Revised OMB Part B_Homeless Families Impact Study

Revised OMB Part B_Homeless Families Impact Study.pdf

Impact of Housing and Services Interventions for Homeless Families

OMB: 2528-0259

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Impact of Housing
and Services
Interventions for
Homeless Families
Supporting Statement
for Paperwork
Reduction Act
Submission- Part B
Contract No. C-CHI-00943
Task Order: CHI-T0001

Follow-up Survey Data
June 21, 2011
Revised September 30, 2011
Revised October 14, 2011
Revised February 26, 2012
Prepared for:
Elizabeth Rudd
Anne Fletcher
U.S. Department of HUD
Office of Policy Development and
451 Seventh Street SW Room 8140
Washington, DC 20410
Prepared by:
Abt Associates Inc.
4550 Montgomery Avenue
Suite 800 North
Bethesda, MD 20814-3343

Follow-Up Survey Data Collection – Draft
Table of Contents
Part B:



Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods .......................................... 1
Identification of Appropriate Respondents ....................................................................... 2
B.1.1 Sample Recruitment and Random Assignment ................................................... 2
B.1.2 Universe of Households and Survey Samples ..................................................... 4
Administration of the Survey ............................................................................................ 5
B.2.1 Sample Design..................................................................................................... 5
B.2.2 Estimation Procedures ......................................................................................... 5
B.2.3 Degree of Accuracy Required ............................................................................. 7
B.2.4 Procedures with Special Populations................................................................. 11
Maximizing the Response Rate....................................................................................... 11
Test of Procedures........................................................................................................... 13
Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects of the Design............................................ 14

Abt Associates Inc.

Table of Contents ▌pg. i

Part B:

Collection of Information Employing Statistical


Identification of Appropriate Respondents


Sample Recruitment and Random Assignment

The study design is a randomized experiment. We recruited 2,305 homeless families who had been in
emergency shelter for at least 7 days across 12 sites. We excluded families who leave shelter in less
than 7 days because the more intensive interventions considered in this study are not considered
appropriate for families with such transitory needs. We expect shelters to continue to provide all
services and referrals they ordinarily provide to help families leave shelter up until the point of
random assignment. Families are then assigned, as close to the 7-day mark as is feasible, to the
Subsidy Only (SUB), Community-Based Rapid Re-housing (CBRR), Project-Based Transitional
Housing (PBTH), or Usual Care (UC) interventions. Recruitment began in September 2010 and
ended January 31, 2012.
Our design also recognizes that not all families are eligible for all interventions. Consistent with this
consideration, families are screened as to their eligibility for each specific service provider in their
site, prior to random assignment. Families are randomly assigned only to interventions for which
they appear eligible, based on their responses to the screening questions. As long as one provider
within each experimental intervention at a given site will accept a family with a particular profile, that
family is considered eligible for that intervention. Exhibit B-1 shows the random assignment model
used to allocate families to interventions, assuming all four interventions are included in the study
As shown at the top of the exhibit, the population of interest for this study is all families who have
been in an emergency shelter for at least 7 days and who have at least one child 15 or younger. This
restriction is included because child outcomes are important to the study, and we will not have a large
enough sample to consider outcomes for youth who become young adults in the course of the followup period. Hence the age restriction of 15 and younger.
The study is not designed to capture the experiences of families who seek assistance directly from
transitional housing programs without first entering emergency shelters. The design relies on
emergency shelters as the point of intake for families in the study.

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Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 2

