3-Month Follow-up Questionnaire

Evaluating Locally-Developed HIV Prevention Interventions for African-American MSM in Los Angeles

Attachment 3g 3- and 6-month Follow up Questionnaire 6.16.11

3-Month Follow-up Questionnaire

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Expiration Date: 00/00/2014

Evaluating Locally-Developed HIV Prevention Interventions for African-American MSM in Los Angeles

Attachment 3e

3-month and 6-month Questionnaire

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Attn: OMB-PRA (0920-New)

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Expiration Date: 00/00/2014

MyLife MyStyle

Follow-up Questionnaire

Baseline Survey Date:______________

Follow-up Survey Date: ________________

3 or 6 month follow-up? 3 months / 6 months

Study ID: ________________

Intervention or Control? I / C

Instructions: Thank you for taking the time to answer questions for our study. Remember, all your answers will be kept private and your name will not be attached to any of the answers you provide today. It is important to be as honest as possible when answering these questions. Please remember that you can decide not to answer a specific question if you do not want to.

If you would like help understanding a question, please talk to the project staff member who can help you.


A. Demographics

A1. In the past 3 months, have you been homeless at any time? By homeless, I mean you were living on the street, in a shelter, a Single Room Occupancy hotel (SRO), temporarily staying with friends or relatives, or living in a car.

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refused to answer

9 Don’t know

A2. Are you currently homeless?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refused to answer

9 Don’t know

A3. What best describes your employment status? (Choose one) Are you:

1 Employed full-time

2 Employed part-time

3 A full-time student

4 Disabled for work

5 Unemployed

6 Other

77 Refused to answer

99 Don't know

A4. During the past 3 months, how often did you run out of money for your basic necessities like rent or food?

1 Never

2 Once

3 Twice

4 Three times or more

7 Refuse to answer

A6. What kind of health insurance or coverage do you currently have?

[Check all that apply.]

1 Medicaid (MediCal)

2 Medicare

3 Veteran's Administration

4 Ryan White

5 Private Insurance or HMO (e.g., Blue Cross or Kaiser)

6 No insurance

7 Self-pay

8 Other health insurance

77 Refuse to Answer

99 Refuse to Answer

The next question refers to recent experiences you may have had with the jail or prison system. Please answer as honestly as you can. Your answers will be kept private.

A7. Have you been arrested and taken to jail or prison in the past 3 months?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

9 Don’t Know

B. Integrated Race and Sexuality

The next several questions are about race and sexuality.

B1. Black homosexual and bisexual men contribute to black communities.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B2. Both my race and my sexuality are important to who I am as a man.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B3. I can’t imagine a loving relationship between two Black men.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B4. I believe Black men can be in loving committed relationships with each other.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B5. Black men who have sex with men do nothing to improve the quality of Black communities.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B6. Black homosexual and bisexual men can play an important role in Black families.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B7. A Black man who has sex with men can still be a strong man.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B8. It is more important that people see me as a man than as a Black person.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B9. It is more important that people see me as a man than as a homosexual/bisexual man.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B10. I am comfortable being open as a Black homosexual/bisexual man.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

B11. Black homosexual and bisexual men only make it more difficult for Black people in general.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

C. Sexual Behaviors

Next, are some questions about having sex. Please remember your answers will be kept private.

For these questions, "having sex" means oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Oral sex means mouth on the vagina, penis or anus (butt); vaginal sex means penis in the vagina; and anal sex means penis in the anus (butt). Note that some questions may not apply to your situation.

1. In the past 3 months, that is since _____, with how many different men have you had oral or anal sex?

__ __ __

777 Refuse to Answer

888 Not Applicable

2. In the past 3 months, that is since _____, with how many different women have you had oral, vaginal, or anal sex?

__ __ __

777 Refuse to Answer

888 Not Applicable

3. In the past 3 months, that is since _____, with how many transgender persons have you had oral, vaginal, or anal sex?

__ __ __

777 Refuse to Answer

888 Not Applicable

The next questions are specifically about people you have had either anal or vaginal intercourse with in the past three months—between _____ and _______. These sex partners should not include anyone you ONLY had oral sex with.

