursuing these initiatives.

What GAO Recommends
To improve the development of
major public health IT initiatives,
GAO recommends, among other
actions, that the Secretary of
Health and Human Services
(1) establish clear linkage between
the initiatives and the national
health care strategy and federal
health architecture and
(2) encourage interoperability
through the adoption of standards
for health care data and
In response to a draft of this report,
HHS generally concurred with the
recommendations, while DHS did
not comment specifically on them.
Both agencies provided additional
contextual information and
technical comments, which were
incorporated as appropriate.
To view the full product, including the scope
and methodology, click on the link above.
For more information, contact David A.
Powner at (202) 512-9286 or
[email protected].

Major Federal Public Health IT Initiatives


Public Health
Information Network

A national initiative to implement a multiorganizational business and
technical architecture and associated information systems.

Biological Warning and
Characterization System
National Biosurveillance
Integration System

An initiative to integrate data from environmental monitoring and health
surveillance systems to provide warning of a biological attack and to
help guide an effective response.
An effort to combine federal medical, environmental, agricultural, and
intelligence data to allow early detection of events and assist response.

Sources: CDC and DHS.

CDC and DHS face challenges in planning and implementing their major
public health IT initiatives. These challenges include (1) integrating
current initiatives into a national health IT strategy and federal
architecture to reduce the risk of duplicative efforts, (2) developing and
adopting consistent standards to encourage interoperability,
(3) coordinating initiatives with states and local agencies to improve the
public health infrastructure, and (4) overcoming federal IT management
weaknesses to improve progress on IT initiatives. Until these challenges
are addressed, progress toward building a stronger public health
infrastructure will be impeded, as will the ability to share essential
information concerning public health emergencies and bioterrorism.
United States Government Accountability Office




Results in Brief
Progress Made in Federal Public Health IT Applications, But More
Work Remains
Challenges Need to Be Overcome to Strengthen the Information
Technology That Supports the Public Health Infrastructure
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation


Objectives, Scope, and Methodology


Federal Agencies and Their Roles in Public Health
Preparedness and Response


Comments from the Department of Health and Human
GAO Comments


Comment from the Department of Homeland Security
GAO Comment


GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments



Appendix I:
Appendix II:
Appendix III:

Appendix IV:
Appendix V:

Related GAO Reports
on Health Information


Table 1:
Table 2:
Table 3:
Table 4:

PHIN Applications Reviewed
Initiatives under PHIN
DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives
Reported Costs for PHIN-Related Initiatives and
Applications for Fiscal Years 2002–2005
Table 5: Reported IT Costs for DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives,
Fiscal Year 2003–2005
Table 6: Status of Selected CDC PHIN Applications as of March 1,
Table 7: Number of States and Localities with NEDSS Systems

Page i


GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives


Table 8: Status of DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives
Table 9: Industry Standards Used by the Public Health Information


Figure 1: Simplified Information Flow among Local, State, and
Federal Agencies for Surveillance Data and Health Alerts/
Figure 2: Estimated Time Lines of PHIN Applications
Figure 3: Estimated Time Lines of DHS Biosurveillance IT

Page ii



GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives



Biological Warning and Incident Characterization System
BioWatch Signal Interpretation and Integration Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Defense
Epidemic Information Exchange
Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of
Community-based Epidemics
Environmental Protection Agency
Health Alert Network
Department of Health and Human Services
information technology
Laboratory Response Network
National Biosurveillance Integration System
National Electronic Disease Surveillance System
NEPHTN National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
Office of Management and Budget
Public Health Information Network
Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance
Science and Technology (Directorate of DHS)
Department of Veterans Affairs

This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the
United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further
permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain copyrighted images or
other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to
reproduce this material separately.

Page iii

GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives


United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, D.C. 20548

June 10, 2005


The Honorable Tom Davis
Chairman, Committee on Government Reform
House of Representatives
The Honorable Christopher Shays
Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security,
Emerging Threats, and International Relations
Committee on Government Reform
House of Representatives
The Honorable Adam H. Putnam
House of Representatives
The Honorable Richard Burr
Chairman, Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
United States Senate
It has been almost 4 years since the anthrax events of October 2001
highlighted the weaknesses in our nation’s public health infrastructure.1
Since that time, emerging infectious diseases have appeared—such as
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and human monkeypox—that have
made our readiness for public health emergencies even more critical.
Information technology (IT) is central to strengthening the public health
infrastructure through the implementation of systems to aid in the
detection, preparation for, and response to bioterrorism and other public
health emergencies.
You asked us to review the current status of major federal IT initiatives
aimed at strengthening the ability of government at all levels to respond to
public health emergencies. Specifically, our objectives were to


The public health infrastructure is the foundation that supports the planning, delivery, and
evaluation of public health activities; it comprises a well-trained workforce, effective
program and policy evaluation, sufficient epidemiology and surveillance capability to detect
outbreaks and monitor incidence of diseases, appropriate response capacity for public
health emergencies, effective laboratories, secure information systems, and advanced
communications systems.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

• assess the progress of major federal IT initiatives designed to strengthen
the effectiveness of the public health infrastructure and
• describe the key IT challenges facing federal agencies responsible for
improving the public health infrastructure.
We selected specific IT initiatives to review from systems we identified in
previous work,2 focusing on major public health IT initiatives in
surveillance and communication systems.3 These initiatives were one
broad initiative at the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and five initiatives at
the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Science and Technology
(S&T) Directorate. We also conducted limited work at the Department of
Defense (DOD) because it provides technical support to one of the DHS
initiatives. We also assessed the use of federal public health IT applications
at six state and six local public health agencies. Further details of our
objectives, scope, and methodology are provided in appendix I. Our work
was performed from July 2004 through April 2005, in accordance with
generally accepted government auditing standards.

Results in Brief

Federal agencies have made progress on major public health IT initiatives,
although significant work remains to be done. These initiatives include one
broad initiative at CDC—the Public Health Information Network (PHIN)
initiative—which is intended to provide the nation with integrated public
health information systems to counter national civilian public health
threats, and two major initiatives at DHS, which are primarily focused on
biosurveillance.4 CDC’s broad PHIN initiative encompasses a number of
applications and initiatives, which show varied progress. Currently, PHIN’s
basic communications systems are in place, but it is unclear when its


GAO, Bioterrorism: Information Technology Could Strengthen Federal Agencies’
Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies, GAO-03-139 (Washington, D.C.: May 30,

We excluded food safety systems and Department of Defense disease surveillance systems
that did not include civilian populations.


There is no generally accepted definition of biosurveillance; it generally refers to the
automated monitoring of information sources of potential value in detecting an emerging
epidemic, whether naturally occurring or the result of bioterrorism. Information sources
may include data from environmental monitoring systems, the purchases of over-thecounter medication, and medical symptoms reported during ambulatory care.

Page 2

GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

surveillance systems and data exchange applications will become fully
deployed. Further, the overall implementation of PHIN does not yet provide
the desired functionality, and so some applications are not widely used by
state and local public health officials. For example, CDC’s BioSense
application, which is aimed at detecting early signs of disease outbreaks, is
available to state and local public health agencies, but according to the
state and local officials with whom we spoke, it is not widely used,
primarily because of limitations in the data it currently collects. DHS is also
pursuing two major public health IT initiatives—the National
Biosurveillance Integration System and the Biological Warning and
Incident Characterization System (BWICS). Both of these initiatives are
still in development. The BWICS initiative, in addition, is associated with
three other programs, one of which—BioWatch—is operational. This earlywarning environmental monitoring system was developed for detecting
trace amounts of biological materials and has been deployed in over 30
locations across the United States. Until recently, its three IT components
were not interoperable and required redundant data entry in order to
communicate with each other.
As federal agencies work with state and local public health agencies to
improve the public health infrastructure, they face several challenges.
First, the national health IT strategy and federal health architecture are still
being developed;5 CDC and DHS will face challenges in integrating their
public health IT initiatives into these ongoing efforts. Second, although
federal efforts continue to promote the adoption of data standards,
developing such standards and then implementing them are challenges for
the health care community. Third, these initiatives involve the need to
coordinate among federal, state, and local public health agencies, but
establishing effective coordination among the large number of disparate
agencies is a major undertaking. Finally, CDC and DHS face challenges in
addressing specific weaknesses in IT planning and management that may
hinder progress in developing and deploying public health IT initiatives.
Until all these challenges are addressed, progress toward building a
stronger public health infrastructure will be impeded, as will the ability to
share essential information concerning public health emergencies and


The strategy is being developed on the basis of a framework that HHS published in July

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

We are making recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human
Services to coordinate with state and local public health agencies, align
federal public health IT initiatives with the national health IT strategy and
federal health architecture, and continue federal actions to encourage the
development and adoption of data standards. We are also making
recommendations to the Secretary of Homeland Security to assess the
department’s alignment of its initiatives with those of other federal
We received written comments on a draft of this report from HHS and DHS.
HHS generally concurred with our recommendations, while DHS did not
comment specifically on the recommendations. Both agencies provided
additional contextual information and technical comments, which we have
incorporated in this report as appropriate. We provided DOD officials with
the opportunity to comment on a draft of this report, which they declined.


On June 12, 2002, Congress passed the Public Health Security and
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002,6 which requires
specific activities related to bioterrorism preparedness and response. For
example, it calls for steps to improve the nation’s preparedness for
bioterrorism and other public health emergencies by increasing
coordination and planning for such events; developing priority
countermeasures; and improving state, local, and hospital preparedness
and response. The Secretary of HHS is required to provide for the
establishment of an integrated system or systems of public health alert
communications and surveillance networks among (1) federal, state, and
local public health officials; (2) public and private health-related
laboratories, hospitals, and other health care facilities; and (3) any other
entities that the Secretary determines are appropriate. These networks are
to allow for secure and timely sharing and discussion of essential
information concerning bioterrorism and other public health emergencies,
as well as recommended methods for responding to such an attack or
emergency. In addition, no later than 1 year after the enactment of the law,
the Secretary, in cooperation with health care providers and state and local
public health officials, was to establish any additional technical and
reporting standards, including those for network interoperability.


Public Law 107-188 (June 12, 2002).