Exhibit B

Random Assignment Plan

In each site, this population was
as identified and randomly assigned in one of two ways. In sites where
all such families qualified for assistance from at least one provider of each intervention and all
interventions were available, families w
were randomly assigned to all four interventions, as shown in
the left-hand
hand stream of the diagram. In sites where some families are ineligible for all programs
make up a particular intervention, we will randomly assign those families only to the interventions for
which they are eligible. The right
right-hand stream in Exhibit B-1
1 shows the random assignment design
for families who are eligible to receive subs
idies, with or without intensive services (interventions
SUB and CBRR), but are not eligible to receive transitional housing (intervention PBTH) because no
transitional housing provider in the site will accept them. This diagram and the resulting analysis can
be generalized to the situation where some families are not eligible for other interventions, but for
simplicity we illustrate the case where restrictions apply only to Transitional Housing. We assumed
that all families were eligible for the eemergency
mergency shelter (intervention UC). Note that both streams
could be operative in the same site; i.e., families who are eligible for all interventions would be
assigned as in the left-hand
hand stream, while those who are not eligible for transitional housing would
assigned as in the right-hand
hand stream. In a site with no transitional housing program, all families in
that site would be randomly assigned to three interventions, as in the right
hand stream in Exhibit BB

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istical Methods ▌pg. 3

As we describe below, this design assures that comparisons of interventions will involve wellmatched groups in each intervention, even when some families are ineligible for a particular
intervention program. The design thus assures that any observed differences in outcomes are caused
by the differential treatment families receive, and not by any pre-existing differences among the
Although assignment to interventions was conducted at random, within interventions families need
not be assigned at random to service providers that represent the intervention. Assignment was made
instead on the basis of family characteristics, as is currently done. Thus, for example, if one or more
of the transitional housing programs in a site specialized in families with a particular profile (only
families with domestic violence issues, or only families where the mother has been clean and sober
for some period), then among families randomly assigned to Transitional Housing, only those that fit
that program were assigned to that service provider. If a site has vouchers available only to veterans,
then among families randomly assigned to the SUB intervention, only families that include a veteran
will be assigned to veteran housing. This preserves and studies programs as they currently operate.
Through a combination of the baseline data collected under the previously approved data collection,
and the follow-up data we will collect under the data collection activity submitted here for approval,
the design will provide rigorous experimental answers with sufficient statistical power for the
following broad questions:

What is the relative effectiveness of homeless interventions in ensuring housing stability
of homeless families?


Are the same interventions that are effective for short-term housing stability of homeless
families effective for longer-term housing stability as well?


What is the relative effectiveness of homeless interventions in ensuring the well-being of
homeless parents and self-sufficiency of homeless families?


Do some interventions promote family preservation and benefit children’s well-being, in
particular, more than other interventions?

The overarching research question for this study is the extent to which housing and/or intensive
services influence housing stability, family well-being, and other non-housing outcomes. The study
design will provide empirical evidence on each of these effects, separately and in tandem. Many
families leave shelter on their own, but little is known about what happens to them in terms of either
residential stability or other outcomes. By including a Usual Care group that does not receive a
dedicated subsidy or targeted intensive services, we will understand not only the impacts of
interventions relative to no special services, but also whether interventions that explicitly address
homelessness produce superior results to temporary shelter and the mainstream poverty assistance
system but no additional specialized assistance. In this section, we describe the specific impact
estimates that we will generate to answer these questions.

Universe of Households and Survey Samples

The study sample will comprise families, defined as at least one adult and one child, who experience
homelessness, receive assistance at an emergency shelter, and remain in the shelter for at least seven

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days. Exhibit B-2 summarizes the definition and sample sizes for all of the random assignment
Exhibit B-2.

Definition and Size of Randomly Assigned Groups in the Family Options Study
# Assigned
per Site

Total #

Subsidy only; defined as deep, permanent housing
subsidy that may include housing related services
but no supportive services.




Community-Based Rapid Rehousing: Time-limited
housing subsidy that may also include housingrelated services and limited supportive services




Project-Based Transitional Housing: Time-limited
housing subsidy coupled with supportive services




Usual Care: Other assistance available in the



Total, all Intervention Groups




Intervention Definition



Administration of the Survey


Sample Design

The enrollment for the study is 2,305 families. All randomly assigned families completed a baseline
interview, and all of them will be included in the participant tracking. For the follow-up survey,
interviews will be attempted with all members of the research sample. Therefore, no sampling is
required for the tracking or follow-up surveys.
Data to analyze the impacts of the housing and services interventions will come primarily from the
follow-up survey, which is submitted for OMB review under this supporting statement. Key topics
included in the follow-up survey are related to housing stability (incidence of homelessness in the
follow-up period, use of shelter, type of housing situations); self-sufficiency (employment and
earnings over the follow-up period, income and receipt of public assistance); family preservation
(changes in family composition over the follow-up period, placement of children into foster care);
adult well-being (physical and behavioral health); and child well-being (academic performance;
school attendance, health, and behavioral health for a focal child, defined as one child, selected at
random from among children age 15 years old or younger who resided with the family head at

