Att 10 - Examples-Data Collection Instruments 060308

Att 10 - Examples-Data Collection Instruments 060308.doc

CDC and ATSDR Health Message Testing System

Att 10 - Examples-Data Collection Instruments 060308

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Attachment 10: Examples: (Data Collection Instruments)

Example 1: Central Location Intercept Interview

Example 2: Telephone Interview

Example 3: Individual In-depth Interview (Cognitive Interview)

Example 4: Screener Questions for Focus Group Testing

Example 5: Focus Group Moderator’s Guide

Example 6: Online Interview

Example 1 – Central Location Intercept Interview

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this study. Your participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to answer any question and may stop the interview at any time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is developing new materials to encourage Hispanic women to get enough folic acid. As potential distributors of these materials, we want to know what you think about them. Please evaluate these materials as honestly as possible. Thanks for your work to educate women on this important issue!

Review Item #1:________________________________

  1. If this item was readily available to you for free of charge, circle the number that best represents how likely you would be use it in your outreach to Hispanic women?

Not at all likely to use











Extremely likely to use

  1. Circle the number that best represents your assessment of the credibility of the information provided in this item.

Not at all credible











Extremely credible

  1. Circle the number that best represents your assessment of how the Hispanic women you serve will find the information in terms of readability.

Very difficult to read











Very easy to read

  1. Is there anything in this item that you think could be potentially offensive or upsetting to the women you serve? 


Yes [If yes, please tell us what could be offensive]

  1. Is there anything that would keep you from ordering these free materials and distributing them to the Hispanic women you serve? 


Yes [Please write your comments below]

Review Item #2:________________________________

  1. If this item was readily available to you free of charge, circle the number that best represents how likely you would be use it in your outreach to Hispanic women?

Not at all likely to use











Extremely likely to use

  1. Circle the number that best represents your assessment of the credibility of the information provided in this item.

Not at all credible











Extremely credible

  1. Circle the number that best represents your assessment of how the Hispanic women you serve will find the information in terms of readability.

Very difficult to read











Very easy to read

  1. Is there anything in this item that you think could be potentially offensive or upsetting to the women you serve? 


Yes [If yes, please tell us what could be offensive]

  1. Is there anything that would keep you from ordering these free materials and distributing them to the Hispanic women you serve? 


Yes [Please write your comments below]

Thank you message.

Thank you! You have completed the survey. We appreciate your participation in this evaluation. We value your input and look forward to using your feedback to help us in our ongoing effort to produce relevant and culturally-sensitive health information materials.

Example 2 – Telephone Interview

(The Mailman School of Public Health National Survey June 2007; Report Commissioned by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness)

  1. In thinking about preparing yourself for a major disaster, which could include gathering surplus food, medicine, or other supplies, or developing a plan such as having emergency contacts and meeting points, which of the following best represents your preparedness for a major disaster:

    • I have not yet prepared, but I intend to in the next 6 months

    • I have not yet prepared, but I intend to in the next month

    • I just recently began preparing

    • I am not planning to do anything about preparing

  1. Thinking about major disasters such as terror attacks, natural disasters, or emergency weather events, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement: In order to survive a major disaster or emergency, luck is more important than preparation.

    • Strongly agree

    • Agree

    • Disagree

    • Strongly disagree

  1. Thinking about major disasters such as terror attacks, natural disasters, or emergency weather events, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement: It is not really possible for an average person to prepare for a major disaster or emergency.

    • Strongly agree

    • Agree

    • Disagree

    • Strongly disagree

  1. Thinking about major disasters such as terror attacks, natural disasters, or emergency weather events, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement: I think it is likely that in the next five years, I will experience a major disaster or emergency in the area where I live or work.

    • Strongly agree

    • Agree

    • Disagree

    • Strongly disagree

  1. In the event of a major disaster where there was NO WARNING such as a terrorist attack or earthquake, do you think your community has an adequate emergency response plan currently in place, or not?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Unsure

  1. Do you personally feel very prepared, prepared, not very prepared, or not at all prepared for a major disaster where there was NO WARNING such as a terrorist attack or earthquake in your community?