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Since fiscal year 2002, HHS has funded over $2.7 billion for public health
preparedness efforts through grants administered by CDC and just over $1
billion for hospital preparedness grants administered by the Health
Resources and Services Administration. To encourage the integration of
health care system response plans with public health department plans,
HHS has incorporated both public health preparedness and hospital
performance goals into the agreements that the department uses to fund
state and local public health preparedness improvements. The funding
guidance provided by HHS to state and local governments calls for
improvements in seven key areas:
• preparedness planning and readiness assessment,
• surveillance and epidemiology capacity,
• laboratory capacity for handling biological agents,
• laboratory capacity for handling chemical agents,
• health alert network/communication and IT,
• risk communication and health information dissemination, and
• education and training.
Over the past year, federal actions to encourage the use of IT for health
care delivery and public health have been accelerated. In April 2004, the
President established the goal that health records for most Americans
should be electronic within 10 years and issued an executive order to
“provide leadership for the development and nationwide implementation of
an interoperable health information technology infrastructure to improve
the quality and efficiency of health care.” As part of this effort, the
President tasked the Secretary of HHS to appoint a National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology—which he subsequently did 1 week
later. The President’s executive order called for the Coordinator to develop
a strategic plan to guide the implementation of interoperable health IT in
the public and private health care sectors. In July 2004, HHS issued a

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

framework for strategic action that includes four broad goals; goal four of
that framework is directed at improvements in public health.7
Further, DHS released the National Response Plan8 this past January, under
which HHS is to continue to lead the federal government in providing
public health and medical services during major disasters and emergencies.
In this role, HHS is to coordinate all federal resources related to public
health and medical services that are made available to assist state, local,
and tribal officials during a major disaster or emergency.

Role of IT in Public Health
Preparedness and Response

As we reported in May 2003, IT can play an essential role in supporting
federal, state, local, and tribal governments in public health preparedness
and response.9 Development of IT can build upon the existing systems
capabilities of state and local public health agencies, not only to provide
routine public health functions, but also to support public health
emergencies, including bioterrorism. In addition, according to the Institute
of Medicine, the rapid development of new IT offers the potential for
greatly improved surveillance capacity.10 Finally, for public health
emergencies in particular, the ability to quickly exchange data between
providers and public health agencies—or among providers—is crucial in
detecting and responding to naturally occurring or intentional disease
Because of the dynamic and unpredictable nature of public health
emergencies, various types of IT systems may be used during the course of
an event. These include

Department of Health and Human Services, The Decade of Health Information Technology:
Delivering Consumer-centric and Information-rich Health Care (Washington, D.C.: July
21, 2004).

The National Response Plan is an all-discipline, all-hazards plan that establishes a single,
comprehensive framework for the management of domestic incidents. It provides the
structure and mechanisms for the coordination of federal support to state, local, and tribal
incident managers and for exercising direct federal authorities and responsibilities.




Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, The Future of the Public’s Health in the
21st Century (Washington, D.C.: November 2002).

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

• surveillance systems, which facilitate the performance of ongoing
collection, analysis, and interpretation of disease-related and
environmental data so that responders and decision makers can plan,
implement, and evaluate public health actions (these systems include
devices to collect and identify biological agents from environmental
samples, and they make use of IT to record and transmit data); and
• communications systems, which facilitate the secure and timely
exchange of information to the relevant responders and decision
makers so that appropriate action can be taken.
Other types of IT may also be used, such as diagnostic systems, which
identify particular pathogens and those that include data from food, water,
and animal testing, but such systems are not among the major federal
public health IT initiatives.

State and Local Roles in
Surveillance and

Although state health departments have primary responsibility for disease
surveillance in the United States, total responsibility for surveillance is
shared among health care providers: more than 3,000 local county, city, and
tribal health departments; 59 state and territorial health departments; more
than 180,000 public and private laboratories; and public health officials
from multiple federal agencies. In addition, the United States is a member
of the World Health Organization, which is responsible for coordinating
international disease surveillance and response actions.
While health care providers are responsible for the medical diagnosis and
treatment of their individual patients, they also have a responsibility to
protect public health—a responsibility that includes helping to identify and
prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Because health care providers
are typically the first health officials to encounter cases of infectious
diseases—and have the opportunity to diagnose them—these professionals
play an important role in disease surveillance. Generally, state laws or
regulations require health care providers to report confirmed or suspected
cases of notifiable diseases11 to their state or local health department.
States publish lists of the diseases they consider notifiable and therefore
subject to reporting requirements. According to the Institute of Medicine,


A notifiable disease is an infectious disease for which regular, frequent, and timely
information on individual cases is considered necessary for the prevention and control of
the disease.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

most states also require health care providers to report any unusual
illnesses or deaths, especially those for which a cause cannot be readily
established. However, according to CDC, despite state laws requiring the
reporting of notifiable diseases, a significant proportion of these cases are
not reported, which is a major challenge in public health surveillance.
Health care providers rely on a variety of public and private laboratories to
help them diagnose cases of notifiable diseases. In some cases, only
laboratory results can definitively identify pathogens.12 Every state has at
least one public health laboratory to support its infectious diseases
surveillance activities and other public health programs. State laboratories
conduct testing for routine surveillance or as part of clinical or
epidemiologic studies. For rare or unusual pathogens, these laboratories
provide diagnostic tests that are not always available in commercial
laboratories. State public health laboratories also provide specialized
testing for low-incidence but high-risk diseases such as tuberculosis and
botulism. Results from state public health laboratories are used by
epidemiologists to document trends and identify events that may indicate
an emerging problem. Upon diagnosing a case involving a notifiable
disease, local health care providers are required to send the reports to state
health departments through state and local disease-reporting systems,
which range from paper-based reporting to secure, Internet-based
States, through their state and local health departments, have principal
responsibility for protecting the public’s health and therefore take the lead
in conducting disease surveillance and supporting response efforts.
Generally, local health departments are responsible for conducting initial
investigations into reports of infectious diseases, employing
epidemiologists, physicians, nurses, and other professionals. Local health
departments are also responsible for sharing information that they obtain
from providers or other sources with the state department of health. State
health departments are responsible for collecting surveillance information
statewide, coordinating investigations and response activities, and


Pathogens are bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi that have the capability to cause disease
in humans.

In some cases, depending on state law, providers and others report first to local health
departments, which report the disease information to the state health department. Local
health departments may also conduct their own follow-up investigations into reports of
notifiable diseases.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

voluntarily sharing surveillance data with CDC and others. States vary in
their requirements governing who should report notifiable diseases; in
addition, the deadlines for reporting these diseases after they have been
diagnosed vary by disease. State health officials conduct their own
analyses of disease data to verify cases, monitor the incidence of diseases,
and identify possible outbreaks.
In reporting their notifiable disease data to CDC, states use multiple and
sometimes duplicative systems. States are not legally required to report
information on notifiable diseases to CDC, but CDC officials explained that
the agency makes such reporting from the states a prerequisite for
receiving certain types of CDC funding.

Federal Role in Surveillance
and Communications

Generally, the federal government’s role in disease surveillance is to collect
and analyze national disease surveillance data and maintain disease
surveillance systems. Federal agencies investigate the causes of infectious
diseases and maintain their own laboratory facilities. They also use
communications systems to share disease surveillance information. In
addition, federal agencies provide funding and technical expertise to
support disease surveillance at the state, local, and international levels.
Federal agencies such as CDC, the Food and Drug Administration, and
DOD conduct disease surveillance using systems that gather data from
various locations throughout the country to monitor the incidence of
infectious diseases. In addition to using surveillance systems to collect and
analyze notifiable disease data reported by states, federal agencies use
other surveillance systems to collect data on different diseases or from
other sources (e.g., international sources). These systems supplement the
state data on notifiable diseases by monitoring surveillance information
that states do not collect.
In general, surveillance systems are distinguished from one another by the
types of infectious diseases or syndromes they monitor and the sources
from which they collect data. Some disease surveillance systems rely on
groups of selected health care providers who have agreed to routinely
supply information from clinical settings on targeted diseases. A relatively
new type of surveillance system, known as a syndromic surveillance
system, monitors the frequency and distribution of health-related
symptoms—or syndromes—among people within a specific geographic
area. These syndromic surveillance systems are designed to detect
anomalous increases in certain syndromes, such as skin rashes, that may

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

indicate the beginning of an infectious disease outbreak. Some monitor
data from hospital and emergency room admissions or data from over-thecounter drug sales. Other data sources may include poison control centers,
health plan medical records, first-aid stations, emergency medical service
data, insurer claims, and discharge diagnosis information. For syndromic
data to be analyzed effectively, information must be timely, and the analysis
must take into account the context of the locality from which the data were
Because syndromic surveillance systems monitor symptoms and other
signs of disease outbreaks instead of waiting for clinically confirmed
reports or diagnoses of a disease, some experts believe that syndromic
surveillance systems could help public health officials increase the speed
with which they may identify outbreaks. However, as we reported last
September, syndromic surveillance systems are relatively costly to
maintain compared with other types of disease surveillance and are still
largely untested.14

Major CDC and DHS Public
Health IT Initiatives

Two federal agencies are involved in major public health IT initiatives that
focus on disease surveillance and communications.
• CDC, one of HHS’s divisions, has primary responsibility for conducting
national disease surveillance15 and developing epidemiological and
laboratory tools to enhance surveillance of disease, including public
health emergencies. It also provides an array of technical and financial
support for state infectious disease surveillance.
• DHS’s mission involves, among other things, protecting the United
States against terrorist attacks, including bioterrorism. Its Science and
Technology (S&T) Directorate serves as the department’s primary
research and development arm. Its focus is on catastrophic terrorism—
threats to the security of the United States that could result in largescale loss of life and major economic impact. S&T’s work is designed to


GAO, Emerging Infectious Diseases: Review of State and Federal Disease Surveillance
Efforts, GAO-04-877 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 30, 2004).

CDC’s responsibilities for surveillance are not limited to diseases, but also include
chemical, injury, and health conditions, among others.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

counter those threats, both by improvements to current technological
capabilities and development of new ones.
(Other federal agencies’ roles in public health are described in app. II.)
CDC’s major IT initiative, known as PHIN, is a national initiative to
implement a multiorganizational business and technical architecture for
public health information systems. After the 2001 anthrax incidents, CDC
was mandated to increase national preparedness and capabilities to
respond to naturally occurring diseases and conditions and the deliberate
use of all threats, including biological, chemical, and radiological agents.
CDC sees PHIN as an essential part of its strategy to achieve this mandate.
According to CDC, the PHIN architecture
• defines and documents the systems needed to support public health
• identifies the industry standards that are necessary to make these
systems work together;
• develops the specifications necessary to make these standards do the
work of public health;
• defines integration points for systems to work together to meet the
broad functional needs;
• establishes tools and components that support standards-based
systems; and
• supports the certification process necessary to establish
To help achieve its goals, PHIN is also intended to integrate and coordinate
existing systems, and CDC makes PHIN software available for optional use
by state and local public health agencies.
PHIN has substantial size and scope, because it is intended to serve as a
comprehensive architecture, information exchange network, and set of
services that will integrate existing capabilities and advance the ways in
which IT can support public health. It is intended to improve public health
systems and networks and to provide a means for exchanging data with

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

other federal agencies, state and local government agencies, the private
health care sector, and others.
As part of PHIN, CDC has established the PHIN Preparedness initiative,
which it describes as striving to accelerate the pace at which jurisdictions
acquire or acquire access to public health preparedness systems. This
initiative focuses on the near-term aspects of PHIN. According to CDC, the
agency and its public health partners have identified a set of functional
requirements defining the core capabilities for preparedness systems; these
are categorized into six broad functional areas:
• Early event detection: The early identification of bioterrorism and
naturally occurring health events in communities.
• Outbreak management: The capture and management of information
associated with the investigation and containment of a disease outbreak
or public health emergency.
• Connection of laboratory systems: The development and adoption of
common specifications and processes to enable public health
laboratories to electronically exchange information with public health
• Countermeasure and response administration: The management and
tracking of measures taken to contain an outbreak or event and to
provide protection against a possible outbreak or event.
• Partner communications and alerting: The development of a nationwide
network of integrated communications systems capable of rapid
distribution of health alerts and secure communications among public
health professionals involved in an outbreak or event.
• Cross-functional components: Technical capabilities, or components,
common across functional areas that are necessary to fully support
PHIN Preparedness requirements.
CDC officials stated that by September 2005, the agency will expect states
to meet PHIN Preparedness requirements in these areas as a condition for
receiving public health preparedness funding; CDC expects that this
condition on funding will promote a wider adoption of PHIN standards.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Table 1 presents communications and surveillance applications that are
part of the PHIN initiative (some of which are significant system
development efforts in themselves), along with the PHIN Preparedness
functional areas that they support.