Estimation Procedures

The rigor of this study comes from random assignment of families to different treatment “arms,” or
conditions, within sites. In keeping with this design, we will compute impacts for each of the policy

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Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 5

comparisons defined above on a site-by-site basis. Then we will pool the impact estimates across
sites to calculate the overall study-level impact findings for each comparison. A covariate-adjusted
regression model will be used to derive site-level impact estimates, and the site-level estimates will be
combined using appropriate weights consistent with commonly used meta-analysis techniques.
To understand the estimation method for each site, consider two interventions q and r (e.g., projectbased transitional housing and subsidy only), where we treat the first option (q) as the base case. For
each site j, we will estimate the impact on an outcome Y (e.g. housing stability, earnings) for
intervention r relative to intervention q by estimating the equation:

  qj , r  X ij  jq , r  Tijq , r jq , r  eijq , r

(1) Yij

for those families who could have been randomly assigned to both options q and r, and were assigned
to one of them. In words, outcome Y for family i in site j is modeled as a constant , adjustments for
observed covariates1 X with regression coefficients , a dummy variable for assignment to
intervention r where the corresponding regression coefficient  gives the impact of intervention r
(relative to intervention q), and a residual e. The overall impact, 

q, r

, would then combine impact

estimates from all sites where the pairwise policy comparison could be made using the equation2:
(2) 





j 1


 jq ,r

where wj is the weight to be applied to each site’s impact.
There are several ways that weights may be established: equal weights on all sites, weighting
proportional to the sample size in each site, or weighting inversely proportional to the variance of the
impact estimate in each site. The choice of how to weight the impacts will be made during the
evaluation analysis design phase in fall 2011.
The computation of the standard error for the overall impact 

q, r

would involve the same set of

weights used to calculate the overall impact estimate itself:


(3) SE 

q ,r




j 1


 

VAR  jq , r


The covariates will be variables constructed from the baseline survey data. These covariates will serve to
improve precision of the impact estimates to the extent that they are related to later outcomes and they will
adjust for chance differences in baseline characteristics between random assignment arms.


This equation for the overall impact is the weighted average of impacts from independent sites. Computing
an overall impact in this manner is a method used in meta-analysis. Many meta-analyses first convert
impacts to effect sizes by dividing the impact from each site by the standard deviation of the outcome in
order to have a common metric across studies. We omit the conversion of impacts to effect sizes since the
metric of impacts from the study sites will already be the same across sites, due to uniform data collection
across all sites.

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Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 6

