Final DNPES S Statements 053012 - Part B

Final DNPES S Statements 053012 - Part B.pdf

Durable Nursery Products Exposure Survey

OMB: 3041-0154

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Supporting Statement B For:
Durable Nursery Products Exposure Survey

May 30, 2012

Jill L. Jenkins, Ph.D., CPSC Project Officer
Consumer Product Safety Commission

Directorate for Economic Analysis
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301-504-6795
Fax: 301-504-0124 and 301-504-0025
[email protected]




Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods ..................................................................... 1
Cognitive Interviews ........................................................................................... 1
Nationwide Field Study ...................................................................................... 2


Procedures for the Collection of Information ..................................................................... 2
Respondent Universe and Sampling Frame .................................................... 5
Sample Selection.................................................................................................. 5
Sample Size .......................................................................................................... 6
Oversampling for Low-Income Households .................................................. 6
Expected Level of Precision .............................................................................. 7
Problems Requiring Special Sampling Procedures......................................... 8


Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Address Non-Response ............................... 9
Mail Screener ....................................................................................................... 9
CATI Extended ................................................................................................... 9
Web Extended ................................................................................................... 10
Addressing Non-Response .............................................................................. 10
B.3.4.1 Statistical Weighting......................................................................... 11
B.3.4.2 Non-Response Follow-Up (NRFU).............................................. 12
Mode Effects ..................................................................................................... 12


Test of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken............................................................ 14


Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and/or Analyzing Data ............................ 15

References……………. ..................................................................................................................... 16

B.1 Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
Different approaches will be used to select respondents at the two different stages of the DNPES.
The first stage of the survey - cognitive interviews - will use purposive samples in order to efficiently
test the questionnaire with specific subgroups of interest. The second stage of the survey – a large
nationwide field survey - will employ statistical sampling methodology to enable projections to the
population, non-response analysis, and a mode effects evaluation.

This section provides a

description of the respondent sampling and data collection procedures to be used for each stage of
the survey. Section B.1.1 describes the sampling procedures that will be used in the cognitive
interviews, and Section B.1.2 describes the procedures that will be used in the main field survey.
Non-response analysis is addressed in section B.3.4 and mode effects are covered in section B.3.5.

Cognitive Interviews

For the cognitive interview, CSPC has identified subpopulations of particular interest to represent
diverse racial/ethnic groups, primary language, and socioeconomic status. Purposive sampling is
designed to efficiently reach and recruit parents or guardians of young children from these key
subpopulations and ensure that Spanish interviews are conducted. It is of particular importance to
interview people of low socioeconomic status, whose level of education can be a barrier to
comprehending and following the survey instrument, and persons not fluent in English, for whom
innovative ways of communicating survey questions may be necessary.
This study will include up to 18 cognitive interviews in English and up to 18 cognitive interviews in
Spanish. For English cognitive interviews, respondent recruitment efforts will ensure that key racial
and ethnic groups (non-Hispanic/White, African-American, and Hispanic) are represented with a
goal of at least 4 cognitive interviews with people from each group. Additionally, recruitment efforts
for the English group will ensure that at least 3 cognitive interview respondents are from low
socioeconomic status (SES). Recruitment for Spanish cognitive interviews will target 5-6 Spanishspeakers who are of low SES.
The process for recruiting low socio-economic status (SES) participants for the Spanish-language
cognitive interviews involves Spanish-speaking recruiters and recruiting materials at locations with a
likelihood of contacting the population. Community centers, social service agencies, educational

facilities where English-as-a-second language classes are offered, or other forms of social contact
have been used a sources for identifying the population. We have used both in-house and outside
recruiters to contact potential participants and conduct the screening interviews to determine
eligibility for the study. Some Spanish-speakers may be recruited by phone using phone numbers
provided from commercial vendors that are known or are highly likely to have Spanish-speakers in
the target income range. Before being asked to participate in the cognitive testing, all potential
participants complete a brief screener survey in Spanish that confirms that their primary language is
Spanish and also collects their household income level.