Table 1: PHIN Applications Reviewed


PHIN Preparedness
functional area


Epidemic Information Exchange Partner
communications and

A secure, Web-based communications system through which public health
professionals share information relevant to public health emergencies.

Health Alerting

communications and

A service that broadcasts e-mails of emergency notifications from CDC to
state health officers, epidemiologists, lab directors, etc.


Early event detection

A Web-based application that provides access to health-related data to
enhance early event detection of naturally occurring events and possible
bioterrorist attacks. It is intended to enhance early detection by including
syndromic surveillance and diagnostic data.

National Electronic Disease
Surveillance System (NEDSS)
Base System

Early event detection

A surveillance system that supports the electronic processes involved in
notifiable disease surveillance and analysis, replacing the functionality
supported by the current legacy system (National Electronic
Telecommunications System for Surveillance). It is expected to provide the
platform upon which state and program area needs, data collection, and
processing can be built, including the development of modules that can be
used for data entry and management of disease surveillance data.

National Environmental Public
Health Tracking Network


An interoperable standards-based network planned to integrate three
components: hazard monitoring, exposure surveillance, and health effects
surveillance. This system is being designed to identify potential relationships
between exposure and health conditions that either indicate the need for
additional research or require intervention to prevent disease, disability, and
injury. Data from NEPHTN will be available for public health policy analysis.

Connection of
laboratory systems

An application supporting the exchange of laboratory test results from the
Laboratory Response Network (LRN) laboratories to public health
departments and to CDC, with current use in support of the BioWatch program
of air sampling in many U.S. metropolitan areas.


LRN Results Messaging

Page 13

GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

(Continued From Previous Page)

PHIN Preparedness
functional area


Outbreak Management System


An application that runs on a laptop, a local area network, and in synchrony
with a central repository for the collection, management, and analysis of data
during investigations of disease outbreaks. It provides response teams with a
standardized data management tool.

PHIN Messaging Systemb


A generic, standards-based message transport system that is platformindependent and uses the Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language
(ebXML) infrastructure to securely transmit public health information over the

Source: CDC.

PHIN also includes other components that we did not review, such as PHIN Directory and PHIN
Vocabulary Services, because our review was focused on communications and surveillance systems.

Although the PHIN Messaging System is not an application per se, it is an important data exchange
component for PHIN applications.

Many of these applications are associated with larger initiatives that
predated PHIN (see table 2), which are now incorporated under the PHIN
umbrella. For example, the origins of NEDSS date to 1995, when CDC coauthored a report that documented the problems of fragmentation and
incompatibility in the nation’s disease surveillance systems.16 The
recommendations in this report led CDC to develop the NEDSS initiative,
which was begun in October 1999 and incorporated into PHIN in 2002.


CDC and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Integrating Public Health
Information and Surveillance Systems (Atlanta, Ga.: Spring 1995).

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Table 2: Initiatives under PHIN


functional area Description


Early event

An initiative supporting early event detection that uses an approach to public health
surveillance based on the secondary use of health care and health-related data.

Health Alert Network (HAN)

An initiative to ensure that state and local health departments have rapid and timely
communications access to emerging health information through providing grants to develop
and alerting
connectivity and alerting capabilities.

National Electronic Disease
Surveillance System

Early event

An initiative to implement a national surveillance architecture using data and
information system standards. This architecture is to advance the development of
efficient, integrated, and interoperable surveillance systems at federal, state, and local

National Environmental
Public Health Tracking
Network (NEPHTN)


A collaborative effort between CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency to
develop a national environmental public health tracking network that will allow direct
electronic data reporting of health effects, exposure, and hazard data.
Source: CDC.

As part of its mission to protect the nation against terrorist attacks
(including possible bioterrorism), DHS is also pursuing major public health
IT initiatives. These initiatives and associated programs, which are
primarily focused on signal interpretation and biosurveillance, are
described in table 3.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Table 3: DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives


Biological Warning and Incident A system that is expected to integrate data from environmental monitoring and health surveillance
Characterization System
systems with incident characterization toolsa in order to provide timely warning of a biological attack
and to help guide an effective response. BWICS is also expected to provide secure distribution of
information to different types of users.

A cooperative program between DHS’s S&T Directorate and DOD (established as a demonstration
project in May 2004) that is expected to integrate civilian and military capabilities at the local level for
detecting and responding to the use of biological agents. The BioNet initiative is being developed in
one city. It includes the use of a syndromic surveillance system known as the Electronic Surveillance
System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE).b DHS plans now call for
BioNet to be terminated in fiscal year 2005 with lessons learned, tools, and capabilities transferred to
the BWICS initiative.


An early-warning environmental monitoring system that collects air samples from high-threat cities in
order to detect trace amounts of biological materials. BioWatch consists of three IT components: a
sample management tracking system, a lab analysis tracking system, and an electronic reporting
system. BioWatch labs use the reporting system to send data to CDC, who then sends a monthly
report of negative results to DHS.

BioWatch Signal
A surveillance program pilot that is intended to evaluate public data feeds for their usefulness in
Interpretation and Integration biomonitoring signal interpretation to provide BioWatch metropolitan areas, in the event of a signal
Program (BWSIIP)
detection, with the ongoing collection and analysis of appropriate medical information (with personally
identifying information removed) that would support rapid interpretation of the signal and integration
into consequence management operations. Once BWSIIP is deployed as part of BWICS, plans call for
local public health agencies to use locally existing or publicly available biosurveillance tools provided by
DHS, such as ESSENCE, or the Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance (RODS) software.c
National Biosurveillance
Integration System

An effort at the federal level to combine multiple data streams from sector-specific agencies—those
with medical, environmental, agricultural, and intelligence data—to give DHS situational awareness
that is expected to allow earlier detection of events and to assist in response actions.
Source: DHS.

Incident characterization tools are designed to integrate information from surveillance, environmental
monitoring, plume hazard predictions, epidemiological forecasts, and population and critical
infrastructure databases.

ESSENCE is a syndromic surveillance software package available through free licensing agreements
with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. The software is available to federal, state, and
local health organizations that wish to deploy a Web-based syndromic surveillance system using their
own data. DOD uses the system worldwide. The Department of Veterans Affairs and about 26 states
and localities are implementing ESSENCE.

RODS, developed by the University of Pittsburgh, is a syndromic surveillance system used by several
states that collects data from hospital emergency room visits. This system identifies patients’ chief
medical complaints, classifies the complaints according to syndrome, and aggregates those data in
order to look for anomalous increases in certain syndromes that may reveal an infectious disease

Figure 1 illustrates a simplified flow of existing surveillance information
and health alerts among local, state, and federal agencies. This diagram
does not show all flows of information that would occur in the case of an

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

outbreak. For example, local health agencies may send alerts to health care

Figure 1: Simplified Information Flow among Local, State, and Federal Agencies for Surveillance Data and Health

Local level

State level

Federal level




Local public
health department

State public
health department


Clinical or public
health labsa
(state, local, or private)


of Veterans

of Homeland

of Defense

Disease surveillance data
Lab results data
Health alerts/communications
Syndromic or pre-diagnostic data
Source: GAO.

Note: The CDC systems listed provide information to health professionals and others by various
means, such as the Internet for BioSense and Epi-X.

Only selected labs participate in the BioWatch program or provide data to BioSense.


Currently, state and local health departments submit information on nationally notifiable diseases to
CDC using multiple systems. Once fully implemented, NEDSS will replace some of those reporting
systems. Note that NEDSS or other disease-reporting systems are also implemented at the state level.


Although BioWatch is a DHS initiative, CDC receives the lab results data. Positive results are sent to
the DHS Homeland Security Operations Center, as well as to the Joint Terrorism Task Force and
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

According to CDC, costs for its PHIN initiatives and applications for fiscal
years 2002 through 2005, totaling almost $362 million, are summarized in
table 4. Most of these costs support local, state, and federal public health

Table 4: Reported Costs for PHIN-Related Initiatives and Applications for Fiscal Years 2002–2005
Dollars in millions
FY 2002

FY 2003

FY 2004

FY 2005







Health Alert Network initiative






Health Alerting application































Initiatives and applications
Epi-X application

Grants for state and local agencies
BioSense initiative
BioSense application

Other BioSense costs
NEDSS initiative

NEDSS Base Systemb






Grants for state and local agencies











National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
(NEPHTN) initiative
NEPHTN application






Grants for state and local agencies






PHIN supporting costsc






LRN Results Messenger application






Outbreak Management System







PHIN Messaging System
Subtotal for PHIN applications
Total PHIN-related initiatives and applications














$132.5 $361.8

Source: CDC.

Consist of remaining BioSense costs, including data acquisition, algorithm development,
biointelligence center, etc.


Includes development cost for the program area modules.


Among other things, includes the development of requirements, standards, and specifications, as well
as the certification and communications programs.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

According to DHS, IT costs for its biosurveillance initiatives for fiscal years
2003 through 2005 total about $45 million; these are summarized in table 5.
This table does not reflect the total costs for the programs supporting these
IT initiatives.

Table 5: Reported IT Costs for DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives, Fiscal Year 2003–2005
Dollars in millions
IT initiatives
Biological Warning and Incident Characterization System

FY 2003 actual

FY 2004 actual

FY 2005 budget
















BioWatch Signal Interpretation and Integration Program
National Biosurveillance Integration System













Source: DHS.