    • Very prepared

    • Prepared

    • Not very prepared

    • Not prepared at all

    • Unsure

  1. In the event of a major disaster WITH WARNING such as a hurricane, flood, or wildfire, do you think your community has an adequate emergency response plan currently in place, or not?

    • Yes, is adequate

    • No, is not adequate

    • Unsure

  1. Do you personally feel very prepared, prepared, not very prepared, or not prepared at all for a major disaster WITH WARNING such as a hurricane, flood, or wildfire in your community?

    • Yes, is adequate

    • No, is not adequate

    • Unsure

  1. In the event of a major disaster in your community, such as a terrorist attach, natural disaster, or emergency weather event, how long do you believe it will take first responders, such as fire, police, paramedics, or the National Guard to arrive and assist you if needed: under one hour, within several hours, within a day, within several days?

    • Under one hour

    • Within several hours

    • Within a day

    • Within several days

    • Voluntary: Never

  1. Are you very concerned, concerned, not very concerned, or not concerned at all about the possibility there will be more terror attacks in the United States?

    • Very concerned

    • Concerned

    • Not very concerned

    • Not concerned at all

  1. Overall, are you very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all in the government to protect the area where you live from a terrorist attack?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. Overall, are you very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all in the government to protect public transportation, such as trains and buses from terrorist attack?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. Overall, are you are you very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all in the government to respond to a natural disaster or emergency weather event in your area?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. Overall, are you are you very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all in the government to protect U.S. borders?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. In general, how confident are you that the health care system is ready to respond effectively to a biological, chemical, or nuclear attack: very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. How confident are you in the government to oversee spending and set priorities on terrorism and disaster preparedness: very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. Do you have a family emergency preparedness plan that all family members know about?

    • Yes

    • No, unsure

  1. Does your family emergency preparedness plan include all, some, or none of the following: at least two days of food and water, a flashlight, a portable radio and spare batteries, emergency phone numbers, and a meeting place for family members in case of evacuation:

    • All

    • Some

    • None

    • No emergency plan

  1. Please tell me the main reason you do not have a complete family emergency preparedness plan; I have not had time, I’m not sure about what to do, I don’t feel it will make a difference, it’s too expensive, I believe the necessary supplies will be provided by the government or local agency, or it’s unlikely there will be an emergency that affects my family?

    • I have not had time

    • I am not sure about what to do

    • I do not feel it will make a difference

    • It is too expensive

    • I believe the necessary supplies will be provided

    • It is unlikely there will be an emergency event

    • I feel prepared

    • Unsure

  1. In the event of a major disaster or emergency, if you were ordered to evacuate your home or office and go to a distant location, would you leave immediately, wait until concerns about children or loved ones were addressed, or would you not leave?

    • Leave immediately

    • Wait until concerns were addressed

    • Not leave

  1. If you were ordered to evacuate, thinking about your own circumstances, would any of the following keep you from leaving immediately: not leave because of your lack of confidence in who is ordering you to leave.

    • Yes

    • No, unsure, does not apply

  1. In general, how confident are you that the government is ready to respond effectively to a bird flu epidemic or other major epidemic; very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

  1. In general, how confident are you that the health care system is ready to respond effectively to a bird flu pandemic or other major epidemic; very confident, confident, not too confident, or not confident at all?

    • Very confident

    • Confident

    • Not too confident

    • Not confident at all

    • Unsure

Example 3: Individual In-depth Interview (Cognitive Interview)

(In-depth Interview Guide, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kids Web Site Development)

The purpose of these in-depth interviews is two-fold: 1) To gather insight into the perceived challenges of communicating with kids in a Web environment, and 2) To learn from the experiences of those who already manage kids’ sites and may already understand what works, what doesn’t, and why.

  1. Explanation of Interview/Warm-Up (5 minutes)

  • My name is __________________________, and I’ll be conducting today’s interview, which will take approximately 30 minutes.

  • First, I’d like to thank you for your time and for your participation; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also very appreciative of your time and opinions.