Nationwide Field Study

The DNPES target population is households with children younger than 6 years old in the civilian
non-institutionalized population of the United States. The field survey will be conducted nationwide
using a representative and probabilistic address-based sample to collect information about the
ownership and usage of various types of children’s products. The sampling frame will be
constructed from a commercially available list of mailing addresses derived from the Delivery
Sequence File (DSF), also referred to as the Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS), maintained by
the United State Postal Service (USPS). The frame covers all addresses receiving mail deliveries
from the USPS including P.O. Boxes, addresses labeled as seasonal or vacant, and drop points (a
single delivery point or receptacle that services multiple residences). It does not include noninstitutional group quarters (such as college housing, group homes, shelters, and workers
dormitories), unless they are coded as “residential” and have specific delivery points within the
facility. Interviewing will be conducted in English and Spanish. The purpose of the address-based
sample is to estimate the ownership incidence and get information about behaviors and attitudes of
specific infant and toddler products with a reasonable margin of error. The address-based sample
will be weighted to represent the U.S. population of households with children younger than 6 years
B.2 Procedures for the Collection of Information
This section describes the data collection procedures to be used in the DNPES population-based
sample. The discussion includes stratification, sample selection, address-based screener and
extended data collection procedures, and estimation.
Sampled residential addresses will receive a short mail screener survey with a cover letter (see also
B.3.1). Based on the limited literature available (primarily an unpublished 1994 Census study by

Corteville), we plan to use an English-only mailing (letter and survey screener) for the first contact.
Subsequent mailings will be English on one side and Spanish on the back. The Spanish version of
the survey screener will be sufficiently different from the English version to make it difficult to use it
as a guide to answering the English version. The screener survey will ask respondents for their first
name, the number of children by age group who live in their household, their phone number, their
email address, and their preferred follow-up mode (phone or Web). We wish to limit the number of
added variables to minimize the burden on respondents, particularly given that we do not have the
budget to test alternative screeners. A question about income itself will not be included in the mail
screener, however, because it might reduce response rates. Completion of the mail screener should
average 5 minutes or less. The draft of the mail screener is included as Appendix C of Supporting
Statement A. The final version, if different from the draft, will be provided to OMB before the start
of data collection. Each survey will also be marked with a unique identifier for tracking purposes.
Returned screener surveys where the respondent indicates there are no children younger than 6 years
old in the household will be finalized as ineligible.
The post-screener data collection for eligible households will be a large dual-mode investigation
inquiring on infant and toddler products to understand their prevalence and usage in homes with
young children. Two modes of survey administration, telephone (based on response from addressbased sample) and self-administration via the Web will be used during the survey. Appendix D of
Supporting Statement A contains the draft for the extended survey instrument and Appendix F
contains sample screenshots of the Web survey. Minor wording changes and adjustments to skip
patterns and response choices are anticipated, but the current draft contains all of the questions and
content planned for the full survey and the final version will be provided to OMB when it is
available and before the start of data collection. Similarly, a complete set of final Web survey
screenshots will be provided to OMB before survey implementation.
The extended survey is designed to be completed in approximately 35 minutes. While administering
the entire content of the questionnaire would take an excessive amount of time, each respondent
will be asked about a maximum of 3 of the 24 products. The survey will execute an algorithm to
choose which product “modules” will be asked of each respondent. Higher priority will be given to
products that are more significant for analysis and products that are expected to have lower
ownership incidence. The priorities for the selection algorithm will be updated as needed during the
survey (see section B.2.5 for a more detailed description of this process). Because specific details
about the features of each product are very important, the survey will include careful descriptions of
each product type and, in many cases, will include the use of pictures that respondents can use for
reference (these illustrations are shown in Appendix G). During preliminary cognitive testing, we
found that certain products were confusing when described but were recognized immediately when

pictures were provided (for example, bouncers were often confused with jumpers). In other cases,
pictures can confuse respondents, as was the case with bedrails (it was not always clear to
respondents that the beds were adult-sized). Therefore, pictures can help respondents understand
the specific type of product the questionnaire is asking about and reduce bias that might arise from
inconsistent definitions or understanding of the products covered by the survey. For the Web
survey, these reference pictures would appear within the Web survey. We want to assure that phone
respondents will have access to the same information when interviewed. Therefore, for the phone
survey, respondents from eligible households will receive a paper copy of these pictures by mail.
The DNPES will test a set of product usage variables that can be used to inform the CSPC about
product penetration and utilization. Variables are designed to be applicable to a range of products
and topics. The infant and toddler products of interest are:


Bath Seats
Bath Tubs and Bathing Aids
Bed Rails
Bedside Sleepers
Booster Chairs
Changing Tables
Crib Bumpers
Backpack Carriers with Rigid Frames
Front Soft Carriers

Hand-held Carriers
High Chairs
Hook-on Chairs
Play Yards
Sleep Positioners
Stationary Activity Centers
Toddler Beds

The topics include how households acquire these products, how often they use them, the ways in
which they use them, how long they use them, and what they do with these products when they
discontinue using them.
Telephone surveys will be conducted by professional interviewers, using a computer-assisted
telephone interview (CATI) system with a call scheduling system designed to maximize response.
Prior to full fielding of the survey, interviewer training will be conducted including survey
procedures and protocol, extensive training on and practice with the survey instrument, and training
on gaining respondent cooperation with the survey request. Roughly 10 percent of each
interviewer’s work will be monitored for quality control purposes during fielding of the survey.
Web surveys will be self administered. The Web survey will be conducted using participants from
the address sample who provided an email address as the preferred method of contact.


Respondent Universe and Sampling Frame

Recent Census data estimate that there are 110,692,000 occupied housing units in the United States
(2007 American Housing Survey) and that 16,148,000 of these households (14.6 percent) include at
least one child aged 0-5. Thus, the potential respondent universe is 16,148,000.
The sampling frame for the national DNPES will be constructed from a commercially available list
of mailing addresses derived from the Delivery Sequence File (DSF), also referred to as the
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS), maintained by the United State Postal Service (USPS).
The advantages of an address-based sample over a random digit dialing (RDD) sampling approach
are: 1) lower costs, 2) potentially higher response rates with sufficient follow up efforts to convert
initial non-respondents, and 3) improved coverage (since cell-phone only households, non-telephone
households, and other households not in the RDD sampling frame are included). In recent years,
other Westat surveys that have used USPS-based address lists as sampling frames are the 2009
National Household Education Survey Pilot (NHES), the 2009 National Survey of Veterans Pilot
(NSV), and the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). In addition the
National Children’s Study (Montaquila et al., 2009) has used USPS address lists for quality control of
traditional listing operations. In connection with an evaluation of sample design enhancements for
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, Dohrmann (2007) found 97-99 percent
coverage of urban areas, and 70-89 percent coverage of rural areas. Much of the low coverage in
rural areas is attributable to the use of “non-city-style” addresses in these areas. However, for a mail
survey, this is less of a concern since mail is expected to reach the intended recipient even though
the physical location of the household may not be known at the time of sampling. Moreover, the E911 address conversion of rural route addresses to standardized city-style addresses has improved
coverage of rural areas.
The address-based sampling frame cannot be obtained directly from the USPS, but must be
purchased from an authorized vendor. The frame covers all addresses receiving mail deliveries from
the USPS including P.O. Boxes, addresses labeled as seasonal or vacant, and drop points (a single
delivery point or receptacle that services multiple residences). It does not include non-institutional
group quarters (such as college housing, group homes, shelters, and workers dormitories), unless
they are coded as “residential” and have specific delivery points within the facility.

Sample Selection

Prior to sampling, the address frame will be sorted geographically by zip code, carrier route, and
walking sequence. To obtain a representative sample of 74,074 addresses from all 50 states and the

District of Columbia, the sorted address frame will be divided into n equally-sized contiguous
intervals of addresses, and one address will be selected at random from each of the n intervals.

Sample Size

This nationwide survey should result in completed screener interviews with approximately 16,667
U.S. households. Of these, approximately 2,500 (15 percent) should be eligible based on meeting
the criterion of having a child younger than 6 years old in the household and CPSC estimates that
approximately 2,000 of the eligible households will complete the full survey either by phone or Web.
With an estimated 25 percent screener response rate, the DNPES will need 66,667 valid residential
addresses to yield 16,667 completed screeners. Based on experience with other recent and similar
studies, approximately 10 percent of sampled addresses will be vacant, non-residential, or otherwise
undeliverable. Thus, the initial sample size selected will need to be approximately 74,074 addresses
to yield the target 2,000 completed extended interviews with eligible households.