Although DHS funds BioNet, the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency is the
project lead and responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the project. This fiscal year,
BioNet lessons learned, tools, and capabilities are to be incorporated into the BWICS initiative, after
which DHS funding for BioNet is not expected to continue.

Progress Made in
Federal Public Health
IT Applications, But
More Work Remains

CDC and DHS have made progress on federal public health IT initiatives,
including CDC’s PHIN initiative, which is intended to provide the nation
with integrated public health information systems to counter national
civilian public health threats, and two major initiatives at DHS—primarily
focused on signal interpretation and biosurveillance—one of which is
associated with three other programs. However, while progress has been
made, more work remains, particularly in surveillance and data exchange.
PHIN communications systems are being used, and improvements to
surveillance systems (disease, syndromic, and environmental monitoring)
are still being developed. Other PHIN applications are available for
optional use by state and local public health officials, but they are not
widely used because of system limitations. DHS’s two major
biosurveillance IT initiatives are still in the development stage, and one of
the associated programs—BioWatch—is operational. However, as initially
deployed, BioWatch required modification, because its three IT
components did not communicate with each other, requiring redundant
data entry. According to DHS, it has developed a solution to this

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

interoperability problem and implemented it at two locations; DHS plans to
install that solution in the remaining BioWatch locations.

Projects under CDC’s Public
Health Information Network
Are in Various Stages of

Table 6 briefly describes the status of CDC’s PHIN applications, including
operational status, number of installations or users, and future plans. Of
the various PHIN applications, one is still in the planning process, two are
partially operational, and five are operational.

Table 6: Status of Selected CDC PHIN Applications as of March 1, 2005


Future plans

Epidemic Information Exchange


3,260 state, local, federal,
and international health

Upgrade for PHIN compliance
Improve usability per user requests

Health Alerting


66 states, metro areas,

Maintain application as is



50 states, 30 metro areas

Continue to expand current functionality
Add new algorithms and data sources

NEDSS Base System


10 states

Continue to expand current functionality
Improve usability per user requests
Upgrade operating environment
Continue development of program area modules

National Environmental Public
Health Tracking Network


Not applicable

Continue state pilot projects
Plan for network development based on pilots

LRN Results Messenger


95% of BioWatch labs

Continue to expand current functionality
Improve usability per user requests
Support proficiency testing
Expand usage to all CDC-funded LRN laboratories

Outbreak Management System



Continue to expand current functionality
Improve usability per user requests
Add capacity for importing data

PHIN Messaging System


51 locationsd

Continue to expand current functionality
Respond to stakeholder requests to improve usability




Source: GAO analysis of CDC data.
Users include either the number of individuals with access to the system or the number of locations
that have installed the software; while there are federal users, not all are listed in this table.

Partially operational means that the system is functional and being used but not deployed to all
installation sites.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Not used by users outside CDC, although once used externally for a small, disease-specific outbreak
at a state prison.

Includes usage for 10 NEDSS Base System states, many labs in the Laboratory Response Network, 5
hospitals in the National Healthcare Safety Network, 3 state health departments for intrastate
messaging, 9 hospitals and labs for lab messaging, and 2 BioSense data providers.

Figure 2 shows the time frames for the planning, development, and
implementation of the PHIN applications; these applications vary
considerably both in complexity and in time needed to complete

Figure 2: Estimated Time Lines of PHIN Applications











Epidemic Information Exchange
Health Alerting
NEDSS Base Systema
National Environmental Public
Health Tracking Network
LRN Results Messenger
Outbreak Management System
PHIN Messaging System
Partially operationald
Source: GAO analysis of CDC data.

The NEDSS Base System includes the development of program area modules.


Planning means preparing to design the system or application.


Development means the acquisition or enhancement of the system or application.


Partially operational means that the system is functional and being used but not deployed to all
installation sites.


Operational means that the system is fully deployed.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Two PHIN Communications
Systems Are Fully Implemented
and in Use

Health Alerting. The Health Alerting application, which is used to
broadcast e-mail alerts to state and local public health officials about
disease outbreaks, became operational in October 2000. This application
provides full-time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Internet access and
broadcast e-mail and fax capabilities.
The Health Alerting application is part of the Health Alert Network
initiative, which provides grant funding to states and local public health
agencies for enhancement of their IT infrastructures. Using these funds,
states and localities have either built their own Health Alert Networks or
acquired commercial systems for alerting state and local officials. Some
state Health Alert Networks use more sophisticated applications than the
CDC Health Alerting application, providing various kinds of alerts based on
user profiles and allowing document sharing.
Epi-X. Epi-X, which is designed to be a secure, Web-based communications
system through which public health professionals share information on
public health emergencies, was implemented in December 2000 and is
being used by state and local public health officials. Epi-X includes multiple
mechanisms for alerting; secure, moderated communications and
discussion about disease outbreaks and other acute health events as they
evolve; and a searchable report database. Most of the state and local health
officials with whom we spoke were satisfied with the system. However,
some officials questioned the need for both Health Alerting and Epi-X,
since both applications have similar functionality and are used by some of
the same public health officials. According to CDC, it is planning to create a
common platform for use by both applications.

Two of Three PHIN Surveillance
Systems Are Not Yet Fully

The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS). The
NEDSS initiative promotes the use of data and information systems
standards for the development of interoperable surveillance systems at
federal, state, and local levels. It is intended to minimize the problems of
fragmented, disease-specific surveillance systems; however, this goal is still
years away from being achieved.
A primary goal of NEDSS is the ongoing, automatic capture and analysis of
data that are already available electronically. Its system architecture is
designed to integrate and replace several current CDC surveillance
systems, including the National Electronic Telecommunications System for
Surveillance, the HIV/AIDS reporting system, and the systems for vaccine
preventable diseases, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases. In
previous fiscal years, CDC funded 50 states and 7 localities. These states

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

and localities can use CDC’s NEDSS Base System or build systems
compatible with NEDSS/PHIN standards. The initiative includes an
architecture to guide states and CDC as they build NEDSS-compatible
systems, which can be either commercial or custom developed. The
initiative is also intended to promote the use of data standards to advance
the development of interoperable disease surveillance systems at federal,
state, and local levels.
Besides providing a secure, accurate, and efficient way to collect, process,
and transmit data to CDC, the NEDSS Base System is intended to provide a
platform upon which program area modules can be built to meet state and
program area data needs. (Programs may be focused on specific diseases,
populations, or other areas—such as smoking or obesity.) Program area
modules are critical to eventually reducing the many program-specific
surveillance systems that CDC currently maintains by consolidating the
data collection of the various programmatic disease surveillance activities
that are currently in place.
Although CDC has been developing the NEDSS Base System since 2000, it
is still only partially deployed. There are no clear milestones and plans for
when the Base System will become fully deployed, although multiple
versions of the Base System have been developed and deployed in several
states. According to CDC, the NEDSS Base System has been deployed in 5
states since December 2004, and it expects implementation to continue
with the 11 remaining states that are planning to use the Base System, but
the implementation time frames will depend on when these states are ready
to accept the system. Table 7 summarizes the status of NEDSS system
implementation across the nation, which shows that about half of the
states and localities have operational NEDSS systems.

Table 7: Number of States and Localities with NEDSS Systems



Planning or development













Source: GAO analysis of CDC data.

Note: Total includes 50 states and 7 localities.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

In addition, four NEDSS program area modules are being used, and six are
in the process of being developed. Additional program area modules will be
developed for other disease-specific areas in the coming years.
BioSense. CDC’s BioSense, which the agency describes as an early event
detection system, is designed to provide near real-time event detection by
using data (without patient names or medical numbers) from existing
health-related databases. Although CDC began using BioSense data in late
2003, the BioSense application was implemented for state and local use in
May 2004. BioSense is continuously being updated, and current plans for
phase two of BioSense development call for enhancements to begin in May
BioSense is a Web-based application that currently provides CDC and state
and local users with the ability to view syndromic and prediagnostic data:
specifically, Defense and Veterans Affairs ambulatory care data, BioWatch
laboratory results, and national clinical labs data. Initially, CDC also
provided data on sales of over-the-counter medication, but these were later
discontinued. BioSense data are provided in the form of data reports
displayed in various ways, rather than as raw data that can be input to
analytical systems.
Although CDC uses BioSense for a number of federal bioterrorism
preparedness activities, BioSense is not extensively used by the state and
local public health officials with whom we spoke, primarily because of
limitations in the data and its presentation. These officials stated that the
DOD and VA data were not useful to them,17 either because they were in
locations without large military or veteran populations, or because they
could get similar data elsewhere. For instance, many of these officials have
access to local syndromic surveillance systems, which better fit their needs
because the systems have better capabilities or because they provide data
that are more timely than BioSense data. Some of these officials stated that
they would prefer CDC to provide data for them to conduct their own
analyses, especially data from national sources such as clinical
laboratories, rather than displaying the data on the BioSense Web site.
According to CDC officials, they will provide raw data to public health
agencies upon request, have increased the number of data sets available,
and have expanded the scope of user support by (1) increasing


Some state and local officials said that they had found over-the-counter sales data the most
useful, but these reports were discontinued.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

communications with state and local public health departments in the use
of and response to daily surveillance data patterns, (2) monitoring data
during special events (e.g., a presidential inauguration and sporting events)
at state and local request, and (3) contracting with John Hopkins University
for development of a standard operating procedure for monitoring and
using early event detection.
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (NEPHTN).
Initiated in 2001, NEPHTN is still in the planning stage. CDC is planning to
begin development of the network in 2006 and implementation of phase
one in 2008. This initiative involves intra- and interagency collaboration
among CDC and other federal agencies. CDC established a memorandum
of understanding in 2003 with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
to coordinate activities relating to EPA’s National Environmental
Information Exchange Network and CDC’s National Environmental Public
Health Tracking Network. To date, three collaborative projects have been
initiated: (1) a demonstration project in the Atlanta metropolitan area to
test data linkage methods and utility of linked data; (2) a project to evaluate
how different types of air quality characterization data can be used to link
environmental and public health data; and (3) a project in New York to
examine specific technical interoperability issues that would affect data
exchange between EPA’s and CDC’s networks.
As envisioned, NEPHTN will be a distributed, secure, Web-based network
that will provide access to environmental and health data that are collected
by a wide variety of agencies, such as individual state networks. Once
established, it should also provide access to environmental, health, and
linked environmental-health data from both centralized and decentralized
data stores and repositories, implementing a common data vocabulary to
support electronic data exchanges within states, and across state, regions,
and nationally.