4. With how many people have you had anal or vaginal intercourse in the past three months (since _____)?

__ __ __

Now we are going to ask about your behaviors with up to five sex partners you have had in the past three months. If you have had more than five, please answer questions about the five you had sex with most often. First, please type in the initials, a nickname, or another easy way to refer to each partner in the past three months to help you in answering the questions.

________ ________ ________ _________ __________

  1. What is partner X's gender? (Choose one)

1 Male

2 Female

3 Male to female transgender (transwoman) 4 Female to male transgender (transman)

7 Refuse to Answer

8 Not Applicable

9 Don't Know

  1. How old is partner X?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don't Know [ASK 2a]

2a. Was this partner….

1 About the same age as you (within five years)

2 Five or more years older than you

3 Five or more years younger than you

3. What type of partner is partner X? (Choose one)

1 Exchange Partner (Sex for money or goods) [Ask 3a]

2 Anonymous Partner (One time partner)

3 Casual Partner (Sex without commitment) [Ask 3b]

4 Main Partner (Primary sexual partner) [Ask 3b]

3a. Did you give partner X money or goods for sex OR did partner X give you money or goods for sex?

1 I gave this partner money or goods for sex

2 This partner gave me money or goods for sex

3b. When was the first time you had anal (or vaginal) sex with partner X?

1 Within the past 3 months

2 Between 3 and 12 months ago

3 Over 12 months ago

4. How would you describe partner X's race/ethnicity?

01 American Indian or Alaskan Native

02 Asian or Pacific Islander

03 Black, not of Hispanic orgin

04 Hispanic

05 White, not of Hispanic origin

06 Caribbean/West Indian

07 Something else (specify)

77 Refuse to Answer

88 Not Applicable

99 Don't Know

5. Did you and partner X discuss each other’s HIV status before you had intercourse the first time?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

6. To the best of your knowledge, what is partner X’s HIV status?

0 Negative

1 Positive

2 Unknown/don’t know (GO TO Q8)

7. How do you know that partner X’s HIV status is ___? (Check all that apply)

1 I could tell by the way he looked

2 One of his friends told me what his status was

3 I could tell his status by some of the things that he told me

4 I checked out his medicine cabinet to look for HIV medications

5 He told me directly without me asking

6 I asked him directly and he told me

7 Other: Specify________________

8. Did you and partner X discuss each other’s STD status (other than HIV status) before you had intercourse the first time?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

9. Where did you first meet partner X?

1 gay bar, cafe, nightclub or restaurant

2 sex club, bathhouse, adult novelty store or bookstore

3 public places including street, park, shopping mall, grocery store, library, public transportation

4 church, political function

5 work or school

6 gym / health club/ athletic activity

7 Internet (hook up, dating or social networking site)

8 newspaper ads

9 private party or social club

10 through friends

11 non-gay bar, nightclub

12 at In The Meantime program or event

13 social organizations / volunteer service activities

14 vacation / business trip
15 some other way [Specify]:_____________

77 Refuse to Answer

88 Not Applicable

99 Don’t know

10. How many times did you have insertive anal intercourse (you put your penis in his butt)

with partner X in past 3 months (between _____ and _______)?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

11. Of the __ times you had insertive anal sex, how many times was a condom NOT used?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

12. Of the __ times you had insertive anal sex without a condom, how many times were you high or drunk? __ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

13. How many times did you have receptive anal intercourse (he put his penis in your butt)

with partner X in past 3 months (between _____ and _______)?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

14. Of the __ times you had receptive anal sex, how many times was a condom NOT used?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

15. Of the __ times you had receptive anal sex without a condom, how many times were you high or drunk? __ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