  • Before we begin our discussion, I’d like to give you some background on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the “CDC.” The CDC is a federal agency created more than 50 years ago to control malaria in the United States. The agency is probably best known for its “disease detectives” fighting deadly infectious diseases portrayed in movies like “Outbreak” and books like “The Hotzone.” However, over the years, CDC has become the national’s primary agency responsible for disease, disability, and injury prevention. In addition to infectious diseases, the CDC works in other areas including the prevention of chronic diseases from smoking, obesity and poor diet and lack of physical activity; injuries like car accidents, falls, and violence; work place hazards; birth defects and disabilities; and environmental hazards such as lead and other toxic substances. The CDC’s findings and programs are based on rigorous science and disseminated to its partners with state and local health departments, as well as organizations to protect the health of Americans and oftentimes those around the world.

  • While the CDC has a general Web site,, it is currently working on developing a Web site specifically targeting youths, ages 11-18, as well as parents and teachers. The CDC is interested in your insights, experiences, and recommendations relative to communicating with youths in a Web environment.

  • I’d also like to give you a little background about what I do. I work for [company], an independent communications research firm. We talk with people all over the world about a wide range of topics.

  • We’re not affiliated with any of the organizations that we provide research for, so any positive comments you might have won’t work to my advantage, and negative comments won’t work against me. I just want your honest impressions and opinions and I’d like to stress that there are no wrong answers.

  • I will be audio taking this discussion so that I can be free from taking notes. These tapes will help me when I go back to compile a report. I will not be using your name in the report, but will instead summarize overall themes that come out of all the interviews I conduct on this project.

  1. Site Overview (5 minutes)

  • Can you describe your role with regard to your organization’s Web site? What role, if any, did you plan in developing the site? What role, if any, do you have in developing content for the site?

  • How long has the site existed?

  • In general, what is the purpose of the site? What is the site’s overall objective? Secondary objectives? Explain.

  • Who do you target with the site? [PROBE: age, gender, interest, parents, teachers, etc.]

  • What have you found works well with each of the audiences your site targets? How do you know? [PROBE: Evaluation and research methods used.] What have you found doesn’t work so well with each of these audiences? How do you know? [PROBE: Evaluation and research methods used.]

  1. Experiences Developing/Managing a Youth Web Site (20 minutes)

  • How would you define a successful youth Web site? In your opinion, what makes a site successful? What are the top three attributes of a successful youth Web site?

  • What specific youth Web sites do you consider successful? In your opinion, what make these sites successful?

  • In general, what challenges have you faced in developing and/or managing your Web site? How did you overcome these challenges? What have you learned from these experiences that you could share with CDC?

  • What have you learned about communicating with youths in a Web environment? What communications barriers have you encountered? How did you overcome these barriers? What have you learned from these experiences that you could share with the CDC?

  • What have you learned about communicating with parents in a Web environment? Educators? What communications barriers have you encountered? How did you overcome these barriers? What have you learned from these experiences that you could share with the CDC?

  • What have you learned about communicating health-related information to youths in a Web environment? Parents? Teachers? What experiences can you share with the CDC? What recommendations can you offer the CDC in communicating health-related information to youths?

  • What have you learned about communicating science-related information to youths in a Web environment? Youths? Parents? Teachers? What experiences can you share with the CDC? What recommendations can you offer the CDC in communicating science-related information to youths?

  1. Additional Questions (time remaining)

  • Offer opportunity to advise CDC with Web site development

  • Extend assistance from CDC with target’s site

  • Thank respondents for time and opinions

  • Answer any respondent questions

Example 4: Screener Questions for Focus Group Testing

(Source: Formative Research for a Nutrition and Physical Activity Health Communication Campaign)

Hello, my name is ______________________. I’m calling from [company name]. We’re helping the U.S. Public Health Service -- part of the federal government -- with a study about Americans’ health. If you qualify for the study, you would be asked to come to [company name] to give your opinion in a group discussion which would last about 90 minutes. May I ask you a few questions?

  1. Do you work in any of the following fields: health, medical, fitness, or nutrition?

____ Yes – [Thank respondent and terminate]

____ No

  1. Which of the following age ranges do you fall into:

____ 28 or younger – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

____ 29 to 36

____ 37 to 44

____ 45 to 54

____ 55 or older – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

  1. Is your race:

____ African American

____ White

____ Asian American – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

____ Hispanic – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

____ Or another race – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

  1. What is the last grade or year of school you completed?

____ Less than high school diploma – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

____ High school diploma or equivalency degree

____ Some college

____ College graduate

____ Some graduate school

____ Graduate or professional degree – [Thank you, but we already have enough respondents in this category. May we call you in the future for another study?]