Two Other PHIN Applications
Are Not Widely Used, and One Is
in Use but Considered

Outbreak Management System. The Outbreak Management System is an
application designed for case tracking during the investigation of disease
outbreaks. Initially developed for use by CDC, the system is now available
for use by state and local public health agencies. The project began as the
Bioterrorism Field Response Application and was scoped to include only
requirements related to bioterrorism response by CDC-deployed field
teams. Since its inception in 2002, the scope has been broadened to include
any epidemiologic investigation where standard data collection and data
sharing would be advantageous. However, although the system is in use at
CDC, none of the state and local public health officials with whom we

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

spoke use the system—either because it cannot exchange data with other
software applications, or because these agencies have their own capability
for tracing cases of infectious diseases. According to CDC officials, the use
of the Outbreak Management System is provided as an option for state and
local public health agencies. Although only CDC and one state agency have
used the application in support of outbreaks, four state agencies and one
federal entity have evaluated the software for potential use and may
implement it in the future.
LRN Results Messenger. CDC’s LRN Results Messenger utility is used by
DHS’s BioWatch initiative for transmitting data to CDC; however, it is
burdensome to use, according to the BioWatch cities included in our
review (BioWatch is discussed in more detail in the next section of this
report). According to CDC, it anticipates releasing the next version of the
LRN Results Messenger in September 2005, which should address the
usability issues.
PHIN Messaging System. The PHIN Messaging System is available for use,
but only CDC and a few states and local public health agencies use it. As of
March 1, 2005, 51 organizations used it, according to CDC.18 As yet, only
BioWatch, the NEDSS Base System, and the Laboratory Response Network
use PHIN Messaging; according to CDC, these are the major systems that
support preparedness needs, and it is focusing on these systems first.

Most DHS Biosurveillance
IT Initiatives Are Still in
Their Early Stages

DHS is also pursuing two major biosurveillance IT initiatives—the National
Biosurveillance Integration System and the Biological Warning and
Incident Characterization System (BWICS). The BWICS initiative, in
addition, is associated with three other biosurveillance programs. Of these
five, one is operational, but it has interoperability and other limitations, one
is a demonstration project, and three are in development. All five were
initially under the oversight of DHS’s S&T Directorate; one is now the
responsibility of the directorate for Information Analysis and Infrastructure
Protection. Table 8 briefly describes the status and plans of DHS’s
biosurveillance IT initiatives for the current fiscal year.


These locations are primarily public health laboratories and the 10 states that use the
NEDSS Base System.

Page 26

GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Table 8: Status of DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives
IT Initiative



Future plans

Biological Warning and
Incident Characterization
System (BWICS)


2 pilot sites

Deploy in phases to BioWatch cities



1 pilot site

Complete pilot
Transfer lessons learned, tools, templates, and capabilities to BWICS



Over 30
metro areas

Provide IT enhancements for top threat BioWatch jurisdictions
Plan for expansion to additional BioWatch jurisdictions

BioWatch Signal
Interpretation and
Integration Project



Complete pilot underway in one city
Transition to BWICS



Implement systems integration

National Biosurveillance
Integration System

Source: DHS.
Users include either the number of individuals with access to the system or the number of locations
that have installed the software.

Most of DHS’s biosurveillance IT initiatives are still being planned or
developed. Figure 3 shows time lines for the five DHS IT initiatives.

Page 27

GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Figure 3: Estimated Time Lines of DHS Biosurveillance IT Initiatives
IT initiatives











Biological Warning and
Incident Characterization
BioWatch Signal
Interpretation and
Integration Program
National Biosurveillance
Integration System

Partially operationalc
Source: GAO analysis of DHS data.

Planning means preparing to design the system or application.


Development means the acquisition or enhancement of the system or application.


Partially operational means that the system or application is functional and being used but not
deployed to all installation sites.


Operational means that the system or application is fully deployed.

The one DHS surveillance initiative that is operational—BioWatch—is an
environmental monitoring system that was developed and implemented
within a 3-month period, according to DHS officials. DHS originally
intended for local public health agencies to process and analyze all
BioWatch data; however, at CDC’s request, DHS agreed to share data with
CDC for inclusion in BioSense. BioWatch consists of three IT components:
• One component of BioWatch tracks the environmental samples as they
are collected; it was developed by the Department of Energy’s Los
Alamos National Laboratory.
• A second component performs sample testing and reports the results;
this is a commercial product.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

• The third component, CDC’s LRN Results Messenger, transmits the test
results from the laboratory that processes the samples to CDC for
As deployed, none of these three components could exchange data
electronically, so that redundant, manual data entry has been required to
transfer data among the three systems. State and local public health
officials in BioWatch locations told us that they were dissatisfied with the
deployment of BioWatch because of this need for repetitive data entry and
because they were not involved in the system’s planning and
implementation. DHS hired a contractor to resolve BioWatch’s
interoperability problem, and DHS officials now report that they have
begun implementing the resulting technical improvements in BioWatch
Additionally, EPA’s Inspector General’s Office recently reported that the
agency did not provide adequate oversight of sampling operations for
BioWatch to ensure that quality assurance guidance was adhered to,
potentially affecting the quality of the samples taken; DHS officials state
that this oversight issue has now been resolved.19
In the broader context of environmental monitoring, questions exist about
detection capabilities for environmental surveillance. As we reported in
May 2003, real-time detection and measurement of biological agents in the
environment is challenging because of the number of potential agents to be
identified, the complex nature of the agents themselves, the countless
number of similar micro-organisms that are a constant presence in the
environment, and the minute quantities of pathogen that can initiate
infection.20 In May 2004, the Department of Defense reported that the
capability for real-time detection of biological agents is currently
unavailable and is unlikely to be achieved in the near to medium term.21


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Needs to Fulfill Its Designated
Responsibilities to Ensure Effective BioWatch Program, 2005-P-00012 (Washington, D.C.:
Mar. 23, 2005).



Department of Defense, Department of Defense Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and
Nuclear Defense Program: Annual Report to Congress (Washington, D.C.: May 2004).

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

A second initiative, the BioWatch Signal Interpretation and Integration
Program (BWSIIP), was established to respond to user needs regarding
BioWatch. According to DHS, the initiative is intended to develop a system
that will help BioWatch jurisdictions to better understand the public health
or national security implications of a confirmed positive result for a
biological agent from BioWatch, as well as to respond appropriately.
BWSIIP is to be implemented by a consortium, initiated in 2004, that
includes Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh, and the
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The current BWSIIP
pilot is scheduled for completion in fiscal year 2006. After DHS transitions
BWSIIP to the BWICS initiative, local public health agencies will use locally
available applications or tools provided by DHS for that function.
For the two remaining major biosurveillance IT initiatives, DHS is still
developing requirements (lessons learned from its one demonstration
project, BioNet, are being incorporated into BWICS).
• BWICS, is to integrate data from environmental monitoring and health
surveillance systems, and the pilot is expected to be completed in fiscal
year 2006, according to DHS officials. DHS did not complete
requirements development in the two pilot cities as scheduled, and it
recently changed one of the original pilot cities, requiring a new start in
requirements development in the new location. After the pilot, DHS is
planning to expand BWICS beyond the two pilot cities to other
BioWatch locations.
• The National Biosurveillance Integration System is intended to connect
the various federal surveillance systems to DHS’s Homeland Security
Operations Center. DHS S&T developed the system requirements and
design and transferred the initiative to the Directorate for Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection in December 2004 for

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Challenges Need to Be
Overcome to
Strengthen the
Technology That
Supports the Public
Health Infrastructure

Despite federal, state, and local government efforts to strengthen the public
health infrastructure and improve the nation’s ability to detect, prevent,
and respond to public health emergencies, important challenges continue
to constrain progress. First, the national health care IT strategy and federal
health architecture are still being developed; CDC and DHS will face
challenges in integrating their public health IT initiatives into these ongoing
efforts. Second, although federal efforts continue to promote the adoption
of data standards, developing such standards and then implementing them
are challenges for the health care community. Third, these initiatives
involve the need to coordinate among federal, state, and local public health
agencies, but establishing effective coordination among the large number
of disparate agencies is a major undertaking. Finally, CDC and DHS face
challenges in addressing specific weaknesses in IT planning and
management that may hinder progress in developing and deploying public
health IT initiatives.

National Health IT Strategy
and Architecture to Address
Public Health Surveillance
Are Still Being Developed

In May 2003, we recommended that the Secretary of HHS, in coordination
with other key stakeholders, establish a national IT strategy for public
health preparedness and response that should identify steps toward
improving the nation’s ability to use IT in support of the public health
infrastructure. Among other things, we stated that HHS should set
priorities for information systems, supporting technologies, and other IT
initiatives. Since then, HHS appointed a National Coordinator for Health IT
in May 2004 and issued a framework for strategic action in July 2004.22 This
framework is a first step in the development of a national health IT
strategy. Goal four of the framework is directed at improvements in public
health and states that these improvements require the collection of timely,
accurate, and detailed clinical information to allow for the evaluation of
health care delivery and the reporting of critical findings to public health
officials. Two of the strategies outlined by HHS are aimed at achieving this
goal: (1) unifying public health surveillance architectures to allow for the
exchange of information among health care organizations, organizations
they contract with, and state and federal agencies and (2) streamlining
quality and health status monitoring to allow for a more complete look at
quality and other issues in real time and at the point of care. The


Department of Health and Human Services, The Decade of Health Information
Technology: Delivering Consumer-centric and Information-rich Health Care (Washington,
D.C.: July 21, 2004).

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

framework for strategic action states that the key challenge in harmonizing
surveillance architectures is to identify solutions that meet the reporting
needs of each surveillance function, yet work in a single integrated, costeffective architecture.
Like the national health care IT strategy, the federal health architecture23 is
still evolving, according to HHS officials in the Office of the National
Coordinator for Health IT. Initially targeting standards for enabling
interoperability, the federal health architecture is intended to provide a
structure for bringing HHS’s divisions and other federal agencies together.
As part of achieving HHS’s public health goal of unifying public health
surveillance architectures, the federal health architecture program
established a work group on public health surveillance that is responsible
for recommending a target architecture related to disease surveillance to
serve as the framework within the federal sector for developing and
implementing public health surveillance systems. The newly formed work
group, chaired by CDC and the Department of Veterans Affairs, met for the
first time in December 2004. Because the new work group is so recently
formed, plans are still being developed to address how CDC’s PHIN
initiative and DHS’s IT initiatives will integrate with the national health IT
strategy, such as plans to establish regional health information
In the absence of a completed strategy for public health surveillance
efforts, state and local public health officials have raised concerns about
duplication of effort across federal agencies. Some of the surveillance
initiatives in our review address similar functionality and may duplicate
ongoing efforts at other federal, state, and local agencies: for example, the
use and development of syndromic surveillance systems. CDC is
implementing BioSense at the national level, DHS is assisting local public
health agencies in implementing local syndromic surveillance systems such
as ESSENCE or RODS as part of its biosurveillance initiatives, and many
state and local public health agencies have their own ongoing syndromic

The federal health architecture program is intended to define a framework and
methodology for establishing a target architecture and standards for interoperability and
communication. An architecture describes an entity in both logical terms (e.g., interrelated
functions, information needs and flows, work locations, systems, and applications) and
technical terms (e.g., hardware, software, data, communications, and security).