16. In the past 3 months, how many times did you NOT have anal sex because you or partner X did not have a condom?

___ times

17. In the past 3 months, as far as you know, has partner X had sex with other people?

0 No

1 Yes, with other men

2 Yes, with women

3 Yes, with both men and women

4 Yes, but I don’t know who they had sex with

5 Don’t know



18. In the past 3 months, that is since _____, how many times did you ask partner X to get tested for STDs (not including HIV)?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

19. In the past 3 months, that is since _____, how many times did you ask partner X if he was being faithful to you?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

19a. Did he tell you that he had been unfaithful to you in the past 3 months?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

9 Don't Know

20. Who usually has more say about whether you use condoms?

1 Your partner

2 Both of you equally

3 You

21. Who usually has more say about what types of sexual acts you do?

1 Your partner

2 Both of you equally

3 You

22. In general, who do you think has more power in your relationship?

1 Your partner

2 Both of you equally

3 You


23. How many times did you have vaginal intercourse with partner X in the past 3 months (between _____ and _______)?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

24. Of the __ times you had vaginal sex, how many times did you NOT use a condom?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

25. Of the __ times you had vaginal sex without a condom, how many times were you high or drunk?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

26. How many times did you have anal intercourse (your penis in her butt) with partner X in past 3 months (between _____ and _______)?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

27. Of the __ times you had anal sex, how many times did you NOT use a condom?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

28. Of the __ times you had anal sex without a condom, how many times were you high or drunk?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

29. In the past 3 months, how many times did you NOT have vaginal or anal sex because you or partner X did not have a condom?

___ times


30. In the past three months, did you have anal sex with any male sex partners because they gave you drugs, money, a place to stay, or other things you needed? (Choose one)

0 No

1 Yes, only with one man

2 Yes, with more than one man

7 Refuse to Answer

31. Before having sex with a man for the first time, how often do you discuss both of your HIV statuses? (Choose one)

1 With all my new partners

2 With more than half of my new partners

3 With about half of my new partners

4 With less than half of my new partners

5 With none of my new partners

7 Refuse to Answer

32. Before having sex with a man for the first time, how often do you discuss being tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, like gonorrhea, Chlamydia but not including HIV)? (Choose one)

1 With all my new partners

2 With more than half of my new partners

3 With about half of my new partners

4 With less than half of my new partners

5 With none of my new partners

7 Refuse to Answer

33. Before having sex with a man for the first time, how often do you discuss having safer sex (like mutual masturbation/oral sex instead of anal sex)? (Choose one)

1 With all my new partners

2 With more than half of my new partners

3 With about half of my new partners

4 With less than half of my new partners

5 With none of my new partners

7 Refuse to Answer

34. In the past 3 months, how many times have you been in a situation where your partner wanted to have anal or vaginal sex without a condom?

__ __ [if 0, skip to 35]

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

34a. Of those ___ times, how many times did you have anal or vaginal sex without a condom?

__ __

97 Refuse to Answer

98 Not Applicable

99 Don’t Know

35. During the past 3 months, how emotionally satisfying was your sex life?

1 Not at all satisfying

2 Slightly satisfying

3 Moderately satisfying

4 Very satisfying

5 Extremely satisfying

36. During the past 3 months, how physically pleasurable was your sex life?

1 Not at all pleasurable

2 Slightly pleasurable

3 Moderately pleasurable

4 Very pleasurable

5 Extremely pleasurable

D. Internalized Homophobia

The next several questions are about attractions to men.

  1. In the past 3 months, I have tried to stop being attracted to men.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. If someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual (straight), I would accept it.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I wish I were not sexually involved with men.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I would change my sexual preferences if I could.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. In the past 3 months, I have tried to become more sexually attracted to women.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I try to avoid personal or social involvement with gay or homosexual men.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I try to avoid personal or social involvement with men who are bisexual or sexually active with both men and women.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I don't like being gay/homosexual.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I wish that I could develop more sexual desire towards women.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I am uncomfortable being attracted to men.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I value my sexuality as it is.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

12. I try to avoid contact with overly effeminate men.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

E. Gender Role Conflict

Please answer the next set of questions about how you might show affection for others.