  1. Do you have children under age 18 living in your home with you?

____ Yes

____ No

  1. Do you typically eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day AND limit how much fat you eat?

____ Yes*


____ No

  1. Regarding things like eating more fruits and vegetables and eating less fat, which of the following sentences best describes you? Are you:

____ Currently trying to make healthful changes in your diet?

____ Interested in making healthful changes within the next 6 months?

____ Not interested in making dietary changes in the near future?

The next questions are about how much exercise and other physical activity you get during leisure time, in and around the house, or at work?

  1. Do you typically engage in vigorous physical activity such as jogging, aerobic dancing, swimming or strenuous job-related tasks for 20 minutes or more at least 3 days a week?

____ Yes

____ No

  1. Do you typically engage in more moderate physical activity such as brisk walking, yard work, or heavy house cleaning for 30 minutes or more at least 5 days a week?

____ Yes

____ No

  1. Which of the following sentences best describes your physical activity intentions? Are you:

____ Currently trying to increase the amount of regular physical activity you get?

____ Interested in increasing the amount within the next 6 months?

____ Not interested in increasing your amount of physical activity in the next year?

  1. Record respondent’s sex:

____ Male

____ Female

As I mentioned earlier, the study is a group discussion sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service. We will be selecting participants within the next couple days. If you are selected and are able to participate in the study, you would be paid $50 for your time. Refreshments will be served during our discussion.

[Check availability during the week of ___________ (month), ___________ (day).]

Could I please confirm your name, address and phone number?

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________


Phone Number: _____________________________________

Example 5 - Focus Group Moderator’s Guide

(Source: Folic Acid Message Concept Testing Focus Groups among 3 Audience Segments)


Introduction and purpose

Thank you for coming. Your presence and participation today are very important. My name is ____________ and I work for an independent communications company. I will be moderating today’s discussion.

Today, we’re going to be looking at some materials that are designed to educate women on important health topics. I want to know what you like and dislike about these materials. The feedback you will give us today is information we could not get anywhere else. Thank you for your willingness to come and give us your opinions. We think you’ll enjoy talking about this important issue.

A. Procedure

Before we begin, I would like to start with some ground rules for our discussion today:

  • There are no wrong answers. Please be completely honest. We’re as interested in learning what you don’t like as we are in learning what you do like.

  • Everyone’s participation is important. Part of my job as moderator is to make sure we get a chance to hear from everyone, so, at times, I may call on you, or ask you to shorten your remarks so someone else has the chance to speak.

  • Your participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to answer any question and may choose to leave the group at any time.

  • We want this to be a group discussion, so you don’t need to wait for me to call on you to speak, and please feel free to respond directly to other people’s thoughts and ideas.

  • Our discussion today is being tape recorded. These recordings allow us to write a more complete report, and to make sure we accurately reflect your opinions. However, please only speak one at a time, so that the tape recorder can pick up all your comments.

  • [When Applicable] I am working with some other people on this project, and they will be observing our conversation from the other side of this mirror.

  • Our discussion is totally confidential. We will not use your names in any report.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average two hours minutes including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74,  Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN:  PRA (0920-XXXX)

  • As moderator, my job is to keep the discussion focused on the subject. If I see that we are deviating from the subject, I will bring us back to the topic so we can finish on time.

  • If you have a cell phone with you, please turn it off or silence the ringer. Thanks.

B. Introductions

Before we begin, I would like each of you to take a few moments to introduce yourself. Please tell the group:

    1. Your name

    2. How long you have lived in this area

Thanks for sharing!

As I mentioned, I am going to show you some ideas and materials that might be used as part of an educational campaign. The materials we are going to look at today are about a B vitamin called folic acid. Some of you may have heard of this vitamin, others may not. I’ll tell you more about folic acid later on in the group, but, for right now, I just want your reaction to these materials no matter what you know about folic acid.