HHS’s goals and strategies associated with the national health IT strategy are further
described in GAO, Health Information Technology: HHS Is Taking Steps to Develop a
National Strategy, GAO-05-628 (Washington, D.C.: May 27, 2005).

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

surveillance systems. As we have reported, syndromic surveillance systems
are relatively costly to maintain compared with other types of disease
surveillance and are still largely untested.25 According to HHS, with regard
to BioSense, the agency is taking steps to mitigate costs and risk.
State and local public health officials also expressed concern about the
federal government’s ability to conduct syndromic surveillance, because
they see this type of surveillance as an inherently local function.
Furthermore, last year the Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists26 reported that while state health departments are given
some guidance and leeway to use federal funding to enhance and develop
their own disease surveillance activities, no focused mechanism has been
established for states to share ideas and experiences with each other and
with CDC to determine what has or has not worked, and what efforts are
feasible and worth expanding. The Council recommended that to enhance
bioterrorism-related surveillance objectives, HHS and CDC form a
bioterrorism surveillance initiative steering committee to review current
federal surveillance initiatives affecting state and local health departments;
to review state-developed surveillance systems; and to recommend
surveillance priorities for continuation of funding, further development, or
implementation. HHS and CDC have taken steps to respond to these
recommendations, but according to the Council, it is not yet satisfied that
HHS and CDC have fully addressed its concerns.
While HHS and other key federal agencies are organizing themselves to
develop a strategy for public health surveillance and interoperability,
decisions regarding development and implementation are being made now
without the benefit of an accepted national health IT strategy that
integrates public health surveillance-related initiatives. In the case of
BioSense, these decisions affect the spending of about $50 million this
fiscal year and an unknown amount in future years. Until a strategy and
accompanying architecture are developed, major public health IT
initiatives will continue to be developed without an overall, coordinated
plan and are at risk of being duplicative, lacking interoperability, and
exceeding cost and schedule estimates.


GAO, Emerging Infectious Diseases: Review of State and Federal Disease Surveillance
Efforts, GAO-04-877 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 30, 2004).

The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists is a professional organization of
public health epidemiologists from every U.S. state and territory, as well as Canada and
Great Britain.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Development and Adoption
of Standards an Ongoing
Critical Challenge for Health

In May 2003, we recommended that the Secretary of HHS, as part of his
efforts to develop a national strategy, (1) define activities for ensuring that
the various standards-setting organizations coordinate their work and
reach further consensus on the definition and use of standards,
(2) establish milestones for defining and implementing all standards, and
(3) create a mechanism to monitor the implementation of standards
throughout the health care industry. To support the compatibility,
interoperability, and security of federal agencies’ many planned and
operational IT systems, the identification and implementation of data,
communications, and security standards for health care delivery and public
health are essential.27 As we testified in July 2004, HHS has made progress
in identifying standards.28 While federal action to promote the adoption of
these standards continues, the identification and implementation of these
standards are an ongoing process.
Despite progress in defining health care IT standards, several
implementation challenges remain to be worked out, including the
establishment of milestones. Currently, no formal mechanisms are in place
to ensure coordination and consensus among these initiatives at the
national level. HHS officials agree that leadership and direction are still
needed to coordinate the various standards-setting initiatives and to ensure
consistent implementation of standards for health care delivery and public
health. Within the federal health architecture structure, the Consolidated
Health Informatics initiative is focused on the adoption of data and
communication standards to be used by federal agencies to achieve
interoperability of IT within health IT initiatives. In March 2003, the
Consolidated Health Informatics initiative announced the adoption of 5
standards, and in May 2004, it announced the adoption of another 15
standards. Some of these standards are included as PHIN standards.29




GAO, Health Care: National Strategy Needed to Accelerate the Implementation of
Information Technology, GAO-04-947T (Washington, D.C.: July 14, 2004).

Those included as PHIN standards are (1) Health Level 7 (HL7) messaging, (2) Systemized
Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms (SNOMED), and (3) Logical Observations
Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC). HL7 message format standards provide a protocol
that enables the flow of data between systems. SNOMED–Clinical Terms is a nomenclature
classification for indexing medical vocabulary, including signs, symptoms, diagnoses, and
procedures. LOINC is a set of code standards that covers a wide range of laboratory and
clinical subject areas and identifies clinical questions, variables, and reports.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

As of March 1, 2005, CDC has adopted several industry standards and
published specifications for PHIN; these standards are grouped by type in
table 9.

Table 9: Industry Standards Used by the Public Health Information Network



Health Level 7 (versions 2, 2.3.1, 2.4, 2.5, 3)


Logical Observations Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)
Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED)—Clinical Terms
Current Procedural Terminology
Medical Subject Headings
Multum Devices
Multum Drugs
North American Industry Classification System
Unified Medical Language System
International Classification of Disease, 9th edition, Clinical Modification

Data model

Health Level 7 Reference Information Model

Secure data

Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language
Extensible Markup Language (encryption and digital signature)
HyperText Transfer Protocol, secure version


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Directory Service Markup Language


Common Alerting Protocol


X.509 Certificates

Source: CDC.

CDC has also initiated a PHIN certification process for its partners (e.g.,
state and local public health agencies), which is intended to establish
whether state and local systems can meet standards for the PHIN
preparedness functional areas. In the future, CDC plans to require system
owners to first perform self-assessment reviews to ensure that systems
meet PHIN standards, followed by reviews by CDC certification teams to
confirm PHIN compatibility. To be functionally compatible, systems must
be capable of supporting the standards outlined for each PHIN functional
area; accordingly, partners must demonstrate that their systems have this
In general, state and local public health officials consider the PHIN
initiative to be a good framework for organizing the necessary standards
for public health interoperability. Most of the state and local officials we

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spoke with agreed that CDC has done a commendable job of adopting and
promoting standards for IT in selected programs. In addition, they agreed
that CDC should continue to take a leadership role in pressing for industry
standards and providing guidance to states and local entities. However,
several officials stated that CDC should focus more of its attention on
setting standards and less on developing software applications, which
generally do not meet their needs and are not compatible with their specific
IT environments. CDC officials say that it is important both to promote the
use of industry standards and to develop software applications, especially
for state and local public health agencies that have limited IT resources.
Although federal efforts to promote the adoption of these standards
continue, their identification and implementation are an ongoing process.
Several implementation challenges remain, including coordination of the
various efforts to ensure consensus on standards and establishment of
milestones. Until these challenges are addressed, federal agencies will not
be able to ensure that their systems can exchange data with other systems
when needed.

Coordination among
Federal, State, and Local
Public Health Agencies Is a
Major Undertaking

In defining system requirements, federal agencies are challenged by the
need to involve such key stakeholders as state and local public health
agencies, which are expected to use these systems for reporting data to the
federal government. For example, most participating local government
agencies and state public health laboratories were told to implement the
BioWatch initiative in their metropolitan areas and were given the
procedures and software to use for sample management and data
collection. According to some public health officials, BioWatch was
implemented without a plan for how states and localities would respond to
a positive test result, and they were left to develop a response plan after
BioWatch had been deployed. One metropolitan area did not implement
BioWatch for a year after it became operational, because officials did not
have a response plan in place and did not want to be responsible for
responding to a potential incident without a plan for handling positive test
results. According to DHS officials, since local officials had received funds
for emergency preparedness, it was their understanding that BioWatch
locations had response plans in place; DHS officials have since developed a
methodology to target funds for specific purposes, such as response plans.
CDC has been challenged by the need to coordinate with a diverse range of
state and local public health agencies. For example, CDC has found that it
is difficult to implement “standard” systems that would address the full

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

range of different needs and levels of IT resources available at the state
level. HHS officials told us that the agency strives to address this challenge
by developing applications that are based on industry standards. It also
provides the standards and specifications to state and local agencies so
that they can build or purchase their own systems that can conform to
PHIN standards. Nonetheless, there was consensus among many of the
state and local officials in our review that federal agencies did not obtain
adequate input from state and local officials. A few state officials with
whom we spoke said that CDC does not appropriately consider their need
to comply with existing state IT architectures. In addition, in an informal
e-mail survey, a small group of state chief information officers agreed that
federal agencies do not take into consideration state IT architectures.
According to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, no
mechanism has yet been established for state and federal partners to
collaboratively review initiatives developed over the past 3 years and plan
for the future. Instead, the approach to system design and implementation
remains top-down, mainly focused on expanding federally designed
syndromic surveillance for early outbreak detection without critical review
of its usefulness and cost and without systematic review of state-originated
systems and needs. The result is that public health responders may not buy
in to and use the federally designed systems, potentially constructive stateoriginated ideas may not get recognition and wider application, and
national bioterrorism-related surveillance will be suboptimal. According to
CDC, as part of its efforts to obtain state and local input, it hosts an annual
PHIN conference and holds meetings with business partner organizations,
such as a recent series of meetings on PHIN preparedness requirements
with selected state and local officials. In addition, under CDC’s new
organizational structure, the new National Center for Public Health
Informatics has a division for communications and collaboration with its
Further, CDC and DHS have coordinated with each other on specific
projects, but that coordination has not been optimal, according to officials
from both agencies. According to DHS officials, federal agencies are
planning to meet within the next few months to discuss this issue. When
asked about their experiences with coordination between CDC and DHS on
public health IT initiatives, some of the state and local public health
officials included in our review expressed concerns about coordination
between the two agencies; one expressed confusion about their roles.
Until CDC and DHS establish close coordination on federal public health
IT, and state and local public health agencies are more actively involved in

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

the definition and coordination of federal efforts, the effectiveness of the
information systems intended to improve disease surveillance and
communications may be inadequate.