The estimation of equation (1) will utilize another set of weights called “analysis weights” that serve
two main purposes. First, the weights will account for the probability of being assigned to the
family’s intervention group. Second, the weights will adjust for survey non-response.
In addition to the estimation of overall impacts described above, the analysis will also estimate
impacts for subgroups based on a “challenge” index, an “instability” index, and potentially other
characteristics of interest. The challenge index will be constructed using data from the baseline
survey on behavioral health and trauma. The instability index will be empirically derived from
baseline predictors of subsequent instability in the usual care group. These indices may be used in one
of two manners to examine how impacts differ depending on level of challenge or instability. First,
the sample could be divided using cut-points on the indices which divide the sample evenly into high
and low challenge subgroups and high and low instability subgroups. Impact estimates would then be
separately estimated for each subgroup. Alternatively, the estimation method could directly
incorporate the index. This second method would produce an estimate of how changes in the index
affect the size of the impact, which is useful information for policy simulations. This way of
examining the “moderating” effects of subgroup characteristics provides more statistical power to
detect differences in impacts by moderating variables but requires assumptions about the functional
form of the moderating relationship.
The impact analysis just described will involve a large number of hypothesis tests due to the inclusion
of six impact comparisons, many outcome measures, and multiple subgroups or moderators. Testing
such a large number of hypotheses heightens the danger of “false positives” arising in the analysis,
i.e., of obtaining statistically significant impact findings where true impact is zero. This danger is
called the “multiple comparisons problem”; the risk of false positives rises above the desired 5 or 10
percent chance as the number of hypothesis tests performed rises above one. To address the multiple
comparisons problem we will separate the hypothesis tests into “confirmatory” tests and
“exploratory” subsets. Only the most important outcomes will be included in the confirmatory
group—a set to be decided during the evaluation analysis design phase in fall 2011. All other impact
estimates, including all estimates for subgroups, will be considered exploratory. We will characterize
findings of statistical significance for confirmatory outcomes as the proven impacts of the policies
being compared, and findings of statistical significance for exploratory outcomes as merely
suggestive of the impacts that may have occurred.
Additional analytic techniques will be needed to deal with missing data, investigate which program
attributes contribute most to the impact of a given intervention approach (called “mediational
analysis”) and to address the likelihood that some families will receive an intervention different than
the one to which each was randomly assigned (the problem of “randomization non-compliance”). We
will draw on state-of-the-art methodologies from other random assignment studies—including new
and emerging methods from the literature and other Abt studies—to address these challenges. The
particular methods adopted will be chosen during the evaluation analysis design phase under Task
Order 3 in fall 2011.

Degree of Accuracy Required

The research team has estimated the minimum detectable effects for this evaluation that will be
available through the impact analysis. The analysis of statistical power is presented here.

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Power Calculations for Binary Outcomes
In this section, we consider statistical power to estimate impacts of interest. Specifically, we report
minimum detectable effects (MDEs). MDEs are the smallest true effects of an intervention that
researchers can be confident of detecting as statistically significant when analyzing samples of a
given size. The power analyses are computed based on actual numbers of families assigned to the
interventions and available for each pairwise comparison. These sample sizes differ somewhat from
the planned design due to constraints on families’ eligibility and availability of slots by site.
Our analysis indicates that the proposed design will have sufficient statistical power to detect impacts
of the magnitude we might expect to occur for two of the central outcomes of the study—housing
stability and child separation from the family for some pairwise comparisons. As discussed below,
we will be able to detect effects on these outcomes as small as 8.0 percentage points for the CBRR vs.
UC and SUB vs. UC pairwise comparisons and as small as 10.2 percentage points for the PBTH vs.
UC comparison..
Exhibit B-3 shows the MDEs by pairwise comparison for the pooled study sample of 1,729 which is
75 percent response of the full sample of 2,305 families. The MDEs presented are the minimum
detectable differences in outcomes (in percentage points) between two randomly assigned groups
with 80 percent power when we perform a two-sided3 statistical test at 10 percent level of
significance, assuming a regression R2 of 0.104 and no finite population correction.5 The differences
are shown for various average outcome levels for second assignment group in each comparison.
The last column of the first row of Exhibit B-3 shows that for a mean group outcome of 0.5, the MDE
for the CBRR vs. UC comparison is 8.0 percentage points. This means that if the true effect of
CBRR compared to UC is to change the prevalence rate of an outcome measure—such as return to
shelter housing, or percent of families whose head is a leaseholder at 18-month follow-up—from 50
percent to under 42 percent (for return to shelter) or above 58 percent (for lease holding), we would
have an 80 percent likelihood of obtaining an impact estimate that is statistically significant. If the
true effect is less than 8 percentage points, there is a lower likelihood that differences between these
assignment groups will be statistically significant, though many might still be detected.


While one-sided tests would decrease MDE’s, we believe one-sided tests are inappropriate because we care
about negative impacts; i.e., they are in a substantive sense not equivalent to a finding of no impact. To see
this consider comparing Transitional Housing to Subsidy Only. There a negative point estimate implies
that one of the interventions is worse than the other. We care about that, above and beyond the idea that the
other intervention is not better.