Oversampling for Low-Income Households

The feasibility of oversampling for low-income households using 5-year American Community
Survey data or Census 2010 data at the census tract or block group level, if available in time, or
Census 2000 data was considered prior to an increase in project funding.
With the increased funding and the resulting increase in the planned overall sample size, we expect
to get a sufficient number of low-income households included (even if these households respond at
a disproportionately low rate). The 2010 Current Population Survey (CPS) data indicates that 23.2
percent of households with children age 0 to 5 are below 100 percent of the federal poverty level
and 44.2 percent are below 200 percent of the poverty level. Based on this, we would expect about
408 responding, eligible households below 100 percent of the poverty level, and about 778
responding, eligible households below 200 percent of the poverty level. These sample sizes are
adequate for producing estimates for low-income households without oversampling them.
Although the address-based sampling (ABS) frame could be stratified on the percentage of lowincome households in the county (using 5-Year 2005-2009 ACS data) and addresses in the lowincome stratum could be oversampled, this would increase the variability of the household weights.
If households could be stratified directly on a low-income indicator, oversampling them to target
1,000 below 100 percent poverty (out of a 2,000 total sample size) would result in a design effect of
1.32. Given the high poverty rates among households with children and the large overall sample
size for the DNPES, it does not seem worthwhile to oversample low-income households. This

result is very consistent with the findings by Waksberg, Judkins, and Massey in their Survey
Methodology article in 1997 for oversampling in face-to-face surveys.

Expected Levels of Precision

If there were no variability in the weights due to weighting adjustments for screener and extended
interview non-response, the expected precision in terms of 95 percent confidence interval halfwidths for estimated percentages (i.e., the margin of error) is given in Table B.2.5 for the two sample
size options. A percentage of P=50 percent is used in the table because it yields the maximum
variance of a sample-based estimate. For estimates of low-incidence products such as slings, the
confidence intervals will be narrower than those indicated in the table.
Table B.2.5.

95 Percent Confidence Interval Half-Widths for a Percentage of 50 Percent

Total #

95% CI HalfWidth for

# Completed
Interviews in
Lowest Income




95% CI HalfWidth for
P=50% for
Lowest Income

The CPSC has undertaken measures to ensure that the current sample design and size will be
sufficient to support the envisioned analyses. Using available data (from American Baby Group and
elsewhere), we have made preliminary estimates of the prevalence of ownership of each product in
the general population. While these results seem to suggest that even the lowest incidence products
should have sufficient samples for reasonable precision, these results seem to be from a population
of households with very young children (maybe through 18 months) rather than younger than 6
years old (our planned population), so some of these items may be less prevalent in our sample. In
short, it is very hard to project this because this is one of the key pieces of information this survey is
designed to discover.
While these preliminary estimates are not based on a probability-based sample, they are useful for
selecting the product modules each respondent will be asked to complete. These selection rates will
be updated, however, as the survey is rolled out. Therefore, if we initially believe that few
respondents will be eligible for one module but end up with numerous completes, we will shift
priorities to ask respondents about products for which we have fewer completes first. We plan to
make these updates on an ongoing basis. The product selection rates used for each household will
be stored for later use in weighting responses to produce national estimates.

In this manner, we will target a minimum of 250 completes for each product module. This means
that products used less often will be selected at a much higher rate than more commonly used
products. This should allow for making estimates about a particular product with adequate
precision, such as, for example, the number of baby sling users reporting a death or injury. For an
estimated 50 percent proportion, a sample size of 250 would give a 95 percent CI half-width of 6.3
percent, assuming a design effect of 1 (i.e., no variation in household weights).
Of course, there may be products for which there are fewer eligible respondents. For example,
except for a few products, respondents are eligible only if they use/used the product at least a few
times a week. Therefore, it is possible that we could end up with fewer respondents in some cases
and, in the extreme case, too few respondents for a particular product module to do any modeling
using the product-specific questions in the product module. However, the prevalence can be
estimated for all product modules because the precision for each prevalence rate is based on the
number of households completing the inventory portion of the questionnaire (i.e., the section that
asks whether the household uses or has used each of the 24 products). This is expected to be about
1,800 households (16,667 completed screeners * 0.132 eligibility rate * 0.80 extended questionnaire
response rate = 1,760).
If we find any products where overall completion numbers are projected to be too small for
meaningful precision, we may reconsider a Web panel for which we would seek separate approval, as
discussed in section B.2.6.