Rigorous Planning and
Management of IT
Initiatives Are Important to
Building a Stronger Public
Health Infrastructure

A challenge that both HHS and DHS face in implementing public health IT
initiatives is ensuring their effective planning and management. This
requires mature, repeatable systems development and acquisition
processes to increase the likelihood that projects will be delivered on time
and within budget. Key elements of information and technology
management include (1) IT investment management and (2) systems
development and acquisition management. To help federal agencies
address these key elements, we and the Office of Management and Budget
have developed guidance that provides a framework on the use of rigorous
and disciplined processes for planning, managing, and controlling IT
resources. We have previously reported on specific weaknesses at both
HHS and DHS, including the lack of robust processes for IT investment
management and immature systems development and acquisition
practices.30 We made recommendations to HHS and DHS aimed at
improving these practices.
HHS and CDC have recently taken steps to improve their control over IT
projects, which is an important aspect of IT investment management.
Because PHIN and some of its initiatives (i.e., BioSense, NEDSS, the Health
Alert Network, and NEPHTN) are considered major investments for fiscal
year 2006, they required review by HHS. The HHS IT Investment Review
Board conducted budgetary reviews for these applications in June 2004 and
recommended that the projects move forward as major IT investments;
however, there is no documentation that additional HHS reviews were
conducted on PHIN and its major applications until this past February,
when HHS began implementing procedures for better monitoring of system
development projects. In January 2004, CDC announced its intention to
provide greater executive level oversight of IT investments, but it had been
reorganizing and did not begin conducting control reviews for major PHIN
investments until recently. In May 2004, CDC announced its new center for

GAO, Department of Homeland Security: Formidable Information and Technology
Management Challenge Requires Institutional Approach, GAO-04-702 (Washington, D.C.:
Aug. 27, 2004); Information Technology Management: Governmentwide Strategic
Planning, Performance Measurement, and Investment Management Can Be Further
Improved, GAO-04-49 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 12, 2004); and High-Risk Series: An Update,
GAO-05-207 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2005).

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public health informatics to better coordinate IT projects; this center was
formally recognized as operational as of mid-April 2005 when Congress
approved CDC’s reorganization. Until CDC and HHS management provides
a systematic method for IT investment reviews, they will have difficulty
minimizing risks while maximizing returns on these critical public health
Regarding CDC’s systems development and acquisition practices, we
observed weaknesses in project management that may hinder progress
toward achieving PHIN objectives. For some of the projects in this review,
we received limited documentation of project managers’ tracking actual
dates against baseline schedules, and it appeared that a number of projects
had missed internal schedule dates. In November 2004, CDC started
requiring project managers to provide status reports to its program
management activity office on a biweekly basis. These reports are now
required for five of the systems in our review. CDC officials acknowledged
that project dates had to be rebaselined; after the rebaselining, CDC
officials stated that their projects met official release dates.
Early last year, CDC recognized the need for more direct executive
involvement in IT governance and management. This fiscal year, CDC
began implementing a project management office to oversee public health
informatics projects. Establishing this office and institutionalizing its
processes while managing new and ongoing IT projects will be a challenge.
The new office has initiated new processes to manage project
interdependencies, document and track milestones for projects, and
formalize project change requests. For example, the office is beginning to
track projects biweekly—asking project managers to report on upcoming
milestones, their confidence that those milestones will be met, issues for
executive attention, staffing problems, and other potential problems. CDC
is also implementing a process to standardize project management across
the agency. This process is designed to incorporate, among other things,
program and project management, capital planning, security certification
and accreditation, and system development life-cycle processes.
DHS has been operational for just over 2 years, and the department has
made progress in establishing key information and technology disciplines.
However, as we have reported, these disciplines are not yet fully
established and operational. For example, DHS has established an IT
investment management process, but this process is still maturing. DHS
has also had problems consistently employing rigorous systems
development and acquisition practices. DHS did not provide

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

documentation of its oversight of its public health IT investments.
According to DHS officials, they plan to submit a capital asset plan and
business case for the BWICS initiative this year for review and approval by
the DHS IT review board. However, until DHS follows through on its initial
actions to address its management, programmatic, and partnering
challenges, its IT investments remain at risk.


The federal government has made progress on major public health IT
initiatives, but significant work remains to be done. CDC’s PHIN initiative
includes applications at various stages of implementation; as a whole,
however, it remains years away from fully achieving its planned
improvement to the public health IT infrastructure. In addition, DHS’s
initiatives are still in such early stages that it is uncertain how they will
improve public health preparedness.
Federal agencies face many challenges in improving the public health
infrastructure. CDC and DHS are pursuing related initiatives, but there is
little integration among them, and until the national health IT strategy is
completed, it is unknown how their integration will be addressed.
Implementing health data standards across the health care community is
still a work in progress, and until these standards are implemented,
information sharing challenges will remain. In addition, state and local
public health agencies report that their coordination with federal initiatives
is often limited. Until state and local public health agencies are more
actively involved in coordination with their federal counterparts, disease
surveillance systems will remain fragmented and their effectiveness will be
impeded. Finally, the development of robust practices for IT investment
management and for systems development and acquisition is a continuing
challenge for HHS and DHS, about which we have previously made
recommendations. Until agencies address all these challenges, progress
toward building a stronger public health infrastructure will be limited, as
will the ability to share essential information concerning public health
emergencies and bioterrorism.

Recommendations for
Executive Action

In order to improve the development and implementation of major public
health IT initiatives, we recommend that the Secretary of Health and
Human Services take the following two actions:

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

• ensure that the federal initiatives are (1) aligned with the national health
IT strategy, the federal health architecture, and ongoing public health IT
initiatives and (2) coordinated with state and local public health
initiatives and
• ensure federal actions to encourage the development, adoption, and
implementation of health care data and communication standards
across the health care industry to address interoperability challenges
associated with the exchange of public health information.
We also recommend that the Secretary of Homeland Security align existing
and planned DHS IT initiatives with other ongoing public health IT
initiatives at HHS, including adoption of data and communications

Agency Comments and
Our Evaluation

We received written comments on a draft of this report from the Acting
Inspector General at HHS and Director of the Departmental GAO/OIG
Liaison at DHS (these comments are reproduced in app. III and IV). HHS
generally concurred with our recommendations, while DHS did not
comment specifically on the recommendations. Both agencies provided
additional contextual information and technical comments, which we have
incorporated in this report as appropriate. We provided DOD officials with
the opportunity to comment on a draft of this report, which they declined.
Among its comments, HHS officials stated that this report does not
adequately represent the department’s accomplishments in implementing
standards and specifications for health IT or the benefits of pursuing a
standards-based approach. We concur with HHS on the importance of
standards for health information technology and have been calling for
federal leadership in expediting standards since 1993. Page 61 lists GAO
reports on health IT, several of which address the benefits of standards and
the need for a national health IT strategy. In response to HHS’s comment
that we suggest that early event detection is duplicative or irrelevant at the
federal level, neither we nor the state and local public health officials
suggest that early event detection at the federal level is irrelevant. Rather,
we are reporting the concerns of state and local public health officials
regarding the federal government’s role, which merits further discussion
and more involvement of state and local health officials.

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As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce its contents
earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days from the
date of this letter. At that time, we will send copies of the report to other
congressional committees. We will also send copies to the Secretaries of
Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Defense, and Energy. In
addition, copies will be sent to the state and local public health agencies
that were included in our review. Copies will also be made available at no
charge on our Web site at If you have any questions on
matters discussed in this report, please contact me at 202-512-9286 or by email at [email protected]. Contact points for our Offices of Congressional
Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this report.
GAO staff who made major contributions to this report are listed in
appendix V.

David A. Powner
Director, Information Technology Management Issues

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Appendix I

Objectives, Scope, and Methodology


The objectives of our review were to
• assess the progress of major federal information technology (IT)
initiatives designed to strengthen the effectiveness of the public health
infrastructure and
• describe the key IT challenges facing federal agencies responsible for
improving the public health infrastructure.

To address these objectives, we conducted our work at Health and Human
Services (HHS), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Department
of Defense (DOD) offices in Washington, D.C., and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. We selected specific IT initiatives
to review from systems we identified in previous work,1 focusing on major
public health IT initiatives in surveillance and communication systems. We
excluded food safety systems and DOD disease surveillance systems that
did not include civilian populations. We discussed our selection with
federal officials to help ensure that we were addressing the most relevant
major initiatives. To assess the progress of major federal IT initiatives
designed to strengthen the effectiveness of the public health infrastructure,
we analyzed agency documents such as Office of Management and Budget’s
Exhibit 300s, minutes of executive council meetings, and system
development documents, including project plans, functional requirements,
and cost-benefit analyses. We supplemented our evaluation of agency
documents with interviews of federal officials. Through interviews with
these officials and with state and local public health officials, we also
assessed CDC’s and DHS’s interaction and coordination with each other on
their IT initiatives.
Because these federal initiatives affect state and local public health
agencies, we supplemented our analysis of agency documentation by
interviewing officials from six state and six local public health agencies on
progress being achieved by CDC and DHS. We conducted our work at the
San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency; the California
Department of Health Services in Sacramento; the Thurston County Public
Health and Social Services and the Washington State Department of Health

GAO, Bioterrorism: Information Technology Could Strengthen Federal Agencies’
Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies, GAO-03-139 (Washington, D.C.: May 30,

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Appendix I
Objectives, Scope, and Methodology

in Olympia; the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services
Department and the Texas Department of State Health Services in Austin;
the Milwaukee City Health Department; the Wisconsin Department of
Health and Family Services in Madison, Wisconsin; the Boston Public
Health Commission and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department
of Public Health in Boston; the New York State Department of Health in
Albany; and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
The states and local public health agencies were selected because they
were actively involved in implementing at least one of CDC’s Public Health
Information Network IT applications. We interviewed them on the impact
of federal IT initiatives on state and local public health operations and
lessons they learned from integrating federal IT initiatives into their local
public health infrastructure. If they had systems similar to the federal
systems in our review, we discussed how their systems compared with the
federal initiatives. We also interviewed representatives of several public
health professional organizations, which CDC considers its partners, such
as the National Association of County and City Health Officials, the
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, the Council for State
and Territorial Epidemiologists and the Association of Public Health
Laboratories. We also had a discussion with the National Association of
State Chief Information Officers.
To identify key IT challenges facing federal agencies responsible for
improving the public health infrastructure, we analyzed published GAO
reports, agency documents, and other information obtained during
interviews and site visits. We summarized the results of our evaluation and
identified the key challenges that CDC and DHS have consistently
encountered as they implement the IT initiatives included in our review.
Our work was performed from July 2004 through April 2005 in accordance
with generally accepted government auditing standards.