Since we will estimate regression-adjusted impact estimates, we assume an amount of explanatory power
for the regressions. An R2 of 0.10 is conservatively assumed. This is the pseudo-R2 for the general health
outcome probit regression in the Effects of Housing Vouchers on Welfare Families evaluation. Outcomes
with higher regression R2’s will have smaller MDE’s.


Applying the finite population correction (FPC) would reduce the MDE’s. However, we believe not
applying the FPC more accurately represents our uncertainty as to results holding true in future similar
applications of the intervention approaches.

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Our hypothesis is that the interventions to be tested in relation to the Usual Care intervention—all
involving housing assistance or subsidy of some sort—will have fairly large effects on housing
stability. Drawing on the longitudinal HMIS analysis of shelter utilization (AHAR, 2008; Culhane et
al., 2007), we estimate that of families who remain in shelter for at least seven days without any
special assistance, approximately 50-60 percent find housing that keeps them from returning within a
multi-year follow-up period. There is substantial potential for the proposed interventions to expand
this percentage, by using subsidies to eliminate the risk of shelter return for many families in the other
40-50 percent of the population. Housing subsidies remain available to families many months after
first receipt, during which time they should provide a sufficiently stable and improved housing option
compared to shelters that, for most families, precludes the need for returns to shelter. Research in St.
Louis, Philadelphia, and New York City (Stretch & Krueger, 1993; Culhane 1992; Shinn et al., 1998)
tends to support this projection. For example, in St. Louis just 6 percent of families who left shelter
with a housing voucher returned, compared to 33 percent of those without subsidized housing. 6
Housing stability differed by more than 60 percent between those who received a subsidy (80 percent
in stable housing at five years) and those who did not (18 percent stable at five years) in the New
York study. Thus, we conclude that an MDE of 8.0 to 10.2 percentage points assures confident
detection of the type of impact on housing stability we would expect from the tested interventions
(CBRR, SUB, and PBTH) when compared to the Usual Care group.
Exhibit B-3.

Minimum Detectable Effects for Prevalence Estimates by Pairwise Comparison
Expected Number of
Completed Follow-up
Survey Interviews




MDE if Mean Outcome for the Second
Assignment Group is:
(or 0.9)

(or 0.7)


4.8 pp

7.3 pp

8.0 pp

SUB vs. UC



4.8 pp

7.3 pp

8.0 pp




6.1 pp

9.4 pp

10.2 pp




5.7 pp

8.7 pp

9.5 pp




7.5 pp

11.5 pp

12.6 pp




7.3 pp

11.2 pp

12.2 pp


(1) The MDE’s are based on calculations which assume that two-sided tests are used at the 10 percent
significance level, the desired power is 80 percent, and the regression R is 0.10. (2) All MDE’s assume
a 75% survey response rate, with no finite population correction.

A similar conclusion holds for the prevalence of child separation from the family during the followup period. This is likely to be a less common occurrence, making the column of Exhibit B-3 labeled


Note that this observational pattern is not a direct measure of the impact of subsidized housing on shelter
return. Likely the families who exited shelter with subsidies differed from the without-subsidy group on
other factors that led to their better outcomes. But even if the difference in unadjusted shelter return rates
exaggerates the true impact of a subsidy by an extreme amount—say, 2 or 3 times—the observed 27
percentage point difference would mean an impact of 9 to 13 percentage points.

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Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 9

“MDE if Mean Control Group Outcome is: 0.3” likely the most relevant one.7 Here, a slightly
smaller true impact can be detected with 80 percent assurance. The MDEs in Exhibit B-3 are for
analyses that are performed with the entire pooled sample. MDEs for split-sample subgroups are
larger than those shown here. As noted elsewhere, the study will be best equipped to explore how
impacts differ by family characteristics using the Family Need Index whose role in producing larger
or smaller impacts can be examined without dividing the sample into pieces.8
Power Calculations for Earnings
Exhibit B-4 shows the MDEs for earnings impacts by pairwise comparison. These MDE’s are based
on the adult earnings outcomes from the Moving To Opportunity (MTO) Demonstration (Orr, et al.,
2003), a study of families who were living in distressed (i.e., barely better than emergency shelters)
public housing or private assisted housing projects in high poverty neighborhoods at baseline. The
first row of the exhibit shows that the analysis will be able to detect a difference between mean
annual earnings of the CBRR and UC groups of $1,170 with 80% likelihood. Given that only two of
the interventions tested have a partial focus on the labor market—though better, more stable housing
may enable steadier employment and resulting greater earnings—the study design is weaker for
detecting these effects. On the one hand, it is by no means assured that even an intervention directly
focused on employment and training could produce an earnings impact of over $1,200 per year. On
the other hand, a true impact substantially smaller than this amount—say, an impact on annual
earnings of $600—would have little potential to move families out of poverty and hence may not be
important to detect with high confidence.