  1. Verbally expressing my love or caring for another man is difficult for me.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. Affection with other men makes me tense.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. Expressing my emotions to other men is risky.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. Men who touch other men make me uncomfortable.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. Hugging other men is difficult for me.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. I am sometimes hesitant to show my affection to men because of how others might perceive me.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. Being very personal with other men makes me feel uncomfortable.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

  1. Men who are overly friendly make me wonder about their sexual preference.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

9. I never want to look or seem weak.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

10. Men should never show their feminine side.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

11. I do not want to seem effeminate, girlish, or womanly.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

8 Refuse to Answer

12. It is important for men to look tough.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

13. Men must seem strong to be respected.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Mildly Disagree

4 Mildly Agree

5 Agree

6 Strongly Agree

77 Refuse to Answer

Social Support for Safer Sex/Risk Reduction

The next set of questions are about people you know including friends and family members.

1. Who have you told that you have sex with men? (Check all that apply)

1 My mother or the woman who raised me

2 My father or the man who raised me

3 My brother(s)

4 My sister(s)

5 My minister or priest

6 Straight friends

7 Gay friends

8 Therapist

9 Health care provider

10 My teacher/counselor

11 Other: ____________

77 Refuse to Answer

2. How important is it for you that people who are close to you know that you have sex with men? (Choose one)

1 Very important

2 Somewhat important

3 A little important

4 Not at all important

7 Refuse to Answer

3. How close do you feel to your family? On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 = “Not at all close” and 5 =“Extremely close” ____

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your family?

4. I have family members who:

  1. remind me to stay safe sexually.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. will try to advise me if they think I’m in an unhealthy relationship.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. encourage me to know the truth about my HIV/STD status.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. remind me to protect myself from HIV/STDs.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. encourage me to always use condoms.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. would express concern if I tell them my boyfriend is having sex with other people.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. are supportive of me being monogamous in my relationships with men.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

h. I can talk to if I find out I have an STD.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

i.. I can talk to if I have unprotected sex.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

j. are willing to talk to me about the intimate details of my sex life.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

5. What kind of influence does your family have on your ability to practice safer sex?

1 Very negative

2 Negative

3 Neither negative nor positive

4 Positive

5 Very positive

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your friends?

6. I have friends who:

a. remind me to stay safe sexually.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

b. will try to advise me if they think I’m in an unhealthy relationship.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

c. encourage me to know/find out my HIV status.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

d. remind me to protect myself from HIV/STDs.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

e. encourage me to always use condoms.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

f. would express concern if I tell them my boyfriend is having sex with other people.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

g. are supportive of me being monogamous in my relationships with men.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

h. I can talk to if I find out I have an STD.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

i. I can talk to if I have unprotected sex.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

j. are willing to talk to me about the intimate details of my sex life.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

7. What kind of influence do your friends have on your ability to practice safer sex?

1 Very negative

2 Negative

3 Neither negative nor positive

4 Positive

5 Very positive

Homophobia and Sexual Identity/Sexual Relationships

The next set of questions are about sexual identity and sexual or love relationships.

1. Homophobia makes it harder for me to find a sexual or love relationship.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

2. I have strong Black gay male role models who help me feel more comfortable being open about my sexual orientation.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

3. I would feel comfortable bringing a male partner home for a family gathering and introducing him as my boyfriend.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

4. I avoid family gatherings because of the pressure of not having a girlfriend.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

5. I avoid family gatherings because family members suspect I’m gay.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

6. I sometimes change the way I look after leaving my home to go out to a gay club or venue (so that no one will suspect I’m going to a gay venue).

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

7. I change the way I act and talk when I am around straight Black men.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

8. I put up with anti-gay jokes when I am in a setting like a barbershop.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

9. When I talk about dating with my family (or others who don’t know I date men), I refer to my male partners as she or them and not “him.”