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Appendix II

Federal Agencies and Their Roles in Public
Health Preparedness and Response


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has primary
responsibility for coordinating the nation’s response to public health
emergencies, including bioterrorism. HHS divisions responsible for
bioterrorism preparedness and response, and their primary
responsibilities, include the following:
• The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Health
Emergency Preparedness coordinates the department’s work to
oversee and protect public health, including cooperative agreements
with states and local governments. States and local governments can
apply for funding to upgrade public health infrastructure and health care
systems to better prepare for and respond to bioterrorism and other
public health emergencies. The office maintains a command center
where it can coordinate the response to public health emergencies from
one centralized location. This center is equipped with satellite
teleconferencing capacity, broadband Internet hookups, and analysis
and tracking software.
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
primary responsibility for nationwide disease surveillance for specific
biological agents, developing epidemiological and laboratory tools to
enhance disease surveillance, and providing an array of scientific and
financial support for state infectious disease surveillance, prevention,
and control. CDC has an emergency operations center to organize and
manage all of its emergency operations, allowing for immediate
communication with HHS, the Department of Homeland Security,
federal intelligence and emergency response officials, and state and
local public health officials. CDC also provides testing services and
consultation that are not available at the state level; training on
infectious diseases and laboratory topics, such as testing methods and
outbreak investigations; and grants to help states conduct disease
surveillance. In addition, CDC provides state and local health
departments with a wide range of technical, financial, and staff
resources to help maintain or improve their ability to detect and
respond to disease threats.
• The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for safeguarding
the food supply, ensuring that new vaccines and drugs are safe and
effective, and conducting research on diagnostic tools and treatment of
disease outbreaks. It is increasing its food safety responsibilities by
improving its laboratory preparedness and food monitoring inspections.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix II
Federal Agencies and Their Roles in Public
Health Preparedness and Response

• The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is responsible for
supporting research designed to improve the outcomes and quality of
health care, reduce its costs, address safety and medical errors, and
broaden access to effective services, including antibioterrorism
research. It has initiated several major projects and activities designed
to assess and enhance linkages between the clinical care delivery
system and the public health infrastructure. Research focuses on
emergency preparedness of hospitals and health care systems for
bioterrorism and other public health events; technologies and methods
to improve the linkages among the personal health care system,
emergency response networks, and public health agencies; and training
and information needed to prepare clinicians to recognize the symptoms
of bioterrorist agents and manage patients appropriately.
• The National Institutes of Health is responsible, among other things,
for conducting medical research in its own laboratories and for
supporting the research of nonfederal scientists in universities, medical
schools, hospitals, and research institutions throughout the United
States and abroad. Its National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases has a program to support research related to organisms that
are likely to be used as biological weapons.
• The Health Resources Services Administration is responsible for
improving the nation’s health by ensuring equal access to
comprehensive, culturally competent, quality health care. Its
Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness program administers cooperative
agreements to state and local governments to support hospitals’ efforts
toward bioterrorism preparedness and response.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for, among
other things, protecting the United States against terrorist attacks. One
activity undertaken by DHS is coordination of surveillance activities of
federal agencies related to national security.
• The Science and Technology Directorate serves as the primary
research and development arm of DHS, using our nation’s scientific and
technological resources to provide federal, state, and local officials with
the technology and capabilities to protect the nation. The focus is on
catastrophic terrorism—threats to the security of our homeland that
could result in large-scale loss of life and major economic impact. The
directorate’s work is designed to counter those threats, both by

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix II
Federal Agencies and Their Roles in Public
Health Preparedness and Response

improvements to current technological capabilities and development of
new, revolutionary technological capabilities.
• The Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection
Directorate is responsible for helping to deter, prevent, and mitigate
acts of terrorism by assessing vulnerabilities in the context of
continuously changing threats. It strengthens the nation’s protective
posture and disseminates timely and accurate information to federal,
state, local, private, and international partners.
• The Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate is
responsible for the National Incident Management System, which
establishes standardized incident management processes, protocols,
and procedures that all responders—federal, state, local and tribal—will
use to coordinate and conduct response actions.
The Department of Defense, while primarily responsible for the health
and protection of its service members, contributes to global disease
surveillance, training, research, and response to emerging infectious
disease threats.
• The Defense Threat Reduction Agency provides technical expertise
and capabilities in combat support, technology development, threat
control and threat reduction, including chemical and biological defense.
• The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious
Diseases conducts biological research dealing with militarily relevant
infectious diseases and biological agents. It also provides professional
expertise on issues related to technologies and other tools to support
readiness for a bioterrorist incident.
The Department of Energy is developing new capabilities to counter
chemical and biological threats. It expects the results of its research to be
public and possibly lead to the development of commercial products in the
domestic market.
• The Chemical and Biological National Security Program has
conducted research on biological detection, modeling and prediction,
and biological foundations to support efforts in advanced detection,
attribution, and medical countermeasures.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix II
Federal Agencies and Their Roles in Public
Health Preparedness and Response

• The national research laboratories (e.g., Lawrence Livermore, Los
Alamos, and Sandia) are developing new capabilities for countering
chemical and biological threats, including biological detection,
modeling, and prediction.
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for protecting and
improving the health and marketability of animals and animal products in
the United States by preventing, controlling, and eliminating animal
diseases. USDA’s disease surveillance and response activities are intended
to protect U.S. livestock and ensure the safety of international trade. In
addition, USDA is responsible for ensuring that meat, poultry, and certain
processed egg products are safe and properly labeled and packaged. USDA
establishes quality standards and conducts inspections of processing
facilities in order to safeguard certain animal food products against
infectious diseases that pose a risk to humans.
• The Agricultural Research Service conducts research to improve
onsite rapid detection of biological agents in animals, plants, and food
and has improved its detection capability for diseases and toxins that
could affect animals and humans.
• The Food Safety Inspection Service provides emergency
preparedness for foodborne incidents, including bioterrorism.
• The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has a role in
responding to biological agents that cause zoonotic diseases (i.e.,
diseases transmitted from animals to humans). It also has veterinary
epidemiologists to trace the source of animal exposures to diseases.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has responsibilities to
prepare for and respond to emergencies, including those related to
biological materials. EPA can be involved in detection of agents by
environmental monitoring and sampling. It is also responsible for
protecting the nation’s water supply from terrorist attack and for
prevention and control of indoor air pollution.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) manages one of the nation’s
largest health care systems and is the nation’s largest drug purchaser. The
department purchases pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the
Strategic National Stockpile and the National Medical Response Team
stockpile. The VA Emergency Preparedness Act of 2002 directed VA to
establish at least four medical emergency preparedness centers to (1) carry

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix II
Federal Agencies and Their Roles in Public
Health Preparedness and Response

out research and develop methods of detection, diagnosis, prevention, and
treatment for biological and other public health and safety threats;
(2) provide education, training, and advice to health care professionals
inside and outside VA; and (3) provide laboratory and other assistance to
local health care authorities in the event of a national emergency.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix III

Comments from the Department of Health and
Human Services


Note: GAO comments
supplementing those in
the report text appear
at the end of this

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

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Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

See comment 1.

See comment 2.

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Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

See comment 3.

See comment 4.

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Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

See comment 5.

See comment 6.

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Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

The following are GAO’s comments on the Department of Health and
Human Services letter dated June 3, 2005.

GAO Comments

1. We agree with HHS that the cost benefits of a standards-based
approach to public health systems are potentially considerable.
However, as we have reported before, the Center for Information
Technology Leadership acknowledges that their cost estimates are
based on a number of assumptions and inhibited by limited data that
are neither complete nor precise.1
2. We agree with HHS that standards-based systems provide important
benefits. In our May 2003 report, we made several recommendations
regarding the establishment and use of standards that are highlighted in
this report. We also state that to support the compatibility,
interoperability, and security of federal agencies’ many planned and
operational IT systems, the identification and implementation of data,
communications, and security standards for health care delivery and
public health are essential.2
3. HHS states that our report does not mention a number of activities
related to the Federal Health Architecture and the Consolidated Health
Informatics initiative. We described the status of workgroup efforts
specific to public health surveillance. In terms of the standards adopted
by the Consolidated Health Informatics initiative, we presented the
relevant standards in our table of industry standards used by the Public
Health Information Network. We disagree with HHS that the paragraph
needs to be revised. While the development of standards and policies is
a key component of progress toward the implementation of a national
health IT strategy, the development of a national strategy and
corresponding federal architecture is equally important.
4. We disagree with HHS that we should delete our discussion of the
concerns of state and local public health officials regarding duplication
of effort across federal agencies. Neither we nor the state and local
public health officials suggest that early event detection at the federal


GAO, Health and Human Services’ Estimate of Health Care Cost Savings Resulting from
the Use of Information Technology, GAO-05-309R (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 17, 2005).


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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix III
Comments from the Department of Health
and Human Services

level is irrelevant. Rather, we are reporting the concerns of state and
local public health officials regarding the federal government’s role,
which merits further discussion and more involvement of state and
local health officials.
5. We have adjusted our report to indicate that fiscal year 2006 costs for
BioSense are unknown.
6. HHS comments that not moving forward with its technology initiatives
presents greater risk than waiting for a completed national health IT
strategy. We are not suggesting that HHS stop its ongoing activities; we
only point out the risks associated with developing and implementing
major IT initiatives without a coordinated strategy in place.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix IV

Comment from the Department of Homeland


Note: GAO comments
supplementing those in
the report text appear
at the end of this

See comment 1.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix IV
Comment from the Department of Homeland

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix IV
Comment from the Department of Homeland

The following is GAO’s comment on the Department of Homeland
Security’s letter dated June 3, 2005.

GAO Comment

1. We disagree with DHS’s statement that we erroneously categorize its
initiatives as still in the early states. The initiatives that we are referring
to as being in the early stages are the Biological Warning and Incident
Characterization System and the National Biosurveillance Integration
System, which according to DHS officials are considered their two
major IT initiatives. DHS categorized them as being in development.

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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Appendix V

GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments

GAO Contact

David A. Powner, 202-512-9286, [email protected]


In addition to those named above, Barbara S. Collier, Neil J. Doherty,
Amanda C. Gill, M. Saad Khan, Gay Hee Lee, Mary Beth McClanahan,
M. Yvonne Sanchez, and Morgan Walts made key contributions to this

Page 61


GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

Related GAO Reports on Health Information
Health Information Technology: HHS Is Taking Steps to Develop a
National Strategy. GAO-05-628. Washington, D.C.: May 27, 2005.
Health and Human Services’ Estimate of Health Care Cost Savings
Resulting from the Use of Information Technology. GAO-05-309R.
Washington, D.C.: February 17, 2005.
HHS’s Efforts to Promote Health Information Technology and Legal
Barriers to its Adoption. GAO-04-991R. Washington, D.C.: August 13, 2004.
Health Care: National Strategy Needed to Accelerate the Implementation
of Information Technology. GAO-04-947T. Washington, D.C.: July 14, 2004.
Information Technology: Benefits Realized for Selected Health Care
Functions. GAO-04-224. Washington, D.C.: October 31, 2003.
Bioterrorism: Information Technology Strategy Could Strengthen Federal
Agencies’ Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies. GAO-03-139.
Washington, D.C.: May 30, 2003.
Automated Medical Records: Leadership Needed to Expedite Standards
Development. GAO/IMTEC-93-17. Washington, D.C.: April 30, 1993.


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GAO-05-308 Public Health IT Initiatives

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleGAO-05-308 Information Technology: Federal Agencies Face Challenges in Implementing Initiatives to Improve Public Health Infrast
AuthorU.S. Government Accountability Office,
File Modified2013-09-11
File Created2005-06-10

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