Problems Requiring Special Sampling Procedures

The DNPES will prioritize questionnaire modules about the rarest products and the overall sample
size should include enough completed surveys with each product module for meaningful analysis
and reasonable precision (see section B.2.5). However, if ownership of specific infant and toddler
products is significantly lower than expected, a supplementary sample of Web panel respondents
purchased from a reputable vendor would provide additional information about the use of products
with low ownership rates. This option was considered as a possibility when funding levels were low
enough to significantly limit the number of completes we could expect for any given product.
However, if other factors arise that reduce the number of completed surveys, it is possible that a
Web panel might again become a desirable option. Should this occur, the CPSC will take any
actions necessary to comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act.


B.3 Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Address Non-Response
Based on recent similar studies conducted by Westat, the expected screener response rate is 25
percent. With an expected 80 percent completion rate from eligible screeners, the overall survey
response rate is estimated to be 20 percent (25 percent x 80 percent). Each phase of the field study
will employ techniques to maximize response rates and address non-response. Additionally, the
DNPES will use statistical weighting to decrease bias and it will include a non-response follow-up
(NRFU) effort to help estimate the level and direction of non-response bias. Please note that we
believe our response rate estimates are conservative. Because the target respondents (parents of
very small children) are likely to be more interested in participating in this survey about the safety of
children’s products, response rates may be higher than assumed here. Early tracking of response
rates will help provide better estimates, which will be used to adjust the released sample size.
Additional methods to increase response rates, such as a cash incentive or the use of FedEx for the
third mailing, may be reconsidered should additional funding become available, but are not possible
given the project’s current funding level. The design of this survey includes a number of contacts
with potential respondents. While they are not literally pre-notice letters, they have the effect of a
pre-notification, which could (at least initially) improve response rates.

Mail Screener

All mailed material will be simple to read and follow and as short as possible. Based on OMB
comments and the available literature, we plan to use an English-only mailing (letter and survey
screener) for the first contact. Subsequent mailings will be English on one side and Spanish on the
back, where the Spanish version of the survey screener will be sufficiently different from the English
version to make it difficult to use it as a guide to answering the English version. The screener survey
will ask respondents for their first name, the number of children by age group who live in their
household, their phone number, their email address, and their preferred follow-up mode (phone or
Web). A final version of the screener will be provided to OMB before the start of data collection.

CATI Extended

To increase response to the phone survey (extended questionnaire), interviewers with experience
conducting telephone surveys will be used, and multiple callbacks will be made using an automated
call scheduling system. Interviewer training will focus on gaining cooperation in the first minute or
so of the initial contact with a potential respondent. To maximize the contact rate, we will use a
calling algorithm that handles all dimensions of call scheduling, including: time zone (respondent

and interviewer); skill level of interviewer; special needs of the case (e.g., non-English language); call
history; and priority of case handling.
For the telephone extended, refusal conversions will be attempted on a sub-sample of those
selecting the phone as the preferred mode of communication. In addition, CATI non-respondents
who also supplied an email address will be sent emails inviting them to complete the extended
survey on the Web.

Web Extended

Web non-respondents who also provided a phone number will be followed-up by telephone
interviewers and invited to complete the survey by phone.