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

Knowledge of HIV Risk for Self and Community

These next few questions are about the risk of HIV among young Black men. “MSM” in these questions refers to men who have sex with men.

  1. Most new HIV infections among Black MSM occur among Black MSM younger than 30.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Compared with other MSM, Black MSM have the lowest rates of HIV/AIDS.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. About 1 in 3 Black MSM in Los Angeles may be HIV infected.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. At least half of HIV-infected Black MSM do not know they have the virus.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Black MSM are more likely to know they have HIV compared with White MSM.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Men who have an STD (e.g., syphilis, gonorrhea) are more likely to get HIV or transmit HIV during sex.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. The rate of HIV infection is higher for young Black MSM than for any other group.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

8. Half of all HIV-positive people in the U.S. are African American or Black.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Risk Reduction

Please answer the following questions about HIV and AIDS.

  1. If a man pulls out before cumming, rubbers or condoms don't need to be used to protect against HIV/AIDS.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Most people who have HIV/AIDS look sick.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Vaseline and other oils should not be used to lubricate rubbers or condoms.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Rubbers or condoms made of latex products protect against the HIV/AIDS virus.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Cleaning injection needles with water is enough to kill the HIV/AIDS virus.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. If someone has HIV, they will have a sunken face and a large belly.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Rubbers or condoms made of lambskin protects against the HIV/AIDS virus.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Many people who have HIV/AIDS feel and look healthy.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Hand lotion is a good lubricant to use with a condom or rubber.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. It is almost impossible for a man to get HIV during sex with another man if he is the top (the insertive partner).

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. You have to have sex with someone more than once to get HIV/AIDS.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. If the man you are having sex with agrees not to have sex with other people, you have no reason to use a condom or rubber.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. You cannot get HIV by touching an infected person's sweat.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Some sexually transmitted diseases cause men to become sterile.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Having a sexually transmitted disease does not affect a person's risk of getting HIV.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

16. If an HIV positive person has an undetectable viral load, they cannot transmit HIV through sex.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

17. Because of the “window period”, it is possible to get an HIV-negative test result and still have HIV.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

18. An HIV-positive person is most infectious (can spread HIV easily) in the first few weeks after getting infected.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

HIV and STD Testing

  1. In the past 3 months, since ( ), have you been tested for HIV?

  1. No [Ask 1a]

  2. Yes [Ask Q2]

7 Refused to Answer [Ask 1a]

8 Don’t know [Skip to Q3]

1a. Do you already know that have HIV?

0 No [Skip to Q4]

1 Yes

7 Refused to Answer [Skip to Q4]

8 Don’t know [Skip to Q4]

  1. What was the result of this recent HIV test?

  1. HIV negative

  2. HIV positive

  3. Did not get results

4. Indeterminate/inconclusive

3. When you got tested in the past 3 months, did you get tested for any of the following reasons:

a. Because you thought you might have been exposed to HIV in the 3 to 6 months before the test?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

b. Because you got tested on a regular basis and it was time for you to get tested again?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

c. Because you had symptoms that made you think you should get tested?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

d. Because you were just checking to make sure you were HIV negative?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

e. Because your doctor or health care provider recommended you get tested?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

f. Because you were required to get tested by either insurance, the military, a court order, or by some other agency?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

g. Because there was some other reason you wanted to get tested?

1 No

2 Yes

7 Refused to Answer

8 Don’t know

h. (Specify other reason ___________________________)

4. In the past 3 months, has a doctor, nurse, or other health care provider told you that you had any of the following STDs? [READ CHOICES, CHECK NO OR YES FOR EACH ONE]



Don’t Know

If yes, did you get treated?

a. Syphilis




Y / N

b. Gonorrhea (clap or drip)




Y / N

c. Chlamydia




Y / N

d. Genital herpes (HSV)




Y / N

e. Genital warts (HPV)