Please be candid in your opinions and feel free to tell me if there are things you don’t like. I did not work on these ideas myself and it will not hurt my feelings if there is something you don’t like. At the same time, I want to hear what you do like about these materials, so we can make sure not to change things that you do like.

II. REACTIONS TO ADVERTISING CONCEPTS (10-15 minutes/concept, max 75 minutes)

I want to start by showing you some advertising concept boards. Before I show them to you, I want to emphasize that these are very preliminary ideas – not finished words or artwork. These are just to stimulate your thinking about what words and pictures you think would help women like you learn about this topic. These materials might be the basis for transit ads, ads in magazines, posters or brochures.

[Discussion should go beyond evaluating these concepts to get at potential alternative words and images that resonate most with participants.]

AD CONCEPT #1: [Repeat series of questions with each new item; display items in a random order]

Let’s start by looking at this board. [Unveil concept board and give participants some time to look at it]

  1. What would you say is the main idea of this ad? Summarize in your own words what it is trying to say. Anything else?

  2. What is the first thing you thought of when you saw the board? Anything else?

  3. What is your immediate reaction to this ad? Do you like it or dislike it? Why or why not?

  4. Does this ad get your attention? If yes, what about it gets your attention? If no, why do you think that is?

  5. Are you interested in what this ad has to say? Why or why not?

  6. Is there anything unclear about the visuals or words in this ad? If yes, what is unclear?

  7. Do you like or dislike the images in this ad? Why or why not?

  8. Who do you think this ad is designed for?

  9. How believable is this ad? Why?

  10. What do you like the most about this ad? What do you like the least?

  11. What about the phrase [CONCEPT]? What do you think of this term? What does it mean to you?

  12. If you saw this item, do you think it would have any effect on the things you do? If yes, how so? If no, why not?

  13. Anything else you want to tell us about this ad?

[Repeat these questions for each advertising concept board]

Thanks for sharing, this information is really helpful!


Now I want to tell you a little more about folic acid. Folic acid is a B vitamin that can prevent serious birth defects in babies, and Hispanic women are especially likely to have babies with these birth defects. These birth defects happen before most women even know they are pregnant. Since many pregnancies are unplanned, all women of childbearing age need to get enough folic acid every day to prevent these birth defects, even if they are not thinking of becoming pregnant. Taking a multivitamin every day is one way to do this. For some unknown reason, Hispanic women have the highest rates of the birth defects that folic acid can prevent, so it’s important for us to reach Hispanic women with this information.

The purpose of the ads you’ve been looking at is to encourage Hispanic women to take a multivitamin every day, so that Hispanic women have fewer babies with these birth defects. I want to show you all these materials, and have you tell me which materials you think are most likely to encourage Hispanic women to take a daily multivitamin.

[Display all the concepts side by side and pass out ranking sheet]

First, I want you to think about this on your own and then rank the concepts on this sheet of paper. After everyone has ranked the concepts on their own, we will talk about your choices. Each of the concepts we have discussed is labeled with a letter (A, B, C, etc.). The concepts are also listed on this sheet of paper. Write a 1 next to the concept that would most motivate you to take folic acid, a 2 to the next most motivational concept, and so forth.

[Allow time for rankings]

  1. Which concept did you rank as most likely to convince Hispanic women to take a daily vitamin? Why? What do you think makes this concept effective? [Ask of all the women]

  2. Which concept did you rank as next most likely to convince Hispanic women to take a daily vitamin? Why? What do you think makes this concept effective?

  3. Which of these concepts did you like the most? Why? Is this a different concept from the one you thought would be most effective? Why is that?

  4. Which one was most inspiring or motivating for you personally? Why? Is this a different concept from the one you thought would be most effective? Why is that?

  5. Which one is most believable? Why?

  6. Which concept would be most likely to make you aware of the importance of taking folic acid? Why?

  7. Which of these concepts taught you the most about folic acid? What did you learn? Why did you think it was important?

  8. Which of these concepts do you like the least, or think is least likely to convince women to take a vitamin? Why?

  9. Now that you know a little more about folic acid, is there anything you think these materials should tell women that they don’t? If yes, what is that?