We note that Cowal, et al, (2002), finds 44 percent. In as much as that estimate applies here, we will have
slightly lower power.


“Challenge score” can be entered into the impact regression equation interacted with indicator variables for
the different random assignment groups to see if the magnitude of effect from being assigned to a particular
service package changes as the degree of family challenge rises, and the equation then estimated using all
the data. Impacts on categorical subgroups will be estimated by splitting the sample and doing separate
analyses for each category.

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Exhibit B-4.

Minimum Detectable Effects for Annual Earnings Impacts by Pairwise
Expected Number of Completed Followup Survey Interviews
First Assignment

Assignment Group

MDE (dollars)





SUB vs. UC






















(1) The MDE’s are based on calculations which assume that two-sided tests are used at the 10 percent
significance level, the desired power is 80 percent, and the regression R is identical to the MTO adult
annual earnings impact regression. (2) All MDE’s assume a 75% survey response rate, with no finite
population correction. (3) The variance of earnings is derived from the standard error of the ITT impact
estimate for the experimental group (n=1,729) vs. the treatment group (n=1,310) in the MTO
Demonstration: $254.


Procedures with Special Populations

In this study we may encounter interview respondents whose first language is Spanish. As we did
with the baseline survey, we will translate the follow-up survey instrument into Spanish, for
administration in the language most comfortable for the respondent. The participation agreement also
will be made available in Spanish.
All baseline interviews were conducted in either English or Spanish, with no need for other


Maximizing the Response Rate

During the data collection period for the participant tracking component of the study, non-response
levels and the risk of non-response bias will be minimized in the following ways:

The Contractor will rely on the local site interviewers to lead the continued tracking and
follow-up survey efforts. They are already established in the local communities and have
an existing rapport with the study families.


The Contractor will support the local site interviewers through recruitment of additional
interviewers skilled at working with this population.


Respondents will have a choice of time for the data collection.


Additional field tracking and locating steps will be taken, as needed, when sample
members are not found at the phone numbers or addresses previously collected.


The use of the Abt Associates Field Management System will permit interactive sample
management and electronic searches of historical tracking and locating data.

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For the follow-up survey, the Contractor’s survey director and field supervisors will
manage the sample release and monitor response rates in a manner that allows us to work
the sample groups for each of the study interventions evenly.