Y / N

f. Any Other STDs




Y / N

f.1 If Yes: Specify


5. Have you been vaccinated for hepatitis A or B in the past 3 months?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

4a. If yes, was it for hepatitis A? ____

hepatitis B? ____

both A and B? ___

6. Have you been vaccinated for HPV (human papilloma virus, or genital warts) in the past 3 months?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

7. How comfortable do you feel telling your doctor/health provider that you have anal sex?

1 Not comfortable at all

2 A little comfortable

3 Comfortable

4 Extremely comfortable

8. How comfortable do you feel telling your doctor/health provider that you are gay/bisexual?

1 Not comfortable at all

2 A little comfortable

3 Comfortable

4 Extremely comfortable

9. Has a doctor/health provider treated you differently after you shared your sexual identity?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refuse to Answer

9 Does Not Apply

Self-efficacy for Condoms and Partner Communication

How confident or sure are you that you could...

  1. Put a male rubber or condom on a hard penis.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. Correctly unroll a rubber or condom down to the base of the penis on the first try.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. Squeeze the tip of the condom while rolling it down.

1 1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. Use water-based lubricant with a male condom.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

Now, please think about how well you would be able to do the following when using condoms.

  1. I can talk to every new partner about the importance of using condoms.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can find another way to get off (such as mutual masturbation) when a condom isn't available.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can be the one to put the condom on my male partner even if I'm nervous.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can put a condom on myself or my partner so that it will not slip or break.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can get every potential partner to use a condom with me.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can use a condom with a new partner without breaking the mood.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. Even if we haven't used them in the past, I can make sex fun while using condoms with a partner.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can put a condom on myself or my partner and enjoy the experience.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

  1. I can get a new partner to use a condom, even if I'm drunk or high.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

6 I don’t get drunk or high

  1. I can get a partner who I haven't used condoms with before to use one, even if I'm drunk or high.

1 Not at all sure I can do

2 Somewhat unsure

3 Undecided

4 Somewhat sure

5 Completely sure I can do

6 I don’t get drunk or high

The next few questions are about discussing HIV status with your male sex partners.

  1. I only tell a partner about my HIV status if we are going to have anal sex without a condom.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. I always talk to partners about my HIV status before having sex with them.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. I talk to all my partners about my HIV status even if we are just having oral sex.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. When a partner tells me he is HIV negative, I always ask when he was last tested.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. (For HIV+ or unknown) I sometimes lie about my HIV status to people I’m going to have sex with.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. Even if my partners tell me they are HIV negative, I tend not to believe them.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

  1. I lose my desire to have sex if my partner tries to discuss HIV.

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree Somewhat

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Agree Somewhat

5 Strongly Agree

Anal and Penile Health

These next few questions are about sexually transmitted diseases or STDs (examples are gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, herpes, etc.).

  1. STDs may increase a man’s HIV risk if he has openings/ulcers on his genitals.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. An HIV-positive person who has an STD can more easily spread HIV to his or her sex partners.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Treating STDs helps to reduce the risk of getting HIV.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. If condoms are used 100% of the time, a person cannot get an STD.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. You can get hepatitis A from rimming (“eating ass”).

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. There is a vaccine for hepatitis A, B and C.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Condoms do not protect against Chlamydia.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Gonorrhea infections can be found in the anus, penis, and throat.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. It is easy to detect an STD in the anal area.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Untreated syphilis can lead to brain damage and even death.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

  1. Using water-based lubricant for anal sex can help protect against anal tearing.

1 True

2 False

9 Don't Know

HIV Care and Treatment

(For HIV+ men)

This next set of questions has to do with care and treatment you may have received for your HIV.

1. Have you ever received any health care or treatment for HIV/AIDS?

1 Yes

2 No [If NO, go to Q8]

7 Refuse to Answer

2. When did you last go to your health care provider for HIV care?

___/___ [MM/YY]

3. Have you ever taken any HIV medications (antiretroviral medicines)?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refuse to Answer

8 Don’t Know

If Q3 is equal to 2 or Q3 is equal to 7, then skip to Alcohol Questions.