  10. What else do you want to know about folic acid that you want to see addressed in these materials?

  11. Is there one concept that you like so much or think is so important that you don’t want to see it changed? If so, which one and why?

  12. Is there anything else you want to say about these materials?

Great! I just have a couple more things I want to talk about.


The concepts we looked at did not have anything on them to identify what organization is sponsoring them. I want to talk a little about possible organizations that could sponsor and distribute these materials.

  1. If these materials were sponsored by a government organization, would this make the information more believable? Why or why not? Would this make the information more motivating? Why or why not?

  2. One potential government sponsor of these materials is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC. Have you heard of the CDC? If yes, what have you heard? What would you think of CDC as a sponsor of these materials?

  3. How about having the logo of an organization [such as the March of Dimes or the Spina Bifida Association of America] on these concepts? Have you heard of these organizations? Would this make the information more believable? Why or why not? Would this make the information more motivating? Why or why not?

  4. How about having the name of companies such as pharmaceutical firms that make vitamins? Would this make the information more believable? Why or why not? Would this make the information more motivating? Why or why not?

  5. Is there another organization you would want to see sponsor these materials? If so, which one? Any others?

[List all the organizations mentioned, including CDC, etc., on a flipchart]

  1. Of all these different sponsors we’ve discussed [reference flipchart], which organization would you want to see sponsor these materials? Why?

  2. Which organization would make the information most believable? Why?

  3. Which would make the information most motivating? Why?

Now let’s talk about where you would want to get this information.

  1. Where would you want to get this information? Anywhere else?

  2. Are there some places in particular that you would be most likely to notice and pay attention to these messages? Why is that?

I have just a few more questions.


  1. Is there anything else that we have not discussed today that you think is important?

  2. Finally, do you have any other questions or is there anything else you would like to say?

Thank you for coming! Your feedback and thoughts have been very important, and we appreciate your assistance. This project is being sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also called CDC. CDC is developing materials for Hispanic women to encourage them to get enough folic acid so that Hispanic women have healthy babies. Your input helps CDC accomplish this important goal. If you have any questions about folic acid, please let me know, and I can give you more information on this topic.

Finally, as a reminder, all of your comments today will be treated in a confidential manner. Thanks again for coming.

Example 6: Online Interview

(Source: CDC-Emergency Preparedness and Response NetRaker Content and Usability Evaluation)

Invitation methods: Link invitation

Welcome Letter at Beginning:

We’d like to invite you to give us feedback about CDC’s Emergency Preparedness and Response website. Your feedback is very important. It will take about 12 minutes to complete this questionnaire. (If you are a CDC employee or contractor, please do not complete this questionnaire.)

First, we’re going to ask you some questions about your background. Then we may ask you to perform some tasks on the site, and we’d like you to perform as you normally would. So please work with the same speed and attention to detail that you normally do. Do your best but don’t be overly concerned with results, because we’re testing the site to see how well it works – we’re not testing you at all. While you’re on the site you should just use it in whatever matter is comfortable and normal for you.

While we would like to get your responses to all of the questions contained in this evaluation, we also respect your time and wishes, so you can choose to leave this evaluation at any time. We will not be able to identify individual participants. Your responses will be treated in a confidential manner. All information is used for evaluation purposed only and does not involve sales of any kind,

Click the “continue” button below to begin. Then select your answer for each question and click the “next” button at the top of the page to precede through the survey.

Thank You Message at End:

Thank you! You are done.

We appreciate your participation in this evaluation. We value your input and look forward to using your feedback to help us in our ongoing effort to improve our site.

Logic Script and Question Flow

  1. We will start with the introductory questions.

After these questions you may be asked to do a few tasks in the CDC-EPR website.


Do not show a webpage

  1. For how long have you used the World Wide Web?

    • Less than one year

    • One or more years

Answer required

Do not show a webpage

Response 1, go to 3

Response 2, go to 4

Single-choice radio button

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average twelve minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Clearance Officer: 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0572).

  1. We’re sorry, but we’re currently looking for participants who fit a different profile. Thank you for volunteering to participate!


Do not show a webpage


  1. Which of the following best describes you? (If you are a public health nurse or public health physician, please choose “clinician.”)