Addressing Non-Response

Even surveys with very high response rates and large sample sizes can have non-ignorable nonresponse bias. Efforts to increase response rates to anything short of 100 percent would still leave
us without an understanding of non-respondents. The plan to study non-response bias involves
four strategies: (1) a non-response follow-up subsample to compare respondents who respond with
additional contact effort to those who respond without the extra effort (see section B.3.4.2); (2)
response propensity analysis as part of the non-response adjustments in the weighting; (3) undercoverage analysis as part of the poststratification in the weighting; and (4) comparison of DNPES
estimates with external sources, where possible. Response propensity analysis and poststratification,
the primary tools that will be used to understand non-respondents, are discussed in more detail
A non-response analysis will be done to profile screener non-respondents as part of the nonresponse adjustments in the weighting. This involves evaluating which ABS frame variables (among
those with a small percentage of missing data), Census, and 5-Year 2005-2009 ACS demographic
variables are most effective in distinguishing between subgroups with different propensities to
respond. Census data can be obtained for the census tract or block group containing the sampled
addresses, because Census geography codes are provided on the ABS sample records. The 20052009 ACS data can be obtained at the county level. We plan to use CHAID software for this
purpose. CHAID is a commonly used tree-based algorithm for analyzing the relationship between a
dependent variable and a set of predictor variables. The software forms cells of households with
similar response propensities, using household characteristics that are available for all sampled
households. A non-response adjustment factor equal to the inverse of the weighted response rate

for each cell is then applied to the household base weight. This adjustment restores the distribution
of the household respondents to match that of the original sample. Response rates will also be
calculated by the variables identified as correlates with response propensity by the CHAID software.
This will enable us to develop a profile of the screener non-respondents. To the extent these
correlates are known to be also correlated with the survey response variables, this may give an
indication of the direction of the non-response bias.
The non-response-adjusted household screener weights will be poststratified to state totals of
households with children under age 6, at a minimum. These control totals can be constructed by
multiplying the household totals at the county level and the percent of households with children
ages 0 to 5 from the 5-year 2005-2009 ACS at the county level, then summing to the state level.
Note that the 2005-2009 ACS does have the number of households with children under age 6 below
100 percent of poverty levels at the county level. However, because income is not being collected in
the screener (and a single item or even two on income would not be sufficient for creating poverty
income levels in a way that is reliable), we cannot include low-income as a post-stratification
dimension. The post-stratification factors will indicate geographic areas of under-coverage in the
screener respondents (though there will be some sampling error in adjustment factors). Also, the
Census Bureau has released 2010 Census population and household totals by age/race/sex for all
states down to the block level. Because the Census county, tract, and block group codes will be
provided on the ABS sample by the vendor (and can also be geocoded in-house at Westat from the
addresses), the Census totals can be compared with the distribution of the weighted DNPES
household sample by geography and demographic subgroups to assess under-coverage.

Statistical Weighting

Sample weights will be provided for each completed interview from the address-based sample to
allow for unbiased estimation of national percentages. The sample weights are products of the base
weight, non-response adjustments, and a post-stratification adjustment. The base weight is the
reciprocal of the probability of selection of each sampled household. The non-response adjustments are
designed to reduce the potential bias caused by differences between the responding and nonresponding population and are equal to the reciprocals of weighted response rates within carefully
selected response cells. The post-stratification adjustment modifies the non-response-adjusted base
weights to the most recent Current Population Survey totals of adults by race/ethnicity, age, region
of the country, and other demographic factors. This adjustment has the effect of reducing variance.



Non-Response Follow-Up (NRFU)

Data from this NRFU sub-sample will provide estimates as to whether and how response patterns
differ as harder-to-contact respondents contribute the study. At the sampling stage, 9 percent of the
total initial sample will be assigned to the NRFU condition. At the screener stage, sample records in
the NRFU condition will receive up to 3 screener survey mailings and reminder postcards instead of
just one survey mailing and one reminder. It is estimated that this effort will increase the screener
response rate by 10 to 20 percentage points. Households in the NRFU condition who complete the
screener and are identified as eligible will receive additional contact attempts if they do not complete
the extended survey after the standard contact protocol.
Analysis of responses from the NRFU sub-sample will focus on whether and how responses from
the NRFU sample change as a result of the additional contact effort when compared to the NRFU
respondents who respond within the general protocol. As a random sub-sample, the NRFU data
will also allow estimates (with wider variance) based on a higher response rate. These NRFU
analyses will be conducted with both weighted and unweighted datasets to allow the best
understanding of non-response bias and the best overall estimates.