4. Did your doctor take time to educate you about your HIV medications?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refuse to Answer

8 Don’t Know

5. When did you last take any HIV medications (antiretroviral medicine)? (Choose one)

1 Within the past 3 months

2 3 - 5 months ago

3 6 - 12 months ago

4 More than a year ago

7 Refuse to Answer

If Q5 is not equal to 1, then skip to Alcohol Questions.

6. Are you currently taking any HIV medications (antiretroviral medicine)?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refuse to Answer

7. Have you skipped taking any of your HIV medications (antiretroviral medicines) in the past 3 months?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refuse to Answer

If Q2 is > 6 months, go to Q9 else go to Alcohol Questions.

8. What is the main reason you have never received any health care for your HIV infection? Choose only one reason.

  1. Feel good. Don’t need to go

  2. Don’t want to think about being HIV positive/Denial

  3. Didn’t have money or insurance

  4. Couldn’t find health care provider/Didn’t know where to go

  5. Inconvenient (location/hours/time, etc.)

  6. Forgot to go/Missed appointment

  7. Too busy to go

  8. Drinking or using drugs

  9. Homeless

  10. Appointment pending

  11. I thought I would be treated poorly by the staff or medical provider because of my sexual orientation.

  12. Other

77 Refuse to Answer

88 Don’t Know

9. What is the main reason you have not received HIV health care in the past 6 months? Choose only one reason.

1 Feel good. Don’t need to go

2 Don’t want to think about being HIV positive/Denial

3 Didn’t have money or insurance

4 Couldn’t find health care provider/Didn’t know where to go

5 Inconvenient (location/hours/time, etc.)

6 Forgot to go/Missed appointment

7 Too busy to go

8 Drinking or using drugs

9 Homeless

10 Appointment pending

11 I thought I would be treated poorly by the staff or medical provider because of my sexual orientation

11 Other

77 Refuse to Answer

88 Don’t Know

Alcohol/Drug Use

The next questions are about alcohol and drug use. Please remember your answers will be kept private. For these questions, "a drink of alcohol" means a 12 oz beer, a 5 oz glass of wine, or a 1.5 oz shot of liquor.

1. In the past 3 months, did you drink any alcohol such as beer, wine, malt liquor, or hard liquor?

0 No Skip to Q4

1 Yes

7 Refuse to answer

9 Don’t know

2. In the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink any alcohol?

[77 = Refused, 99 = Don't know] __ __ If 0, 77, or 99 skip to Q4

3. In the past 30 days, how many times did you have 5 or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting?

[77 = Refused, 99 = Don't know] __ __

4. Other than alcohol, have you ever used drugs to get high?

0 No Skip to next section

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

5. Have you used drugs in the past 3 months?

0 No Skip to next section

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

6. In the past 3 months, have you used crystal methamphetamine, other amphetamines, crank, speed, ice, or Tina? 0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

7. In the past 3 months, have you used crack or powder cocaine or coke?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

8. In the past 3 months, have you used heroin?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

9. In the past 3 months, did you use club drugs such as ecstasy or X, G H B, ketamine, or Special K?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

10. In the past 3 months have you used amyl nitrate/poppers?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

11. In the past 3 months have you used marijuana?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

12. In the past 3 months have you used prescription drugs not prescribed to you?

0 No

1 Yes

7 Refuse to Answer

13. In the past 3 months, did you tend to have more unprotected anal sex with men when you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

0 No

1 Yes, when using alcohol

2 Yes, when using drugs

3 Yes, with alcohol or drugs

7 Refuse to Answer

Internet and cell phone use

The next questions are about the Internet.

1. During the past 3 months, how often did you go online to connect with or find men for social and personal connections other than sex?