    • I am a clinician (e.g. physician, nurse practitioner, nurse)

    • I am a public health professional (e.g. epidemiologist, state/local health officer, public health nurse)

    • General public (I am not a health professional.)

Single-choice radio button

Do not show a webpage

The quota for each participate type is 25

If the quota for the answered profession has been met, state “Enough participants with your profile have already completed the survey, so we’re going to end the survey here. Thank you for volunteering to participate.” Then end.

Response 1, go to 5

Response 2, go to 6

Response 3, go to 9

  1. How long have you worked as a clinician?

    • Less than one year

    • One or more years

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Do not show a webpage

Response 1, go to 3

Response 2, go to 7

  1. How long have you worked as a public health professional?

    • Less than one year

    • One or more years

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Do not show a webpage

Response 1, go to 3

Response 2, go to 8

  1. What kind of clinician are you?

    • Physician

    • Registered nurse

    • Nurse-practitioner

    • Advanced-practiced nurse (other than nurse-practitioner)

    • Infection control practitioner (ICP)

    • Dentist

    • EMT (paramedic)

    • Physician assistant

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Do not show a webpage

Go to 9

  1. What kind of public health professional are you?

    • Epidemiologist

    • Environmental health specialist

    • State health officer

    • Local health officer

    • Public health nurse

    • Public information officer

    • Environmental health specialist

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Comment button on

Do not show a webpage

  1. Have you visited CDC’s emergency preparedness and response website before?

    • Yes

    • No

    • I’m not sure

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Do not show a webpage

Response 1, go to 10

Response 2, 3 go to 12

  1. On your previous visit (or visits), what type of information were you looking for?


Do not show a webpage

  1. How would you rate your experience during your previous visit?

Disappointing 1 2 3 4 5 Satisfying

Custom rating

Answer required

Do not show a webpage

  1. Now we’re going to ask you to perform some tasks on the site. Click “Next” to proceed to the first one.


Do not show a webpage

If question 4-response 1, run tasks 13-34

If question 4-response 2, run tasks 35-58

If question 4-response 3, run tasks 59-80

All participants should receive questions 81-85


  1. A colleague sent you a link to this web page of tularemia FAQs. Starting from this page, see if CDC has additional information on tularemia.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Tularemia

    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Tularemia

    • Abstract: “Consensus Statement: Tularemia as a Biological Weapon: Medical and Public Health Management”

    • Tularemia --- United States, 1990—2000

    • Other (please specify)

Single choice button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Links did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. Find out the incubation period of inhalational anthrax.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Anthrax: What You Need to Know

    • Fact Sheet: Anthrax Information for Health Care Providers

    • Anthrax: Diagnosis/Evaluation (Signs and Symptoms)

    • Anthrax: Q & A: Diagnosis

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You have been asked to research and collect guidelines for hospitals on handling causalities from a nuclear incident. Find a printable set of guidelines for such an instance.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Causality Management After a Deliberate Release of Radioactive Material

    • Interim Guidelines for Hospital Response from a Radiological Incident

    • Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Physicians

    • Medical Treatment of Radiological Causalities

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding this page?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very ease

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous questions

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You want to find a link to the video “The History of Bioterrorism,” which describes category A diseases and how some have been used as terrorist weapons.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Botulism

    • Training

    • Anthrax

    • Video: The History of Bioterrorism

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You need to know the dermal symptoms of exposure to a blister agent. Find this information on the web site.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Toxic Syndrome Description: Vesicant/Blister Agent Poisoning

    • Blister Agents/Vesicants

    • Lewisite

    • Sulfar Mustard

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You have been tasked with finding medical management guidelines for nerve agents. Find this information on the web site.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed this task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Sarin

    • Medical Management Guidelines (MMGs) for Nerve Agents

    • Soman

    • Chemical Agents

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the east of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

Public Health Professionals

  1. A colleague sends you a link to this web page about health effects of radiation exposure on unborn babies. Starting from this page, see if CDC has additional information on radiation.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Radiation Emergencies

    • Dirty Bombs

    • Possible Health Effects of Radiation Exposure on Unborn Babies

    • Radiation and Health Effects

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the east of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You have been asked to find a cyanide fact sheet to give out to the general public. Find this information on the web site.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Cyanide