Mode Effects

Mixed-mode survey design introduces the possibility for mode differences, because respondents may
answer a question differently, depending upon the mode in which it is asked. Mode differences can
have serious implications for data comparability (Roberts, 2007). A question presented orally in a
telephone survey may prompt a very different response than the same question presented visually on
a Web or paper survey. Likewise, a question may be interpreted differently when it is presented
within the context of a paper questionnaire than when a respondent sees or hears only a single
question at a time in a Web or telephone survey (a phenomenon known as “segmentation”). There
are many other variables that may trigger mode differences, including: dynamic (Web, phone) versus
static (paper) presentation; oral (phone) versus written (paper) versus typed (Web) transmission; and
interviewer administration versus self-administration (Dillman 2009; and Pierzchala, 2004).
The literature suggests three general approaches to designing multi-mode surveys to minimize
measurement error. However, no consensus exists on which is the best approach (Dillman, 2009;
Roberts, 2007; and Pierzchala, 2006).
In the first approach, mode-enhancement, one mode is considered to be the “primary” mode.
Therefore, the goal is to design the best possible instrument for that single mode, concentrating on

obtaining the highest quality data—even if that requires sacrificing equivalency across modes. This
approach is generally advocated when the secondary modes are used only sparingly to increase
response rates or coverage.
The second approach, advocated by Dillman, is the unimode design. With this approach, questions
are written and presented identically across all modes. This requires designing questions that are
suitable for administration in all modes, which one researcher has called a “one-questionnaire-fits-all
design” (de Leeuw, 2005). Dillman outlines guiding principles to ensure that questions are effective,
regardless of mode, including reducing the number of response categories to make questions
appropriate for both visual and aural presentation. As a result, however, formats that are less than
optimal for a mode may be used (Dillman, 2009).
The third approach has been called generalized, universal, or mode-specific design. This approach
contends that respondents process information very differently in different modes. Therefore, the
same question may have a different meaning in different modes. Paradoxically, to achieve
comparability across modes, it may be necessary to change question formats (Pierzchala, 2004).
Rather than presenting identical questions across modes, this approach seeks “cognitive
equivalence” across modes. E.D. de Leeuw compares this approach to “modern theories on
questionnaire translation, in which not the literal translation, but the translation of concepts is the
key” (de Leeuw, 2005).
It is not always clear, however, what the best way is to obtain this “cognitive equivalence.”
Frequently, multi-mode survey design is performed on an ad hoc basis. A survey may be designed
for one mode and subsequently adapted to another. Conversely, survey design across modes may
happen concurrently but with little coordination between modes. Pierzchala has argued that many
survey researchers “often overlook the importance of a holistic perspective” (Pierzchala, 2008).
Generally, this is due to cost or time limitations because multi-mode design is often not
straightforward. “Adjustments to each mode are likely in order to achieve ‘cognitive equivalence’
between the modes in the mind of the respondent. These adjustments may include changes in
question text, data definition, routing, fills, and so forth. Thus it may be necessary to leave time for
prototyping and assessment, and reworking of the instrument” (Pierzchala, 2004). Such constant
reworking and revision is not always a practical option.
For the most part, the DNPES uses the unimode design. Some examples of the ways in which we
minimized differences across the telephone and Web modes include:

The questionnaire originally contained numerous open-ended questions along with a list of
unread response categories for telephone interviewers to use for coding respondents’

answers. All of those items were converted to closed-ended items with the response options
read to the respondent (along with an “other specify” option). The purpose was to present
the same preset response categories to telephone respondents orally as Web respondents
received visually.

Where possible, kept the number of read response options to five or less.


Adopted pronouns that worked in both modes (e.g., “you” instead of “I”).


Streamlined the product definitions for verbal delivery (the same definitions will be
presented to Web respondents).


Used wording and placement to minimize social desirability bias in the telephone
administration of the co-sleeping items, enumeration items that ask for child’s name,
questions about leaving the child alone in the product, and the premature birth/disability


Wrote section transitions for the telephone instrument that will also be displayed in the Web


Plan to mail product photos to telephone respondents so that they have access to the same
visual aids as the Web respondents.