0 Never

1 Very rarely

2 Monthly

3 Weekly

4 Daily

2. During the past 3 months, how often did you go online to connect with or find male sex partners?

0 Never

1 Very rarely

2 Monthly

3 Weekly

4 Daily

3. During the past 3 months, how often did you use apps on a cell phone or mobile device to find people for sex? Examples of apps are Grindr and Facebook.

0 Never

1 Very rarely

2 Monthly

3 Weekly

4 Daily

If 3 is equal to Never, then skip.

3a. What apps did you use, please specify _______________.

4. How much do you agree with the following statement?

The Internet is one of the only places I can connect with other young Black men who have sex with men.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree somewhat

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree somewhat

5 Strongly agree

8 Refuse to Answer

Psychological Distress (CES-D-10)

In this section, you are going to read a list of the ways you might have felt or behaved in the past week. Please check how often you have felt this way during the past week. The answers for each question in this section are the same.

When you answer 'Less than one day' that would mean you felt that way rarely or none of the time this past week,
'1 to 2 days' means you have felt that way some or a little of the time this past week,
'3 to 4 days' means you have felt that way occasionally or a moderate amount of time this past week

'5 to 7 days' means you have felt that way most or all of the time this past week.

1. During the past week, I was bothered by things that usually don't bother me. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

2. During the past week, I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

3. During the past week, I felt depressed. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

4. During the past week, I felt that everything I did was an effort. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

5. During the past week, I felt hopeful about the future. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

6. During the past week, I felt fearful. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

7. During the past week, my sleep was restless. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

8. During the past week, I was happy. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

9. During the past week, I felt lonely. (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

10. During the past week, I could not "get going". (CHOOSE ONE)

1 Less than one day

2 1 to 2 days

3 3 to 4 days

4 5 to 7 days

7 Refuse to Answer

Thank you for answering those questions. We are now interested in knowing what things in your life cause you the most stress.

1. Please look at this list of things that can cause stress in a person’s life. What causes you stress on a regular basis? (Mark all that apply)

1 Finances, money

2 Health

3 Love relationships

4 Family

5 Job

6 Unemployment

7 Living situation

8 Threats of violence

9 Being found out as gay

10 Achieving life goals

11 Other, please specify _____________

Prevention Intervention Questions

1. In the time since you completed this computer-based questionnaire about 3 months ago, what programs or events have you taken part in at In The Meantime Men’s Group? Mark all that apply:



If yes, number of times attended in the past 3 months

NIA group session

Brothers Reaching Brothers (Tues night group)

Kick Back group discussion (Thurs night group)

Hang out at the Kick Back space

Men’s Health Conference


Umoja Retreat


Any other special event. Please specify: ____________

I haven’t taken part in any programs or events sponsored by In The Meantime.


2. In the time since you completed this computer-based questionnaire about 3 months ago, what types of HIV prevention programs or interventions have you attended at another agency? Mark all that apply:

1 individual/one-on-one intervention

2 discussion or intervention with a group

3 HIV conference

4 HIV retreat

5 research study

Please specify: ______________

6 other program/intervention

Please specify: ______________

3. Thinking about all your male sex partners over the past three months, how many of them have participated in any MyLife MyStyle sessions?

_____ sex partners

4. How many of your friends have ever participated in any MyLife MyStyle sessions?

_____ friends


5. Over the past 3 months, have you talked about what you have learned at In The Meantime Men’s Group or the MyLife MyStyle sessions with (select all that apply):

___ Friend(s)

____Sex partner(s)

____Another research participant

____Family member(s)

Other, please specify

____I haven’t discussed what I’ve learned with others

6. Do you keep in contact with anyone you met through the MyLife MyStyle sessions?

____1 No

____2 Yes

____3 I did not meet anyone while participating.

5. On a scale from 1 to 4, how honest were you in answering the questions in the survey today?

1 Not honest at all

2 A little bit honest

3 Somewhat honest

4 Very honest


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleMyLife MyStyle
AuthorIn The Meantime
Last Modified Bygpo4
File Modified2011-07-20
File Created2011-07-15

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