    • Chemical Agents

    • Facts About Cyanide

    • ToxFAQs for Cyanide

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You are looking for information on worker safety after forest fires to provide to cleanup crews and volunteers.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Fire Safety

    • Worker Safety During Fire Cleanup

    • Fighting Wildfires

    • Fact Sheet: Wildfires

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You are helping put together emergency materials for your workplace. You have been told to find a copy of the Bioterrorism Readiness Plan for healthcare facilities from this website.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Preparation and Planning

    • Bioterrorism Readiness Plan: A Template for Healthcare Facilities

    • Other FAQs: Preparedness and Response

    • Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: A National Public Health Training Program

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. As part of your agency’s emergency preparation activities you have been asked to find tips on creating safe drinking water in the event of a power outage. Find this information on the website.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Natural Disasters

    • What You Need to Know When the Power Goes Out Unexpectedly

    • Extreme Heat

    • Hurricanes

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You have been asked to put together training resources for laboratorians. Find training materials for this target audience on the website.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Training

    • Laboratory Information

    • National Laboratory Training Network

    • Web cast: “CDC Responds: Coping with Bioterrorism – The Role of the Laboratorian”

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to shoe page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

General Public

  1. You heard about ricin in the news and used Google to find out more about it. The first result from Google led you to this page. You want to see what other ricin information this website provides.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Ricin

    • Facts About Ricin

    • Questions and Answers About Ricin

    • Case Definition: Ricin and Abrin Ingestion

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You heard something on TV about cyanide. You are interested in finding out what could happen if you were exposed to cyanide.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Cyanide

    • Facts About Cyanide

    • Toxicological Profile of Cyanide

    • ToxFAQs for Cyanide

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You are getting ready to go on a vacation in the Caribbean where you are experiencing a heat wave. Find recommendations on what you can do to protect yourself against heat-related illness during your vacation.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Extreme Heat

    • Natural Disasters

    • Fact Sheet: Wildfires

    • Recent Outbreaks and Incidents

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You have heard that terrorists could use plague as a weapon. You are interested in learning the different types of plague and symptoms of the plague.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Plague Information

    • FAQ About Plague

    • Questions and Answers About Plague

    • Facts About Pneumonic Plague

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. You heard the term “Dirty Bomb” in reference to terrorists and are unsure what this term means. Find the answer on the site.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Agents, Diseases, and Threats

    • Radiation Emergencies

    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About a Radiation Emergency

    • Dirty Bombs

    • Other (please specify)

Single-choice radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any, did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. Hurricane season is approaching and you want to make sure you’re prepared. Find out what emergency supplies you should have on hand.

    • I was able to complete the task

    • I was not able to complete the task

    • I think that I was able to complete the task, but I’m not sure

Task test

Answer required

Show web page:

  1. Regardless of whether you think you completed the task, what is the title of the last page you visited?

    • Floods

    • Hurricanes

    • Key Facts About Hurricane Readiness

    • Key Facts About Hurricane Recovery

    • Other (please specify)

Single-answer radio button

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. How would you rate the ease of finding the correct information?

Very difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very easy

Custom rating

Answer required

Continue to show page from previous question

  1. What difficulties and frustrations, if any did you encounter in completing this task?

    • Link labels were unclear

    • The search engine was difficult

    • I was lost on the site

    • There were too many link choices

    • Link did not go where I expected them to go

    • The information was not where I thought it would be

    • Other (please specify)

Multiple-choice checkboxes

Answer required

Option rotation

  1. Thank you! We’d like to conclude the survey by asking about the experience you just had on the site.


Do not show a webpage

  1. Overall what did you like MOST about the site?


Show web page:

  1. Overall what did you like LEAST about the site?


Show web page:

  1. Please rate the following statements?

    • Overall, I found the site easy to use.

    • I found the link labels and terms used in the site clear.

    • I found the health information on the site presented in a manner that I could understand.

    • I found the health information on the site useful.

Rating scale: Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree

Custom rating

Answer required

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAttachment 10: Examples: (Data Collection Instruments)
AuthorAngela Ryan
Last Modified Bybarbara m morrison
File Modified2011-06-20
File Created2008-06-03

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