B.4 Test of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken
Once the draft survey instrument has been finalized, it will be submitted to 3 rounds of cognitive
testing in both English and Spanish with up to 9 respondents in each round. Cognitive testing
consists of one-on-one interviews with respondents whose key characteristics match those of the
survey population (in this case, parents of children under 6 years old). After describing the purpose
of the study and informing the cognitive interview respondent of her rights as a research participant,
the interviewer will administer the Durable Nursery Products Exposure Survey along with a series of
follow-up questions designed to understand the respondent’s thought processes related to the

Comprehension – do respondents understand the question as the survey designers intended?


Recall – can the requested information be recalled and what strategies for recall are
respondents using?


Judgment and estimation processes – to what extent is the respondent motivated to take the
time to accurately answer the question?


Response processes – do the pre-coded answers to closed-end questions map accurately to
the respondents’ actual answers? Should the question be a closed-ended or open-ended

The information obtained from the follow-up questions about respondents’ thought processes as
they are answering the Durable Nursery Products Exposure Survey will be used to identify and
refine the following:

Instructions that are insufficient, overlooked, misinterpreted, or difficult to understand;


Wordings that are misunderstood or understood differently by different respondents;


Vague definitions or ambiguous instructions that may be interpreted differently;


Items that ask for information to which the respondent does not have access; and


Confusing response option or response formats.

In addition to cognitive interviewing, preparations will also include up to 20 total respondents over
one or two rounds of usability testing in both English and Spanish for the Web survey. While
completing the Web survey, respondents will be asked to comment about the appearance, interface,
instructions, and layout of the Web instrument. They will be asked to identify any inconsistencies or
problems with the questions displayed, as well as other issues of overall usability. Feedback from
usability testers will drive refinements to the Web survey design that will help minimize respondent
confusion and burden. The feedback will be used to further refine both the Web and phone surveys
prior to implementation. A final version of the phone survey and complete screenshots of the Web
survey will be submitted to OMB prior to implementation as well.
B.5 Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and/or Analyzing Data
The individuals consulted on technical and statistical issues related to the data collection are listed
Jon Wivagg, Ph.D.
Senior Study Director, Westat
Phone: (240) 328-3977 Email: [email protected]

Martha Stapleton, MA.
Senior Study Director, Westat
Phone: (301) 251-4382 Email: [email protected]
Adam Chu, Ph.D.
Associate Director Statistical Area
Senior Statistician
Phone: (301) 251-4326 Email: [email protected]
Pam Broene, MS
Senior Statistician, Westat
Phone: (301) 294-3817 Email: [email protected]
Dr. Jill Jenkins (301-504-6795), project director, will be responsible for data collection and for
analyzing the data. The individual at CPSC who will be responsible for receiving and approving
contract deliverables from Westat is William Zamula.
de Leeuw, E.D. (2005). To mix or not to mix data collection modes in surveys. Journal of Official
Statistics-Stockholm- 21 (2):233.
Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L. M. (2009). Internet, mail, and mixed-mode surveys:
The tailored design method. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons: 326-329.
Dohrmann, S., Han, D., and Mohadjer, L. (2007). Improving Coverage of Residential Address Lists
in Multistage Area Samples. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American
Statistical Association, 3219-3226.
Montaquila, J., Hsu, V., Brick, J.M., English, N., and O’Muircheartaigh, C. (2009). A Comparative
Evaluation of Traditional Listing vs. Address-Based Sampling Frames: Matching with Field
Investigation of Discrepancies. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical
Association, 4855-4862.
Pierzchala, M. (2006). “Disparate Modes and Their Effect on Instrument Design.” In Proceedings of
the 10th International Blaise Users Conference. Arnhem, The Netherlands: Statistics Netherlands.
Pierzchala, M. (2008). “Experiences with Multimode Surveys.” In Proceedings of Statistics Canada
Symposium. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Pierzchala, M., Wright, D., Wilson, C., & Guerino, P. (2004). “Instrument Design for a Blaise
Multimode Web, CATI, and Paper Survey.” In Proceedings of the 9th International Blaise Users Conference.
Roberts, C. (2007). Mixing modes of data collection in surveys: A methodological review. National
Centre for Research Methods, unpublished:

Waksberg, J. , Judkins, D., and Massey, J. (1997). Geographic-based oversampling in demographic
surveys of the United States. Survey Methodology, 23, 61-71


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorTerri Davis
File Modified2012-06-01
File Created2012-06-01

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