By these methods, the Contractor anticipates being able to achieve a 75 percent response rate for the
follow-up survey. The contractor team has extensive experience conducting longitudinal studies
involving participant tracking and follow-up survey data collection. The tracking approach in place
for the Family Options Study reflects that experience and track record for achieving high response
rates to follow-up survey data collection efforts. The proactive and rigorous approach to tracking
respondents is designed to maintain contact with the study sample over the follow-up period which
we believe is essential to achieving the highest possible response rate for the 18-month follow-up
For the Family Options study, we use a combination of passive tracking methods such as searches of
proprietary database and National Change of Address as well active contacts with the respondents
every three months after random assignment. Active contacts consist of a brief telephone call three
months after random assignment, a short survey six and twelve months after random assignment, and
tracking letters nine and fifteen months after random assignment. In addition to these frequent
contacts, the active tracking protocol benefits from having field interviewers located in the
community conduct the tracking. Because the field interviewers are local, they can contact
respondents in person when telephone response is not obtained.
The intent of the active contacts is two-fold:
□ Collect information directly from the respondent about his/her most up to date address and
best way to contact her/him along with dependable secondary contacts;
□ If we are unable to contact the respondent directly during one of the active contacts, the
attempted contact provides information about the quality of the contact information available
for each respondent and as well as information about the next steps to take on the harder to
locate cases.
Our current experience with participant tracking has been encouraging. Currently, tracking
completion rates for cohorts in which active tracking efforts have been closed are:
 70 percent for the 3-month tracking contact;
 64 percent for the 6-month tracking contact; and
 65 percent for the 12-month tracking contact.
We have also have achieved a 26 percent completion rate to the tracking letter sent to participants
nine months after random assignment, which exceeds typical response of 20 percent from our
previous experience with this type of contact. In addition, we find it encouraging that in some cases,
respondents who we have not reached for previous tracking efforts have returned the tracking letter
sent nine months after random assignment.
It is important to note that the response rates for tracking activities, for this and other studies, are not
meant to serve as an indicator for response rates that can be achieved in future follow-up survey data
collection activities. This is because tracking efforts do not follow the full data collection protocol
that is implemented for follow-up survey data collection. Follow-up survey data collection includes
multiple phone calls to a respondent, multiple in-person attempts and attempts to contact all of the
secondary contacts provided in the baseline interview, in addition to a range of passive locating

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methods. Follow-up survey data collection involves all of these things, thereby achieving higher
response rates than earlier, less extensive attempts at contacting families.
Our current completion rates for tracking efforts are quite encouraging but it is important to keep in
mind that even when we are unable to contact the respondent directly at any of the scheduled tracking
contacts, we are still obtaining valuable locating information about each sample member. This
information obtained during tracking—regardless of whether or not we reach the respondent—
improves the likelihood of reaching them for the 18-month follow-up survey. For example, in some
cases secondary contacts have informed us that respondents are temporarily in treatment centers or
prison and unreachable to us For these types of cases, we collect as much information as we can
(e.g.: release date, name of facility). We capture all of this information in the tracking database and
will call on it for future tracking and for the follow-up survey data collection effort. Another
encouraging indicator is that only 15 percent of the tracking letters sent nine months after random
assignment have been returned as undeliverable. All the information gathered during the tracking
efforts are captured in the study’s tracking database. This information will be available to the field
staff at all times.
Prior to the start of data collection for the 18 month survey, the data collection team will review the
study sample to identify cases that do not have tracking updates from any point of tracking. These
cases will be classified as “high priority cases” and will be assigned to a Senior Field Interviewer. In
addition to any information obtained through the tracking process (e.g. returned letters, information
from secondary contacts), the research team will also contact the program providers in the study sites
to which the respondents were referred for assistance, to request any information available about the
family’s location, to ensure that all possible sources of locating information are available to the team.
High priority cases will be reviewed by the Field Manager regularly to make sure all leads are
Field interviewers who conduct the 18-month follow up survey will receive a comprehensive
document for all released cases containing respondent’s information history collected through the
tracking components (all address, home/cell phone numbers and emails), secondary contacts and any
relevant notes collected during the tracking efforts. The information will include the date of the
update as well as the source of the update to help staff prioritize the locating data to determine which
information to use first. After several weeks of data collection and if we still have not been able to
locate the respondent, we will contact the providers to follow the same procedure as for the high
priority cases.
The ongoing completion rates on the tracking components are an important indicator of sample
productivity. To put these results in context, in previous longitudinal studies that have achieved a
response rate of 75 percent or more for a follow-up survey, interim tracking efforts often yield only
30 to 40 percent response rates. Based on our experience on projects with similar populations and our
response to ongoing tracking activities we feel confident that our approach will achieve the 75 percent
response rate in the 18 month follow up survey.


Test of Procedures

Prior to commencing the follow-up survey data collection, HUD’s evaluation contractor Abt
Associates will conduct a pretest of the questionnaire with no more than nine respondents for any
given survey item. Pretest respondents will be selected from members of the Family Options Study.
The pretest will allow the contractor to test the appropriateness of language level and word usage in

Abt Associates Inc.

Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 13

the questionnaire. The pretest also will allow the contractor to confirm the estimates of interview
length. Experienced interviewers will conduct the pretest, and senior survey staff will supervise this
activity. Abt Associates will prepare a pretest report that describes the problems encountered and
recommends solutions, as necessary, to shorten the survey instruments to conform with the planned
length, to simplify the language to ensure that respondents understand the questions, and to modify
question order or skip patterns to make sure that items flow smoothly and logically for respondents.
Abt Associates will coordinate closely with HUD to coordinate the schedule for the pre-test,
following HUD approval of the survey instrument.


Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects of the Design

The individuals shown in Exhibit B-5 assisted HUD in the statistical design of the evaluation.

Abt Associates Inc.

Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 14

Exhibit B-5.

Individuals Consulted on the Study Design


Telephone Number

Role in Study

Dr. Stephen Bell
Abt Associates Inc.


Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Marybeth Shinn
Vanderbilt University


Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Jill Khadduri
Abt Associates Inc.


Project Quality Advisor

Mr. Jacob Klerman
Abt Associates Inc.


Project Quality Advisor

Dr. Martha Burt
Consultant to Abt Associates Inc.


Project Advisor

Dr. Dennis Culhane
University of Pennsylvania


Project Advisor

Dr. Ellen Bassuk,
Center for Social Innovation and National
Center on Family Homelessness


Project Advisor

Dr. Beth Weitzman
New York University


Project Advisor

Dr. Larry Orr
Consultant to Abt Associates Inc.


Project Advisor

Inquiries regarding the statistical aspects of the study's planned analysis should be directed to:
Dr. Stephen Bell
Dr. Marybeth Shinn

Abt Associates Inc.

Co-Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator

Telephone: 301-634-1721
Telephone: 615-322-8735

Part B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods ▌pg. 15

Burt, M.R. (2006). Characteristics of transitional housing for homeless families: Final report.
Prepared for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Cowal, K., Shinn, M., Weitzman, B.C., Stojanovic, D., & Labay, L. (2002). Mother-child separations
among homeless and housed families receiving public assistance in New York City.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 30, 711-730.
Culhane, D. P., Metraux, S., Park, J.M., Schretzman, M. & Valente, J. (2007). Testing a typology of
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Implications for policy and program planning. Housing Policy Debate, 18(1), 1-28.
Culhane, D. P. (1992). The quandaries of shelter reform: An appraisal of efforts to “manage”
homelessness. Social Service Review, 66, 428–440.
Duffer, Allen P. et al., "Effects of Incentive Payments on Response Rates and Field Costs in a Pretest of
a National CAPI Survey" (Research Triangle Institute, May 1994).
Locke, G., Khadduri, J. & O’Hara, A. (2007). Housing models (Draft).
Rog, D.J. & Randolph, F.L. (2002). A multisite evaluation of supported housing: Lessons learned
from cross-site collaboration. New Directions for Evaluation, 94, 61-72.
"National Adult Literacy Survey Addendum to Clearance Package, Volume II: Analyses of the NALS
Field Test" (Educational Testing Service, September 1991), pp. 2-3.
Orr, L.L., Feins, J., Jacob, R., Beecroft, E., Sanbonmatsu, L., Katz, L., Liebman, J. & Kling, J.
(2003). Moving to Opportunity interim impacts evaluation: Final report. Cambridge, MA:
Abt Associates Inc. and National Bureau of Economic Research.
Shinn, M., Weitzman, B. C., Stojanovic, D., Knickman, J. R., Jiminez, L., Duchon, L., James, S., &
Krantz, D.H. (1998). Predictors of homelessness from shelter request to housing stability
among families in New York City. American Journal of Public Health, 88 (10), 1651-1657.
Stretch, J. J. & Kreuger, L. W. (1993). A social-epidemiological five year cohort study of homeless
families: A public/private venture policy analysis using applied computer technology.
Computers in Human Services, 9(3-4), 209-230.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (2011). The Fifth Annual Homeless
Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress.

Abt Associates Inc.

Appendix A: Revised Participation Agreement (Informed Consent Form) ▌pg. 16

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Revised OMB Part B_Homeless Families Impact Study
File Modified2012-02-27
File Created2012-02-27

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